The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Haven

Number of comments: 11

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From: Anna Luna
Date: 01/27/2017
:) I feel like I read this before, years ago, but maybe I didn't and it just feels familiar the way good fanfic can be a warm blanket of all your favourite things. I really love both your Fraser and your Ray and how they are the distilled version of themselves when trapped in the cabin. You show exactly all the ways they work best together and all the ways they misunderstand each other. Such a fun story to read on a cold winter day. Thank you for sharing!

From: Te
Date: 06/01/2013
God, this was the best thing in the *world* to read as we head into our first heatwave of the season. This was just beautiful, and perfectly *them*. I could hear both of them so clearly, and I could *feel* Fraser like a shaking fist around my heart. God, I didn't appreciate that man enough when I was rolling through this fandom the first time -- but *you* do, and that's wonderful in every way.

*kisses your cheek*

From: Lady Drace
Date: 08/30/2011
What a wonderful story. And hot. So very, smoking, deliciously hot.

As Ray would say: "I'm all over that!"

And as Fraser would say: "Thank you kindly."

Lady Drace.

From: kuonji
Date: 06/23/2011
Wonderful story! Love Ray's hallucinations, Fraser freaking out, the physicist and the naturalist, the Threat Of ABBA, and of course the incredible hotness.

(here via a recs page by mysticalchild-isis on dreamwidth)

Fave lines:

Dief sat next to his feet, all attentive and ready to help out with any accidental spills.

Every night, in the warmth of their shared bed, Fraser would reach out to him, would put just the tips of his fingers somewhere--neck, wrist, chest, the inside of his elbow, somewhere--and all of Ray's crazy restlessness would just drift away. He dreamed of moving: running, climbing up or down, jumping off things, sometimes dancing, but his body stayed still, stayed where Fraser needed him to be.

trying to invent a way to make pizza on a woodburning stove (a project which stalled out at the we-have-no-cheese part, which he really couldn't get past)

loud and unbelievably porny noises

It was like they canceled each other out, wiped out all the available consideration until all they had left was the sluttiness.

From: Onyx Nightfur
Date: 01/10/2010
Wow...I am...amazed by how well written and in character this is. This is probably my favorite Due South fic yet and I am so painfully tempted to use the " Stan's heart stopped due to hypothermia" idea in my fic which has a totally different premise than yours but will have a lot of Stanley+Fraser slash in it. Seriously, i bow down and worship how well this is written. I'm printing it out to save forever because it is that cannon and that sizzling hot!


From: keerawa
Date: 01/15/2007
Oh, that was excellent.

Ray deciding to freeze to death with e GOOD halucination, and then being surprised to find that Fraser was in it, rather than Stella.

Fraser unable to take his eyes off of Ray's pulse, and Ray's perfect intuitive solution of having Fraser go to sleep with fingers on Ray's pulse.

Fraser completely and silently losing it every time the wind kicked up.

And then his description of what had happened to Ray. Scary. Very scary. Ray was do cold when he was dead. *shivers* I especially liked the confused, revealing way Fraser kept using "start" and "stop" in that paragraph.

Ray's utter boredom, and Fraser's unyielding inisitence that they would not budge from teh cabin. Those snowmen!

"Fraser's appreciation of Ray's "inner resources". The sex is so very, very hot. And I love Ray's explanation of how two considerate lovers cancel out to make two sluts.

Great stuff!
From: Annie
Date: 01/11/2007
Awesome story. I was so glad to find a new story, and one so poignant and HOT as this. I think I'm going to need to re-read.

Thanks for your hard work!
From: Ranger1s
Date: 01/09/2007
Another wonderful story! I love the story line on this one, the flashbacks to what actually happened to Ray and then how Fraser was dealing with it...just great storytelling. I love the Ray in Canada stories. Please keep writing in this fandom.
From: Phenyx_tP
Date: 01/08/2007
This is a wonderful story. I loved Ray's skittering thoughts. There were parts that made me laugh out loud. There were parts (Fraser's distress) that made me tear up.

Ray's snow men reminded my of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.

Thanks for sharing this with us.
From: Eledhwenlin
Date: 01/08/2007
Oh, I love this story! I'm a sucker for long F/K, so this is definitely going into my favourites folder. :D
From: MonicaPDX2
Date: 01/08/2007
Gawd, it's good to see you back with more! And a lovely story. A *classic* quiet Fraser freakout; superb. And of course, Ray not-so-quietly dealing. [g] Plus the usual great touches that slip under our guard. (No cheese. ::snerk::) Now, if only we could come up with the irresistible bribe to keep you guys coming back with a story every couple of months... (And re-visiting Sentinel-land about the same amount, too, let's not forget that. [eg])
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