The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Bent

Number of comments: 3

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From: DeNile (
Date: 10/19/2005
I absolutely loved this story. It's an amazingly acute insight into Fraser, and I love how stripped and real he is by the ending. As much as I love the Clueless Mountie, I prefer the moments when his masks slip, and this was perfect. Thanks.
From: lilac_one
Date: 09/05/2005
Good-Ness, lady, but I do love you. This is one of my all time favorite fics and every time I read it, it makes me so freaking happy. I just read it for probably the 8797th time and thought it couldn't hurt to tell you again about how much I adore it. Dubious currency indeed.
From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 08/05/2005
Great story. I love the angry angle of it. Adds to the masculinity of the guys. There is lack thereof in the archive, I think (not that I'm complaining, I'm all over sap and I want the guys firmly rooted in a meaningful relationship in the end at all times). It's nice read a story about 'real' men for a change, though. Very well done.

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