FIC: Dukesblade: Welcome to Hazzard (gen)

Author: Selena

Fandoms: Wicthblade and Dukes of Hazzard

Pairing: Luke/Sara

Rating: PG 13

Warning: It gets sillier

Disclaimer: See chapter one it still applies

Welcome to Hazzard
By Selena

All is peaceful here in Hazzard County. Which usually means that trouble can’t be to far away.

The vortex was loud and it was blue, it felt like it had been throwing her around itself for hours. Finally Sara landed with a thump, on hot dusty ground.

“OK, ouch.” She grumbled as she picked herself up and dusted down. She looked around her. This was a new place. One minute she had been in Gabriel’s shop, and now. Well who knew where the hell she was. “Gabriel?” She called out “Gabriel”

“Just a few more minutes, mom.” Came the muffled reply.

Sara looked around, and saw her friend’s legs sticking out from behind a briar bush.

“Hey,” She called to him as she rushed over. “Are you all right?”

“Oh yeah, great” He said dully as he got up. “Wow, it really worked!” He gestured to the remote he held in his hands. Remarkably he had managed to hold on to it during the bumpy ride.

“What is that thing?”

Gabriel looked at the strange device.

“It’s just something I fooled around with during the long nights. The book told me how to make it; I just never thought it would actually work. Once we are done here, I am pretty sure I can make it get us home.”

Sara regarded him warily. She really didn’t know him any more

“Where is here?”

“I would imagine that we are in Hazzard. That is where you wanted to go isn’t it?”

“How do you know for sure where we are?”

“Sara, you have to trust me, I do know what I am doing. Sure my expertise lies in ancient things rather than sci fi, but a guy can have hobbies.” He shrugged. “Besides there is a big sign behind you that says we are.”

Sara turned round to she a large banner that read: Welcome to Hazzard.


Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but those two look like they could be trouble to me.

“What was that?” Sara demanded, looking around her.

“What was what?” Gabriel asked her, looking at his new toy and not really paying attention.

“That, That voice. Didn’t you hear it?”

“Didn’t hear a thing. Are you sure you heard it?’

“Yes it was very loud.”

Gabriel looked up at her; his brown eyes were full of concern.

“Sara, are you sure that you are Ok with this? I know that it is a whole lot to take in at once. But really hearing strange voices really isn’t a good thing.”

“Says the guy being called to by a bracelet.”

“Point taken” He ran a hand through his mop of hair. “Do you have any Idea where we should start?”

“Not a clue.”

The roar of an engine cut Sara away from her thoughts. A bright orange Dodge Charger pulled up beside them. The two young men they had seen in the photograph jumped out.

“Where did it go?” The dark haired one asked desperately “Did you see it?” He looked directly at Sara. His Blue eyes were so full of hurt that her heart almost broke for him.

“Where did what go?” Gabriel asked innocently, looking at the ground.

“That bright blue light,” The blonde one spoke up. “Did you see it?”

Sara looked away from the dark haired man. She didn’t want to tell them, she didn’t know really who they were, or whose side they were on. But she didn’t want to lie to this man either. There was something about the way he stood away from her, ready to fight but somehow unwilling. And his eyes. Something about him made her want to hug him. She really must be getting hard up, ready to jump on the first guy she comes across, she didn’t even know his name, he could be the enemy. But hey, it wouldn’t be the first time she fell for a bad guy.

“I’m afraid that we don’t know what you are talking about.” Gabriel said flatly.

The blonde strode up to him until they were nose-to-nose, Gabriel felt dwarfed.

“Don’t play dumb with me, kid” He snarled. “I’m better at it then you.”

“Kid?” Gabriel blustered “I bet I’m older then you!”

“Oh really?”

“Children!” Sara shouted “Behave!”

The two of them looked sheepish and mumbled there sorry’s. Sara looked at the dark haired one.

“Ok. I’m not sure how much you know, or even how much I know. But I think we have stuff to talk about.”

He looked wary; he had every reason not to trust this woman. But he wanted to. His cousin Daisy was in serious trouble and he had a feeling she could help her.

“My name is Luke. This here is my cousin, Bo. And yeah, I think we need to talk.”

Sara felt in her pocket for the book that she had the sense to make sure that she brought with her. She took it out and handed it to Luke.

“I don’t need to explain this, do I?”

“No, No you don’t” Luke looked at the book in his hands; he didn’t need to open it.

“Where is Doctor Beckett?” Sara asked.

“I don’t know. He disappeared a few days ago. I think he had gone home, he said something about publishing his findings.”

“Who us the girl?”

“What girl?”

“The one in the photo, it’s in the book, so don’t tell me you don’t know her. She is why I’m here, she has my bracelet. And I want it back!” Her voice came out harsher than she meant it to.

Luke took a step back, dropping the book.

“Your bracelet!” He exclaimed “Your responsible for all this?”

“All What?”

Luke turned away. He was afraid he was going to cry. These last few weeks had been so hard. Daisy had all but stopped talking to them, Uncle Jesse was sick. And it was all the fault of that damn bracelet. And now two strangers turn up laying claim to it.

Gabriel bent down to pick up the book, he wanted to take a closer look at the photo. The date under the caption read August 10th 1979.

“Wait, Sara” He said. “Look at this.”

“How can this be? I only lost the Bracelet this morning. And where I come from its July 3rd 2003. What the hell are we doing in 1979?”