The Angel's Song

Author: (yeah right) BJ

Rating: PG13

Summary: Logan hears a song late at night

The Angel's Song
by BJ

Logan was drawn from sleep by music so soft only his sensitive ears could hear it.It was hauntingly beautiful, full of longing and need and soul deep pain.He shifted onto his back as the music was joined by a voice.It was smoky and sad and full of the same longing,need and pain.With that, the music became a song.As he lay in his bed listening,eyes still closed,Logan realized that there was a golden thread of hope mixed into the voice. It was battered and fragile but it was there just the same.Logan smiled, it was a voice he knew well, the voice of a fallen angel.

Newbies FIC The angels song 2

The song wrapped him up and drew him in.He left his room following the thread of hope in the voice. He ended up in the bowels of the mansion, in a dark musty corner forgotten over time. As the last note of the song disappeared into the air a quiet voice said "sorry I woke You". "what are you doing down here darlin'" came the equally soft reply. Logan slowly made his way past the discarded and forgotten things in the small room. The light from the single dirty lightbulb shown down on the young man seated at the piano creating a golden halo in his soft auburn hair.When Logan reached the dusty piano he slowly wrapped his arms around the young man. "Sometimes,at night when I cant sleep,I come down here.Sometimes... it feels like the only place I belong" Remy said quietly as he stared down at the piano keys.When he looked up there was such a lost look in his eyes, it made Logans heart ache. Logan pulled him closer to his chest, buried his nose in the soft hair and breathed in the scent he'd come to need like a drug.He kissed the soft hair and said "you don't belong here anymore." He helped Remy stand, wrapped an arm around his waist and led him from the cold, dark room. Logan never heard the song again and the fallen angel with the devil's eyes, found a safe home in the circle of his strong arms.
