The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Moving Forward and Moving On

Number of comments: 2

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From: dsfan
Date: 03/14/2013
Oh - and if you were hoping to make Kowalski likeable, you've failed. He is so annoying with his putting Stella down! So his life is great now - SO WHAT?! That's not a reason to act like a jerk toward Stella, and toward Ray as well because he's now Stella's husband. He can do more than be polite to Ray - he can be his friend because Ray is still Fraser's best friend, and always will be because Kowalski was never that great to a friend to Fraser. Fraser also would NOT dump Ray because Kowalski is now his friend, so Kowalski should accept Ray in Fraser's life!

From: dsfan
Date: 03/14/2013
You really don't like Stella, do you? If you did, you would not have made her a workaholic and a social climber while making Kowalski the perfect little well adjusted Mary Sue who knows there's more to life than work. I am tired of seeing authors make Kowalski perfect while putting down other characters that they obviously dislike more than Kowalski.

And I think it's totally unrealistic that Fraser and Ray - RayV, the real Ray - have not seen each other for three years. They are best friends, and would not let that much time pass without seeing each other! I don't like Fraser calling Stella "Mrs. Vecchio," either - because if he's still close to Ray, he'll call his wife by her first name. I'll imagine that, during lunch with Fraser and Ray, Stella tells Fraser to call her Stella. I'll also imagine that KOwalski isn't such an ass and does see Ray and Stella while they are in Chicago - because there's no reason why he can't be friends with Fraser's best friend and his ex-wife.

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