
The waiting room
by Stacy L.A. Stronach, March 1998

Jim Ellison squirmed in his chair, wondering why they didn't make the
chairs in the doctor's waiting room more comfortable. He was
here for his annual physical, something his dad insisted on, and it always
had to be done on your birthday. Today was Jim's thirteenth birthday
but he knew that beyond the usual birthday card and
present (always something practical) there would be no big

He looked up when he noticed that a young woman had walked into the office.
From her appearance, Jim guessed she was a hippie--her long brown hair,
the style of her clothes. She was carrying a baby in
her arms and she looked around the crowded waiting room, sighing as she
realized there were no seats left.

When it was apparent that no one else was going to be kind to the pretty
young woman, Jim stood up, and catching her eye, indicated she could
have his chair. Despite the fact she might be what his
dad called a "useless hippie", Jim had been raised to have some manners.

She smiled gratefully at him and sat down on the chair while Jim
plunked himself on the floor beside her. "Oh, thank you so
much...oh, dear, I don't know your name. What is it?" she asked


"Well, thank you very much, Jim. My name is Naomi and this is my
son, Blair," she said, indicating the sleeping baby.

"Nice to meet you, Naomi," Jim said as he stared at the sleeping
child, who looked like he was only a few months old, and he had the most
overwhelming urge to hold him. He didn't dare ask, though.
This woman would probably think he was strange, even if she was a hippie.

A few minutes later, when her name was called, Naomi looked down at Jim,
"Would you do me a big favour, Jim? Could you hold Blair for me while
I go in to see the doctor. It would really help me out and I'd appreciate
it so much," she asked, standing up.

"Yeah, sure. No problem," he answered, taking the baby from her and sitting
down in the chair.

"Don't worry, you won't break him," she teased. "And if he wakes
up, he shouldn't cry or anything, he doesn't seem to mind strangers all
that much," she said, before heading into the examine room.

As soon as Blair was in his arms, Jim had felt a calmness descend upon
him. He really looked at the baby, with it's almost elfin face surrounded
by wisps of dark curly hair. His eyebrows were so light you could barely
tell he had any, and with the long dark lashes... Jim figured this was
the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. He
wondered what colour the child's eyes were. For some reason, Jim
didn't think to question his thoughts regarding this child.

A couple of minutes later, Blair woke up, and, true to Naomi's
word, he didn't cry at all. He made a few gurgling sounds, opened his
eyes and Jim found himself looking into the bluest eyes he'd
ever seen, and that he couldn't look away from. Then the baby
smiled a toothless smile at Jim and he found himself smiling back. Blair
started waving his arms around and kicking his feet and to
Jim it appeared the baby was enjoying himself. Jim reached out and touched
the tiny hand with his finger and was surprised at how
smooth the baby's skin was. Jim was surprised again when Blair
grabbed a hold of his finger--the kid certainly was strong for his size!

For the next few minutes, Jim whispered to the baby and made silly faces,
making Blair smile and giggle. It seemed like only a couple minutes had
passed before Naomi was standing beside him again.

"I see you two are getting along well," she said, smiling at the
young man holding her son. "Thanks for looking after him for me,
Jim, I really do appreciate it."

"Really, ma'am, it wasn't a problem. He's a really cute baby," Jim replied,
handing Blair back to his mother.

"Bye, Jim," Naomi said as she walked away.

"Yeah, bye," Jim whispered back, watching as the two of them left and
wondering at the sudden emptiness he felt.

End The waiting room