Disclaimer: Methos and Alexa not mine. Never will be. for feedback Rhapsody Alexa Requiem A prose poem by Fortuita James City of death. It's dust before me. A freeway, building, monuments. Castles in the sand. Faces in the sand. Line drawings, in a child's hand. One, I'll pause, admire. Another, scratch out beneath my heel. And my own face. I desperately trace it, trying to remember its hollows. I dig my fingers in and imprint it. Beside hers, this time, and I know it to be a space more fraught, less permanent, than many others. But I hold, or try to. Walls crumble, water washes over, and I disappear again. It seems somehow amusing that my tracery lacks even the permanence of hers. It is, at best, an impression, an almost outline of two dimensions. Created with love, but with no pride, no expectation. And no hope. It should be amusing. Would that I could smile. My scratchings on this earth I must abandon. For all the insignificance of people, I am less than that to them. For this moment, Alexa makes me different. My phantom face has a solidity to which I cling. I cling, as the harsh west wind blows her away. So she passes. Passes from my arms, from time, and memory. That memory which is my only permanence, and such tragedy that it should become hers too. FIN.