CoAuthors: Fortuita James Debra Fran Baker Tracy Jenny Saypaw Disclaimers: We don't own the boys. They belong to others, who live in buildings elsewhere. But we do own the beach. Notes: Improbable sex rendered with love by those on IRC who just can't keep a leash on their drabbles. Summary: Sex. Sea. Warnings: Seek not here the development of characters. Seek not a complexity of stories. Rather, if you continue, be warned; you venture into this, a plotless world. ******************** In an attempt to cheer up the IRCers, Jenny Saypaw said, "let's think cheery thoughts... like imagining Jim and Blair on a sultry hot beach alone at night trying to cool off... " Rising Tide They're both stripped to the waist, and their bodies glisten with sweat in the moonlight... Moonlight over flesh. Ebony and shade stricken water. The sound of the waves. The sound of small, helpless moans. Blair turns to catch the breeze, and lifts his hair off his neck to allow the wind to cool him... Jim turns his face towards Blair's neck like a magnet. His tongue darts out, desperate for a taste. ...salty, yet clean tasting... Jim blows softly on the damp skin of Blair's neck, watching the fine hairs at the hairline stir beneath his breath. Blair moans sweetly and leans towards Jim. ...lips touch neck... He releases the hair he is holding back, allowing it to cascade over Jim's face and lips. The subtle scents of his guide twine around Jim and he turns his head to match aroma to taste. Blair pulls Jim's head down and takes his mouth in a gentle kiss. The light scent of the salty ocean water mixes with the musky salt of the sweat- beaded skin of his love, causing Jim to inhale deeply, filling his lungs with the intoxicating odour. He dives in for another kiss. Blair twists in Jim's arms, lubricated by their bodies' sweat. They stand entwined, face to face in the moonlight. Blair stretches his neck up and rests his head on Jim's shoulder. "Jim..." "Yes, Blair?" Jim breathes into the damp curls. //Oh, that feels sooo good Jim...// "I..." Blair hesitates. "I...want you, Jim." He buries his head in Jim's chest. The Sentinel starts as a hot wet tongue glides over his sternum. "Oh Blair, I want you too!" "Let me take you, then. Here, now. Please..." The Guide's only answer is to latch onto one of his lover's nipples with hot, needy lips. He sucks on the sensitive nub, then licks it lightly. Jim arches his head back and moans low in the back of his throat. Blair pulls Jim down to the wet sand, and covers him with his body. Jim is almost zoning out on the sensation of their skins touching. The edge is gentled away by Blair's grounding contact and Jim returns his focus to the exploration of skin. Jim reaches up and wraps his arms around the man atop him, drawing their bodies closer together. Blair devours Jim's mouth. He gasps as their arousals meet. Suddenly, the stiff layers of jeans between them are just *too* much. As one, they let go and remove the clothing, trusting that the night will provide sufficient cover. Neither man notices the rising tide as they sink back down to the sand in another embrace. Jim revels in the feel of gritty wet sand against his back and warm slick Sandburg against his front. As he pulls Blair closer to him, a wave crashes over their overheated bodies. They don't even notice the cool wetness. The warm slick Sandburg takes Jim's attention away from the water with sudden sensuous friction. The wave becomes just another caress to Ellison's passion-inflamed senses. The contrast of salt, silk, blue, black, the impressions twine together in a violent conflagration. "God, Blair. I *need* you!" Their bodies move with rhythms of waves. "Oh, yes, Jim! Now!" The motion of their bodies merges with the rise and surge of the ocean's surges. Their need is urgent, primal. Jim falls back onto the wet sand as Blair kneels between his legs, groping for the tube he left in his discarded jeans. Jim is close. Incoherent with his need. Blair's preparations are quick, and then he is sliding inside. Jim moans. "Yes, Blair. Oh, yes...oh, baby!" The contrast of the gritty sand beneath his back and the silky hard shaft inside his body causes Jim's mind to short circuit. "Now, Angel-love! Now!" he shouts. "Yesssssss!" Blair screams into the wind pumping even harder. He explodes with the crashing of the waves, filling Jim. Jim's body spasms in response. The water laps around their ankles, as they lie together, panting. Sated for the moment, they let the waves caress them. "I love you, Blair.' Jim's voice is tight with emotion as he holds his partner in the moonlit night. "I love you too, Jim." He pauses for a moment. "I love you, but we really should get out of the water." "In a minute," Jim responds, though he is clearly prepared to stay there forever. An incoming wave lifts their entwined bodies from the sand. The breeze turns cold and Blair begins to shiver despite Jim's warm arms. Jim's lassitude changes to concern. "C'mon. Let's go in." "I hope you mean indoors and not into the water, Luv." They rise and struggle into their wet, sandy jeans. "I'm feeling way too tired to swim right now," he adds with an evil grin. Jim looks innocent. "Tired? Let me put you to bed." Hand in hand, they make their way to their hotel room. The End ********************