Mel's Request by Surreal On the road 1:46am Langly POV: I'm startled from my daydreaming by a soft thump against my thigh. I glance down...sigh. Byers finally fell asleep, and his head is now in my lap. I used to find that weird and uncomfortable, how he would lose all sense of social awkwardness that he holds onto so firmly during the day and let himself rest against me on these long, late-night road trips we take occasionally. Tonight, Frohike's driving and Byers and I are in the bench seat behind him. Me, I just don't like riding in the front unless I'm driving; makes me nervous. I think Byers is back here because he's exhausted and was hoping to get some sleep. Looks like he is; and in my lap, no less. I don't mind so much anymore; in fact, I find it comforting. Someone who has spent most of his adult life hiding from authority, shooting frightened glances over his shoulder wherever he goes. He has built such a strong shelter around himself, not letting anyone get too close, not since Suzanne. Except for us. The fact that he feels safe with Frohike and me, that he can allow himself to give into the luxury of a friend's embrace, knowing that we won't push him away. For the three of us, who have little else in the world but each other...finding that level of trust and comfort is an amazing revelation. Byers stirs slightly, sighs in his sleep. He's laying on his left arm and I know it's cutting off the circulation, but I don't have the heart to wake him to make him move. He'll get over it. Maybe it's just that I don't want him to move. I like having him here, resting on me. I like that he trusts me enough to leave himself utterly vulnerable, deep asleep. I glance up in time to catch Frohike's eye in the rearview mirror, waiting for the light to turn green. He smiles fondly, like he knows what I'm thinking and understands. I think he does; it's just not something we talk about openly. We trust each other with our lives and our hearts. It's a good feeling. Leaning my head back to rest against the seat, I close my eyes and just enjoy the silence of my companions. --end--