The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Look Way Up To The Sky

Number of comments: 2

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From: primrose
Date: 07/20/2007
"His posture was ramrod straight, whatever that meant. It sounded perverted. If it was perverted and pleasureful, Ray was all for it. Probably they didn't even have perversion in Canada. Poor Fraser and all Canadians everywhere. Unless they had lots of perversion and that was why they were all so polite all the time, because they knew they could go home and do something with ramrods."

This is officially my new favourite paragraph ever. My hysterics were embarrassing. *g* Also, I love how you've shown that even though Ray and Fraser are a duet, they don't communicate well on the really important things.
From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 06/26/2005
Great story. I like your wording of Ray's POV. It's funny. I also like this 21K (!) of frustration. And the happy ending of course.

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