Placing Blame (SERIOUS Gunmen series spoilers) By Surreal Feedback: Dude, go for it: Rating: PG Archive: Are you kidding? If you want to do anything with this, be my guest. It's just a ranting, after all. Spoilers: Written in reaction to my viewing of "The Lone Gunmen" trailer today. Man, I am so freaking excited about that series, I'm about to wet myself. Disclaimer: Yeah, Chris Carter still owns them, but since we won't get to see them until, like, January, I'm taking incentive and having some fun! ***Warning: If you haven't seen the trailer, go to "Proof Undeniable" and GET IT!! Otherwise, why are you even reading this? It won't make any sense!*** "What the hell is wrong with you?" Frohike yells. Great, now he's blaming ME. Like it's MY fault the harness broke. It's not like he didn't have some warning; I mean, he was six feet off the ground, he had time to catch himself with his hands. He didn't have to land on his face. And Langly was right there; he could have done...I don't know, ANYthing. "Christ, you drop me right in Spender's lap, and you think he's going to take it lightly? Next time, *I* do the rigging, and you punks don't touch the equipment. And YOU!" he spins around and points an accusing finger at Langly, who has the nerve to look surprised. Well, at least it gets the heat off of me so I can try to figure out a way to talk us out of this one. "It was YOUR job to keep them away from the office!