Uncommon Cold, and the Cure for the Uncommon Cold (two parts) Written by Surreal (feedback!!: surreal666@hotmail.com) Rating: PG Archive: Anyplace, anytime Disclaimer: Not mine, just a variation on a theme Spoilers: Post Requiem Summery: The Gunmen try to help July 6th, 2000 Lone Gunmen Headquarters 6:20pm Well, here I am again. Twice in two days, I'm standing at the heavy metal door to the Lone Gunmen's office/home, waiting for one of them to unlatch all those deadbolts and chains to let me in. Since Mulder's been gone, I've found myself at their place more often than I ever thought possible. They may drive me crazy sometimes, but they are still our closest friends and the only people we can completely trust. "Hey, Scully. Come on in," Langly greets me pleasantly. I walk past him into the cluttered main office; I can hear him locking the door behind me. Frohike is seated in front of one of the computers on the worktable. He raises his head and smiles at me when I walk up. "Hello, Scully. Couldn't stay away, huh?" I sigh. "Skinner practically threw me out of the office. I wasn't getting anywhere, anyway. Any satellite photos taken over Oregon that night are locked down, classified by the CIA. Not even Skinner can get access." Frohike and Langly nod silently, understanding the frustration of not being able to get any information about what happened the night Mulder disappeared. After a moment of silence, I look around, feeling like I'm missing something. Ah..."Where's Byers?" The guys exchange a look, half concern and half...I can't tell, exactly. Amusement? "He's holed up in the back room. He was up all of last night searching online newspaper articles," Langly explains. Frohike picks up the story. "This afternoon he said he was feeling sick, so he grabbed a laptop and has been back there since then." Sigh. Great; they are as bad as Mulder and I about getting so absorbed in work that they start to ignore their health. "Is he okay? Have you guys checked on him?" There's that look again; this time, more frustrated than amused. Frohike answers, "We tried; every time we go to check on him he tells us to go away." Langly shrugs. "We don't know what else to do." "All right, I'll try to talk to him," I say, not knowing what I've stepped into. I stride across the office to the closed door to the small room that I consider their "living room". I knock softly on the door, and wait a moment. Silence. I knock again; "Byers?" I call. After a second a muffled voice finally responds. "Go away, Langly, or I'll kick your ass." It's all I can do not to laugh. I don't know what's funnier; the thought of Byers kicking ANYone's ass, or the fact that his voice sounds so pathetic that I can't imagine him even being able to stand up under his own power. "I'm not Langly, Byers. It's Scully, and I'm coming in," I warn him. I push the door open and stand in the doorframe. Well, this is a Byers I've never seen before. He's (kind of) sitting sideways on the couch, his legs stretched out in front of him, his upper body and head leaning heavily on his left side against the back of the couch. He's got the computer resting on his lap, his hands laying on the keyboard but not moving. What strikes me most unusual is his clothing; he's wearing dark blue sweatpants and what appears to be one of Langly's black hard rock t-shirts. Man, he must really be sick to be reduced to that. Shaking off my initial amazement, I walk over to him and crouch next to the couch and look up at him. He reluctantly opens his eyes and looks down at me. "Hi, Scully," he greets me weakly. "How are you feeling, John?" I ask him gently, fully aware that he won't tell me the truth, because he's a guy and that's what guys do. "I'm okay," he says, giving me a shaky smile. I can see he is considerably less that 'okay'. His eyes are glassy, his face flushed and upon closer inspection, his hands are shaking. "You're lying," I tell him. I reach up and place my hand on his forehead; he's burning up. Moving my hand down, I press my fingers against his throat to check his pulse. He winces at the contact. His pulse is faster than it should be. "Byers, you're sick. Have you taken anything? Aspirin?" He shakes his head slightly. "Allergic to aspirin," he mumbles. "John, you need to take care of yourself," I reprimand him. I pull the laptop away from him and set it on the short table next to the couch. I turn around and call out the open door. "Frohike?" I can hear rapid, thumping footfalls and the short man sticks his head in the door. "Scully?" he asks, looking at Byers with new concern. "Do you guys have any Tylenol or anything without aspirin?" He nods. "Can you bring it here, and some water?" He nods again, and disappears. I turn back to Byers, who appears to be fighting his exhaustion. I take his hand; I notice the shaking is not from weakness as much as from the chills. There is a blanket piled at the foot of the couch; I grab it and pull it up over his legs and hands. "Thanks," he whispers, keeping his eyes closed. Frohike returns with a container of pills and a glass of water, with Langly following close behind. I shake two Tylenol into my hand and place them in Byers' hand. He considers them for a moment, then places them in his mouth. He reaches for the water, but I can tell he's shaking too badly to hold onto it. I raise the glass to his lips and let him take a sip. His painful grimace tells me that his throat is sore, too. I make him take another drink of water, then set the glass on the table. Byers sniffs and sags against the couch. Okay, he needs to get some sleep before he simply passes out. I gently push his shoulder back to get him to lay down. He tries to resist, mumbling, "Mmmm...no, have to find Mulder..." "He's delusional," Frohike says flatly. "No, he's exhausted," I counter. Finally Byers gives in and lays back, resting his head against the arm of the couch. I pull the blanket the rest of the way up to cover him up to his shoulders, and watch silently as he falls asleep. I hear movement behind me and remember that Frohike and Langly are still there. "Scully?" Langly's voice is very quiet, but filled with amazement. I turn around; he's picked up the laptop and is staring at it incredilously with Frohike. "What is it?" I ask, not moving from Byers' side. Langly looks up at me, his eyes wide. He hands me the laptop; I see it is an article from a Eugene, Oregon newspaper, 'The Register Guard'. The head- line catches my eye: "Twenty-three people return myseriously; several missing residents of Bellefleur". Frohike finally speaks, his voice quieted by his shock. "He found Mulder." "Oh, my god," I manage to whisper. Frantically digging for my cell phone, I hit the speed-dial and wait for Skinner to pick up. Listening to the ringing, I absently reach up and brush the fringe of hair away from Byers' flushed forehead. "Thank you, John." ****************** Part 2. July 7th, 2000 Lone Gunmen's Headquarters 1:47am The movement on the front door survaillance catches my eye. It's Scully; man, when she wants something done, she moves FAST. It was only a little over seven hours ago when Byers found the article about Mulder and the others showing up at the hospital in Eugene, Oregon. After getting a hold of Skinner and telling him what happened, she started making calls to Oregon. She called the hospital first; apparently the article was misleading. The people had shown up at the hospital on their own, although they were disoriented and appeared to be lost. The online post was very hasty and went up only a few minutes after the group showed up. We had assumed that since no names or photos were released, that meant the people were unidentifiable. She even managed to get them to let her talk to Mulder. After talking to his partner for a few minutes he began to remember things; his name, his life, us, etc. But none of them remembered much about the abduction, unfortunately. He was all right; in fact, he was very much alive and very excited to be back. Through the local police he managed to work his way onto a flight back to DC right away, which meant he would be home a little over two hours ago. As I run to unlock the door for her, a second figure on the screen draws my attention, and I grin. Suddenly I can't open the door fast enough. "Mulder, dude!!" I don't even wait for him to enter before wrapping my arms around him, convincing myself he's really here. "Langly, easy!! I just spent five hours on a plane and could really use some space!" he laughs, but returns my hug. Frohike has joined us and also hugs Mulder, but a little less frantically than I did. "Guess this means I gotta return the tapes I borrowed," he tells the agent. Mulder laughs and waves him off. "It can wait." He glances at Scully, who is grinning just as widely as the rest of us. God, it's good to have them back here, together! Scully turns to me. "Hey, how's Byers feeling?" I shrug, then see Mulder looks confused. Ah, she hasn't told him what Byers did. Guess that's my job, now. "He's doing okay; his fever is down and he's stopped shaking. Even got him to take some more Tylenol a while ago," I tell Scully first, then turn to Mulder. "Byers has been practically killing himself looking for you. He spent all of last night and most of today searching online newspapers; he was the one who found out you turned up back in Oregon. By the time he let any of us check on him, he was already sick; looks like a bad cold." Mulder shakes his head in amazement. "Man, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes without someone getting in trouble of some kind. Where is he?" "He's still crashed out on the couch in the back room. Sleeping, I hope," I add. "I'll let him rest; you guys can update me on what's been happening here in the last six weeks," Mulder says. Frohike and I oblige him, pulling out issues of "The Lone Gunmen" and pointing out the important stuff. The four of us are so absorbed in our discussion we don't notice another presence quietly joining us. "Mulder?" Byers wonders softly. We turn to see him (barely) standing behind us, the blanket hugged tightly around him. He looks only half-awake, but the light in his eyes tells us that he is fully aware of what's going on. "Byers, you shouldn't be wondering around," Scully tells him as she helps him walk over to join us at the worktable. He nods thanks to her, and looks up at Mulder. The agent smiles at his friend proudly, and wraps his arms around the weakened figure. "Thank you, John," he echoes Scully's earlier words, his voice muffled in Byers' shoulder. "If you hadn't gotten Scully to call over there, who knows how long it would have taken for me to get my memory back?" Byers smiles as Mulder pulls away from him. "Just doing my job, Mulder," he says weakly, swallowing hard. I can tell he's about to fall over, so I wrap a supportive arm around his shoulders. "Come on, buddy. You're going back to bed." He leans against me gratefully, and turns to look at the agents again. "It's good to have you back," he whispers, and lets me guide him to his room so he can sleep off this cold. ***************** The end.