Title: Drifting

Author: Meghan


Website: http://www.geocities.com/lynn_teke

Summery: Depressing, you're fully warned.

Pairing: Pick your fandom, pick your male, and pick your female.


We don't talk anymore
Open our mouths but no words come out
Going through the motions of living
Drifting through the days
Time has no feeling
Nights are long and meaningless

The door of the bedroom is shut
The covers on the bed turned down
Smooth a hand across the sheet
Watch it ripple beneath the skin
Lay down on an empty pillow
Head towards the oak paneling

The bed dips as he settles in
It's dark
Save for the crack of light beneath the door
He listens to the rasp of his breath
Shatter the insufferable silence
Praying for the strength to close the gap between them
Too many fights with hurt feelings have taken their toll
He regrets all the things he's said
And everything he wished he had

He pads barefoot to the kitchen
The tiny bulb in the fridge illuminates his face
Shakily he withdraws the carton of milk
Closing the door, he pauses
Her eyes meet his across the room
He opens a cupboard and takes down a glass
His fingers brush over her face

In the morning's light
The dust has diminished from her picture
And he can pretend she's still beside him
That he'll feel the drumming of her heart
When he lays his head upon her chest
That the gloss of the cool glass is really heated flesh

He smashes his fist into the frame
A shower of sharp shards rains down
Blood and tears mix in a swirl
Staining the cream coloured carpet
Ugly as the bruises forming on his knuckles
Light glints off the jagged edges
A blinding display through a veil of tears
Distorting the beauty of her face into blurred colours

Carved granite takes shape beneath his fingertips
Grass has grown over the earth
Violets blossem at the base
Green vines have tendrils caressing the stone
Creeping up the sides
Peace and tranquility prevail
Except in his heart

Harsh sobs echo through the deserted graveyard
Bouncing off tombstones in crushing waves
The thud of a cork dropped
Muffled by the grass that hides it from view
Amber liquid slides over parched lips
Glass vial drops down to lean against a stem
He leans againt the headstone
Forehead pressed to the carved rose at the top
Fisted hand clenching at his side
He listens to the rasp of his breath
Silence returns