Disclaimer: These endlessly intriguing two boys belong to CC and Fox and lots of people besides me. for feedback Guarding By Fortuita I touch you in the night, whose gift was you, My careless sprawler, And I touch you cold, unstirring, star bemused, That have become the land of your self-strangeness. What long seduction of the bone has led you Down the imploring roads I cannot take Into the arms of ghosts I never knew, From The Silence of the Night, Stanley Kunitz Hospital duty. It's time to return you again. You've stuck your nose in, and been rebuffed. Your proof taken, your body violated, and your need, curiosity, as always, turned away. Gently, more gently than another, I shift you, cradle you in my arms. I wonder why you continue, Mulder, what you hope to find. I know you will never by satisfied, or justified. I gather you up, my own, if only for the interval between your discovery and your return. This time, these minutes, are my comfort. I know you are safe here. As safe as you can be. I'd laugh, if it weren't you. If I didn't care so much, it would be funny. Unconscious, in the arms of a killer, you're safe. I'd laugh, if I didn't think I would cry. Take you, set you back upon that lonely path. Into the welcoming arms of your partner, as she discourages, dissuades. SHE gives me hope for him, a little. Goodbye. Until next time. ***