

Untitled Snippet
by Stacy L.A. Stronach

Tony sat down at the computer in the living room of the house he shared with Jethro. He checked his favourite news site and let out a sad, "Oh, no."

Jethro, sitting on the couch, looked up from the book he was reading, "What's wrong?"

"James Doohan died today, I just read it on my news site," Tony replied.

"Scotty from Star Trek? That's too bad," Jethro replied.

"You know Star Trek?"

Jethro laughed. "Yeah, it was one of my favourite shows. I DID watch TV when I was growing up."

"Yeah, I remember watching Star Trek every Saturday when I was a kid...of course, that was re-runs, seeing I wasn't even born when it originally aired," Tony said with a sly glance at his lover.

"I will get you for that, DiNozzo. Not now, but I will," Jethro promised.

"I'm looking forward to it, Gibbs," Tony replied, grinning. "I always liked Scotty, I mean Spock was my favourite...although I kinda wanted to be Captain Kirk when I grew up."

"Why, so you could have all the women?"

Tony laughed. "Later, that may have played into it, but when I was 8 or 9 years old, girls were still yucky, Kirk got to have all the fun adventures. He was an action man!" Tony paused. "I guess Scotty's on his final beam up."

Jethro smiled. "Yeah, I guess so."

the end
(I used to watch Star Trek on CBC every Saturday afternoon when I was kid. And yeah, Spock was my fave...but I DIDN'T want to be Captain Kirk.*g* I did like Scotty, too.)