Lines six and seven: Rowan's lines of the 'Poem of the Yoroi':
Floating amongst the eyes of ages,
Unmourned in the stream of the sky.


Name: Touma (Rowen) Hashiba
Age: 14 or 15 in the series
Birthday: October 10, 1973
Birth Place: Osaka Fu, Japan
Eyes: Sky Blue
Hair: Blue
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 121
Blood Type: AB
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Kanji Symbol Life Force (Chi)
Yoroi Sphere: Blue
Armor: Armor of Strata
Armor Summoning Call: Tao Inochi
Special Attack Summoning: Arrow Shock Wave
Weapons: Hankyuu (Compound Bow)
Evil Counterpart: Anubis of Cruelty (until he had a change of heart.)

Rowen has some cool armor. I can never decide if I'd rather have his or Sai's. Using the gifts of his armor Rowen can create a bubble around not only himself but his friends protecting them from attack. This same bubble also allows him to fly on the air currents. He fights with a compound bow that can be folded down and he has in close quarters used it as bludgeoning type weapon. His quiver is never empty and when he uses his special attack the energy builds up in the arrow until Rowen decides to release it. Already a stargazer, gaining the Armor of Strata just reinforces his love.

Rowen is the smartest of the Ronin, literally, he has an IQ of 250. Because of this though he has difficulty relating to people his own age. He spent most of his life being treated more like an adult because of his intelligence. But he does seem to have found his niche in the Ronin's even if he doesn't always feel like it. He is very protective of his team as they are his first real close friends. He is the strategist for the group and strategy/intellectual games are some of the pastimes he enjoys. Often when things are quiet he can be found reading.

His Mother is a Journalist and his Father is a Scientist, they divorced when he was 12 but are still quite friendly. His mother was only 18 when he was born and tends to treat both her exhusband and son more as friends. Rowen grew up fast and like Ryo was alone most of the time. His Mother always gone chasing a story and his Father rarely leaves his laboratory. So Rowen is very independent and self-sufficient. Because of all the time spent alone or only with adults Rowen is quite shy and hides the fact behind a mask of cool indifferance.

There is one point that was brought up in one profile that Kento(Shuu Rei Faun) may have spent some time at a Shrine run by Rowen's Paternal Grandfather. So they may have grown up together for a while. Apparently Rowen Can almost give Shuu a run for his money when it comes to eating. Rowen sometimes seems lazy because he likes to sleep and hates to get up. But he has low blood pressure which one of the symptoms is chronic fatigue so he has a reason. It will be interesting to watch the series and see if he has any of the other symptoms.

This little chibi was just too cute to pass up, but since I don't have a full set I'm putting the ones I do have here to awwww over.


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