DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are mine, they all belong to Naoko Takeuchi, and everyone else who owns them. Sorry this one doesn't have a title. I decided to get it out before Finals Week, and have been a little lazy researching Greek Mythology (not when I've got other things to study). Anyway, write if you like! My email is zyren@wam.umd.edu Enjoy! ************************************** FALLEN Part Three Jadeite walked into the dining room, a piece of cooked chicken in hand, to find Zoicite already there, delicately eating from a plate of sweets. "Indulging your sweet tooth while the prince is away?" Jadeite asked, sitting across from him. Zoicite offered the plate, which Jadeite turned down. "Real men eat meat," he grinned. Shrugging, Zoicite set it back down, near enough to Jadeite so he could eat from it should he want to. After a few minutes of munching in silence, Jadeite gave Zoicite a smirk. "So, how was your night?" "What do you mean?" Zoicite blinked. "You know! With Kunzite!" Zoicite rolled his eyes. That again, he thought. Does he think of little else? "About the same as yours went." Jadeite puffed up, a wide grin on his face. "Talking about me already, are they?" he asked. "No," Zoicite gave him a teasing smile. "You are just predictable." Jadeite deflated, chewing his lip. "Oh, come, now," Zoicite laughed. "I'm sure they are probably talking about you now." Jadeite sat upright again. "You're probably right. After all, who's the best looking man around here?" "Aside from Kunzite, Endymion, Nephlite, and I, you." Zoicite ducked, laughing as Jadeite gave him a playful feint. "What? It's true!" Jadeite growled, though his eyes belied the menace he wanted to put in his voice. "Enough small talk. Did you find out anything about that queen from the Exiles yet?" "Nothing much. Of course, Nephlite would rather not be disturbed while he works, so prying any information out of him before he's ready will take work. Speaking of which, did Queen Beryl put up much of a fight when she left?" "Her?" Jadeite scoffed. "No! Her guards are so weak! I don't know what those Exile people are doing, but they sure aren't ready for a fight with the Moon Kingdom. By the way, what *are* we going to do about her?" "We don't know." Zoicite sighed. "It won't be easy to track her because her horses flew over the ocean. Therefore, we need magic, and since we have no one here who can do magic, we are thinking about asking Merlin." "Him again!" Jadeite groaned. "What can he do?" "He *is* one of the most powerful magic users on Earth." "He'd have to be, he's a Lunar." Zoicite shrugged indifferently. "Lunar or not, he is still the ideal person to help us track down Queen Beryl. Once we do that, we'll plan our strategy." "Why not have Merlin take care of her? Or any of the other Lunars on Earth for that matter? I mean, they're all here *saying* they want to protect us, but they sure aren't *doing* anything about it." "Perhaps they are more concerned with the Ravisher. Besides, Queen Beryl is a minor problem. If you could slay her guards easily, any seige she would be able to muster probably wouldn't be successful. If we can track her down, we will take care of her discreetly, without the interference of the Moon Kingdom. Prince Endymion wishes that." Jadeite made a derisive noise, doubt still lingering in his eyes. "I still say we should just wipe her out. It's one less thing we'll have to worry about." Zoicite shook his head, smileing. "Somehow, I knew you would say that." He rose from his seat. "Start prepareing some of the ground troops for anti-siege warfare . Once we find out where she is, and hopefully the power of her forces, we'll decide whether to get the Moon Kingdom involved." "What about the Sailor Senshi?" "If we need them, and if Queen Serenity allows them to help, I'm sure they will come." "That's a pretty big 'if'." "If is better than nothing." Zoicite gave Jadeite a parting smile before leaving the dining room. ***** Jadeite brooded on what his friend had said as he trudged to the practice arena. Merlin. He had never met him, but he had heard of the wizard. Already the old man was a legend among his people. That still did not mean Jadeite wholly trusted him. Jadeite had heard of glorious Camelot and the round table. Who hadn't? Even a mere four hundred years after its collapse, the stories were whispered. But, if Merlin had served at that round table, why did he let it collapse like that? Surely, his magic would have prevented it. That was what Jadeite didn't like about magic-users. They had such great powers, but never put them to any real good use. Even the Senshi, with their extraordinary means of power sat around doing nothing, waiting for the approval of a Queen in order to use that power. They never fought. And what good did their magic do them against the Ravisher anyway? "If I had magic, I'd put it to good use!" he muttered. "Then, that Beryl would regret even showing her face up here!" "An interesting proposition," a sharp voice interrupted him. "Perhaps you'd like to put it to the test?" Jadeite whipped around to confront the much-changed Queen of the Exiles. "Boy, you've grown ugly," he smirked. "I don't think Endymion would like you now." A feral snarl crossed her features before she schooled them back down. Instead, she gave him a predatory smile, controlling waves of energy about him. Jadeite found he could not move even an inch, frozen in place by powerful magic. He swore inwardly, mustering all his strength to overcome this. "It will do you no good," Queen Beryl told him as she almost slithered towards him, unafraid. She drew her pointed fingernails ever so gently across his cheek, reveling in the fear lurking within those eyes. "But, I did not come here to battle. Rather, I came to enlist your aid." "*My* aid?" Jadeite cried out, finding his tounge was not frozen like the rest of his body. "Don't be stupid. If you think for a moment that I'll join you..." he was silenced by something akin to a hand grabbing his throat. He started to gasp for breath as those invisible fingers tightened, squeezing the life from his lungs. "You are the fool," said the queen, mocking him. "But, you could still be useful, stupid as you are. You enjoy a good fight, do you not?" "That's none of your buisness," Jadeite managed to rasp. "A warrior born, and raised I take it. I need a person like you to lead my armies. One as brave, and as bold as you would not refuse lightly, yes?" "What's in it for me? Looking at your ugly face day in and day out? No thanks." Queen Beryl lowered her eyes, stareing deep within him. "You are a powerful warrior, but not the strongest in the world, correct?" She saw the unconsious flinch in his eyes, the scales within him starting to shift. "What a pity a strong man such as yourself can be so easily defeated by women from other worlds!" Jadeite winced. It was true, he hated being second best to all those Sailor Senshi. It was rooted deep within, beaten in him since birth, until he felt all women were inferior when it came to battle. But the Senshi were his betters, and they had proved it time and time again. Even the weak ones like Sailor Mercury were able to best him in a fight. It had been painful to swallow, but would have been easier to accept had they not used their magic against him! And now he was helpless before this queen, this Beryl, who again decided to weaken him with magic. Just like the Sailor Senshi. Yes, she thought, watching the private war within through his eyes. "I can give you the magic you crave; the magic denied you by Queen Serenity. With that magic, you can defeat even the strongest of the Sailor Senshi. But, it is only a gift if you join me." The scales were precariously close to even, now. She needed to give him a last push. "There are many beautiful women in my realm. Perhaps you could pick a few suitable ones...?" Women. Magic. The chance to battle! All this fired Jadeite's blood as his warrior side screamed "Take it! Take it!" at him. He wanted to give in, to accept the magic she offered him on a silver platter. But, he was still a General of King Endymion. He had duties to his lord and liege. And what did he *really* know about this Queen Beryl? The scales teetered, Queen Beryl saw that even a simpleton such as this would not be seduced so easily. But, she had three others, and she had made the offer. He would turn. Yes. She had offered him his dreams. "Think about it, if you like," she crooned, releasing her magical hold on him. "I shall return to hear your answer." She vanished, sinking into a pool of darkness. Jadeite stood, alone in the heat of the morning sun, staring after the Queen who had left him. "Magic-users," he scoffed. "I hate magic-users. But if *I* had magic..." The sun was high. It was time to practice.