"An Invaluable Link in an Infinite Chain" Author: Surreal (feedback please! surreal666@hotmail.com) Rating: PG-13 for mild language Category: Gunmen angst, Scully angst...some humor (I tried) Spoilers: "Memento Mori", tiny bit of "Three of a Kind", gizzie & Martha's work for some names Takes place BEFORE season 7 finale! Archive: Yup Summery: The gang rallies support when one of the Gunmen is abducted. Disclaimer: Chris Carter is stuck with them for at least another year, but I'm just borrowing their names. Also, I'm using Jessica Raine's character "Moira" without her permission, cause I can't get a hold of the author! As with my last story, the title came from an Elvis Costello song Part 1/2 6:42pm Mulder's apartment "Mulder." He answers his phone on the second ring. A pause. "Frohike? What's wrong?" "We can't find Langly," Frohike's voice is as near panic as Mulder had ever heard it. "He went to meet someone this morning and hasn't come back yet. Byers is freaking out," ('so am I') "we've looked everywhere we can think of, he's just gone!" 'I guess a missing persons report is out of the question,' thinks Mulder. "All right, I'll be right over, you guys can fill me in on what you know so far." 8:25pm Lone Gunmen headquarters "This just isn't like him. He may be disorganized, but he'd at least check in with us before going anywhere." Byers insists. They had spent the past hour going over the details of the past few days with Mulder. Langly had received an e-mail that someone wanted to meet with him, alone, to give him classified information about underground medical experiments on humans. This morning, he'd gone to meet the informant. Frohike tried to get him to wear a wire, or some kind of hidden surveillance device at least, but Langly refused, insisting that this was too important to risk getting caught with "narc tags". He'd even left his cell phone at the office. The other two gunmen waited for him to come back, getting more nervous with each passing hour. Finally, they got into Langly's e-mail, found the address of the meeting place and went after him. They found his van abandoned, no sign of their youngest roommate. They proceeded to scour the city looking for him, eventually ending up back at headquarters with nothing to show for it. They began the computer search, checking local hospitals and police stations for anyone matching Langly's rather unique description. Unable to find anything, Frohike finally called Mulder for help. "What do you need me to do?" Mulder asked. The two Gunmen looked at each other. They were obviously frustrated and concerned. "We don't really know...I guess we just need more help looking," Byers replied hesitantly. "Of course. I'll call Scully, and we can try to figure out what's going on." Two days later 3:20pm Mulder and Frohike are in Mulder’s' car searching the park Langly disappeared from, while Scully is in their office at FBI head- quarters. She is writing a report trying to explain (without using any names or places) what the agents have been doing for the past three days. Skinner was practically breathing down her neck looking for answers that they were not willing to give yet. Back at the Lone Gunmens’' office, Byers is waiting for news from the others while hoping that Langly will return home on his own. He rechecks all the databases they have been checking for days, with no luck. The police scanner is running quietly in the background. Rubbing his jaw half out of exhaustion and half from frustration, he found himself staring at Langly's empty workstation. This must have been the longest period of time that worn-out laptop has been closed since its purchase. 'Where the hell are you, Ree?' Sudden movement on the alley surveillance camera catches his eye. "Oh my god..." he whispers at what he sees. Langly stumbles toward office, leans heavily against the door and weakly pounds a fist against it. Byers is on his feet and at the door instantly, frantically unlatching the many deadbolts. He pulls open the door and just barely catches the younger man as he collapses toward the floor, the door no longer supporting him. Langly is trembling badly and his left arm is bleeding from a large gash. Byers half- carries him toward the beat-up couch across the room and sits him down, then runs to get a blanket. On his way back he grabs Langly's cell phone from the desk, then sits on the couch with his fellow gunman. He wraps the blanket around Langly's shoulders, then quickly dials. 3:34pm "Frohike," he answers his phone before the first ring stopped. "Langly's back," says the caller. Frohike's eyes widen at the both words and the frantic tone of Byers' voice, and he looks over toward Mulder, who was driving. "We're on our way." Mulder sees the look on Frohike's face, a mixture of relief and concern. He immediately turns the car around and drives back toward the Gunmens' office as Frohike dials Scully's number and tells her the mixed news. 3:50pm The two cars pull up at nearly the same time, Scully getting out last and catching the worried looks on the faces of Mulder and Frohike. The three run to the door, Mulder's arm poised to knock before he realizes the door was already slightly ajar. His eyes widen and he looks at Frohike, who's jaw had dropped at the sight of the open door. Mulder places his hand on his gun as they push the door open the rest of the way. "Byers?" Frohike calls cautiously. The new arrivals stop dead in their tracks when they spot the two younger gunmen sitting on the couch. Langly is hunched over with a blanket wrapped around his back, his arms crossed tightly around his abdomen, his head hanging weakly, dull, tangled hair draped so that his face is hidden. He is still trembling badly from fear, cold, and exhaustion. Byers is sitting very close, his left arm wrapped tightly around his friend's shoulders. They could hear Langly crying softly, and Byers looks up. His eyes were shining with moisture, not from any of the emotions they saw in Langly, but from anger. The others stay back, stunned, not sure what is happening. Byers answers their unspoken question. He reaches up and brushes Langly's hair away from the back of his neck. There, at the base, they could see a small incision, still wet with blood. Suddenly, they understand. Scully unconsciously grabs the back of her own neck, feeling the tiny scar at the base. Byers sees her reaction and gives her a small nod. "Scully, can you get your medical bag, please? Frohike--the metal detector," Byers instructs his friends in a quiet, unsteady voice. Scully nods and darts out the door toward her car. Frohike lets out the breath he had been holding and heads down the hall to get the palm-sized device. Mulder is not sure what to do, so he takes a seat near the worktable and watches as Byers silently holds his shell-shocked friend. Scully returns with her medical bag and approaches the two men on the couch. She gives Byers a questioning look, silently asking for assistance. "Langly? Scully needs to look at the cut on your arm. She won't hurt you, okay? Is that all right?" he gently asks the tightly huddled young man. Langly sniffs, glances up at Byers, then at Scully, and nods hesitantly. Kneeling down next to his knee, she sees that he is not wearing his glasses, and his normally bright blue eyes look darker and softer than she remembered. In that brief glance she saw in his face very familiar and complex emotions; pain, confusion, fear, and so many more that she had never seen in him before. She very gently takes Langly's left hand and pulls his arm toward her so she can see the cut. It is deep, but she does not think he will need stitches. She takes out a disinfecting wipe and carefully cleans the drying blood off his arm, forcing herself to focus on the immediate problem, ignoring Langly's painful winces and the faint memories of a shared abduction. She can feel him trembling, his skin cold and pale. She gives Byers a helpless look, not sure where to even begin trying to help Langly. Byers catches Scully's look. His jaw tightens, and he gives her a single nod. "I'm going to get him cleaned up. Frohike?" he looks toward the short man now standing at the desk. "Pull up Scully's medical files." He did not need to tell him which files he meant. Frohike nods silently, not trusting his voice as he watches his roommates. Byers turns back to Langly. "Hey, buddy. Come on, let's get you cleaned up," he tells him softly as he kneels on the floor, looking up at the blond man's face. Langly looks at him, his eyes wide, studying the bearded man. After a moment, he slowly nods and allows Byers to pull him to his feet and guide him down the hall toward the living area of the building. Langly looks so broken; his arms tightly hugging his chest, his head hanging weakly as he shuffles in front of Byers. The three people remaining in the office silently watch them disappear down the hall. Scully can feel her stomach twist in anger and sympathy; she realizes how lucky she was not to remember most of her abduction and time spent in the hands of the Syndicate. They already figured that Langly had not just been let go after only three days; he had somehow escaped, his memory of the experience intact. Scully reaches over and gives Frohike's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. He looks at her briefly and sits down heavily in front of Byers' computer. He knew exactly where Scully's files were. The two agents stand in silence as Frohike retrieves the relevant files. Scully recognizes the images and data filling the screen; blood test results, branched DNA sequences, and everything they could gather on the tiny microchip that had been removed, then later reimplanted in her neck. In the silence they could hear sounds coming from down the hall: water running in the shower, coughing, soft voices. After about forty-five minutes they heard footsteps, then a door closing. 6:15pm Another half an hour went by before they heard footsteps again, this time approaching them. All three look up as Byers leads Langly back into the office. Langly is wearing a clean t-shirt and jeans, his hair combed back and dark blond from the remaining water. He looks better, more comfortable than when he had first shown up. There was also a bandage covering the cut on his arm. Frohike pulls open a desk drawer, digging for a moment before producing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, one of Langly's spares. He offers them to the younger man, who looks at him for a moment then reaches for the glasses. "Thanks," Langly whispers, putting them on. He was beginning to physically resemble the man they knew, but his mental state was still anyone's guess. Byers gently steers Langly into a chair in front of the work- station, quietly telling him to sit down. Scully glances up to see Byers giving her a look that told her to come with him. She follows her fellow redhead into the kitchen. She watches him silently as he moves around quickly, putting water on the stove to boil and digging in the cupboards, eventually coming up with some tea. He catches her questioning look, and softly explains. "Before I could get him into the shower he got sick. I don't think he's eaten anything since he, um, since he's been gone." Scully nods, remembering the coughing she had heard a while ago. "Tea is a good idea, it'll help settle his nerves." Byers nods absently, then stops for a moment, pressing his hands against the countertop and letting his head hang between his out- stretched arms. Scully could hear him trying to steady his breathing. She walks over to him and places a hand on his back while he struggles for control. She knew what he was going through, having to put a dear friend back together one piece at a time, not sure if all the pieces are even there. "God, Scully, I've never seen him like this before; I don't know what to do..." "He'll be okay. He's lucky to have you guys here to help him," she tells Byers softly. She felt him take a deep breath, then wipe his tear-stained cheek against his arm. Scully pulls him toward her, embracing him comfortingly. She wraps her hand around him and holds the back of his neck tightly, and he lets his chin rest on her shoulder. After a few minutes he pulls back, looking into her eyes. Her throat tightens when she sees how vulnerable he looks. "We'll get through this. At least this time we know what we're dealing with and we *will* help him." Byers sniffs and nods gratefully, giving her a shy smile. He appreciated her strong presence, and the fact that she included herself and Mulder in the equation. She squeezes his shoulder, then helps him with the tea. 6:40pm Byers and Scully exchange a look of pleasant surprise when they rejoin the others in the office. Langly had pulled his chair up next to Frohike and is studying the computer screen with Mulder and his fellow Gunman. He glances up as Byers hands him a cup of tea, quietly thanking him and taking a cautious sip. Byers moves to stand behind Langly's chair, resting his hands protectively on the blond man's shoulders. He looks at the computer monitor; they are studying the gathered data about Scully's microchip. Glancing at Frohike, he gathers the courage to ask. "Did you guys check for a chip?" he says, nodding toward the metal detector. Before he could answer, Langly cut him off, voice surprisingly full of anger. "You don't need to. It's there." The others look at him, barely hiding their shock at his sudden harsh tone. Scully puts a hand on his uninjured arm. "Were you... conscious...when they...?" she asks him carefully, eyes wide with disbelief. He nods, haunted eyes fixed on the table in front of him. "I think it was about two days ago." "Jesus," Frohike mutters under his breath. The next few moments were painfully quiet as they considered the cruelty Langly had endured during his abduction. He finally broke the silence himself. "Well, as I see it I have two options. If the chip stays in, they can track me down. If we take it out, I'll get cancer and d...yeah. You know the story." He had made a point not to look at Scully as he vocalized the second option. He felt her hand tighten on his arm slightly. "They won't take you again," Mulder spoke up. "They took you as a warning to all of us. To let us know they know about you guys." Langly nods in agreement. "I think you're right." He puts the cup on the table and absently reaches to the back of his neck, wincing slightly at the contact. "Pain?" Scully asks in a concerned voice. "Just a little sore. I think I'll go look for some aspirin." He stands up and starts toward the bathroom. Suddenly he stops, his head tilted down and brings his right hand to his face, his back still to his friends. "Shit," he curses, muffled by his hand and barely audible. He turns back around, and they can see dark red on the back of his hand and upper lip. His nose is bleeding. Scully moves quickly to him, her arm wrapping around his waist supportively as she leads him toward the bathroom. The three remaining men look at each other, stunned. No one ever mentioned a third option... 7:10pm "Oh, man. Scully, did you ever get nosebleeds *before* they took the chip out?" Langly asks her, his voice muffled by the wad of tissues he is holding to his nose. He takes off his glasses and sets them on the counter next to the sink. "No, but this isn't necessarily related. You're dehydrated, and that can cause nosebleeds," she tells him, trying to convince herself as well. He gives her a disbelieving look, then nods. He wipes his nose harshly. "I think it stopped," he mumbles, wetting a clean tissue and scrubbing the remaining blood off his face and hands. "Yeah, looks like it. You should drink some water, and we'll keep an eye on you." He smiles at her weakly, the damp shine in his eyes giving away his fear. "Thanks. I saw the blood, you know, and just thought..." he trails off. Scully can only nod, trying hard not to show her own weakness in front of the already fragile Langly. She reaches out and embraces him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder. She feels his wiry arms wrap around her, surprisingly strong. "You're going to be okay, Langly." 7:42pm "You okay?" Byers asks apprehensively as Langly and Scully walk back into the office. "Yeah, thanks," Langly answers. He smiles at his fellow Gunmens' uncertain exchange of glances. "Really, I'm fine. Just need some water, that's all," he insists, heading for the kitchen. After he disappears, they turn to Scully. She shrugs, forcing herself to stay professional. "I don't know," she says quietly. "It's probably just dehydration, but considering what we're dealing with...just keep an eye on him, okay?" "Of course," Frohike says, with Mulder and Byers nodding emphatically in agreement. "So, what kind of stats do we have on my new little friend?" Langly asks as he returns. He leans over Frohike's shoulder to peer at the chip specifics on the monitor. "Not as much as we'd like," Frohike answers. "Basically, we just know that it works, and what kinds of components it has. As for *how* it works..." he trails off reluctantly. Langly sighs and straightens up. "If we knew *how* it worked, we would have the cure for cancer." His partners nod in agreement as they continue to study the screen. Scully glances up to see Langly absently rubbing the back of his neck, wincing slightly. "Did you find any aspirin?" He looks at her distractedly. "Mmm...no, guess I forgot..." he mutters. "Hang on, I think there's some in my bag," she starts toward the couch where she had left the medical bag. Langly turns to follow her, then suddenly grabs the back of Frohike's chair, unsteady. "Whoa, hey," Mulder says as he reaches out to lend a supporting hand. Scully looks back just in time to see Langly collapsing, and Mulder catch him before he hits the deck. The agent eases the semi-conscious man the rest of the way to the floor onto his back, keeping an arm under his head. Kneeling next to him, Scully presses her hand to his throat. His pulse is very fast and thready. "Langly? Can you hear me?" His eyes stay closed, but she can see him nod slightly. "Good, that's good. I need you to stay with me, okay? Can you tell me what just happened?" "Felt dizzy...," he mumbles, his eyes opening halfway to look at her. Scully knows the feeling all too well. "Okay. Just lie still for a few minutes, it'll pass." She glances up at her partner, exchanging a worried, knowing look. Byers suddenly speaks up; "I have an idea about what's happening." He strides quickly across the office space to a storage cabinet. After searching for a moment, he produces a small, hand- held electronic device. "What is that?" Scully asks him. Langly struggles to sit up, curious as well. Mulder helps him into a sitting position, leaving his hand on the younger man's shoulder for support. "It's a scanner; it picks up electric currents on a very small scale. We usually use it to search for bugs and stuff," Frohike explains. He has picked up on what Byers is thinking. Byers crouches down next to Scully. "Do you mind? I'd like to see if your chip puts out a current." She obediently tilts her head forward, exposing the back of her neck. Byers places the scanner next to her skin; a small red light on its face blinks weakly. "There. It's very weak, but it is active. Langly?" Langly copies Scully's actions, pulling his hair out of the way. The scanner is placed directly above the still-fresh cut. Nothing. The light does not move. "Damn, Byers, you were right. No activity," says Mulder in an awed voice. "That mean what I think it means?" Langly reluctantly asks. "Looks like it, dude. They gave you the same cancer, but you jumped ship before they could activate the implant," Frohike tells him bluntly, then softens when he sees his friend cringe. "I'm sorry." Langly closes his eyes and runs a hand through his hair, letting it rest on the back of his neck. "Fuck." Scully places her hand on his shoulder, thinking hard. She looks up at the computer again. A thought is forming... "Hey, you guys have a really detailed map of that chip. Do you think if we took his out, you could compare it to mine and figure out how to activate it?" She knows she is reaching, but their options are quickly running out. Frohike exchanges an uncertain glance with Byers. "Honestly, no, we couldn't. We don't have the kind of equipment we would need for something that delicate. Besides, Langly's the micro- computing expert..." he reluctantly explains. "And at the rate this thing is progressing, I won't be able to focus on something like that," Langly finishes for him. Another uneasy moment of silence as they reach for more answers. Mulder is the first to break the silence. "You guys feel up to sneaking into FBI headquarters?" Four heads snap up to stare at him in awe. Realization sweeps across Scully's face. "Doug works pretty late in the lab, doesn't he?" Mulder nods. "If anyone can do this, he can." The Gunmen exchange uncertain glances. "Who's Doug?" they ask in unison. "He's a lab technician, one of Agent Pendrell's former assistants. He kind of took over for Pendrell," Scully explains. "They were the ones who figured out what the implant was." "Oh," Langly replies quietly. He remembers what Pendrell meant to the agents. He also knows that they trust this guy. "Well, then, looks like we have a new option," he says as Mulder pulls him to his feet. "Let's go." 9:12pm FBI Headquarters Microcomputing lab "Another one? What did you people do to piss these guys off so much?" Doug Rollins asks after Mulder explains why they are there. When he sees the cold look the agent gives him in return, he backs down. "What do you need me to do?" "We need you to turn it on," Mulder answers matter-of-factly. "Um, I'm not sure how to do that," Doug reluctantly explains. "We destroyed a lot of those chips trying to figure them out when Scully first brought them to us years ago. The technology is so delicate, we're not even sure who *has* the ability to work on them." "Well, if you don't figure it out in the next few hours, my friend is going to die." Doug pales at the angry tone in Mulder's voice. "You mean... the cancer is developing because the implant was not activated?" "That's what Scully is finding out right now." 9:30pm Medical examiners' lab Scully adjusts the settings on the X-ray machine. "Just lie still, this will only take a few seconds," she tells the fidgeting Langly, obediently lying on his back staring up at the machine. "Okay, that's it," Scully tells him after a moment. "It will take a few minutes to develop these, so why don't you guys head back to the micro lab and talk to Doug." Langly hops off the table and follows Byers out the door. "How do you feel?" Byers asks the dazed looking Langly as they walk down the hall. Langly laughs softly. "Like I've been assimilated." Despite his usual aversion to physical contact, Langly suddenly found himself grasping Byers' arm for support. The wave of dizziness caught him by surprise, and he had to close his eyes, concentrating hard on staying on his feet. Byers sensed what was happening. "Hey, easy, hang on," he says gently, using the arm Langly was clutching to try and hold the younger man up. Byers guides him to the wall, not sure what else he can do. Langly can feel his back slipping down the wall, his legs giving out... Scully glances up from the newly developed X-rays to see Byers striding quickly into the lab with Langly's limp body draped in his arms. 'Oh my god,' she thinks, her stomach twisting with adrenaline. Forcing herself to remain professional, she leads Byers toward the metal exam table near the center of the small lab. He carefully lays his friend down on the table, then takes off his own suit jacket, folding it quickly and placing it beneath Langly's head. Scully can see Byers shaking; he is terrified, but is trying desperately to keep his fear from showing in front of her. She understands; she is doing the exact same thing. She performs a quick check of Langly's vital signs; his pulse is rapid but still strong, blood pressure unusually low, breathing slow and shallow, pupil response is lethargic. Considering what she had seen on the X-rays, she was expecting that last one. Byers stands by quietly while Scully does her work. Approaching footsteps behind him draw his attention toward the door. Frohike sticks his head in the room and cautiously glances around, wondering if he is in the right place, then catches site of Byers and Scully standing over the unconscious Langly. He takes in a sharp breath and quickly moves to stand next to Byers. "Is he okay? What happened?" "He passed out in the hall," Byers answers quietly, glancing expectantly at Scully for more information. Scully looks at the two men standing in front of her, trying to form the right words. To her embarrassment, she can't. She turns back to the counter behind her, flips on the light board mounted on the wall and places one of the X-rays on it. She moves aside to allow the others to see the results for themselves. The small white patch near the center gives them the answer. The guys walk around the table to join Scully at the counter, glancing at the rest of the film as if hoping the first one was a mistake. It was not a mistake; the tumor is there. The voice directly behind them jolts them from their study. "That means I'm dying, doesn't it?" Byers jumps and spins around, for some reason feeling guilty. Langly had managed to soundlessly join them at the counter. ................................. Continued in part 2