The Christmas Series 4: Learning To trust Again

by Morgana


Fandom: X-Men

Parings: Remy/ Bobby.

Rating: R

Status: finished.

Series/Sequel: Sequel to The Ghost Of Christmas Present

Category: drama, alternate universe, angst.

Summary: Bobby spends Christmas at the boathouse and learns some things about Remy Remy doesn't trust easy and Bobby has to prove his love

The Christmas Series 4: Learning To Trust Again

by Morgana


Mmmm, that was a nice dream. Took me by surprise, that dream. I've only had nightmares these last few nights so this dream is a welcome distraction. Bobby came to the boathouse, thrust a puppy into my arms and then confessed his love for me. Yeah, right, like he could ever love me! But it was a nice dream...

Opening my eyes I stare at the ceiling. I'm alone in my bed; no surprises there, it was a dream after all. Restlessly, I push myself into a sitting position and rest my back against the headboard. Merde! I forgot to call Jean-Luc last night!

I check the time and find it's two in the afternoon. What am I still doing in bed? Trying to remember what happened, my thoughts run in circles always ending up reliving that dream. I must have been asleep for hours, probably fell asleep without even noticing it. That's very unlike me and goes against everything Jean-Luc ever taught me. A thief needs to be alert and vigilant at all time!

My growling stomach reminds me of the fact that it needs food and I reluctantly leave my bed. Merde, it's still cold. First thing I'm going to do is raise the room temperature and then I'm going to make some strong coffee that will help me through the day. Only wearing my old T-shirt, I stumble downstairs. I head for the temperature control and raise the temperature inside the house. One look outside tells me that it's still snowing; how I wish it would finally stop! I hate that unblamished whiteness.

Rubbing my eyes I make my way into the living room to pick up one of the blankets that I left on the couch. I'm cold and wrapping it around me will warm me up. I'm in the process of grabbing it when soft, twinkling lights stop me in my tracks. A Christmas tree? How the hell did that one get inside? Shocked, I stare at it in disbelief. Bobby bought a tree in my dream, but a dream isn't real. Am I finally losing my mind? Shivering like a leaf I make my way over to the tree and touch it. Oui, it's real! "Can' be!"

Unexpected noises emanate from behind me and they're coming from the front door. Turning slowly around, I listen to the sound of footfalls. Who's visiting me and why? A sharp knock on the door pulls me away from my musings.

"Come on, Remy, wake up! Wiggles is getting cold!"

This can't be happening! It's impossible! It was a dream and dreams aren't real. I don't know what to do or how to react. Bobby and the puppy can't be outside... it's impossible!

"Remy, Wiggles is freezing!"

Raising a shaky hand, I put it on the doorknob and open the door. Bobby's standing in front of me, partly covered in snow and Wiggles is trying to get closer to me, jumping and pulling at his leash. "" I'm trying to understand what's happening, but my brain isn't co-operating... it was just a dream, wasn't it?

"Remy? You're shaking!" Bobby quickly steps inside and closes the door behind him. He removes the leash and picks up Wiggles, rubbing the puppy behind his ears. Soft barking echoes through the boathouse as Wiggles wants to show his contentment. "He's a good little puppy. He waited until we got outside to do his business instead of dropping everything on the kitchen floor. I also picked up some dog food."

Bobby's concerned eyes lock with mine. Does he know I thought everything was just a dream? That I was convinced he was never here? That the puppy was just a figment of my imagination?

"You'd better sit down, Remy. You look like you're ready to keel over."

Bobby puts an arm around my waist and guides me to one of the couches. Sitting down, I continue to stare at him and Wiggles. Bobby shrugs out of his parka, removes his boots and sits down next to me, putting Wiggles on my lap. The walk to the mansion drained the little rascal and he curls up, rapidly falling asleep.

"Remy, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost." Bobby gently places his hand on my arm, watching my face to make sure he isn't trespassing. "I didn't startle you be leaving like that? I wanted to leave a note, but Wiggles really needed to pee."

"I t'ought it was jus' a dream," I blurt out, unintended. Merde, I don't want him to know. What's wrong with me? I kept my distance all these years, locked my empathy away and now I'm acting like the street kid Jean-Luc took in.

"A dream?" Bobby smiles. "Not a dream, Remy."

At a loss, I stroke Wiggles' head. The puppy is comfortably asleep on my lap and his body heat seeps into my tired bones.

"I don't know about you, Remy, but I'm hungry. I'm gonna make some grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Bobby," I start, holding onto his arm when he wants to get up. "I don' t'ink I've got any cheese..." Or bread for that matter.

"That's okay." Bobby points at a bag which he dropped near the front door. "I come fully equipped."

I let go of his arm and he moves into the kitchen, getting started on the sandwiches. I'm grateful that he gives me some time to compose myself. Am I still dreaming or is this really happening? Maybe... I pinch my arm and my eyes grow big. I felt that! It hurt! This is really happening!

Picking up the puppy, I deposit him on the couch and cover him with a warm blanket. Wiggles never wakes up and remains curled up beneath the blanket. I rise from the couch and hesitantly approach Bobby, who's humming a melody and obviously having a great time. Searching my memory I recall him confessing his love for me and me dragging him upstairs to my bed.

"Remy? You're spooking me..." Bobby's eyes reveal his worry. "What's going on? You're acting like a sleepwalker; like you never expected me to come back." He grows quiet, realizing that's just what happened. "You thought this never happened? That it was just a dream?"

"Are you sure you ain' a telepat'?" It's eerie, the way he knows my every thought. My face is growing hot and I'm blushing, being caught like that. "T'ought it was a dream, oui."

Bobby picks up the plate with grilled sandwhiches and gives me a long and thoughtful look. "Let's eat, Remy."

Without saying another word he places them on the kitchen table and also pours some tea. When did he make tea? I'm slipping. I take the chair opposite him, wondering why I feel the need to distance myself from him.

"We need to talk, Remy," Bobby says eventually while sipping his tea.

"I know dat." But I don't know how to start this conversation.

"I need to know where we stand, Remy. How do you feel about me plunging into your life like this, professing my love for you?"

I moisten my chapped lips. "I never expected it." Staring at my sandwich and the tea I know I owe him a better answer. "I like you, Bobby, 'ways did, mais... I was wit' Rogue."

"Rogue and you are no longer together," Bobby points out, while taking tiny bites from his sandwich. "Or are you going to try win her back?"

"Non." I no longer want Rogue; I'm sure of that, but do I want Bobby? "You surprised me."

Bobby nods his head in acknowledgment. "You never saw it coming?"

"Non." I take a bite out of the sandwich, surprised at how good it tastes.

"There's just one thing I don't understand," Bobby starts, "you're an empath. How could you not know I'm in love with you?"

"Locked it 'way, remember?" I avert my eyes, not eager to look him in the eyes. I haven't done this much emotional bloodletting since Jean-Luc found me. "Mais it's back now and it's strong."

"Remy, don't lock it away again? Please. Don't shut it out." Bobby seems uncertain and briefly his hand hovers above mine, but then he pulls back. "I also need to know where we stand, Remy. How do you feel about me?"

"I don' know, Bobby." I flinch, speaking those words; feeling Bobby's disappointment. I need to soften my words. "Never expected you to fall in love wit' me and I... I feel so confused right now. Christmas is 'ways a very emotional time for me." Okay, I didn't want to reveal that last part to him, but I did and I already feel his questions.

"Why's that?" Bobby stopped eating and is now sipping his tea.

"I can' talk 'bout it right now," I mumble apologetically. "It's hard."

"I can wait," Bobby assures me. "But... are we... dating? Just friends or more?"

He really deserves an answer to that question. "Bobby, I can' make any promises right now. I need time to figure t'ings out, mais I'd like... like you to stay at de boathouse for Christmas." Bobby gives me a hard look and I swallow the lump in my throat. "I wanna make dis work, mais..." Suddenly Bobby's hand covers mine, reassuringly rubbing my knuckles. Please, let him understand that this is all I can give him for now.

"Then I'll stay," Bobby says pleased and smiles brilliantly. "It's a good thing you invited me to stay, Remy, because I already packed an overnight bag."

Following the direction of his gaze I see the duffel bag next to the couch. A smile curls my lips; Bobby certainly wants this to work out. Gentle barking coming from the living room tells me Wiggles woke up and I want to check on him, pick him up and cuddle him. "Merci for Wiggles." I said it before, but I want him to know I love the little dog. Bobby follows me into the living room and Wiggles frees himself of the blanket to jump onto my lap.

"He likes you," Bobby comments while pulling the blanket over my knees.

Merde, I'm running around in a T-shirt!

"Shouldn't you put on something warmer? You feel cold."

"I will. Jus' gimme a minute here, Bobby." I cuddle Wiggles and am rewarded with puppy dog kisses. Peeking at Bobby I find that a content smile has settled on his face. "Why didn' you tell me?"

"About what?" Bobby sounds puzzled.

"'bout bein' in love wit' me? Jus' 'cause of Rogue?"

"Partly," he admits. "I didn't want to come between the two of you and you never gave the impression you liked men in that way so I figured I didn't stand a chance."

"I'm bi," I whisper, suddenly feeling nervous. "Mais I never acted on it 'fore."

Bobby nods his head once. "I thought so much. So this is new to you? Being with a man?"

"Oui," I admit shyly.

"Can I ask you something personal, Remy?" Bobby licks his lips, growing nervous.

"Can' promise I'll answer."

"You said that some things happened in your past that make it hard for you to trust people. Will you tell me what happened?"

Bobby's stroking Wiggles' head and suddenly his fingers caress my hand instead. Our eyes hesitantly meet and I manage to keep my breathing steady. I don't know what's happening, but Bobby's presence makes me feel extremely comfortable. "I don' t'ink I can."

Bobby is conflicted and chooses his next words carefully. "Can't you try? I don't want to pressure you, but... I wanna help."

Smiling warmly, I lock eyes with Bobby. "Merci for offerin', cher, mais you can' help." Bobby remains quiet, begging me to tell him what he wants to know with his eyes. "I was abused as a chile." Biting my lower lip I hope my answer will satisfy him.

"A...abused?" Bobby stutters, obviously distressed. "Remy?"

I take a deep breath before looking him in the eyes again. "It lasted two years, then Jean-Luc LeBeau took me in and adopted me." I can tell he's shocked. Merde, this is what I wanted to avoid! "Mebbe dis is a bad idea."

"No, you're doing the right thing by telling me," Bobby says reassuringly. "Remy, I've got to know..."

I don't let him finish the question. "I was sexually abused, oui."

Bobby's eyes almost pop from their sockets. "And you were just a kid? Where were your parents? Why didn't they stop the abuse?"

I laugh embittered. "Cause I don' have parents, Bobby. I grew up wit' a man who'd taken me in." I try hard not to think back to the time I spent with the Antiquary. Although the old man didn't abuse the children in his collection he still controled us in different ways. "I ran 'way when I was 'bout ten and ended up on de streets. I had to survive somehow..." I'm not sure how Bobby will react to my confession. "I never told Rogue..." I add thoughtfully. "I'm tryin' to trust you..."

Bobby's shaking his head. "Why didn't I know? Why didn't you tell us? Does Scott and the professor now?"

"Only you know..." I move slightly away from him, steeling myself for his rejection. I never told Rogue because she'd drop me like a hot potato.

"Remy, did you ever talk to a psychatrist? You were only a kid and... how did you deal with it?" Bobby moves closer again, concern colors his eyes.

"Jean-Luc made me go to counciling. I dealt wit' it, Bobby. De memories will never leave completely, but I can control dem. Dey don' control me."

"Maybe that's why you never acted when you felt attracted to a man."

Bobby's smart and figured it out. "Oui, dat's probably it." Bobby's hand is still caressing mine and I feel lost. I expect him to put an end to this 'relationship' if I can call it that, but he's still here, holding my hand. I hesitantly meet his gaze and am shocked to find remnants of tears on his cheek. "Are you cryin'?"

"Fuck," Bobby mutters and quickly wipes away the tears that made it down his cheek. "I never knew something that traumatic happened to you."

"'most looks like you're de empat' here," I say teasingly, shocked that he cares this much. "Don' worry too much 'bout my past, Bobby. It no longer affects me dat much."

"How can you say that?" Bobby's whispering, still battling with his emotions. "If something like that had happened to me as a kid I... My God, I don't know if I could have dealt with it."

Smiling, I raise my hand and wipe away the remaining tears. These tears are precious to me. "Mebbe now you understand why I have a hard time trustin' people?"

"Yeah, I do." Bobby composes himself again, but doesn't let go of my hand. "I won't let you down. Are there any things I should be aware of? Things that spook you?"

"Not really, cher." I blush. "Dis is de first time I'm datin' a man so I really don' know. We'll find out toget'er, oui?"

"Oh yeah!" Bobby moves a little closer. "Remy, are you really sure you want to try this? I'll understand if you don't want to be with me. I don't want to freak you out."

"You won' freak me out, Bobby." Okay, he passed his first test. He's still here and not running away from me in disgust. Maybe this will work out. Feeling a little lightheaded I wonder how he'll react if I kiss him. Am I ready to take that step? There's only one way to find out! "Can I... Can I kiss you?"

Bobby's eyes grow impossibly big. "Remy..."

"Oui or non, cher?" Bobby has to be sure about this. I won't kiss him if he doesn't want me to. Asking permission takes away some of the magic that's surrounding us, but I need his answer.

"Oui... uh, yes."

Bobby's nervous and holds still, letting me make the first move. After drawing in a deep breath, I lean in closer, gently brushing his lips with mine. A soft moan escapes his lips and flows into my mouth. I still can't believe this is really happening. Cupping the back of his head in my palm I deepen the kiss slightly, constantly looking for signs, which will tell me he wants to stop, but then one arm wraps itself around my waist and he's pulling me closer.

Keeping my eyes locked with his enables me to easier gauge his reactions and I realize that Bobby's trying to do the same thing. I break off the kiss and snuggle close to him. "I liked dat."

"Me too," Bobby whispers, pleased. "Remy... you will tell me if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, won't you?"

I already regret telling him about my past; his whole manner has changed. "Don' hold back, Bobby. It happened a long time ago."

"You will tell me?" Bobby persists.

"Oui, I will," I sigh, displeased. "I ain' gonna break, you know. I ain' fragile china."

"Then why does everything about you scream 'handle with care'?"

I lower my eyes, wondering what's going on here. I feel his love, his concern and I'm reacting to it, but there's something else, something more and I can't label it. It almost feels spiritual, the way he's treating me. Maybe it's because he really loves me? Rogue never acted this way.

"Why don't we watch some TV and simply enjoy sitting here?" Bobby smiles, takes hold of the remote control and finds a movie called Ernest saves Christmas. I continue to soak up his closeness and warmth and begin to relax. Tension leaves my body and I rest my head on his shoulder, hiding deeper beneath the blanket. Wiggles is still sound asleep and feels warm on my lap. "Watchin' TV sounds jus' fine."

Bobby's soft laugh makes me chuckle. I didn't know I could feel this at peace. Lured into sleep by Bobby's body heat and soothing presence I start to dream.


"Oui, you're finally sleepin' comfortably," Henri says, pleased.

Ha! I'm not sleeping, but it feels good to know I can fool Henri. Well, maybe I shouldn't pretend and tell Henri I'm awake. "M'sieur? Fooled you." My eyes flash open and Bisou is waking up as well. Henri smiles at me and I sit upright. A coughing fit turns me breathless and I shiver, seeing Henri reach for the cough syrup tante left behind. "Don' need it, m'sieur. I'm bien."

"Don' give me any trouble, petit. Mattie told me to feed you dis twice a day and I'll do jus' dat. Now open up."

Sighing, I obdiently swallow the cough syrup, which tastes awful. "Ai, m'sieur... no more." Henri pulls up the blankets and tucks them around me. "Where's m'sieur Jean-Luc?"

"Off to a business meetin'. He'll be back for dinner." Henri leans back in his chair. "When's your birt'day, Remy?"

Lowering my eyes, I gently stroke Bisou's flank. "Don' know, m'sieur."

"Who are your parents, petit?"

"Don' know dat eit'er." I'm starting to feel uncomfortable, suddenly realizing this is the first time I'm alone with Henri. Until now either Jean-Luc or tante were present. Pinching my eyes half shut, I try to study him unnoticed. Can I trust him? I'm not sure.

"What's de first t'ing you remember?"

De first thing? I raise an eyebrow, wondering why Henri's asking these questions. "Dat must be de Antiquary."

"How long were you part of his collection?"

Alarmed, I suck in my breath. How much does Henri know of the Antiquary and the kids he collected? I need to be careful now. What if he's a spy the Antiqury sent to take me back? "Years," I whisper evasively. If only Jean-Luc were here! I don't know why I trust him, but I do.

"I regret makin' you uncomfortable, Remy, but we're tryin' to find your parents so everything you can tell us would be helpful."

"My parents? M'sieur, I don' have any recollection of dem. I'm sure I never met dem so how can you find dem? C'est impossible." The mere thought that they are looking for my parents shocks me. Why would they do that?

Henri decides to change the subject. "Are you hungry, petit? I'm sure dere are some leftovers from last night's dinner."

I'm not sure how to answer that one. Oui, I'm hungry, but I'm not used to people offering me food. "What do you want in return?" Oui, Jean-Luc tried to explain to me that there isn't a price involved, but I still can't believe him. They'll want to collect soon. Henri's gaze grows puzzled and then displeased.

"Didn' père tell you dere's no price?" Henri gets to his feet and walks over to the doorway. "I'll get you something to eat and den we'll walk Bisou."

I release a relieved sigh when he finally leaves the room. Bisou's fully awake now and begging for my attention. I play and talk to him and then hug him close. I love this dog. When Henri returns a few minutes later I put Bisou down on the floor and hide beneath the blankets.

Henri shakes his head, displeased, and places a tray on the bed. "Try to eat something? I'll ask tante to help you dress."

"I can get dressed on my own! I ain' a bébé!" I don't need tante's help; I can do this on my own. I never depended on anyone before and I'm not going to start now. Looking at the food I wonder if I can risk eating it. What if Henri drugged it? I'm shaking, realizing I'm working myself in to a frenzy. There's no reason for Henri to drug the food and if he'd wanted to hurt me he could have already done so. I just don't feel at ease when he's around. I want Jean-Luc!

"Eat and get dressed," Henri instructs. "And den we're going for dat walk. De fresh air will do you good as well. You haven' been outside for five days now."

Five days? I lost track of time. The last time I went outside was when I tried to run away on New Year's Eve. Jean-Luc and Henri found me that time. I've been fighting this cold ever since, but I've got to admit I'm feeling better and yes, maybe the fresh air will help me clear my head. It's about time I cleaned up my act! Jean-Luc, Henri and tante probably think I'm a headcase, considering the way I've been acting.

Henri steps into the corridor, leaving me alone. I dig into the food and empty the plate. I didn't realize I was that hungry! Bisou is already pacing near the doorway, urging me to hurry up. After climbing out of the huge big four poster bed I open my closet and stare at the clothes inside. Jean-Luc told me they were mine, but I still can't believe him.

I select a pair of jeans, clean briefs, a white T-shirt and a brown sweater. I quickly dress and then put on the warm boots that will fight off the cold. Suddenly a hand settles down on my shoulder and I startle, emitting a strangled scream.

"Remy, calm down. It's jus' me, Henri."

The expression in his eyes tells me my reaction shocked him. I'm struggling for breath, leaning heavily against the wall. "Please don' do dat, m'sieur."

"I'm sorry I statled you, petit. I wasn' t'inking and I promise I won' 'sneak' up on you again."

I feel ashamed that he figured it out so quickly. "Non, it's my fault, m'sieur. I..." How can I tell him how scared I am, always was, especially on the streets? "Can' believe you want me here, m'sieur. Can' believe I'm really off de streets. I still expect you to throw me out 'gain." I can't believe I told Henri that.

Henri lowers himself onto his heels. "Listen, Remy. We want you here, oui? Give us some time to prove dat to you."

I nod my head and shuffle my feet. Bisou's pitiful yelps reminds us that we really need to walk the puppy. Henri gets my coat and helps me into it. After zipping it up, he makes sure I'm wearing my mittens and then extends his hand.

"Are you comin', Remy?"

I can only stare at his hand. Do I dare to take it? I hesitantly raise my right hand and place it in his. "Oui, m'sieur, I'm ready to go." I follow him downstairs and gasp as the cold wind hits my skin after stepping onto the street. Bisou immediately lifts his leg and pees. "You're a good little puppy," I say encourgingly.

I grow extremely aware of Henri's fingers curled around mine. Bisou is pulling at his leash, but Henri makes sure the puppy can't get away. It feels strange, walking these streets with someone who cares about me. I remember curling up on the pavement, expecting to die, only to be welcomed into the LeBeau household.

"Dey're lookin' at me," I whisper, feeling nervous. "It's my eyes, m'sieur. Mebbe we should go back inside."

'Non, Remy, we're walkin' Bisou and we'll have some hot chocolate before headin' home 'gain. You're wit' me, petit, don' be 'fraid."

Swallowing hard, I fight the tears in my eyes. Mon Dieu, I've never know anyone who wants to protect me and I wonder if this is how kids feel who still have a father. It's hard to believe that I don't have to steal any food, that Henri will pay for the hot chocolate and that he will make sure I'm fine. I no longer have to look out for myself and it feels liberating to accept that someone else is doing it for me.

Feeling lightheaded, I begin to hum one of tante's melodies, watching Bisou sneak up on a snowman. "M'sieur?"

"Oui, Remy?"

"Can I call you Henri?"

"I already told you to call me Henri," he says, pleased. "I'd be honored, petit frère."

"Why do you say dat? I ain' your brot'er." I feel saddened by the fact that he isn't my real brother. I want a family more than anything else.

"But you are my petit frère, don' doubt dat." Henri's tone is determined and serious. "Let's move 'long, Remy. You feel cold and I'm sure you'd love some hot chocolate."

I let him guide me through the streets, dazed and incredibly pleased.


"Hey, Remy, wake up."

"Huh?" Sleepily, I open my eyes, wondering who's trying to make me wake up. "Bobby?" I blink a few times, realizing how close Bobby is. We're on the couch and I'm curled up next to him; my head is on his shoulder and my hands are in his lap. Bobby's gently rubbing my hands, warming them. Disorientated and puzzled, I try to remember why Bobby's here. Oh yeah, we decided to give this relationship a chance. "Where's Wiggles?"

"On the floor, chasing his own tail," Bobby chuckles. "Hey, are you okay? You've been sleeping for hours now and my neck is growing stiff. I need to move about a bit, not to mention I desperately need to visit the bathroom."

"I fell 'sleep..." One look at the clock tells me I've been alseep for two hours. "Sorry, Bobby," I apologize, giving him enough space to rise from the couch. "I don' usually fall 'sleep."

"That's okay." Bobby gets to his feet and heads for the bathroom. "You must have been awfully tired." He closes the bathroom door behind him.

"I ain' usually dis tired," I whisper, confused. A coughing fit doubles me over. Non, mon Dieu! I can't have a cold! Serves me right for running after Bobby wearing only a T-shirt. Sneezing, I stagger to my feet and head for the kitchen. Wiggles is trying to attack my feet and is making things harder. Because of the sneezing I can't see probably and I can only hope I'm not stepping on the little puppy.

Retrieving and clutching some paper towels I try to ride out the coughing and sneezing fit. Mon Dieu, I've been through this before and can only hope I won't get a fever.

"Remy?" Bobby hurries into the kitchen and gives me a quizical look.

"I've got a cold," I whisper between several coughs. "Merde...!"

"Come on, Remy, you should be in bed."

Bobby folds one arm around my waist and helps me upstairs. I'm shivering as I lie down and Bobby tucks the blankets around me.

"I'm going to get you some OJ. Do you have some chicken soup?"

"Non... no OJ eit'er." The blankets do the trick and I finally feel warm. "Bobby, are you gonna stay? You don' have to, if you don' wanna, mais..." Please, I don't want to be sick and all alone at the boathouse.

"I'll check the mansion for OJ and chicken soup. I'll be back in a few minutes. Try to rest, Remy."

I hold my breath when he leans forward to place a chaste kiss on my brow. "Don'... or you'll catch my cold."

"I don't get colds," Bobby says smugly.

"I should have known dat de Iceman doesn' do colds," I whisper, closing my eyes. "What 'bout Wiggles?" The moment I finish the question the puppy jumps onto the bed and makes himself comfortable on the other pillow.

"I guess that answers your question?" Bobby laughs and walks towards the doorway. "I'll be back with the OJ in a few minutes, Remy."

"Bien." Closing my eyes, I cringe, feeling miserable. Please don't let this cold evolve into pneumonia.


I must have fallen asleep again because the sudden rocking of the mattress wakes me. I manage to partly open my eyes and find that Bobby's climbing into bed with me. He's wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants and he feels soft and warm. "You're back..." Part of me doubted he really wants to take care of me.

"Remy, can you sit up? I want you to drink some OJ."

I struggle into an upright position and watch him closely. It certainly looks like he's here to stay.

"Drink, Remy."

Obediently, I empty the glass of OJ. Bobby helps me lie down again and he spoons up behind me once more. "Dis feels bien."

Bobby laughs softly. "Go back to sleep, Remy."

I feel relieved, knowing that I don't have to beat this cold on my own. Bobby's here to help me through it. He won't let me down. I can trust him to take care of me. "Merci, cher..." Bobby's answer is a kiss pressed on my brow and I smile blissfully, realizing he's worthy of my trust. Bobby won't leave me. His right hand soothingly strokes my back and I'm unable to stay awake much longer. Feeling completely safe, I give in to sleep.

The End