Part 2/2 Scully reaches out to take his arm, to reassure him. He pulls away from her, his sharp features betraying a mixture of anger and vulnerability. She lets her hand fall back to her side, meeting his eyes and holding him there with intensity only a doctor can confidently display. "We are not going to let you die. That's why we came here." Langly studies her for a moment, then visibly backs down. He looks down at the floor and nods slightly, his jaw tightening as he struggles to control himself. He lets Scully take his arm this time as she leads him back to the metal table. "I need to take the implant out now," she says as she sits him down on the table. She reaches back toward the counter to grab the syringe and tiny vial she had retrieved earlier while waiting for the X-rays to develop. "This is a general anesthetic. I'm going to give you a small amount to put you to sleep while I remove the chip, but it won't leave you unconscious for very long. I need you awake for as long as possible. The tumor is developing quickly, and there is a good possibility that you could slip into a coma within several hours." She hates having to tell him this, but it was necessary for him to know what was happening. She prepares the syringe and gives him the injection as quickly and painlessly as she can. Still, he winces and keeps his eyes closed for a moment. "Okay, I want you to lie down on your side," she instructs him, and he complies obediently, lying on his right side with his back to her. He folds his long legs up close to his body for balance. Byers again places his folded jacket under Langly's head. "No, Byers...I don't want to get blood on your jacket," the younger man weakly protests as the anesthetic begins to take affect. "Don't worry about it, already did earlier," Byers quietly replies, rubbing Langly's back in small circles with his hand. "Mm'sorry," Langly mumbles sleepily. Byers can feel his friend's breathing become slow and even, relaxing under his hand. He looks up at Scully and smiles sadly. "He's out." She nods and turns back to the counter to get her equipment; a scalpel, a tiny pair of scissors, an empty glass vial, gauze and tape. She pulls on a pair of surgical gloves. Byers moves to the other side of the table and reaches across to hold Langly's long blond hair out of the way, exposing the back of his neck. Scully uses the scalpel to retrace the original incision, and Frohike holds a piece of gauze below where she is working, wiping away the blood trickling down their patient's neck. The agent finds the implant, removes it with the scissors and places it in the vial. She cleans the blood off his neck and tapes a gauze bandage over the incision, knowing she will need to keep it open to replace the implant later. The group was so absorbed by their task that they did not notice they were being watched. The observer waits until Scully finishes checking Langly's breathing and pulse before speaking up. "Agent Scully, would you care to explain to me what is going on here?" Scully's head snaps up at the unexpected visitor. Assistant Director Skinner is standing in the doorway. Byers and Frohike instinctively move in front of the table to hide their partner from the authority figure. "Sir, I'll speak to you outside." Scully strides across the room and physically pulls Skinner out into the hall by his arm. In the hall Skinner shakes away from his agent's grip. "What the hell are the Gunmen doing here, especially at this time of night?" He demands. Scully takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. "Sir-" she begins, but is cut off. "Is this the 'case' you two have been working on?" She looks at her boss and nods. "Yes, sir. Four days ago Langly disappeared from a meeting place. We have been helping the guys look for him." She pauses. "This morning he came back, injured and under great distress. Shortly after his return we discovered the implant in the base of his neck, identical to mine." Skinner's eyes grew wide. "He was taken by the same people?" "It looks that way, sir." "But you said he was only missing for four days, and you were gone for several months..." "He was not returned to us. He escaped, judging by his injuries, his mental state, and..." she trails off, her unsteady voice giving away her emotional attachment. "And what, Agent Scully?" She lowers her voice, glancing at the trio through the window of the closed door. "The implant was not activated. He has a tumor, and it is growing rapidly. He could die in a matter of hours if we can't figure out how to turn it on." Skinner studies the woman in front of him for a moment, then glances into the lab. He had known of the Gunmen for years, mostly as obscure references by Mulder. On the few occasions he spent time with them, (often in hospital rooms waiting for Mulder to wake up from his latest adventure), he saw them as a graceful tandem act, three people moving, speaking, thinking as one unit. They were so confident, yet so paranoid. What he saw in the room now made his throat tighten in sympathy. The youngest, lying unconscious in a jumbled pile of long limbs and long blond hair. The quietest standing over him, watching him breath, assuring himself that his friend is still alive. The short one, standing aside with his arms crossed over his chest, glancing around suspiciously while standing guard over his young partners. Skinner had seen this kind of loyalty and trust so rarely in his field of work. The thought of them losing one of their members... "Is there anything I can do to help?" Skinner finally asks, turning his head back to face Scully. "Just give us time, sir. Agent Rollins is going to try to activate the implant. Assuming he does, I'll put it back in and take Langly to the hospital. I need to keep a close eye on him; these three did so much to help me through this same situation, I feel I owe it to them to return the favor." Skinner nods, returning to his professional demeanor. "I expect a report on this case as soon as it is resolved." Scully gives him a grateful smile. "Yes, sir. Thank you." The lab door opens and Frohike walks out, the vial with the implant in his hand. "Scully, I'm going to get this down to Doug, let him get started," he tells her quietly while peering suspiciously at Skinner. "Okay, thanks, Frohike," she replies, and he disappears down the hall. Skinner watches Frohike walk away, then turns back to his agent. "Take care of these guys, Scully," he says softly, then walks away in the opposite direction. 10:42pm "Langly, you should really stay off your feet--" Byers whines as he watches his friend restlessly pace the medical lab. Langly had woken up shortly after Frohike went back to the lab to start working with Doug on the implant. After shaking off the fuzzy after-effects of the anesthetic, he began wondering around the room despite Byers attempts to settle him down. "Yeah, well, I should really cut my hair, but it's just not going to happen," Langly cuts him off. "Besides, the last place I want to be right now is sitting on that autopsy slab with nothing to do." He digs through several drawers, eventually coming up with a handful of rubber bands. "It's a start," he mumbles as he takes one and drops the rest back into the drawer. He carelessly pulls his hair back and ties it into a messy ponytail behind his head, avoiding the bandage at the base of his neck. This task complete, he goes back to rummaging. "What exactly are you looking for, besides trouble with the FBI?" "This," he declares triumphantly, wielding a notepad and a pen. His mission fulfilled, he strides back toward Byers and hops onto the table, crossing his legs under him and leaning forward to start writing. Byers raises his eyebrows, strangely amused. "If that's your will, make sure to leave a note for us to burn all those ratty t-shirts of yours." Langly gives him a wary but equally amused glance. "No way, John. This isn't my will, but thanks for the reminder. Mulder gets the shirts, so you guys have to stare at them FOREVER!" "Great," Byers mumbles under his breath. "Then what are you writing?" Langly pauses, not looking up. "It's,'s just a note," he replies hesitantly. A few scribbles later he tears the page off the pad and folds it carefully, then scrawls a single word on the outside. Setting it aside, he quickly writes a series of numbers on the next page, and tears it off as well. He considers the two papers for a moment, then holds them out toward Byers. The older man hesitates for a moment, then reaches out to take them. He glances at them quickly; a local phone number, and the folded note with the name "Moire". Stunned, he looks back at Langly. "Your sister?" Langly nods, avoiding eye contact. "Um, could you, I mean... just in case," he stumbles uncomfortably to say. He finally meets Byers' eyes. Byers places his hand on Langly's right shoulder. He knows what Langly is asking; that he give Moira the note only if some- thing goes wrong. "I'll call her when we get you to the hospital," he says in that calm, reassuring tone he always seems to have. Langly gives him a weak, grateful smile. "Thanks, man." 2:58am "He got it!" Frohike blurts ecstatically as he charges into the medical lab, Mulder and Doug following at his heels. Scully looks up at the three men and smiles tensely. "Thank god." She looks back down at Langly. He had gradually gotten weaker over the past few hours, eventually forcing him to remain on his back on the table. At the sound of Frohike's much awaited announcement he shakily pushes himself up onto his elbows. Byers reaches out to take the glass vial, then hands it over to Scully. She considers it for a moment, then turns back to Langly. "You ready?" He hesitates for a moment, his wide eyes again giving away his fear. He nods. Scully gives him the injection of anesthetic she had prepared a while earlier. Langly lies back on his side, the drug taking affect quickly because of his weakened condition. Byers and Frohike take the same positions they had when she took the implant out. The agent focuses intently on her task, replacing the chip where she had found it earlier. This time she closes the incision with a few stitches, then covers it with a flesh-colored adhesive bandage. "Let's get him to the hospital," she says quietly to the room in general. Byers gathers Langly up into his arms carefully. He looks to Frohike for help. Wordlessly the older man gently places Langly's head against Byers' shoulder to avoid causing any more damage to the young man's neck. The two standing Gunmen nod thanks to Doug and walk silently out of the lab, Mulder and Scully right behind them. Georgetown University Medical Center 3:30am "Excuse me, we need some help here. I'm a federal agent and a medical doctor, *his* doctor, and I need you to follow my instructions exactly, with no questions asked. Understood?" Scully speaks in her most controlling tone to the first nurse she can grab when they enter the hospital. The nurse, who's name tag reads "Lisa", is stunned by the sight in front of her but nods and follows Scully obediently. Lisa glances back at the four men following close behind them; the skinny blond is held tightly in the arms of the tall bearded man, the other two staying close. 'What is going on...' "Good," Scully says. She leads Byers toward an empty room in the ER and Byers carefully lays the unconscious Langly down on the cot. Scully turns back to Lisa, who has grabbed a clipboard and is prepared to take notes on the chart. "We have a..." she starts, then turns to Byers, embarrassed. "How old is he?" "Oh...thirty-three." "Thirty-three year old male. He has a large nasal pharyngeal mass that is rapidly pushing into his brain. He has received treatment that will put the cancer into remission, but we were unable to catch it early enough to prevent serious complications. He is also dehydrated. Order a blood chem. and call upstairs to oncology. Tell them we need a short round of chemotherapy: angio inhibitors, corticosteriods, and carbamazepine. Get another doctor in here," she rambles, stopping a moment to take a breath. Lisa is stunned by what she is hearing, but does not stop taking down the instructions. "As soon as I take his vitals and get a saline IV started we need to get him upstairs." Lisa nods briskly. She hands Scully a blank chart to take down the vitals then hurries away to carry out her orders. 9:15am Scully glances warily at the sleeping Langly. It had been a very long night for all of them, but she had refused to leave him. The other guys had been in and out all night, helping her with their patient. The short round of chemotherapy had made him so sick, especially in his already weakened state. He had first regained consciousness about an hour after the chemo, feeling very ill. He had not eaten anything in four days, but that did not stop his weak stomach from protesting. Every forty minutes or so he would wake up trembling, lean his head over the edge of the bed and dry-heave. Scully remembers doing the same thing during her short stay at Dr. Scanlan's clinic, undergoing chemotherapy. She knew how much it hurt, how helpless she had felt. Penny had been there for her, and now Scully would be here for Langly. All she could do was hold his hand, stroke his back gently and talk to him softly. It did little to relieve the pain, the nausea, but she could tell he was grateful for her presence, her support. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening. She turns around in her chair to see who it is. It is Frohike, with a tall, blond haired young woman following cautiously at his heels. Scully stands up to greet the stranger. "Good morning," she rasps, stopping to clear her throat. "Sorry." Frohike takes over the introductions, keeping his voice down to avoid waking the room's silent occupant. "Agent Dana Scully, this is Moira Langly, his sister. Moira, this is Agent Scully, his doctor and a friend of ours." Scully smiles pleasantly and extends her hand out to the younger Langly. Moira hesitates for a moment, then takes Scully's hand in greeting. "Is Patrick okay? What's wrong with him?" she asks without taking her eyes off her brother. She cannot believe the pathetic, shockingly thin figure curled up on its side in the bed is her normally strong and energetic sibling. Scully pauses, following Moira's line of sight. She catches Frohike's eye, silently asking him if it is all right to tell her the truth. Frohike nods slightly. "Moira, he was given a rare and fatal form of cancer; a tumor that grew into his brain." Moira's eyes immediately fix back on Scully, alarmed. "What do you mean, given? How can...I mean, how long has he had this?" "He was abducted four days ago by people we are trying very hard to stop. He came back yesterday and we found out they gave him this cancer. It's a long story and very difficult to explain. All you need to know is we are doing everything we can to beat this. He has been treated. We just need to wait." Moira stares at the agent in front of her, not knowing what to say. She can feel her throat tighten, choking back any words. Giving up, she walks past the other woman to stand over her brother, silently studying him. She absently drops her backpack next to the chair. He is curled up on his right side; long legs pulled up close to his body with the white blanket covering him up to his abdomen. His right arm is lying on the pillow next to his pale, drawn face, while his left arm is draped over the edge of the bed, hand hanging loosely. Squatting down to his eye level, she gently takes his left hand in hers, careful not to disturb the IV lines taped to the back of the hand. Scully watches her for a moment, then quietly speaks. "We'll be outside if you need anything," she says, then leads Frohike out of the room with her. Moira does not acknowledge their departure. With her right hand she reaches up to brush the loose yellow hair away from Langly's face, slowly stroking it with her fingers. He stirs slightly, sighing in his sleep. She can feel his left hand tighten in hers for a moment. "Patrick?" she whispers, not sure if she wants to wake him, and not knowing what to say if she does. He whimpers softly and presses his face into the pillow. She squeezes his hand gently to get his attention. He turns his head to face her, hesitantly opening his eyes. Without his glasses it takes him a moment to figure out who is there. Another whispered "Patrick?" shatters his disbelief. "Moira?" he mumbles, struggling to lift his head up. "Shh...yeah, it's me. Lie still, you're okay," she strokes his upper left arm. He pulls his right hand under his head so he can look at his unexpected guest. "What are you doing here...I told Byers to call you, didn't mean to make you come here..." he babbles sleepily. "I get a call this morning from one of your friends saying you're seriously ill in the hospital and you think I'm not going to come see you? Jesus, Patrick...I know it's been a few years, but you are still my brother!" she struggles to keep the emotions from overwhelming her voice. "Mmm...yeah." "Umm...Byers gave me that note this morning. I'll take care of it," she feels her throat threatening to choke her words again. Taking a deep breath, she focuses her attention on him. "How do you feel?" He gives her his patented smirk. "Honestly? Like shit... but better than last night. How do I look?" "Honestly? Like shit. But I don't know how you looked last night so I have no frame of reference." A breathy laugh. "I knew I could count on you to tell me the truth." Moira reaches up to stroke his hair again. "You need to get back to sleep, and I need to talk to your friends." Langly pulls his right hand back and lets his head drop back onto the pillow. Closing his eyes, he smiles. "You're right," he mumbles. He hesitates for a moment, then continues. "I'm glad you came." "Me, too. I...I love you, Patrick." Still smiling, he squeezes her hand again. "Love you too, sis," he whispers as he drifts back to sleep. Moira can feel his hand relax in hers. She waits until his breathing slows, until she knows he is asleep before letting go of his hand and sitting back onto the floor, leaning against the chair. She shuts her eyes tight and finally lets the tears escape that she had been holding from the moment she entered the room. After a few minutes Moira swipes her hand over her cheeks, wiping away the moisture. She reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out the note Byers had passed along to her when he picked her up this morning. She pauses to stare at her name on the outside flap, then unfolds and reads it again: *Dear Moira, I was hoping never to do this to you, but it looks like I don't have much choice. If you are reading this, it means I'm in pretty bad shape. I need you to give Agent Dana Scully a copy of my sealed medical records. You and I are still the only ones with them. Agent Scully has taken over as my doctor, and she will need those records. Please, make sure she knows that they are still sealed; no hospital personnel sees them under any circumstances. The only people with access are Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, John Byers and Melvin Frohike. It's been sixteen years; guess that's long enough. I can't leave without telling you how much you still mean to me. I know I haven't been the best influence on you over the years, and I understand that you don't want to deal with me anymore. But I can't die without you knowing how much I love you and miss you. Love, Patrick* 'Damn it, why can't you tell me these things when you aren't dying?' she thinks as she folds the note again and returns it to her pocket. Taking a moment to compose herself, she stands, picks up her backpack and heads for the door. Four heads turn in unison as Moira steps out of the room and quietly closes the door. She considers the group for a moment, then makes a decision. "Agent Scully," she turns to the only other woman in the group. Reaching into her backpack, she pulls out a brown paper folder. She holds it out to the agent. "Patrick wants you to have these." Scully takes the folder, glancing apprehensively at the young woman. She pulls the stack of loose papers from the folder and glances over them. Several words catch her eye: Ringo Patrick Langly, critical condition, suicide watch. "These are medical records," she states questioningly. Moira nods. "He and I are the only ones who have them. He had them sealed when he turned eighteen," she says quietly. She motions for them to follow her to the more private waiting room down the hall. Scully moves to follow, but the others stay back hesitantly. Moira turns back to them. "Come on, he wants all of you to hear this." Glancing at each other curiously, the three men obediently follow. "How much has he told you about what happened to our parents?" Moira asks as her group settles into a tight cluster of chairs in the waiting room. Byers and Frohike look at each other uncomfortably, and Frohike answers for both. "He mentioned that they were killed in a plane crash several years ago, but he never went into any detail." "We don't really know anything about these guys' past," Mulder explains reluctantly, getting embarrassed glances from the Gunmen in return. Moira nods. "I figured." She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "Patrick was seventeen when he and our parents took a private plane from our home in California to spend a few days on the east coast; our parents had business meetings, and Patrick was going to check out some colleges since he'd graduated high school early. MIT had shown some interest in him. "The plane never made it out of California. Shortly after takeoff one of the engines caught fire and they went down in the Valley. There were seven passengers including my family; the only survivors were the co-pilot and Patrick. When help arrived five hours after the crash, our parents were already dead, and Patrick was barely alive. He had massive internal injuries and several broken bones; it's all in that record. He spent nearly two months in the hospital and in that time he became extremely despondent, to the point where he was on 24-hour suicide watch. He felt guilty that he had survived but our parents didn't. After he was released he was assigned to a psychiatrist. When he turned eighteen he stopped seeing the doctor and tried to get custody of me, but they said he was too unstable to care for a nine-year old child. They wouldn't even let me see him. After the custody hearing he basically disappeared. I didn't hear from him again until I turned eighteen, when I got those medical records from him in the mail. He included a note saying that he had his records sealed, hacking into the hospital computers and erasing any evidence of his stay. I finally tracked him down here in DC a few years ago; you guys know the rest." No one knew what to say. In their stunned silence they could only glance at each other, exchanging looks of shock, concern, and understanding. Scully is the first to break the silence. "Moira, I'm so sorry. We had no idea about any of this. But why now? Why after all these years does he want us to know?" Moira gives her a sad smile. "He trusts all of you. You're his doctor now, Agent Scully. He wants to make sure that no matter what happens, you know what his wishes are. Look at the last page of the file." Scully hesitates, then turns to the page at the bottom of the stack. It only takes her a few seconds to find the three bold letters printed in the center of the page: DNR. "Oh my god," she whispers, her face losing all color. She snaps her head back up to look at the young woman. "DNR-- Do Not Resuscitate." She pauses, not bothering to hide her shock since the three men next to her were matching her face. "But--I mean, this was his order...he signed it..." Moira nods, her stinging eyes threatening to break her control. "He hasn't changed it, not in fifteen years. He won't tell me why," her voice cracks as she struggles to hold back her tears. 2:30pm Frohike leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. As he watches Langly sleep, his mind races. 'Damn, he's too young to have given up on life already. Doesn't he realize how much he means to us? I know he understands death; Jesus, he's seen enough of it in his short life. And he's always been here for us, sometimes risking his own life to save a friend. He was the first person to spot Mulder down in Bermuda. He was all ready to jump over- board and pull that idiot agent out of the water himself. Then Vegas...damn, that trip turned out weird. But what he for Suzanne. Wonder if he even thought about the fact that he could have easily been killed by that gung-ho security there? Not even brain-washed, he just walked right in, opened fire in Suzanne in front of all those people and left. I can't believe he pulled it off...he may have been shooting blanks, but the guards wouldn't have been. Then dragging us into that damn VR game he was working on, knowing full- well that people were dying in there. Does he ever stop to think? Or does he really just not care if he lives or dies?' 6:17pm "Hey, you. You're looking better already," Scully says happily as she approaches Langly's bedside. The agent had gone home and slept for several hours when they saw that he was resting peacefully, the worst effects of the chemo past him. He is sitting up with his back against the headboard, messing with a piece of electronic equipment that Scully can not identify. "What's that?" she asks curiously. "Don't know; I pulled it out of that machine over there," he replies, looking at her with a completely straight face. Her eyes grow wide, and she frantically looks around to see what machine he is talking about. He laughs softly, grasping her wrist to get her attention. "Scully, I'm joking. It's just something I was working on before...all this. I asked Frohike to bring it in, give me some- thing to distract myself." Scully sighs. "That was not funny." "Yes, it was," he insists, turning back to the small device in his lap. She sits in the chair next to his bed. "How are you feeling?" she asks seriously. Langly only gives her a quick glance. "Better, thanks." He pauses, then looks at her this time. "Actually, I'm kind of hungry." Scully smiles at him, pleased with his honestly. "That's a great sign. I'll see what I can do," she says warmly, standing up to go find him something to eat. "Scully, wait," he says quietly, but with an intensity that stops the agent in her tracks. She turns back to face him. He continues hesitantly. " sister gave you a copy of my medical records, right?" The agent sits back down. "Yes, she did." He nods, avoiding eye contact. She can tell he wants to say something, and makes an educated guess. "We are all wondering about the DNR order," she encourages him gently. He finally meets her eyes. "I know. I haven't thought about it in so long; it's never come up until now." "Can you tell me why you did it?" She gets a shrug as a reply. Obviously, he is not ready to talk after all.. She decides to change the subject, at least for now. "I looked over your MRIs from this afternoon." He gives her his full attention now, putting the electronics down. She smiles. "The tumor is gone; your cancer has gone into remission, as expected." He grins at her, letting go of the breath he did not know he was holding. Scully takes his hand, sharing in his relief, then continues. "Of course, the doctors here are just amazed by your 'miraculous' recovery." "What did you tell them?" he asks. "I just flashed my badge and said it was classified." "Thanks, Scully." She squeezes his hand, then stands up again. "Miracle or not, you are recovering very well. I talked to the doctors; they agree that we can take you off the IV later tonight, and assuming no problems come up, you can be released tomorrow afternoon. You'll have the fastest recovery of a terminal cancer patient in the history of this hospital, at least." He remains silent for a moment, reflective. Scully watches him as he appears to come to a mental decision. He smiles at her, a calm sweeping over his features that she had not seen in a long time. "I have you guys to thank for that; especially you." He pauses, taking a deep breath. "Can you get everyone in here tonight for me? I...there's something I need to discuss with all of you." "Of course." 10:24pm Scully is sitting in the chair with Mulder at her side. Frohike and Byers are standing on Mulder's other side, and Moira is sitting on the bed next to her brother's legs. Langly considers the people before him quietly, one at a time. Finally, he speaks. "I know all of you want to know why I put a DNR order on those records back then. At the time, it made perfect sense. I was eighteen, I'd just watched my parents die, and my little sister was taken away from me. I was alone. I'd already been through the hell of a long, painful recovery and I didn't want to ever go through that again. The way I figured it, no one cared whether I lived or died, either way." He pauses to consider his next words. "It wasn't until all of this that I realized how much all of you cared about me. You've spent the past few days helping me; you saved my life. It's made me realize that I'm not alone anymore; I have someone to live for. There's something I need to do," he breaks off, his throat tightening as he realizes what he is saying. Scully hands him the folder with the medical records, and a pen. He pulls out the last page and sets it on top of the stack. Without a hint of hesitation, he takes the pen and carefully crosses out the letters "DNR" from the page, not stopping until there is nothing left but a black box of ink. This gesture has the desired affect. A weight is lifted from his heart, as well as the hearts of the other people in the room. He looks up shyly, smiling at his friends. Moira leans over and embraces him tightly. When she finally lets go, Mulder reaches over and shakes his hand, smiling proudly. Finally, Byers and Frohike both take his hand, their three-way bond stronger than ever. Scully is the first to speak. "Okay, guys, it's getting late. I need to take care of some things here, and you all need to get some rest." Now it is just Scully and Langly. For some reason, neither can stop smiling. "Okay, this is going to hurt for a second," she tells him as she carefully peels the tape off his left hand that is holding the IV in place. She pulls the needle out of his hand and quickly covers the puncture wound with a tissue. He takes over, wiping away the small amount of blood from his hand. "Thanks, Scully. For everything," he adds appreciatively. "You're welcome, Langly." She finishes cleaning up and looks at him pointedly. "It's been a long day. You need to sleep, too." He smiles and nods, scooting himself down and curling up on his side, setting his glasses on the table. Scully pulls the blanket over him, covering his shoulders. As she turns to leave, she hears him mumble sleepily. "Night, party girl." She smiles. "Night, cutie." .............. The end.