An Open Door Written by Surreal (feedback!!: Rating: PG Archive: Anyplace, anytime Disclaimer: Not mine, just a variation on a theme Spoilers: None Summery: Scully receives an unexpected visitor, and ends up with a new respect for a friend. Scully's apartment 9:48pm *Tap, tap, tap* (shuffle, shuffle, sniffle) "What the hell?" I mumble as I go to see what the noise at my door is. I look out the peephole; 'What the...' "Langly?" I ask as I quickly open the door. Geez, it *is* him. I almost didn't recognize him; he looks horrible. He's wearing his usual t-shirt and jeans, and is dripping wet. I assume he's been out in the pouring rain for a while, with no jacket or anything to protect him from the elements. He looks at me sheepishly, then quickly looks away. "Oh...S-Scully...." he stutters, shivering. "Ummm....sorry, I shouldn't have come here, I'm sorry," he stammers as he starts to turn away, down the hall. I have to do something, quick. "Wait, Langly, come in here," I reach out and grasp one of his arms, which are hugged tightly across his chest. I don't know what is going on, but obviously something bad happened to make him turn to me for help, whether he intended to or not. He looks at me, stunned. I guess he didn't expect me to offer him help. That kind of makes me sad; I've turned to the Gunmen for help so many times over the years, and they have done any- thing and everything to make things right. To see this reluctance in Langly, now, who is plainly looking for someone to talk to...well, I feel a little knot tighten in my stomach. "Langly, what's wrong? What happened?" I ask him as I guide him into my living room, where he stands uncomfortably. "Are you and the guys all right?" He hesitates, then nods. "Yeah, we're okay...nothing's wrong. I just..." he looks down at the floor, then focuses on his shoes. He sniffles again; that's when I realize he's been crying. Instinctively, I reach out to him, placing my hand on his back and looking up at his face to get his attention. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask gently. He looks at me, swallows hard, and shrugs. "I don't know why I came's stupid, I'm sorry..." he apologizes again. I can see this is going to take some prodding. I'm not about to let him leave like this, either. "Look at you, you're shaking. You must be freezing," I say, maternal instincts suddenly kicking in. "Come on, let's get you dried off. I've got some of Mulder's old clothes here." I lead him into my bedroom, where I pull an old, dark blue FBI t-shirt, a pair of black sweatpants and some socks out of a box of Mulder's clothes that he had left here over the past few years. "Here," I say as I offer the clothes to him. "You change in here, and I'll put your wet clothes in the dryer. Okay?" He looks at me incredulously, like he can't believe I'm actually doing this. Well, maybe he can't. I haven't been this open and welcoming to the guys very often; in fact, I can only think of once, when Frohike showed up at my place, drunk, after Mulder faked his own death. Finally he takes the clothes, and I leave the room, closing the door behind me and head for the kitchen. He looks like he could use some hot tea pretty badly. As I wait for the water to boil, I hear Langly approaching quietly. I take the wet clothes from him and go put them in the dryer. When I get back he is still standing in the kitchen, looking around cautiously. The water has begun to boil, so I pour some into the two coffee cups I had prepared with tea bags and handed him one. "Come on, let's go sit on the couch," I tell him gently, taking his arm and pulling him with me back to the living room. I sit down on the couch, and motion for him to join me. He plops down on my right, after a moment of consideration. "Now, tell me what made you walk all the way to my place in the rain." He looks at me sheepishly, running his hand through his wet, tangled hair. "Um...I..." he starts, then sighs. "I had a fight with Frohike, and I just...I had to get out of there." "Was is about something I should know about?" I ask softly. He shakes his head. "No, nothing really important. But Byers is up in Baltimore, and he's usually the one that keeps us from killing each other. Frohike and me started fighting, and there was no one there to break it up." He pauses. "So, I ran out. I didn't realize it was raining like that, and I forgot my keys on my desk...didn't feel like going back to get them, so I just started walking. I didn't know where to go...I don't even know why I ended up here." He gives me a half-smile of appreciation. "Sorry if I scared you." "No, no, it's fine. You know you're always welcome here, no matter what." I smile at him, hoping he understands. "So, how long have you been wandering around out there?" He ducks his head down, cringing. "A couple of hours, I think." "Ohhh, Langly," I whine. Why do all the guys I know always beat themselves up over the stupidest things? He blushes, embarrassed, and sips his tea. "I know, Scully. But..." he trails off. "Please, call me Dana. This isn't a professional visit." He smiles at that. "Oh. Okay, Dana." he says, having trouble saying my first name out loud. He doesn't continue, so I do it for him. "So, are you like Mulder in that you even made your parents call you by your last name, Langly?" "Um, not really. I just don't use my first name..." he explains. That's when I realize I don't even *know* his first name. Wow. "Well, what should I call you, then? I mean, all this last name stuff seems so...well, FBI." He actually laughs at that. "Well, first name is, uh, Ringo. I guess you can call me that, if you want." I smile. "I like that, Ringo. It fits you just fine." He smiles back, then sips his tea again. This time, I see him wince and bring his hand to his lips. I notice for the first time that his lower lip is swollen, and there is a newly healed cut on the left side. I reach up to move his hand away to get a better look at his injury. "Ouch, how did you do that?" He sighs. "The little troll has a hell of a right hook." "WHAT?? Frohike HIT you?" Now I'm starting to understand why Langly had been so upset. "Like I said, we got into a fight..." he says absently, as if that were enough explanation. I'm shocked. I have no idea what to say at this point. What could possibly have been said to warrant physical violence between these guys? I take a deep breath, and decide to proceed calmly. "Tell me what happened." Langly fixes his eyes on the cup of tea in his hands, thinking. "I accidentally came across some classified military records from Viet Nam, and found some containing information about Frohike, from the war. When I asked him about it, he got really upset, told me to get out of the site and forget that I'd ever seen it. I didn't get it...usually if we come across something about any of us, we try to erase it, but he didn't even mention that. So, I kept on him about it, asking him why we don't get rid of it. It just got uglier, then he knocked me on my ass and told me to stay out of his life." He pauses, drawing in a shaky breath. "That scared me; I've never seen him get so mad, and he's NEVER hit me before. So, I bolted." "God, Ringo," is the best I can do. I put my arm around his shoulders and hold him close. I give him time; time to steady his emotions, gather his thoughts. Anything...he just needs some- one to comfort him, to make him feel safe. He leans into me, resting his head against my shoulder. If you would have told me five years ago that I would be spending a night at my apartment with Langly crying on my shoulder, I would have thought you were crazy. But over the past few years, I have somehow grown closer to these guys as individuals, not as "the Lone Gunmen," and not just as Mulder's friends. So here I am, cradling this young man in my arms and stroking his hair, comforting him when he needs it most. After a few minutes he straightens up, and smiles at me appreciatively. "Thanks, Dana. I know you weren't expecting something like this to fall into your lap tonight. I...I should call Frohike, have him come get me..." he says uncertainly. "No," I tell him firmly. He looks at me questioningly. "You're staying here tonight; you can sleep on the couch. You need some time away from him; I'll call him and let him know you're okay, and that you're staying the night." If I thought he looked shocked when I offered him dry clothes, the look he gives me now is priceless. I can't help by smile; he can't seem to operate his jaw, which has dropped open. "Dana, I can't...I mean, I've already imposed too much..." he argues. "No, you haven't," I interrupt him. I tighten the hand I still have on his shoulder. "You are more than welcome here, anytime. You should know that. You need to spend time away from the other guys sometimes; I'm just sorry it took something like this for you to need it." Langly looks away, and slowly nods. "I guess you're right." He's quiet for a minute, thinking. "I'm not mad at him, not really. Just...I guess I'm just a little scared, that he's really mad at me, and I'm not ready to face that..." "I'll call him and talk to him. Then we'll see what happens, okay?" He nods sadly. "Okay." ************** In my bedroom, I pick up the phone and dial the number for the Gunmen...household, I guess is what I'd call it now. I listen as it rings four times, then the machine picks it up. I smile when I recognize Byers' crisp, professional tones on the answering machine: "You've reached the offices of the Lone Gu---", then I hear a loud series of clicks, followed by a crash and several choice curses. "Lone Gunmen, I'm here..." Frohike gasps into the phone. It sounds like he had run to answer it, and is still fighting to turn off the machine. My own anger keeps me from laughing out loud. "Frohike, it's Scully." "Agent Scully...oh, sorry. We...I'm having a bit of a crisis here, can I call you back?" I get the feeling he was on his way out when I called. "No. I've got your 'crisis' over here right now." "Langly's over there?" he asks, sounding very relieved. "Is he okay? I was about to go looking for him..." "Yeah, he came here a while ago. He's all right, except for a sore lip," I add sternly, knowing he'll catch my drift. "Damn," he mutters. I can picture him, sitting at the desk in that office, head in his hand and eyes closed. I almost feel sorry for him...but not quite. "I was worried...I never meant to hurt him, he has to know that." "Frohike, listen to me. He's scared, and very confused. I'm going to keep him here tonight, let him calm down and think. You need to do the same, without him around. I'll drive him home on my way to the office in the morning, all right? Then you two can talk this over. Understood?" I wait patiently for his answer. Finally, he speaks, his voice very quiet and subdued. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Um...thanks, Scully." "I'll see you in the morning," I tell him, then hang up. ************* On my way back to the living room I stop to grab an extra blanket and pillow from the hall closet. When I get back I see Langly is starting to fall asleep. He's got his arms crossed loosely over his chest and his head is tilted forward, fine yellow hair falling everywhere. I imagine after the evening he's had, he could use a good night's sleep. "Hey, sweetie, why don't you lay down," I tell him gently, tossing the pillow onto the arm of the couch and shaking out the blanket to unfold it. He looks up at me wearily. It takes him a second to awake. He takes his glasses off, tossing them onto the table and runs his hands over his face. "Mmm...yeah, okay," he mumbles absently. He falls to his side roughly, and I reach down to pull his legs up next to him. "Um, what did you tell Frohike?" he asks. "I told him that I'd drive you home in the morning, and that you guys can talk about what happened. Until then, you two need some time to cool off. Is that okay?" He smiles shyly. Without his glasses on, I notice his eyes are warm and gentle, not as bright as before. "Yeah, that's cool. Thanks." I drape the blanket over him, essentially tucking him in, as absurd as that seems. "Anytime. Get some sleep; I'll be down the hall if you need anything." "Okay," he sighs, eyes closed and nearly asleep already. I stay there, standing over his sleeping form for a few moments. A Gunman sleepover...who'd have thought? ***************** 7:09am My alarm goes off for the second time, and I know I can't hit snooze again. Two hours until I have to be at the office, and I still need to drive Langly home. When I finish getting ready for work half an hour later, I head toward the living room to see if Langly has woken up yet. He hasn't. I smile fondly at the figure draped on my couch, reluctant to disturb him. He is lying flat on his stomach, his arms wrapped around his head, face buried in the pillow. His long, lean frame is a bit too big for the length of the couch, so his legs are folded slightly. I step closer; most of his face is obscured by his arm, but I can still see the soft, innocent expression. I've never seen him look so vulnerable...or so trusting. With much regret, I place my hand on his back, jostling him gently. "Hey, you. Time to get up." He mumbles incoherently, then raises his head to take in his surroundings. I can see the moment when he realizes where he is, and why. "Mmm..hey, Scully," he mutters, reluctantly pulling himself up onto his knees. There is something about his movement, something so...childlike, and comfortable. I watch as he brushes the hair away from his face and picks up his glasses. He pushes himself to his feet and puts his glasses on in one fluid motion. There's the old Langly I'm used to. He smiles at me. "Looks like you're ready to hit the street, g-woman." I laugh softly. "Don't worry, we've got a while before we have to go. You've got time to change back into your clothes and have some coffee." I point him toward the little laundry room and he nods thanks. Langly gathers his clothes from the dryer and heads toward the bathroom to change. I take this opportunity to get the coffee started. While I'm waiting, I hear Langly thumping down the hall. I turn to see him approaching, his t-shirt in his hands. "Hey, Scully? Do you have a sewing kit or some- thing? I didn't realize it last night, but it looks like I snagged my shirt on something..." I'm not sure when I stopped hearing him, but I think it was right after "Hey." My eyes had locked on an all too familiar-looking mark on his bare chest, close to his left shoulder, just under the collar bone. Without realizing it, I brought my hand up to trace the scar. "Scully? What?" He asks me, then follows my gaze. "Ringo, is that..." I manage to ask. ".38 Caliber, if I remember right," he answers quietly, raising his own hand to meet mine at the small scar of an old gunshot wound. "When did this happen?" He looks at me, and I finally raise my eyes to meet his. He smiles at me, but his eyes give away a darker emotion. "A long time ago, back in college. A human rights protest turned ugly, and the police opened fire on us. I didn't have the sense to get out of there, and...well, got a nice souvenir to remember it by." This man just keeps unfolding like a flower. "But hey, it happens. It was a long time ago. Do you have something I can sew up this hole in my shirt with?" I nod numbly and back away. I pulled a small sewing kit out of a kitchen drawer and he accepts it, grinning his thanks and walking back to the living room to get to work. *************** I walk up with him to the Gunmen place, making sure he gets in all right. Frohike lets us in, looking like he hadn't slept much, which is likely. He greets me quietly; I guess he thinks I'm still mad at him. I give him a tight smile, and he relaxes. Langly is silent and drawn, not sure how to proceed. I give him a long, tight hug and whisper in his ear: "It's okay, just take your time." He pulls away and gives me a warm smile. "You guys behave yourselves," I tell them both, only half joking. "Call me later so I know everything is okay." They both nod in unison, and I walk out, back to my work. Back to normal, or as close to it as I'll ever know. *************** End.