Disclaimer: I do not own the man I am attempting to portray. for feedback Anchor and Barrier By Fortuita Still, still my eye will gaze long fixed on thee, Till I forget that I am called a man, And at thy side fast-rooted seem to be, From The Columbine, Jones Very I skim smoothly down the hall, spinning out a story to my best friend. Hoping for some acknowledgment, the details became wilder and wilder. Your eyes, fixed firmly in the long distance, finally swing round towards me, crinkling with laughter. I preen under the moment of attention, but too swiftly, you look away. Your focus is on the important things, not on the near-constant presence at your side. I unfurl, swinging away for moments of contact with others. Always, your decisive person draws me back in. To once again look up hopefully, only to suppress my disappointment when I see no answering flame. I curl over notes, over a keyboard. Twist nervous fingers through my hair. I do all the things I must to say I live. I am student, friend, lover, aide, joker, teacher, and man. But occasionally, just occasionally, my eyes turn above stairs, or to you, Jim, at my side, or if alone, turn inwards. And a shiver passes over me. ***