Title: Premature (part 2)

Author Remy LeBeau

Series: X-Men

Pairing: Logan/?

Rating: R

Archive: yes WWOMB, and X-Men Slash Central, (gave the wrong name last time, sorry)

Notes: This is the first time anyone one has read my stories, so please be gentle with me. Also, when I had asked for readers to guess who Logan’s lover was no one answered back. But hopefully this time I can spark your interest.

Premature 2

by Remy LeBeau

A tall man with red blonde hair, walked into his apartment, "I am so mad right now, how could he do that to me, me of all people." Allerdyce said to himself, or so he thought.

"You should know better by now Aller," a voice behind him said softly,

St. John spun on his heels, stripping to his uniform. As he looked to the voice, he saw it was Erik Lehnsherr,

"Allo, wot you doin' ear?" Allerdyce asked, "curiosity abounds me to no end,"

Erik replied, "and I question everything, like for instance, why where you with an X-men? I didn't think the good guy's were your type St. John," Lehnsherr said, in a annoying tone,

"I can fuck who ever I want! I don’t need a nurse made, special you!" Aller shouted back, as he slammed the door, on his way to the local bar.

"Well jeez, he sure has a case of PMS," said Lehnsherr to himself as he climbed into his hovercraft.

The End (I hope)

P.S. just to clearify PMS stans for Poor Me Syndrome :)