The Miracle of Love

by Morgana


Fandom: X-Men

Parings: Remy/Bobby and Logan/Warren

Rating: NC-17 for adult themes and content.

Disclaimer; Gambit and X-Men is (c)copyright of Marvel Comics. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warning; This story indirectly addresses past rape issues, mentions child abuse that one of the characters suffered. Angst!

Status: finished.

Series/Sequel: The fourth in the Fallen Angel Arc.

Summary: The last of the series in which Remy overcomes his depression and fully realizes the love Bobby bears him. But Apocalypse needs a new Death and decides that Remy makes a suitable candidate. During all this chaos a young boy looks to Remy to find the love and affection his deceased parents can no longer give him. Warren has to face his own hell when Apocalypse uses him as bait to lure Remy closer. When Warren faces losing his wings for a second time he's ready to die. Logan however, is resolved to save him and to take him home.

The Miracle Of Love

by Morgana

How many sorrows

Do you try to hide

In a world of illusions

That's covering your mind?

The miracle of love

Will take away your pain

When the miracle of love

Comes your way again.

~~~ The Miracle of Love: Eurythmics

Scott exchanged an approving smile with his wife. Remy had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room, curled up and hugging a pillow. Most of the other X-Men had silently returned to the kitchen for more bacon and eggs or coffee without waking the sleeper.

Bobby was looking out of the window, enjoying the sight of the icy white tapestry. As he turned around, he noticed the couple's smile and looked lovingly at Remy. Soundlessly, he walked over to Jean and Scott and said, "Everything will be just fine."

Jean nodded her head. "I know, but this is just the beginning. Remy still has a long way ahead of him." Her smile weakened a little and she looked questioningly at Scott. "Somehow I think Remy and Nate might get along just fine."

"Yes, Sinister plays a major part in both their lives," Scott mumbled. "But with Remy it's different."

"Nate doesn't really need us," Jean agreed and smiled apologetically at Bobby. "But Remy does."

"I sometimes wonder," Bobby started and leaned against the wall. "What if the professor hadn't insisted on running that DNA test?"

"We would have accepted him anyway," Jean replied. "Not as our son, but certainly as a friend and team mate."

"Jean, there's something I want to ask you," Bobby said slightly uncomfortable. "During our time in Paris Remy had us… floating in the room. I don't how to describe it. Do you think he has some telekinetic abilities as well?"

Scott looked up, interested as well. Nate was an extremely powerful telepath and had mastered his telekinetic ability. Was it possible Remy possessed the same qualities? He shuddered at the thought of Remy losing control. "We should find out."

"We will," Jean soothed him. "But Remy's potential is still expanding. I don't know how strong he will get and we shouldn't forget Magneto's powers." Turning to Bobby she continued, "He might have used a magnetic field instead of telekinesis."

Bobby hadn't considered that yet. "Remy… doesn't want to use any of his powers," he revealed.

"I know that," Jean admitted and noticed Scott's surprised expression. "I had to convince him that it was fine to talk to me using telepathy."

"This will take longer than I thought," Scott murmured privately. "And who will teach him how to use his powers?" A wicked grin appeared on his face. "I want to be there when Remy realizes he can fly." A low chuckle left his throat.

Bobby's eyes mirrored his surprise. He hadn't considered that possibility. "Fly?"

Jean agreed with her husband. "Maybe this is where Magneto… Magnus should take over. I suspect he can show Remy how to handle his abilities."

Scott shook his head, not pleased with that suggestion. "I don't trust him… not completely."

"You can trust him where Remy's concerned," Jean said firmly. "I suspect Magnus doesn't really understand the depth of his own feelings for Remy. Something tells me this might be the first time someone REALLY needs him." Jean pondered the situation and then grinned at her husband. "Why don't you set up some kind of training schedule for Remy? He'll need to get back in to shape."

"Yeah," Bobby muttered. "Scott's always been a slave driver!"

"Hey, I resent that!" Scott chuckled, but realized Jean had made a valid point. "Come on, let's give them some time alone," he whispered in to Jean's ear and pulled her along.

Bobby watched them leave and then walked over to Remy. Sitting down on the couch, he studied Remy's face, which still looked too pale. Raising an arm, he wrapped it around his lover. //Remy?// He reached out, making sure no nightmares were tormenting him.

Remy stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He was turning into a light sleeper and Bobby's thoughts had immediately awakened him. Stretching lazily he licked his lips and smiled. "Oui, cher?"

Bobby drew in a deep breath, uncertain how to phrase his next question. "Remy, why did you leave your ring behind?" Slowly, he removed the ring from his finger and showed it to his lover.

"I didn' want Sinister t' get his dirty hands on it," Remy admitted shyly. "I shouldn' have left like dat, but I couldn' bear de t'ought of Jean…"

"I understand," Bobby reassured him. "Want it back?"

"Oui," Remy whispered shakily. "If y' still want me t' wear it? I really don' deserve 'not'er chance."

"Oh, Remy!" Bobby said disapprovingly. "I just wish you would stop getting yourself into trouble like that!" Tenderly, he slid the ring back in to place and caressed his lover's nimble fingers. "I want to hold you, love."

Remy snuggled up to him and relished the embrace. "Cher?"

"Yes?" Bobby rested his chin on Remy's locks, feeling his lover's heartbeat underneath his fingertips.

"Are y' happy wid me?" Remy's voice sounded uncertain, wavering.

//Of course I am!// Bobby reassured him. //You're back in my arms, Sinister is dead and I now hold a trump over Warren for the rest of his life! Weren't you the one who suggested he should talk to Wolvie?// Remy's soft, but genuine laughter made him smile.

//Oui, I did. But I never t'ought… Ange looks better, non?//

//Yes, it's been a while since I've seen him this happy.//


//Yes?// Bobby replied patiently and cast a glance at his lover's face. His heart missed a beat seeing that familiar look of mischief on Remy's face.

//Logan asked me if dey could borrow de handcuffs.//

//Sure, why not?// Bobby's gaze darkened briefly. //We aren't going to use them, are we?//

//Non,// Remy whispered in to his lover's mind. //I don' ever want t' be shackled 'gain…//

//You could cuff me to the bed,// Bobby suggested and smiled.

//Y' can' be serious, cher!// Remy raised his head to search Bobby's eyes.

Bobby grinned. //Why are you surprised? I thought you'd like to see me helpless and at your mercy?//

Speechless, Remy blinked his eyes. //I ain't goin' t' comment on dat!//

Bobby now shook with laughter. //Never thought you were shy!//

//I ain't shy!// Remy stated firmly and glared indignantly at his lover. But there was something else on Bobby's mind, something he was avoiding bringing up. //What do y' want t' know?//

Not looking forward to this, Bobby asked. //When we were in Paris you made us float in the room, do you know that? No, apparently you don't.// Bobby concluded, correctly interpreting Remy's baffled expression. //You either used telekinesis or a magnetic field, a sphere like Magnus does.//

"Mon Dieu," Remy exclaimed and sat upright, pulling away from Bobby's arms. "Why didn' y' tell me?"

"I didn't think you could… handle it," Bobby admitted concerned. "Think you can repeat that little demonstration here and now?"

"Are y' askin' me t'? Y' can' be askin' me dat!" Upset, Remy got to his feet and started pacing the room.

"You've got to learn how to use your powers, Remy," Bobby admonished him. "I don't understand why you're this… reluctant. Scott, Jean and Magnus accepted you, so what's the problem?"

"I don' know, cher," Remy whispered; his voice shaky and uncertain. His watering eyes pleaded with his lover to be patient with him. "I… don' know who I am, cher."

Bobby got to his feet as well and leaned in to kiss Remy. "I once told you that you're the man I love. That's all you need to know,"

Remy trembled. "I don' know where I'd be wit'out your love, cher."

Smiling affectionately Bobby took hold of Remy's left hand and brought the fingers to his lips. Slowly, taking his time, he kissed each fingertip. "And if it hadn't been for you I'd still be hiding in the closet!" That brought a weak smile to Remy's face and Bobby relished seeing it. Remy had smiled so little during these last weeks. //That's going to change,// he promised privately.


"Wanna play Twister?" Bobby inquired in a mischievous tone. They'd moved some of Remy's stuff to his room, as they tended to end up here anyway. Remy's clothes now lay next to his in the cupboard and his toothbrush had found a way in to the bathroom. Yes, Remy had definitely moved in and Bobby loved it!

Remy looked up from the book he'd been trying to read. "Oui," he sighed, aware he needed the distraction. It had taken him one hour to read one sentence. As he watched Bobby spread out the mat on the floor, he wondered why his lover hadn't asked him about that last dream. The question was always there, hovering at the edge of his mind, but Bobby was holding back for some obscure reason. //Y' can ask me, cher. What is it?//

Bobby smiled. He'd been waiting for Remy to make that first move and Remy's curiosity had won at last! "I was thinking about… what's his name? Jean-Luc? Shouldn't you let him know what you discovered?" Bobby never expected Remy to grow pale at that suggestion. "What?" he said and hurried over to his lover's side. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Non," Remy shook his head, trying to wave away Bobby's concern. "I assumed y' wanted t' know more 'bout…"

"The abuse you hinted at?" Bobby said softly, hating the way Remy flinched. "No, you'll tell me about that when you're ready." He knew better than to pressure Remy in to telling him something that painful. "Don't you miss Jean-Luc? Or that woman I saw in your dreams?"

"Tante?" Remy's smile returned. "Oui, I miss dem, but I can' go back an'… dis now feels like home."

"What about calling them?" Bobby pressed on, smelling victory. "Would that be trespassing as well?"

"Cher?" Remy whispered in an uncertain tone.

"Here." Bobby picked up the phone from the bed. "Why don't you call them right now?"

Confused, Remy stared at the phone. How had they managed to get off track that quickly? "What 'bout playin' Twister?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Want some privacy?" Bobby offered.

Remy smiled warmly at that suggestion. //De link…//

//You can shut it down if that makes you feel more comfortable. I don't wanna pry,// Bobby sent sincerely.

"I don' want t' shut it down," Remy confessed in a guilty tone.

"Great!" Bobby radiated pride as he stared in to his lover's eyes. "Now call them."

Remy realized Bobby was serious and would keep pestering him until he gave in. How long had it been since he'd last talked to Jean-Luc or Tante? His mouth grew dry and he didn't trust his voice any longer. "I can' do it."

"Why?" Bobby knew he'd won. Remy wanted to make that call, even though he denied it.

"I don' know what t' say."

"You will," Bobby promised. A long minute passed by in silence and eventually Remy began punching in the number. Bobby remained quiet, sensing the turmoil in Remy's mind. Squeezing his lover's sweaty hand he smiled reassuringly.

Nervous, Remy moistened his lips and rehearsed his first lines… but when a woman's voice answered him, he forgot everything he'd wanted to say.

Bobby poked him in the ribs. "Say something!"

"If dis be some kind of joke, y' ll be sorry!" the woman stated in a calm tone.

"Tante?" Remy squeezed out, barely able to believe he was actually talking to the woman who'd been a mother to him for so many years. "Tante, c'est Remy."


Smiling, Remy moved the phone a little further away from his ear. She'd called out his name in a loud, almost ecstatic tone.

"Remy! Tante has been waitin' f'r y' t' make dis call! We heard horrible t'ings 'bout what 'appened t' y', mon petit!"

Remy quickly exchanged a glance with Bobby. //Horrible t'ings?// "Tante? What did y' hear?"

"Dat dey left y' on de ice t' die! Jean-Luc is furious! It's so good t' hear y'r voice, mon petit. Are y' eatin' right?"

Bobby chuckled, sitting at Remy's feet. This Tante sounded awfully protective! //Just what you need, another person watching your every move!//

"Don' laugh!" Remy chided his lover and tried to tickle him in to submission. Bobby was extremely ticklish and was squirming for mercy in no time. "Now behave!"

"Remy? Who are y' talkin' t'? Ca va bien, petit?"

"Why is she calling you petit? Doesn't that mean little?" Bobby quipped. "Or is she referring to Renard?"

"Merde!" Remy chuckled and composed himself again. "Excuse moi, Tante. Mon ami here t'inks he's bein' funny."

"Ami? So y're fine? Remy, I worry 'bout y'!"

Remy's eyes began to water. "No need t' worry, Tante. I found some great friends here…"

"Uhm," Tante didn't sound convinced. "Jean-Luc is right t' check on y'. Y' sound… "

"Tante, what did y' say?" Suddenly alert, Remy stared at Bobby. "Check on me?"

"Oui, Jean-Luc is on his way t' de mansion."

"Non!" Remy exclaimed terrified. //What if père walks in on Magnus or Scott and Jean?//

Bobby, serious once again, tried to reassure his lover. "I'm sure Jean-Luc will understand."

"Remy? Tell Tante who's talkin' t' y'!" Her tone had changed to urgent, demanding obedience.

Bobby shivered slightly and suddenly realized how protective Jean-Luc and Tante were of Remy. They had raised him, had seen him through the nightmares. These two people probably knew every secret Remy was still trying to hide from him, afraid it would disgust him.

"Remy! Chile! Y' tell Tante now!"

Remy sighed heavily. Tante would probably call him right back to demand an explanation. If Tante would set her mind to it, the thieves' guild would supply her with Bobby's phone number in a heartbeat.

"Tell her, love," Bobby whispered and nodded his head. "You can't hide in the closet, remember?"

//It ain't dat,// Remy explained. //They ain't prejudiced.//

Bobby looked at him questioningly.

//Dey might find it… bizarre, dat I've taken a male lover… considerin'…//

//What happened to you in your childhood?// Bobby finished, understanding his lover a little better.

//Oui.// Remy smiled, as Tante repeated her request, but this time it had turned in to a command. "Tante, I… found someone who loves me."

"C'est grand! Who is it?"

Remy smiled, but mentally prepared himself for her reaction. "His name is Robert, Bobby." Tante remained silent on the other end and Remy cringed in the chair.


"Je suis heureux, Remy..." Her tone grew soft, tender and caring. "Y' deserve t' be happy, chile. He better treat y' right or Tante will teach him manners!"

Bobby rested his chin on Remy's knees. His hands gently grabbed his lover's waist and he started to pull Remy on to the floor. "I will," he called into the phone.

"Tante, I…" Remy didn't resist and ended up sprawled on top of his lover's body. "Got t' go!" Remy whispered as Bobby's hand slipped underneath his shirt. "Je promets t' call 'gain!"

"Oui, chile," Tante replied and her chuckle echoed through the connection. "Je comprends. Tante was youn' once aussi! Je t'aime," she whispered eventually.

"Merci, Tante," Remy said passionately. It meant a lot to him that she'd reacted like that. In his heart he knew she trusted his judgment. As he terminated the connection the phone slipped from his fingers. Diving to his lover's lips he forgot that he was supposed to feel depressed and miserable.

Bobby thoroughly enjoyed sensing Remy's sudden outburst of passion, but… //Didn't she say that Jean-Luc was on his way over here? Wonder when he'll arrive.//

Remy stared at him in shock. //Merde!// He'd forgotten about that. //Dis be trouble, cher!//


Remy paused as he reached Charles Xavier's study. His telepathic powers told him who was inside; Magnus, Jean, Scott and the Professor, the four people he'd set out to find. He needed to talk to them about Jean-Luc, although he wasn't sure why he was feeling this apprehensive. Maybe his père would get side-tracked and never show up. //But Tante sounded convinced!//

Jean-Luc LeBeau was a man who kept his word at all cost. He wouldn't allow himself to be distracted once his mind was set on defending his son. If Tante had been correct, Jean-Luc was on his way to call the X-Men to account for their deeds in the past. This wasn't good at all. Not now that they were working so hard on getting to know each other!

Softly, he knocked on the door. Just as a formality, as he was certain that the Professor and Jean had already sensed his presence.

"Yes, you can come inside, Remy," came Xavier's soft voice.

As he stepped inside, Remy shot everyone a quick glance. Hopefully, he wasn't interrupting something important. But no, they had been discussing him. His name still lingered in the room, as if their conversation had left behind a mental fingerprint. Slightly taken aback he remained poised near the doorway.

Jean smiled reassuringly. "You want to talk to us?" she asked, wondering what had caused Remy to take the initiative.

"Oui," Remy shuffled his feet as he tried to avoid their eyes. Magnus' presence surprised him. Feeling a little shy he smiled apologetically. "Bobby made me phone Nawlins an' I talked t' Tante."

"Tante?" Magnus repeated, questioningly. One of the reasons they had gathered here was to allow Charles to inform them about Remy's past. They'd been shocked to learn how little they knew about Remy's background.

"Oui," Remy nodded his head. "She raised me…"

"Remy, please take a seat." Charles sensed something had upset his student, but not in a negative way. It felt more like… surprise, even excitement. Jean and he had to work on Remy's shields. They were much too weak.

"You were adopted when you were… twelve?" Magnus had listened closely to the little Charles had managed to tell them before Remy had shown up.

"Jean-Luc LeBeau adopted me, oui. Tante raised his son an' ot'er children from the Guild." Remy didn't really want to explain this. He'd only come here to warn them.

"The thieves' Guild," Scott remarked and nodded his head. "And this Jean-Luc is in charge of that… organization?"

"Oui," Remy replied, fatigued. Much had happened lately and he needed time to recuperate. "An' Tante told me père is on his way t' de mansion. She didn' tell me when he'd arrive."

Jean leaned forward. "Why is he coming here?" Gently, she placed her hand on his in an attempt to reassure her son.

Remy's mouth suddenly felt awfully dry. He couldn't tell them… Maybe he should tell them a white lie instead? But no, Jean would immediately sense something was wrong. //Merde!//

Jean locked eyes with the Professor, who nodded his approval. Slowly, she reached out and established contact with Magnus.

Scott looked up, feeling her thoughts grow in strength.

//Remy? What's the matter?// she asked concerned.

Remy didn't seem to really register the switch from vocal to telepathic communication. He simply reacted and answered her using telepathy. //I didn' tell him, but somehow père found out dat… I almost died in Antarctica.//

Charles smiled warmly. //And now he's coming here to make sure you're fine. I suspect he'll be rather angry with the X-Men for deserting you like that.// Charles briefly considered his words. //And he has every right to be angry.//

//Mais,// Remy objected, //Y' don' know him. Père can get… protective…//

Jean laughed softly. //Are you trying to tell us that he's going to lecture us?//

Remy actually started to blush. //I don' know, Jean, père is… unpredictable.//

//And loves you dearly,// Magnus cut in. //Thanks for warning us, son, but I'm sure that once we've explained things Jean-Luc will understand.//

Remy wasn't that sure, but didn't protest Magnus' remark. //I should be gettin' back t' Bobby.//

//Before you go,// Charles reacted quickly and locked eyes with his student. //We want to ask you something too.//

Feeling uneasy, Remy remained seated. //Oui?//

Jean noticed that Remy had settled perfectly into using this temporary connection between them. She'd stopped feeding it with mental energy minutes ago. Remy might not be aware of it, but HE was the one maintaining it, effortlessly! Scott had been right. They had to find out how strong Remy really was!

//Bobby told us you succeeded in making the two of you float in Paris?// Charles inquired and exchanged a look with Jean. He'd noticed she'd pulled back. The connection buzzed with sparkling energy and it almost felt like Remy was drawing power from this conversation. //But he isn't draining us,// he told Jean. //So where does this increase in power come from?//

//I don't know yet,// she replied, shielding her answer from Remy. //But it's not just Remy who's feeling stronger… I feel it too.//

//And so do I.// Charles realized. Was it possible that Remy possessed the power to magnify their abilities? Or was it something completely different? Had it to do with… //His empathy, Jean.// he suddenly understood what Remy was doing, even though it was on a subconscious level. Because neither he nor Jean were empaths they'd overlooked its influence.

//Remy feels comfortable in spite of his unease. He somehow has the ability to 'return that feeling of comfort' to us in the form of telepathic energy.// Charles realised, impressed.

//I've never heard of this before.// Jean's eyes widened slightly and she berated herself. Remy wasn't like her, or Nate for that matter. The empathy, the mixture of his particular abilities made him unique. No one else possessed these powers. Sinister had truly created his ultimate weapon and she was thankful that they had gotten to Remy first! //I doubt he's aware that he's even doing it.//

//I agree. We need to start his training as quickly as possible. We'll give him one or two days to rest, then we'll begin testing his abilities.//

Remy was watching them. Something blinked at the edges of his mind… a telepathic conversation he wasn't privy too. They had to be discussing him!

//Remy?// Magnus tried to gain his attention and failed. "Remy!" he said aloud and this time it worked.


As Remy replied, the telepathic connection shattered. Jean raised an eyebrow. //We'll need to work on his concentration!//

Composing himself, Remy looked at Magnus. A strange tension hovered in the study and he had to do something to break it. He wanted them to feel comfortable.

"Jus' realized dat I now have t'ree pères, a mère an' den dere's Tante…"

Magnus smiled. "It's good to hear that you've accepted us as your… parents," he said and gave his son a wink.

That wink distracted Remy and subconsciously he reached out, trying to find out if there was a deeper meaning to Magnus' words. But he never expected that his tentative probing would set off another reaction!

The glow started out very faint, but then it intensified. Remy looked down, controlling the panic he was experiencing. His hands glowed like they did when charging an object, but this time it was different. The light snuck up his arms, slowly engulfing his entire body. It was a pleasant, warm sensation and he calmed down. Whatever was causing this, the glow wasn't only warming his body, but also his mind.

Magnus watched closely. "Don't fight it," he instructed.

"What is it?" Remy asked in a curious tone.

Scott however, was hoping Remy wouldn't lose control of whatever energy was building inside him.

"This was bound to happen," Magnus explained in a firm tone. "Somehow you've found a way to tap in to the magnetic sphere that surrounds the earth. You can use it to replace lost energy."

"It feels… warm," was the only word Remy found to describe the sensation. "But how do I stop it?"

Magneto moved his chair closer to Remy and gently took hold of his hands. "You should re-establish telepathic contact. It's easier if you take the instructions from my mind."

Shaken, Remy looked at Jean for guidance. He wasn't sure what to do. Jean nodded her head and he opened his mind for Magnus, slowly expanding his thoughts until they engulfed them both. Remy had never realized that Magnus had absolute control over his power. Seeing through his father's eyes made Remy gasp. There was such beauty in the way the atoms moved, the attraction the poles wielded. It was a revelation he could only process with Magnus' help. Remy suddenly wondered if he had used this power subconsciously before. Had he used it to make them float in that hotel room?

Scott and Jean noticed the silent wonder on Remy's face and couldn't help but smile. Discovering one's powers could be frightening, but with the right guidance and support, it could be an immensely beautiful experience.

"Better?" Magnus inquired as the glow weakened.

"Oui, but I feel like…" Remy grinned. "Like de energizer bunny!"

"That's good," Jean encouraged, pleased with the sudden change in Remy's emotions. Maybe… She turned towards Magnus and asked, "Can it be Remy has felt this…//God, how do I phrase this?// "low on energy because he was cut off from this… source?" Privately, she complimented herself on her diplomacy. She'd almost said depressed, but that word described Remy's mental, not physical state.

"That's very possible," Magnus commented and leaned back. "I'll show you how to tap in to this 'source'," and he smiled at Remy, "without my help."

"Merci," Remy whispered, slightly embarrassed. He was wondering though. He'd seen Magneto in action many times and it frightened him to know he possessed a similar power.

"Go ahead," Charles said, "use it." He'd picked up on Remy's line of thought. "Start with something simple like this pen."

Remy peeked at Magnus. "Can I?"

"Are you asking MY permission to use YOUR powers?" Magnus said in a tone wavering between concern and pride. "Do it. Place that pen in the palm of my hand. Don't worry," he reassured his son. "I'll intervene should something go wrong. Just concentrate."

"I ain't sure dis is a good idea," Remy objected, but weakly. His curiosity got the better of him and he focused on the silver pen on Xavier's desk. "I never tried dis 'fore!" he warned them.

Magnus and Scott looked at each other. Leaning in closer Magnus whispered, "Is he usually this insecure?"

"No," Scott replied slightly amused. "Not that I can remember!"

"Let me concentrate!" Remy chided them unexpectedly.

Magnus grinned and closely observed the pen. It started to move, slowly and waveringly, but a moment later it was hovering in the air. "That's it, Remy!" Magnus complimented him and concentrated on Remy's obvious display of his powers, but… The pen dropped in to his hand and he closed his fingers around it. He had to share his observations with the others if they ever wanted Remy to fully understand his powers. "This wasn't just a display of magnetism," he said eventually.

They looked up. Remy's eyes pleaded with his father not to be angry with him. His empathic ability told him that Magnus was… upset about something.

"There was… a second power." Magnus considered his options. He hated misleading Remy, but it was the only way to get the answer they needed. "You know that I can only manipulate objects which hold metal," he stated, telling Charles with a glance not to meddle in this. "Remy, I want you to," his eyes searched the room. "See that scarf?"

Remy nodded his head. "Oui," he whispered, wondering about Magnus' intentions.

"That scarf holds no metal," Magnus lied. "Repeat your first demonstration and place it in my hand," Magnus instructed.

"But," Scott started and then understood. Was it possible that several powers mingled within Remy's mind? Had Remy subconsciously found a way to make them… compatible? Would that give Remy total control of a molecular structure? //He might have been able to take Sinister out himself!// Scott realized and felt Jean's agreement. She had apparently come to the same conclusion.

In the meantime, Remy had started his attempt to carry out Magnus' instructions, but without any real conviction. There was no way he could manipulate a substance like that! But, shocked, he realized the scarf WAS moving towards Magnus. //An' I'm doin' it?//

"Yes, you are," Charles said, nodding his head. "Looks like you also possess strong telekinetic abilities." But it was more than just another ability. These powers had become one inside Remy's mind, interacting, complimenting each other. This was incredible!

"Mon Dieu!" Remy exclaimed as the scarf settled on to Magnus' extended hand.

"You need proper training, Remy!" Charles commented. "Magnus? I suggest you start his training tomorrow. Jean will help you. Scott? Remy needs to get back into shape. Set up a training schedule and Remy?"

Remy was still staring at the scarf, desperately trying to understand what he had just done. "Oui, m'sieur?"

"You should inform Bobby of this development." Charles suggested this for several reasons. He knew that Remy needed to talk about this and Bobby would listen.

"Oui," Remy scrambled to his feet. His face had turned flustered from the use of his powers and overall he felt a lot better, but… "I ain't goin' t' hurt Bobby accidentally?" he asked Magnus.

Magnus expected that question. "Tell me, what happened the first time you charged an object?"

Remy actually grinned hearing that question. "Y ain't goin' t' tell anyone?"

"We won't," Scott said, eager to learn what was that funny.

"Mon père once got me a teddy bear..." Remy started in an uncertain tone and remembered waking up the other day hugging one.

"Yes?" Magnus waited patiently for Remy to continue. What had a teddy bear to do with this?"

"I…" Remy lowered his eyes. "I used t' take it t' bed wid me when I was lil' an' one night I charged it… an' it exploded… exit teddy bear." Remy shrugged his shoulders. "What has dis t' do wid my question?" he asked Magnus.

Smiling, Magnus replied, "You won't make such a mistake a second time. You know how important it is to control your powers." He paused, looked at Jean and said, "Besides, from what Jean told me the link will keep you from using your powers unintentionally where Bobby's concerned. You're in control of them as it is."

Remy shook his head. "Control?" he echoed. "I don' even know deir extent!"

"Why don't you try to get some rest?" Charles suggested. "You've been through a lot recently. You need to…"

"Recharge?" Remy added in a mischievous tone. "I t'ought I jus' did dat!" But the Professor was right and he knew it. Slowly he made his way into the corridor. It was amazing. He'd learned so much about himself in less than an hour!

//Remy? Love?//

Bobby's call woke Remy from his musings. //Oui, cher?//

//We were going to play Twister, remember?//

Remy grinned and suddenly realized he hadn't been doing anything else during this last hour. Ever since this… energy surge he felt a lot better, stronger. When Magnus had shown him how to use the energy to his advantage he'd briefly felt part of his father's mind. It had been intense, sharing that power, that connection.

//Remy? I've got strawberries… want me to feed them to you?// Bobby asked seductively, knowing Remy couldn't refuse such an offer.

//Mais oui!// Remy replied and this time his grin turned in to a smirk.


"Remy?" Bobby raised his head and stared straight into his lover's laughing eyes. The change, which had taken place within Remy, was incredible. Remy radiated energy and had a hard time lying still in bed, holding him. Remy had told him about tapping into earth’s magnetic field and yes, he did understand the change, but… "Are you awright?"

"Oui, cher, stop worryin'!" Remy admonished him. They'd skipped playing Twister and had moved on to the strawberries instead. Peeking at the clock Remy smiled. "Usually Cyke… Scott has us sweatin' in de danger room at dis time." It was 14.00 hours, an odd time to be snuggling up in bed. "Good t'ing he gave us today off."

Bobby placed a passionate kiss on his lover's lips. "You're entitled to some rest."

"Y' too, cher!" Remy remarked. Something was causing his lover discomfort and he focused on it. "Is y'r shoulder still troublin' y'?"

"Sometimes," Bobby admitted. "The wound has closed, but…"

"Turn 'round, cher," Remy ordered.

"Why? What are you up to?" Bobby complied and rolled onto his stomach. It would take him some time to get used to this particular side of Remy. Until now, Remy had appeared depressed, passive and suddenly everything had changed. //What will happen once he used up all that energy?// he thought privately.


Chuckling softly, Bobby realized that keeping his thoughts private might prove impossible. Oh, he was sure that Remy would block his thoughts if asked, but he didn't feel that need. Softly, he repeated the question in his mind.

//Hopefully Magnus will help me tappin' in to dis source 'gain,// Remy replied, as his hands pulled Bobby's sweater over his lover's head. Gently, he placed the palms of his hands on Bobby's back. A red, angry scar stared right back at him. //Henri should have a'not'er look at dat,// he told Bobby. His nimble fingers massaged his lover's back, neck and shoulders.

"Hank says that it needs time to heal completely." Bobby tried to shrug his shoulders, but the steady movement of Remy's hands made him relax. "This feels nice."

Remy smiled and located a hard knob of tense muscles. Slowly, he started working on it. His eyes however, never left the scar. It disfigured the smooth back, the soft, sensitive skin. "Y' like de massage?" he inquired, already aware of the answer. It felt good to do something nice in return.

"If you keep this up, I'm going to fall asleep!" Bobby warned him. He sighed heavily as he released all tension, fear and agony they'd gone through recently. Pushing himself deeper in to the comfort of the bed Bobby closed his eyes. Remy was straddling his lower back and the feel of those hands was enchanting. "You've done this before!" he mumbled sleepily.

"Once or twice," Remy whispered, loving the fact that it was HIS hands making his lover feel this relaxed. His hands… and suddenly he felt afraid. What if he accidentally charged Bobby's skin? What if…

//Stop that,// Bobby sent in a firm tone. //There's no reason to doubt yourself like that!//

//Merci, cher,// Remy replied and leaned forward to kiss his lover's neck.

Bobby squirmed, but didn't try to turn around. Those fingers were working miracles. Against his will, his eyes closed and he slowly dozed off.

Remy's brow grew knitted. He had to stop thinking like that. Bobby was right. He'd always controlled his powers. There was no reason why he'd fail now! He had to rebuild his self-confidence and Bobby would help him yes, but he'd have to do the majority himself. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the skin underneath his fingertips. They suddenly brushed against the scar and Bobby moaned. His lover had suffered this injury because of him and he wished there was a way to lessen this particular discomfort.

In his mind, he envisioned that he possessed the power to smooth out the scar tissue. It was only wishful thinking, but… Remy's eyes suddenly flashed open as his fingers started to tingle. Upset, he stared at his hands, which still glowed softly. As his fingers moved over Bobby's scar tissue, the raw redness began to vanish. Smooth skin appeared instead. "Mon Dieu!" he whispered nervously. He'd vowed not to use these powers, but… Apparently, imagining things made them happen! "Non!" he exclaimed upset. This time he hadn't injured Bobby, but what would happen the next time? "I'm too dangerous!"

//Remy?// Waking up, Bobby immediately realized that something was wrong. Remy was almost panicking, why? //What happened?// he asked and he quickly rolled on to his back. His arms folded themselves around his lover and he pulled Remy close to his chest. The red irises in his lover's eyes burned. Surprised, he noticed that his shoulder had stopped aching. "What did you do?"

Remy closed his eyes and rested his head on Bobby's bare chest. "I screwed up," he whimpered. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally hurt someone. This mood swing baffled even him. Up until a moment ago he'd felt great and now he was crying in Bobby's arms. What the hell was wrong with him?

Bobby received most of those thoughts and rocked his lover in his arms. "The scar is gone?"

"Oui, I didn' want t' do dat! It jus' did!" Remy wanted to look up, but Bobby had a tight hold on him and wouldn't let go.

"Remy," Bobby started, feeling an immense pain stirring inside his lover. "You need to let go of the pain." A darkness, gloomy and all consuming was fighting itself a way to the surface. He'd been waiting for this to happen. Ever since his rescue Remy had refused to discuss Sinister or the experiments the mad scientist had performed on him. "Locking this away is no solution."

"Lockin' what 'way?" Remy asked nervously. Did Bobby know what was wrong with him?

"You need to talk about Sinister, the lab, the things he did to you, Remy," Bobby chided him in a gentle tone. "You're refusing to deal with it."

"I don' want y' t' know de t'ings he did," Remy admitted gingerly. Bobby's arms kept him close and he relished his lover's concern.

Bobby thought back to Remy's dream and remembered Jean- Luc's words, which still impressed him. "I'll still love you after you told me."

Tears appeared in Remy's eyes as he failed in keeping them back. "Cher? I ain't sure I should tell y'."

Bobby inhaled his lover's scent and licked the salty skin underneath Remy's left ear. "Start telling me with something you're comfortable with."

"I don' want dese powers!" Remy suddenly exploded.

"Why?" Bobby raised Remy's chin so he could study those alien eyes. It pained him to see such agony in them.

"Dey ain't mine!" Remy maintained stubbornly.

"I see." Bobby's right hand tangled in Remy's locks. "So who's the empath? Jean? Scott? Magnus?"

"Cher?" Remy's furrowed brow revealed his puzzlement.

"Remy, empathy is YOUR natural mutant power. You didn't inherit it from Jean!"

Remy momentarily forgot to breathe. Bobby was right, but…

"And which one of your parents can charge objects with kinetic energy?" Bobby continued relentlessly. He couldn't allow Remy to lock away these powers. They would only emerge stronger than before.

"Y' ain't fair, cher!" Remy said in a sulking tone.

"Life isn't fair," Bobby reminded him. "I can understand that you might feel uncomfortable about your new…'talents', but don't stop using the ones you had all your life, love."

Remy nodded his head. This was a compromise he could leave with. "I'll try," he promised. He wanted nothing to do with magnetism or telekinesis. Only the fact that he would have immense problems turning off the link, forced him to use telepathy with Bobby… and maybe Jean, but no one else!

It was a beginning, Bobby realized. "Now, is there any chance you'll continue that massage?" Releasing Remy, he turned back on to his stomach, hoping his lover would resume that wonderful massage.

Remy stared at the smooth skin. The scar had completely gone. Never again! Remy vowed. He refused to examine his new powers, not even Magnus was going to change his mind!


Inside a limousine

Furious! He was furious for what they had done to his son! Remy had trusted the X-Men and they had betrayed him, left him to die. His sources had uncovered the circumstances leading up to the fight in Antarctica, but Jean-Luc LeBeau believed in his son's loyalty and innocence. This Essex had tricked his son! There was no other explanation. Remy would rather die himself than willingly participate in such a slaughter!

"How much longer?" Jean-Luc asked his driver Louis, a trusted member of the Thieves' guild, who occasionally functioned as his bodyguard. Not that he needed one. Jean-Luc LeBeau knew how to take care of himself!

"Thirty minutes," Louis estimated.

With a disapproving hiss, Jean-Luc leaned back. He had to know his son was safe and unharmed. Ever since he'd taken in the small, neglected boy he'd become extremely protective of Remy. Although he hadn't been thrilled to hear that his son had joined the X-Men, he respected, loved Remy too much to challenge that decision.

When had everything gone wrong? Jean-Luc stared at the brief case lying on the seat next to him. The marriage had been a necessity, but he should have known something would go wrong. He still wanted Remy with him, safe in New Orleans, but that was impossible. And Belle…

He didn't want to think about her. This was about his son and although they needed to discuss Belle, he wasn't going to waste his time on her now. //Non, I'll tell dem X-Men what I t'ink of deir betrayal. No one hurts mon fils!//

Many years ago he'd vowed no one would hurt Remy as long as he lived. There was no way the X-Men could justify leaving his son to die!


Jean softly opened the door to Bobby's room. Dinner was ready and she wanted to make sure that Remy wasn't skipping meals. A smile curled her lips, as she realized that Remy was holding Bobby in his sleep. Both men were soundly asleep and she couldn't bring herself to wake them. As she closed the door, she almost bumped in to Scott, who'd been looking over her shoulders.

"You should wake them anyway," he advised. "Or Logan will eat their share as well."

"Let them sleep a little longer," Jean said and pulled her husband along. "Remy needs sleep."

"And he also needs food!" Determined, Scott returned to the door and knocked hard. "Dinner's ready!" he announced and grinned, seeing Jean's shocked face.

"You're already mothering him!"

Jean sighed. "You're right, but…"

Scott laughed, as infuriated yelps emanated from Bobby's bedroom. "They're awake," he stated smugly and gestured his wife to accompany him to the dinning room.

"Scott, sometimes…" Jean started, but left the sentence unfinished, as she realized that Scott had acted out of concern. "Why do you always have to be right? It's such an annoying character trait!"

"One you love!" Scott chided her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Come on, let's have dinner!"


"Merde!" Remy cursed as he fell out of bed. Bobby unintentionally pushed him away in his state of half sleep, as his lover tried to sit upright. Remy hit the floor hard and rubbed his elbow, as he had used it to catch his fall.

"If you had used telekinesis you could have softened that blow," Bobby reminded him, as he jumped out of bed to help Remy to his feet.

"Don'!" Remy warned him. "Don' go dere!"

Bobby ignored the warning. "C'mon, I'm hungry. Be grateful Scott woke us!" Checking the time Bobby realized that they'd been asleep for 4 hours. Well, he'd better enjoy it. Scott would make them work out shortly. "Remy, love?" Bobby snaked his arms around his lover and studied his eyes. "You're still half asleep!" But the glow in Remy's eyes was still shining strong. "I wonder…"

//What?// Remy asked as he failed in stifling a yawn. Secretly, he yearned to go back to bed, holding Bobby in his arms while they slept. //Such a rude 'wakenin'!//

//Yes, it was!// Bobby agreed. "I need to get dressed and you better splash some water in your face to wake up!"

"Good idea," Remy had to admit and headed for the bathroom, while Bobby slipped back in to his sweater. As Remy looked at his reflection in the mirror, he gasped. His eyes sparkled, burned! He quickly averted his glance.


Bobby appeared behind him. He hadn't even noticed him stepping inside! His instincts were failing him!

"What is upsetting you?" Bobby placed a hand on his lover's shoulder. Suddenly he asked, "Do you remember the first time you realized that your eyes were… different?"

"Oui," Remy admitted and shivered violently. //I was… 'bout 5 or 6 I guess. I escaped Sinister's lab only t' hit de streets. I was hungry an' people were starin' at me in a funny way. De boys who ruled dat part of town called me Devil's spawn, tellin' me I possessed demon's eyes an' dat mon père was de devil.// Looking up at his lover Remy explained, //I didn' even know what dey were talkin' 'bout. What was de devil, or a demon? An' why was I his son? Only later, once I'd learned de meanin' of dose words I understood.//

Bobby experienced Remy's pain through the link and wished there had been a way to prevent all this. "At least now you know the truth!"

"Oui," Remy smiled. "It's good t' know dat my real père, pères, ain't de devil."

Bobby smiled weakly. "C'mon, let's get a bite to eat."

Remy nodded his head and pushed away the unpleasant memories. He would have to share most of his past with Bobby, but he needed to do this in small steps, still afraid he would scare his lover away.

As Bobby opened the door, a voice, angry and authoritative echoed through the main hall.

"I demand t' see mon fils! Where is Remy LeBeau?"


Remy's breath caught, hearing that familiar voice. His hands dug into Bobby's clothes. "Cher?" he asked nervously, wondering what to do. Now that his père had finally arrived, he felt strangely shy.

"Why don't you let him know you're here? Sounds like he's determined to find you," Bobby said and smiled warmly.

The decision was taken away from them, as unexpectedly Xavier's voice echoed through the hall. "Monsieur LeBeau, I assume? We've been expecting you."

Jean-Luc looked up questioningly. His sixth sense was telling him Remy was near, but why hide? What had happened to make his son nervous? He vowed to find out. Straightening his shoulders he looked at the man in the floating chair and noticed that several other people had joined them as well. Digging in his memory he remembered their names. "Monsieur Xavier," Jean-Luc started, "I demand t' see mon fils! Y're responsible f'r his safety!"

"Remy is fine," Jean replied instead and took in the man's appearance. Jean-Luc's stern expression attracted her attention. Yes, this man knew how to deal with a hurt child, showering him with love and genuine concern. She felt thankful that this Cajun had taken Remy in.

"I want t' see him!" Jean-Luc said steadfastly. Louis, his driver, had moved to his left in case a fight should transpire.

Bobby's smile brightened and he pushed Remy towards the stairs. "Tell him you're fine. He's worried!"


Remy felt indecisive. How would his père react once he knew the truth about Sinister and his parents? //Cher, I'm nervous.//

"I know," Bobby whispered and slung an arm around his lover's waist. "We'll do this together," he offered. Remy nodded his head and he pulled his lover down the stairs. "Mister LeBeau?" Bobby called out in a firm tone.

Jean-Luc turned around and his eyes almost watered, seeing Remy in good health. He'd been so terribly worried! "Remy, mon fils!" he exclaimed and ignored the others, his gaze was solely fixed on Remy. Opening his arms he captured his son in them. "Ca va?"

"Ca va bien, merci," Remy murmured in a shaky tone. Jean-Luc's concern swirled all around him and he couldn't shut it out. He didn't want to anyway, for so long he'd hoped his père would show up at the mansion, but he'd never allowed himself to think about it, or speak the words out loud. And finally Jean-Luc LeBeau had arrived. "I missed y', père," he admitted and couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

Jean-Luc held him close, stunned to feel Remy flinch in his arms. He knew these signs and realized his son was going to cry. Looking at Bobby he remembered Tante's call. This had to be his son's new lover. "We need t' be 'lone."

Bobby understood the underlying tone and nodded his head. "I'll take you to our room."

Our room, Jean-Luc noted and smiled. Remy needed someone who loved him, cared for him in a way he couldn't. "Show me," Jean-Luc whispered and followed Bobby up the staircase, no longer paying any attention to the X-Men. Only Remy mattered right now.

Bobby opened the door and wondered what to do. If they really wanted to be alone he should wait in the corridor. But as he caught Jean-Luc's nod, he realized the man wanted him to stay. He wondered if Jean-Luc knew about his relationship with his son.

Jean-Luc waited for Bobby to close the door and then sat Remy down on the bed, reassuringly stroking his back. "Y' can tell père what's wrong. Y' know dat, mon fils."

Embarrassed, Remy realized that he couldn't deny this emotional tidal wave inside him. He'd kept it back, not wanting to scare off Bobby, but the voice took him back in to the past. His père would never turn him away, would accept his pain and carry him through it all. "Remember le diable?" he whispered brokenly.

Jean-Luc exchanged a look with Bobby, who was anxious to comfort his lover as well. //Bien,// Jean-Luc thought, //dis man really cares 'bout mon fils.// As Bobby finally sat down on Remy's other side, his son's hand immediately snatched Bobby's for support. The gesture made Jean-Luc smile.

"Tell me 'bout le diable," he said curiously. He'd failed in establishing the identity of the man, who had hurt his son this tremendously. For some time he'd thought Remy had made him up, but the nightmares had convinced him otherwise.

"His name's Sinister an' he… " Remy's voice faltered. This wasn't the right way to tell his père about the DNA cocktail. "An' he came back t' get me. De X-Men rescued me."

Jean-Luc sighed. "An' I didn' know y' needed help!"

"Y' couldn' know," Remy said soothingly, but the tears still flowed down his face. "We found out dat… he created me in his lab."

"Mon Dieu!" Jean-Luc exclaimed. "Remy, what are y' tellin' me?"

"Sinister used DNA material from certain X-Men t' create his ultimate… weapon." Remy flinched. Although Magnus, Scott and Jean had accepted him as their son, he still felt uncomfortable about the stolen DNA. "Y' met mon mère downstairs," he whispered, scared for Jean-Luc's reaction.

Jean-Luc momentarily forgot to breathe. He'd expected something big had upset his son, but nothing like this!

"Jean an' Scott were kids demselves when Sinister got t' dem… an' Magnus never knew he had a son." Remy sighed and leaned in to Jean-Luc's embrace, even after all these years he still felt safe in those arms. "Sinister used Scott's DNA as a catalyst t' combine Magnus an' Jean's DNA."

"Remy," Jean-Luc murmured taken aback. He knew his son, knew… "Don' blame y'rself for dat!"

"I did for a short time," Remy admitted and finally found the courage to look into Jean-Luc's eyes. "But dey… seem glad t' have me as deir son."

"Bien!" Jean-Luc commented. "If dey had denied y', I would have…"

"Don'," Remy pleaded. "I can take care of m'self."

"Remy, mon fils," Jean-Luc smiled and kissed his son's brow.

Bobby had watched in surprise. He'd known Remy had longed for Jean-Luc's presence, but now that the two men were talking he understood the depth of their feelings. Some of Remy's emotions were seeping into his mind through the link and he couldn't help but like Jean-Luc a lot. Maybe he should leave them alone. Remy didn't need him right now and he wanted them to have some privacy. As he moved to get to his feet, the hold Remy had on his hand tightened.

"Don' cher," he pleaded with his lover and then peeked at Jean-Luc. "Did Tante tell y' 'bout Bobby?"

"Oui, she sounded very pleased." Now that the first emotional storm had passed Jean-Luc felt it was time to study Bobby more closely. Remy had never appeared interested in male lovers, mainly because of his horrific experiences during his childhood. This Bobby had to be special. His eyes discovered the ring around his son's finger. Seemed they were pretty serious about this and that fact pleased him. Remy had been hurt too many times and deserved true love. But there was something else he had to know. "What 'bout Rogue? I t'ought..." The expression in his son's eyes changed dramatically and he recognized the hurt in them. "She deserted y'?"

Remy couldn't bring himself to answer his père and looked at Bobby. //Please, cher?//

Bobby took a deep breath. "Rogue left him to die in Antarctica. She told us Remy had died. There was no reason for the Blackbird to turn around. We thought she loved him and had done her best to save him."

Jean-Luc's anger sliced in to Remy's mind. "Non, please, père." It almost caused him physical pain, but he couldn't lock it out. They were too close for that. So far he'd managed in partially keeping his shields up, but they'd broken down now.

"Mon fils, what's wrong?" Jean-Luc stated upset. Why was his son in pain?

Bobby realized Remy was incapable of answering that question, so he stepped in. "Remy's an empath…" he started. "Your feelings are affecting him."

"Empat'?" Jean-Luc repeated. "I know 'bout dat accursed charm power, Remy, but…" An empath? However, it explained a lot. Jean-Luc regained control over his rage and noticed the relief on his son's face. "But dere's more!" He knew that expression in Remy's eyes only too well!

"I'm also a telepat'," Remy admitted in a shaky tone.

"And he has a talent for telekinesis as well," Bobby added. "But he refuses to use these abilities."

"Remy? Why refuse?" Jean-Luc asked in a gentle tone, vividly remembering the first time they'd seen him use his kinetic powers. Remy had cried when he had blown up his teddy bear. That bear had meant a lot to him, as it had been the first gift Jean-Luc had ever given him.

Remy's eyes swam with tears. "I stole dem… Dey ain't mine," and realized how odd a statement like this had to be, coming from a thief.

Jean-Luc's expression tightened. "C'est la chose la plus stupide que je jamais ai entendu!" but it was so much like Remy to think in that way. "Dis Sinister never gave y' a choice, Remy, so stop thinkin' dat!"

Bobby smiled approvingly. Maybe if Remy were reassured many times he'd start believing it. "Love?" Bobby gently kissed a lock of Remy's hair and sensed the lessening tension in his lover's mind and body.

Pleased, Jean-Luc noticed the way Remy pulled away from him to melt into Bobby's embrace. His son trusted Bobby unconditionally. Oh, he would run a background check on his son's new lover. Would keep an eye on them when he was back in New Orleans, just to make sure Remy wasn’t hurt again. But he felt hopeful that this was about true love. "Remy?" Jean-Luc started and waited for his son to lock eyes with him. "Can y' talk t' me in my mind?" He'd heard about telepaths, but discovering that his son was one, was something different.

Uncomfortable, Remy wavered before replying.

Bobby replied instead. "It's quite an experience," he assured Jean-Luc. "Remy and I share this link, which allows us to… read each other's thoughts and feelings."

Jean-Luc raised an eyebrow. "Remy? Den y' must know I love an' accept y'."

"Oui, I do," Remy admitted gingerly. Sitting in between the two men who meant the world to him, he felt strangely at peace. Jean-Luc would always remain his père, the one who had been there for him when he'd almost given up and Bobby… had given him a new reason to live.

Seeing Jean-Luc's pleading glance Remy gave in, but couldn't help feeling apprehensive. As he reached out to touch his father's mind, he felt… love, warmth and concern aimed at his person. //Père? Merci for bein' dere when I needed y' most.//

Jean-Luc gasped. Remy's thoughts drifted in to his mind with brutal sincerity. "Petite," he said affectionately, "I'll always be dere for y'!"

Hearing that confirmation Remy closed his eyes, relishing the emotions Jean-Luc emanated. //Merci.//.


Jean-Luc stopped pacing the bedroom and looked down at his son, who had curled up underneath the comforter. Their conversation had exhausted him, but Jean-Luc felt confident that Remy had really started to deal with his past. After all these years, Remy had finally found a way and the strength to work though his terrifying memories.

Bobby was still sitting on the bed, as Remy refused to let go of his hand. He'd settled down against the head end and occasionally stroked his lover's silky hair. Jean-Luc proved to be quite a mystery and he found himself wanting to ask the man questions. But he wasn't sure it was his place to do so. They'd just met! "Y' love mon fils,." Jean-Luc stated.

"Yes, I can't imagine a life without him," Bobby replied and smiled, as Remy stirred and moved to rest his head in his lap. "Remy's the lover I always dreamt of."

Jean-Luc returned to the bed and noticed the tenderness in Bobby's strokes. "Why do y' love him?"

"Remy?" Bobby smiled. "How can anyone NOT love him? He always wants to help even if it means risking his own life. Remy never gives up, although he sometimes needs encouragement to follow through. I love everything about him. His tenderness, his eyes…"

Jean-Luc's genuine smile revealed his approval of this relationship. "Remy needs someone… stable, strong… I always t'ought dat Rogue was lackin' in dat department."

Bobby had to admit that Jean-Luc had made a valid point. "She has a lot to work through herself and I doubt she could have helped Remy deal with his problems."

"What are his problems?" Jean-Luc asked. This young man had to realize that Remy's past had affected him for the whole rest of his life.

Much to his surprise Bobby found himself opening up to Jean-Luc LeBeau and he suspected it was Remy's trust in the man that convinced him to do so. "Remy needs acceptance, reassurance that he's worth being loved. I sometimes don't understand his self-doubt. But I know where it's coming from. When he found out that his mother, Jean, hadn't abandoned him, his world changed, I guess. Now, he's starting to realize that we want him, care for him."

Jean-Luc nodded his head once and continued to listen to this young man, who seemed to know his son's personality so intimately.

"Remy told me that you're aren't prejudiced? That you wouldn't have a problem with him being gay or bi?"

"Oui, c'est vrai. As long as dere's love..." Jean-Luc confirmed.

"My dad is different," Bobby said apologetically. "I doubt he'll ever accept that I love a man."

"His loss," Jean-Luc commented dryly.

Bobby nodded his head. "But Remy… he was distant at first, as if he couldn't believe I had fallen in love with him, without the influence of his charm power. Which is nothing but empathy," Bobby clarified. "The first time we…" his voice trailed off and he blushed, as he realized what he'd almost said.

"Y' became intimate?" Jean-Luc added with gentle amusement.

"Yes, he was afraid," Bobby whispered and massaged his lover's temples. "I KNOW what happened to him when he was a child," he said in a gloomy tone. "I'd do anything to take that pain away. Sometimes Remy still wakes up screaming, reliving being raped, though the nightmares are becoming less frequent…"

Jean-Luc remembered the many nights he had spend at his son's side. "I rocked him for hours, when de dreams were extremely bad," he whispered. "I had t' fight for his trust."

Bobby's fingers now tangled in Remy's hair and he sensed his lover was about to wake up. If he wanted to say something to Jean-Luc he had to do it now. "I love him, monsieur LeBeau and I will take care of him."

"Je sais," Jean-Luc admitted. Remy opened his eyes and he was pleased to see the relaxed expression in them. "Y' better treat dis one right, mon fils!"

Slightly confused, Remy reached out and found the answer in his lover's mind. //Y' told him all dat?//

//I had to, love.// Bobby helped Remy sit upright and looked up as Jean-Luc LeBeau walked to the doorway.

"Y' keep Remy up here, Bobby," Jean-Luc instructed. "I plan on talkin' t' de X-Men."

//Papa?/ Remy sent, momentarily back in the past. //Don' be too hard on dem!//

Jean-Luc tasted his son's concern and realized Remy cared deeply about them. "I'll give dem a fair chance t' explain everyt'ing t' me," he promised, pleased that Remy had made his request using telepathy. Looking at Bobby he said, "I don' want t' see mon fils downstairs."

"I understand," Bobby replied and snuggled up to Remy. "I know ways that will keep him here." To his surprise Remy blushed at hearing that comment.

Jean-Luc stepped outside and took a deep breath. His son was safe and cared for. Now he was going to talk to the X-Men, reminding himself of Remy's revelation. He had to respect his son's request and would proceed with caution.


Magnus recognized the raging emotion in Jean-Luc LeBeau's eyes. Damn, he'd felt the same way when he'd found Remy on the ice. He'd been angry as well, angry with Rogue, Charles, all the X-Men! Even without knowing that Remy and he were related he'd felt incredible protective of the young man!

"Remy told me 'bout Sinister an' dat y're his real parents," Jean-Luc started, carefully observing three pairs of eyes. He was a good judge of character and although he'd been determined to be mad at them, he found it wasn't that easy.

Jean's face revealed her concern and he remembered Remy's tone when he'd mentioned his mère. Remy cared for these people. He had to give them a chance. Rogue however, was a completely different matter. One he would attend to later.

"I doubt Remy will ever stop seeing you as his 'real' father," Magnus replied. "From what he told me you were the one who got him off the streets."

Jean-Luc nodded his head. This man, this Magnus, might understand his motives for coming here. Family values seemed important to the grey haired man. "Remy was a mess when I took him in. Tried t' steal my wallet," he said and smiled fondly. "Even den, he showed promise as a t'ief."

"We're awfully sorry for what happened," Scott said apologetically. "No matter what Rogue told us, we should have returned to look for him. There's no excuse for failing him."

Jean-Luc pondered the words. "Y're correct," he said eventually. "Y' should have gone back, but I'm sure dat y're extremely angry wid y'rself f'r not doin' so now dat y' know he's y'r fils."

Scott moaned softly. "I never expected that revelation," he admitted. "We," and he looked at Jean, "knew that Sinister had obtained our DNA samples, but we never thought he had actually used them."

Jean took over. "I saw his memories, monsieur LeBeau. I'm a telepath and know what horrors he's been through." Sadness slipped in to her soft voice. "We can't change the past, but we can try and make the best of the present and future. We care about Remy and we don't want to hurt him."

Magnus probed Charles' eyes and realized Xavier planned on staying out of this conversation if possible. This was a personal matter between the four of them.

"Remy would like you to stay longer, monsieur LeBeau," Magnus hinted. "I'm staying in the boathouse. There's enough room for another guest. I would like to get to know you… and yes, more about Remy."

Jean-Luc recognized the sincerity in their words. However, he focused his attention on Xavier, whom he blamed for Remy's pain. "Y' failed him! Remy told me 'bout y', an' de way y' tried t' help mutants. But y' turned 'way from mon fils. Y're supposed t' be de most powerful telepat' on Eart' an' y' tell me dat y' didn' know he needed help in dealin' wid his powers? Y' should have told dem to return to Antarctica t' look f'r him. I'm thinkin' 'bout takin' Remy 'way from here before dis happens a second time!" Jean-Luc curiously awaited Xavier's reaction, testing the man to find out if Remy was in good hands or not.

Charles never expected that tirade, but couldn't deny the truth to that accusation. "Yes, I failed him, but… I won't fail him again. Remy has come far since we learned about the charm power, his past with Sinister and the revelation of his parents' identity, don't take him with you. You would only add to the damage."

Charles knew he had no right to ask Jean-Luc this, but had to try. "Remy needs to get to know his… other parents as well. Please grant him that opportunity."

"I'll stay 'till I'm sure y're speakin' de trut'. If I suspect dat y're failin' him 'gain I will act. Remy's been hurt too many times 'ready. I ain't goin' t' stand by an' watch it happen 'gain!"

"Good, then we understand each other,' Charles said slightly reassured. Jean-Luc had always protected Remy, had cared for the boy when no one else had wanted him. It was only natural he would react like this. "You'll be staying at the boathouse then?"

"Oui," Jean-Luc replied. "I'm goin' t' keep a close eye on mon fils!"


As Jean-Luc returned to their room, he realized Bobby was talking to someone. His heart missed a tiny beat seeing that this stranger possessed white wings and a blue-colored skin. Merde! He should have told his son to send him regular updates on his situation. Although Remy always insisted that he could take care of himself, Jean-Luc knew that his son needed to know there was someone he could turn to, if needed. //=I= failed Remy as well.// he realized saddened. //I should have made dis trip months ago t' make sure dat he was fine!//

"Monsieur LeBeau?" Bobby smiled and gestured towards the door. "Remy's taking a shower, but…"

"I can wait," Jean-Luc replied and studied the stranger. Why had Remy never told him, written him, about the other X-Men?

"I'm Warren," he introduced himself. "Or Ange, as Remy calls me." Warren extended his hand, wondering how Jean-Luc would react.

"Jean-Luc LeBeau," he replied and firmly shook the offered hand. A smile crept over his features. "Remy's always been fond of angels."

"I know," Warren chuckled. "We had a bad start, but later on…" Warren returned to the question he'd been asking Bobby before Jean-Luc had showed up. "So, how's Remy doing?"

"Better," Bobby said and smiled at Jean-Luc. "I really think he needs support right now. He's so used to doing everything on his own…."

"Oui, Remy tends t' keep it all 'side. Doesn' work dat way dough. What's dis 'bout him refusin' t' use his powers?" Jean-Luc asked, remembering their first conversation.

"Remy thinks he isn't entitled to use them because Sinister used stolen DNA. Remy feels guilty for possessing them," Bobby explained patiently.

Jean-Luc nodded his head. "Remy's always been like dis. Y' can' accept dis behavior."

"What do we do?" Bobby asked helplessly. "I can't force him to use them."

"Dat's exactly what y' need t' do!" Jean-Luc stated with quiet conviction. "Let me t'ink 'bout dis. Telekinesis, you said?"

"Yes," Bobby confirmed.

Looking at Warren, Jean-Luc continued, "Does dat mean Remy can fly?"

"Yes," whispered a voice coming from behind them. Magnus appeared from the shadows and joined them. "I agree, we can't give in to him."

Jean-Luc's mind was working on finding a solution. He knew his son would sulk until they'd see things his way. "I have a plan," he announced, "but I'll need help."


"What were y' talkin' 'bout?" Remy inquired, as Bobby closed the door behind him. His père's presence had a reassuring effect on him. Jean-Luc was close, that was all he needed to know.

Bobby smiled, trying very hard not to think about the plan they'd just agreed on. If Remy realized what they were up to, the plan would fail. "Warren wants to know if you would join him for a walk later? Said something about an old church?"

Remy was drying his hair. He'd taken a shower to get the sleep out of his weary bones. "Oui, I will," he accepted. Maybe Ange wanted to talk to him about something, why else pick the church?

"I like Jean-Luc," Bobby said, changing their topic. "I'm glad he decided to drop by. Looks like you missed him."

"I did," Remy admitted and sat down on the bed next to Bobby. "But I never expected him t' come t' de mansion."

Bobby studied his lover, who had only slung a towel round his hips. "Remy," he whispered and lay down, pulling Remy on top of him. They stayed that way for a few minutes and Bobby enjoyed stroking Remy's bare back.

"Oui, cher?" Remy breathed and cuddled up to his lover. This moment in time was perfect. Words were unnecessary as thoughts and emotions revealed the love they felt for each other.

"You'll never leave me, will you?" Bobby asked softly.

"Never," Remy replied within a heartbeat. "Je t'aime, cher. I'm y'rs for always… or as long as y'll want me."

Bobby smiled, amazed at the way things had turned out. Sinister was gone and Remy was in his arms. Life couldn't get any better than this.


Remy was pacing the hall, waiting for Warren to join him. As he looked out of the window, he realized that most of the snow had gone. It did feel good to forget about Antarctica for once. Although the memory no longer caused him that much pain, he still vividly remembered the cold. Magnus had hinted that he'd probably used a magnetic sphere to lock out the worst of that cold, but somehow he doubted he could do such a thing. It hadn't been until recently that he had even realized that he owned these powers anyway.

"Remy? Ready to go?" Warren flew down the stairs, pulling the parka closer to his body.

Remy smiled tenderly seeing those magnificent wings. He'd hated the ones Apocalypse had given Warren. These were much better. "Oui," he said. "Hope y' don' mind gettin' back t' de mansion on y'r own. Bobby told me père is stayin' in de boathouse an' I would like t' talk t' him before he has t' leave 'gain. I know he can' stay long."

Warren didn't mind, had actually expected it. "So, you're accompanying me to the church?"

"Why do y' want t' go dere?" Remy asked as he stepped outside. It was growing dark and he felt a little apprehensive. It was still cold, although the snow had gone. But if Warren needed to talk to him…

"I just feel like going there," Warren said evasively. His sharp eyes found the right path and he gestured Remy to follow him. He had to distract his friend a little longer. Jean-Luc had told him to be cautious. Remy was smart and would quickly realize that he was being set up. "I was wondering," Warren started and tried to add the right amount of hesitance to his tone. "You once told me that you had a thing for angels," and he grinned wickedly.

Remy nodded his head. "Oui, I did."

"Ever wanted to fly in one's arms?" Warren asked softly. He was playing a dangerous game and hoped Jean-Luc and Magnus had figured Remy out, if not… "Well?"

Remy stared at the mud, which the snow had left behind. Did Warren know his heart's desires? "Once, long ago, oui. When I sat in church I wondered what it would be like if an ange came t' take me t' heaven… or hell. Didn' care where he would take me, as long as it was 'way from de pain."

Warren smiled. Jean-Luc DID know his son. "This might be the only chance you'll ever get. What do you say, Remy?" and he extended his hands. "What to fly to the church?"

Remy swallowed hard. "I ain't sure," he said uncertainly.

"Come on!" Warren pushed him. "It'll only take a few minutes!"

Severely tempted, Remy hesitantly gave in. "If y're comfortable wid it. I don' want t' push m'self on…"

Warren cut him short. "It's a great evening for flying," and spread his wings, which itched to feel the wind underneath them. "After all, you gave these wings back to me."

"Did not," Remy objected weakly. He began to doubt his decision, as Warren wrapped an arm around his waist and snuck the other underneath his knees.

"You might want to hold on," Warren advised and his mighty wings took them into the sky.

Remy panted slightly, as his feet lost contact with the earth. Instead of looking down, he stared at those powerful wings instead. Yes, he understood why Warren had briefly lost his sanity after the tragedy in the Morlocks' tunnels. A tragedy he'd caused. Another failure to add to the list.

"Remy?" Warren said questioningly, as the man in his arms tensed up.

"I remembered de tunnels," he said apologetically. "I should have known better dan t' trust Sinister! How could I?"

"Maybe you had less choice in the matter than you think," Warren commented as his eyes located the church in the distance. "Hank told me Sinister probably removed something from your brain?"

"Hank ain't sure 'bout dat," Remy objected. "=I= made dat mistake, no one else did."

"He used you, Remy," Warren said steadfastly. "I'm not holding it against you and I know Storm also thinks that Sinister is the one to blame. You've got to stop putting yourself down!"

"Wolvie taught y' well," Remy quipped.

"Don't change the topic," Warren chided him. Near the church he located three men, waiting for their arrival. In his heart he prayed everything would work out like Jean-Luc and Magnus had planned. "Is that why you refuse to use your new powers?"

Remy remained silent, he wanted to return to the mansion, to Bobby, to his père. Lost in thought, his control began to slip and he never picked up on Warren's thoughts.

"It's time to learn how to fly, Remy!" Warren stated in a heavy tone and pulled back, dropping Remy in to the dark sky.


"I hope you know what you're doing!" Bobby said, addressing Magnus and Jean-Luc. "What if he refuses to use his powers?"

"Then I will catch him," Magnus replied. His powers would prevent Remy from crashing on to the earth.

"Remy needs t' understand dat we won' put up wid dis," Jean-Luc explained. "He can be stubborn."

Bobby's hart skipped a beat as Warren's arms released his lover. "Please Remy, stop feeling sorry for yourself!" he prayed. "Use those powers to stop that fall!"


"Non!" Remy screamed in desperation. Warren couldn't do this to him! As his hands frantically grabbed for something to hold on to, Remy realized this fall would probably kill him. "Why do it?" he screamed in terror. He wasn't ready to die yet! Even in Sinister's lab he'd never given up hope to somehow escape the madman's attention. And now… now he had Bobby's love to live for, pères who loved him. Jean had even asked him to call her mère just once. //I don' want t' die!//

In a flash his life passed by and in that instant he sensed the presence of the three men standing near the church. Briefly, he felt a sting of betrayal. Instinctively Remy knew who had put Warren up to this! His père, the man who had saved his life when he'd only been a little boy had now kicked him in to the deep end. //Please, papa, don' do dis!// he sent in to the cold air. However, it was Bobby's thoughts he received.

//Use those powers to stop that fall! Please, Remy. Please love!//

//I can'!// he exclaimed into the minds of all present. It was Jean-Luc's thoughts he allowed in, shutting the rest out.

//Mon fils, accept what y've been given an' fly like an ange, soar t'rough de sky. Do it, Remy!// Jean-Luc fervently hoped that his son had received that thought. Although he knew that Magnus wouldn't let Remy die, he hoped Remy would accept his powers, his heritage. If this didn't work…

Remy closed his eyes. //I don' want t' die!// he screamed telepathically. Suddenly, his fall came to a halt, the wind seeming to catch him, carry him with it. Had Storm appeared and intervened? Cautiously, he opened his eyes. There was no Storm, no Magnus interfering with his fall. Bobby still stood next to the two men and hadn't used an ice slide to catch him. Maybe Warren?

Looking up, he located Ange several feet above him. No, he was doing this himself. Somehow he had managed to break his fall! Stunned, Remy trembled violently. They had tricked him! Had tricked him in to coming here! Had tricked him in to using his powers! Merde!

Warren descended and then flew next to him, watching Remy closely. "So, how does it feel? Flying?"

Remy didn't react verbally. Instead he gained height and curled up in the midnight sky. The first beams of moonlight engulfed him, as he pulled his legs close up to his chest. //I don' want t' use dese powers!//

"Stubborn chile!" Jean-Luc chided his son. "Look at him!" he said, addressing Bobby. "He's still fightin' himself!" Awed, he stared at Remy, who tried to fly away from the moonlight, which was tenderly caressing him.

"Warren!" Bobby called out. As Angel hovered in front of him, Bobby said, "Take me to him?"

Puzzled, Warren's brow grew knitted. Bobby could use an ice slide to get to his lover. But he decided not to question his friend and grabbed his shoulders. "What are you up to?"

"Just keep an eye on me!" Bobby said softly. As they reached Remy, Bobby extended his arms and snatched his lover's waist. "Remy? Hold me?"

Lost in a trance like state, Remy glanced at Bobby and finally realized that his lover was in human form. Quickly, he took hold of Bobby's hands and pulled him close. "I got y', cher. Won' let y' fall."

"Remy? I always wanted to fly, like Warren does. Show me what it feels like?"

"Y' want t' fly? Wid me?" Remy asked in a shaky tone. "But cher…"

"Please, love?" Bobby smiled and kissed Remy's lips. "This is who you are. I know it's frightening." Bobby gently caressed his lover's face. //But you can't hide for the rest of your life. I'm sure Jean and Magnus want you to use your powers.//

Remy looked down and caught Magnus' nod. Only now did he realize that he was probably broadcasting his fear. "Want t' fly wid me?"

"Yes," Bobby confirmed, amazed at the way Remy's eyes flared in the darkness. "I want to fly through the night with my angel."

Lost for words, Remy was unable to refuse Bobby's request and embraced his lover tightly. //Y'r ange?//

"Yes, Remy, my angel."


"It worked!" Magnus said, complimenting Jean-Luc.

"Life long experience." Pleased, Jean-Luc smiled. "We should leave dem 'lone now."

"Yes." Warren touched down. He'd been petrified when Remy hadn't used his abilities to stop his fall. "You would have caught him, wouldn't you, Magnus?"

Magnus smiled smugly and gestured the two men to follow him to the boathouse. "I think we deserve some steaming hot coffee!"


"Where have ya been?" Logan asked as Warren stepped in to his room. It wasn't like Warren to stay out that late and certainly not without his company.

Warren smiled and sat down on the bed, shooting Logan a brilliant grin. "We taught Remy to fly."

"What?" Logan thought he'd misheard. "Ya did what?"

"Jean-Luc LeBeau insisted that we force Remy to use his powers and it worked. That man knows everything about Remy. It's scary!"

"So Gumbo finally gave in?"

"Yes." Warren considered the man sitting next to him. "I'm tired though. I just want to go to sleep."

"Then we'll do just that," Logan agreed and started to take off his clothes.

Warren slipped into some comfortable sweats and a moment later they slid underneath the comforter. "Logan?" Warren whispered softly.

"Yeah?" Logan turned on to his left side to study Warren's expression.

"I think they're okay with our relationship, at least I didn't get any funny looks."

"Then ya missed the way Drake was starin' at ya!" Logan snorted in contentment. But Warren was right. No one seemed to mind that they'd become an item. A soft moan coming from his lover drew his attention, but he quickly realized that Warren had fallen asleep. Part of him was still amazed that Warren had decided to stay with him. He'd been certain that once Warren no longer needed him, he would reclaim his freedom.

After spooning himself into the warm body in front of him Logan pulled Warren into a possessive hug. Feeling deeply contented, Logan then drifted off into sleep.


"Bobby? Is that you?" Scott had stayed up, he'd wanted to wait for their return. Magnus had told him about the incident at the church and he'd cursed them for endangering Remy's life. But deep down in his heart he knew it had been the right thing to do.

"Yes," Bobby groaned. "Can you take over?"

Scott extended his arms and caught Remy in them. The sleeping Cajun never woke, just cuddled up to him. "He looks exhausted. What the hell happened?" Scott carried Remy into the living room. He was grateful that Bobby had decided to take Remy back to the mansion and not the boathouse. //Jean? Remy's back,// he notified his wife. A quick flash of awareness answered him, saying that Jean had received his message.

"My guess is that using his powers like that drained him. We flew for hours, at least it seemed that way," Bobby said apologetically.

Slightly reassured, Scott quickly checked on Remy's breathing and pulse, which seemed normal. "He finally accepted his powers?"

"I hope so. Jean-Luc told Warren to simply drop him from a great height, not giving Remy any choice." Bobby smiled and sat on his heels next to his lover. "Maybe we should let him sleep."

"I doubt that there's anything that can wake him right now!" Scott said jokingly.

Jean dashed in to the room and her eyes immediately found Remy's sleeping form. "We were worried!" she chided Bobby instead, now that Remy couldn't hear her.

"He'll be just fine," another voice joined in.

Turning around, Bobby noticed the smug grin on Magnus' face. Next to him stood Jean-Luc, with a similar expression in his eyes. "Your plan worked, but now he's exhausted."

"Nothing a little rest won't cure," Magnus said reassuringly, remembering the first time he'd used his powers to such an extent. "Let him sleep."

Jean-Luc sought out Bobby's eyes and read the concern in them. As far as he was concerned, Bobby had passed this test too. //Y' really love Remy. C'est tres


"You!" Scott exclaimed, no longer concerned about waking Remy in the process. "You set Remy up!"

"We had t'," Jean-Luc explained. "I know mon fils. Y' got t' put down de rules or he'll make his own."

"Well, that sounds kinda familiar," Bobby mumbled amused. "I better take him to our room. He'll be more comfortable in bed." His arms ached from carrying Remy back to the mansion, but he hoped he could manage those last few steps.

"Allow me," Magnus said and waited for Bobby's permission, seeing the trepidation in the young man's eyes.

Bobby nodded his approval and Magnus scooped his son up in his arms. Together, they made their way to his bedroom. After Magnus placed Remy on the bed, he stepped away from his son. "I do hope this was the last time we had to convince him that it's okay to use his powers."

"I think so," Bobby replied, "after he got over the initial shock of actually using them, Remy admitted he loved flying like that."

"Let's hope so," Magnus answered quietly and after nodding his head, he stepped into the corridor.

Bobby stripped his lover and covered him with the comforter. //Remy?// he tried, but never got an answer. //You're really out of it!// he thought amused and after removing his clothes, he joined his lover in bed.

Remy immediately moved into his arms and Bobby pulled him close. Mesmerized, he wondered about the extent of Remy's powers. Without any doubt the Cajun was one of the most powerful mutants he'd ever met. //You're probably stronger than the professor or Jean… and you still crave protection and acceptance…// It was that combination that had attracted him to Remy in the first place, that unusual mixture of power and vulnerability, the need to be loved. "Sleep well, my angel," he muttered sleepily.


"No! Get away from him!"

The scream echoed through their room and Warren woke at once, startled by Logan's tone. "What?" he exclaimed, searching the room for a possible intruder. It never occurred to him that Logan was having a nightmare.

Logan's eyes flashed open and his claws extended instinctively. All he could think of was burying them in to Sabretooth's flesh. No one got away with threatening to kill his lover! He'd lost too many loved ones as it was.

"Logan?" Warren finally realized the truth. "It's only a nightmare!" Stunned, he caught those panicking eyes with his. "Calm down!" Clutching Logan's face in his hands he kept Logan's stare prisoner. "Look at me. Everything is fine. We're at the mansion and you had a bad dream!" Normally he was the one struggling with nightmares and not Logan. But he remembered what Logan had said, had done to calm him down. His hands stroked Logan's back, while his eyes refused to back down. "Logan, you're fine," he said, keeping his voice firm and calm. It was hard to accept that his lover was the one having a nightmare. Logan appeared so strong, so indomitable. What would it take for Logan to be tormented by nightmares? Warren shivered, but noticed that the madness was leaving Logan's eyes. "Put those claws away," he instructed, afraid they would end up hurting him or his lover. "You can trust me, you know that. Now put them away."

Panting hard, Logan concentrated on Warren's voice. What the hell had just happened? Then the dream returned. Sabretooth had found out about his new lover and had decided to cut Warren's body up in to small slices, after removing his wings. Logan couldn't help but tremble with the memory. Would he ever be free of Sabretooth?

"Logan?" Warren whispered resolved. "Are you… "

"I'm fine, Wings," Logan cut him short. "Did ya think ya're the only one with nightmares?"

"Yes," Warren admitted in an odd tone. "I never thought… What was that dream about?"

"Sabretooth," Logan said eventually. He had briefly considered lying, but couldn't bring himself to do that. He wanted to be able to look in to his lover's eyes without being a liar. "We… go way back."

"Talking about it might help," Warren reminded him, as they settled back down against the pillows. Wrapping his arms around Logan, Warren felt confused. Until now, it had been Logan doing the comforting.

Logan smiled melancholy. "Warren, ya're not the only one with a past."

"I never considered that," Warren admitted. "What was that dream about?" Staring in to Logan's clouded eyes he found the truth. "Sabretooth killed me?"

"Yeah," Logan whispered uncomfortably and curled his fingers around his lover's wrists. "I don't wanna lose ya."

"Logan," Warren started fondly. "I'm one of the original X-Men. Trust me, I can take care of myself."

"Ya don't know Creed."

"I know Sabretooth," Warren said in a calm tone. "I can handle him if necessary."

"I doubt that." Logan pressed deeper in to the comfort of the pillows. "Just be careful, Wings."

"I will," Warren promised and leaned in closer to instigate their lovemaking. A kiss, deep and passionate, made Logan growl. Warren nuzzled his lover's skin and wondered who would end up on top this time.


The next morning Remy was the first to wake up. Feeling pleasantly warm he inhaled his lover's scent. "Morning, cher," he whispered against Bobby's back. His lover had melted in to his embrace and one of his hands now tangled in Bobby's locks. He never expected a reply, but he got one any way.

//Good morning, love. Feeling any better?// Bobby turned around in Remy's arms until he could study his lover's eyes. After wrapping a leg around Remy's waist, he pulled his lover close. //You were exhausted last night.//

//Did last night really happen?// Remy raised an eyebrow. //Or did I dream it all?//

"No, it happened." Bobby traced Remy's lips with his fingertips. "We flew most of the night. I had to carry you back to the mansion. I think you fainted from fatigue."

"Fainted?" Remy asked, lapsing back in to speech. His memories were kinda… distorted.

"Yeah," Bobby confirmed. "And you're not going back to 'I refuse to use my powers', understood?"

"Papa put y' up t' dis."

"He did something similar in the past?" Bobby guessed.

"Oui," Remy whispered and trembled with remembered fear. "Never suspected dat Ange was in on it as well."

"Oh, it took some convincing to get Warren to cooperate!" Bobby revealed. "At least Jean-Luc knows how to deal with you!"

Remy smiled weakly. "Y' don' want t' know…" Remembering all the tricks his père had used when he'd only been a child.

"Oh yeah, Jean-Luc wants to talk to you later today," Bobby informed his lover, whose hands were now trailing down his back.

Remy looked up questioningly. "I t'ought we covered everyt'in' yesterday."

"I don't know about that," Bobby whispered and sucked in his breath as Remy's probing fingers grew bolder. "You want to make love?"

"Oui," Remy mumbled before claiming Bobby's lips. //Y' know, cher. Nobody ever wanted t' make love t' me before. De way y' phrase dat… it's different from havin' sex…//

Bobby swallowed hard. //Remy, this is about love in case you hadn't noticed.//

//I… used t' have problems understandin' dat. It always used t' be 'bout lust…//

//That's in the past, love,// Bobby reassured him. //Let's make love?//

//Oui,// Remy sighed. //Oui.//


Later that day Remy made his way over to the boathouse. Time was precious to his père and Remy realized Jean-Luc couldn't stay long. The Guild demanded most of his attention. It still surprised him that his père had taken time off to come here.

As he arrived at the door, he found it open. "Careless, père…." Remy said in a berating tone. Soundlessly, he snuck inside. He'd neglected his training and was certain his père had already noticed his presence.

"Remy always got in t' trouble."

Jean-Luc's voice echoed through the house and Remy shivered. Sneaking in closer, he identified Magnus' voice as well. Were they discussing him?

"But mostly it was his charm power backfirin' on him," Jean-Luc continued. "Dere was no way Remy could control it. De charm controlled him."

"When I found him in Antarctica I realized that too. I was furious that Charles had ignored Remy's problems."

Remy's head jerked back. He'd eavesdropped on his père before, but this was the first time he overheard a discussion concerning him.

"Remy… had a problematic childhood," Jean-Luc said in a strangled tone. "I never told him, but… days after I took him in, his so-called pimp appeared at my door, demandin' back his property. I paid de bastard off an' told Remy he was forbidden t' venture in t' de streets."

Remy swallowed hard. His mouth had suddenly gone dry. He'd never known his père had paid money for him. It was true, though. One of the older boys had demanded protection money and he'd paid the kid.

"But dere were fun moments too," Jean-Luc said in a chuckling tone. "De first time he scared off some assassins usin' dat chargin' power he owns… It got him an instant reputation an' de assassins never tried t' challenge him 'gain."

Remy decided he'd heard enough and loudly cleared his throat. As he stepped into the living room, he noticed the lack of surprise on their faces. They'd probably known that he'd been there all along!

"Remy, come here. We need t' talk!" Jean-Luc instructed and looked at Magnus.

Magnus understood the hint and left the room, realizing Jean-Luc needed to discuss something personal with Remy.

"Papa?" Remy said in an uncertain tone.

"Come here, mon fils," Jean-Luc urged him on. At the same time he produced a brief case. "Dere's somet'in' y' need t' know."

Remy's eyes focused on his père as he patiently waited for Jean-Luc to continue.

"I talked t' Belle."

Remy flinched.

Jean-Luc opened the brief case. "She's in love wid an assassin an' dey want t' get married, Remy." Jean-Luc took a deep breath. "I was wrong t' ask y' t' marry her. I know y' liked her, maybe even loved her in y'r own way, but I had no right t' ask y' t' marry her."

Remy nodded his head. The marriage had gotten him in to trouble in the first place. Maybe if Julien and he hadn't fought, but…

"She had de marriage annulled," Jean-Luc explained, "As it was never… consummated."

Remy's eyes grew big. "She did what?"

"Y're a free man, Remy." Jean-Luc handed him the official papers.

Stunned, Remy studied them. It was true. He was no longer Belle's husband. "Didn' she need my… approval?"

"Y' know de assassins, mon fils. Belle found a way t' get what she wanted."

Remy tucked the papers away underneath his coat. "I don' even feel sad 'bout dis." Jean-Luc laughed warmly. "I like y'r new lover, mon fils. Bobby is good for y'."

"Oui," Remy admitted. "He's de best t'ing dat ever happened t' me."

Jean-Luc got to his feet and hugged his son. "I can' stay much longer," he confessed.

"Je sais, père," Remy admitted. "Duty calls, non?"

"De thieves Guild, oui. But I'll send tante t' check on y'. Dis time we'll keep in touch!"

Remy wiped away a stray tear that had found a way down his check. "Merci for comin', père."

"Y'll always be mon fils, Remy. Je t'aime."

Remy's head rested against his father's chest and briefly he felt like travelling back in time. This man had saved his life more than once. "Merci, père…"

"Non," Jean-Luc objected, "merci for bein' mon fils, Remy LeBeau."


The airport

Bobby slung an arm around Remy's waist, as Jean-Luc LeBeau disappeared after being cleared by the security guard at the departure hall. His plane would leave shortly and Remy had a hard time saying good-bye, something Bobby understood only too well. "I'm sure he'll call you once he gets home," he said reassuringly.

Remy forced himself to smile. "I hope so, cher. Now dat he's been here I realize how badly I missed him," Remy admitted sadly.

Bobby sighed heavily. "C'mon, love. Warren is waiting for us."

Remy composed himself. He really wasn't in the right mood to visit the shelters, which Warren had built, but Ange had insisted he tag along. "Cher?" Remy whispered softly. "Are y' sure y' want t' come wid us?" He wasn't sure how Bobby would react to seeing the misery that ruled the lives of street kids.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight!" Bobby said firmly.

Warren signalled them to hurry along. His private jet was ready for take off. Impatiently, he led the way. "I hope everything will be fine," he worried. "I followed your instructions, Remy, but… "

Remy placed a hand on Warren's arm. "I'm sure y' did de best y' could. All dat matters t' dose kids is a place t' sleep an' getting' a bite t' eat."

Warren calmed down. Remy was right of course. "Are you sure you can deal with visiting the shelters?"

"I can," Remy assured him, although he wasn't that sure in his heart. It felt like visiting his past, but Bobby was at his side and Ange… Everything would be just fine.


A few hours later, they arrived at the first shelter Warren had built. Remy looked about and felt strangely embarrassed. Would things have gone different if he'd had a place like this to turn to? As he looked about he counted about a hundred kids, mostly boys. The youngest ones couldn't be much older than 5. The oldest were teenagers and Remy shivered seeing the blank expression in their eyes. He knew what they'd been through. "Y' did a good job," he complimented Warren. The kids were wearing new clothes and an inspection of the kitchen revealed that the cooks were serving nutritious, high calorie food items.

"Thanks," said Warren softly. "I should have thought of this a long time ago."

Remy's eyes searched the playground where the younger kids were having a great time. He suspected it was probably the first time these kids could play like this. It felt good to be part of this.

//Remy?// Bobby had picked up on Remy's thoughts and felt saddened himself. There were so many children… //Where are their parents?//

//Who knows,// Remy replied. //Most of dem were abandoned or lost deir parents at a young age an' had t' take care of demselves.//

//This reminds you of your own childhood?//

//Oui, de years on de streets…// Remy drew in a deep breath. //Dese kids are lost souls,// he whispered into his lover's mind. //A large number of dem will end up bein' criminals, 'cause dey never got de chance t' attend school…//

Warren, who had been talking to the counsellors, returned and looked questioningly at his friends. "Something strange happened."

"What?" Bobby asked, wondering about the mystified expression in Warren's eyes. He never loosened the hold he had on his lover, as Remy's thoughts became less coherent. Maybe they should leave. This was bringing back painful memories and Bobby flinched himself feeling Remy's pain.

"There's a small boy… they think he's a mutant. Hell," Warren whispered, "they're pretty sure he's a mutant. Maybe we should take him back with us to the mansion so the professor can have a more thorough look at him."

Remy stirred. "Where is de chile?"

"The other kids avoid him," Warren said and gestured them to accompany him. "He's in his room, apparently the one place where he feels rather comfortable."

Remy looked up at the building, as if penetrating the walls, searching for the boy Warren had mentioned. "I want t' talk t' him."

"I thought so." Warren led the way and finally arrived at a small room at the end of the corridor. "He's been here for one week now. Seems the staff can't get him to leave his room."

Remy pulled away from Bobby as he impatiently opened the door. Something was luring him closer, a pain similar to his was tugging at the edges of his mind.

"Petit?" he whispered and searched the room.

A small boy, no older than 10, sat hunched in the corner. Legs pulled up to his chest, head buried between his knees, his face was hidden from view. "Petit?" Remy repeated, trying to label the emotions entering his mind. These weren't his. They belonged to the boy.

"Leave me alone!" the boy said between clenched teeth.

Bobby smiled, knowing that order would only draw Remy closer. Curiously, he closely followed his lover. //Remy? What is this you're picking up?// The alien emotions had also invaded his mind.

//Loneliness, abandonment… cher, dis feels like bein' back in de past. Père must have felt like dis when he found me.//

//Is the boy a telepath?// Bobby asked.

//Non, I lowered my shields…// Remy explained and knelt beside the small grey haired boy. ''Allo, petit.… what's y'r name?"

"I told you to leave me alone!" the boy insisted.

"Can' do dat," Remy objected and cocked his head to catch a glimpse of the boy's eyes. "Want t' see a magic trick?"

The boy hissed. "There's no such thing as magic!"

Remy grinned and locked eyes with Bobby. He was definitely picking up something, but…

A toy on the bed attracted his attention. "I'll make dat teddy bear fly…"

"You can't do that!" the boy said; the certainty in his voice so absolute.

Remy hardly had to focus his powers on the object. A moment later it hovered in front of the boy's face. "Y' callin' me a liar?" Remy teased gently. As the boy raised

his head, Remy's breath caught. The eyes were black, deep pools of shadows. "Y're a mutant, petit," he whispered, knowing only too well what the kid had suffered because of those eyes.

The boy first stared at the teddy bear, as if he wanted to break Remy's hold on it. Then, he hesitantly peeked at Bobby's sparkling blue eyes. The third man stood in the doorway and had blue skin. He'd never seen someone like that before!

"Look at me, petit," Remy pleaded, hoping to somehow reach this troubled soul.

Finally the boy lifted his eyes. "What?" he whispered upset, seeing the red on black eyes. "I can't believe it." His left hand reached to touch Remy's face, but he halted in mid air quickly pulling back, but it was too late.

Remy had seen the claws and curled his fingers around them. "Don' be 'shamed," he chided the boy softly, examining the claws, made of bone which had grown out of his fingertips. "What's y'r name, petit?"

Bobby sat on his heels, next to his lover. "Remy, I definitely think the professor needs to have a look at him."

"Oui, cher," Remy agreed and waited for the boy to answer. "What's y'r name?" he repeated.

The boy looked away, apparently feeling embarrassed or shy. Remy decided not to peek at his emotions or thoughts. The boy was entitled to his privacy. "My name is Remy," he started and nodded towards his lover, "and this is Bobby."

"I'm Warren," Angel said and flashed a stunning grin. The shelters were already paying off. They had located a mutant who seemed to be in need of help.

"My name?" The boy wavered to continue. "The other kids call me warlock."

"Warlock?" Bobby repeated. "That name doesn't suit you."

The boy smiled apologetically. "Must be the eyes and the claws."

"What name did your parents give you?" Warren asked wearily.

"Michael, they named me after an archangel!" The boy looked away, waiting for the condescending remarks, which usually followed.

Warren approached the small boy. "We may have something in common then," he said, "maybe I'll show you later. We're going to head back home. Want to join us?"

Michael shook his head. "Know better than to trust strangers."

"Listen, petit. I know y' don' trust us an' I understand. I really do, but y've got t' come 'long now. Y' can' stay here."

"Why?" Michael objected. "Here, I get food for free and a bed that I don't have to share with anyone."

Remy sighed and reached out. Slowly, he enfolded Michael's mind in warmth. "Please, petit, trust me."

Michael wasn't sure why he was considering changing his mind and accepting their offer. There was something about the man with those red on black eyes… "Okay, I'll tag along, but if I don't like it, I'm gone."

Remy nodded his head. "Merci, petit, we won' fail y."

"Why do you talk that funny?" Michael asked as he got to his feet.

"Funny?" Remy repeated in mock disbelief. "He t'inks I sound funny!"

"C'mon," Bobby said impatiently. "Let's get back to the jet."

"We're going to fly?" Michael asked in a shy tone. "I've never flown before."

Remy extended his hand and offered it to the boy as support. Facing the other children might be hard on Michael. The boy stared at the hand in obvious confusion.

"I don' bite," Remy quipped and cocked his head.

"That's not it," Michael assured him, hesitantly raising his right hand. "The …claws… I don't want to hurt you."

Bobby felt Remy's pain, hearing those words. Not so long ago his lover had spoken them, afraid to accidentally charge his flesh. One of his hands stroked the boy's hair, amazed that it had turned grey at such a young age. "Maybe we'll introduce you to someone else who possesses claws, but his are made of metal."

Michael still hesitated, though Bobby's words made him feel more comfortable. "I'll promise to be careful," he said eventually, as he placed his left hand in Remy's.

Remy smiled and squeezed the boy's fingers. "Y' won' be comin' back here. Is dere anyt'ing y' want t' take wid y'?"

The boy searched the room with his eyes. "No, nothing in here belongs to me anyway."

"Tres bien," Remy commented and locked eyes with Bobby. "Let's go home."


Eyes stung his back as they walked towards the car. Kids were staring at him and sometimes Michael heard a whispered, "Warlock! Witch!" He tried hard to shut the voices out, but… hearing those words hurt.

Remy suddenly bent down and picked him up, carrying him to the car. "Don' listen t' dem, petit."

"Why do you keep calling me that? What does it mean?" Michael asked and pushed himself closer to his new protector. Hopefully these men had no evil intentions. They seemed nice, but… one never knew.

Remy caught Bobby's eyes as he placed the boy on the back seat.

"It's means something like little one," Bobby said and smiled. "His father still calls him that!"

"Cher!" Remy tried to sound annoyed, but couldn't pull it off. All he could think about was this boy with black eyes and claws. Was it fate that had led him here? Non, he didn't believe in fate. Had to be coincidence!

Warren slid behind the wheel and waited for Bobby to take a seat next to him. Remy gingerly slipped on to the back seat. "What's wrong, Remy?" Warren asked as they left the shelter.

Remy looked at the boy, whose suspicious eyes never left his. "Not'ing, Ange," he mumbled.

"Ange? You really talk funny!" Michael whispered and smiled weakly. It felt good to be away from the other children, who loathed the sight of him.

"It's French," Bobby explained, as Remy remained silent.

"French?" Michael considered the answer. "Don't know that language. So where are we going?"

"The mansion," Warren replied. "The professor runs a school for… people like us, mutants. You'll be the youngest there, but I think you'll like the place and the people."

"We’ll see," Michael said without commitment. He still wasn't sure he could trust these people. Peeking at the man next to him, he asked, "How come your eyes are like that?"

"Y' don' ask easy questions," Remy muttered. "Where are y'r parents?" he answered with a question of his own.

Michael shrugged his shoulders. "Dead. Died last year. We were homeless. We lived on the streets for years."

Remy tentatively continued his interview, as Warren drove back to the airport where his jet was waiting for them. "How did y' survive on de streets, petite?"

Bobby caught the rest of Remy's question in his mind.

//Hopefully y' didn' have t' sell y'rself like I did.//

Turning his head Bobby managed to lock eyes with his lover and sent him thoughts of love and affection.

Remy smiled, receiving that reassurance of their love. //Merci, cher, but I can deal wid dis.//

//Just remember that you don't have to do this on your own,// Bobby told him and smiled. It was quite amusing to watch Remy trying to deal with the boy. Michael had a mind of his own and was probably as stubborn as the Cajun.

"Wasn't that hard," Michael said and grinned. "I managed to get my hands on food stamps and there was this old lady who often brought me sandwiches. I used to live in the park and it's amazing what you can find in trash cans!"

Relieved, Remy leaned back. A sigh left his lips. He'd really been afraid that his kid had experienced the same horrific traumas, which he had! "C'est tres bien," he whispered. Michael might be suspicious, but not a victim of mental or physical abuse. //Merci, mon Dieu.//

Bobby received that thought and knew how relieved Remy had to be. To be honest, he wasn't sure Remy could have handled a different answer. Yes, his lover acted like he could cope with everything, but he of all people knew the mask for what it was. Remy would always be vulnerable.

"Why do you want to know that?" Michael asked, puzzled by the man's statement.

Thankfully, they'd arrived at the small private airport and Remy used that as an excuse not to answer that question. "Get in t' de plane," he said instead and felt grateful, as Warren took hold of the child's hand. Feeling a little dizzy he leaned against the car, telling himself to put his shields back up. He was picking up too many thoughts and emotions, not only his friends' but also the pilot's and…

//Remy? C'mon, focus!// Bobby admonished him. //Look at me.//

Remy licked his lips and followed Bobby's instructions. "I… I got carried 'way," he said apologetically.

"That's understandable." Bobby gently took hold of his lover's hands. "We're doing the right thing. Someone needs to look after this boy and the professor…" Suddenly, Bobby realized what was wrong. "It's okay, love, no one is going to hurt Michael. He won't go through the pain you had to deal with. It's okay." Bobby wrapped his arms around Remy. "Even Warren likes him."

"Must be de name," Remy said, trying to sound jokingly, but failing miserably. He couldn't deny the truth though. Bobby was right. He was scared the boy had been sexually abused and damaged in the process. "Maybe we were jus' in time," he said hopefully.

"I think we were," Bobby assured him and walked his lover to the plane. "Imagine the look on Wolvie's face when he sees Michael… and the claws!"

Remy smiled weakly. "Oui, dis might get interestin'."

"Look!" Michael exclaimed. He'd never seen a plane from the inside before and was running back and forth from the cockpit to the back. "This is cool!"

Remy grinned in spite of everything. It was amazing the way Michael's mood had changed since they'd left the shelter. "Y' need t' sit down durin' de flight," Remy admonished him. Michael dashed into a chair and stared out of the window.

Warren gestured his friends to take a seat as well. "Something tells me that the quiet days at the mansion are definitely over."

"Quiet days?" Bobby quipped. "When was that?"

Warren laughed warmly and noticed the way Remy was studying Michael. "He’s a good kid, Remy. Don't start brooding!"

"Y' definitely took too many Wolvie lessons!" Remy joked in a forced tone. Warren was right. Michael's mind felt honest and kind, but the boy wouldn't trust them like that. "He's goin' t' drive Henri an' de professeur crazy," Remy muttered softly.

Bobby leaned in closer and pressed a kiss on the back of Remy's neck. "I don't think that will be a bad thing at all!"


"Dis is y'r new home," Remy said softly, as he opened the door. He appreciated the fact that Warren had called the professor from the plane to inform him of their guest. According to Angel, Xavier had reacted rather enthusiastically and he suspected that the professor was looking for an opportunity to prove to them -no, him- that he was serious about helping =all= mutants.

During the few moments their minds had touched in the study, Xavier's thoughts had revealed guilt for having failed one of his students that profoundly. However, he didn't blame Xavier, knowing the professor had had a rough time himself dealing with his alter ego Onslaught. But at times he sensed that Magnus still blamed the professor.


Bobby's thoughts wrapped themselves around his and he smiled. No matter what happened, Bobby would always be at his side. He couldn't find the words to tell Bobby how much he cared for his lover or how deep his love ran. //Cher?//

Bobby smiled. He'd only intended to break Remy's vicious circle of dark thoughts. "How do you think Logan will react?" Bobby studied Michael, who was holding tightly on to Remy's left hand. The three of them liked the boy, but it was obvious that Michael had instantly taken to Remy. Maybe it was because of their eyes?

"We'll find out," Remy whispered and noticed Warren's sparkling gaze. Such improbable love! But he was happy for both his friends. Logan had always been a loner, who'd never felt accepted and Warren? Maybe he'd learned not to judge too quickly, at least he hoped so.

"Remy? Am I going to live here?" Michael asked awed. The mansion was the biggest house he'd ever seen. "It's… clean, warm… looks like a nice place."

Bobby closed the door behind them and identified Hank's amused chuckle. Oh boy, Michael's first reaction to McCoy might be worth taping!

"Oui, petit… if de professeur agrees, y'll stay here…" Remy said cautiously. He hoped Xavier wouldn't turn the boy away. Being brutally honest with himself, he admitted to feeling apprehensive.

"Ah, the prodigal son returns!" Hank quipped. "Who's your little friend?"

Michael's eyes grew big seeing Henry McCoy. Even though living on the streets had made him cautious, he'd never lost his sense of humor. Smiling at his new friend he focused on those red and black eyes, so strangely familiar to his and said, "That's one big fuzzy teddy bear… think you can make him fly too?"

Warren almost choked hearing that little challenge. Yeah, he'd been right. The quiet days definitely were over! Studying Remy he liked what he saw. There was a glow to those eyes, which were usually filled with gloom. "I want to see that one!"

"Don't encourage him, Warren!" Hank exclaimed, but smiled nonetheless. He was already studying the child, wondering what the X-factor had brought forth in this mutant.

"Yeah, Remy, can you do it?" Bobby said and gently poked his lover. "I'd love to see Hank afloat in mid air!"

Truth was that he didn't know if he could pull it off and Remy wasn't looking forward to finding out. It felt wrong to use, no abuse, his powers in that way. //But what's life wit'out a li'l fun?//

A wave of approval originating from his lover made him give in. Unintentionally, his hands turned in to fists as he concentrated his powers on McCoy.

Hank looked down at his feet, suddenly realizing that they no longer touched the floor. "Remy LeBeau! Put me down this instant!" he demanded in a mock angry tone.

"Non," Remy chuckled. "Dis is for all de times y' ran dose scans on me!"

Hank failed in being angry at Remy. Actually, this was quite an experience. It was well worth knowing that Remy had gained this level of control over his new powers.

Michael chuckled and managed to tickle McCoy underneath his toes. A loud growl left McCoy's lips, but Michael didn't feel threatened. His instincts told him that Henry McCoy wouldn't hurt him. He actually liked this giant fur ball! How would that fur feel underneath his fingertips? He was determined to find out.

"Put him down, Gumbo."

Warren's head turned, hearing that familiar voice. He'd missed Logan and walked over to the other man to stare in to Logan's eyes, =knowing= with absolute certainty that his lover had missed him too.

Logan nodded towards his lover, but then focused on the small boy. "What did ya brin' home this time, Gumbo?"

"Dis time?" Remy repeated, half stunned, half puzzled.

"Last time ya brought Mags with ya," Logan said in a calm tone. He'd accepted by now that Magneto wasn't leaving and he couldn't blame the man. Magnus had the best reason for staying, his son!

Remy shrugged his shoulders. Looking back, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to them. He doubted that the X-Men would have succeeded in freeing him without Magnus' help.

"Logan," he said and stepped closer. "I t'ink dis petite might need y'r help down de road." Remy gently squeezed Michael's hand and showed it to Logan. The claws, made of bone, were dangerous weapons. "Maybe y' can help?"

Logan stared at the boy and then sat on his heels, taking hold of those hands. Slowly, he ran his fingers over the bone. "This feels real, kid. When did they start to grow?"

Michael stepped back, as he wanted to stay close to Remy. "Last year. Didn't have them when I was little," he said in a proud tone, "but last year…"

"Are they still growin' or did it stop?" Logan asked and caught Hank's gaze. They had to look in to this matter and he understood why Remy had asked his help in particular.

"Stopped." Confused, Michael didn't know whom to concentrate on. "One broke off a few months ago… grew right back though."

"How did that happen?" Hank asked interested.

"Accident," Michael replied and then grew quiet. His stomach growled loudly and made the men smile.

"Come on, young man. Looks like you're hungry," Warren stated and extended his hand.

Michael accepted. He wasn't sure why these people were this kind to him, but he wasn't complaining. Secretly, he hoped he could stay here. This was much better than the shelter!

Warren, Logan and Michael disappeared towards the kitchen, leaving the others behind.

Remy wrapped his arms around his waist and felt strangely speechless. Visiting the shelters had brought back memories he didn't want and now that Michael was no longer providing a distraction, they crashed in on him.

"Where did you find him?" Hank asked, before he noticed Remy's paleness and looked loser at his friend and former patient.

"De shelters," Remy whispered. "I…" he started before turning abruptly away from Hank and running up the staircase.

"What?" Hank asked Bobby, who didn't appear that surprised.

"This was hard on him," Bobby explained to his friend. "And it brought back memories he's still trying to deal with. Remember when you told me that he feels ashamed?"

"Yes, I do," Hank confirmed. They'd had that conversation after the X-Men had defeated Sinister. "I told you that I wasn't sure you could help him deal with this."

Bobby nodded his head. "I'm afraid you're right, but I know someone who can."


"Yes," Bobby whispered. "Let's face it. Remy's still hurting inside and it's the child inside him that is in pain. Whom did we turn to when we were scared? Our parents. Remy had to take care of himself."

Hank bowed his head slightly. "You've gained great insight into how Remy… feels and thinks."

"Not difficult, considering that his thoughts are in my head," Bobby shrugged the compliment off. "Hank, I'll talk to you later."

"Of course," Hank replied, understanding why his friend had to leave. "I’ve got a little patient to check on." Michael had already made an impression, Hank admitted privately. "He will fit in just fine."


"Ice cream!" Michael exclaimed and squeezed the plastic bottle, which held the chocolate sauce. As far as he was concerned he'd gone to heaven! There was plenty of food and Warren had told him that he'd get his own room. "But there has to be a teddy bear in it!" he demanded with a grin. He didn't really care about the bear, but wanted to find out if these grown ups were willing to get him one!

"You're…" Warren sighed. Ice cream, which had mingled with chocolate sauce, was dripping from the boy's lips and staining his clothes.

"I never had ice cream before!" Michael admitted in a suddenly shy tone, as his spoon dropped on to the table. He hadn't even bothered to ask if it was okay for him to dive his spoon in to the delicious substance. What had come over him? It wasn't like him to take things for granted.

"It's okay, kid. We got plenty," Logan assured him, still fascinated by those claws. However, the boy did have problems handling the spoon. Those 4 inches of bone caused Michael a lot of discomfort and he wondered… Could Hank shorten them? That issue could be tackled later. First, the boy needed to grow accustomed to his new home. "I'm goin' to get Chuck," he announced. Xavier should talk to the boy.

Absentmindedly, Warren nodded his head. The rate with which Michael was consuming the ice cream troubled him. "Slow down, or you'll end up with an upset stomach!"

Michael grinned. "I don't mind."


Bobby sighed heavily as he sat down next to his lover on the bed. Lying on his stomach, face buried in the comforter, Remy was tightly hugging a pillow. The thoughts crashing into his mind, told him what Remy needed to hear. His lover wouldn't take this step without his explicit permission. "It's okay, love. I won't be upset. I know you need to talk to Magnus. Just go and see him."

"Cher…" Remy started and kept back the images that threatened to seep into Bobby's mind via the link.

"C'mon," Bobby grabbed his lover's wrists and gently pulled him to his feet. "I'm sorry that I can't help you with this. You shouldn't feel ashamed. Your thoughts or memories will never revolt me."

Remy flinched. He'd known for certain that he'd stopped those memories from travelling down the link.

"You did," Bobby assured him. "The link has narrowed a little, but as long as you don't close it down, I won't protest. I don't need to experience your memories to know what you feel. I've been part of your mind for these last weeks, remember?"

Remy's lips twitched. "Cher, I never wanted t'…"

"You'll never burden me with your pain, Remy," Bobby assured him and rested his forehead against his lover's, staring deeply into those magnificent eyes. "Want me to walk you to the boathouse?"

Remy shook his head. "I don' want y' t' feel shut out, cher, but… Magnus has been dere… When he told me 'bout de camps durin' de holocaust… he mentioned small chil'ren doin'… t'ings so deir parents got meds or food…"

"Remy, you don't need to defend your feelings. I understand." Bobby felt a little saddened. "I just hope that one day you won't feel that ashamed any more and that you can let me in so I can share your pain." Tear filled eyes stared back at him with so much love in them, that Bobby passionately kissed his lover's lips. "I love you, stupid Cajun."

"Y' said dat when y' carried me out of Sinister's lab," Remy whispered, stunned that he was capable of speaking the name without stuttering.

"Yeah, and I meant every word of it. I still do," Bobby whispered and hugged his lover tightly. "Now get going! I'm going to check on Michael in the meantime."

"Merci, cher," Remy said before opening the door. "Merci for understandin' an' bein' patient wid dis stupid Cajun!"

Bobby grinned, shooing his lover from the room. "Yeah, maybe Magnus can help you," he whispered after Remy had left his bedroom and then set out to find Michael to give him his own teddy bear.


Magnus was reading a book, an activity he hadn't indulged in for years. Charles had lent it to him and he was actually smiling as he turned the page. He couldn’t remember the last time he'd occupied himself with such an 'ordinary' activity.

He'd chosen to stay here to get to know his son, to be there when he needed support. His mission had to wait. Although it would always be his calling to create a safe environment for all mutants, his son's well being was his first priority.

The hesitant knock on the door disturbed his concentration. He didn't have to be a telepath to know that it was Remy, the layers around him shifted, announcing his son's presence. Even subconsciously, Remy was still in touch with the magnetic sphere. "Yes, enter."

Remy gingerly opened the door and peeked inside. "If I'm interruptin' I can come back later."

Magnus smiled, put away the book and gestured him to step inside. "Please sit down," he invited his son in and pointed him towards the chair opposite him. Remy's knitted brow told him something had upset the young man. He refrained from asking, knowing Remy had to make that first step.

"Can y' tell me more 'bout de camps y' mentioned when we first met?" Remy said after a silence, which had lasted several minutes. It had taken him that long to gather his courage.

"Ah," Magnus murmured, when he realized why his son had sought him out. He'd expected Remy to come here to discuss this with him, but not this soon. "What do you want to know?"

"De chil'ren," Remy said in a hesitant tone… "Did y' ever talk t' dem?"

Magnus leaned back and considered his answer. They were treading on dangerous ground and he had to proceed with caution. "They were kept in a separate section of the camp. The parents cried when their children were taken away from them. Sometimes the guards would allow a child to 'visit' his parents… in return for certain favors." Magnus caught Remy shivering and forced himself to continue, keeping his voice calm. "You see, we Jews didn't match Hitler's standards and the guards didn't care about what happened to the prisoners. After a while they were put on a train and would never return from the gas chambers any way. At times the sky was black with smoke, but the ovens couldn't deal with the large amount of corpses," Magnus' voice softened. "I've seen the pain, the terror, felt it myself. You can talk to me, Remy." Instinctively, he knew how important it was that Remy trusted him not to break down in the midst of his admissions.

Remy swallowed hard. He'd come here to talk to Magnus and now he was getting cold feet. To admit his past meant allowing it in and that scared him.

Magnus cocked his head. Remy was so near to letting down his walls, but needed just a tad more encouragement. "Remy… son, let's move this conversation over to the couch."

That request took Remy by surprise. "Pourquoi?"

"Do you trust me to see you through this?" Magnus asked and drew in a deep breath.

"Oui," Remy replied almost instantly.

Magnus got to his feet, walked over to Remy and curled his fingers around his son's. This particular approach had worked before and hopefully it would work again. Slowly, he guided Remy to the couch and then took a seat next to his son. His fingers ran gently over Remy's knuckles, reassuring him everything was fine. Then, he waited patiently for Remy to start talking.

"I did have a choice," Remy whispered softly. He appreciated it that Magnus didn't push him on. "I still don' understand why I fought so hard t' stay 'live."

Magnus nodded his head, he'd heard this before… a long time ago, after the camps had been closed and the prisoners released, they had suddenly faced freedom... and survivor's guilt.

"Deat' was always an option. But… I wanted t' live. Every time dat I looked t'rough a window an' saw a happy family I wanted t' be part of dat. But… I had t' fight f'r a slice of bread an' when I was starved… dese men took me home, offered me food…"

Magnus' calm expression didn't falter and he pulled his son close to his chest. As he enveloped Remy in a hug he said, "You did what you had to do in order to survive."

"But," Remy objected, enjoying the sensation of his head was resting against Magnus' shoulder. "I knew dat what I was doin' was somehow wrong. I was so…"

"Young, alone," Magnus ended the sentence for him. "Remember, Sinister had you in his lab for five years. You didn't know much of the world and that made you an easy victim."

Remy shook his head vehemently. "It ain' dat simple!" Slowly, he raised his head to peek at Magnus. "I was too much of a coward t' stop it… "

"No," Magnus replied in a stern tone, "you were courageous and wanted to survive."

Tears escaped Remy's eyes as he sobbed softly in Magnus' arms. "It still hurts."

"I know, son." Magnus stroked the dark locks and tucked Remy's head underneath his chin. "I hurt as well." A surprised moan revealed Remy's puzzlement and Magnus explained, "I tried my best to keep the guards away from the children, from the weak, but my powers weren't as strong as they are now."

"Y're a good homme," Remy whispered and tried to compose himself. The tears however kept flowing and he wondered if the pain would ever go away.

"I also hurt because I couldn't protect you. Parents are supposed to protect their children and Sinister took that away from me, from you…" Frustrated at his own inability to phrase his feelings, he kissed Remy's brow. "What I'm trying to say is that I love you, Remy. I should have been there to scare the monster away, should have searched harder when I couldn't find that small boy after I destroyed Sinister's lab."

Remy smiled in spite of his pain. "Y' t'ought I'd died in de attack. I don' blame y'."

Magnus gently rocked his son in his arms. "I know the pain you carry inside Remy. I know the shame you're struggling with and I want you to know that I don't love you less because of it. You're a survivor, son and now that you know who you are, you've got to accept your past and move on."

"But how?" Remy whispered; his tone lost. He felt safe in Magnus' embrace and wished his father had found him after he'd fought off Sinister. This was a unique experience… even Jean or Bobby couldn't make him feel this safe.

Magnus smiled as some of Remy's feelings slid inside his mind and he didn't fight it, didn't put up any defenses at all. Determined to see this through, he pulled Remy to his feet.

"Pourquoi?" Remy muttered, but didn't resist as Magnus pulled him in front of the mirror at the wall.

"Describe the young man staring back at you. Who is he? What do you see?"

Confused, Remy tried to make sense of Magnus' request. "I don' understand," he admitted.

"What's his name?" Magnus asked in a resolute tone. He had to confront Remy with the present now that they'd acknowledged the past.

At a loss, Remy's eyes pleaded with Magnus not to do this.

"Tell me," Magnus ordered.

"What if I say dat I don' know?"

Magnus nodded his head. "Try harder."


"Good," Magnus was satisfied. This was a start. "Now describe him to me."

"Devil's eyes," Remy whispered on impulse. Magnus didn't berate him and he wondered why. It had been a slip of the tongue… something he'd only meant to think.


"I don' want t' do dis," Remy objected weakly, but Magnus had a tight hold on him and wouldn't let him get away with this.

"Good, then I will go first," Magnus sighed, taking the next step. While resting his chin on Remy's shoulder, he smiled compassionately. "I see a young man with beautiful eyes. He's definitely handsome." Magnus waved away Remy's protest. "Not your turn, remember?"

Remy gave in, feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

"I see a young man who has suffered tremendously, but who has found the courage to be the best he can. He deserves to be loved and is loved by his parents, lover and friends. He's afraid to let them in though. This young man is used to taking care of himself, because he has been hurt very badly when he was little."

"Please, stop," Remy whispered. Everything Magnus had said this far was the truth, but… "Y're describin' someone else." When Magnus didn't reply, he stared into his father's eyes. "If it hadn' been for Bobby I don' t'ink I would have stayed at de mansion… I know he loves me, but I can' understand why. I still t'ink he deserves much better. I'm a t'ief… I never did anyt'in' t' earn his love…"

Magnus smiled and continued to hug his son. Remy might not realize it, but he needed the comfort, the contact, the closeness. "I'm going to call Bobby," he announced Remy's big eyes stared at him in bewilderment.


"Because we need to get some things in the open and I need Bobby to help me. You're going to sit down and I want you to think about that man I described to you."

Remy obeyed, but wondered if Magnus had gone mad. "Don' call Bobby. I came here 'cause…"

"Bobby needs to know. You trust me, don't you?" Remy wouldn't protest fiercely. After all, he'd come here for help. Picking up the phone he watched his son. Remy looked lost, which pleased him. He wanted Remy to doubt himself. It would create an opening for the truth to slip through.


Bobby used an ice slide to get to the boathouse. Magnus had sounded worried through the phone and he'd acted at once, leaving Michael behind in Warren's care. "What is it?" Bobby asked Magnus, as the man opened the door to let him in.

"Before we go inside I want a word with you," Magnus said resolved. "Remy's finally opening up, admitting the pain he's in. You need to help him move on. He's stuck in his past and can't seem to grasp the present." Magnus walked him to the living room. "I don't need to tell you that Remy's very vulnerable at the moment. You need to reassure him of your love."

"But Remy knows I love him!" Bobby objected, already sensing his lover's presence in the next room.

Yes," Magnus replied and nodded his head. "But he doesn't understand WHY you love him, what's so special about him that you want to be with him."

Bobby moistened his lips. How many times had Remy and he already discussed this? "I'll try."

"Good," Magnus whispered and opened the door. Amused, he noticed that Remy was still sitting on the couch and hadn't moved an inch. Magnus realized how desperately Remy needed to be reassured. They couldn't give up now. If necessary they'd tell Remy over and over again how much and why they loved him.

Remy didn't want to meet his lover's eyes, but felt Bobby's resolve. In the end, he hesitantly peeked at Bobby's eyes. "Why are y' doin' dis?" Remy asked Magnus. Merde! He'd come here because he didn't want to drag Bobby in to this and now…

"I want you to repeat your last admission," Magnus ordered, sitting down in a chair.

"Las' admission?" Remy repeated slightly confused.

Magnus sighed before giving in. "You told me that you know Bobby loves you…" and he looked encouragingly at his son to end his sentence.

Remy knew there was no escape and lowered his eyes. "But I still don' understand why, oui."

Bobby took a deep breath to steady himself. As he sat down next to his lover, he gently gathered Remy's hands in his. "Look at me?" Remy raised his eyes and Bobby immediately caught the apologetic expression in them. He concentrated, making sure that his words would also reach Remy's mind. If only he could take away the pain in those eyes!

Remy read that desire in his lover's mind and felt strangely shy. In a way, this felt even more intimate than making love.

//"Listen, love,"// Bobby started, sending Remy his thoughts, as well as speaking them aloud. Staring in to Remy's eyes he continued in a soft tone. //"I love you, Remy. I will always love you and you wanna know why?"//

Remy nodded his head. He felt embarrassed for showing his uncertainty, but Magnus would make him do this no matter what. //"Oui, cher, why do y' love me? What's dere t' love 'bout me?"//

Bobby smiled, raised Remy's hand to his lips and kissed the fingertips. //"I fell in love with you when I discovered you in the med lab after you'd returned from Antarctica. You were so vulnerable, but at the same time you possessed a strength, which I truly admire. You don't give up,"// he said, repeating the words he'd spoken to Jean-Luc LeBeau a few days ago.

Remy wanted to avert his eyes, but Bobby's gaze refused to let go. //"But I feel 'shamed for showin' dat vulnerability,"'// he whispered.

//"Don't. I love your ability to share your feelings with me."// Bobby pondered his next words, as he planned on getting through to Remy for once and for all. //"Remember when Warren attacked you when he was Death? Someone else would have turned him away, even I didn't want him near you and what did you do? You told me not to shut him out. You’re so damn compassionate, Remy. You CARE when no one else does! Do you know how special that makes you?"//

Remy actually started to blush. It had been a long time since someone had summed up his 'better' qualities. Only Jean-Luc and tante had ever taken the time to talk to him like this.

Bobby's eyes found Magnus' and the two men exchanged a smile. //"I'm not through yet, Remy. Listen to me."// Once Bobby was certain that he'd recaptured his lover's attention he spoke in a firm tone. //"You GIVE and don't ask for anything in return. Sometimes, you tend to give too much. You need to accept things in return, love."//

Remy swallowed hard. "Cher, I…"

//"No, I'm talking now, just listen!"// Bobby chided his lover. //"The first time we made love I was taken aback by your trust in me. You've been hurt badly and yet you trusted me to treat you right."//

Magnus nodded his head in approval. Judging by the expression on Remy's face his son was finally beginning to understand.

//"I love everything about you, Remy. The way you smile at me, that accent of yours that makes my knees go weak…"// Bobby stopped briefly as Remy chuckled. //"I love those unique eyes. At first I had a hard time reading them, but now…"//

Remy's blush deepened, as he realized that Magnus was listening as well. After all, Bobby was baring his soul here and talking about their love life! But he started to understand what Magnus had been trying to tell him. Bobby loved him for who he was and his lover would gladly share any pain or shame he might feel for years spent on the streets. How could he have been that blind?

Bobby felt pleased that his lover didn't try to interrupt and said, //"The inscription in the ring says, forever my angel and I mean it. I want to be with you for the rest of my life."// Leaning in closer he brushed Remy's lips. //"I even love those freckles on your nose!"// Bobby chuckled, seeing his lover's surprised expression.

"Freckles?" Remy exclaimed. "I don' have any freckles!"

"Yes, you do!" Magnus cut him short, seizing this opportunity. He rose from the chair and smiled kindly at the two men. "Remy, come with me…"

Bobby allowed it, knowing Magnus had Remy's best interest in mind. The two men walked over to the mirror at the wall and puzzled, he observed closely.

"We've done this before, son." Magnus folded an arm around Remy's shoulders and noticed that the expression in his son's eyes had changed. "We're going to try this again. Tell me, what do you see?"

Remy composed himself. The intensity of Bobby's admission had left him shaken. For the first time ever, he realized WHY he was worthy of being loved. "I'm Remy LeBeau," he said steadfast. "It's de only name dat fits me. I can' imagine goin' by de name of…Remy Lensherr or Remy Summers… or Grey. Jean-Luc raised me."

Magnus growled approvingly. "Continue." He nodded towards Bobby who had joined them and who was now resting his chest against Remy's back.

"I don' know what else t' say," Remy admitted shyly. "But I want t' make dis work. I want Bobby… an' I want y' at my side…" Remy looked at Magnus. "I want an awful lot, non?"

"No, you don't and you're not finished yet, go on," Magnus said proudly. Remy's choice of words pleased him. I want… that was good.

"I'll try an' let y' in, cher," he said, addressing Bobby. "I know y' won' turn 'way. Y' never did," he suddenly realized. "An' I want t' be dere for Michael."

Magnus had heard about their guest and instinctively understood Remy's need to help the child. His son had come full circle. "Excellent," he complimented Remy as he squeezed his son's shoulder. "I'll leave the two of you alone now." It was obvious that Bobby and Remy needed some privacy at this point.

"Merci," Remy whispered tenderly as Magnus left the room. He'd been thanking people a lot lately, but they'd given him so much! And Bobby… Bobby had given him the greatest gift of all, unconditional love. "I finally understand, cher."

Bobby's smile changed in to a contented smirk and slowly, his tongue licked the back of his lover's neck. "I don't know why, but… I want to make love to you."

Remy turned around and now faced his lover. "Je sais," he admitted, feeling the same way, "but…" He pulled his lover towards the door and stepped outside. It was almost like he could taste spring in the air. "Hold on, cher."

Bobby read his lover's intentions in his mind. "You wanna do what?" Remy's body felt warm and suddenly he realized that his lover had created a sphere, locking out the cold of the evening sky.

"I want t' make love t' y' up dere," Remy announced mischievously and raised his eyes towards the stars and moon. Using that strange combination of telekinesis and magnetism that only he could control, he took them in to the sky, slowly gaining in altitude.

Bobby gasped, seeing the earth grow smaller beneath him. "Remy? Are you sure about this? I don't want you to lose control over your powers when you climax!"

Remy giggled.

"What?" Bobby whispered. "Are you giggling?" It was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard, coming from his lover.

"I feel relieved, cher. Can' help it," Remy explained. //And who said dat =I= was goin' t' climax? I plan on makin' y' squirm an' beg, cher.//

Bobby moaned, hearing that promise. //Remy,// he sighed in to his lover's mind. //I love you…//

Remy smiled knowingly. //I promise, cher. Y' won' ever forget dis evenin'!//


Magnus walked up to Scott and Jean, who were sitting in the living room. Without speaking a single word he sat down as well, staring in to the fireplace. Sometimes, the red in Remy's eyes reminded him of flames. Jean handed him a cup of tea and he accepted.

"I… felt what you did for Remy," Jean started slowly. "You gave him a precious gift."

Magnus shrugged his shoulders. "I was only being sincere."

Scott shifted on the couch, clasping Jean's hands in his. "I hope you're going to stay. You've become very important to Remy." They'd had fought in the past, but maybe…

"I doubt it will work out," Magnus admitted. "Maybe we can get along for the time being, because of Remy…"

"I'm sure the professor and you could find a way to work together to realize your dream. Charles wants the same thing as you do, but," Jean paused, "your methods differ. What if you can meet each other half way?"

Magnus snorted. "Impossible."

"For Remy's sake please try," Scott said in a soft tone.


"Remy?" Bobby looked to his right and smiled as his lover lazily stretched his body. At times like these Remy definitely resembled a cat. They'd just touched down again and Bobby had to admit it had been the best evening of his entire life.

Being afloat had made it special, yes, but Remy hadn't held back this time. Had shared every emotion, every thought with him and finally, his lover had invited him in to his past. It had been an exhausting experience, reliving Remy's terror, but at last everything had fallen in to place. There were no more secrets between them and it felt good.

"Oui, cher?" Remy's eyes sparkled. Bobby's surrender to his ministrations had been complete and overwhelming, but what had happened later had changed his life forever. Bobby had seen the things he felt so terribly ashamed of and hadn't turned away. Total acceptance…

"That was… awesome," Bobby said eventually, lacking the right words to describe this mind shattering experience.

"Merci, cher," Remy quipped, "Y' made dis possible, y'r love did." Finally, he knew what he wanted engraved in Bobby's ring and slowly he slid it from his lover's finger. "Y'll get it back tomorrow."

Bobby didn't object, sensing his lover's intentions. "Nothing embarrassing I hope!"

"Non, jus' a testimony to de love I feel for y'." Remy slung an arm around his lover's shoulders. "After all dese years… I finally feel… free."

"Free of the ghosts," Bobby whispered, understanding his lover only too well. "And I'll make sure they'll never return."

"Do y' t'ink Magnus is goin' t' stay?" Remy suddenly asked, abruptly changing their topic. Now that all barriers were gone he wanted to share everything with his lover.

Bobby took a moment to consider the question. "Yes, I do."


Michael was running through the med lab. Hank had asked, no pleaded with the boy to remain seated on his chair, but the energy needed a way out. In the end, Hank had given up on admonishing Michael and studied the test results instead.

"I'm afraid there is little I can do…" he whispered. "The bone structure of your hands reveals that the claws will re-grow. Even if I used a laser to reduce them to one inch they would grow back within… a month, I guess."

"That's okay," Michael said and smiled. "I'll learn to live with them." He moved towards the desk and studied McCoy. "Can I… touch you?" Suddenly, he felt hesitant.

"Of course," Hank replied and watched amused as the boy explored his fur with the palm of his hand. Then, claws moved carefully over his skin.

"You feel soft," Michael concluded. "Have you always been like this?"

"No," Hank started to say, but grew quiet as the professor and Logan entered the med lab.

"I brought Chuck along." Logan studied the child. "Don't tickle Hank," he warned, with a hint of mischief in his own eyes.

"You're ticklish?" Michael quipped delighted, smiling at Hank. He ignored the man in the floating chair.

"Don't you dare find out, young man!" Hank warned him, but enjoyed the carefree banter. He liked the boy's company, although Michael had the tendency to drive him crazy. Looking at Xavier, Hank stepped back. The professor probably wanted to be alone with the boy. "Logan?" Hank gestured the other man to follow him out of the med lab.

Logan grunted, unwilling to leave the kid behind, but he also realized that Xavier needed some basic information on this young mutant. It would also take the professor time to gain Michael's trust. As he fell in to step beside McCoy, Logan asked, "Drivin' ya nuts already?"

"Yes, my dear friend," Hank admitted. "This one is even worse than our Cajun friend. Speaking of which, have you seen Remy and Bobby?"

"They're together all the time," Logan said, knowing that seeing one meant the other had to be close as well. "There are times I hardly recognize Gumbo."

Hank smiled affectionately. "I completely agree." Suddenly, he noticed Warren's absence and couldn't help making a remark. "And where is YOUR lover? I must admit defeat. I never expected…"

Logan shrugged his shoulders, but his eyes glowed. "Wings surprised me too." After sniffing the air he added, "Nope, don't know where Warren is…"

Hank caught the worried tone. "Maybe he went for a walk?"

"He'd tell me first," Logan replied thoughtfully, then shrugged it off. "I'm sure he'll turn up soon."

But his tone hadn't changed and Hank raised an eyebrow. Why was Logan concerned? Angel had only been gone for… two hours, he realized as he checked the time. "I'm certain he's fine," Hank whispered in an effort to comfort his friend.


"I'm a telepath," Charles started, "do you know what that means?"

Michael nodded his head enthusiastically. "You can read thoughts? I've seen movies about telepaths…"

Charles didn't repress his chuckle. "Will you allow me to read yours?" Michael's black eyes revealed nothing and had Charles guessing.

"Sure, why not?" Michael didn't see any danger in allowing it. "Will I feel you in my thoughts?" This would be a fun ride!

"Yes," Charles admitted, wondering about the trust the boy was showing him. "I'll start now," he announced and gently took hold of Michael's left hand to strengthen the contact. His other hand went to his brow.

The first thing he encountered was an image of Remy, levitating a teddy bear to gain the boy's attention. //You like Remy a lot, don't you?// he sent into Michael's mind, as tenderly as possible as he didn't want to scare the boy.

"It's his eyes… and something else… don't know," Michael whispered in awe as Charles' comment floated in to his mind. "Wow, this is… groovy!"

Charles' genuine smile brightened. //Would you like to stay here?// he asked as he manoeuvred through Michael's memories. Charles encountered several mental blocks, which locked away memories too painful for the boy to deal with. Like his parents' deaths, Charles suspected. Apart from that, the boy's mind was open and warm.

"Oh yes!" Michael exclaimed. "I like Remy and Bobby and… this blue teddy bear… what's his name? Hank?"

Charles shook his head. It would take time to get used to having someone this young in the mansion. But he was sure they'd manage. Suddenly a soft, pain filled moan left Michael's lips and alert, Charles studied his newest pupil.

"Must be the ice cream… Warren warned me, but I didn't listen…" Michael whispered. "I never had ice cream before and then there was this chocolate sauce… so sweet!" Michael grinned wickedly before clutching his stomach with his hands. "I promise to listen to Warren the next time."

Charles stroked the grey locks and smiled affectionately. "Welcome to the mansion, Michael. It will be your home from this moment on."


"Hello there," Bobby quipped amused. Hank had told him about Michael's upset stomach. "Serves you right, young man! Eating all that ice cream and leaving none for me!"

Briefly, Michael wasn't sure whether Bobby was serious or not. He didn't know these people that well yet.

As Michael wanted to apologize for devouring the ice cream, Bobby smiled and stopped him. "I was only joking, Mickey."

"Mickey?" Michael's eyes grew big. No one had called him that before!

Bobby's grin remained. "Suits you a lot better!" Slowly, he curled his fingers around the boy's and led him up the staircase to his new room. "Too bad Jubilee and Storm aren't here right now." The two ladies had used this opportunity to do some shopping and wouldn't be back for days. "I hope you'll like the room."

"I'm sure I will!" Curiously, Michael peeked inside as Bobby opened the door. "I can't believe it. This is my room?" In disbelief, he stared at the bed, TV, computer, desk and dresser that made up his room. "I even have my own bathroom?"

Bobby nodded his head. "I don't want you running in on anyone naked… especially not on your blue fur ball."

Michael chuckled. He really liked Hank a lot. Well, actually he liked them all, even the bald man in the floating chair. As he walked in to the room, his eyes drifted off to the teddy bear sitting on his bed. "That's for me too?"

"Yes," Bobby confirmed as they sat down. He lifted the teddy bear from the bed and handed it to Michael. "My mother bought it for me when I was four. I think you'll like him. I called him Eddie."

"Eddie? That's no name for a bear!" Michael exclaimed as he pressed the bear to his chest. "But he must be special to you… I can't accept this."

But Bobby definitely noticed the pleading expression in Michael's black eyes. "Ed told me he wanted a new owner, someone young who will hug and take care of him."

Michael burst out laughing. "You talk like a kid, not like a grown up."

Bobby thought that one over. "Did you just insult me or not?" he quipped. Michael didn't reply, just continued to hug the bear.

"Where's Remy?" Michael asked concerned. "I want to talk to him."

"Taking a shower, changing his clothes and hopefully coming up here later with some hot chocolate," Bobby replied and noticed the sudden twitch near Michael's mouth.

"Don't say that word." He'd enough chocolate sauce for at least… one day, he thought and grinned. "I was wondering," he started hesitantly, uncertain if he was allowed to ask something that personal, but plunged ahead anyway. "Are you and Remy… close like my parents were?" He'd seen men kissing while he'd walked the streets. Life didn't have that many secrets from the young street kid.

Bobby raised an eyebrow. " That obvious?" He'd never considered that Michael would want to know about their relationship, thinking the boy much too young for this particular issue.

Michael flashed a stunning grin. "I think so. You're always touching him and Remy never moves far away from you…"

Bobby berated himself. He wasn't going to influence the boy. Michael had to form his own opinion about sexuality and the way he would handle it later. "I love Remy, yes," he said simply.

"You think you can love me too? Just a little?" Michael hunched on the bed, peeking at Bobby's eyes. It was wrong to get attached to them. These people would eventually throw him back out on the streets, but his heart urged him to remain hopeful.

"I already do," Bobby reassured him. "And so does Remy."

Michael crawled underneath the covers and turned on to his right side, still hugging the bear. "I'm really tired…" A big yawn emphasized his statement.

"Then get some sleep." Bobby got to his feet and tucked him in. "We'll check on you later." Michael had fallen asleep with a huge grin on his face and Bobby's smirk mirrored the expression. Somehow, the boy belonged here at the mansion.


After taking a quick shower, Remy walked in to the kitchen. Logan was sitting at the table, staring in to a mug of cold coffee. "How long have y' been sittin' here, Logan?" Remy asked with sudden concern. Something didn't feel right. His empathic powers kicked in, telling him Logan needed someone to talk to.

Remy poured two mugs of steaming coffee and straddled a chair next to Logan. "Y' drink dat," he announced and pushed a mug with hot coffee in front of his friend. "Y're broodin'. If I remember correctly, I'm de one who uses t' do dat, not y'."

Logan snorted. "I'm bad company at the moment, Gumbo."

"I don' mind." Remy cocked his head. He managed to stay away from Logan's thoughts, but couldn't shut out the concern and doubt washing through Logan. "Why are y' sittin' here?" he asked again.

"Can't find Wings." Logan clasped his fingers around the hot mug.

"Feelin' lonely wit'out him?" Remy ventured… he desperately wanted to help.

Logan finally raised his head and stared in to Remy's eyes. "It ain't like him to walk off like that. Usually, he leaves a note, somethin'!"

"Y're worried somet'in' bad happened?" Remy inquired concerned.

"I've got this feelin'," Logan growled. "And it feels like Wings is in trouble!"

"Why don' ya track him down?"

"His scent's gone…" Logan sipped from his coffee and hissed, as the steaming liquid descended down his throat. "Think he's fed up with me?"

"Non," Remy said in a firm tone. "I sensed…"

"What did ya sense?" Logan asked, interrupting his friend.

"Sincere love," Remy explained. "Want me t' try and find him?"

"Hell, if I can't find him, how are ya gonna do that?" Logan questioned. "No, he'll be back, when he wants to come back."

"Y're drawin' wrong conclusions," Remy warned him. "I used t' think like dat. Y' need t' have fait' in Ange." Remy slowly drowned his coffee and then got to his feet. "I'll find him for y'."

Logan sighed. "Ya can't force him to come back."

"I doubt I'll have t' force Ange…" Remy smiled. "Maybe he jus' lost track of time."

"Not Warren." Logan's eyes broke and briefly revealed his every doubt. "He changed his mind. I should have known that would happen."

Remy squeezed Logan's shoulder. "Y're not a quitter, mon ami. We'll find Ange."

Logan looked up, studying those alien eyes and realized that Remy was serious.

"Tell Bobby I'll be runnin' late?" Remy requested as he grabbed a parka. It was still cold outside, even though the snow had vanished. Quickly, he closed the door behind him and realized the sun was about to set. "Merde, Ange where are y'?"


"Running late?" Bobby asked, wondering what was so important that Remy had stepped outside at this hour. Usually Remy did his best to avoid being outside in the cold when it was about to grow dark.

"He's gone lookin' for Wings," Logan informed him, feeling uncomfortable. He'd found Bobby in the corridor. "How's Michael?"

"Just fine. I think he'll keep us busy and will drive Hank crazy." Bobby reached out to deepen the link between him and his lover. //Remy?//

//Oui, cher?//

//What's this about Warren?//

//Don' know yet,// Remy replied. //I'm goin' t' try an' scan de premises for his presence.//

//Well, I hope you'll find him!// Bobby thought determined, as Logan's eyes revealed worry.

//I will,// Remy promised solemnly. After all, they'd also taken the time to find him after Sinister had taken Jean. Looking out over his surroundings he concentrated on finding Warren's mind. Ever since discovering his new powers he'd realized that everyone's mind felt different, had something peculiar about it. And now he focused on Warren's, which always felt a little chaotic.

Being honest with himself, Remy had to admit that he hated Apocalypse for what he had done to Warren. The immortal mutant had taken advantage of the X-man when he'd been at his most vulnerable, when he'd lost his wings.

Turning around, Remy experienced a gentle pull, as he picked up a mental echo of Warren's thoughts. Ange had been here all right! Remy started down the path and quickly realized it led to the church Warren and he had once visited. //But Ange ain' dere,// he realized, as there was no substance behind these thoughts, which lured him closer. Warren had thought about visiting the angel statues hours ago.

"So where are y' now?" Remy whispered as cold wind tugged at his clothes. It wouldn't be long before snow would cover the earth once again and he planned on being back at the mansion when it started to snow.

"But I can' return wit'out Ange," he mumbled and took a deep breath. The sun had set and the moon was his only source of light. It wasn't enough though. Pulling a card from his pocket he charged it, using it as a torch.

The church was cold and deserted, yet he descended down the stairs to have a look at the statues in the cellar. Warren's thoughts were strongest here. "Y've been here," Remy whispered and nodded his head.

A sound, coming from behind him, caught his attention and he whirled around. "Merde!" he cursed. Part of the wall emanated a faint glow. He better contact Bobby before things turned worse.

//Cher?// he sent, as one finger tentatively touched the wall. The bricks didn't feel solid at all, more like… breathing, alive. "Should never have watched Hellraiser," he mumbled slightly disturbed.

As Bobby didn't answer him, Remy tried again. //Bobby? Can y' hear me?//

//Remy… something… is… wrong…// came the very faint answer.

Remy realized he had to get out of the church. He didn't know what he was dealing with and it was affecting his ability to broadcast his thoughts. //I'm comin' home,// he sent, hoping Bobby had heard him. But his finger was glued to the wall and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free himself. "Don' panic!" he admonished himself. The bricks turned to a silver like liquid, which curled itself around his finger, sliding down the palm of his hand, his arm and… Remy did his best to pull free, even unleashed his powers on the substance, but that action backfired. The glow increased and now a tentacle of bright light snaked around his waist, pulling him closer, pulling him in to, no through the wall. A strangled scream left his lips as his body melted in to the wall.

A moment later Remy LeBeau was gone and the cellar empty. Only the statue of the black angel remained, staring at the wall with a blank expression in his red eyes.


"Bobby!" Hank exclaimed concerned as Logan carried his friend inside. "What happened?" Hank asked and pointed Logan to an exam table. He'd been studying Michael's genetic make up and never expected an emergency.

"Dunno know," Logan admitted. "I was talkin' to him and suddenly he went down. Last thin' he whispered was Gumbo's name."

Hank checked Bobby's vital signs and sighed relieved. "A bit slow, but nothing to worry about."

"Drake fainted," Logan said, sharing his conclusion with McCoy. "Question is, why."

"Where is Remy?" Hank attached several electrodes to Bobby's skin and ran a scan. Why had his friend lost consciousness? "Neural patters are irregular," Hank muttered worried. "I need you to find Remy for me. This might have something to do with Remy's telepathic powers."

Reluctantly, Logan stepped away from the exam table. "I just don't get it. First Wings disappears and then Drake collapses."

"Warren's still not back?" Hank inquired absentmindedly as he started an IV, feeding Bobby some meds to force him to wake up.

"Nope, and I can't track him down. Last time I talked to Remy, he was goin' to give it a try of his own."

"You've got to find Remy," Hank stated resolved. "Bobby is in good hands here. Now get going!"

Logan growled, suddenly understanding something was terribly wrong. "Cyke needs to know."

"I'll inform him and the professor," Hank assured him. "You just concentrate on finding Warren and Remy!"

Logan's claws suddenly appeared and they caught the reflection of the light, glistering dangerously. After nodding his head, Logan ran out of the med lab. This time he wouldn't give up and find them!


"This sounds bad," Scott commented after listening to Hank's rushed, but coherent explanation. "I wish you'd told Logan to wait for us though. Now we've got to find him first!"

The professor nodded his head and looked at Jean. "Can you pick up Logan's thoughts?"

"Yes, sir," she confirmed and tried to control her rising fear. She'd never forgive herself if something had happened to her son. Damn! She had promised herself to look out for him and now this happened! "Sir?" she started hesitantly, afraid to allow in this truth. "I no longer sense Remy's presence."

Charles shivered momentarily as Magnus entered his study. His old friend wouldn't take this news well. "It's true." Charles caught Magnus' eyes. "I can't feel Remy's presence either. He seems gone."

Magnus froze hearing that admission. "Can't be," he whispered and reached out himself, probing the wrinkles in the magnetic layer that would reveal his son's whereabouts. He failed. Stunned, he stared in to Charles' eyes. "Where's Remy?"

"I wish we knew," Scott muttered in a guilty tone. Remy and Warren should have been safe this close to the mansion! "I assume you want to accompany us?"

"Oh yes!" Magnus confirmed. "What are we waiting for?"

Jean shared his impatience. "Logan is at the church. He used Remy's scent to track him down, but… the church is empty. Remy's trail ends there."

"He can't vanish like that!" Scott commented as he moved towards the doorway. "We'll find him!"


Remy steadied his labored breathing. Phasing through the wall had been a suffocating experience. Quickly, he looked around, his thief's skills reminding him to be cautious. As he studied his new surroundings, he realized he'd never been here before.

Surprised, he noted the absence of fear in his mind. In an odd way he was even looking forward to unravelling this mystery. It had been a while since he'd acted on his own. He only wished the link had remained stable, as he missed Bobby's reassuring presence. "Got m'self in t' trouble 'gain," he whispered, but couldn't deny the thrill he felt at discovering uncharted territory. Mais oui, dis t'ief accepts de challenge," he whispered and started walking.


"This is where Remy's scent dies." Turning around, Logan stared at the black angel statue and couldn't repress a grin. What had gone through Remy's mind seeing this angel, clad in battle armor? The red eyes had taken him aback and again he'd wondered why Warren and Remy had come here. An angel with red eyes… A smart-ass comment almost left his lips, but he quickly realized that his teammates wouldn't like hearing it. Magneto had been pacing the cellar since they'd arrived and Scott stayed close to Jean to reassure her that everything would be fine eventually. Tears lurked in her eyes and Logan wished he could take away her pain. He understood her only too well. First, she'd discovered that Remy was her son and now it seemed like she had lost him again. Hell, they all cared about Remy! And where was Warren? Until now, he'd managed not to think about his lover. Ashamed, he had to admit that deep down in his heart he'd really believed that Warren had left him. It had been Remy who had made him doubt and question his conclusion. Warren had sounded so damn sincere when the man had followed him to his room, proclaiming he'd fallen in love with him. Their nights had been filled with lust and passion and there had never been any sign that Warren had been lying about his attraction and dedication to their relationship. He would have smelled the lies.

Uncharacteristically, it was Scott who placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and Logan almost instinctively pulled away. "What do ya want?"

"Nothing," Scott replied in a soft tone, "Except for finding Remy and Warren and taking them back with us."

Logan growled at hearing his lover's names. "Why do ya care 'bout Wings?" The moment the question left his lips, he realized how utterly stupid it sounded. It was his fear talking, fear of losing yet another lover.

Knowingly, Scott ignored the question. "Are you sure the scent ends here? They can't have vanished in to thin air!"

"Scott?" Jean walked up to him, concern evident on her face. "Hank just contacted me. It seems that Bobby is slipping in to a coma. The professor is trying to pinpoint Remy and Warren's location using Cerebro and Hank asked me to…"

"Go on. I'll find them," Scott promised. "You are needed at the mansion. Bobby needs you."

Jean's eyes pleaded with him, emotions more clear than when sent over the link. "I know, darling," Scott said reassuringly. "I'll find them both."

Jean nodded her head and reluctantly left the church. Scott was right. Yes, Bobby needed her. The link might have broken too suddenly, damaging Bobby's mind in the process. She had to repair the damage and bring him back to consciousness.


Back in the church Magnus' fingers moved exploratory over the wall that Logan had pointed out to them. It felt solid underneath his fingertips and there was nothing peculiar to it. "Where did they go?" he whispered privately.

"This is a dead end," Scott stated disappointed. "There has to be some clue to what happened here!" Turning to Logan he asked, "You picked up Remy's, as well as Warren's scent?"

"Remy's most recent. Warren's scent is older, a few hours I guess," Logan said impatiently. There weren't getting anywhere like this. "Suggest we tear it down to see what's behind it."

"Nothing but another empty room," Magnus explained. "I can't pick up on anything suspicious."

"Damn!" Logan's fist went flying in to that wall, knocking a few bricks down to the ground.

Magnus' smiled a melancholy laugh. "That won't get us anywhere," he berated the X-Men.

Logan was about to lash out at Magnus, but then recognized the sad expression in the man's eyes. "How can ya stand here an'…"

"We'll have to gather information first. Set up some equipment, run tests, but I suspect that this is some kind of portal," Magnus explained. "It may not react to us now, but given time…"

Scott nodded his head once. "I was thinking the same thing. But what activates it?"

"Maybe it was programmed to react only to Remy and Warren?" Magnus suggested. "That would make sense. After it swallowed them both, it closed down."

"Then we'll have to find a way to activate it again!" Scott concluded. "It may take us a while, but we'll find a way!" he promised both men. There was too much at stake here!


Jean sat down in a chair and clasped Bobby's hand in hers. "Bobby?" she said softly, as she was hesitant to reach out in to his mind. If he was suffering from telepathic trauma she had to stay clear of his thoughts for now.

"He won't respond," Hank said dismayed. "I was certain that the medication would work and force him to regain consciousness, but…"

"It probably was the link," Jean said and rubbed the knuckles of Bobby's right hand. "It must have broken unexpectedly, tearing his mind apart from Remy's. Experiencing something like that is horrific," she explained.

"What should I do next?" Hank inquired, as he covered Bobby's body with a warm blanket. He'd hooked his friend up to two IV's to feed him liquids and his medication. This far it hadn't paid off yet.

"You need to be patient," Jean advised. "His mind needs to recuperate, to heal. It has to adjust to this new situation."

Hank sat down at Bobby's other side. "I never expected this to happen."

"Neither did we," Jean admitted. "I don't understand. Where did Remy and Warren go?"

"You didn't find a lead?"

"No, Hank," Jean said saddened. "I can't help but think that I failed Remy."

"You didn't," Hank remarked warmly. "And I'm certain Scott will find your son."

Jean raised her head to smile thankfully at her friend when soft footfalls coming from the doorway made her redirect her gaze. It was the boy they had brought home from the shelters. "Your name is Michael, isn't it?"

"Yes, miss," Michael whispered shocked, his eyes drawn to Bobby. "What's wrong with him?" Michael cautiously approached the grown ups. "Is he still alive? Please, let him be alive," he whispered distressed.

Hank walked over to him and gathered the boy in his arms. As he carried Michael to the exam bed, he explained the situation to the young boy. "Bobby's asleep and will hopefully wake up soon." Sitting down, Hank pulled the boy on to his lap. "You can touch him," he reassured Michael.

"Can he hear us?" Michael asked and his glance shifted to the lovely lady. "You're beautiful," he whispered. It was a slip of the tongue, but her eyes were swimming and he wanted to make her smile. He succeeded brilliantly.

"My name is Jean," she said and shook his hand. "I heard a lot about you, young man." She remembered his question and replied, "I hope he can hear us."

"Do you think he might want his teddy bear to keep him company?" Michael asked hesitantly.

"Sure," Jean said and smiled. "Why don't you go and get it?" Michael jumped to his feet and ran out of the med lab. Jean's eyes followed him and then exchanged a look with Hank. "He's a good kid," she said approvingly.

"He tickled me," Hank commented amused

Jean nodded her head. "I think I'll like having him around."

A moment later Michael reappeared, hugging a worn down teddy bear. "Bobby called the bear Eddie," Michael explained and placed the bear on the bed. "I wanted to change the name, but now… " Cautiously, his clawed fingers lifted Bobby's right hand and pushed the teddy bear underneath its palm. "Can I stay a little longer?"

Jean smiled. "Of course you can," and gestured the boy to crawl on to her lap. After wrapping both arms tightly around his frame, she rested her head on his small shoulder. "You already feel at home here?"

"Yes, I do," Michael replied softly, unwilling to disturb Bobby's sleep. "Bobby called me Mickey, that's the first time ever someone did that."

"Do you like that name?" Hank inquired, even more concerned now that Jean was unable to touch Bobby's mind. They had to get Remy in here!

"Yes, I do," Michael whispered and patted Bobby's hand. "I just hope he'll quickly wake up."

"So do we," Jean assured the boy. "So do we."


Remy had walked for a few minutes when a surge of pain and despair suddenly hit him. Doubling over, he extended a hand and leaned heavily against the wall. The pain originated from outside his mind and tasted very familiar. His eyelids fluttered, as he tried to regain control over his senses, pushing back the pain so he could think straight. He needed his wits in here!

His gaze came to rest on the metallic walls. Why did he have to be surrounded by a display of alien technology? Lights flickered all around him and a soft hissing sound almost gave this place the illusion of being alive. This almost felt like being back in Sinister's lab, but Bobby had told him his nemesis no longer existed, so where the hell was he?

What if this was some perverted version of hell he had stumbled in to by falling through that wall? Non, he no longer believed in heaven and hell. This was a mutant's creation!

Urged on by the sensation of shattering pain, he continued to walk towards it. The corridors were empty and didn't give him any clues to his whereabouts. It looked like some sort of space ship as far as he could tell. But why was he here and more importantly, how did he get out again? But first he had to find the origin of this horrific pain and stop the hurt.

"Hold on," he whispered to the person in pain, scared to send out his thoughts. He had to lay low and check out this place first. As long as he remained unnoticed, undetected, he had the element of surprise, so valuable to a thief at times. It had saved his butt many times.

Studying the pain pattern he realized he was picking up a familiar theme. This person's thoughts circled around… Death. "Ange, is dat y?" The mumbled words died before they reached the wall. It had to be Warren! "Mais oui, Wolvie," he muttered privately, "told y' I would find him!"

Cautiously, he sent out a mental echo, trying to get a fix on Warren's position. "Y're close, mon ami," he realized and sneaked through the corridors. Everything Jean-Luc and the Guild had ever taught him returned quickly, once more becoming second nature to him. He'd always been a talented thief and he told himself that Warren was his target. After he'd found his friend, he'd get them out of here.

"Done dat 'fore," he whispered, but then trembled fiercely, as Warren's pain and terror grew worse. It was a mix of physical and emotional horror, tied in to his… wings? Remy cocked his head, trying to get a better hold on Warren's thoughts. The pain started in his wings and paralysed his mind and body. Instinctively, Remy fully activated his powers. Instead of running through the corridors he was now floating towards his destination. Nausea hit him the moment he caught sight of Warren, his empathic powers drawing in all the pain and fear.

"Ange, mon Dieu!" he whimpered in received pain and his concentration broke. His feet suddenly hit the floor and he started running towards the opposite wall. "Non!" Remy exclaimed, infuriated at the sight. Warren's wings, spread wide, pinned Angel to the wall. Large, metal stakes had been driven in to the feathers and had shattered the bone, leaving him crucified.

Warren's face was covered in black and blue bruises. Angel had obviously fought his kidnapper. Small rivulets of blood dripped from his lips. Reaching out with his thoughts, his magnetic powers kicked in as well and the stakes flew through the air, releasing their prisoner unexpectedly.

"Ange!" Remy called out as the weakened form slid down the wall. Remy caught the tumbling body with his telekinetic powers. Slowly, Warren's battered body floated towards him and finally he was able to fold his arms around his friend. "Mon Dieu," Remy whispered shocked and knelt on the floor. Cradling Warren's head in his hands he tried to establish telepathic contact. //"Ange, can y' hear me? Warren?"//

Warren shivered violently, but his eyes remained firmly closed. Remy's hands tenderly caressed the shattered feathers, scared to think of all possible consequences. What if those wings had to be amputated a second time? Warren couldn't possible deal with another traumatic amputation.

//Ange?// he sent, no longer caring if someone picked up on his presence. //Ange, please say somet'in'!// he pleaded.

Warren trashed in his arms and Remy pulled him in to his lap, creating a protective shield around them. He couldn't run the risk of being attacked right now, had to put up some defenses. Then, he projected all the reassurance he could muster and sent it in to Warren's mind. //Ange, it's Remy, please…//

Slowly, Warren's dazed eyes opened. He'd heard Remy's voice, but that was only another trick. Remy couldn't be here! Not in his own private hell!

"Ange, I'm here. I really am," Remy whispered after receiving Warren's messed up thoughts. Warren was terrified, but why?

"You… got… to… get … out… of… here…" Warren whispered, using up his last strength. "He… will… kill… you!"

"Who will?" Remy asked concerned. Who had abducted Warren and why had this person tortured his friend? Pain sliced through him, as Warren realized what had happened to his wings.

"Kill… me…" Warren mumbled pleadingly. He couldn't go through the pain a second time. His wings had been shattered and would never heal again. "I… can't…. deal with… the pain," he explained and his head slid to own side. He lacked the strength to look at Remy.

"Non! Never!" Remy stated resolved. While rocking Warren gently, Remy realized what he had to do for Angel to survive this ordeal. "Y' trust me, don' y', Ange?"

The pleading tone got Warren's attention. "I do," he whispered in return. "But you've got… to run… he'll be… back."

"Hush now," Remy said in a soft tone and caressed Warren's face, wiping away the dried blood. "Everyt'in' else can wait. I need t' help y' first." Briefly, he trembled himself. Taking away Bobby's scar had only been a small manipulation of his lover's molecular structure and couldn't compare to what he planned on doing now.

"Jus' try t' rest," he whispered tenderly and moved his hands over Warren's wings.

Pure energy flowed in to his fingertips, as he located the injuries. "Trust me, cher," he mumbled absentmindedly. He had to find a way to take away Angel's worst pain. In the back of his head he heard Magnus, softly encouraging him to do this.

Warren cried out as the alien energy found a way in to his body, his bones and feathers. "What are…you…" His voice trailed off, suddenly realizing that the nature of the pain was changing. Warmth, comforting and soothing, was now settling in to his cells and he stopped fighting.

"I'm tryin' t' heal y'r injuries, but…" Remy started, fully concentrating on this manipulation. "I ain' sure dat I can take 'way all de pain right now," Remy added, relieved that the holes in Warren's wings were closing. "Jus' a little longer," he prayed softly. He had to save those magnificent wings. Warren relaxed in his embrace and Remy felt honored by such trust. "I'll make sure y' won' lose dem a second time," he promised passionately.

Warren felt stronger now. The excruciating pain had lessened, making him wonder what Remy was doing to help him heal. As he finally opened his eyes, Warren immediately noticed Remy's sweat covered brow. Helping him had taken a large toll on the Cajun. I can move my wings…" Warren stuttered amazed. His wings still ached with shallow pain, but it was bearable. "Thank you, Remy," he whispered truly thankful. How could he ever have misjudged the Cajun so badly? Remy's mind consisted only of compassion and affection. "You saved my sanity… and gave me a reason to go on living."

"Dis is all I can do for now," Remy said in a soft tone. Exhausted, he stared in to Warren's eyes, which were clear again. The dazed insanity had left. Maybe, he'd finally made up for one of his too many mistakes in the past. "We've got t' get outa here."

Warren nodded his head and only now noticed the protective shield buzzing with energy. Maybe they had a chance after all… but they had to leave right now, couldn't waste a single moment.. "We've got to leave… before he comes back, yes." His tone broke and his eyes fluttered. He didn't want to remember those uncaring, cruel eyes, gazing down on him with disdain..

"Who did dis t' y'?" Remy asked in an angry tone. Warren had been hurt tremendously and his mind screamed for revenge… at the very least he planned on making sure that this never happened again! Warren had suffered too much during these last months!

Warren's mouth grew dry and nervously, he licked his lips before speaking. "Apocalypse."


Apocalypse absentmindedly nodded his head, extremely pleased with Gambit's behavior thus far. The young mutant had already displayed a talent for telekinesis, telepathy, magnetism and an ability to charge objects with kinetic energy. However, what impressed him most was Gambit's ability to manipulate a complex molecular structure. Magneto also possessed that ability, but only to a certain degree. This young man was truly amazing!

Gambit and Angel slowly got to their feet and Apocalypse realized he'd found Remy LeBeau's weakness. The young mutant cared too much for his 'friend'. This particularly discovery delighted him, as he had hoped to see this reaction in Gambit. That hunch had been one of the many reasons why he'd chosen to use Warren as bait.

He'd abducted Warren for several reasons. One of them was that he wanted to punish the mutant for deserting him. Warren had been the best Death he'd created this far, but then Gambit had crossed his plans!

Yes, Apocalypse knew of Sinister's attempts to breed a mutant powerful enough to terminate his life. In an alternate dimension the scientist had almost succeeded in doing just that. Turning his head he studied Nate Grey, caught in a powerful whirlpool of energy, which kept him prisoner. Nate's eyes glared angrily at him. "Patience, my young friend. Soon, you will be free… briefly."

Nate didn't reply. Apocalypse had been taunting him for weeks and he cursed himself for letting his guard down. Apocalypse had moved in quickly and had succeeded in capturing him. He'd lost all track of time, locked up in this section of Apocalypse's domain.

Apocalypse lost interest in his prisoner and complimented himself on getting his hands on Warren first. He'd been the perfect bait, as Gambit would try and find his friend. Warren was useless to him now and the next Death would have the pleasure of killing his treacherous predecessor.

Apocalypse felt truly pleased about his trap. Gambit's powers had weakened after healing Angel's worst injuries and the young mutant was now an easy prey. He felt tempted to reveal the rest of his plans to Nate, just to relish the expression on his face. Thus far, Nate had no idea that Remy was his brother… or half-brother, Apocalypse mused. Magneto's genes made quite a difference, he noticed. "Only the strong will survive," he muttered privately, "and will be rewarded… I need a new Death to lead my Horsemen!"


Remy tightened the hold he had on Warren. His friend was leaning on him heavily, as Warren was still in pain. "Want t' rest?" Remy offered.

"No, we need… to keep moving," Warren muttered exhausted and suddenly realized that his feet weren't touching the floor any longer. Remy was obviously using his powers to quicken their pace. "We don't even… know how to… get out," Warren whispered drained. His wings felt heavy and his jaw hurt. There had been such hate on Apocalypse's face when he'd taken revenge on his former Horsemen. Warren shivered violently at the remembered pain.

"Ange," Remy said softly as he halted in mid air. His instincts had kicked in, warning him that they weren't alone any longer. "We might have t' fight Apocalypse in order t' get outa here."

"I can't fight him! Look at me!" Warren exclaimed in fear. "Remy, he can easily destroy us!"

"I don' plan on givin' up wit'out a fight," Remy stated resolved. "Wolvie is waitin' for y' an' I want t' get back t' Bobby."

"Logan?" Warren asked surprised.

"Wolvie feared dat y' had dumped him, so I decided t' find y'," Remy explained and took a deep breath. Moments ago he'd found a way to tap in to the magnetic sphere that drifted through this space ship. It tasted different though and he hoped he wasn't doing anything wrong, feeding off it in this way. He tried to follow the instructions Magnus had given him in Xavier's study.

He might look exhausted, but in reality the ship itself was replenishing his powers. If necessary, he could put up a fight, but he liked the idea of Apocalypse underestimating him. No need in showing his trump yet!

"Logan is a mystery to me," Warren admitted softly. "I always thought… him to be the strong one… but…"

Remy smiled reassuringly. "We all wear different masks, Ange."

"You're right," Warren whispered. Remy's body tensed and he looked up questioningly. He didn't expect to suddenly hear Remy's voice in his mind.

//We're no longer 'lone, cher.//

Warren reacted instinctively, sending Remy his thoughts, instead of speaking the words. //Is it… him?//

//I'm 'fraid so, cher.//

Warren grinned briefly in spite of their hopeless situation. //I thought you only called Bobby 'cher'?//

Remy's eyes sparkled with mischief, but he refrained from sending his friend an answer. His brain was trying hard to find a solution to their problems. Could they leave this place without fighting Apocalypse? How? Apocalypse was so much stronger. They didn't stand a chance. And then there was Warren, who needed his protection. Their roles were reversed now and this time he had to be the strong one and take care of Warren. //Merde!//

Warren shot him a confused glance. //I can't believe this! You're considering fighting him, aren't you?//

//Need t' get y' outa here, cher. Once y're back at de mansion y' can lead de oders here.//

"But!" Warren exclaimed loudly.

//Don' speak 'loud!// Remy admonished him. //De presence is closin' in on us.//

//I can't face him,// Warren whimpered, //Remy, this is hopeless!//

//We'll survive.// Remy smiled warmly. //Y' trust me, don' y'?//

Warren shivered. //You don't know Apocalypse like I do, Remy,// he sent and tried desperately to suppress the shivers running down his spine. //He's relentless, Remy.//

//I ain' scared,// Remy objected. //I've been scared for too long! Dis time we'll fight back an' win!//

Warren remained silent, wondering why Remy was so damned determined to fight. //You'll only end up hurt,// he warned.

Remy was about to deny that statement, but then the presence grew even stronger. It felt vile and merciless. //Apocalypse is here, cher… let me handle dis.//

In spite of the danger they were about to face, Warren smiled warmly. //For what it's worth, Remy, I feel honored that you came after me.//

Remy heard the admission, but ignored it. They were about to turn around the corner and…


Apocalypse clasped his hands behind his back as they finally came in to sight. Gambit's eyes revealed determination. He barely noticed Warren, who only remained on his feet thanks to Remy's support. How long had he waited for this? Too long!

Casting a look at Nate he noticed the man's distressed expression. The young mutant had proven quite resistant to his manipulations, ignoring him constantly. "The time has almost come," he whispered and earned a scorned look. Laughing, he concentrated on Gambit again. "Welcome," he said in a formal tone. "I've been expecting you."

//Remy, please!// Warren pleaded. The mere sight of Apocalypse made him nauseous and his body convulsed violently.

Remy however, didn't let go and pulled his friend even closer. 'Always study y'r surroundings,' his Guild teachers had taught him. 'An' use dem t' y'r advantage!' Remy planned on doing just that, as he was through with people hurting his loved ones. It ended here. "What do y' want?" Remy asked Apocalypse in a calm tone.

"What? You don't know?" Apocalypse pretended ignorance, while keeping one eye on Nate. "You. I want you, Gambit."

Remy wasn't really surprised to hear it. "Mais oui, y' used Ange t' get t' me," he concluded with obvious disgust in his voice. "Y' hurt him t' draw me close!"

Warren trembled, hearing Remy's tone. His friend had never sounded so… fed up. Almost pissed off, using Logan's terms. This was Remy's fight, he realized. In Apocalypse's eyes he was only a pawn, which had lost its importance now that he had brought Remy here.

"I did," Apocalypse admitted in an almost proud tone. "And it worked!"

"What kinda monster are y'?" Remy muttered infuriated.

"Monster? Hardly," Apocalypse countered. "My only goal is to find the strongest mutants and to show them a way to gain an even greater power. Take you and…

Warren for example," Apocalypse continued.

//He's tryin' t' manipulate us,// Remy pointed out to his friend. //Don' listen t' him!//

But Warren couldn't close his mind for Apocalypse's words. The monster had hurt him too badly, had gotten underneath his skin and in to his very soul.

"You're strong, Gambit. One of the strongest mutants I've ever encountered and I offer you a place at my side!"

"Non, never," Remy stated determined.

"Still worried about your so called friend?" Apocalypse said, taking in Warren's shattered form. "I offered him omnipotence. Even gave him wings and he threw it all away!"

Warren flinched and clung even tighter to Remy. "Make it stop," he begged his friend.

"I will," Remy promised. "Let us go, Apocalypse. I ain' interested in y'r proposal."

"Such a pity," Apocalypse sighed and switched to his alternative plan. "In that case I'll have to force you to cooperate, Gambit."

"Force me?" Remy chuckled. "An' how are y' goin' to' do dat?"

"I'll kill Warren if you refuse to serve me," Apocalypse said, stalling time to get closer to Nate.

"Try it," Remy challenged him and empowered the protective shield. He was bluffing, uncertain if his powers matched Apocalypse. "We'll go down fightin'!"

Apocalypse smiled, slightly impressed. "On second thought, the idea of Warren having to live with his guilt is more appealing."

Remy grew suspicious. Apocalypse had something up his sleeve, what? //Hold on, Ange,// he encouraged the trembling man at his side. Warren, he noticed, wasn't reacting at all, just staring at Apocalypse with terror in his eyes.

"Maybe I will kill Nate Grey in Warren's place," Apocalypse announced and increased the power restraining his enemy.

Remy's eyes immediately shifted to the chamber, which contained Nate Grey. The energy turned transparent, no longer hiding its prisoner from view. "Nate Grey?" he whispered taken aback. Studying the man he recognized the anger in those eyes, anger aimed at Apocalypse. He never expected to find his brother here… "If y've hurt him," Remy threatened.

"Surrender to me and Nate will live." Apocalypse raised his eyes and stared in to Nate's burning orbs.

Thus far he'd remained silent, but this development demanded he spoke up. Nate strained to escape Apocalypse's power, but failed. "Don't give in," he told Gambit. "You can't let him win!"

Remy took a deep breath. The choice was his. Apocalypse wanted him to comply and he had to use this advantage. Question was, how? He dismissed the fact that Nate knew who he truly was. There was no way Nate could know that they were related.

//Attente! If we're related, does dat mean dat our powers are compatible?// He needed more time to think this one over. "What do y' want from me?" he asked Apocalypse, storing away all this new information.

"I want you as my Horseman, Gambit. You'll be Death!" Apocalypse revealed.

Angel, who had been hanging on to Remy, released a strangled sob. "Remy, don't do it." Mentally and emotionally exhausted, he let go of his friend and dropped to his knees. Remy's force field however, caught him and prevented him from hitting the floor.

Remy now sat on his heels and he tenderly wrapped an arm around Warren's shaking frame. He also continued to observe Apocalypse. Everybody possessed a weakness. He just had to find it. "Tell me more," he demanded.

"Of course," Apocalypse said approvingly. He'd never taken the man for a fool. "You'll fight Nate. The winner will serve me as Death. He will also have the honor of ending this coward's life," and he pointed at Warren.

//Trust me!// Remy told Warren, who was clinging to him for bare life. //I won' betray y'.// Warren's dazed eyes actually frightened him. The man was bordering on madness. //Ange, listen t' me. I promise t' take y' back home, but y've got t' play 'long!//

Finally, Warren nodded his head. Yes, he trusted Remy, entrusted him with his very life, unconditionally.

"An' what 'bout de loser?" Remy inquired, as he rose to his feet, facing Apocalypse once again.

"As you will understand I can't set the loser free," Apocalypse looked over at Nate. "I developed a techno-organic virus, which ensures that the loser will never bother me again."

Remy shivered. He couldn't allow this to happen and made his decision. //Trust me, no matter what I'm goin' t' do,// he told Warren, who sat hunched at his feet.

Nate studied Gambit, recognizing the X-Man, but still he wondered why Apocalypse was this interested in him. The last time he'd talked to his father, Cyclops hadn't mentioned Gambit's extra ordinary powers. Was this a recent development then? And Angel…

Apocalypse was busy destroying Warren's soul and angry, Nate eyed Apocalypse. If only he knew a way to defeat Apocalypse for once and for all!

"I accept," Remy whispered eventually in a steady tone. "I'll fight Nate and win."

Warren's eyes fluttered. "What?" he whispered worried. "You can't! He's playing you!" Then he remembered Remy's whispered words, which still echoed in his mind. Was it possible that the Cajun was trying to manipulate Apocalypse?

Nate's hands turned in to fists. "I won't fight you!" They couldn't give Apocalypse what he wanted! He was furious! Suddenly, a soft voice echoed through his mind, taken him completely by surprise. Instinctively, he raised his defenses, but then realized that it was Gambit, who was trying to reach him.

//Listen t' me, Nate Grey,// Remy sent cautiously, hoping Apocalypse couldn't overhear their telepathic conversation. //Play 'long, once y're outa dat chamber we can unite forces an' take him out. We've got t' work toget'er on dis!//

Nate's eyes widened. //I never knew you were a telepath,// he muttered surprised.

//Dere's a lot y' don' know 'bout me,// Remy pointed out. He wasn't going to confide in Nate right now. He wasn't sure how Nate would react to the fact that they were related. Better to keep it a secret a little longer. //Warren can' take much more. We've got t' play 'long for now,// he repeated.

Nate however, was brooding. Gambit had reached in to his mind effortlessly. Even with only his most elemental defenses up, it should have been impossible for the Cajun to establish contact this easily. What the hell was going on here? //You're right,// Nate had to admit, //we've got to do this together.// His eyes sought out Remy's red and black ones. "We'll fight, Apocalypse."


//My poor head is killing me! Why is everything spinning? Remy?// Bobby's first thought was for his lover. //Where are you?// Damn! Even thinking hurt! This wasn't good at all! Pain sliced through his head and he raised his hand to massage his brow and temples. //What the hell is going on?// he wondered, when Remy didn't reply.

With a shock he realized that the link was gone. Remy's mind had been brutally ripped apart from his and his mind felt cold and deserted without his lover's thoughts. He cringed, as it reminded him of the time when Remy had run off to the church after confronting his fear of Sinister. Why had the link gone down this time?

Suddenly, he registered a furry softness underneath his fingertips and slowly he opened his eyes. "Eddie?" he whispered surprised, as he looked at the ragged teddy bear. He distinctly remembered Michael's happy face, as the small boy had become its new owner, so what was it doing here?

The next thing he noticed was the sterile smell. Geeze, this smelled like the med lab! After drawing in a deep breath, his eyes searched his surroundings. Yes, this was the med lab all right and Hank had fallen asleep in front of the computer screen. As his eyes travelled down the blankets, Bobby realized that he'd also been hooked up to an IV.

"Hank?" Bobby whispered softly. McCoy's snoring grew louder, then calmed down again. Bobby was about to call out again, -louder, this time-, as he realized that someone was holding his left hand. "Mickey?" The claws immediately gave the boy away.

Black eyes focused on him and Michael wanted to draw back, but Bobby stopped him. "You shouldn't be here, young man!" Bobby chided him affectionately. But his headache kicked in and moaning loudly, Bobby collapsed back in to the pillows.

"Didn't want to leave you," Michael admitted and pulled his chair closer to the bed. Jean had been reluctant to let him stay here, but luckily he had managed to convince her that he would sneak right back in. In the end she'd given in, much to his delight. "I thought that you'd like to have Eddie close," Michael explained.

The two voices woke Hank and after he'd stretched his body, he walked over to Bobby's bed. "You look better, Robert. You had us worried for some time," Hank said in a firm tone while checking his friend's vital signs. "That IV has become obsolete," he commentated and unhooked Bobby from the drip. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Bobby's brow grew furrowed. That was one hell of a question! "I remember talking to Logan in the corridor. Remy had set out to find Warren and… My God! That was when the link shattered…something pulled Remy away from me!" Bobby exclaimed upset. "Where's is he, Hank?" His tone demanded an answer and his eyes showed his agitation. "Hank! Now!"

"Please calm down first, Robert!" Hank admonished his friend and took a seat next to Michael. Hank rested one big hand on the boy's shoulder and then focussed on Bobby. "Warren and Remy have disappeared." He knew better than to lie to Bobby.

Bobby stared at his best friend and then swallowed hard. "What do you mean? Vanished?"

"Logan traced them down to a small church in the neighbourhood. Remy's scent died there. Magnus and Scott are trying to find a way…"

"Take me there!" Bobby demanded and struggled to his feet. "Why am I wearing a medical gown?" he asked perplexed. "Where are my clothes?"

"Robert, you've been unconscious for hours. You need to rest, take it slow!" Hank warned him in a worried tone. "Getting yourself injured won't help our Cajun friend."

"I need to find Remy!" Bobby's thoughts concentrated on his lover, but his fears became real as he couldn't access Remy's mind. "I need to find him. Hank, you take care of Mickey!"

"But…" Michael started, "maybe I can help."

"You'll stay here," Bobby replied in a sharp tone. "This might be dangerous and Remy and I want you safe!"

Michael bowed his head in defeat. "I just wanted to help," he explained in a tiny tone. "Remy and you got me away from those shelters and…" A tear sneaked in to his black eyes.

Bobby felt bad for depressing the boy, which had never been his intention. He just wanted to make sure that Michael kept away from their problems. "You know, Mickey, there's something you can do to help."

Michael's eyes dried and expectedly he looked up at Bobby. "What?"

"Here," Bobby placed the teddy bear in Michael's lap. "Look after Eddie for me? I need him in one piece once Remy gets back."

Michael's eyes beamed with pride. "I won't let him out of my sight!" he promised passionately.

"Good kid."

Logan's voice caught them by surprise. Logan appeared in the doorway, hesitantly taking in the scene in front of him. Relieved, he noticed that Bobby's eyes were clear and that the young man's speech had been very coherent.

"Why are you here?" Hank inquired. "I was under the impression that they needed you in the church…"

Logan unceremoniously interrupted him and grunted, "They kicked me out! Can ya believe that? They =kicked= me outa the church!"

Hank chuckled. "Did you drive them crazy, my impatient friend?"

Logan ignored the remark and walked over to Bobby. He desperately wanted a word in private with Drake.

Bobby read that desire in Logan's eyes and nodded towards his friend. "C'mon, we need to talk!" Bobby swung his feet on to the floor and refused Hank's help as he swayed on his feet. If he gave in to Hank, McCoy would keep him in the med lab much longer. "Logan?" he asked in a soft tone, as vertigo attacked him.

Logan quickly steadied Drake and led him out of the med lab. "They're gone," he said as the door closed behind them. "I can't find them."

"You better fill me in during our way to the church." Bobby realized darn well that he wouldn't make it there if he stayed in his current form, so he transformed in to his ice state.

Logan didn't comment, just accepted the icy cold Drake emanated. "I can't figure it out," he admitted.

"We'll find them," Bobby comforted him. Only know he realized how much Logan cared for Warren. "I never knew you liked Angel."

"I didn't," Logan growled, "but the man changed."

Bobby had to agree. "I still remember him attacking Remy that evening. My heart stopped beating when he dropped Remy. I've never seen Warren that… vicious before. Being turned in to Death did something to him."

"More than you can ever imagine," Logan whispered, as nights filled with nightmares rolled in to his mind.


Magnus stared at the wall. This couldn't be happening! He'd just found his son, had made Remy see how special he was and now… he'd vanished. Hopefully, Warren was keeping an eye on his son. Remy had only just accepted his past and was still emotionally vulnerable. He feared for Remy.

"Magnus?" Charles' chair hovered near his friend. He'd come here personally to learn more of this extra ordinary occurrence.

"I'm not in the mood to talk," Magnus said and got to his feet. He'd been sitting on a bench and now the black angel stood between them, blocking Charles' view. But Magnus knew that Xavier didn't need to see his facial expression in order to understand what he was feeling. His thoughts were probably all over the place.

"Did you make any progress yet?" Xavier asked concerned.

"No," Scott replied instead. "Nothing! It's so damn frustrating!" Scott sent his left fist flying in to the wall, mimicking Logan's earlier loss of control.

Charles looked at them both, strangely pleased with the general affection their thoughts emanated. They really cared about Remy, but… with Magnus it felt different, Charles noticed. Magnus =loved= his son. Smiling gently, he said, "Remy is a survivor and Warren knows how to take care of himself."

"They still need help!" Logan growled, as Bobby and he stepped in to the cellar.

"Logan, I told you to…" Scott started, but Jean's gaze stopped him. She was right of course. They were angsting about Remy, but Logan was scared as well, as he was facing the loss of a friend and his lover. "Just behave!" Scott told him and then shook his head, as Bobby changed back to human form. "You look tired, Bobby." A soft, caring tone slipped in to his voice. Why had Hank allowed him to leave the med lab?

"I'm fine," Bobby commented dryly and looked at the wall. "This is the place where…?" he asked Logan.

Logan nodded his head. "This makes no sense at all." There had to be some trace of the two men!

Bobby slowly approached the wall. His eyes scanned every brick in search of a revelation. Eventually his eyes met Magnus' and they reflected his every worry. //He feels helpless,// Bobby realized.

Next, he turned to Jean, as he wanted to console her and thank her for sitting with him. Logan had told him that Jean and Michael had kept a vigil at his bed for hours.

But there was something about that wall that kept him from averting his eyes. It drew him closer and as he cocked his head, he definitely caught movement in those


Logan's warning growl echoed through the ancient cellar. "Somethin' changed."

"Yes," Magnus agreed, sensing activity. "It's reacting to Bobby."


An energy blast impacted near Warren's feet and instinctively he tried to jump backwards. Remy's grip however, remained tight and firm, pulling him close. "You can't do this," he whimpered after locking eyes with Remy. "Please… he's playing games."

//Trust me, cher,// Remy reminded him. //I'll leave de protective shield intact. It'll protect y'. Hopefully, it'll keep Apocalypse out.// Remy looked down and cupped Warren's chin in his hand. Ange looked lost and on the brink of giving up. //I promised t' take y' home an' I'll keep my word.//

Warren nodded his head. It meant a lot to him that Remy was trying to get him away from Apocalypse, but the odds were bad. //I wished I'd had the chance to say good-bye to Logan, to tell him…//

Angered, Remy interrupted him. //Y're not givin' up, cher!// As he got to his feet, he placed his coat over Warren's trembling shoulders. This time HE was going to deal with this monster and protect Warren from Apocalypse! "I'm ready," he announced and stepped out of the protective sphere.

Apocalypse grinned maliciously. "Excellent!" Turning around he faced Nate and studied the man. "You accept? You know that I can shatter that insignificant shield Gambit created and end Warren's life whenever I want?"

"Yes," Nate hissed between clenched teeth, playing along. Truth was, that he wasn't that sure that Apocalypse could kill Warren that easily. Gambit's power was formidable and he suspected Apocalypse was bluffing!

Gambit was right. They had to play along for now, but once he was out of this chamber he would find a way to stop Apocalypse, who had brutally ripped him away from his own dimension. Apocalypse's portal was his only way back.

Apocalypse nodded his head. "It is agreed then. You'll fight and the winner takes his rightful place at my side as Death!" As he stopped speaking, the energy that had been restraining Nate slowly vanished.

Nate jumped on to the floor, relishing the feel of his returning strength. Every cell in his body vibrated with power. Apocalypse had made a mistake in releasing him! How could this mutant, who was evil personified, ever assume that he, Nate Grey, was going to fight an X-Man for the 'privilege' to become Death?

"Now fight!" Apocalypse demanded in eager anticipation of the battle.

"Don' t'ink so," Remy commented and his magnetic powers kicked in, pushing him towards his new ally, Nate Grey. "Do y' really t'ink we would ever fight among ourselves?"

Apocalypse's eyes flashed dangerously. "How do you dare?" he demanded to know. "Did you forget that your friend's life is at stake here? You do want Warren to remain alive, don't you?"

"Oui," Remy confirmed, "But I got dis feelin' dat y' can' hurt him." Even from a distance the sphere, which he had created to protect Warren, felt close and alive. "If y' want t' hurt him, y've got t' get t' him first!"

Infuriated, Apocalypse sent another energy blast in to Warren's direction and Remy unwillingly held his breath. His bluff had been called. //Nate!// he screamed into the other man's mind. //Help him!//

But Nate's strategically orientated mind was busy analysing this situation. Apocalypse looked more than displeased… he wouldn't label it as scared, but there was a definite hint of something… in Apocalypse's eyes. Nate allowed the blast to impact and wasn't surprised when the shield blocked and reflected the blast.

"Just who are you?" Nate asked Gambit, almost forgetting about Apocalypse… almost.

"We can talk 'bout dat later, mon ami," Remy said, relieved that the shield hadn't succumbed to the attack. //Y're safe, cher,// he sent Warren, whose eyes revealed understanding.

Yes, he was safe.

"Bien!" Remy stated and looked at Nate. "Y' know how t' take him down?"

"I sure want to try!" Nate hissed, as one of Apocalypse's blasts knocked him off his feet. "That damned armor!" he cursed, as he retaliated. Apocalypse was so hard to injure and almost impossible to destroy! But he would die fighting!

Remy drew a deep breath, making his decision. He didn't know how to fight Apocalypse and Nate did. This was the smart thing to do if they wanted to survive. Carefully monitoring the flow, he started to channel most of his energy in to Nate's mind. It would leave him weak, but empower Nate.

"What are you doing?" Nate stuttered as his strength more than doubled. This felt familiar, like Remy was amplifying his own powers. "I don't understand," he muttered.

Remy kept quiet, but continued to send Nate as much energy as possible. "Jus' take him down! We need t' get Ange home!"

//Who are you?//

Nate's thoughts crawled in to his mind and Remy flinched, knowing that he couldn't reveal the truth right now. Slowly, Remy made his way back and slipped inside the protective shield. Nate was looking at him questioningly. //Y' fought him 'fore, Nate Grey! Now get us outa here!//

Nate realized that he wasn't going to get his answers right now. Apocalypse was gaining the upper hand, but the mutant's displeasure was tangible. This wasn't going according to plan and Apocalypse was considering a retreat.

"Oh, no!" Nate exclaimed. He'd never felt this powerful before. If he failed to destroy Apocalypse now he would never forgive himself. Gambit had given him this opportunity and he had to protect the two X-Men! "Apocalypse! Prepare to die!"

Remy dropped to his knees and put an arm around Warren's huddled form. He had to do something to break the depressed mood the man was in. Magnus had made him face his demons and he'd emerged stronger. Somehow, he had to find a way to help Warren as well.

Warren had to get over his fear, or Apocalypse would haunt Angel the same way Sinister had tormented his life for years. Maybe, just maybe… an idea formed in his mind, one he knew Jean-Luc would approve of. It resembled the trick his père had used to force him to fly.

"Ange?" he whispered, trying to get Warren to react, but failed. Eventually he resorted to telepathy. //Ange!// Remy wished Warren would finally react, as he felt definitely drained. Channelling his entire energy in to Nate's mind had left him weak and exhausted. But at the same time his weakened state gave him an opportunity to mobilize Warren. He had to push Warren in to the role of his protector again. Empower him, make him face Apocalypse.

//Ange, I need y',// he sent, appealing to Warren's protective feelings, which Angel had displayed more than once. Slowly, his agile fingers stroked the soft white feathers. //I'm tired, cher, need y',// he whispered in to Warren's mind. He wasn't even lying. The energy drain made him sway on his knees and he would have hit the floor if it hadn't been for Warren's arms.

"I got you, Remy," Warren whispered hoarsely. He'd been lost in his memories, lost, hearing Apocalypse's voice and condescending remarks. But Remy's pleading thoughts had called him back.

As he looked up, he realized that Nate and Apocalypse were fighting and Nate didn't look like he was going to back down. Remy on the other hand, looked pale and his eyes were slipping shut. Through the fragile link that had formed between them, Warren sensed the Cajun's exhaustion. Warren nodded his head, realizing that it would be up to him to fight, should Apocalypse get passed Nate!


"It's reacting to Bobby all right," Scott remarked curiously. The wall seemed to melt as Bobby took another step closer to it, literally drawing him in.

"What do I do now?" Bobby asked, hesitant to be swallowed by the alien substance. But on the other hand, it might be their only way to find out where Remy and Bobby had vanished.

"Are you willing to take the risk?" Magnus inquired and fought hard to keep his voice neutral and calm. "I'll go with you," he offered in a stern tone.

"Count me in too," Logan growled and walked up to Bobby. "I ain't leavin' Wings in there, wherever that is!"

Scott sighed. This was such a mess! They couldn't all go, some had to stay behind in case something unexpected happened. And the worst part was that Magnus wasn't going to accept any orders coming from him! This was the first time that he'd lost control and he hated the feeling.

"Then we're leaving," Magnus decided and placed a hand on Bobby's shoulder. He hoped that by establishing physical contact, the portal would also accept him in. Challenging Logan, he offered the Canadian his hand. "Or did you change your mind?"

Logan shook his head. "I'm comin'," he confirmed and forced himself to take the offered hand.

"Before you go…" Scott tried to reason with them, but…

//Their minds are set, darling. This is their fight. We fought Sinister… now it's their turn.//

Jean's thoughts drifted in to his mind and although she was right, he didn't have to like the turn the events had taken. //Hopefully the portal will remain open,// he replied and Xavier's nod told him that the professor had also heard his comment.

//We need to be here in case something tries to enter our… dimension,// Charles clarified. //We might need your optic blast.//

//But I still don’t like it,// Scott whispered in to their minds and then focused on the three men, which were mentally preparing themselves to enter the portal and fight whatever creature that had taken down two of their own. "Be careful!" Scott warned passionately. "Don't want to lose any of you!"

Magnus shot him an amused glance. "Does that include me?" he quipped and wanted to hear Scott's reply, but exactly at that moment the portal flashed alive and sucked them in to the other dimension.

Jean stared at the now solid wall. //Please find Remy and give me back my son,// she prayed silently.


"NO!" Nate screamed in pain, as he dropped to his knees, succumbing to Apocalypse's blasts. The mutant had used his ability to teleport and had caught him by surprise, hitting him in the back. Nate had been unable to deflect the attack and empty eyed, he stared hard at his nemesis. He hated Apocalypse, but even more Nate hated himself and that hate fought itself a way to the surface. Apocalypse couldn't win! He would never forgive himself if he lost this duel!

Remy managed to open his eyes and raised his head, as Nate's despair crashed in over him. Of all his abilities empathy was the strongest one, actually transforming feelings in to energy.

But at times like these, he went through the same pain the other person did and Nate was in a terrible emotional pain. The possibility of failure was strangling him and would eventually cause him to fail. It was a vicious circle. Remy looked up at Warren, who had become his anchor in these tangled emotions. //Help me t' my feet,// he sent gently.

Warren wrapped an arm around Remy's waist and pulled him upright. //You need to rest,// he pointed out, his mind calm and steady.

//No time t' rest, cher. Nate needs our help.// Pleased, Remy smiled. Warren had undergone quite a transformation since he'd pushed Angel in to the role of protector. But as he looked at Nate, he realized he had to cancel his plans. There was no way in hell that Warren could take on Apocalypse alone. //Warren, I need y' t' take Nate 'way from here, 'way from Apocalypse. Can y' do dat, cher?//

Confused, Warren returned the glance. Yes, Nate was down and in obvious pain, but Warren refused to believe that this powerful mutant could be defeated that easily! Nate was the strongest mutant alive… or wasn't he? "Only if you tell me what you're up to," Warren stated, wondering about Remy's abilities.

Confused but pleased, Warren realized that with every passing moment he felt stronger, as if something inside him had snapped now that he was preparing to face Apocalypse. He was ready to fight. The other two men had to get out of here alive!

"I'm goin' t' take on Apocalypse an' y're goin' t' watch my back," Remy replied, switching to speech automatically. "Please do dis for me, cher."

"This is madness, Remy," Warren warned him.

"Dere's no oder way," Remy admonished Warren and pushed Angel away from him. "Get Nate outa here!"

"But how?" Warren whispered privately. Apocalypse's blasts would take him down before he'd reached Nate. Unexpectedly, an odd sensation sneaked in to his mind and suddenly he felt invincible. Was Remy doing this? But no, the Cajun looked equally puzzled.

Although Remy was seriously tempted to find out why Warren's skin was starting to glow, he forced himself to focus on Nate. Immense pain contorted the young man's face and his empathy told him that Nate couldn't take any more. Apocalypse however, continued to fire his blasts and they now easily penetrated Nate's protective shields, leaving him defenseless.

A serene tranquillity overwhelmed Warren, as Remy stared in to his eyes one last time.

"I believe in y ', Ange. Y' can do dis."

The words spun in his mind and finally everything fell in to place. The golden glow consumed his thoughts and filled his body with alien energy.

Remy had to shield his eyes, as the glow intensified. Warren's wings now consisted of pure energy and the feathers had disappeared. "Go an' get Nate," he instructed and fed off Warren's energy, which was breathtakingly pure. He blinked his eyes and then ran over to Apocalypse to draw the mutant's attention. The diversion would give Warren the time he needed to get Nate in to safety.

Nate had registered these new developments from the corner of his eye. Apocalypse's blasts had weakened him and the mutant was now trying to force him back in to the chamber that had once kept him prisoner. All this power and he still couldn't defeat Apocalypse! //I failed!//

"Non, y' didn'," Remy countered aloud. Pleased, he noticed that Apocalypse turned around to face him, momentarily losing interest in Nate. "Why don' y' pick on someone y'r own size?" he sneered, trying to anger Apocalypse.

Warren had flown over to Nate and now kneeled beside the barely conscious young man. "Come with me, Nate. You've got to get out of here!" The energy fed every cell in his body and Warren had never felt this powerful before, not even when Apocalypse had transformed him in to Death. For the first time in his life he felt like an avenging angel.

Raising his head weakly, Nate wanted to refuse. But then he realized that Warren wouldn't accept no for an answer. His answer wouldn't matter, as he lacked the strength to enforce his will.

"He'll kill Gambit," Nate whispered exhausted. He'd used Gambit's energy to deflect Apocalypse's attacks and now he felt absolutely drained. He lacked energy to continue to fight Apocalypse.

Warren decided not to verbally fight with Nate and simply slipped an arm underneath the man's knees. "Hold on," he instructed, as he lifted Nate in his arms. A soft pull had appeared and was now guiding him towards the portal. "We're going home."

"I've got no home," Nate snarled viciously. Why did he feel this emotional? This wasn't like him.

Warren ignored the remark, but thought, //Once Remy gets to impose his will, I doubt that you'll be leaving shortly. My guess is that he wants his family complete.//

Remy grinned, catching Warren's remark. //Oui, y're right, cher,// he thought, but refrained from casting it in to Warren's mind, unwilling to distract Angel. Warren was now one big form of translucent light and the wings sparkled with gold. //Wonder what caused dis change…//

Apocalypse had also been watching Warren, but now concentrated on his new opponent. Making an educated guess at Gambit's thoughts he whispered, "It's residue energy from the time when I transformed him in to Death. It won't last long." An evil grin disfigured his face.

Remy ignored the remark. Apocalypse wasn't attacking him yet and he wanted to save his energy. "He's un grand ange."

Condescending laughter floated through the room. "I underestimated you, Gambit. Trust me, I won't make that mistake a second time. If you're not with me, then you're against me. I need to terminate your existence." Apocalypse eyed his opponent carefully, as he couldn't afford making another mistake.

Remy began to draw energy from the magnetic sphere inside Apocalypse's ship, recharging his energy. "Y' hurt my friends, my family!"

"You can hardly consider yourself related to Nate Grey," Apocalypse countered cruelly. "After all, the two of you are nothing but Sinister's experiments. He created you in his quest to breed a mutant strong enough to destroy me."

"Never call me or Nate an experiment 'gain!" Remy hissed. His anger was building up to a dangerous level. He actually wanted to hurt Apocalypse for what he had done to Warren and Nate.

Amused, Apocalypse laughed. "What do you want me to call you? Remy Lensherr? Remy Summers?"

"=Remy= will do," he snarled in obvious disgust. Talking wouldn't get him anywhere and if Apocalypse refused to initiate the fight, he would! After bundling his strength, he used his anger to guide his attack. Stunned, he realized that the anger amplified his powers. Remy desperately hoped he could stall enough time for Warren and Nate to find the way out!


Bobby changed in to ice form as they entered the alien environment. "Logan, are you picking something up? Anything?"

"Not sure…" Logan whispered, something was messing with his senses. "Yeah, Gumbo and Wings are here… and alive."

Magnus couldn't repress a relieved sigh. "We need to find them!"

"This is the first time ever that we're agreein' on somethin'," Logan chuckled, equally relieved to find the two men alive. "But… I'm pickin' up other scents as well…" Straining his memory, he tried hard to label that one particular scent that was growing stronger all the time. "Wings is movin' towards us, but he ain't alone," Logan warned them and unsheathed his claws.

"Who is it? Who's with Warren?" Bobby asked, pushing Logan to make a positive identification. "Is it Remy?"

"Nope, but I do know this damn scent!" And suddenly he remembered. "It's Nate's."

"Nate Grey?" Bobby asked hesitantly. "Isn't he supposed to be in another dimension?"

Logan shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno know, Drake."

"We can discuss this later," Magnus decided and took charge. "It might be best if he saw the two of you first. I don't know how Nate Grey will react to seeing me."

"He's actually got a valid point," Logan quipped in mock amusement. "I'll scout ahead. Ya stay here, both of ya!" Logan didn't stay to listen to their protest and hurried around the corner, eager to be reunited with his lover. Warren's scent smelled slightly different though and that worried him.


"Let me go!" Nate exclaimed, as he realized that Warren was taking him away from the battle. "Gambit can't do this on his own!'

"That's where you're wrong," Warren said passionately. "There's a lot you don't know about Remy and I seriously think that he has the potential to take Apocalypse down, but not if he has to worry about you!"

Exhausted, Nate's eyes slid shut. "Why would he be worried about me?"

"I'm sure Remy will tell you," Warren chuckled. It was amazing. His fear of Apocalypse was gone and his body vibrated with power. Once he'd dropped off Nate he was going back and assist Remy, provided the Cajun needed help in taking out Apocalypse.

As he looked at Nate, Warren realized Remy had made the right decision. Nate was barely conscious and in pain and would have ended up seriously hurt if he had stayed. It did surprise him though that Nate hadn't figured out the truth yet. Hadn't Remy's energy felt familiar to his own? Was Nate that blind or was the man ignoring the truth?

Suddenly, he caught the sound of heavy footfalls. Someone was running towards them. Warren briefly considered putting Nate down on to the floor and check out the corridors, but Nate had turned unconscious and couldn't be left alone. No matter how strong Nate was, he still remained human and… vulnerable. //We tend to forget that.// Warren realized with newfound clarity.

Turning around the corner, he prepped himself for a fight with whoever was coming at him. His eyes widened, as he caught sight of Logan. "What are you doing here?" he demanded to know and landed near his lover.

Logan swallowed hard. "Warren?" Golden energy engulfed Warren and the beatific sight almost made him believe in a God again.

"Yes, it's me." Warren smiled, although he doubted the change in his facial expression was visible through the golden glow. "Remy is fighting Apocalypse. He told me to take Nate in to safety. Are you alone? Remy might need help."

"It's safe," Logan called out. "Ya can come out now."

A moment later, Magnus and Bobby stepped in to the corner. "Warren?" Bobby whispered perplexed. "What happened to you?"

"I don't know," Warren admitted. "But someone needs to take Nate to the church. I want to go back and help Remy."

The four men looked at each other and Bobby imagined hearing their thoughts. He didn’t need to be a telepath to figure out that none of them was willing to return without Remy. "What happened to Nate?" Bobby asked and stole a glance at the mutant. //Remy's half brother,// he realized.

"Long story," Warren chided him. "We need to get moving." But no one volunteered to take care of Nate.

"'Kay," Logan decided in the end. "I'll stay with the kid. The three of you get Gumbo!" He'd long realized that Warren needed to face his past. "Kick his butt!"

"I will," Warren muttered as he handed his precious load to his lover. "I doubt he'll wake up soon and he needs medical attention."

"In that case I'll have to take him to the mansion so Hank can have a look at him." Logan was reluctant to leave his lover, but…

Warren leaned in closer and brushed Logan's lips. Both men moaned at the contact, as the energy intensified the feel of flesh against flesh. "You better go now…"

"We wasted enough time," Magneto announced. "I'm going to get my son… now!"


Warren was the first to reach the inner chamber. His eyes were immediately drawn towards Remy, who had dropped to his knees. The red on black eyes were on fire and unyielding. As Warren looked over his shoulder, he noticed Magnus' stunned expression. Had Magnus expected to find Remy weak and helpless? Warren chuckled amused. In that case Magnus was in for a major surprise.

Bobby followed after Magnus, still in ice form and ready to defend his lover if necessary. The last thing he expected however, was to see Apocalypse's face contorted with panic. "Remy is kicking Pookie's butt!" he muttered flabbergasted.

Magnus heard that remark and felt relieved. All this time he'd been deadly worried that his son would be unable to defend himself and now it appeared that Remy was actually winning this duel! "Hold out, son!" Magnus yelled and moved closer.

Warren had chosen to remain air borne and was now flying towards Apocalypse. His fear was gone thanks to Remy and he felt ready to join in the attack. The golden glow was weakening, but that didn't bother him. If necessary he would take Apocalypse down bare handed.

Remy's vision was distorted, but his senses couldn't be deceived. Clearly, he registered Bobby's presence and the link flashed back to life as if it had never been gone. Bobby's thoughts flowed in to his mind and he had to do his best to keep in control of his emotions. Bobby's pride was overwhelming. The fact that he was standing up to Apocalypse surprised them all. //Bobby, cher? I could use some help.//

"You've got it!" Bobby muttered and joined Magnus, who was focusing his powers on Apocalypse. "This might be our chance to get rid of Apocalypse!"

Magnus nodded his head. "We'll try," he said approvingly. His son's body consisted of pure energy and attracted all magnetically charged molecules in their surroundings. The best thing to do was to redirect his power and support Remy in that way.

Apocalypse's grin faded as he noticed the arrival of the others. This wasn't going according to plan! He was losing this fight and had to retreat. His armor protected him, but he was clearly outnumbered and would face defeat in the end. Using his ability to teleport he vanished from the battle.

"NON!" Remy exclaimed. "Y' can' leave like dat!"

Bobby hurried over to his lover's side and was just in time to catch Remy's crumbling body. "It's over, love," Bobby said soothingly, taken aback by the intense fury Remy's thoughts emanated. "Calm down, Remy, please love!" He pulled Remy to his feet, as he wanted to get out of this place as quickly as possible. Hopefully,

Logan had reached the mansion by now… or the church at least.

"Bobby, cher," Remy whispered and a hesitant hand cupped his lover's chin in its palm. "I missed y'," he confessed and rested his head against Bobby's shoulder. Although his body sizzled with energy his mind felt drained. So much had happened during these last hours! Remy's next glance went to Warren to make sure that Angel was fine. The glow was dying, slowly revealing familiar features, but the expression in those blue eyes had changed dramatically. Determination and strength stared right back at them. Yes, Warren had faced his demons and had emerged stronger than before… //Bien.//

Another strong arm folded itself around his waist and curiously, he looked up. Magnus hadn't wasted any time to get to him. The pride and relief in Magnus' mind acted as a soothing balm to his scarred soul and gingerly, he smiled. He had something special to say and he wanted to see Magnus' eyes the moment he spoke those words. "I missed y' too, fat'er."

Magnus shivered, hearing that word. Remy had called him father. He'd always craved hearing that word… he knew that Jean-Luc would always be Remy's père, but this was the next best thing and he relished hearing that word flowing from Remy's lips. "Let's get you home, son."

Bobby and Magnus supported Remy as they started their way back to the portal. Warren decided to take the lead, to ensure that they wouldn't run in to any attackers left behind by Apocalypse. As he looked at Remy, Bobby and Magnus, he realized how far they had come since Remy had returned from Antarctica. He'd made so many mistakes in the past! Remy had given him a second chance and that mere fact had definitely turned his life upside down!

Remy smiled privately, as Warren's thoughts floated in to his mind. It hadn't been his intention to eavesdrop, but the thoughts were aimed at him, addressing their growing friendship and he felt pleased that Warren accepted him as his friend. This was one of the happiest moments in his life!


"Scott? Something has entered the portal!" Jean exclaimed nervously. Always expect the unexpected, yes, but… she wished she knew what they were about to face. What if Apocalypse himself had decided to use this portal to enter their world? Why would he? There had to be easier ways to travel through dimensions!

"I've got it," Scott reassured her. His optic blast would stop any attacker, or at least stun him until they had formed a plan.


Logan stared at the portal. It looked damned solid, but his senses told him that it was already reacting to Nate's presence. It yielded and he used the opportunity to jump through the portal, tightly clutching Nate's unconscious body to his chest. Right now Nate was his responsibility and he was going to protect the boy. The dead weight slowed him down, but he paid it no attention and as they phased through the wall, he caught the scent of the others who had stayed behind. Better warn them, before they'd start blasting away at him! They didn't possess his sharp reflexes. "Cyke, it's me!"

Scott held his breath, hearing that voice. "It's Logan!" he told Jean and the professor. Scott noticed their relief. Quickly, Scott walked up to Logan and tried to get a look at the man he was carrying. "What happened and who's that?"

//Oh my God!//Jean whispered in to their minds, recognizing her son. "It's Nate!"

"Nate? But…?" Stunned, Scott looked at his son. "Let me," he said pleadingly and Logan slid Nate's body in to his arms. "Where's Remy?" Scott asked worried.

"Mags, Drake and Wings are coverin' his back…" Logan stated and looked at the portal, which had turned solid again. His way back was gone and he was stuck here. //I need to have faith in Warren,// Logan reminded himself, remembering Remy's words.

"But…" Scott stuttered, as he placed Nate on a bench, carefully checking for injuries. Jean appeared at his side and stroked Nate's hair.

//We should take him to the med lab,// she sent, but was reluctant to leave the church. First, she needed to know that Remy and the others were fine.

"His vital signs are okay," Scott said relieved and released a deep sigh. "It's probably just exhaustion, but yes, Hank needs to examine him!"

"I never thought I'd see Nate ever again," Jean whispered tenderly. "Isn't it amazing, Scott?" She looked in to his eyes and smiled. "Now we've got both our sons back."

"Not yet," Scott warned her. "I won't rest before Remy, Warren and yes, even Magnus are back at the mansion!"

Charles succeeded in hiding his satisfaction at hearing that statement. Obviously, Scott considered Magnus part of the team, part of the X-Men… that was a great development! //Though we might see a power struggle… I doubt Magnus will accept Scott's leadership!// But that was something they could deal with later!

"The portal!" Jean's voice alerted Scott and she protectively tightened her grip on Nate's hand.


"We're leaving," Magnus announced and stole a quick glance at his son's face. Remy was tired and needed rest. Part of his brain still couldn't believe that Remy had really called him father. It was the best reward imaginable for the effort he had put in to rebuilding his son's self-confidence. Maybe the next time that Remy looked in to a mirror, he would see his true self and no longer demon eyes. "I'm proud of you," he whispered.

Too tired to answer, Remy simply sent his father understanding and thankfulness. Using his empathy caused little discomfort and he refrained from speaking aloud.

Magnus received those feelings and felt grateful in return. "Once this is over, we're going to have a long talk, son!"

A smile lingered on his face as Remy's head dropped to his chest. He'd used up his last energy and had finally fainted.

Magnus and Bobby exchanged a glance. Then, Magnus stepped back and allowed Bobby, who had changed back in to human form, to scoop his lover up in his arms.

"I still can't believe he fought Apocalypse!" Bobby muttered. Remy's weight felt familiar and he decided no one else was going to carry his lover. Remy belonged in his arms!

His eyes were drawn to the ring around Remy's finger and the rightness of this hit him. //I love you,// he told his unconscious lover. Even in his current state Remy seemed to pick up on that thought, as his smile brightened.

Warren reached the portal first and shivered at the sight. It looked like a regular wall, but he vividly remembered his panic as the bricks had turned in to a liquid, which had pulled him in to this dimension. "This is our way out!" Hopefully, Logan was waiting for him on the other side… or had he left the church to take Nate to the med lab? He would find out in a sec.

"Lead on," Bobby urged him on and watched in fascination as Warren phased through the wall. He briefly wondered if Kitty had felt like this the first time she had walked through a wall!

Magnus stayed one step behind Bobby, watching their back. One couldn't be too cautious when dealing with Apocalypse. But Magnus felt confident that Apocalypse wouldn’t try to abduct his son a second time, not after his impressing display of power! Maybe Remy had become the strongest mutant on the world alive today!

As Bobby phased through the wall, he distinctly noticed the relieved sigh flowing through the cellar of the church. The first thing he noticed was Jean sitting next to Nate, cradling his hand in hers. "We made it!" Bobby exclaimed and smiled brightly. "Now we're going to take them both to the med lab."

"You're right!" Scott picked up Nate and nodded his head. "Let's move!"

The others didn't need any encouragement. Magnus, Jean, Bobby and the professor followed closely. Only two men stayed behind because they needed to talk.


"Logan?" Warren started and stared at Wolverine's eyes, which were impossible to read. "Thanks for taking care of Nate. I doubt the others would have…"

"Ya faced him," Logan said approvingly and moved closer. The glow had disappeared and Warren had returned to his 'normal' state. "Feelin' any better?"

"Yes," Warren confirmed, "I do." They were close enough to touch, but no contact was initiated yet. "I couldn't have done it without you and Remy though," Warren admitted in a choked tone. "You were there for me in my darkest hour and Remy… made me face my personal demon."

Logan simply listened and didn't try to interrupt Warren, as this was very important to his lover.

"Apocalypse almost managed to destroy me a second time," Warren explained in an emotional tone and his eyes started to water. "It if hadn't been for Remy I would have lost my wings and my sanity. He healed me…"

"Healed ya?" Logan asked confused.

"Yes, he somehow channelled his energy in to my wings and they healed. I'm so angry with myself for misjudging him in the past… and for misjudging you."

"No reason to beat yarself up for that," Logan pointed out to him. "Took me a lot longer to read people… I didn't trust the X-Men when I joined the club, but… slowly I started to understand what they're about."

"I want this relationship to work," Warren proclaimed in a firm tone. "I want you at my side… we discussed this before, but we never really addressed the future."

Warren caught the expression in Logan's eyes and chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not going to buy us a set of rings!"

Logan grinned. "I guess that means we'll have to figure out who gets to be on top the next time when we…"

Warren interrupted him. "I'm willing to find out right now. What do you say, Wolvie?"

"Don't call me that!" Logan chided him. "But yeah, why not… Let's find out…" Leaning in closer, he possessively claimed Warren's lips, crushing the young man to his chest.

Warren moaned, as he realized that Logan was serious about this. Logan was hard and the look in those eyes promised hours of ecstasy.


"What?" Hank muttered, as Scott and Bobby entered the med lab. It had been quiet in here for a change after he'd shoed Michael back to his room. The boy took his assignment, guarding the teddy bear, very seriously and had insisted that Hank checked his room before he was willing to enter it.

The silence had lasted for exactly one hour.

"Apocalypse got their dirty hands on them," Magnus explained, as he walked up to Bobby to make sure Remy hadn't gotten worse.

"Apocalypse?" Hank looked up at Jean and Scott. "These boys are trouble." Immediately, he started to hook them up to monitors and scanners.

Bobby and Scott stepped away to give Hank the space he needed to do his job. It was hard for Bobby to let go of his lover. Remy looked vulnerable and in the end, he reached out and claimed Remy's hand.

"I want everyone out," Hank stated. Personally, he chased them in to the corridor, ignoring Bobby's pleading, no begging to let him stay. "Listen, Robert. You're going to wait here, along with the others. Is that understood, young man?"

Bobby whispered yes, but his eyes were defiant. "How bad is he?" Bobby called after Hank as McCoy was about to return to the med lab.

"Give me some time to find out, Robert!" Hank admonished him softly, knowing the young man was only acting out of concern for his lover.

Jean joined him and folded an arm around his shoulders. "I'm worried too, Bobby. Why don't you keep me company?"

"What about Scott?" Bobby asked, unwilling to intrude.

"Loot at him," Jean replied and cocked her head. "He's been pacing ever since Hank forced him to leave the med lab."

Bobby sighed and smiled back at her. "You're right." From the corner of his eye he noticed that Magnus was now joining Scott in the pacing. Both men reminded him of caged tigers who had denied the right to watch over their wounded young ones.

Bobby guided Jean to some chairs and sat down next to her. "How's Nate going to react to the news that Remy and he are related? Not to mention that Magnus…"

Jean silenced him by raising her nervous eyes to meet his. "I hope he'll remain calm and listen, but Nate…"

"Then maybe Remy should do the talking," Bobby quipped in an attempt to cheer her up. "He won't take no for an answer. From what Warren told me Remy protected Nate and…" Looking about he searched the room. "I thought that Warren and Logan…" Then he realized the truth. "They must have stayed behind to talk."

"And all we can do now is wait," Jean said discouraged. "Bobby?" Hesitantly she took his hand in hers. "Tell me that they are going to be just fine."

Bobby smiled reassuringly. "Jean, I KNOW that they're going to be fine!"


Hank sat down at Remy's side after running several tests on his patient. It was most probably that Remy would wake up first. His brain waves indicated growing neural activity, while Nate was still unconscious and severely exhausted. Relieved, Hank waited for Remy's eyelids to flutter.

Remy immediately sensed that someone was watching over him. He hoped it was Bobby, but quickly realized that he was in the med lab and that it was McCoy, who was keeping an eye on him. //I still hate de med lab,// he cast unwillingly.

"Good, you are awake again." Hank leaned back and waited for Remy's eyes to fully open. "How are you feeling?"

Remy's eyes opened and sought out Hank's. "I'll survive," he whispered fatigued. The energy that had kept him going was gone. "De oders?"

"Nate will be fine once he's rested," Hank assured his patient and pointed at the unconscious form at Remy's right. "You should fill me in on what happened, Gambit."

"Apocalypse wanted one of us as Deat'," Remy said reluctantly and tried to sit upright. Except for some dizziness he felt fine. "Can' I rest in my room?" He wanted out of the med lab ASAP.

"I'll get Robert to help you." Hank rose from the chair and called Bobby over the comm. system.

"I'm on my way!"

Bobby's exultant scream filled the med lab and Remy smiled. "How did y' manage t' get him t' leave de med lab?"

"Experience," Hank quipped. "Remy," he started and turned serious again, "you need rest. I want you to stay in bed today. I scheduled your appointment for 12.00 hours tomorrow so I can run a complete physical on you."

Remy's eyes revealed annoyance, but he was too glad to be getting out of the med lab to comment on it. His eyes came to rest on Nate's sleeping form. "Y' sure he's goin' t' be 'right?"

"Yes, Remy. The two of you are exhausted. Looks like you're recuperating faster than Nate is. He's in the best hands," Hank reassured his patient. "Jean will sit with him. She's already on her way over here."

"Bien," Remy whispered, "he needs t' see a kind face when he wakes up." Lost in thought, he stared in to Hank's eyes. "It's a strange t'ought… t' know dat he's my half brot'er."

Hank nodded his head in understanding. "Nate will have to get to terms with that as well."

"An' what 'bout Jean an' Scott?" Remy said with a note of mischief in his voice. "T'ink dey can handle two sons?"

"Oh yes, we can!" Jean quipped, as she and Bobby entered the med lab. Her eyes sparkled with relief. Warren had joined them one hour ago and informed them of what had happened inside Apocalypse's ship. She had never before felt this proud of Remy. He'd actually protected Nate!

Remy started to blush, picking up on her thoughts. "Dat wasn' anyt'ing special. Anyone would have done dat," he objected.

Bobby however, wasn't interested in the chatter and immediately headed over to his lover to pull him in to an embrace. He wanted, no needed, to feel Remy's skin underneath his fingertips. //I've got you back,// he told Remy and kissed his lips.

//Cher,// Remy whispered and felt overwhelmed by Bobby's presence. The love and passion Bobby sent him, became part of his own thoughts. //Can y' get me outa here?//

"Of course," Bobby stated and helped his lover to his feet. In spite of the rest, Remy was still swaying on his feet. Quickly, he peeked at Nate. Jean was once more holding his hand.

//Henri told me dat Nate will be jus' fine,// Remy cast in to Bobby and Jean's minds. //Jus' needs rest.//

"Thank you for helping him out," Jean said sincerely. "I'm certain Nate will want to talk to you once he knows who you really are."

"Do y' have t' tell him?" Remy asked in a tired tone.

"Yes," Jean replied steadfast. "I doubt Nate will know how to react to the news, but… maybe it will do him some good… knowing that the two of you have that much in common. You do know that Sinister created him to…"

"Oui, I do," Remy interrupted her. Right now, he didn't want to hear Sinister's name. That was in the past. "I want outa here… Cher? Take me t' our room?"

Bobby reacted by tightening the hold he had on Remy's waist.

Before leaving the med lab Remy sent a wave of love and affection towards Jean, whose smile brightened.

//I love you too, Remy,// Jean replied gently and then concentrated on Nate again.

//Merci,// Remy replied and allowed Bobby to close the door behind him. Now that he was out of the accursed med lab he drew in a deep breath. "Ange is 'kay too?"

"Yes. I actually think that confronting Apocalypse did him some good. He looks… stronger, more confident."

"He pulled t'rough," Remy muttered pleased. "Cher, I'm tired."

Bobby looked up hearing that honest admission. Normally he'd have to pry this kind of information from Remy's mind. "My room or yours?"

"Y'rs," Remy replied without giving it a second thought. "An' some hot chocolate?"

Bobby laughed warmly. Remy usually never asked for anything and he liked this new attitude. "Anything else?"

"Y', naked in bed wid me," Remy quipped and wiggled an eyebrow.

"Remy!" Bobby called out in mock surprise. "That can be arranged," he added quickly.

"Knew y' wouldn' mind!" Remy whispered and grinned. They had reached the corridor and he was looking forward to lying down, spooning his body against

Bobby's. All he wanted to do was to sleep and recharge, but…

"You're back!"

Remy groaned telepathically hearing Michael's pleased voice. //He must have been waitin' for us t' show up,// he told Bobby.

"Well, actually…" Bobby started hesitantly, "I told him that I needed his help in getting you back." Then, he switched to using the link. Michael was running up to them and he didn't want the boy to hear this. //I told him he had to guard the teddy bear, because I needed it in one piece once you got back.//

//He was worried 'bout me?// Remy asked stunned. Michael had only been with them for a few days.

//Remy, this might come as a surprise to you,// Bobby sent and giggled softly in to his lover's mind, // but Michael wants you as his big brother, maybe even…//

Bobby hesitated, //I suspect he would like you to adopt him.//

//Mon Dieu!// Remy exclaimed, as the boy slammed in to him, hugging the life out of him. //Y're right, cher.//

"Remy! Remy! Remy! Look! I kept an eye on Eddie for you," and Michael proudly presented the bear to him.

Amused, Bobby watched the little scene. "I'm going to get that hot chocolate," he announced and opened the door. //Why don't you get comfortable and talk to Michael? He needs to be reassured that you're fine.//

Bobby was right. Remy nodded his head and stroked the boy's hair. "Want t' talk?" he asked Michael, who eagerly nodded his head. Remy led the boy inside and watched Bobby leave the corridor. Hopefully, he would quickly return with that hot chocolate. "Sit down, petit."

Michael waited until Remy had gotten comfortable on the bed and then sat down as well. "You look tired," he commented honestly.

Remy rested his back against the pillows on the head end and smiled. Michael was once more offering him the teddy bear and this time he accepted. "Y' did a great job lookin' after him."

Michael's face beamed with pride. "Thanks! I did my best! Even had fur ball search my room to make sure everything was fine."

"Y' like Henri, don' y', petit?" Remy remarked pleased. It would be much better if the kid got attached to all of them, instead of just him. He'd be a lousy substitute for a dad.

"Yes, but I like you best!" Michael yawned. Strange… why was he suddenly feeling tired?

"Petit," Remy replied, touched by the emotions he was picking up coming from the boy. Truth was that he was lost for words.

Michael noticed the way Remy's eyes were slipping shut. He loved the red on black eyes, reminding him that he wasn't a freak or warlock as the other kids had called him. Giving in to instinct Michael curled up next to Remy and rested his head on the man's chest. "I think I'm going to fall asleep."

"Me too, petite," Remy replied sleepily. Only now he realized that his fatigue was affecting Michael, but he was too tired to tell the boy to leave. His eyes closed and one hand protectively curled around Michael's. Feeling the claws Remy absentmindedly stroked the bony structure. Eventually, both lost the struggle to stay awake.


"Bobby? Can we have a word with you?" Magnus and Scott stepped in to the kitchen. Relief marked their faces, but… They had to be sure that Remy was doing fine. "Remy, is he…?"

"Resting," Bobby replied reassuringly. "Just making some hot chocolate. He really loves it."

Magnus nodded his head. "Would you give me a call once he wakes up? I want to talk to him."

"I will," Bobby confirmed and then he looked at Scott. "Is Nate awake yet?" Scott looked troubled and tired and Bobby couldn't blame the man. "You've got two adult sons now to take care of!"

"Yes, I know…" Scott groaned. "And no, Nate isn't awake yet. Hank estimates that he'll be asleep for a few more hours."

Bobby filled three mugs with hot chocolate and placed them on a tray. Seeing their expression he explained, "Michael ran up to Remy and was really glad to see him."

"The boy really likes Remy," Scott said questioningly. "Do you think history will repeat itself?"

Bobby knew exactly what Scott was hinting at. "I wouldn't be surprised if Remy ended up adopting Michael. He really likes the boy."

"And so do I," Warren commented as Logan and he entered the kitchen.

Bobby chuckled, seeing Warren's tangled hair and something about those clothes told him what the two men had been up to. "Well, maybe you can have Michael

over at the weekends!" he quipped teasingly.

Logan growled something incoherently and then headed over to the fridge to make some sandwiches.

Bobby took that as a hint to leave, but first he addressed Scott, "Let us know when Nate wakes up? I got this feeling that Remy and Nate might wanna talk. Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on Remy," he added, seeing the worried expression on the men's faces.


Softly, he kicked the door open, which had been ajar. Bobby grinned seeing Remy holding on to Michael's hand and the teddy bear in his sleep. Yes, maybe adopting Michael wasn't a bad idea after all. The X-Men could teach him how to handle his abilities and the boy needed some kind of father figure. //And love, he needs a lot of love and affection.//

Soundlessly, he placed the tray on a chair. Should he wake them or not? Remy looked drained and had doubtlessly affected Michael who had fallen asleep as well. He didn't want to disturb their sleep, but…

"Michael?" Bobby whispered. The boy didn't react and Bobby slowly lifted him in his arms. "You'll be much more comfortable in your own bed." His motives for carrying the boy back to his room were also a little selfish, as he wanted to cuddle up to his lover and maybe… Shaking his head he berated himself. Remy was too tired to make love to him. They could do that later, once he was rested.

Bobby placed Michael on his bed and covered him with the comforter. "I owe you one hot chocolate," he muttered and affectionately looked at the boy, who was clutching the teddy bear.

As he closed the door behind him, Bobby hoped the boy would stay asleep and not run in to their room a few moments later. Maybe they should lock their door from now on. Couldn't run the risk of Michael walking in on them during more… intimate moments.

Remy had turned on to his left side during his sleep and was now tightly hugging the pillow. Bobby moved over to the bed and sat down, just watching his lover's face. Remy had become part of his soul and he shivered. What if Apocalypse had killed Remy? What if he had lost his lover? Could he live without Remy? //It never happened! Remy's here and alive!//

Bobby lay down next to his lover and pried the pillow away from Remy's fingers. Then, he moved in to his lover's arms. "Remy?" he whispered softly, as his fingers traced the outline of his lover's lips.

//Did y' brin' de hot chocolate?//

"You're awake!" Bobby said in a berating tone.

//Only woke a moment 'go… now, did y' bring de chocolate?// Remy opened one eye and winked at him. He felt terribly relaxed.

"Yes, I did," Bobby replied, giving in. He was about to get out of bed to get the hot chocolate, as he realized that two mugs were floating through the air towards him. "Now that's handy!"

Remy giggled and wrapped his fingers around both mugs, loving the warmth the emanated. "Dis one is for y' cher," he said and handed his lover one mug. Sitting upright, he sipped from the delicious hot liquid. "Y' didn' have t' take Michael back t' his room."

"I know that," Bobby replied. "But I wanted to be alone with you."

Remy swallowed another sip of chocolate and waited for his lover to continue.

"I was thinking," Bobby said hesitantly. "Perhaps we can adopt Michael? Make it official?"

A single tear appeared in Remy's eyes. "I would like dat, cher. But can we give him what he needs?" Self-doubt echoed in his tone. "I don' know how t' be a père."

Bobby smiled reassuringly. "You'll make a great father, Remy. You only want the best for Michael and it’s not like you have to do this on your own. Jean will mother him and the boy already has two grand fathers as well. Hank can play uncle and baby sit… Oops, I already promised Warren that he…"

Remy raised an eyebrow. "Cher… I haven' made a decision yet!"

"Oh yes, you have!" Bobby chided him. "And we both know that you wanna adopt Michael." Bobby leaned in closer and brushed Remy's lips. "I might need to talk this over with Renard though… let's see if he's up for a conversation!"

Speechless, Remy looked in to Bobby's mischievous eyes. "I should never have told y' 'bout Renard," he muttered amused, but didn't decline the invitation. Making love to Bobby was just what he needed.


A groan, coming from Nate's lips, attracted their attention. Hank and Jean immediately turned away from the screen and focused on the young man instead. //Scott, Nate just woke up,// Jean informed her husband.

//I'm on my way,// Scott confirmed calmly.

"What? Where am I?" Nate moaned fatigued. What was the last thing he remembered? Apocalypse… With a start he sat up, searching the room for his enemy. Instead he looked in to Jean Grey's eyes.

//Calm down, Nate. You're safe,// she cast in to his mind. //Apocalypse had to retreat and you're now at the mansion.//

"I don't understand," Nate muttered and watched McCoy suspiciously. "How did I end up here?"

"After Apocalypse left we brought you here. You needed medical attention," Scott explained as he rushed in to the med lab. "No way we were going to leave you

behind in that space ship." A grin appeared on Scott's face. "Actually, it was Wolverine who carried you back."

"Wolverine?" Nate shook his head. "Last thing I remember is Angel carrying me away from the battle and Gambit…"

"Oh, Remy," Jean said and smiled. "We need to tell you about him as well, but later. First, you need to rest."

"Does this mean I'm… stuck here?" Nate asked stunned. He was having a hard time dealing with this particular development. "I need to get back to my own people and…"

"Yes, I'm afraid it means you're stuck here, son," Scott said compassionately.

Nate stared in to his eyes. He'd once run from his parents and had never expected to meet them again. "Can I stay here?"

"Of course," Jean said in a pleased tone. "I would love to have you close."

"I'm not so sure about this," Nate objected. He was so used to fighting. Fighting Sinister or Apocalypse and now…what was he going to do now? Suddenly he realized the situation he was in. His father and mother were standing next to him and he was lying on an exam bed. //My parents,// he thought confused. He'd never had the chance to get to know them. Maybe this was his one chance, but did he want to grow attached to them? One day he would have to return to his own dimension and…

He was still discussing this privately, when Scott pulled him in to sitting position. His first reaction was to tell him off, but then he calmed down. Scott had called him son, so his father might feel protective of him. The idea alone was enough to make him chuckle. They had to learn that he could take care of himself!

"Okay, now listen to me, Nate," Scott started in a lecturing tone. Dealing with Remy had taught him one or two things when it came down to talking to stubborn youngsters. "One, you're going to stay in the med lab as long as Hank deems that necessary, and no, you're not allowed to protest."

Nate's eyes grew big. Somehow, this Scott Summers seemed different from the one he had met before.

"Secondly, Magneto is staying at the mansion and you're not going to pick a fight, understood?"

Puzzled, Nate nodded his head. He'd saved Magneto once, but he wondered how it was possible that the man was now living under the same roof as the X-Men. Had he entered a dimension he had never visited before?

"Furthermore, you're going to behave yourself, young man. There are a lot of things we need to tell you and…" Scott looked up, hearing Jean giggle in to his mind. Nate must have registered it too, judging from the changed facial expression.

"Scott, let's take this slowly," Hank said amused. "Your son is still fighting exhaustion and he'll have to stay here a little longer."

Nate wanted to protest. Yes, he was tired, but perfectly capable of getting to his feet. To prove his point he swung his feet on to the floor and pushed himself up from the exam table. He never expected that his knees would give out on him. If it hadn't been for Scott he would have hit the floor.

"You're stubborn!" Scott chided his son and helped him to lie down again. "Just accept that you're going nowhere at the moment. Might as well make the best of it and give us a chance to get to know you!"

Nate sighed, realizing he was in no condition to leave. Then he remembered something Jean had said and asked, "What's this about Gambit?" Now that he was thinking about it, how come LeBeau had been able to channel that energy in to his mind? It should have hurt. Instead it had felt… familiar, like his own powers had been boosted.

Jean took hold of her son's hand and rubbed the knuckles. She loved spending time with him and had never felt this close to Nate. She desperately craved a relationship with her son. "Sinister created you to fight Apocalypse for him…"

"Yes?" Nate shrugged his shoulders and waited for her to continue.

"In our dimension Sinister also experimented with Scott's DNA and mine," Jean said in a tender tone. "But this Sinister added Magneto's DNA to ours."

"Are you telling me…?" Nate couldn't help reaching in to Jean's mind and caught a flash of Gambit, strapped to Sinister's exam table.

Scott took over, seeing Jean's watering eyes. "Remy is… your half brother, I guess. Except for Magneto's DNA…" Scott choked on the words, seeing Nate's infuriated expression. "Nate?"

"It was bad enough that Sinister did this to me! Now I've got to find out that Gambit is also one of his…" Swallowing hard, Nate stared at his parents. "It explains the way he empowered my abilities when I was fighting Apocalypse."

Hank cut in, realizing there was something else Nate needed to know. "Remy's an empath as well, so please control your rage when talking to him."

"Talk to him…" Nate said thoughtfully. "Yes, maybe I should talk to Gambit… Remy," he corrected himself. "Do you think he will come down here to talk to me?"

Scott looked doubtfully. "Remy really hates the med lab, reminds him of…"

"Sinister's lab," Nate finished for him. "I can understand that." Closing his eyes he wondered about this new development. //A half brother…// "When I can I leave the med lab?" he asked McCoy.

"If you're concerned about speaking to Remy as quickly as possible I will carry you to the living room to meet him. But I will keep a close eye on you!" Hank said in a firm tone.

Nate sought out Jean's eyes. //My mother,// he reminded himself. It was the strangest thing to be able to look in to her eyes. //Will you ask… Remy to talk to me?//

//I will,// Jean confirmed and got to her feet. //Scott will keep you company in the meantime.//

Nate looked annoyed at that. // I can take care of myself,// he told her.

//I know, Nate, but let us parents do our thing too?// Scott interrupted, as he had listened to their telepathic conversation.

Nate's gaze darkened at hearing that remark, but he stopped protesting their decisions.


Remy climbed out of bed after covering Bobby's naked body with the comforter. He had a lot of thinking to do and he wasn't sure where to start. The thing that upset him most was that he had almost succeeded in destroying Apocalypse. If the mutant hadn't retreated, Apocalypse would have lost. Possessing such power frightened him, but at the same time he realized that it had been his rage that had whipped his energy to such heights.

And then there was Michael. Bobby had doubtlessly read his thoughts, as he had suggested adopting the boy. No one else would take the child in and he knew best how it felt to be shunned for having alien eyes. But was he ready for the responsibility that came with adopting Michael? He was still sorting out his own life! But what would be the alternative? Sooner or later some official would show up and demand that the child was handed back to child protection services. They would put Michael in another home where he would be shunned for his eyes and claws.

Bobby didn't seem hesitant when it came down to adopting Michael. But then again, Bobby's strength stunned him time and time again. Carefully, he pulled Bobby's ring from his pocket and looked at it. He was going to have it engraved, but Apocalypse had messed up his plans.

Concentrating hard, he focused his thoughts and began changing the metal. A moment later the words he had envisioned in his mind, had taken shape in the metal. Contented, he slipped it back in to his pocket.

//An' what 'bout Nate?// he wondered privately. Would Nate Grey accept him as his half brother? Things could get pretty awkward if Nate refused to accept the truth. //Too many questions an' no answers.//

Sighing, he walked in to the bathroom to take a quick shower. As he disposed of the black shirt, he caught the reflection of his face in the mirror. His eyes stared back at him, but he no longer thought of them as Devil's eyes. Magnus' kick in the butt had worked.

It was true that he was used to doing things on his own. For a long time he'd been afraid to let others in. Things had changed when Magnus had found him in Antarctica. Magneto had been the first to penetrate and shatter his defenses. His return to the mansion hadn't been completely voluntary, but the fact that Jean had pulled him inside had warmed his heart. His breaking point had been hearing Bobby's admission that he had fallen in love with him. Bobby… Affectionately, he looked at his lover asleep in the bed. Bobby was the best thing that had ever happened to him. A deep sigh fled his lips as he remembered Rogue's brief return to the mansion. He'd been convinced that Warren would turn on him, when Rogue had reminded him of the Massacre in the Morlock tunnels, but no, Warren had made the decision to back him up.

In spite of everything bad that happened lately, like Sinister's manipulations and Apocalypse kidnapping Nate and Warren, these had been the happiest weeks of his life. He'd learned his parents' true identity and Magnus had even moved in to the mansion to get to know him.

Suddenly, everything crashed in on him and emotionally shaken up, he dropped to his knees. He started to cry, not even trying to keep the emotions back.

"Remy? What's wrong?" His lover's emotions had woken him and Bobby had hurried in to the bathroom. He knelt next to Remy, trying to make sense of his lover's confused feelings. "Did something upset you?"

Remy raised his eyes and smiled. "Cher, I've never been dis happy."

Relieved, Bobby shook his head. "So these are tears of joy?" and tried hard to sort out Remy's emotions.

Remy nodded his head. "Je t'aime, cher…"

Bobby chuckled. "You startled me! I'm so used to you being depressed…"

"Dat's in de past," Remy quipped. "But I must admit t'… bein' a li'l confused."

"That's perfectly understandable," Bobby said soothingly and wiped away Remy's tears. "So I guess this means that you're happy here?"

"Oui…" Remy whispered and brushed Bobby's lips. "Are y' sure, cher? 'Bout adoptin' Michael?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Bobby replied softly and buried his hands in Remy's locks. "Ever made love in the bathroom?"

Remy grinned. "Not yet, cher…"

Bobby smiled seductively. "Wanna make love?"

Remy felt severely tempted, but… "Jean's on her way t' our room, maybe later?"

Disappointed, Bobby placed a passionate kiss on his lover's throat and then licked the sensitive spot underneath Remy's left ear. "Can't you tell her to come back later?" he asked pleadingly.

"Don' t'ink so, cher… she wants t' talk 'bout Nate." Sensing his lover's disappointment Remy wrapped warm sparkles of love around Bobby's thoughts.

Bobby moaned, as Remy's affection touched something deep inside his mind. "You know, I don't deserve you," he whimpered, remembering their first argument.

"Non, cher, I don' deserve y'," Remy said, playing along. This time however, his tone differed greatly from the one he had used during that evening in December.

"I better put some clothes on before Jean bursts in to the room…" Bobby got to his feet, pulling his lover along. "Or, I might get a shower first."

"Go 'head. Doubt I'll get de time t' shower. Jean's 'bout t' knock." The moment Remy finished his sentence someone knocked on the door.

"Lemme know should you need me?" Bobby asked tenderly. Talking to Nate wouldn't be easy and knowing Remy it would turn rather emotionally.

"I will," Remy promised and kissed his lover one more time before stepping in to the bedroom.

"Remy?" Jean knew her son was in there, but she didn't want to intrude.

"Un moment," Remy called out as he quickly changed in to a clean pair of jeans and one of Bobby's sweaters. "Y' can come 'side," he told her and slipped in to the bathroom to fetch a brush and comb. His hair was mess, as Bobby loved to tangle his fingers in his locks.

Bobby yelped as the door opened, expecting Jean to peek inside. He sighed relieved, as he recognized Remy's eyes through the steam. //Close the door!//

Remy chuckled and obeyed. Jean had already stepped in to the bedroom and with a few brushes he untangled his hair.

Jean smiled. //You look rested.//

//Merci,// Remy replied. "Y' here t' talk 'bout Nate?"

//Yes, we told him who you are and he wants to see you. We know you hate the med lab so Hank moved him to the living room. Feeling this weak is hard on Nate. He's used to being in control and to take care of himself.//

"Know how dat feels," Remy commented and put on his boots. "I'm ready t' go."

Jean nodded her head. "Give him some time to get used to this. He feels stranded and… I even picked up on some fear."

//I understand,// Remy reassured her. //I'll do my best t' make him feel at home.//

Jean raised an eyebrow. "Scott told Nate to behave. Do I have to remind you of that as well?" The hint of mischief in his eyes surprised her.

"Mère, y' do trust y'r fils, don' you?" he quipped. His nerves were acting up and he was trying hard not to show it.

"I trust you, Remy," Jean whispered. He had called her mother again and this time she hadn't had to push him. "But I'm not so sure I can trust you with Nate."

"I'll behave," Remy said, as he calmed down. Facing Apocalypse hadn't scared him, but the prospect of talking to his half brother did.


//Merde, I'm nervous!// Remy thought uneasy. Until now he hadn't truly realized that he was going to talk to his half brother. He didn't know a thing about Nate, except that the young man hated Apocalypse with a vengeance.

"Want me to stay?" Jean asked, sensing his disturbed thoughts. She wondered about Remy. He had faced Apocalypse without any fear at all, but was now trembling at the prospect of a simple conversation.

Remy forced himself to smile. "Merci, but I can manage." Having her present might make things even more awkward and he wanted to find out what kind of man Nate was on his own.

Jean nodded her head in understanding. //I'm sure the two of you will get along.//

//I ain't dat sure,// Remy replied and drew a deep breath, as they reached the living room. Alien thoughts probed his defenses. Nate was awake, but weak and couldn't get passed his barriers.

As he stepped into the living room, Nate's eyes found his at once. Nate had succeeded in pushing himself up from the couch and was now leaning heavily against the wall. Cold sweat had appeared on his brow, a sure sign that he needed rest and sleep. With a courteous nod, Remy acknowledged his half brother's presence.

Nate felt more nervous than he wanted to admit. Hell, this entire situation was unsettling! He'd never imagined that he would be one day living with his parents! And then there was Gambit, a man he hardly knew and who'd saved his life… his half brother. "Remy?" he started hesitantly.

"Oui." Remy walked over to the couch and sat down, hoping that Nate would take the hint and join him. Nate's apparent weakness worried him. After what seemed

hours, Nate started to move and took a seat opposite him. Pleased, Remy smiled. "Must admit t' bein' surprised dat I found y' dere. Apocalypse an' y' go way back?"

"Yes, we do," Nate confirmed. "But… the two of us have a lot more in common." Leaning back, he studied Gambit. Something about the man had changed.


Thoughtfully, Remy nodded his head. "Oui, but de bastard's gone, toget'er wid his clones." A probing glance told him that Nate had wanted to add something to that name.

"Jean told me that 'your' Sinister is dead?" Somehow, it felt… odd to discuss their nemesis like this.

"Magnus an' Scott took him out, oui. Sinister…" Remy grew quiet, as memories of his last imprisonment floated through his mind.

Nate couldn't help but pick up on those thoughts and he suspected that Remy had lowered his defenses. "I'm glad that he's no longer able to… //hurt you.// The switch from verbal to telepathic conversation simply happened. //I'm sorry, didn't want to trespass in to your mind.//

/Don' worry 'bout it, mon ami,// Remy replied reassuringly and suddenly realized what had happened. //A link?//

//I'm afraid you're right,// Nate confirmed. //Must be the familiar texture of our minds. It draws us together. Do you mind? I can put up some barriers.//

//Non, ain't necessary,// Remy whispered in to Nate's mind. //If y're comfortable wid it.//

//Gambit,// Nate started, but then corrected himself. //Remy… I never had a chance to get to know my parents… my family.//

//Know how dat feels,// Remy replied. //Y' want t' stay here, don' y'? Dat would make Jean very happy.//

//But do I fit in?// Nate suddenly realized that he was revealing his darkest secrets and doubts to Remy. Why was he so willing to confide in Gambit? Just because they shared some genes?

Remy whispered apologetically, "My mistake, mon ami… Must be de empat'y kickin' in an' grabbin' y'. Still need t' work on controlin' it. Sometimes it slips 'way an'…"

Feeling sympathetic, Nate said reassuringly, "Jean also told me that you only recently discovered these talents." Yes, maybe it was Remy's empathy subconsciously influencing him, but he didn't mind. "So, this means we're brothers?"

"Half brot'ers," Remy corrected him gingerly.

"I'm not that picky," Nate reassured him in a confident tone. Leaning back in to the comfort of the sofa he fought hard to keep his eyes open. //I never had a brother… I think I'll like having a family.// Fatigue caused him to switch back to telepathy. //You don't mind me staying here? After all you lived here first and I don't want to…//

Vehemently, Remy shook his head. //Would love havin' y' here, Nate.//

Nate tasted the truth in that statement and sleepily, closed his eyes. //Life has taken a strange turn indeed,// he mused. //I never had a home, a REAL home. This feels nice.//

Remy smiled affectionately. //Know how y' feel, mon frère.//

Nate's eyes opened one last time to look at Remy's face. //In a strange way I'm glad that Apocalypse kidnapped me. If he hadn't, I wouldn't have been here. Wouldn't have met you or…//

//Why don' y' get some sleep?// Remy asked and got to his feet. //We can talk later.// Strange, his nervousness had completely vanished and he liked Nate better than he'd expected. //It feels nice, havin' a petit frère.//

//Did I hear something condescending in that remark?// Nate sent in a joking tone. //I'm older than you are!//

Remy raised an eyebrow. //We'll find out later, cher. I better call Henri now t' have a look at y'.//

Nate growled disdainfully. //Don't need a doctor…//

Chuckling, Remy threw back his head. Nate had fallen asleep, but there was still a defiant expression on his face. //An' dey t'ink I'm trouble!//


"Your talk went well?" Scott inquired, as Remy entered the kitchen to grab a quick snack.

A smile still lingered on his face, as he answered the question. "Mais oui. Actually," and he threw Scott a meaningful look, "Nate reminds me of someone I know."

Scott faked surprise. "Yes, he's definitely trouble, reminds me of one Remy LeBeau."

"Y' don' play fair," Remy said chidingly and dug in to his sandwich. "Nate will like it here," he added a moment later.

"I hope so," Scott confirmed. "Will take me some time, getting used to having two adult sons!"

Remy smiled. "It's hard t' believe dat we're fat'er an' son, non?"

"Sometimes," Scott admitted, "But I'm glad that we discovered the truth." Scott looked up from his coffee mug and in to his son's eyes. "If we hadn't found out about Sinister, I would never have known that you're my son. I would never have forgiven myself for that. I can't believe that we didn't look in to your past earlier! A simple DNA test was all it took!"

"Means a lot t' me t' hear y' say dat," Remy whispered. "At first I wasn' sure how y' would react… I t'ought y'd hate me."

"Never," Scott declared passionately and squeezed his son's hand in an attempt to reassure the younger man. It was time to change the subject and he said, "Did you already make up your mind about Michael? Bobby hinted that you'd like to adopt the boy? I haven't talked to him yet, but I plan on correcting that ASAP."

"Dat eager t' become a grand-père?" Remy quipped.

"Remy!" Scott admonished him. "From what Jean told me he's a good kid and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you've already found a way in to his heart…"

Scott registered Remy's puzzled look. "The eyes," he explained.

"Mais dat…" Remy muttered. "Never expected t' find him at de shelter. Non, haven' decided yet."

"Why?" Scott cocked his head. Although Remy's self-confidence had grown, there was still a hint of insecurity in the red on black eyes.

"I don' know how t' raise a petit!" Remy exclaimed. "What if I do everyt'ing wrong?" Self-doubt echoed in his voice. "I want what's best for de petit."

"Remy," Scott whispered compassionately and his smile sparkled as he addressed his son. "Adopt Michael or you'll never forgive yourself. You don't get a manual on how to be the perfect father. Give Michael the love he deserves."

Remy stared in to Scott's eyes, realizing the man had made a valid point. "Mais, what if I screw up?"

Scott grinned. "You won't," he stated "But if you're that worried, why not let the boy decide? He can tell you whether he wants you to adopt him or not." Scott placed an arm around Remy's shoulder and pushed him in to the corridor. "Now go and ask him!" he ordered.

Remy grinned. "Mais oui, daddy," he whispered teasingly and dashed out of the kitchen.

Pleased, Scott sipped from his coffee. Yes, Remy would make a great dad…


Michael was staring at Eddie, trying to think up a new name for the bear, as someone knocked on the door. Good, maybe now he'd get some answer to why he'd woken up in his bed, //my own bed!// He distinctly remembered falling asleep in Remy's room. Someone had carried him back here. "Yes?"

"Can I talk t' y', petit?" Remy asked, as he pushed the door ajar.

Michael's smile brightened. "Remy!" he exclaimed and ran over to his new friend. "Do you know a good name for my bear?"

Smiling, Remy took hold of the teddy bear and sat down on the bed. Michael climbed in to position next to him and waited expectedly. Why had Remy come to his room?

"I want t' ask y' somet'ing, petit," he started hesitantly. Was he doing the right thing or not?

"Yes?" Michael hugged the bear, as Remy returned it to him. These last few days, which he had spent at the mansion, had been the best of his life. Even his parents had never fussed over him like this. The alcohol and drugs… No, he wasn't going to remember the bad times! Quickly, he pushed back the memories and focused on Remy, who was eying him critically.

//Alcohol an' drugs?// Remy thought worried. Michael had kept that hidden from him until now. But he knew best what living on the streets could do to a person, what changes it caused. Although he had always stayed away from drugs, he had used his imagination to escape his misery, envisioning having a family that cared about him. Reality had always shattered his fragile illusion in the end.

"Petit," he whispered and stroked back a silvery lock of hair. "I made some phone calls."

Puzzled, Michael's eyes grew big. "Why? Whom did you call?"

"A lawyer, child protection services…" Remy froze, sensing the sudden fear and disappointment in Michael's mind. "Non, petite! I ain' sendin' y' back!"

Michael released a strangled sigh. "Why did you call those people?"

"'Cause…" Suddenly, Remy felt lost for words. He should have brought Bobby along! His lover would have known how to tell the boy about their plans! "I want t' make sure dat y' never end up on dem streets 'gain, petit."

Frustrated, Michael flung the teddy bear on to the floor. "I don't understand!"

"I… non, Bobby an' I want t'…" Merde, why was this so difficult? //Because I'm 'fraid dat Michael will say non//.

"Are you telling me that I can stay here? Live here at the mansion?" Michael offered, desperately trying to make sense of Remy's stuttered words.

Remy licked his lips and gathered his courage. "Bobby an' I want t' adopt y'," he whispered. Michael's black eyes were impossible to read, but the boy's emotions were as clear as crystal. No matter what the boy would say, he was going to listen to Michael's emotions and base his decision on whatever he picked up. Michael might say yes because the boy didn't want to hurt his feelings, but emotions couldn't lie. //De curse of bein' an empat'!// he realized slightly embittered.

"You want to be my new daddy?" Michael whispered in disbelief. "Are you sure?" This couldn't be happening! He couldn't be this lucky! It had been his dream to find someone who wanted to take care of him, who wanted to love him and now Remy was offering that to him and even more? Making it official and adopt him? Acting on impulse Michael flung his arms around Remy's neck and hugged him.

Michael's intense happiness took him by surprise, as he never expected such an overwhelming reaction. No way Michael was faking this! The prospect of being adopted thrilled the boy.

"Does that mean I get two daddies? You and Bobby?" Michael questioned mischievously. "And does that make Logan and Warren uncles? Uncle Fur Ball sounds nice too!" His eyes were watering with tears of happiness. "I don't ever have to go back to the streets or the shelters?"

"Never, petit," Remy promised passionately and hugged Michael back. He still couldn't believe that Michael had said yes. "You also have grand pères, petit."

Michael shot him a confused glance. "I have what?" he asked, unfamiliar with the word.

"Grand daddies," Remy said, explaining the term to him. "An' a grand mot'er, Jean. I t'ink y' already met her."

"I did. I like her. She's a nice lady." Michael beamed with pride and happiness. "But about those grand daddies…"

"I will introduce y' t' dem, petit," Remy whispered and sighed relieved. "Y're sure 'bout dis?"

"You want me as your son?" Michael answered Remy with a question of his own.

"I do," Remy admitted. "I want t' take care of y', be dere for y'. I want t' see y' grow up an' be happy. Y' need t' learn how t' handle dose claws an' Logan…"

Michael leaned in closer and whispered, "Is it true that you call him Wolvie?"

Remy grinned. "Dat's true. Must be 'cause I talk so funny," he replied, remembering Michael's remarks as they had left the shelter. "Y' okay wid a père who talks funny?"

"Oh yes!" Michael exclaimed and was about to continue as someone knocked on the door.

"Y' can come 'side, cher," Remy whispered. He'd sensed Bobby's arrival and watched closely as the door opened. Doubtlessly, his lover had listened to his conversation with Michael via the link.

Bobby smiled, as he closed the door behind him. //You finally made up your mind?// he asked his lover.

//I did,// Remy sent passionately. //An' he likes de idea of livin' here, wid us.//

Bobby sat on his heels in front of Michael and studied the boy's face. "I know this must be weird," he said reassuringly. "We're mutants, like you are, but… you're going to have two daddies. That doesn't bother you?"

Michael shook his head. "No, it doesn't. I like both of you!" His voice carried great enthusiasm and conviction. "I am going to have one big family!" he suddenly realized.

Bobby and Remy exchanged a glance. //You made the right decision, Remy,// Bobby told his lover.

//I hope so, cher,// Remy cast and wrapped his fingers around Bobby's. //I couldn' have done it wit'out y'.//

Bobby kissed the back of Remy's hand and tangled his fingers affectionately in Michael's hair. "C'mon, let's tell the others!"

The three of them walked in to the corridor and Remy suddenly realized that his wish had come true. He'd found his family, a lover and a son. Having a family, which cared for him no longer was an illusion. His fragile illusion had become reality.


"Cher?" Quietly, Remy sat down on their bed. Bobby was still asleep. Watching over him during these last days had drained his love. So much had happened and his head still reeled. He'd almost destroyed Apocalypse, had found his brother Nate and finally, they had decided to adopt Michael. He still remembered Michael's joy when he had told the boy the news. Michael had unconditionally accepted them as his parents, had never seemed uncomfortable at having two daddies instead of a mum and a dad.

//Was I like dat, back den when Jean-Luc took me in?// he wondered silently. It had taken Jean-Luc and tante months to gain his trust and Michael already trusted him. Maybe it was the eyes, maybe something else. //Mebbe I should ask Henri to test Michael's DNA. What if he's related to a mutant we know?// Michael had told him that his parents had died during their time on the streets, but what if there was an uncle or an aunt who wanted custody of the boy? Remy wasn't sure he could ever give up on Michael if someone claimed him in the near future.

//Love?// Bobby opened his eyes. Remy's musings had disturbed his sleep. "Did you talk to Nate?" he pushed himself into a sitting position and curled his fingers around Remy's. The remarkable change, which had taken place in his lover, still baffled him. Only months ago the Cajun had been an emotional wreck. But the fact that Jean, Magnus and Scott had accepted him as their son had changed his love forever.

"Oui, I did," Remy said aloud and tangled his fingers in Bobby's soft hair. "We'll try and work t'ings out."

Bobby pushed back the comforter and stretched his body. "What about Michael?"

"I sent de request to adopt him one hour ago. De professor promised to help me wrestle t'rough all necessary aut'orities and paperwork."

"Remy?" Bobby leaned in closer, shot his lover a radiant smile and dove for his lips. The moment their lips touched a sparkle of electricity sizzled in the air.

Remy smiled apologetically. "Must be de magnetic field. Kinda low on energy right now," he explained.

"Magnetic love, huh?" Bobby quipped mischievously and traced the insides of Remy's luscious lips with his fingertips.

//Still got your ring, cher,// Remy cast into his lover's mind.

//You didn't have the time to have it engraved,// Bobby realized and smiled lazily. //Last time you had no idea what the inscription should read.//

//I know now,// Remy corrected his lover and fumbled in his pockets. Presenting the ring to his lover, he pressed a kiss on Bobby's fingertips. //Merci, cher.//

Bobby shook his head. //No, I should thank you. Do you have any idea how much your love means to me?//

Remy stared at Bobby's fingers. His lover took hold of the ring and tried to read the inscription.

"It's kinda hard to read in the half dark," Bobby said jokingly.

Remy's lips quavered. "Know it sounds corny, cher, mais… it comes from de heart." The words formed in his mind like they had in the ring. //Je t'aime pour toute éternité.//

Bobby's eyes suddenly swam with tears.

"Cher?" Remy whispered and pulled his love close. //What did I do wrong?//

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Bobby quickly wiped away the tears that had escaped his eyes.

"I will love you… for all eternity… always, cher. I'm yours… My soul belongs to you… you ARE my soul…" Remy said awkwardly, wondering why this had taken his lover aback. //You must know how much I love you, cher!//

"Slide it onto my finger," Bobby said softly. This vow of eternal love was so like Remy!

"Almost feel like marryin' you!" Remy said a little saddened. "Wish we could make dis… legal… aussi for Michael's sake."

"Maybe we can?" Bobby leapt up from the bed, abandoning his lover who looked perplexed. "Last night, I surfed the net," he started and there are ways to make this legal."

"Cher," Remy whispered puzzled. "Knowin' you want to be wid me is 'enough for me."

"But you've got a point! Once we adopt Michael we're responsible for him!" Bobby returned to the bed. "Let me talk to a friend of mine. He's a lawyer."

Shyly, Remy locked eyes with his love. //You want to marry dis t'ief?//

"Heck! I will even propose to you!" Bobby slid down onto his knees, grabbed Remy's hand and smiled brilliantly. "Do you want to marry me, Remy LeBeau?"

"You know dat means Magnus and Scott will be your faders in law?" Remy pointed out to him. The sight of Bobby kneeling at his feet, looking at him like that, made his heart thump louder.

Bobby pretended to shudder. "I'm okay with Magnus, but Slim?" A grin crossed his face and he raised Remy's right hand to meet his lips. Slowly, one by own, he suckled his lover's fingertips. "Oui or non?" he said wickedly.

"Cher!" Remy exclaimed. "Of course it's oui! I want to spend de rest of my life wid you!"

Bobby pulled his love onto the floor. "Wanna make love?"

"You're méchant…" //Wicked!// Remy whispered breathlessly as Bobby's passion swept through him. "Oui, m'aimer. Make love to me, cher."

//Forever, my angel,// Bobby promised passionately.

//Je t'aime pour toute éternité.// Remy nodded his head, opened his mind and quavered. //Forever…//

The end