Disclaimer: I don't own Duncan. I'm borrowing him for this. for feedback A Price Worth Living By By Fortuita James I seek but You are gone, Gone from all men, all women, from this stone. I find You nowhere. Now I am alone. I am alone with all mankind's distress hich You could help me heal - it was my promise. You who are not - Your silence my disgrace! Then, people said, an Angel from the skies - There was no Angel. From The Garden of Olives, Rainer Maria Rilke I stare at the rain. It is filled with figures, moving through, around, under, but I hardly see them. Only the rain. Something I knew, with which I was familiar. I can trace the rain to the past, to times lost to it. And lose myself a little, hardly seeing the figures around me. Until, with a final desperation, I will once again venture among them, try to help, right, alter. Unable to do so. And occasionally, I laugh, almost. Smile. Not bitterly, nor with regret. Too many rains have fallen. But without an edge of real humour. And imagine someone else was here beside me. Or instead of me. Someone who could live in this new world, alone world. Who could live in any world. But expectation of something, a way to change it, led you to depart. An edge of my mind entering you, you sacrificed self, releasing your long, long life uncollected, wasted into the ground. Because you thought I could change, alter, could live in this new world. Alone, alone world. ***