Part 3/5 Disclaimers in Part 1 -------------------------- On route to Kate's apartment 6:32pm I can hear Byers fidgeting nervously with the gun from where I'm sitting on the passenger side of the van. I don't blame him; if I'd had a gun in my hand, I'd be fidgeting with it, too. Frohike stops the van next to the curb about a block from Kate's building, out of view from her place. Byers slides the door open and jumps out, closing it behind him. He moves to the open window next to me, looking pale and shaky. "Stairwell on the west side. I'll use the other one," I tell him, reiterating our hurried, sketchy plan. "Wait outside in the hall unless you're sure I need help, all right? I just want to get the girls out of there first, that's all that matters." Byers nods, swallowing hard as he backs away from the van. We watch him run for about half the block, giving him time to get there and position himself as my backup. Frohike climbs into the back seat so I can drive up to the building. It's a small detail, but hopefully it will give the impression to Krycek that I had come alone. I park the van across the street from Kate's apartment, her window on the second floor in full view of the van. As I make my way across the street, I glance up but see nothing in the window. Forcing myself to at least appear calm and collected, I make my way up the stairs. The knowledge that Byers is waiting in the opposite stairwell for me to show up makes me feel better; having an armed backup is always a confidence builder. I approach apartment twenty-four quietly, but when I reach it I knock loud enough for Byers to hear, his signal to wait fifteen seconds for me to go into the place before he moves to his position just outside the door. From inside I hear a muffled call of "It's open." Turning the knob, I see that it is indeed unlocked. Or rather, the locks are broken where Krycek kicked the door in to gain entrance. I rack this up as a point for us; if the door can't be locked or even completely closed behind me, Byers will be able to get in in case I need him. Once inside I take in the scene. Sitting at the tiny kitchen table is Alex Krycek, the gun in his hand pointed at me. Sitting on the floor about two feet from him are Kate and Angie. "Nice of you to join the party, *Ringo*," Krycek says bitterly. "Another five minutes and you would be down one daughter." Pushing that image aside, I somehow find my voice. "Krycek, whatever it is that you want, it has nothing to do with them. I'm here now, let them leave." "Ah, yes. Been taking hostage negotiation lessons from Mulder, I see?" I shake my head, not letting his sarcasm get to me. "Is that who this is about? Mulder?" "Not this time, buddy. If it were, would I have taken the time to stake out you and your little family here?" With a quick motion he reaches into his leather jacket and produces a thin folder, tossing it onto the table. Cautiously, I move forward to see what is in it. Pictures; black and white, slightly out of focus, but definitely pictures of me and the girls, walking on the street. With my trained eye I can tell that they were taken with a telephoto lens. "You may be paranoid, but you are not very observant," Krycek informs me as I set the pictures back down onto the table. "So, you've been following me. Why?" "I need you to do something for me." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a computer disk. "You wrote an article in that little newspaper of yours that needs to be, well, *retracted*. You used my name, which is your first mistake, and you reported on the connection between the *abduction* of several people from Oregon several months back and the testing of chemicals on the public in Houston, Texas." I can feel the tiny hairs on the back of my neck bristle at his implication. "I spent over a month on that article, and everything I wrote can be proven." "I don't care. The fact that anything linking those two events leaked out has gotten *me* in some hot water with some people who you also have a passing familiarity with. What I need you to do is take this disk," he throws it onto the table,” and send the prepared statement of apology to your e-mail list of subscribers and contacts. Now." "You son of a bitch! You *know* that if I tell them that I falsified even *one* fact in that article, it will destroy the credibility of the entire paper!! Our readers rely on the fact that we only write the truth; saying that we lied will make them think we're no better than a shitty tabloid!" Krycek jumps to his feet, stealthily moving to stand in front of me and pressing the end of the gun to my chest. "I. Don't. CARE. This is more important than your image. There is a reason why these things are kept out of the public eye; we are doing it to *protect* them, you arrogant little shit!" I'm not sure which keeps me frozen in place; the fact that everything the guys and I have worked for is on the verge of being destroyed, or that Krycek is pressing a gun into my chest. Either way, I just can't move, or speak. I can barely breath. Krycek senses my hesitation and decides that it is the first reason. Before I can react he swings the gun around to point it toward the girls. "I don't have time for this," he hisses. "NO!" Finally, I find my voice and my body follows suit. Without hesitation, I find myself tackling the other man, knocking both of us to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kate stand and pick up Angie, ready to bolt out the door. Unfortunately, Krycek sees them, too. With lightning speed, he pushes me off of him and swings the gun around, striking my left cheek just below the bone. The metallic taste of blood stings my mouth but I ignore it, my instincts overriding the pain. In the confusion of wrestling with the former federal agent, I don't hear the door being flung open, but the crack of a gunshot gets my focus back. I look up to see Byers aiming his gun at Krycek, who had managed to get to his knees and no further. He still has the gun in his hand, but it is hanging at his side. "Langly, get them out of here," Byers orders me, his voice surprisingly commanding considering how nervous he was the last time I saw him. I know better than to argue, because this was the plan from the start. I jump to my feet, grabbing Kate's arm as we run out the door. Angie is clinging to her tightly, her eyes wide with fear but she is not crying. As we run down the hall I can hear two more gunshots coming from the apartment behind us, then a third a few seconds later. As much as I want to run back to help Byers, my priority now is getting my family to safety. We hit the sidewalk in a dead run, and I see Frohike standing in the street. "Langly--I heard shots," he says, his gaze fixed on the apartment window. "I know," I respond breathlessly. I open the door to the van and Kate climbs in with Angie still held tight in her arms. "Frohike, call an ambulance and stay here with them." I reach into the passenger window and grab the second pistol from the seat. Frohike grabs my arm before I can leave. "Langly--" "Byers is still in there," I say quietly. "Please, just stay with them." When I reach the second floor I listen intently for any sound. I don't hear anything from the hall, so I make my way back to the apartment, the gun in my hand feeling very heavy. The door is still open, and I can see a trail of blood leading to the opposite stairwell. "Byers?" I call from outside, not looking in there yet. I hear a harsh cough, then the metallic thump of a gun hitting the floor. Taking a deep, calming breath, I raise the gun and move into the room. Krycek is nowhere to be seen, but Byers is laying on his left side on the floor, one hand reaching to cover the bleeding wound in his right thigh. "Shit," I mutter as I move to kneel next to him. He looks up at me, his face pale as he struggles to breath normally. From outside I can hear the distant siren and I silently thank whatever gods there are on the speedy reaction time. Grabbing a towel from the kitchen, I ball it up and press it firmly against Byers' leg, trying to control the bleeding. Jesus, there is so much blood... He gasps is pain at the hard pressure, but there is nothing else I can do. "Byers? John, listen to me, you're gonna be fine. Help is on the way, just hang on," I tell him, trying to take his attention off the pain. "The girls..." he whispers. "They're okay, they're down in the van, Frohike's with them." He nods slightly, closing his eyes. "Krycek?" "I don't know...I didn't see him, but I think you hit him, there's blood outside in the hall." He actually gives me a little smile at that, knowing that he'd at least done some damage to the rat bastard. I hear the ambulance stop just outside the window. I take Byers' blood-stained hand and squeeze it tightly. "You're gonna be fine," I reassure him as I hear the paramedics running down the hall. I stand back as the two medics take care of Byers. I can see as they secure him on the stretcher that he is barely holding onto consciousness, starting to go into shock from blood loss. I do what I can to help, holding onto my friend's hand as we get him downstairs and into the ambulance. I can't see his eyes above the oxygen mask, but I feel him squeeze my hand weakly as they load him into the vehicle. As the rig pulls away the sirens start up again, and I turn to walk back to the van. I see Frohike standing there, his face tight and pale with concern. Another car, vaguely familiar, pulls up behind the van. Before I can figure out who it is, I suddenly start to feel very dizzy, distantly aware of the gun falling from my hand and concerned voices calling my name as I fall forward, cold blackness washing over my mind. ----------------------------- end part 3/5 To be continued...