The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on BYGONES Part Four

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From: allzugern
Date: 04/29/2007
First off I want to say how much I loved your series BYGONES. It was wonderfully written and truly went everywhere I loved to see this pairing go. Even after four hugely long chapters I was greedy for more. So, thank you for giving me so many hours of entertainment.

I did want to mention, though, that something happened during the upload of your stories. The chapters given don't match the stories actually posted. Part one is fine, but part two is actually listed as Part 3. Part three is actually labeled as Pt. 4. The actual Pt.4 is labeled as Pt2, and Pt.5 is labeled as Pt. 3.

I put them right in my bookmarked tabs, and when I rec it I'll let people know to read in the order I have them, but it's a shame when people come to the archive without knowing they are out of order and maybe get frustrated with the seeming holes in the story. I figured it out after a while, but I'd hate to have someone get frustrated and miss this wonderful story!

Anyway, thank you again for the reading pleasure.

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