Disclaimer: I do not own most of the characters here depicted. They belong to someone else. I am not earning any money for said depiction. for feedback Quartered By Fortuita James Autumn Equinox Chill, almost, but not satisfyingly so. No bone-breaking cold. Mulder looked critically at the light through his fingers, but it had gained no more colour. He looked at his apartment building, at his wallet. Looked at his feet, bounced up and down on them, as if contemplating sudden movement. Finally, he moved; sat back in the car he had just vacated and drove away. Arriving at his destination, he spent another few minutes standing in the indecisive air. It seemed to sway around him, pushing him one way then the next. Gently stroking the small of his back, it coaxed him inside this new apartment building. He approached the door, threshold, and knocked, no hesitation. It was answered. "Sir," he began, 'Walter' "I need..." 'you.' "something." There was another of those long moments, this time not owned by Mulder. He sighed with relief as that weight of decision was taken from him. Walter stepping aside, his intrusion was tacitly a llowed. Winter Solstice Walter buried himself in the body, heat-seeking, driving out consciousness. It could not be banished, and an edge of cold, an edge of awareness clung to him. She seemed oblivious, writhing and concerned with her own passions. His passions, passion was denied to him. This was a coupling. Cocooned with this other larva, he lay in the heavy post-coital silence, and couldn't bring himself to sleep. She, however, slept, warmed by her vigorous activity. The coldness took more of him, and he admitted his warmth could not be found here. The warmth that he needed, that could take him from his solitude, was elsewhere. An elsewhere far away, he had sent it, sent Mulder, its source. So he retreated from his hasty sex, his attempt at redirection. Left the wrinkled bedclothes and sleeping woman, and went home to his cold apartment, filled with artificial warmth. Drank, ate, worked. The chill seeped through his whole body as he waited for Mulder's return, until finally, there was warmth only in remembering eyes. Eyes that brightened, flashing heat through the rest of him, when he finally, finally, again found Mulder on his doorstep. Spring Equinox Mulder laid a wondering hand on the cloth-covered arm, still amazed his gesture was allowed. One of the many things allowed, now. "Walter," he breathed, pleased he could also say this, that he could make these noises outside the confines of his own head. The name's owner did not respond, somnolent and satisfied. Mulder really didn't mind. Contented, he rested back down against his side. His gaze wandered over the room they inhabited, the warmth and light of it. It was bathed in all the infant sun, it's clear yellow straining to cover the world. Happily, Mulder slid his hand down from its position until it covered a lax hand, and left it, thrills running through his at the permission. A moment of indecision, strangely echoing through his mind, as if something half remembered was taking possession. But he knew, Mulder, that the decision was already made, had been made by him and for him long ago. Summer Solstice Walter buried himself in the body, a conflagration and juncture. The air sizzled, popped and dried out to a hulk around them. Their passion was escalating, finishing explosively, leaving them also dry and heavy. It pressed them down, the thick air, pressed them together, and together they sought shelter. Walter felt balanced, the heat justified by the man at his side. Mulder's heat was burning, shrivelling, but irresistible, an inflammation. That furnace and solace was enough to combat the leeching heat of the day. He reached blindly for the glass, turning slowly lukewarm on the bedside table. He gulped it hastily, hoping it could work against the swelter seeping into his bones. He knew there was no possibility it could defy that other heat, the consuming one. It trickled through him, seeming syrupy, unsatisfying. Sweat beading across his face, he turned in desperation to his side. He could not hold up the air, could not fight its persuasion. But he could burn it off. His Mulder was hot enough for more than that. FIN