TITLE: Strangest of Loves

AUTHOR: Inquisitive One

EMAIL: Inquisitive1@angelfire.com

DISTRIBUTION: Eventually it will be on my site http://www.angelfire.com/tv/inqstive1sfanfiction

DISCLAIMER: I own only the characters not on a show.

RATING: PG13 up to NC17

SUMMARY: AU season 1. Sara disappears with Ian. Christian, Ian's clone, is sent after them.

COUPLES: Ian/Sara. Sara/Christian

NOTE: *Images from Witchblade* //Flashback//

My version of Ian in this story is like first season Ian. Christian is a cross between season 1 evil Ian and this seasons Ian but a little more childlike.


Strangest of Loves
by Inquisitive One



Sara Pezzini shifts in her bed feeling a body pressed against her back as another lays next to her. She smiles sleepily 'My guys.' She lifts her hand to the bearded chin resting on her shoulder his hand on her arm. 'My Ian' she silently chuckles feeling Ian Nottingham unconsciously nuzzles into her touch. She looks at the other identical figure asleep on his stomach, his clean-shaven face on the pillow next to her. 'My Christian' she rests her hand on his cheek smiling as he also nuzzles into her hand as he sleeps. Sara sighs silently her mind drifting back seven years, to the night that would lead her up to her unconventional family... and the strangest of loves.



Sara looks wildly between the two men. On her left is Ian looking at her worried holding out his gloved hand to her, and on her right her Partner Jake McCartey aiming a gun at Ian. 'What am I supposed to do? Who should I trust?'

As if to hear her thoughts Ian speaks his voice filled with pain, "Sara trust me, please. You know I would never hurt you."

"Pez, he's a killer!" Jake argues.

Suddenly, her ghost partner, Danny Woo appears before her "Danny help me out here," she pleads.

Danny looks at Ian, "You need to trust Nottingham Sara."

Sara looks at Ian, seeing the worry and pain in his dark eyes, as a vision flashes through her mind.
*Ian kneeling before her head bowed "I am to serve you."

Ian from another time staring at her; "I will always protect you. You are the Wielder. It is my duty to keep you safe."*

Sara looks at his offered hand then at his eyes as she takes his hand. With a final almost apologetic look at Jake, she follows Ian. As they run dodging the cops following them, Sara speaks "How the hell do we get out of here Nottingham?" she asks as they round a corner.

Ian notices the stairwell "The only way other than the normal" he pulls open the door as Sara follows "Basement."

Sara looks at him surprised.

Ian grabs her hand as he hears the door above them open. "Trust me," he pleads. Sara nods following him down the stairs dodging bullets.

"PEZZINI" Dante yells his voice echoing through the stairwell.

Ian reaches the last door of the stairwell opening it he pulls Sara in slamming the door behind them. He grabs a crowbar shoving it under the door.

"What now?" Sara asks looking around the basement.

"This way," Ian leads her deeper into the basement towards a room in the back. "We don't have long." He closes the door reaching up he retrieve a key from the top of the doorway he locks the door. He goes over to a cabinet reaching behind he lifts a hinge pulling the cabinet away from the wall. "No one, not even Fa... Kenneth, knows about this," he informs her. "It connects to the sewer so they'll have a hard time following us."

"Well, my day just keeps getting better." Sara says following Ian through the hole in the wall. She scrunches up her nose waiting for Ian to secure the cabinet. "Gee, never thought my day would end up me running through a sewer with dirty cops wanting me dead with the guy who works for the man who seems to be behind all of this."

"My duty is to you Sara... above Father." Ian says his voice soft as he steps around Sara trying to keep his body from responding to hers.

Sara stares up at him well aware that he is so close. She steels her body's response to his close proximity. "Where are we going?"

Ian tears his eyes away from hers stepping around her. "Come on."

Sara takes a deep breath as he turns his back. She follows him careful not to step off the limited walk space. "Why betray Irons now?"

"Because you needed me." He answers.

"Oh" she says feeling confused by his words.

In the basement Bruno Dante and his men finally get into the basement. "Find her!" he orders, "Kill Freakboy if necessary."


Sara takes a deep breath as Ian pulls her out of the sewer. "Nottingham, next time if the plan includes a sewer could you please rethink the plan."

Ian looks around "We need to leave New York."

"What?! No way Nottingham. I'm not leaving my home... my friends... or what's left of my life." Sara argues.

Ian grabs Sara's arm "You can't go back Sara. They will kill you. If we leave, I will be able to protect you. If we stay, I won't be able to protect you. Please Sara just trust me."

At Ian's pleading tone, Sara pulls her arm out of his grasp "I can't leave like this."

"There's no choice Sara. If you stay, they will hunt you down. I can protect you if we leave."

"Where would we go?"

"Anywhere but we have to leave soon."

Reluctantly Sara nods, "What about Gabe?" she asks "I can't leave him here."

"I planned for that contingency." Ian assures "We have to go."

"What do you mean you planned for that contingency?" Sara demands.

"I hid some ID papers and money in his apartment just in case. I knew you wouldn't leave if he wasn't safe."

"We have to warn him. Irons and Dante will kill him." Sara says.

Ian nods removing his phone he presses a button waiting for the younger man to pick up.

"Yo, Bowman speaking."

"Sara wants to speak with you" Ian says then hands the phone to Sara.

Sara takes the phone "Gabe."

"Hey Pez, what's up?"

"Uh Gabe you need to leave New York."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Long story short... I broke into Dante's apartment and threatened him... then went to Irons for help."

"Not smart Sara."

"I know, I had a moment of insanity... so sue me." She snaps then sighs rubbing her forehead, "Look they know about you. You have to leave."


Ian takes the phone from Sara receiving a glare "Gabriel there is a loose brick behind your desk the third one down from the window. Take the brick out and there are three sets of IDs for you, cash, an untraceable phone, and instructions. Pack a bag and disappear fast. Sara will call you tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

Ian hands the phone to Sara

"Gabe, please just do it. I'm sorry for getting you involved in this." Sara hangs up looking at Ian "What now?"

"We need to leave now. You have to trust me Sara"

At his tone, Sara sees Danny appear behind him and she nods "I'll trust you for now."

"Thank you"

"Where too?"

"A place where I stored some items in case this day came" he slams his phone against the brick wall then drops it in a dumpster.

"How far is this place?"

"Not far."

Sara nods following Ian as he quickly walks down the street. 'What's going to happen now?'

1111 FAUST

Kenneth slams the phone down glaring at the man sitting across from his desk. "Your men put bullet holes in the walls. Now the Detective and Ian are missing."

Bruno Dante shrugs "My guys will find them."

"I want them back here alive."

"I can't promise that" Bruno says shrugging "Pezzini threatened to kill me. Nottingham got in the way of bringing her in." Dante stands "I will let you know when we get her... or where to pick up Nottingham's body."

Kenneth scowls after the man he presses the intercom button "Immo, get in here" he orders standing quickly his chair hits the wall.


"What are we doing here?" Sara demands tapping her foot impatiently as Ian twirls the combination on a storage locker.

"Picking up some items." Ian replies glancing at her then pushing up the door. He gestures inside.

Sara enters to find a covered car and boxes. "What is all this stuff?"

Ian shrugs, "Stuff I've collected that Father doesn't want around the house...and items he doesn't know about." He takes the cover off the car to reveal a black BMW with tinted windows. He opens the trunk taking out a duffle bag "Clothes that will fit you." he takes out a pair of boots and a leather jacket "Everything is similar to what you have at home."

"How do you know..." she trails off shaking her head "never mind" she takes the clothes "I'll change in the car. If I know Dante, we won't have long before his spies find us. I'd like to get out of his sight fast"

Ian nods "As you wish" he grabs a second duffle bag out of the trunk tossing it in the back seat. He opens the passenger door for Sara once she's in; he goes around to the Dr.iver's side getting in he starts the car.

"So where too?" Sara asks as he gets back in the car after closing the storage door.

"We need to get out of the city before we decide that." Ian answers

Sara nods. After a moment, she speaks again "Ian why did you stay with Irons all these years? I've seen how he treats you."

"I had a duty to him until now"

"Until now?"

Ian glances at her "Until you needed me."


1111 FAUST

Dr. Immo questions as he enters the study.

"Ian ran off with the Detective. I've tried calling him but I'm afraid he has gone to the Detective's side."

"Perhaps he will return. Give it time."

Kenneth regards the Doctor "I want you to get ready to waken the other."

"He's not ready."

"I'll give you 24 hours."

"He might be unstable Kenneth. Without the final process completed he will not be as stable as Ian."

"I need the other to find Ian. You have 24 hours to progress then we will discuss it again" Kenneth says in dismissal.


Ian glances in the rearview mirror to see Sara pulling on a shirt. Quickly he turns his attention back to the road. He tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

Sara tosses the boots in the front seat then climbs over the seat. Once seated she buckles the seat belt then pulls on the boots. "So you know my size... what else do you know about me?"

"A lot" Ian admits glancing at her.

"How much does Irons know?"

"Most of what I know... yet I did not tell him everything."

"What didn't you tell him?"

"That you have figured out that he has a connection to the White Bulls. That the Witchblade shows you more than he is shown"

"Oh" Sara watches the cars and scenery go by. "Uh, you didn't happen to tell him I still have my stuffed bear did you?"

Ian glances at her "No... nor did I tell him that you have pajamas with ducks on them or that you have the Spice Girls CD."

"Good... I got a rep to protect."

"Your secrets are safe." he looks at her "Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask... I might not answer" she warns

"Why do you have a Spice Girls CD?" he asks curiously

Sara groans in embarrassment "I bought it for a friend's daughter's birthday present and I just totally forgot where I put it. Then one day a few weeks later, I found it while I was cleaning. I just kept putting it off on returning it."

"Good... for a second there I was worried you might actually like them" Ian teases

Sara looks at him "Now that's a surprise"


"Never realized that you had a sense of humor"

Ian shrugs "You have a lot to learn about me."

Sara nods "That I do"



"Find her!" Dante yells slamming his hands on his desk

"Cap we're trying." Jake assures "We're even looking for the boy Bowman. He's not at his place but he'll show up sooner or later."

"She hasn't been to her place. Her phone is off" one of the officers states Dante growls "What about Irons monkey?"

"We have people keeping an eye out for him. So far nothing." Jake answers

"FIND THEM" Dante orders


Ian looks at Sara asleep in the passenger seat. He turns off the car reaching over he shakes her lightly "Sara"

Sara starts groaning "How long was I out?"

"Couple hours" Ian answers

"Where are we?"

"Gas station. Need to gas up the car."

Sara nods stretching watching as Ian gets out of the car. She runs her fingers through her hair. She glances at her wrist seeing the stone silent. "Least your quiet" she mutters looking out the window.

1111 FAUST

"There is no evidence of Mr. Nottingham" the man states watching as Irons paces, "he hasn't used his credit cards or his phone."

"And the Detective?"

"Neither has she."

"Find them before Dante does." Kenneth orders

"Yes sir"

"And beware if Ian or Sara knows that you are following them they won't hesitate to kill you."

The man nods walking out of the room

Kenneth picks up a glass of wine taking a sip as he stares into the fireplace. 'Soon'



"Want me to drive?" Sara asks

"I'm fine" Ian assures her

Sara nods "So where are we?"

"We're heading north. Three hours outside the City."

"Oh. Any idea of where we're going to go?"

"Right now just thinking about getting out of New York. Once we're out of New York we won't have to worry about Dante's power."

Sara nods

"Get some sleep. I know you haven't been sleeping lately."

"Wake me if you get bored of silence."

"I'll be fine... I'm used to silence."

Sara rests her head against the door looking at Ian thoughtfully "Hey Nottingham"


"Thanks for saving my ass back there." She says almost shyly "I owe you one... again"

"You owe me nothing Sara."

"Yeah I do. After all... you've come through for me when others haven't." She almost flinches at the memory of the last time Ian saved her.

"Sara..." he pauses thoughtfully "I am sorry I was not able to stop her from killing him."

Sara bites on her lower lip "You tried... its more than anyone else did. You believed me when the ones who have known me longer didn't."

"I've always believed in you." He glances at Sara.

"Thanks." She says. "You know Nottingham... your not so bad when your not appearing out of nowhere."

Ian chuckles lightly "Get some sleep Pezzini."





"So think Irons is freaking out?" Sara asks as she and Ian sit in the back of a restaurant drinking coffee and waiting for their food.

"Most likely."

"What do you think he'll do?"

"Send someone after us."

"What does Irons want with me?"

"Your blood"


Ian looks into the mug before him "One of the things that the Witchblade did to him was slow his aging. For some reason he needs Wielder blood to keep himself from rapidly aging. His source is... dry"

"His source?"

Ian glances at Sara then at the table top "Elizabeth Bronte"

"You mean her blood"

"No her. He has her body on ice in the compound."

"You mean" at Ian's look Sara shudders "OK ewww... that is just... ewww" she shakes her head. "So you mean he wants me on ice as well?"

"No" Ian shifts as the waitress sets plates of food before them

"Anything else?" the server asks pleasantly

Ian shakes his head avoiding the woman's eyes

"No we're fine" Sara says politely sensing that Ian is uncomfortable with the woman's presence. Once the woman walks away, she takes a bite of her toast "So if Irons doesn't want me on ice then what?"

Ian looks at Sara "He wants you."

"Can't he get it through his thick head I am not interested" she scowls

"He knows. He doesn't care. You are a challenge to him... the only woman to ever turn his offer down."

"Ever?" Sara lifts her brow

"As long as I've been with him" Ian answers taking a bite of toast.

"Just how long have you been with him?"

"Since I was a boy" Ian replies "Can I ask you something?"

Sara shrugs "Never stopped you before"

"Why did you turn Kenneth down? His offer would have made you one of the richest, most powerful women in the world."

"Because he wants the power he thinks will come to him with this." Sara glances at her wrist "Besides I don't trust him."

"If you don't trust him then why did you come to him for help?"

"Call it a moment of brain lapse. I thought for once he'd act like a decent human being." she answers. The two silently eat their breakfast lost in their thoughts.


Kenneth stomps into the lab where he finds Immo at the desk looking through a microscope "Well?" he demands

Immo straightens up looking at Kenneth "It's going to take longer."


"There was a set back"

"A set back? He's fully grown."

"Yes but he is not completely ready for human interaction."

"When will he be?"

"A few days at least. He needs more time to adjust to his surroundings. Otherwise he could short circuit like the ones before."

"Is he like Ian?"

"He contains almost all of Ian's memories. I need a few days to evaluate him then perhaps he will be ready."

Kenneth growls "Fine. You have until the end of tomorrow. As it is, they haven't been seen anywhere. He is the only one who will be able to track them after that."

"What about the police?"

"You know Ian is well trained as is Miss Pezzini. They know how to avoid the police. The other is the only option to finding them."

Dr Immo nods "I'll get to work then."



"I hope Gabe is OK." Sara says thoughtfully as she looks out the window

Ian reaches into his overcoat pocket removing a phone "It's the first number programmed." he hands it to Sara his eyes going back to the road.

Sara presses the program button listening as the phone rings

"Yeah" Gabe greets

"Hey bud how's it going?"

Ian glances at Sara sensing her relief at hearing her friend's voice. He turns his attention to the road half listening as Sara speaks.

"We're fine." Sara glances at Ian "Yeah I'll tell him. I'll check in with you tonight. Don't call your friends... I'm betting Dante has had all of your friends staked out just in case. Be careful Gabe." Sara hangs up taking a deep breath relieved

"Is the boy OK?" Ian inquires glancing at Sara

Sara nods "He's fine. He said thanks for putting the papers there."

Ian nods "I know how fond you are of him." he rests his head on his hand "I must admit you chose well in him."

"Glad you approve" Sara says sarcastically

"The boy amuses me... he's one of the few to ever keep doing what he wanted even after being told not too."

Sara laughs "You mean after you threatened him."

Ian shrugs "I was doing what I was told."

Sara lifts her brow "But?"

"I'm glad he decided to help you anyway."

"Me too." Sara says staring out the window, "Though I sometimes wish..."

"Wish what?" Ian asks softly

"That I left him out of this... now he's in danger because of this." she touches her wrist "As is every one else I know."

"There are reasons for all those you meet." Ian replies "Those you meet teach you more... the more you know"

"The less I know" Sara says dryly

Ian shrugs "Perhaps it seems that way but it isn't."

"Not you too" Sara groans at Ian's look she shrugs "Danny does the same thing... vague questioning words. What is with the men in my life being vague." she mutters rubbing her temples

"I am not vague" Danny says from the back seat

Sara jumps turning she glares at the apparition "Damn it Danny what have I told you about doing that?!" she snaps

"I'm not vague... I just can't tell you too much." Danny says

"Danny if you weren't dead I'd smack you now"

"Haven't had your coffee this morning huh partner"

"Oh shut up. If you don't have anything useful to say then keep your mouth shut."

"Hey" Danny protests

"Danny do me a favor... keep an eye on Gabe for me huh."

"Right" Danny nods

Sara looks at Ian seeing the sides of his mouth twitching "What's so funny Nottingham?"

"You and Danny. Every time I come across you bickering with him it amuses me." Ian says shrugging.

"Too bad he's not alive... I bet you two would get along."

"Why do you say that?"

Sara smirks "'cause you both like making me jump and talking in circles and pissing me off."

Ian shrugs "Sorry about that"

"Ehh" Sara waves her hand "After all you do what you were trained to do. Besides if you didn't piss me off someone else would."


Kenneth stares at the TV screens glancing over at the corner that Ian normally occupies. He leans his head back against his chair 'Where are they?'


Sara enters the hotel room tossing her duffle bag on the floor flopping on one of the beds with a sigh.

Ian tosses his own bag on the floor then after a quick look around the room, he speaks "Hungry?"

"Actually I am. But I so need a shower."

Ian nods "I will go pick something up. What would you like?"

"Whatever" she shrugs

"I will be back soon" Ian assures walking out the door

Sara rifles through the duffle bag grabbing a clean shirt, shorts, and a pair of underwear heading into the bathroom.


Ian enters the hotel room carrying a bag of Chinese food and two cups just as Sara steps out of the bathroom wearing a T-shirt and shorts drying her hair. "Chinese?"

Sara grins "One of my favorites"

Ian nods setting the bags on the table "I know."

"Of course you know that." she rolls her eyes

"Well, considering there are always leftovers in the refrigerator." Ian answers as he removes his overcoat, cap, and gloves. He sets the cartons on the table "I never understood eating leftovers" he muses sitting down opening one of the cartons he grabs the chopsticks.

"Means no cooking for a while" Sara answers sitting across from him grabbing one of the cartons opening it to find fried rice. "I can cook... I just hate spending the time doing it."

"Coffee" he sets one of the cups in front of her.

Sara grins. "Coffee," she takes the cup inhaling deeply, "my bestest buddy in the whole world. What would I do without you?"

"I definitely would not want to see you if we had a coffee shortage" Ian remarks amused at the look on Sara's face as she smells the coffee.

"I can't help it... coffee has always been there for me. Through all my school years and work coffee has been there."

Ian shakes his head


"And you think I'm strange" he says

Sara tilts her head "Well you are... Stalkerguy" she teases picking up the carton of fried rice. "I guess we'll just have to agree we're both strange in our own odd ways."

Ian nods


Ian awakens to the sound of Sara's breathing changing in the bed next to his. He looks over to see the Witchblade stone glowing 'Vision' he realizes just as she awakens with a startled gasp sitting up. "Sara?" he questions softly

Sara runs her fingers through her hair trying to bring her breathing and heart rate down. She glances at her wrist to see the stone brightly glowing. "Stupid thing"

"Are you OK?" Ian asks concerned

Sara nods "Sorry if I woke you."

"It is not a problem."

Sara lays back down facing Ian "I hate these flashes... I wish they'd stop."

"What was it this time?" Ian inquires

"A battle" Sara answers "I thought you know what I dream."

"Sometimes... it depends on if the Witchblade wants me to know."

"Oh" Sara yawns "might as well try and get some sleep... thanks Nottingham"

"Sleep well Sara" Ian wishes

"You too"



"Have you found them?" Dante demands

"No sir." Jake replies "Pezzini's place and Irons place were watched all night... so far no sign of either of them."

"What about the boy?" Burgess asks

"He hasn't been seen either" Jake answers "considering Pezzini has few friends and none of them have heard from her. Nottingham has no known friends or family other than Irons and he isn't saying anything."

"Nottingham's an assassin can't we just bring the feds in to track him and get Pezzini?" asks Orlanski

"They won't give us Pezzini if she opens her mouth" Dante retorts

"And Nottingham won't let us near Pezzini" Jake points out

"Any ideas?" Dante asks

"I say the wisest course is to let them go" Jake says

"What?!" Dante demands "Pezzini is a threat to me... to us... as is Nottingham"

"I just don't think they'll be returning Cap." Jake remarks "Besides if Pezzini has any evidence none of it could be collaborated. Considering she took nothing from her home... she has no hard evidence." Jake explains

"He's right Cap" Orlanski reluctantly agrees "at least for now maybe we should concentrate on coming up with a backup plan if they do return rather then hunting them down."

"Fine" Dante growls "for now. But I want everyone keeping an eye out for them." he says waving his hand in dismissal.


Sara and Ian sit on a rock side by side staring out at the calm water. "Nottingham?"


"Who is Jake really?"

"What do you mean?" he hedges

Sara looks at him "I know you know who he is. You've hinted that you know something."

"Yes" Ian nods "he is FBI"

Sara looks at Ian startled "Jake McCartey is a fed?!"

Ian nods "Apparently so." he says dryly

"Whoa... how long have you known?" she demands

"Not long."

"So what's he doing at the NYPD?"

"Apparently he is trying to take down the Bulls."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because once you knew I knew that the chances of the Bulls hurting you would rise. Plus I did not know if he was going to allow them to hurt you to make his case."

Sara punches Ian's forearm "Next time tell me when it's something big!"

Ian looks at her a faint smile appearing he nods "As you wish"

"We should get back on the road"

"We need to acquire a new car and find a computer so I can transfer some money."

"Library then"

"Yes." Ian nods standing he holds his hand out to Sara

Sara takes his hand allowing him to pull her to her feet "Thanks" she nods shoving her hands in her pockets. 'Down girl, it's Nottingham. Assassin, lapdog, and' she glances at him silently groaning 'fucking gorgeous.'


Sara and Ian enter the hotel room tossing their bags on the floor. "This was the only room left" Ian informs her. "I will take the couch."

Sara looks at Ian thoughtfully "Ian you OK?"

"I am fine" Ian replies quickly removing his overcoat and cap

Sara nods "I'm going to take a shower"

Ian sits down running his hands over his face. As he hears the shower go on, he reaches into his overcoat pocket fishing out the untraceable phone. He walks out to the balcony dialing the familiar number.

"Hello Ian" Kenneth says smoothly

At the voice Ian looks at his feet "I just called to inform you all is well."

"Where are you?"

"Somewhere safe" Ian answers

"Return home now" Kenneth orders

"I cannot do that." Ian says almost apologetically

"You betrayed me Ian!"

"I am doing my duty to the Wielder... it was what I was born to do... what you raised me to do." Ian returns "They would have killed Lady Sara if we had not fled."

"I will deal with Captain Dante if you both return now"

"I cannot do that sir." Ian says

"Then why did you call?"

"I just wanted to let you know that we are fine." Ian says hanging up

On the other end, Kenneth glares at the phone "Damn it!" He slams the phone down angrily.

Ian stares at the phone in his hands then turns walking back inside. He takes out the laptop sitting on the table he turns it on. He glances at the closed bathroom door for a moment then shakes his head turning his attention to the laptop screen.

After a few minutes Sara turns off the shower stepping out, she wraps a towel around herself. Stepping up to the mirror, she grabs a second towel roughly drying her hair. Quickly drying off Sara pulls on her shorts and T-shirt running her fingers through her hair trying to get some of the tangles out.

Ian looks up as the bathroom door opens and Sara steps out. He looks her over quickly then back at the screen not wanting to give into his wandering thoughts of Sara. 'I am to protect her not imagine her naked and in my arms... as much as I want to.' he sets his jaw focusing his attention on the laptop screen.

Sara catches Ian looking her over as she exits the bathroom. She flops on the bed grabbing the remote control she turns on the TV. After flipping through the channels, she stops on an old black and white horror movie. 'Nothing better on' she sets the remote down. As she watches the movie briefly glancing at Ian as he sits at the laptop. 'He is always so intense. When he concentrates on something he just focuses yet I know he's still aware of what's going on around him.' She runs her fingers through her hair, 'What is it about Ian? Sometimes, I just want to punch him, other times I want to just throw my arms around him. At times, he looks deadly... other times a lost little boy... but damn he looks hot at all times.' Sara mentally groans

'Might as well go shower' He stands grabbing his duffle bag he heads into the bathroom. Closing the door, he sets his duffle bag on the counter then walks over turning on the shower.

Sara groans hearing the shower turn on. 'OK stop Pezzini no naked Ian thoughts.' she rubs the back of her neck. 'He looks damn fine in clothes... naked he would be incredibly hot.' Sara shifts on the bed feeling an intense wave of lust. 'OK this is not the time for this... think of something else Pezzini. The world with no coffee... Dante... a dead body being outside after five weeks.'


Ian awakens hearing a pained cry. He sits up looking over to see Sara tossing and turning in the bed. He listens for a moment hearing Sara whimper he gets off the couch going over to the bed he gently shakes her.

Sara awakens startled swallowing a scream. Her breathing erratic her heart pounding she finds Ian beside her.

"Sara?" he asks softly "Are you OK?" he asks touching her shoulder as he sits next to her.

Sara shakes her head "I hate these dreams"

Ian glances at her wrist seeing the Witchblade is not reacting. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks softly

"Just the normal nightmare about my Dad." she shrugs running her fingers through her hair. "Ian" she pauses looking at him "will you stay? I don't want to sleep alone."

After a moment, Ian nods getting in beside her.

"Thanks Ian" Sara lays back down her body well aware that Ian is beside her.

"Go back to sleep Sara. I'm here if you need me."

Sara smiles slightly closing her eyes "I know."


In her sleep, Sara moves to the warm body next to her. Her head resting on Ian's shoulder as her hand rests on his stomach.

Ian awakes startled at the feeling of a body curled against him. He lifts his head to find Sara's head on his chest. He smiles faintly putting his arm around her he closes his eyes going back to sleep enjoying the feel of Sara's body against his.


Sara awakens to find herself cuddled against Ian. Sleepily she rubs at her eyes lifting her head from Ian's chest to find Ian watching her. "Morning" she says sheepishly

"Sleep well?" Ian asks lifting his brow

Sara blushes slightly "You make a pretty good pillow."

"Good thing to know" Ian remarks

Sara pulls away "Sorry about that."

As Sara pulls away, Ian feels a sense of disappointment at the loss of her body. "It's fine."

Sara stretches "What time is it?"

"8:30" Ian answers

Sara looks at him "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You don't wear a watch... there's no clock in here... how do you know what time it is?"

Ian shrugs "Built in clock... years of training."

"And I'm always late"

"If you wore a watch"

"Hate them... means I don't have an excuse for being late" Sara laughs

"Why am I not surprised?" Ian says dryly

Sara grabs the pillow under her head throwing it at Ian "Be nice"

Ian looks at Sara briefly startled by the fact she threw a pillow at him. "Hey I am being nice" he protests tossing the pillow back at her.

"Hey" Sara yelps in surprise when the pillow hits her. "Oh you did not do that!" she laughs about to hit Ian with the pillow when he grabs her wrist.

Seeing Sara about to hit him with the pillow, he grabs her wrist gently. "Oh I did" he says amusement evident in his brown eyes.

Sara inhales sharply at his touch her eyes going to the Witchblade as she hears it purr the colors swirling. Her eyes go to Ian's seeing the intensity knowing he's seeing what she's seeing.

*Joan dances away from the dark haired man's hands, laughing, "You have to catch me My Lord." she teases

The dark haired man smiling amused as the dark haired beauty dances around the empty clearing dressed in a simple dress. "What is the reward if I catch you my love?"

Joan tilts her head thoughtfully then grins "A kiss"

"Is that all?"

Joan shrugs a faint smirk on her lips "Perhaps... perhaps not... have to catch me first" she calls then laughs dodging out of the man's grasp as he reaches for her. Playfully she escapes his grasps a few times then finally she allows him to catch her.

The man smiles at the green-eyed woman in his arms "I caught you."

Joan grins "Oh did you?" she slides her arms around his neck

"Mmm" he nods his eyes roaming over her face. "I believe so."

"Well then I guess you deserve your reward." she pulls his head down kissing him lightly then meets his brown eyes.

"Is that all I get my Wielder?"

"What else do you want?"

"You" he answers kissing her again. Slowly they sink to the grass*

{SEX} Sara starts pulling out of the memory. She swallows seeing the intense look in Ian's brown eyes. As if drawn to each other they shift closer their lips meeting in a soft, hesitant kiss both startled at the familiarity of the act. Sara's hands go to Ian's face slowly she deepens the kiss giving into the passion that rises at the feel of his mouth devouring hers.

Ian runs his hands down her sides brushing over the sides of her breasts to her waist. Slowly he moves his lips down her neck his hands moving under her shirt gently caressing her lower back.

At the feel of his warm hands, Sara shifts straddling his legs she reaches down pulling her shirt off tossing it on the floor. She meets Ian's lust filled brown eyes head on. Sara sighs shivering as Ian's warm hands slowly trail over her breasts brushing over her nipples causing Sara to moan in pleasure. She tugs at his shirt insistently.

Ian quickly strips off his shirt tossing it aside. He meets Sara's lips in a searing kiss shifting Sara to her back not breaking the kiss. He settles between her legs growling deep in his chest as he feels her breasts against his chest.

Sara moans into his mouth tangling her fingers in his dark locks as she feels him cover her body with his own. She gasps as he trails his lips down her neck "Ian" She lifts her head off the pillow as his lips and hands move down her body. She meets Ian's gaze briefly, as he lowers his head pressing soft kisses over her breast. Sara whimpers at the feeling of Ian's mouth covering her breast.

Ian lifts his head hearing the whimper to meet lust filled green eyes.

Sara tugs him up pulling his head down she kisses him deeply. She moans feeling his hardness pressed against her. Feeling the wet heat pooling between her legs she reaches down shoving his pajama bottoms down his hips.

Feeling Sara's insistent hands shoving his pajama bottoms down, Ian pulls away removing his pajamas he tosses them aside. His eyes locked on Sara's he pulls her shorts off tossing them aside. He tears his eyes away from hers gazing over her naked form lying beneath him. "Beautiful Sara" he whispers his voice husky.

Sara feels a faint blush cover her face. She pulls him back down thrusting her tongue into his mouth moaning as she feels the tip of his arousal at her entrance. She lifts her hips in invitation "Ian" she pleads hoarsely.

Ian slowly sheathes himself in her watching her green eyes and hearing her gasps of pleasure. He stills himself once buried inside her.

Sara moans at the feeling of Ian inside her. 'Feels so good' she slowly urges him on. As they slowly move together, Sara runs her hands over his back. Low whimpers and moans escape

Ian watches Sara's face awed by the pleasure crossing her features and the sounds she makes. He leans down pressing gentle kisses over her face and neck. "Beautiful Sara" he says lovingly not stilling his movements.

Sara pulls his head up kissing him deeply her hands tangling in his hair. "Ian" she whimpers urging him on "so good" she shudders rocking against him. She runs her nails down his back feeling her release grow. "Ian" she moans arching into him "more."

Instincts overcome him and he speeds up his movements feeling her impending release.

Sara moans meeting his thrusts her eyes locked on his awed by the passion in his brown eyes. "IAN" she cries out feeling her muscles contract around him. "Oh Ian" she moans

Feeling her inner muscles tighten around him and her voice cry out his name, Ian He continues his hard thrusts a few more times then feels his own release. He captures her mouth in a harsh kiss growling his release.

1111 FAUST

Through his connection to both Ian and the Witchblade, Irons shudders feeling the intense release. He breathes heavily trying to control his body's reaction to the psychic sex.


Sara runs her hands down Ian's back as he lays atop her his head resting on her shoulder. 'God that was incredible.' she tells herself. She smiles faintly feeling Ian nuzzle her shoulder pressing a light kiss to her neck before lifting his head.

Ian gazes at Sara feeling an intense wave of love fill him. Before moving off Sara, Ian tenderly smoothes a strand of hair behind her ear he gives her sweet kiss. He settles beside Sara his hand gently caressing her cheek.

Sara turns into his touch her eyes meeting his. She shifts leaning in she kisses him. "Morning" she smiles

Ian smiles faintly "Morning Lady Sara" he brings her hand to his lips pressing a soft kiss inside her wrist.

At the light kiss, Sara swallows "So how long until check out?"

"Two hours. Why?" he asks

Sara gently shoves him onto his back straddling his hips she leans down brushing her lips over his. "Mmm good." she smiles her hands moving over his chest tenderly touching the scars covering his chest and arms. "Just enough time then for another round." She brushes her lips over one of the scars before leaning down kissing him passionately. She sits up staring down at him she slowly guides him into her. She runs her hands over his chest and stomach marveling at the feeling of his muscles.

"Sara" he says softly his eyes on hers groaning as she slowly starts to move above him.

Sara leans down slowly urging him into a leisurely kiss their tongues lightly meeting. "Mmm" she moans as he slides his hands over her skin ever so gently touching her breasts as he moves his hands down her body to her hips. She hisses as he sits up capturing her nipple in his mouth. "Ian" she moans then squirms panting his name clinging to him. She starts to grind her hips against his needing her release. "Ian" she cries shakily then moans throatily as she feels him fill her.

"Sara" he moans resting his head on her chest as trembling at the feeling of Sara's muscles rippling around his member.

After a few moments, Sara lifts her hand to his head slowly stroking his hair. 'That was incredible.'

Feeling Sara's hand on his hair Ian slowly lifts his head meeting her green eyes. He lifts his hand to her face gently tracing her features. "Sara" he breathes

"Ian" Sara smiles at look of love and childlike awe reflected in his golden gaze. "Wow" she says "that was...."

Ian gives her a shy smile "Incredible"

"Yeah" She tenderly brushes his sweat damp hair back. They sit there silently watching each other almost instinctively knowing that the other is fine with what occurred.

1111 FAUST

Kenneth groans closing his eyes at the feelings that surround him. Not only does his body feel the sexual release but the emotional as well.

10:30AM: HOTEL

Sara smiles as Ian steps into the hotel room carrying a cup of coffee. "Mmm" she kisses him "Thank you" she says against his lips taking the cup.

"Your welcome." He gives her a shy smile "Are you ready?"

"Yes though I'd rather stay in bed" she smirks

"So would I but we need to keep moving." he says "Do you have everything?"

Sara nods taking a sip of the coffee then pulls on her jacket. "Yes" she picks up her duffle bag. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Drive today and through tomorrow."


"Sara you have to trust me... it'll be easier for him to track us if we stop every night."

"But won't he think you'd think of that?"

"Yes but he won't think that I'd think of letting you pick the destination for our next stop."

"Why do you say that?"

"Father raised me to not allow anyone else to take control when he's not in control. So I might as well let the only person I trust take control of the decision." he opens the passenger side door for Sara

Sara smiles leaning up she kisses him deeply then pulls her sunglasses down "Well then lets get going" she gets in the car.

1111 FAUST

Kenneth stomps into the lab "IMMO!"

Dr Immo straightens up looking at his employer "Yes Kenneth?"

"Is he ready yet?"

"Not yet. He should be ready by tomorrow morning." Immo replies

Kenneth nods

"I am concerned about how he'll react to the fact that Ian is still alive."

"We'll deal with that when the time comes." Kenneth waves off making his way to the back room. He enters to find a figure on a bed sleeping. He regards the man thoughtfully then speaks "Your brother was deadly and loyal until he met the Wielder. You, Christian, will be just as deadly and loyal."


Ian looks at Sara sitting in the passenger seat staring glancing at the Witchblade and out the window. "What is wrong Sara?"

Sara looks at Ian "Nothing. Just thinking."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Sara shakes her head "I need coffee" she grumbles

Ian chuckles "We'll stop off at the next town."

Sara grins "Good."


Sara smiles as Ian hands her a cup of coffee as they sit on a park bench. "Mmm" she inhales the smell then cups Ian's cheek with her hand leaning in she kisses him lightly "Thanks" she mumbles shifting so her legs are resting on his lap.

"Your welcome" he replies with a faint smile. He watches as Sara takes a sip of coffee "Have you decided where you want to go next?" he asks gently running his hand down her leg.

Sara shrugs her nerves tingling at the light touch "I'm not sure. If you want to drive all night tonight and tomorrow there's only so far to go."

"Any idea which direction you'd like to go?"

"Can we avoid big conversations while I'm having coffee" Sara pleads "my brains starting to fall asleep."

Ian nods "Finish your coffee." he continues to run his hand down her leg as he watches the world around him occasionally glancing at Sara.

Sara drinks her coffee watching Ian as he visibly relaxes and looks around. She reaches over scratching lightly at his beard. When Ian turns into her touch, Sara tilts her head a small smile appearing at the almost pleasurable look crosses his face. 'Well that's something he likes.' she runs her knuckle down his cheek then returns her attention to her coffee well aware that he's
watching her. 'Wonder how I can use that to my advantage?' she muses

'She's so beautiful' Ian thinks watching Sara drink her coffee


Sara walks out of the restroom to find Ian sitting at a picnic table lost in thought. She sits next to him. "OK what's with the thoughtful look?"

Ian glances at her "Nothing"

Sara turns straddling his lap "I know you well enough to know that look now you going to tell me what's on your mind?"

"Just trying to figure out what he will do next" Ian answers caressing her face with the backs of his fingers.

"What have you come up with?"

"Nothing much" Ian admits twisting a strand of her brown hair around his fingers.

Sara leans in kissing him lightly then tilts her head seeing his brown eyes flash.

Ian smoothes his thumb over her lower lip "Sara"

Sara meets his lips in a passionate kiss moaning at the feeling. She pulls back her eyes on his awed by the intensity. 'God his eyes are beautiful' she brushes her hand over his cheek.

Ian pulls her close kissing Sara lovingly

Sara shivers feeling the emotions behind the kiss. She reluctantly breaks the kiss "Uh we better put a pause on this." she says softly

"Uh yeah" Ian agrees

After a moment of silence, Sara brushes her lips over his "Finish this later?"

"Mmm whenever you want" Ian replies stroking her cheek with his thumb.




Sara stretches yawning she looks at Ian "Don't you ever get tired?"

"I can last for a few days." Ian shrugs glancing at Sara "Did you sleep well?"

Sara scrunches up her nose "Well as one can in a car." she runs her fingers through her hair. "Are we stopping somewhere tonight?"

Ian shrugs "If you want"

"What time is it?"


"Mmm" Sara nods "coffee soon?"



Sara enters the hotel room tossing her bag on the floor as Ian enters behind her. She flops on the bed with a happy sigh.

"Tired?" Ian questions closing the door removing his overcoat and cap. He sits on the edge of the bed smoothing her hair back.

Sara nods grabbing his hand she tugs him down next to her. She slings her arm over his stomach her head resting on his shoulder. "Stay"

"Alright" Ian rests his arm around her shoulders brushing his lips over her hair. "Get some sleep."

"You too" she says sleepily.

Ian lies there enjoying the feel of Sara in his arms as he follows her to sleep.


Sara awakens to find herself once again on top of Ian. She lifts her head to find Ian asleep. She smiles at the sight. 'He's so cute when he sleeps.'

Ian opens his eyes feeling Sara shift on top of him. He smiles sleepily

"Sorry if I woke you" Sara apologizes

Ian shrugs "Its OK. I would have woken once your breathing and heart rate changed."


Ian tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "As you become more alert you're breathing and heart rate changes. It's starting to right now."

"Oh." Sara frowns "How do you know that?"

"You are on top of me"

"Oh yeah" Sara grins "You know Nottingham you did promise we'd finish what we started at the rest stop."

"Well then can't go back on that." Ian grins back his hands going to her face he kisses her deeply.


Kenneth enters the lab where he finds Dr Immo reading over a file. "Well?" he demands

"I was about to wake him. I thought you'd want to be here for that."

Kenneth nods walking back to the room he watches as Dr Immo injects something into the dupes arm. He smiles watching the figure awaken "Hello Christian... it is good to see you."

Slowly the figure stands clasping his hands behind his back

"Christian how are you feeling?" Kenneth questions

"Fine sir."

"Do you know why you've been woken?" Dr Immo inquires

Christian nods "My predecessor is missing... as is the Wielder."

Kenneth walks around the clone "Do you know what the Wielder looks like?"

Christian tilts his head a slow smile appearing "Yes."

"Good. Now you've been woken to find your brother and the Wielder and bring them both back... alive."

"Yes Master"

Kenneth nods looking at Immo "Make sure he is ready."

"Kenneth you know he is not ready for the outside world."

"I don't care." Kenneth snaps "I want Ian and the Wielder brought back. If you find one the other will follow." he regards Christian "Christian since the Doctor is correct in being concerned you are not to hurt anyone unless need be. That includes your brother and the Wielder. I do not want them harmed."

Christian nods "I will not harm anyone unless you order it."

"Good. Immo finish up what you need to, I want Christian ready to begin his search tomorrow morning."

As Kenneth leaves the room, Immo regards the clone "Let's get started then."


Ian and Sara both awaken with a gasp each feeling a new yet familiar presence. Sara looks at Ian "What was that?"

Ian runs his fingers through his hair 'He did it.'

Sara frowns sensing Ian's distress and concern "Ian what's wrong?" she asks slipping her arm around his waist.

"He did it." Ian says running his hands over his face

"Did what?" Sara asks concerned

"He woke the other."

"The other? What are you talking about Ian?"

"My clone... he woke my clone."


"He doesn't know I know about the other." Ian says softly "Somehow the doctors he hired found a way to clone me. He hired them under the condition that they not share their knowledge with anyone. That's why human cloning hasn't happened yet."

"Ian, are you sure that he's your clone?"

"Sara he's more than my clone... he's me yet he's not."

"What do you mean?"

"Since I'm alive he has some parts of his memory missing. If I were dead, he would have all of my memories. Basically he'd be a full grown adult who knows everything about me, Kenneth... you." Ian looks at Sara "Kenneth must have woken him to search for us."

"Can he find us?"

"I don't know... it's possible." Ian looks down

Sara reaches out cupping Ian's cheek "We'll deal with that if it happens."

"I should have gone back and destroyed him before we left" Ian says sadly

"Could you have Ian?" Sara asks "He is in some odd way your family."

"I know."

Sara wraps her arms around him gently rubbing his back as Ian buries his face in her neck.

After a moment Ian lifts his head, "Sara" he whispers touching her face with the back of his fingers. He leans in kissing her gently their tongues meeting lazily.

Sara pulls back smoothing his hair back "You OK?"

Ian shrugs

Sara tugs him down beside her so their lay side by side, face to face. "Don't think about it right now... just get some sleep." she rests her hand on his cheek. "After you get some sleep we can figure something out."

Ian nods nuzzling into her hand

Sara leans in kissing him lightly "Good." she watches Ian drift into a light sleep.


Ian looks at Sara asleep next to him. 'She is so beautiful.' he silently regards Sara. 'I love her. If he is me, does he feel the same way about Sara? How could he not love her?' he inhales sharply as Sara shifts in her sleep causing the sheet covering her to slip off her baring her breasts. He reaches out pulling the sheet up.

Sara slowly stirs opening her eyes she smiles sleepily. "Morning" she says stretching

"Good Morning Sara." he reaches out smoothing a strand of hair back.

Sara shifts closer to Ian kissing him gently "You OK?"

"I can feel him." Ian says looking away, "He's getting stronger."

"What do you mean you can feel him?" Sara questions curiously

"I don't know how to explain it." Ian sighs

Sara touches his cheek "What do you want to do about this?"

"I don't know. Perhaps it would be best to wait until we know what his plan is." Ian runs his hand over his face "Check outs at 11. We should get moving."

Sara leans in kissing him "I'm going to go take a shower"

"I'll go get you some coffee" he watches Sara walk to the bathroom

Sara grins at him "Read my mind huh."

"I know how you think" Ian replies getting out of bed he pulls on his discarded clothes "I won't be long" he calls

"Okay" Sara replies as she turns on the shower. She takes out her birth control pills 'Thank god he thought of adding my birth control pills to the emergency stash. Wonder if he thought we'd end up having sex?' Sara pauses then shakes her head 'Nah... I doubt it.' she opens the shower door stepping into the warm relaxing water sighing happily.


Sara smiles as Ian steps out of the bathroom "I'll talk to you later then Gabe." she hangs up the phone

"How is Gabriel?" Ian questions

"Fine. He's enjoying his free time." Sara laughs setting the phone down. She stretches her arms over her head.

Ian chuckles "I'm not surprised. The boy does work too hard."

"He does have fun though"

"True" Ian agrees "but he started his work right after he finished school." Ian remarks pulling on a clean shirt.

"Like you've ever taken a break from training, school, or work" Sara returns

Ian nods "This is the first time in ten years where I haven't had to take orders."

"Ten years?! And people tell me I need a break from work." Sara shakes her head

"Well you do work too much and bring your work home."

"This coming from the guy who lives with his work" Sara says amused. She yelps in surprise as Ian pulls her to her feet his arms holding her tight.

"Not anymore."

Sara smiles her arms going around his neck "I'm glad."

"I'm not totally free but I am freer than ever before."

Sara rests her forehead against his "Something tells me one day you will be."

Ian reluctantly sets Sara down "We should go."

"I want more coffee"

"Well then we'll get you more coffee." Ian chuckles kissing her forehead.

"Good." Sara grins stepping out of his arms.


"Christian, please come down here." Kenneth calls. He looks up to see the clean-shaven clone, dressed in clothes similar to Ian's, walk out of the shadows of the balcony study.

"Good morning sirs" Christian greets walking down the stairs

"Are you feeling more alert Christian?" Kenneth inquires

Christian nods "Yes sir."

"Good." Kenneth rubs the back of his hand "Christian can you feel your predecessor?"

Christian closes his eyes concentrating he nods "Yes... but barely."

"The connection will grow stronger." Kenneth says absently "Can you feel the Wielder?"

Christian tilts his head a faint smile appearing "Yes"

"Is it stronger than your connection to Ian?" Kenneth questions curiously

"It is different." Christian answers slightly puzzled.

Kenneth nods "Christian do you understand why you were woken?"

"To return the Wielder and my predecessor to you."


"My Predecessor has fallen for the Wielder thus disobeying orders in helping her escape."

"Good" Kenneth says in approval, "I also have another task for you..."


"Bruno Dante... I want him dealt with. He threatened to kill them both. Make sure there is no evidence that can link it to me... or Ian and the Wielder."

"Kenneth he's not ready to take Ian's place in that way." Immo protests

"Christian your orders are to remove Dante from our way." Kenneth goes over to his desk opening a drawer he removes a small box carrying it over to Christian "Use this."

Christian opens the box to find a single bullet engraved with a Bull. "Yes sir."

"Kill no one else but Dante." Kenneth says he pats Christian's cheek "Go rest tomorrow you will be ready."

Christian bows walking out of the room

"Kenneth I'd strongly advise you to wait on this."

"He'll be fine. Unlike Ian I think Christian will take orders without question, at least for a while."

"I just hope you'll be able to control him Kenneth. Ian was controllable but Christian even though he is a full grown adult with the memories he's still in some ways a child."

Kenneth waves his hand "I'm sure Christian will be fine."


Ian looks at Sara facing him. "What is on your mind?"

Sara shrugs "Just wondering something" when he lifts his brow she continues "is the other one like you"

"Other than looking like me." Ian shrugs "I wouldn't know. Kenneth never told me about him... I found out on accident. I never told Kenneth I knew." he looks at their laced fingers briefly "Why did you ask?" he looks back at the road

"Just wondering if I'm going to end up having to deal with another pain in the ass cryptic guy" Sara smirks

"Who me?" Ian asks innocently as he brushes his lips across her knuckles his eyes on the road.

"Who else?" Sara rolls her eyes, "There are only three pains in the ass cryptic guys in my life. And two of them I can stand most of the time."

"Most of the time?" Ian asks feigning hurt

"Hey you do tend to piss me off Nottingham. But you haven't in a while." she squeezes his hand reassuringly.

"Good." he nods glancing at Sara

After a few moments, Sara speaks "OK this whole clone thing is driving me nuts."


"If Kenneth cloned you then how is it the other one is full-grown?"

"I'm not sure of the specifics... one of the doctor's figured out how to speed up his aging from Kenneth's aging. I guess he figured that if I knew I'd get upset."

"Are you?" Sara questions shrugging "I'm still trying to figure out your emotions considering the few times you've ever shown them."

"Kenneth didn't like it when I showed them." Ian says absently

"Everyone shows them."

"Kenneth doesn't like them. Whenever I cried I was punished, after awhile I stopped crying." he pauses glancing at Sara "You're the only one who's ever let me react."

*Ian sitting on some stairs looking up at a noose hanging above him, "I didn't want to do it."

"Why did you?"

"He did not like how the boy's work was going. Father thought the boy's work was getting too realistic."*

Ian flinches at the memory. "I think the real reason he wanted Sylvester Marcus dead was because he believed that his work was influencing me."

"How so?" Sara asks

"He believed that what Sly was writing was becoming prophetic in my behavior and his own."

"Is that why you told me?"

"I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later. I thought it would be better if I told you"

"You sounded sad then." Sara remarks

"I never liked killing people who didn't deserve it."

Sensing his sadness Sara squeezes his hand "I'm getting antsy can we take a break from driving?"

"Sure" Ian nods "There's a park at the next pull off."

"Ian does this whole clone thing bother you?"

Ian shrugs "Somewhat. One of the things that I am bothered by is that I don't know about what Kenneth created him to ultimately do." 'How he feels about you' Ian takes the next exit he's silent as he pulls into the parking lot of the park. Turning off the engine, he gets out as Sara also gets
out. They walk in silence through the empty park. Then they find a spot underneath a tree and they sit down.

"Something else is bothering you." Sara remarks looking at Ian.

Ian looks at Sara then away "What bothers me is that I don't know how the other feels about you."

"Why does that bother you?" Sara asks

"I don't know how he'll react to you. If his feelings for you are the same as mine, Or if Kenneth somehow managed to remove that information from his memories and replace them with something else."

Knowing what he's referring to yet not wanting to get into the discussion Sara speaks "What would he accomplish in keeping the other from knowing some parts of your memory?"

"It would keep him loyal to Kenneth." Ian looks at Sara "My loyalty only came into question when we finally met. He never knew that I had some memories of the past. I kept it from him because I knew if I told Kenneth that I had memories that he had no say in that there would be punishments."

"Maybe the other will manage to get around Irons control." she tilts her head "What memories do you have?" she asks curiously

"I don't know them in order and most of them occurred as faint dreams until I met you. Once I met you they changed... occurred more often. And not just when I was sleeping."

"What do you remember?"

"Meeting you for the first time. Kissing you, being with you. The times you died before me. The times I died before you." He flinches looking at his hands "If he has none of those memories how is he to keep from believing Father's words."

"I guess we'll find out if he finds us." Sara shoves her hands into her jacket pockets


"A little" Sara admits

Ian sits back against the tree then lifts Sara on sit on his lap he pulls his overcoat around her. "Better?" he asks softly

Sara nods leaning against his chest "Yeah"

Ian kisses her head "Sara... I'm sorry all of this happened."

"Not your fault." Sara tilts her head back meeting his brown eyes "Besides you did save my ass again." She brushes her lips across his jaw. "We'll just have to figure out what to do with the other when the time comes."

Ian brings his hand to her cheek he searches her eyes before kissing her gently. He wraps his arms around her.


Sara leans down kissing Ian's cheek as he sits at his laptop working. "Ian"

"Hmm" Ian glances at her

"I'm going to go do a couple loads of laundry next door."

"Want me to come with you?"

"I'll be fine." When Ian looks at her worry evident in his eyes, Sara kisses him. "Finish what your doing. I'll be back in a couple hours." She scratches at his beard smiling as he nuzzles into her touch. Reluctantly she straightens up grabbing the duffle bag filled with their dirty clothes. "Have
fun" she calls walking out of the room.

Ian turns his attention back to his laptop.


Sara enters the hotel room with the duffle bag of clean clothes. She shakes her head slightly as she notices Ian leaning against the wall staring out the sliding glass door. 'He's in deep thought mode again' she sets the duffle bag on the floor walking over to him. "Hey" she slips her arm into his.

Ian glances at Sara then out the window, "His name is Christian."

"Who's Christian?" Sara inquires confused at Ian's words.

"That's what Kenneth calls the other."

"Your middle name" Sara remembers

Ian nods "I called Immo. He's always tried to be truthful with me, sometimes he's more truthful then Kenneth."

"What else did he say about the other?"

"Not much. I knew better then to ask him too much."

Sara slips her arms around his chest "What else did he say?"

"He said that Kenneth is not heeding his warning about Christian's stability with others."

"Anything else?"

"No. Just what I already knew, Fa... Kenneth's furious not just at us but at Dante as well."

"Good now those two can piss each other off for a while." Sara says dryly "Leave us alone"

Ian smiles slightly looking at Sara "Perhaps, but I would not count on that"

'God I love seeing that smile.' Sara lifts her hand to his cheek guiding his lips to hers.

At the kiss, Ian turns pulling her close

Sara sighs into the kiss her arms going around his shoulders.

Ian presses her into the wall the kiss becoming even more intense.

As she feels Ian's hands unbutton her jeans, Sara pulls off her shirt as Ian pulls her jeans down. She gasps as he lifts her against the wall she shoves his pants down he steps out of them the whole time their lips remain locked in a searing kiss.

Ian thrusts into her with a growl his forehead resting against hers one hand against the wall the other around her waist. He kisses her roughly, whispering her name as he starts to move.

"Oh Ian" Sara moans leaning back against the wall. "Ian" she meets his movements then gasps as he lifts her higher his mouth latching onto her breast.


Kenneth stares into the fireplace controlling his body's reaction to the pleasure that fills him. Feeling the sexual tension fade he stands going up to the balcony he frowns when he sees Christian fast asleep not seeming to feel the surge of lust and power that he feels emanating from Ian and the Wielder. 'Interesting, Seems as though he is lacking this level of connection to them'


Sara runs her fingers down Ian's neck as they lean against the wall both breathing heavily at the intensity of their release. Sara chuckles lightly

"What?" Ian looks at her

"Irons definitely felt that one."

Ian chuckles smoothing her damp hair back "Mmm" he nods stepping back from the wall keeping his arms around Sara he carries her over to the bed he puts her down on the bed laying down next to her. He smiles faintly as Sara snuggles back into him.

Sara brushes her lips over his arm then she lifts her head looking back at him and smiles faintly before laying her head on his arm. 'It feels good to be with him. I never would have believed I'd end up on the run with him... let alone end up in bed with him.' she rubs her cheek against his arm.

'She is so incredible.' He looks at Sara, 'How am I to deal with the other and keep Sara safe at the same time?'

Sara snuggles back into him smiling sleepily as he wraps his arms around her.

Ian watches Sara drift off in his arms. He smiles kissing her head as he reaches over turning off the lamp. Once he hears her breathing and heart even out he brushes his lips over her shoulder as he pulls the sheet up covering them. "I love you Sara" he says softly



Sara slowly awakens at the feeling of Ian's hands moving over her body. "Ian" she sighs meeting his golden gaze "Morning"


"How are you feeling?" Sara inquires touching his face gently

Ian nods "I am fine."

Sara leans in kissing him gently "Good."

Ian cups her cheek rubbing his thumb across her lower lip. He leans in kissing her in return. He pulls back searching her gaze.

Sara smiles at the faint innocence in his eyes. She shifts him to his back straddling his hips. Her eyes on his as she trail her hands over his chest and stomach as she slowly lowers herself onto him "Ian" she sighs in pleasure. Slowly she starts to move biting on her lower lip as Ian's warm hands move down her sides and over her breasts.

Ian slides his hands over her body "Sara" he says awed at the sight of her body. He sits up pulling her close he presses his lips to her neck meeting her own measured movements. "So beautiful" he lifts his head from her shoulder smoothing her hair back.

Sara whimpers her hands going to his shoulders as she moves faster. She meets his mouth in a searing, carnal kiss as his arms pull her close meeting her movements. "Ian" she whimpers into his mouth "so good" she sighs as he starts lifting her hips moving in and out of her. Soon she feels the beginning of her release.




Sara kissing Ian

Sara kissing Christian while Ian watches*

At the same time the flash occurs, cries of intense pleasure fill the room. Sara leans into Ian's shoulder, 'What was that? Why would I have a flash of kissing the clone? Why would Ian be watching?' she glances at her wrist. 'Stupid thing.'

Ian runs his hand down Sara's back as he brings his body under control. 'Why would Sara be kissing Christian? Why would I be watching?' he presses his lips to Sara's hair 'Is she going to leave and go to him?' he asks himself as Sara looks at him he smiles faintly 'No I do not think she will... at least not while Kenneth is controlling him.'

Sara brushes her lips over his "How about we go take a shower" she suggests scratching at his beard.

"As you wish" he pressing his lips to her fingertips.


Christian enters the study where he finds Kenneth waiting.

"Good morning Christian. How did you sleep?"

"Fine" Christian replies

"No dreams? No nightmares?"

"No sir"

Kenneth nods "Good. Will you be ready to go deal with Dante tonight?"

"Yes sir"

"I want you to concentrate on locating Ian and the Wielder until tonight."

"Yes sir."

"Oh yes Dr Immo would like to see you this morning."

"I will go see him immediately."

Kenneth waves his hand in dismissal.


"Hey Pez"

Sara jumps "Damn it Danny how many times have I told you not to do that." she turns glaring at him.

"So where's Nottingham?"

"Coffee run" Sara replies

"You've turned him into a coffee runner." Danny shakes his head

"So why are you here?"

"Just came to check in."

"No vague warnings? No cryptic messages?"

"Nothing but the normal warnings."

Sara glances at her wrist then looks up to find Danny gone. "I hate when he does that." she shakes her head as Ian enters carrying a cup of coffee.

"Are you ready to go?" Ian asks handing Sara her coffee

"Do we have too?" she whines

Amused by her tone Ian nods "Yes."

"No fun"

Ian shakes his head knowing her grumbling is her coffee need talking. "Drink your coffee Sara." he picks up her duffle bag as she pulls on her jacket.


"Christian how is your search for your predecessor going?" Kenneth inquires as the clone stands before him.

"I have not located him. I believe they are still on this coast."

"After Dante is dealt with you will focus all your attention on finding them... unless otherwise ordered."

"Yes sir" Christian nods

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Return by midnight." Kenneth waves his hand in dismissal.

Christian bows his head then strides out of the room.


Christian sneaks into the bedroom looking at the sleeping cop. He winces as a memory fills him.

*The Wielder, running through the halls of Vorschlag with his predecessor, as cops shoot at them.


Bruno Dante suddenly awakens feeling his bed shift. He finds himself on his back staring up at the figure above him his knee on his neck. He struggles for a moment only to find a gun in his face. A hand covers his mouth still holding him down.

Christian leans down "You will never insult her again"

Dante stares at the man over him "Nottingham?" he says

Hearing the mumble Christian ignores him "My Employer says hello... and goodbye" he pulls the trigger watching the Police Captain die from a single gunshot to the chest. After a moment of confusing emotions, Christian stands silently walking out of the room.


Ian awakens with a start his heart pounding

At the sudden movement Sara opens her eyes looking up at Ian "Ian what's wrong?"


"What about him?" Sara questions sitting up she wraps her arms around him feeling his tension.

"He just killed someone." Ian says pained "It felt like I was the one who pulled the trigger." he runs his hands over his face. "It was me... he is me."

"No he isn't. Granted he has your DNA and memories but he's not you... he doesn't understand who he should be. All he knows is what Irons allows."

"It felt like I had pulled the trigger."

"Well you didn't." Sara hugs him pressing her lips to his shoulder.

Ian turns burying his face in her neck wrapping his arms around her waist. "Sara" he whispers sadly. After a moment, Ian lifts his head gazing at his Wielder.

Seeing the pain and hurt in his eyes Sara shifts moving onto his lap her legs on either side of his hips, her arms around his shoulders feeling him trembling she presses her lips to his dark hair "It'll be OK Ian." she soothes gently rocking him. "It'll be OK baby" she whispers stroking his back as she gently rocks him as he silently cries into her shoulder. 'Damn you Irons' she presses her lips to his hair.


Christian stands in the shower allowing the pounding hot water to scour his body. 'Is this what my brother hated? I could feel anger... disgust. Why do I feel as though my loyalty is not to my Master? What caused my brother to abandon his duty to our Master?' he sighs 'It is her... the Wielder... he left for her. Why did he leave?' he turns off the shower stepping out he quickly
dries off making his way to his bed. 'It is not my concern. My duty is to return them to my Master.'


"Sara" Ian whispers

Hearing the pain and need in his voice and feeling his erection at her entrance she kisses him gently "Its OK Ian." she lifts her hips sighing as he stretches her. She nuzzles his cheek "Better?"

Ian nods against her shoulder

Sara lays down with Ian buried deep inside her, his body on top of hers. She tangles her fingers in his hair, her legs around his waist. With her free hand she pulls the covers over them "Get some sleep baby." she kisses his head "If you want me its OK" she soothes

Ian nods drifting off to sleep, feeling safe joined with his Lady.

Sara runs her fingers down his neck listening to his breathing even out she follows him into a dreamless sleep enjoying the feel of Ian buried inside her.


Sara sits on the bed tying her shoes as she listens to the news.

"Last night, in New York City, Captain Bruno Dante was found dead of a gun shot to the chest. So far there are no suspects or witnesses."

Startled Sara looks at the TV screen then at Ian to see him pause in buttoning his shirt. "Damn" she mutters

"Christian." he says walking to the balcony

Sara sighs rubbing her forehead almost sensing his thoughts and self blame.

'It is my fault he did this. I may not have liked Dante but Christian is part of me.'

"Ian will you stop blaming yourself."

Ian glances at Sara "I can't help it. It's my fault he is there."

"No it isn't. Irons might have woken him regardless of where you were or what happened." she wraps her arms around his chest her chin on his shoulder. "But that's not what you really mean is it?"

Ian shrugs "Sara you were right... he is part of me... in some odd way he is my family."

"True." she frowns "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking maybe I should go meet him. Or let him find me."

"Ian you aren't thinking of letting him take you back to Irons?!" she exclaims

"No... maybe if I talk with him, I can fill in the missing memories. Perhaps then, he will leave us alone. Or maybe I can convince him to leave Kenneth as well."

Sara kisses his neck "Whatever you think is best."

Ian pulls back and silently finishes dressing.

Sara watches from the corner of her eyes as Ian finishes dressing, 'He's feeling guilty. How am I supposed to help him?' she mentally shakes her head 'No thinking of that right now. Its too early in the morning.' she sits down taking a sip of her coffee. "You aren't OK with this clone stuff are you?"

Ian pauses "I have no choice in this matter. He exists and I will have to deal with him sooner or later." He says truthfully, "Are you OK with all of this?"

At his question, Sara remembers her vision of kissing the clone and the feelings the kiss invoked. "I'm not sure," she shrugs "The whole idea of cloning I've never liked but Irons having the ability and resources do it is even worse."

Ian nods "I know"

Sara stands going over to him brushing her lips over his "But my feelings of the whole thing aren't as important as yours." she scratches at his beard smiling as he turns into her touch. "We need to get going." she says reluctantly steps out of his arms. She regards Ian as he grabs his overcoat.


"I'm telling you guys... Pezzini killed him." Orlanksi states looking at Jake and Burgess.

"No I doubt it... I mean why take a chance the second time." Jake asks "Besides no one has seen her since she left... or Nottingham."

Burgess demands

"Nah... not her style."

"So who?"

"Perhaps the heads ordered it." Orlanski muses

Jake shrugs "Possible."

"What are we going to do?" Burgess asks

"Have to wait until the new Captain shows up" Orlanksi shrugs "then once there's more info we'll start looking for whoever killed Dante and find out if that bitch and her lapdog did."

'I don't think they did. Even though Nottingham's a freak, I don't think Pez would let him kill for her. Nor would she kill if not in self-defense.' he runs his fingers through his hair.


"Well no more Dante" Sara remarks dryly "they probably think I actually did it this time." she rubs the bracelet stone.

"Why do you think that?"

Sara lifts her brow "OK where were you the last few days. We got into this mess because I lost my temper."

"They can also think I did it." Ian shrugs "Well technically I did."

"No you didn't."

"Yes well their guess of me is closer then saying 'oh it's the clone.'"

Sara unable to help it giggles at Ian's tone.


"Nothing. It's just funny..."


"Because now you can say 'Oh I didn't do it. It was my clone' and it would be the full truth."

Ian chuckles "True."

"Oh I know... you two could switch places and mess with Irons head like in Parent Trap."

Ian shakes his head "I think Kenneth would be able to tell us apart."

"Probably. But it would be funny." Sara laughs

"I bet it would." Ian chuckles lightly he reaches out smoothing his hand over her head. His eyes still on the road he laces their fingers. He drives in silence occasionally glancing at Sara. 'She is so incredibly beautiful.'

"I should call Jake" Sara says suddenly

Ian looks at her "Why?"

"He needs to know that neither of us killed Dante. If he is a Fed later on he might be able to help us out of all this trouble."

Ian nods "It is your choice."


Christian kneels in the corner of his bedroom trying to meditate. His mind crowded by thoughts and memories. 'Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like some memories are foggy? Why did my brother leave? He never would have deserted our Master without good reason.' he takes a deep breath trying to rid himself of the confusing thoughts and feelings.


Sara dials the familiar number waiting impatiently for the blonde ex-surfer to pick up. "Come on Jake" she mutters


"Hey McCartey... or should I call you Agent McCartey?"


Jake closes the door of his office "Where are you?" he demands "you are in serious trouble."

"So were you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Oh gee that your Barney... that your a fed stupid."

"I'm not" Jake argues

"Whatever you say McCartey. Look I just called to tell you I didn't take out Dante... neither did Ian."

"Why should I believe you?" Jake demands "He's a killer"


Sara lifts her hand to Ian's cheek smiling as he nuzzles into her touch "No he isn't"

"Then who took him out?"

"Irons who else"

"Why? His pet monkey's no longer there!"

"I can't tell you that. However, I can tell you that Ian and I didn't kill Dante. The gun that had the White Bulls bullet that I was close to shooting Dante with, I left it behind when we left. Ian doesn't have one of those."

"What are you talking about?" Jake demands

"I have to go." after a second Sara sighs "Be careful with the Bulls Jake... they won't hesitate to kill you." she hangs up setting the phone down she trails her fingers over Ian's face as he nuzzles into her palm. She leans down kissing him lightly then smiles.

Ian smiles pressing his lips into her palm, "It is getting cold... we should return to the car." he stands helping Sara to her feet.

Once in the car Sara speaks "OK Nottingham we've been gone three days and you still haven't told me much about you."

"What do you want to know?" he asks

"Hmm let's see I know you definitely like black, weapons, books and martial arts. What else?"

"Ask and I will answer."

"Not going to volunteer anything?"

Ian shrugs

"OK then... did you have a stuffed animal as a kid?"


"What was it?"

"A bear named... Robin." he answers

"What happened to it?"

Ian winces "Kenneth threw him in the fireplace. Said warriors don't need teddy bears." he says almost sadly.

"Sorry. How old were you?"

"Seven I think."

"Who gave you the bear?"

Ian shrugs "I don't remember. I just remember having him."

Sara nods "OK next question... what was the stupidest thing you did as a kid?"

Ian frowns "I don't remember."

Sara nods "Did Irons ever tell you bedtime stories?"

Ian smiles faintly "Yes."

"You're kidding?!"


"Wow I just can't see Kenneth being paternal in anyway."

"He used to be." Ian says sadly, "But as I got older things changed."

Sara nods "What was your favorite bedtime story?"

"About the Wielders." he smiles slightly "Every night he could he'd take me through the collection and let me choose which Wielder I wanted to hear about. That's how I learned all about the Wielders."

"I still can't see that." Sara says

"I know" he squeezes her hand

"You spent a lot of time with him as a child huh."

"Yes. Until he sent me to Japan when I was 13."

"What did you do in Japan?"


"How long were you there?"

"On and off over ten years. I left the States when I was 13 and only moved back full-time, five years ago, after the Black Dragons had been disbanded. Then he allowed me back for good."

Sara nods regarding him "What about friends?"

"Kenneth never allowed anyone other than my trainers, my doctors, and himself to stay long enough for me to get attached too. Any sign of me getting close to anyone and he'd send them away." he says sadly


Ian shrugs "I had to concentrate on training and learning for your appearance."

Sara sits there for a moment thinking of a new question trying to build up to the questions she really wants answered. "All right first crush?"

Ian shakes his head "Never had one" he glances at Sara "until you" he finishes shyly

"Never?" Sara says shocked yet pleased at the knowledge.

"No. I was too busy with my studies."

"OK I can see that." Sara says thoughtfully smiling at the thought of young Ian reading.

"Favorite comic book character as a kid?"

"Um Spiderman or Batman."

"Why am I not surprised." Sara says shaking her head.


"Archie's Jughead" she answers sheepishly

Ian smiles "Why?"

"Because he was always misunderstood. He looked like an idiot and acted like one but he always seemed to find the answer even if it was on accident."

Ian nods

"First girlfriend?"

Ian looks at her briefly "Never had one." he rubs his thumb over her knuckles "I had to study and train."

"And Kenneth's obsession with not allowing you to be emotionally attached to anyone." Sara remarks sadly

"Yes." Ian says he kisses her hand, "Until you I never allowed myself to become attached to anyone because if I did the person would be fired... or killed." He flinches, "When he found out I took the money he warned me not to get attached... but it was too late." he looks at her "It was too late years ago... even before I saw you in person. I became more attached when I saw you... touched you."

Sara looks at his gloved hand holding hers. With her other hand she tenderly removes his glove. She meets his eyes and smiles lacing their fingers "You rarely touch me without the gloves."

"I'm so used to wearing them all day that I put them on by habit and only take them off when need be" he shrugs

Sara looks at his hand trailing her fingers over his hand seeing faint scars on his knuckles "How'd you get these?"

"Fights." Ian answers well aware of her soft touch "Punishments"

Sara pushes his shirtsleeve up trailing her fingers over the dragon tattoo on his inner forearm. "When did you get this?"

"After we finished our training." he glances at the tattoo briefly

"Didn't Kenny boy freak?"

"No. It was how they'd have identified us if we were ever killed." at Sara's look he explains "The only records of us at the time were so far off record that we'd never have been identified. That means we no longer have medical records and no fingerprints on record. But if the tattoos were mentioned in the news or anything they'd know one was dead."

"Are all the tattoos the same?"

"No. The differences are very slight... the doctors, us and Kenneth are the only ones who know which tattoo belongs to who."

"Well it definitely fits your personality" Sara snickers

Ian lifts his brow "You going to tell me how you got your tattoo?"

Sara groans at the mention of the small heart tattoo on her ankle. "I don't really remember. I went out with Maria and some friends to party on the night of our high school graduation and woke up the next morning with that and a killer hangover. Maria told me it had something to do with a bet we made. But she got drunk too so who knows if she was telling the truth." she shrugs "What I
want to know is... why the hell did I end up with a heart?!"

Ian smiles "Well I think it suites you."

"You would" Sara snorts punching his forearm

"OW" Ian winces

Sara rolls her eyes "Baby"

"No I'm not. You caught me off guard." he grumbles

Sara kisses his cheek "Your cute when you grumble" she teases "So is that why you always wear long sleeved shirts?" she asks brushing her fingers over the tattoo.

Ian nods "Kenneth doesn't want anyone to see it... too many questions."

"Does Christian have one as well?"

Ian shrugs "I didn't see one but he could have one." he glances at Sara every so often as she absently traces his tattoo while staring out the window.

8PM: 1111 FAUST

Christian stares at the map pinned up on the wall. 'Where are you brother? Where did you take the lovely Wielder?' he goes over to his computer sitting down he stares at the screen.


Kenneth stares into the fireplace rubbing the back of his hand 'I hope you are enjoying yourself Ian. I will get you both back here. I will get what is mine... Sara and the Blade.' he smiles faintly "Soon. Enjoy young ones." He closes his eyes enjoying the sexual feelings, 'You are certainly learning from the Wielder, Ian. You both have incredible stamina.'


Ian enters the bathroom to find Sara in the shower.

Sensing Ian's eyes on her Sara looks at the door. She swallows heavily at the look in his eyes intense lust and... love. She lifts her brow "You going to join me or what?" she asks with a smirk. She turns her back to him standing under the water. She senses him enter the shower feeling his eyes on her.

Ian slides his arm around her waist pulling her wet naked body back against him. He presses his lips to her neck licking away a drop of water.

Sara turns in his arms smiling at him she reaches up touching his face. Instantly she finds herself drawn into quick flashes of the Wielders making love to the same man... different name but still the same. She shivers, feeling all the emotions that the Wielders had felt at the time with the man
before her. She stares at him then finds herself pinned against the shower wall Ian's mouth on hers kissing her fiercely... desperately.

Ian releases her lips after a few seconds of intense kissing he stares at her breathing heavily. "Sara" he says staring at her through the water pouring over them. He lifts her up against the shower wall hissing as he enters her swiftly and roughly.

"Ian" Sara whimpers at the feeling her eyes closing she rests her head back against the wall focusing on the feeling of Ian buried inside her.

"Sara?" he says concerned

Sara smiles opening her eyes to see his brown eyes filled with concern. She kisses him lightly telling him she's OK. "Mmm" she purrs rolling her hips urging him on. "Want to see if we can make Irons pass out?" she smirks against his lips

"Worth a try" Ian chuckles "or at least make him incredibly tired."

"Enough Irons talk" Sara kisses him roughly thrusting her hips against his urging him on.


Kenneth growls angrily pacing the floor trying to keep his body under control. "She turns to him! He is nothing." he hisses leaning against the wall his body trembling. He clenches his fists resting his forehead against the cool wall.


Sara whimpers rolling her head to the side as Ian kisses and bites at her neck as he moves long and slow. She runs her nails lightly down his back squirming against him. "Ian," she groans lifting her hips needing more. "harder... please!" she meets his golden gaze. As he speeds up his movements, she moans her eyes drifting closed marveling in the intensity of the feelings.

"Sara look at me" Ian growls not getting a response he stops moving grimacing knowing how close they both are. "Sara" he says softly

Sara whimpers opening her eyes "Ian, please" she begs squirming "so close. Please baby." as he starts to move again her eyes drift shut "harder." she pleads

"No Sara," Ian says standing still his teeth clenched "look at me Sara."

Sara moans "Stop teasing me" she hisses feeling the glove form she digs her fingers into his shoulder causing him to wince.

"Open your eyes my Sara" once she does he starts moving "I want to see your eyes"

"Nottingham" she whimpers her eyes locked on his. She rocks her hips against his. As he starts moving again she smiles meeting his thrusts "Ian" she gasps her body tensing "IAN" she cries out.

Feeling her climax Ian growls her name his own body tensing. He presses her back against the wall still buried inside her one arm against the wall the other around her waist. He rests his head against her shoulder. "I love you Sara" he says softly not knowing if she heard him not caring if she did.

Through the haze of her deafening climax, Sara hears his soft admission but pretends she doesn't. She shivers feeling the warm shower cool.

Ian lifts his head "Sara?"

"Water cold."

"Don't want that." he smiles kissing her gently he sets her on her feet turning off the shower. He looks at Sara leaning against the wall. "Sara?"

"That was... wow" she sighs then yelps as Ian opens the shower door letting in cold air. "Cold now" she says rubbing her arms.

Ian grabs a large towel wrapping it around Sara as she steps out of the shower. "Better?"

"Hate being cold after a shower." she grumbles halfheartedly as she takes in Ian's naked form as he quickly dries off. She feels another wave of intense lust fill her body.

Ian meets Sara's gaze seeing the lust in her green eyes. Soon he finds himself kissing her again as they sink to the bathroom floor.

Sara shoves him on his back kissing and nipping her way down his body.


Kenneth growls angrily at the feelings that fill him instinctively knowing the two are at each other again. He stares at the TV screen confused why he's having reactions to the Wielder and Ian's sexual activities while Christian isn't. "There must be a reason." he mutters rubbing the scar on his hand.


"Well we made it to bed" Sara laughs curling a strand of Ian's hair around her finger as he lays his head on her shoulder his fingers absently tracing the entwined circles on her chest.

Ian chuckles "It took a few tries."

"Yeah the bathroom floor, Bathroom door, the table, the couch, then finally the bed."

Ian shrugs "What can I say... your addictive." he kisses her neck. "Before you being able to do normal things like touching," he traces the scar, "kissing" he lifts his head brushing his lips against hers "and sex were the last things on my mind."

Sara lifts her brow "You're kidding me?"


"What about when you were a teenager? You weren't a hormonal teenager with girls on his mind all the time?"

"No," at her look he explains "It's not like I didn't know about sex and stuff I just never thought about it outside my lessons and Kenneth's lectures and rantings. And the flashes."

"You must've been the only teenage boy without sex on his mind all the time" Sara says amazed

Ian shrugs "Since I was a boy Kenneth told me not to think about doing things normal people do, since I'm not normal."

"Remind me to beat the hell out of him for saying that." Sara says dryly then smirks "Then again there is one way you definitely aren't normal"

"Oh really? How is that?"

"Only guy I know to go five rounds of mind-blowing sex and still be wide awake and cuddly."

Ian rubs his cheek against her shoulder slowly pressing a light kiss to her neck. "Its late you should get some sleep."

"I'm not tired."

"Humor me Sara."

"Oh fine my bossy Stalker"

Ian leans over turning off the lamp and pressing off on the remote control. He smiles at Sara kissing her gently before laying down next to her pulling the covers up.

"So where are we going next?" Sara asks

"We'll figure it out in the morning."

"'k" Sara says sleepily.




Ian glances over at Sara peacefully asleep in the bed. 'At least she's able to sleep.' he thinks relieved as he rubs his hands over his face. 'It was close.' he sighs remembering how close they'd come to having Christian catch them.


Christian stares at the picture of the Wielder on the wall. 'She's beautiful. Even more so in person.' he turns to find Kenneth behind him.

"You missed them."

Christian flinches at the anger in his Master's voice "Yes sir."

"Why?" he moves closer to him

"The Witchblade warned them I was coming." Christian says softly staring at the floor. He winces as Kenneth pulls his head back.

"You should have followed them." Kenneth growls

"Yes Father" he winces

"Downstairs" Kenneth orders releasing Christian with a shove

Christian nods turning he walks out of the room dreading the coming events.


Hearing a low whimper, Ian looks over at the bed to find Sara shifting in her sleep. He tilts his head allowing his sensing to focus on Sara for a moment. He hears her breathing and heart rate become erratic. 'Nightmare' he thinks then frowns as he smells her arousal. He shakes his head 'Don't even think of invading her mind like that.' he scolds himself turning back to the laptop trying to take his mind off what she's possibly dreaming.

Sara shifts restlessly her breathing erratic as images flash between Ian and the clone

*Sara kissing Ian

Christian slamming her against a wall kissing her fiercely

Sara returns the kiss knowing its not Ian but still feeling similar rush that she feels with Ian.

Sara finds herself watching an incredible sight, of her and Ian in bed... along with Christian. She watches amazed as she makes love to both of them at different times yet the three are in bed together. She whimpers and the surge of intense lust fills her.

The scene changes to the three of them on a couch watching T.V., with Sara leaning against Ian as Christian lays on his side his head on Sara's lap.

"Interesting" a voice says

Sara turns to find Elizabeth Bronte behind her "What is going on? I don't understand" she looks at the scene. "Why am I dreaming of both of them?"

"Because even though Christian is separate from Ian he is still part of Ian... thus..."

"He is part of our destiny." Sara finishes

"A destiny that can only be fulfilled if you are together."

"I don't understand" Sara says

"He is your Protector as well. Kenneth messed with science but that could be in your favor."

"But Christian..."

"He is meant to be with you... like Ian is. Do not let Kenneth destroy him Sara. It will not only destroy Christian... but you and Ian as well."

"How am I to tell Ian all of this?"

"Show him" Elizabeth says her eyes going to the sight she smiles. "That is such a beautiful sight"

Sara looks over to see herself stroking Christian's hair as he sleeps his head on her chest as she leans into Ian's arms. She smiles at the tender sight. "How much time to we have before Kenneth hurts him?"

"He's already started"*

Sara awakens with a gasp her heart pounding at her predecessor's words. She sits up running her fingers through her hair. She frowns seeing Ian sitting on the floor shaking. "Ian" she says worried at the look on his face and the fact that he didn't run to her side. She gets out of bed walking over to him she kneels beside him putting her hand on his shoulder. "Ian what's wrong? Why are you shaking?"

Ian slowly looks at her while rubbing his cheek against her hand "Its started." he looks down pained.

"What?" not getting an answer Sara slides her fingers under his chin urging him to look at her "Ian what's wrong?"

"He's hurting" he says sadly, "it's like I can feel it Sara. It hurts"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Kenneth triggered a minor seizure and refuses to give him the pills."

"He's done that to you too?"

Ian nods his eyes pained "It hurts Sara. It hurts him more but I can feel it."

"What about your pills?" she asks

Ian shakes his head "It won't help me. He needs them Sara."

Sara guides Ian's head to her chest slowly rocking him feeling his shaking "It'll be OK Ian." she soothes stroking his cheek.

"I know how much he's hurting" Ian blinks back tears "I shouldn't have left him there."

"Then we have to back for him" Sara kisses his head

Ian lifts his head at her confused "Sara..."

Sara presses her fingers to his lips "Christian belongs here... with us." she takes his face between her hands "Elizabeth said he needs to be here with us."

"I don't..." he trails off as the images Sara saw flash through his mind. As the images end he looks at the floor then meets Sara's gaze in understanding. "But how? The three of us can't go on the run."

"We'll just have to figure that out. First we need to figure out how to get Christian out of there."

"Sara" he says

Sara smoothes Ian's hair back, "Not now. Right now you need some sleep so we can figure out a plan." she kisses his forehead "Come on." she helps him to his feet and into bed. She pulls the covers up as Ian rests his head on her chest. "Get some sleep" she strokes his hair "we'll talk in the morning."

Ian rubs his cheek against her chest listening to Sara's heartbeat as he drifts off to sleep.

Sara yawns kissing the top of Ian's head she follows him into sleep.


In the darkened room behind the med lab, Christian closes his eyes trying to will away his seizure. 'I just want out.'


Christian winces "No ones here." he mumbles "I'm alone"

"No Christian you're not alone. Never have been"

He opens his eyes to find a familiar face crouched before him "You are the Wielder"

"I'm Elizabeth... remember me?"

"I never met you" he says sadly

"Not in this life."

"Why are you here?" Christian asks closing his eyes pained

"Things will be OK."

"It hurts"

"I know. I'm sorry."

Christian opens his eyes feeling the presence gone he lies on his side closing his eyes. "Just want it to stop" he mumbles


Sara smiles watching as Ian finally stirs awake opening his eyes he blinks sleepily "Hey sleepy. You OK?" she asks smoothing a strand of hair off his forehead. "You slept late."

"Sara" he says sleepily as he rubs at his eyes "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed the sleep." she strokes his cheek "You feel a little warm. How are you feeling?"

"Tired." he nuzzles her hand "After seizures I sometimes have a fever. Christian probably has a high one."

Sara kisses him gently "Sorry"

"I'll be fine. It doesn't last long."

Sara nods "If you're sure."

"Sara, are you sure about getting Christian out?" he asks hesitantly "We don't know what Kenneth has done to him... how he's been conditioned."

"Then we'll have to figure out a way to change his conditioning. Or hope he's got more of your personality buried in the memories Irons gave him."

"If he's in love with you as much as I am he'll change." Ian touches her face gently

"Ian" she turns into his touch

"Sara..." he looks down "I know you don't feel the same way..."

Sara caresses his cheek "Ian... my feelings for you are confusing to say the least. Part of me is falling for you but the other part of me is not sure. It's just... everyone I get close to leaves or dies and I hate it."

Ian nods "I understand."

Sara pulls him in kissing him deeply "I do know one thing..."

"What's that?"

"I like having you around."


"Mmm." she nods shifting so she's partially on top him. As he caresses her face she smiles turning into his gentle touch she brushes her lips over his fingertips. She takes his hand in hers pressing her lips into his palm. Her eyes on his she presses light kisses down his wrist and over his tattoo.
"Who else puts up with my coffee addiction... the fact that I'm not the most organized person... being threatened" she rests her arms on either side of his head looking down at him. "That and your cute" she kisses his nose as he gives her a shy smile.

"Sara we should..."

"Nope we're staying here today. We'll leave tomorrow"


"No arguing Ian." she says sternly "You need some rest and we need to figure out what to do about Christian."

"What first?"

Sara lifts her brow leaning in she whispers in his ear.

As she whispers in his ear, Ian growls rolling Sara under him kissing her deeply.

"Take it you like my idea" Sara giggles

"Yes well I have a few ideas myself." he kisses her neck his hands slipping between her legs smiling as he hears her gasp his name.

Sara gasps as he gently caresses her. "Ian" she sighs in pleasure


"Hey" Sara enters the hotel room carrying a grocery bag.

"Hello beautiful"

Sara sets the bag down going over to Ian "How are you feeling?"


Sara smoothes his hair off his forehead and smiles "Well looks like
your fevers gone."

Ian leans back pulling Sara onto his lap. "I missed you"

Sara kisses him "Yeah well I'm back. So how's it going?"

"Found some places. The best option is a place in the woods of upstate Vermont. Private and secure plus it's pretty much furnished."

Sara rests her head on his shoulder "Any idea of how to get Christian out and get Irons to leave us alone... other than killing him?"

"Not yet. Though I wouldn't mind"

"Oh please you've had how many chances and you never did. He too much apart of you. Besides if he's dead it'll be blamed on us."

Ian reaches up running his fingers through her hair "Sara... what Elizabeth showed you."


"Think that will happen?"

Sara shrugs "We'll just have to see."

"Do you want it to happen? Do you want to be with both of us?"

"I don't know" Sara sighs kissing his neck "When I saw that possibility it seemed... like it was... comfortable. I know that sounds odd and I know that that might not happen."

"If it does?"

"It does." she looks at him "Would it bother you?"

Ian trails his fingers over her face "If you're happy I'm happy. You were right though"

"About what?"

"Christian... he belongs with us."

"You're the closest he has to blood relative."

"We need to find a place to live... moving with Christian would be hard. Especially if he's still not completely stable."

"And Gabe" at Ian's look she punches his arm "Not that way Nottingham. Gabe is my friend. I feel bad that he's stuck out there on his own. I'd feel better if he's closer so we can keep an eye on him."

"I know you worry about him."

"Yeah I do. All this trouble was caused by me and I dragged him into it."

Ian pulls her down kissing her "You didn't know." he caresses her face with his fingers.

Sara kisses him in return shifting so she's facing him. She nips on his lower lip smiling as he growls. She giggles at the sound


"I like it when you growl." she kisses the underside of his chin her hands unbuttoning his shirt sliding her hands over his chest. She nuzzles his neck "Mmm. I like how you smell." she sighs happily. She yelps in surprise as he stands holding her close, "Ian" she pouts "I wanna play."

"Oh we will" he smirks dropping her on the bed pulling her shoes off tossing them aside he removes his shirt then settles over her. "We definitely will" he kisses her

Sara groans at the feeling of his mouth on hers his hands sliding under her shirt. She shoves him back lightly at his hurt look she kisses him lightly then reaches down pulling off her shirt. Sara gives him a soft, reassuring smile and pulls his head down kissing him fiercely. Sara wraps her
legs around his hips running her hands over his back.


Sara runs her fingers through Ian's hair as he lays his head on her chest. She smiles as he trails his fingers over the scar on her chest. 'I love these moments with him.'

Ian lifts his head smiling slightly he moves up brushing his lips over hers "I love you Sara" he says softly.

At his words she smoothes his hair back awed by the love showing in his brown eyes 'I love him. I do love him. I just can't say those words... once I do I could lose him.' she kisses him gently. "We should get back to work." she says reluctantly.

Ian nods kissing her deeply then moves off her grabbing his pants off the floor he pulls them on. He sits at the laptop "Sara we need to figure out where to live." he watches as she buttons up his discarded shirt

"What have you found?" Sara asks sitting on his lap.

Ian pulls up the picture of the large house he found in Vermont. "This place in Vermont is the best choice for now. At least until we have a full assessment of Christian's situation. We won't be able to stay anywhere for long periods of times."

Sara nods looking at the house

"Its five rooms, three bathrooms, there's a finished basement that can be used as a gym. The house is pretty much furnished. There's even a room for Gabriel if he wants. There's a security system in place. It's private since it's somewhat in the woods. What do you think?"

Sara glances at her wrist and smiles at Ian. "I like it." she kisses him "I better call Gabe."

"We can be ready to do this by tomorrow night."

"What about Christian?"

Ian runs his fingers through her hair "Punishments usually last a few days until Father is bored with having no one to listen to him rant and no one to hit. Christian will be in there for a while with no one around him, no food, and little to no sleep. Until he feels like he's going crazy."

At his sad, pained tone, Sara slides her arm around his shoulders, "You still feel what he's feeling."

Ian nods "I've been there so many times."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. It's the past. Now I have a chance to start a new life. With you... and with Christian, he's my blood, the closest I'll ever have to having a brother." he smiles running his fingers through her hair "With you we have a chance to be somewhat of a family. Have a chance at love... a normal life."

Sara kisses his forehead "Or the closest any of us can have" she smiles

"Think we'll be happy?"

Sara tilts her head "Yeah I do."

"I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're happy."

"I know." she scratches at his beard "You going to let me up?"

"Do I have too?" he slides his hand under the shirt caressing her thigh

"Mmm don't start what you can't finish" Sara purrs

"Oh I can finish what I start." he smirks as she spreads her legs


"Wow" Sara says dreamily "you definitely can finish what you start." she purrs scratching at Ian's beard.

Ian smiles kissing her fingers "Any time my love."

After a moment of staring at each other, Sara speaks "OK now we need to get to work Nottingham. No more distractions"

"Then you better put some pants on."

"What if I don't want too?" she pouts

"Then we'll keep getting distracted"

"And the more we get distracted the longer Christian will be there." Sara says kissing Ian deeply before she gets off his lap.

"Do you want the place in Vermont?"

Sara smiles "Yeah. I like it." she pulls on her discarded jeans grabbing the phone.

"I'll call the bank after you're done talking to Gabriel."

Sara sits on the bed pressing the speed dial button for Gabe's phone.


"Everything's set up" Ian says as they recline in the bathtub. "We leave at dawn. We should reach New York by evening. The final details of the house have been finished, we can move in whenever. We just need to pick up the key at the realtors office."

Sara nods "I called Gabe. He said he'd visit but there is no way he'd live in the woods." she snickers "He's thinking of moving to Boston... starting over there."

"Mmm means we get you to ourselves" Ian purrs biting at her neck cupping her breasts

Sara gasps "Think you two can share?"

"Oh we'll work something out." he tugs on her nipples

Sara turns her head "I'm sure you will." she pulls his head down kissing him roughly "Now enough talk..."

"Sounds good to me." he mumbles




Ian looks at Sara asleep beside him in the car. 'She's so beautiful'

Sara whimpers

Ian reaches out to wake Sara as he touches her he winces at the vision

*Christian being slapped by Kenneth*

"Sara, love, open your eyes" Ian says grinding his teeth willing himself out of the vision.

Sara awakens with a gasp looking around. She runs her fingers through her hair "I hate the visions."

"What did you see?"

"Christian. He wants out. Its like I can feel him now."

"It must be because we're getting closer."

"Or he's letting me in."

"It's possible."

Sara rubs her eyes resting her head on his arm.

Ian lifts his arm putting it around her shoulders "It'll be OK" he presses his lips to her hair. "He won't be in there much longer."

"I know. He'll be with us where he belongs."

"Yeah" At her yawn he smiles faintly "Go back to sleep."

Sara nods


Sara takes a sip of her coffee waiting for Ian to return with their new car.

"Hey Partner"

Sara smiles "Hey Danny" she glances at him "what's up?"

"How are you Sara?"

Sara nods "Just a little tired."

"How are things going with you two?"

"Mmm" she nods taking a sip of her coffee. "Will everything work out?"

"If you work at it yes. You love him don't you?"

Sara nods "Yeah"

"Have you told him?"

Sara shakes her head

"You're afraid that if you tell him he'll die or leave you"

Sara nods "Its how it always happens."

"He loves you Partner. Just let him in. Don't go too long without telling him. What if you lost him without telling him how you feel? It would hurt you as much to lose him with telling him as it would without telling him."

Sara stares at her cup of coffee about to reply when she realizes Danny's gone. She senses Ian near her. Looking up she sees him walking towards her.

"Hello love. You OK?" he asks smoothing a few strands of hair back as they escape her cap

Sara nods "Danny just stopped by."

"Everything OK?" he questions

Sara smiles slightly at his concerned expression. She sets her coffee down, her hands going to his face pulling him down she kisses him.

"I take that as a yes" he chuckles against her lips "You ready to go?"

Sara nods picking up her coffee cup. She takes his hand as he helps her up. She squeezes his hand.

Ian lifts her hand to his lips

Sara smiles slightly at him as they walk to their new wheels a van.

"On the way out of New York we'll switch to a different car." he explains

Sara nods "You know we could have some fun..." she suggests as he opens the front passenger door for her. She trails her fingers over his chest

"If we have some time later" Ian smiles kissing her nose.

"No fair." she pouts getting into the car

"I know" he closes the door going around to the driver's side. "But we need to get to New York before dark. I have a few things I need to pick up."

"Fine" Sara grumbles


"What's here?" Sara asks as Ian spins the combination of the lock on a storage door.

"Just some things I put in storage." he answers opening the door. He steps inside aware that Sara's beside him.

Sara looks around the storage locker as Ian opens a large metal storage cabinet. "Another collection?" she lifts her brow

Ian shrugs "Have to be prepared." he gives her a half smile. He grabs a couple weapons "We might need these later." he puts them in a duffle bag. He opens a drawer of the cabinet taking out a couple bottles of pills and a syringe and a vial. He sets the duffle bag down reaching out he cups Sara's cheek "Everything will be OK."

Sara nods giving him a slight smile. She leans in kissing him deeply "I know." she looks behind him at the slightly open door. "I need you Ian."

"Sara" he says almost reluctantly

"There's no one here. Please baby I need you inside me."

At her pleading tone, he groans pressing her against the wall kissing her deeply. His hands going to the button of her jeans quickly undoing them he shoves them down her legs.

Sara toes off her boots helping Ian shove her jeans down her legs she unbuttons his pants shoving them down his thighs. She lifts her leg over his hip gasping into his mouth as he thrusts into her. She whimpers into his mouth as she meets his thrusts quickly needing to abate her intense need for him. Her eyes on his as they roughly make love their cries of pleasure swallowed by each other's mouths.

His breathing heavy as they calm their locked bodies Ian presses a kiss to her forehead "I love you Sara."

Sara reaches up smoothing his hair back "I love you Ian." she watches as his brown eyes brighten at her words.

"You do." He says surprised yet pleased.

Sara nods smiling "I love you. I have for a while... I just... I was scared that if I admitted it to myself or you... something would happen." she looks down "Everyone I care about leaves me."

Ian kisses her forehead "I'm not leaving you Sara Pezzini. You're stuck with me."

Sara meets his lips in a loving kiss "I'm going to hold you to that Nottingham." They stand there Ian still buried within her as they kiss.

After a moment Ian sighs, "We should get going beautiful."

Sara nods whimpering low as he leaves her. She leans against the wall breathing heavily.

"You OK?" he asks concerned

"Yeah" she bites on her lower lip pulling on her jeans as Ian zips up his pants.

"You ready my love?" he asks as Sara slips on her boots

Sara nods scratching at his beard "I'm ready." she brushes her lips over his "Let's go get Christian and go home."

Ian smiles "Home?"



As they get out of the van Sara looks at Ian, "I'll deal with Irons you find Christian and deal with the lab."


"Ian you can't handle Irons... not yet."

Ian nods knowing she's correct. "All right but promise me you will be careful." he kisses her deeply "Come we don't have much time before the security cameras go on backup."

Sara nods as they reach the door she grabs Ian's arm "I do love you Ian."

Ian smiles "I know. I love you too" he runs his ring over the security panel. As the door opens, they make their way inside the compound.

Feeling Ian's anxiety Sara grabs his hand squeezing, she gives him a smile, "I love you," she mouths.

Ian squeezes her hand in return then releases it as they near the study where Kenneth is sitting before the fireplace.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Kenneth remarks turning to glare at them. "So why are you here?"

Sara looks at Ian seeing the look on his face "Ian..." she tilts her head towards the hall, "I'll be fine" she assures at his look. As Ian makes his way down the hall she looks at Irons "I can't believe you did this to him... to both of them!" she says angrily

"They are my creation" Irons snaps standing

"Now you'll lose them" Sara says keeping her eyes on Irons as he walks.

"You two have a lot of stamina" Irons remarks

Sara shrugs "What can I say... he turns me on. Add the fact he never had sex he has a lot of need built up. Now he has me to get it out."

Ian makes his way down the hall towards the med lab where he finds Immo working. "Where is he?"

"Ian your back" Immo says nervously his eyes going to a switch

"Just for my brother" Ian replies "don't try to stop me Immo" he goes over to the locked door. "He doesn't belong here"

"I know." Immo nods "Kenneth will kill you."

"He can try but I won't let him hurt Christian anymore." Ian opens the door entering the darkened room. "Christian" he says softly knowing how his double is feeling after days of silence and darkness. He crouches before the silent figure.

Christian flinches at the voice "Your not here"

"Yes I am. So is Sara... our Sara." he grabs his double forcing him to look at him "We have to go Christian."

At the touch Christian starts in surprise suddenly realizes he's not alone. "Brother?"

"Yes it's me. We need to go."

"Where is Sara?"

"With Father. We have to go to her before she loses her temper." Ian helps Christian to his feet. When Christian flinches at the bright lights of the lab Ian reaches into his pocket removing his sunglasses he hands them to Christian, "Here. It will be a while before your eyes will adjust." He removes the backpack from his shoulders "Get dressed." he sets the bag on the exam table.

Christian notices the doctor nearby

Almost sensing his 'brother's' anger Ian grabs Christian's arm forcing his clone to look at him he shakes his head "No. We aren't here to hurt anyone. Sara would not like that."

Reluctantly Christian nods stepping back he removes the clothes from the backpack pulling them on.

Ian goes to the medicine cabinet removing all the meds he and Christian will need.

"Ian those won't last long." Immo remarks "Christian's dose is double yours."

"I will deal with that when need be." Ian replies going over to the computer "Immo I'm sorry about this but it needs to be done."

"Ian that is years of research" Immo protests

"And my blood" Ian retorts "I'm not letting Irons create anymore clones." He looks at Immo apologetically before he slips in a blank computer disk copying everything as he looks through the whole lab in search of his blood tossing it all down the drain. Once the computer beeps, he removes the full disk putting in another disk containing a virus Gabriel had sent him. He goes over to the medical files taking out his and Christian's shoving them in the empty backpack. "You ready Christian?" he asks as the virus uploads.

Christian nods "Yes" he answers tying his boots

Ian removes the virus disk "Immo" Ian gestures at the open door "I'll tell Kenneth you're in there" he assures as the doctor enters he closes the door behind him. He looks at Christian "Let's go get our Wielder."

"Our Wielder?" Christian says hesitantly

Ian nods "We share brother. She wants to be with us regardless."

Christian nods in agreement picking up the backpack. "Then let's go get our Wielder"

Sara watches Irons warily as the two men round the corner. She swallows an intense wave of lust at her first sight of Christian, a clean-shaven version of Ian. 'Not now Pezzini, lust after him later.' "Are you two ready to go?"

"Not yet" Ian replies hurrying up the stairs to the computers in the loft. "In a minute" he calls

"Christian, stop them!" Irons orders

Sensing Christian's anger and confusion Sara reaches out grabbing his hand. When he looks at her, she shakes her head "He's not worth it." She reaches up smoothing Christian's hair back "You OK?"

Christian nods nuzzling into Sara's touch. "Tired" he mumbles

Angered by the pain and fear hedging his voice, Sara allows the Glove to form turning she slams her fist into Irons jaw. Caught off guard Irons hits the floor as she speaks "That's for being a jerk."

"Sara, love, try not to hurt him too bad." Ian calls

"Hey he deserved that" Sara scowls looking at the unconscious form. She turns to Christian "You can get some sleep in the car OK?" she strokes his cheek.

Christian nods turning into her touch.

Ian hurries down the stairs going over to Kenneth's desk he rifles through the paperwork in the drawers.

"Ian you done yet?" Sara calls as Christian nuzzles into her hand

"Almost." Ian replies glancing up to see the two staring at each other. He shakes his head finding a few more computer disks "Done." he goes over to Kenneth hauling the unconscious man to his feet lugging him over to the stairs. He handcuffs Kenneth to the stairwell "Has to been done Father. We're staying with our Sara." he says softly "Try and take her from us... and next time I will kill you."

Sara tears her eyes away from Christian looking over at Ian "Ian we need to go."

Ian nods

"Why can't we kill him?" Christian questions his voice almost childlike. "He will come after us."

"Because killing him leads to us." Sara replies

"He's worth more alive brother." Ian says grabbing the backpack off the floor. With a final look around the study he looks at Sara and Christian "Lets get out of here."

The three hurry out of the bunker. Once near the van, Christian looks back at the mansion in the background. "Where are we going?"

Sara and Ian look at each other, then Sara answers "Home."

"That's home" Christian states looking at the mansion

"No brother. That's never been our home. Home is with Sara." Ian says tossing the backpack in the front seat as Sara and Christian get in the back.

Christian looks at Sara and nods a faint smile appearing "Yes... Sara is our home." he says as Ian pulls away from the bunker. He reaches out touching Sara's face gently his eyes filled with awe.

Sara smiles at his gentle touch "Why don't you get some sleep."

Christian shakes his head

"I'm not going anywhere" she assures softly "I'll be here when you wake up." she gently pulls his head down to her lap. She slowly strokes his hair meeting Ian's gaze in the mirror and smiles slightly then looks down at Christian. She trails her finger over Christian's face, just as she does for Ian when he's tired yet unable to sleep.

Slowly Christian drifts off to sleep a faint smile on his face clasping one of Sara's hands in his own.

"How long do you think Irons will be handcuffed?" Sara asks softly once Christian's asleep.

"Until someone looks for him."

Sara nods glancing down at Christian "What are we going to tell people about Christian?"

"I'll have to make up a new birth certificate for him." Ian answers "No one but us and Gabriel will know that he's my clone. To everyone else he's my brother."

"I agree." Sara runs her hand down Christian's arm.


Sara smiles as Christian stirs in her lap, as he rubs at his eyes sleepily, she smoothes a strand of hair off his forehead. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"Where are we?" he asks after a moment of readjustment he sits up running his fingers through his hair.

"Just outside the city" Sara answers

"How long have I been asleep?" Christian asks

"Two hours" Ian answers meeting Christian's eyes in the mirror

Christian nods squeezing Sara's hand he rests his head on her shoulder nuzzling her neck.

Sara runs her hand down his arm pressing her lips to his hair. "You OK Christian?"

"Mmm" he mumbles nodding after a moment he lifts his head his hand going to her face. Christian rests his head on the back of the seat gently caressing Sara's face as he stares into her green eyes.


Ian glances in the rearview mirror to see Sara and Christian making out. "Hey you two we need to stop to gas up."

Sara pulls her lips away from Christian's "When?"

"Next gas station is two miles away."

Sara nods "Good." she gasps as Christian kisses her neck. She pulls his head up kissing him.

After a few minutes Ian watches Sara enter the gas station, he looks at Christian "You miss her already." he states

Christian nods "Does it always feel like this when she's gone?" he asks staring at the convenience store waiting for Sara to appear.

"What does it feel like?"

"Like my heart is missing."

Ian nods "It will get easier." he sees the look on Christian's face "She's not leaving us Christian. She'll be back in a minute."

"I know." he fidgets impatiently

Sara steps out of the bathroom to find Ian paying for the gas. "Hey" she kisses his cheek

"He's waiting for you" Ian informs her

"Take it he's got your impatience" Sara teases walking out the door. She smiles at Christian as he paces beside the van. "Hey what's with the pacing?"

Christian grabs her into a hug burying his face in her neck. "Missed you"

Sara hugs him "Hey I didn't go far." she replies

"I know." he lifts his head

Sara smiles kissing him gently "Ian will be out shortly." she opens the van door pulling Christian in. Within moments, she finds herself in his arms kissing passionately.

Ian gets into the drivers side glancing in the rearview mirror to find Sara in Christian's arms. He smiles faintly sensing his doubles peace at being near Sara. He starts the van pulling away from the gas station.

Sara pulls her lips away from Christian's "Ian how long will it take to get to the house?"

"Once we switch cars two days if Christian and I share driving." Ian answers "Three if you make us stop at a motel."

Sara groans as Christian kisses her neck "I think I can" she giggles as Christian licks her neck "last without a room." she pulls Christian's head up kissing him slowly urging his mouth open her tongue touching his teasingly. She urges him into a long teasing kiss. She breaks the kiss needing to breath.

"Sara" he says awed his fingers going to her lips.

Sara kisses his fingertips

Christian grabs her kissing her roughly his mouth devouring hers.

Sara moans in pleasure at the feeling then gasps feeling his warm hand sliding up her shirt caressing her skin.

Christian trails his lips down her neck, his eyes meeting Ian's in the mirror briefly, before he presses his lips against Sara's.

Sara moves to his lap her lips not leaving his. She gasps feeling his hand stop at the button of her jeans. She lifts pulls back slightly looking at Christian seeing the need she kisses him gently "Its OK" she says softly then she kisses him lightly teasingly. 'Almost like kissing Ian... slightly
different.' She feels him slowly slide her zipper down she lifts her hips as he slowly moves her jeans down her hips. Sara shoves her jeans off shifting to straddle his thighs. She kisses him her hands going to the front of his pants quickly undoing them she urges him to lift his hips pulling his pants down. Her eyes locked on his she takes him in her hands guiding his hardness inside her.
Sara gasps at the newness and familiarity of feeling Christian inside her.

Christian wraps his arms around Sara burying his face in her neck he inhales her scent as he revels in the feeling of being inside Sara. "Sara" he says softly

Sara lifts her hips her lips seeking out his "Christian" she whispers against his lips

Ian occasionally glances in the rearview mirror as the two go at each other wanting to be sure his double doesn't harm their Wielder in his haste for pleasure. He tunes out the cries and whimpers of pleasure knowing if he pays attention, he will want his love.



Sara smiles at the sight of Christian asleep in the backseat of the car that replaced the van. She shifts in the seat wincing involuntarily.

"Are you OK, my Sara?" Ian asks concerned

Sara nods giving him a faint smile "I'm fine." she assures "Just a little sore."

Ian takes her hand bringing it to his lips. "I love you" he says softly

Sara turns her hand scratching at his beard "Love you too" she says just as softly


"I don't want to take them." Christian grumbles

Ian glares at his younger self "You're taking them Christian."

"I hate taking them. They make me feel fuzzy." Christian complains

"They make me feel the same but I take them. We have no choice"

Christian sighs opening the bottle "Fine" he downs a couple pills handing the bottle to Sara. "Will I always have to take them?" he asks

"We'll have to see." Ian answers as he glances at Christian in the rearview mirror. "Hopefully we'll be able to lower the dosage"

"Good" he nods

"I am in the need of major coffee." Sara yawns

"Again?" Ian teases

"Oh shut up" Sara scowls

"Someone's grumpy" Ian teases

Sara growls, "Ian if you don't stop teasing me." She threatens allowing the Glove to form.

"Yes, my love." Ian acknowledges a faint smile appearing

"Just get me coffee before someone gets hurt."

"Is she always like this brother?" Christian asks amused by Sara's attitude

"Almost every morning." Ian answers meeting Christian's gaze in the rearview mirror. "You'll get used to it."

"Coffee, coffee" Sara says happily at the sight of a food sign. "Move it" she orders

"Sara deep breath." Ian instructs "You'll get your coffee." he assures


Sara awakens startled to find herself in a bed. Feeling an arm tighten around her Sara turns her head to find Ian asleep next to her his arm slung over her chest. She turns her head to find Christian on her other side sprawled on his stomach his arm under the pillow.


Sara looks back at Ian to find him watching her "When did we get here?"

"Couple hours ago. You fell asleep in the car and we didn't want to wake you." Ian says softly not wanting to wake Christian.

Sara nods "He's really tired" she says looking at Christian

"Some of the drugs Kenneth gave him before sticking him in that room are still wearing off." Ian states


"He'll be fine" Ian assures

"I know." Sara turns and kiss Ian lightly at first, but at the familiar feel of his lips on hers she moans deepening the kiss. She rests one hand on his cheek the other on his shoulder.

Ian shifts pulling Sara half atop him without breaking the kiss. When Sara pulls back to breath, he trails his lips down her neck kissing and nipping. "Sara" he mumbles against her neck his hands at her waist.

Sara gasps as he slides his hands up the back of her shirt. Within moments, Sara finds herself naked, with Ian settled between her legs. She pulls his head down kissing him deeply urging him to enter her. "Ian" she sighs against his lips her fingers caressing his cheek she arches as he slowly enters her. They slowly make love to each other their eyes locked hands sliding over warm skin.

Ian leans down capturing Sara's lips in a bruising as they climax their kiss muffling their cries. As his body relaxes, Ian kisses Sara's forehead then moves off her spooning his body around hers. "I love you Sara." he says softly

Sara smiles turning her head "I love you too" she says softly giving him a light kiss. Snuggling back into Ian's chest, she drifts off to sleep with a faint smile.


Sara awakens feeling the bed shift and Ian pull away. She lifts her head glaring at him "Where you going?"

"For a run" Ian replies "Go back to sleep." he kisses her forehead

Sara grumbles rolling onto her stomach "Coffee?"

"I'll start it before I leave" Ian assures


Ian quickly dresses making his way out of the master bedroom leaving Sara and Christian to sleep.

Christian lifts his head "Where's Ian going?"

"Running" Sara mumbles shifting closer to Christian snuggling into his side.

"Mmm" he kisses her head pulling the covers around them he drifts back to sleep.


Sara watches as Ian and Christian go through the files Ian took from the lab and study. She rests her chin on her hands as they glance at each other switching files without saying a word.

"Whoa freaky" Danny says

Sara jumps in surprise turning to glare at him "Damn it Danny don't do that. God you need a bell or something."

"Sorry Pez" Danny says sheepishly

Sara notices Ian and Christian look at her "It's only Danny."

They turn back to their reading

"Only Danny?" Danny says aghast "I'm only Danny now?!"

"Danny if your here to annoy me I'll ignore you." Sara threatens

"Oh come on." Danny grumbles

Sara crosses her arms over her chest "What vague words do you have for me?"

"Just good luck."

Sara shakes her head grabbing an apple out of the refrigerator she takes a bite. She goes outside to the back deck laying on one of the deck chairs looking out at the woods and mountains. 'Its beautiful here... and quiet.' she listens to the sounds of animals and birds. 'Civilization is so far away yet only twenty miles outside of town. Granted it's a small town but it's a town.'

Ian looks at his clone finding him tapping his fingers impatiently "Stop worrying. Father won't find us."

Christian looks at Ian surprised "You rarely call him Father."

Ian flinches "It slipped."

"Why don't I have all your memories?"

"He did not want you to have my weakness." he looks out the window at Sara

Christian follows his gaze "Why does he see Sara as your weakness?"

"Because before her I never would have questioned orders. He did not like that." Ian looks at Christian "I do not see her as a weakness"

"I don't understand why memories would be the problem. Sara is ingrained in us... not just as a memory."

Ian nods "I know." he looks at Sara then back at Christian "He is not our Father Christian."

"Then who is?"

Ian shrugs "I don't remember. All I remember is being with Kenneth. I don't remember having parents."

"Oh" he stands walking outside

Ian sighs knowing the whole ordeal is upsetting for his double.

Sara looks up as Christian steps out onto the deck. "Hey you thought you and Ian were working"

Christian shrugs

Sara shifts making room for Christian on the lounge chair. When Christian lays down beside her his head on her chest, she runs her fingers through his hair "You OK?" she asks

Christian nods hugging her

Sara notices Ian in the doorway and lifts her brow.

"Later" Ian mouths

Sara nods "Love you" she mouths

"I love you" Ian mouths back before heading back inside the house.

Sara runs her hand down Christian's arm comfortingly as he lies cuddled next to her.


Ian looks up seeing Sara enter the gym. He grabs a towel wiping the sweat off his face "Where is Christian?" he asks not seeing his clone behind Sara.

"He went for a run." Sara answers lying on the couch as Ian toss the towel aside. "He seemed sad."

Ian sighs sitting on the floor beside the couch, "He misses Kenneth."


"He'll be fine." Ian strokes her cheek "He just needs some time to adjust to being away from him."

"I know." Sara leans in kissing Ian gently. She yelps as Ian pulls her down atop of him. "Ian" she giggles

Ian kisses her deeply "I love you."

"I love you" she replies scratching at his beard.


After a fourth round with her lovers this time on the floor of the living room Sara opens her eyes with moan. She shoves her damp hair back from her face looking at Christian and Ian on either side of her, both also hot and sweaty.

"Are you OK?" Ian asks brushing his fingers down her cheek

Sara nods enjoying the feeling of their sweat and cum coating her thighs, stomach, crotch, and ass. "Never better" she purrs kissing both of them teasingly "Finish this later?"

Ian and Christian look at each other then they both nod.

Sara stands, swallowing a moan at the loss of her loves bodies next to hers. She finds her discarded robe near the kitchen and pulls it on. "What's around here for dinner?" she asks

The two men look at each other then pull on their pants joining Sara in the kitchen.


Kenneth throws a glass at the cement wall "DAMN IT" he yells. He looks at the painting of Sara "I will find you Sara Pezzini. You and your lovers will pay dearly for this." he stares at the painting "I promise you that."


Sara gasps feeling Ian kiss her neck; his fingers sliding down her spine, causing her hips to buck against Christian's. She tears her eyes from Christian's turning her head pulling Ian's head in for a deep kiss as she rocks her hips against Christian's. Feeling Ian's finger brush her anus she whimpers then moans feeling his finger probes her. She meets his gaze seeing the unasked question she nods then gasps as she feels the tip of his erection in her anus. As he stretches her, she whimpers at the feeling of her lovers both inside her.

"Sara?" Christian cups her cheek

Sara presses her lips to his palm, "I'm fine... its just intense having both of you inside me." She brushes her lips over Christian's then turns her head kissing Ian's chin. "Intense in a good way." she assures purring as Ian caresses her breasts. "Mmm" she sighs in pleasure.

Ian brushes his lips over Sara's ear "Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"

"You aren't hurting me." She assures "Feels good having you both inside me." She runs her hand down Ian's cheek kissing him lightly before she kisses Christian. Slowly she rocks her hips enjoying the feeling of the two moving inside her. "Feel so good." she shudders resting one hand on Ian's hip the other on Christian's.

Ian listens as Sara's heart rate rises and her breathing becomes ragged. He presses a light kiss to her neck as he slowly moves within her growling as he feels Christian's movements through the thin wall separating the two.

Sara's whimpers turns to pants, as Ian and Christian find their pace, one slides in and the other pulls out. She automatically meets their movements her whimpers of pleasure rising in volume.

Ian and Christian meet each other's gaze briefly as they feel her muscles start to ripple around them. They both pull out of her and hearing her needful whimper they slam into her at the same time the room filling with loud cries of pleasure as the three climax at the same time.

At the feeling of the two slamming into her at the same time, Sara screams as her hardest, most volatile climax of the night hits almost causing her to pass out. Through her haze of pleasure, she feels the two men climax inside her their warm seed filling her she whimpers. After a few moments Sara sighs in pleasure, a slow smile appears on her face.

Ian kisses Sara's neck "Are you OK?" he asks concerned

Sara nods kissing them both "Of course." She moans feeling them pull out of her. She shifts to her back smiling as Christian curls his body around hers burying his face in her neck, his hand over her heart. She turns her head kissing Ian's nose as he rests his head next to hers on the pillow their heads inches apart as his hand rests on her hip.

"Get some sleep" Ian says softly

Sara runs her hand down Christian's curly locks nodding. Slowly she drifts off to sleep with the two men pressed against her.




Sara awakens with a start from her afternoon nap. She looks around the room wildly searching for anything. She sighs running her fingers through her hair. She gets out of bed grabbing one of the discarded shirts pulling it on she walks out of the room going downstairs to find Christian on the couch reading. She goes to the refrigerator taking out a bottle of water taking a drink she goes over to the couch flopping on his lap. "What are you reading?"

"Just a book." Christian shrugs "Did you have a good nap?" he asks setting his book aside

"No. Stupid dreams are now interfering with nap time." Sara scowls

"What was it about?"

Sara shrugs "I don't know."

Christian twirls a strand of her hair around his finger. "Still tired?"

Sara nods trailing her fingers over his jaw.

Sensing her thoughts, Christian kisses her fingers "He's fine Sara. He'll be back tomorrow."

"I know."

"Want some ice cream? It always cheers you up."

"We don't have any."

"I'll go get you some if you want."


Christian nods "What kind would you like?"

"Cappuccino chip?"

"Anything else?"

Sara shakes her head

"Well you'll have to get off me if you want me to go to the store."

Sara kisses him sweetly before moving off his lap. She follows him to the front door.

"I'll be back in a bit" he promises kissing her as he opens the front door.

Sara watches as Christian drives away. She closes the front door making her way to the living room sitting on the couch she turns on the TV. As she settles in to watch a movie when Danny appears "Hey partner long time no see."

"Pez" Danny says worried

"What's wrong?" Sara asks as she hears a knock at the door. She rolls her eyes getting up "Christian did you forget your wallet again?" she opens the door to find Kenneth Irons standing there. "You!" she allows the Glove to form.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Detective" Irons smirks "Not if you want to see Christian alive."

Sara's eyes narrow "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say your lover will die if you don't come with me... or if you harm me."

Sara sees Danny nod "Fine." she grinds out allowing the glove to recede "Just leave him alone."

Irons nods "For now." he gestures towards the car.

Sara notices a couple men standing beside the car "New lab rats?"

"No. Unfortunately you have my lab rats"

Sara glares at him getting into the car. "If you hurt Christian or Ian I will kill you."

"I know." Kenneth says as the car pulls away from the house. "Just how are my boys?"

"Your boys?!" Sara lifts her brow

"I created them" Kenneth reminds

Sara looks out the limo window absently rubbing her wrist 'I had no choice. They would have killed Christian.'


Sensing something off Christian frowns entering the house. "Sara." he calls heading back to the kitchen. "Sara?" he makes his way through the downstairs his concern rising as he gets no answer. He hurries upstairs not finding Sara anywhere he grabs his phone out of his pocket dialing Ian's number.


"Sara's gone"

"What do you mean gone?"

"I went to the store and came back she's nowhere in the house."

"Did you check outside?"

"Yes. You know she wouldn't go out in the woods alone."

*Irons at the door*

The two inhale sharply "Kenneth. How did he find us?" Christian wonders pained

"I don't know." Ian says "Go to the airport get the next flight to New York. I'll try and catch the next flight from here."


"It's not your fault Christian. You know how Sara is." Ian says knowing his double is blaming himself. "She'll be fine. She can handle Kenneth. I'll get the next flight. I'll call you once I know what it is."

Christian hangs up grabbing his overcoat he hurries back out to the car.


Sara glares at Irons as he sits across from her. "What do you want Irons?"

"Ian stole things of mine."

"His. He took his records and Christian's. He wanted to know what you'd done to him and to Christian." Sara says angrily

At that moment Dr. Immo enters the study, "You wanted to see me Kenneth?"

"The lovely Detective will be donating her blood for your testing"

"The hell I will" Sara says angrily

"Sara it would be in your best interest to comply" Irons says sternly "I can still find Christian"

Sara swallows heavily holding out her arm she barely reacts as the needle pricks her arm withdrawing blood. She glares at the doctor as he removes the needle.

Kenneth waves his hand dismissing the doctor. "How is Christian doing?" Kenneth inquires curiously, as Immo leaves the room.

"He's fine. Better now that he's where he belongs." Sara snaps. Feeling restless, she stands rubbing her wrist absently.

"They will come for you." Irons states

"Why can't you just leave us alone?!" Sara demands her anger rising. She feels the Witchblade hiss angrily.

The study doors open and one of the house servants enters carrying a tray. She puts it on the table then quickly exits the study. "Dinner?" Kenneth invites gesturing to the tray.

Feeling dizzy, Sara leans against the couch taking a deep breath. Through her haze, she hears Kenneth speak his voice fading and slurring asking if she's OK. She looks at her wrist seeing the unhappy colors she frowns.

"Are you OK?" Irons asks concerned

She looks at the Witchblade seeing the colors swirl unhappily. 'What is wrong?' she wonders silently. She watches as the Witchblade quickly switches between Glove, blade, and bracelet a few times.

Kenneth watches amazed and intrigued by the sight. "Interesting"

Sara swallows her vision blurring her legs giving out.

Seeing the Wielder collapse Kenneth catches her before she hits the floor. He sets her on the couch looking at the Witchblade to see it in a new form encasing Sara's full arm. "Interesting." he goes over to the desk hitting the intercom button "Immo Sara has fainted in the study."

"I'll be right there."


Christian fidgets waiting impatiently for Ian to get off the plane. When he sees his brother step off the plane, he feels relieved but still concerned. "I'm sorry brother."

Ian squeezes Christian's shoulder "It's not your fault. Let's go get our Wielder."

Christian nods

Ian glances at his wrist almost feeling the Witchblade's activation. "Now we need to get Sara."


Sara opens her eyes to find herself in the med lab. She groans sitting up

"Oh good you're awake"

Sara glares at the Doctor "What the hell happened?" she looks at her arm to see the Glove recede.

"You passed out." Immo replies going to her side, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine" she winces rubbing her forehead looking at her wrist

*Irons glaring at Ian and Christian as they stand before him in the study.

"Where's Sara?" Ian demands

Irons running Christian through with a sword.*

"No" Sara says pained she jumped off the exam table wincing in pain doubling over.

"Miss Pezzini is something wrong?" Immo asks seeing her wince and double over. "You don't look so well."

Sara straightens up "I'm fine" she grinds out hurrying out of the room.

Immo frowns going over to his microscope

Sara enters the study to find Irons pacing before Ian and Christian obviously angry.

Ian looks over to see Sara in the entryway "Sara" he says relieved.

"Oh good your up" Irons remarks

Sara steps between Irons and Christian sensing Christian's rising anger she squeezes his hand.

"What happened?" Ian asks concerned

"She collapsed" Irons shrugs

"What did you do to her?" Christian demands about to launch himself at Irons.

"He didn't do anything... for the first time in his miserable life." Sara glares at Irons grabbing Christian's arm. "I'm OK" she says looking straight at Christian then at Ian.

"Pez" Danny warns "he's going to cause them to have a seizure"

From the corner of her eye Sara sees Irons reach for the button on his desk she turns grabbing his hand "I wouldn't do that" she shoves him away from the desk. She looks at Christian and Ian then allows the Blade to form. She looks at Irons "Normally I'd walk away but this time you pissed me off too much."

Irons picks up a staff with a large wooden blade on the end. "My newest acquisition. It went through two of my former associates a few days ago."

Sara lifts her brow "What'd they do?"

"They questioned my motives." Irons shrugs

Ian and Christian watch as Sara and Irons start to fight. Sara ducking as Irons aims a blow from the staff at her head. Irons blocking a blow from the sword twisting he hits her in the middle with the staff.

Sara winces in pain taking a deep breath she blocks the next blow. She slams her Gloved fist into Irons stomach sending him into the wall. "I'm really trying to keep my temper here Irons." she says as he stands there trying to shake off his surprise. Sara inhales sharply leaning against the brick wall. 'What is wrong with me?!' she asks herself her head swimming.

Ian sees Sara's distraction as Irons moves towards her. He grabs the letter opener off Irons desk pivoting he throws the letter opener straight at Kenneth's chest.

Kenneth looks down feeling a sharp pain in his chest to find the letter opener stuck in his chest. He drops the spear falling to his knees he looks at Ian. "Ian?" he says surprised

Sara turns looking at Irons on his knees then at Ian and Christian

"I told you I wasn't going to let you hurt any of us again." Ian says going over to Irons as the man hits the floor... dead.

Sara takes a few steps then keels over clutching her middle. She looks at Christian and Ian as they hurry to her side.

"Sara?" Christian asks concerned

"Sara" Ian takes her face between his hands "talk to me."

"Hurts" she grinds out blinking back tears of pain. She inhales sharply images flashing through her mind "No" she whimpers before she passes out.

"Sara" Ian checks her pulse then looks at Christian as he picks her up. "I hope Immo is around." He hurries through the hall with his unconscious love in his arms his double right behind. "IMMO" he enters the lab carefully setting Sara on the exam table.

"What happened?" Immo asks concerned at Ian's panicked tone.

"Something's wrong." Ian says "Sara said something about hurting then she collapsed."

"Oh dear." Immo says "Ian... help me get her out of her clothes." he says rushed

"Immo what's wrong with her?" Ian demands

"I won't know for sure until I examine her but I think it's possible that she's having a miscarriage."

Ian stares at Sara's form then meets Christian's stunned gaze then moves into action.


Ian looks at Sara still unconscious with Christian sitting right beside her. He rubs his hands over his face sighing. 'Irons did this! He hurt Sara. He killed our child.'

"She should be fine. Give it time."

Ian glances at the doctor then back at Sara "Kenneth's dead."


"He tried to kill Sara." Ian says "I had no choice."

"The police?"

"I'll deal with them if need be. Call the funeral home. Have him cremated."


"Just do it Immo." Ian orders as he walks over to the bed sitting on one of the chairs next to the bed he watches as Sara as she sleeps. "Christian, go help Immo with Irons body."

"But Sara..." Christian protests

"Is resting." Ian says gently "Help Immo take care of everything. I don't want the body there when Sara's awake."

"Will Sara be OK brother?" Christian asks concerned

"She'll be fine."

Christian nods leaning down he kisses Sara's forehead straightening up he walks out of the lab with Immo.

Ian leans forward on his forearms watching Sara sleep taking her hand in his. "I'm so sorry my Sara. I should have stopped him from hurting you." he kisses her knuckles


Sara groans shifting she opens her eyes "Ian"

Ian lifts his head "Sara" he says

"Where's Christian?" she asks concerned

"With Immo. He's taking care of everything." he kisses her knuckles "How are you feeling?"

At his concerned words, her eyes widen as memories hit her.

*Her and Irons fighting

A letter opener hitting Irons in the chest.

Sara doubled over clutching her middle images flooding her mind

Her and Ian making love the first time


I can't be.

Oh God... not our baby!*

Sara pulls herself out of the flashback her hand going to her middle her eyes on Ian's filled with horror "Ian"

Ian winces at the pained look in her eyes "I'm sorry" he kisses her hand.

Sara swallows heavily tears filling her eyes at the knowledge she'd lost their child.

"Immo said you'll be fine in a few days but he wants you to stay off your feet for a while" he wipes away a few of her tears.

"I didn't know Ian." she says her voice tearful. "If I'd known..."

"Shh," He soothes stroking her hair "It'll be OK."

Sara starts to cry even harder.

Ian moves to the exam table pulling Sara into his arms. He presses a kiss to her hair as he gently strokes her back as she cries in his arms.


Ian shifts looking at Sara asleep in his arms tears staining her face. Carefully he stands with Sara in his arms. He carries the sleeping Sara out of the lab towards the study where he finds Christian at the desk looking through paperwork.

Christian looks up "Is she OK?" he asks concerned

Ian nods "She'll be fine. I'm taking her up to my room so she can be comfortable."

Christian stands walking over to Ian and Sara. "Immo is taking care of the death certificate. I've called the funeral home."

"Come and get me if anything else comes up. Stay in the house Christian. And don't threaten Immo huh."

Christian nods leaning in he kisses Sara's cheek. He watches as his double carries their love out of the study. He sighs returning to the desk he continues his work.

Ian enters his bedroom carrying Sara over to the large bed he pulls the covers back laying her down he covers her with the blankets. He kicks off his boots lying beside Sara; he gently strokes her cheek wiping away her dried tear streaks. "I love you my Sara." he kisses her forehead "Everything will be OK. I'll make it OK... I promise."





Ian awakens with a start hearing Christian's voice. "What is it Christian?" He asks softly glancing at Sara who's asleep beside him. He looks at his double as he runs his hands over his face, "Is something wrong?"

"Fredrick sent me up to wake you." Christian says softly

"What about?"

"Detective McCartey is here to see Fa... I mean Kenneth."

Ian sighs slipping out of bed. "Stay with Sara. I'll deal with McCartey."

"I called the boy. He said he would catch the first flight he could. I told him I'd send a car for him. Fredrick said he'd take care of it."

Ian nods "Sara will want to see him."

"How long will we be staying brother?"

"Only until things with the Estates and Vorschlag are settled and Sara's well enough to leave." Ian answers pulling on his boots. He kisses Sara's forehead then stands walking out of the bedroom.

Christian settles beside Sara on the bed watching her sleep.

Ian makes his way down to the foyer where he finds Fredrick with McCartey "Thank you Fredrick." He says in dismissal he looks at McCartey. "If your here to see Mr. Irons your too late."

"Why?" Jake asks suspiciously

"He's dead."

"Dead? I talked to him just the other day." Jake says startled

"Heart attack. He's been ill on and off for a while now." Ian lies. "I returned to take care of some things."

"Where's Sara?"

"She's asleep."

"I want to see her." Jake requests

"She's not up for company."

"She sick or something?" Jake demands

Ian flinches, "Sara had a miscarriage last night. The doctor wants her to stay off her feet for a while."

Jake starts at the man's words, "Is she OK?"

"She should be fine in a few days."

"Nottingham, they want both of you for questioning." Jake states

"I know." Ian nods

"How do you know?" Jake demands.

"I just do. I will tell Sara you stopped by. If she wants to see you she'll call." Ian turns to walk back up the stairs "I hope you won't tell them we're here... Agent McCartey." he looks at Jake "At least not yet."

Jake nods "I won't be able to keep your presence secret for long. Especially once its made public that Irons is dead."

"I know." Ian continues on his way up the stairs. He enters his bedroom to find Christian asleep beside Sara. Kicking off his boots, he joins them on the bed.


Ian and Christian turn their heads to find Sara stirring in the bed.

Sara rubs her eyes sleepily looking at the two "What time is it?"

"11" Ian answers

"Oh" Sara snuggles back into the pillows.

"Hungry?" Christian asks moving over to the bed he kneels beside it regarding Sara.

Sara reaches out stroking his cheek "No thanks, I'm not hungry."

Christian kisses her palm "OK"

"Jake stopped by." Ian says "He came to see Kenneth."

"What'd he say?" Sara asks tugging Christian to sit beside her.

"He'd try to keep our presence a secret for a while. Once the public knows that Father is dead, they will soon find out we're here. And his death is going to be announced at a press conference this afternoon."

"But the good news is that Gabriel is on his way to see you." Christian says

"OK" she nuzzles into Christian's neck.

"His flight should be in at 1:30." Christian runs his fingers through Sara's hair.

Sara nods

As the bedside phone rings, Christian grabs it "Yes?" he listens "All right thank you Fredrick." he hangs up the phone looking at Ian. "The hounds are ignoring Fredrick's orders."

"Where are they?" Ian asks

"The younger one won't leave Kenneth's rooms. The older two are outside the study doors."

Ian sighs "They probably miss him. I'll go take care of them."

"No I'll do it." Christian says kissing Sara's head; he gets off the bed making his way out of the bedroom.

Ian joins Sara on the bed "How are you feeling?" He asks tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Sara shrugs "How long are we staying here?"

"Not long."

"Good. I want to go home." she says looking at their laced fingers blinking back tears

"What's wrong Sara?"

Sara glances at him biting on her lower lip "We were going to have a baby." She says sadly tears falling.

Ian kisses her knuckles wiping away her tears with his thumb

Sara wraps her arms around his neck "I lost it because of the fight."

"Immo thinks that it was brought on by stress... the hit to your middle just made it worse." He kisses her temple "He said you'd be fine after some rest."

"This is his fault" Sara whispers "He killed our baby Ian."

"He'll never bother us again. He's gone Sara."

Sara pulls back looking at the Witchblade "Why did it wait until then to let me know? Why didn't it warn me that my birth control pills weren't effective?"

"I don't know." at the look on her face he leans forward kissing her forehead "I wish I knew all the answers on that but I don't."

"I just want to be alone."

Ian nods inwardly flinching at her words "I'll go help Christian round up the dogs. Call if you need anything."

Sara lays back down pulling the covers around her. She looks at Ian "I love you Ian."

"I love you Sara... more than anything."

Sara watches as Ian walks out of the bedroom. She curls up on her side looking at the stone. She notices Danny sitting on the end of the bed "Leave me alone Danny."

"I'm sorry Sara."

"Did you know Danny?"

"No." Danny shakes his head "If I had I would have told you."

Sara nods "I know." she looks over to see Danny gone. She looks back at the stone 'Why did this happen?'

Ian finds Christian in Kenneth's rooms trying to corral the youngest hound "I take it he's being a pain again."

Christian looks at Ian, "I think he knows I'm not you." He frowns concerned, "Is Sara OK?"

Ian nods "She just wanted to be alone. I thought I'd help you get the boys under control." Ian crouches down, "Napoleon, come here boy." He snaps his fingers. "Napoleon come now!" He orders

Slowly a gray wolfhound slinks out from under the bed. He looks at the two confused.

"I think your right Christian... he can't decide which of us is which." Ian says patting the dog's head. "Come on Napoleon lets go downstairs."

As the two follow the dog out of the rooms Christian speaks, "Are you OK brother?"

Ian nods "I'm fine. Sara wants answers and he was the only one who could answer them."

"Why don't you check the book?" Christian suggests "Father always said the book has answers to the questions."

Ian looks at Christian "Good idea little brother." he pats Christian's back "Come on let's go see what we can find."


Christian smiles smoothing Sara's hair back as she sleeps.

Sara slowly stirs and grins sleepily "Christian" she yawns rubbing her eyes

"Gabriel's here. Would you like to come downstairs or would you like him to come up here?"

"I'll come downstairs but I need a shower first." She gets out of bed making her way to the bathroom.


Sara steps out of the bathroom to find Christian on the bed with some clothes laid out for her. She lifts her brow

"Ian had some clothes picked up for you." he explains

Sara nods dropping the towel she pulls on the underwear catching Christian watching her with a frown "What?"

"He bruised you." he says his voice slightly angry yet sad. He reaches out gently touching the bruise on her middle.

"I'm OK Christian." she assures trailing her fingers down his face. She leans down kissing his head. She quickly dresses then pulls Christian to his feet. She pulls his head down kissing him gently. "Don't worry about me"

Christian hugs her

Sara steps back after a moment. "Come on lets go see Gabe." She slips her arm around his waist as they walk out of the bedroom and downstairs.

Ian sits out on the patio with Gabriel. "How's Boston?"

"Not bad. Miss New York at times."

"So does Sara. I could go either way."

"Wherever Sara is huh"

Ian nods with a faint smile

"Excuse me sir"

Ian turns "Yes Fredrick?"

"The publicist called... the announcements been made."

"Thank you Fredrick."

"The security guards are on alert."

Ian nods as Fredrick walks back inside

"Hey guys"

"Hey Chief" Gabe grins standing

Sara hugs him "Good to see you Gabe."

"Christian and I have more work to do." Ian says standing he kisses Sara's forehead "If you need anything Fredrick will get it."

Sara nods sitting down. As Ian and Christian walk inside Sara looks at Gabe "Glad you could come."

"Christian called said you might want the company." Gabe says "You OK?" he asks "Ian told me when I got here."

"Yeah I'm fine."

Gabe lifts his brow "Come on Pez I know you."

Sara sighs touching the stone "What I don't understand is why it didn't tell me. If it had I never would have come back with him."

"I'm sorry Sara."

"Thanks." She nods

"So how in the world do you tell them apart?" Gabe asks

Sara laughs lightly "Christian shaves. Ian doesn't."

"What if Ian shaved as well?"

"Oh I can tell them apart." she smirks

"Okay... that borders on too much information." Gabe sighs shaking his head

"You asked" Sara shrugs


*Sara finds herself face to face with Cleopatra. "Why didn't it warn me that I was pregnant?"

Cleopatra smiles sadly, "It was not time for you and your love to have a child. When it is time it will protect it... as if it is its own. You must trust what it shows you when the time comes."*

At those words, Sara opens her eyes looking at Ian and Christian asleep on either side of her. Her eyes go to the Witchblade as she rests her hand on her middle, 'You will protect my babies when its time, won't you?' She watches as the stone purrs its agreement. She smiles 'Thank you.' She burrows into the covers drifting back to sleep with a smile on her face.




Sara yawns stepping out onto the patio where she finds Ian reading the newspaper. "Hey you." She greets

"Morning love. How did you sleep?" He asks setting the newspaper down pulling Sara onto his lap.

"OK." She shrugs "Where's Christian?"

"He's around somewhere." Ian answers. "Gabriel is still in bed. He stayed up looking through the art collection."

Sara shakes her head "He must have had a ball."

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"Better. Bruise is fading fast."

"Good." He kisses her temple. "Sara... I'm sorry this all happened."

Sara swallows resting her head on his shoulder. "I know. Me too."

"Let's go for a walk." Ian suggests.

Sara nods standing. She slips her hand into his walking beside him. They walk in silence for a few minutes then stop just over a hill that overlooks the garden.

Ian wraps his arm around Sara's shoulders "When I used to visit him here this was my favorite place to do my reading." He pulls Sara down onto the grass settling her between his legs. "If I could change what happened I would."

"I know." she rests her head against his shoulder "I guess it's good that I didn't know I was pregnant."

Ian winces at the sadness in her tone "Why do you say that?"

"Didn't have the chance to get too attached to..." she says sadly her hand unconsciously resting on her middle, "to our baby" she whispers blinking back tears.

Ian hugs her burying his face in her neck. "I'm so sorry my love. I'd do anything to change what happened."

"I know." She rests her hand against his cheek feeling the tears she shifts sliding her arms around his neck. She buries her face in his neck "I know."

"I love you so much Sara." He says tears falling.

"I love you." She says hugging him tight.

"If I'd lost you... I don't know what I'd do if he'd killed you." he says

The two sit on the grass just holding each other tears falling. On both sides over the loss of their child and on Ian's side the loss of the man who raised him.


"Mr. Ian" Fredrick says from the doorway of the Witchblade room.

Ian turns away from Sara where they are looking through one of the books on the Witchblade "Yes Fredrick?"

"The Police are at the door. They are here to see you and Miss Sara."

Sara looks at her wrist

*Jake, Orlanski and Burgess in the hall.*

"It's Jake, Orlanski, and Burgess." Sara says worried.

Ian looks at Gabriel and Christian "You two stay out of sight huh"

"But" Christian protests

"Pez" Gabe whines

"Ian's right." Sara says "There will be too many questions if they see both of you... especially you Christian."

"Fine." Christian nods seeing the worry in Sara's eyes. "I'll stay out of sight... but if they try anything..."

"Thank you Fredrick." Ian and Sara follow the butler out of the room.

"Relax man... Pez and Ian will keep their heads." Gabe assures seeing Christian staring after them.

"I know."

Sara and Ian enter the foyer both alert and wary of the three men. "Jake" Sara nods in greeting. Her eyes on Orlanski and Burgess "So you still taking orders from unknown bosses?" she asks dryly.

"Pezzini, Nottingham" Orlanski nods "You're both wanted for questioning."

"For what?" Sara asks even though she knows the answer

"Dante's murder" Burgess sneers

Sara lifts her brow "Sorry boys but Ian and I weren't even in the city when he died."

"Yes well you are still wanted for questioning for breaking and entering" Orlanski states

"We all know if you take me in... I'm dead huh boys." Sara crosses her arms over her chest glaring at Burgess and Orlanski. "But the odd thing is... why kill me now? I'm no longer considered a cop."

"Come on let's go" Orlanski says his hand going towards his gun.

Sara looks at Jake and lifts her brow.

"Guys, I don't think this is the best time for this."

"She killed Bruno" Burgess snaps

"I didn't kill him." Sara retorts

"Let's go" Orlanski orders

Suddenly from the next room men enter guns drawn "Detectives Orlanski and Burgess your under arrest." Jake announces

"WHAT?!" Orlanski yelps

"Sorry guys" Jake says "Your under arrest for conspiracy, assault, attempted murder, fraud, and bribery."

Sara looks up at Ian and smiles her arms going around his neck. "Jake do you mind getting those morons out of here?"

"Sure Pez. Talk later?"

Sara looks at the blond "Sure."

"We'll want statements from you two" one of the FBI agents states

Ian nods "We'll be here for a few more days. After that contact the lawyers they'll know how to reach us."

Sara grins at Ian, "Too bad that's not Dante being arrested"

Ian lifts her off the floor kissing her "I love you"

"Love you too" she smiles against his lips hugging him tight.


Sara smiles at the sight of Ian sitting on the bed reading. She joins Ian on the bed her head resting on his shoulder "When are we going home?"

"Day after tomorrow" Ian answers "Tomorrow is the memorial for Kenneth. Then Christian and I have to meet with the lawyers after that. Hopefully we can leave the next day as long as the Feds don't need to speak with us."

"Does this mean we won't have to move?" Sara asks hopefully

"We'll have to see. Just because Kenneth's dead it doesn't mean people won't stop trying to kill us or take the Witchblade from you."

"I know." she grumbles "Think we'll ever have a normal life?"

"Doubt it... but closer than we used to be." he sets his book aside pulling Sara into his arms. "Feeling better?"

Sara nods "I just want to go home. I don't want to stay here too long."

"We won't" Ian assures as the bedroom door opens and in Christian walks "Well?" he questions.

Christian nods

Sara looks between the two suspiciously "OK boys what are you up too?"

"We have a surprise for you" Ian says

"What?" Sara asks suspiciously

"Come on" Christian pulls her off the bed

"Where?" Sara demands following Christian

"You'll see" Ian replies

They ignore Sara's questions until they reach the garage. "Close your eyes" Christian says


"Come on Sara it's a surprise" Ian says

At their childish expressions Sara sighs closing her eyes "Fine"

Ian covers her eyes from behind as Christian opens the door taking Sara's hand leading her into the garage.

"Come on what's the surprise?" Sara asks impatiently

Ian removes his hands from her eyes

Sara opens her eyes to find her prized possession her Buell sitting in the middle of the garage. She grins looking at Ian and Christian "How?"

"Your Partner was smart enough to put your bike and your possessions in storage after your apartment was looked through by the police" Ian says

"He managed to save a lot of your possessions from being torn up by the police" Christian adds. "Gabriel got the keys from McCartey and he and I moved everything here."

"So you like Pez?"

Sara turns grinning at Gabe "Thanks Gabe" she hugs him

"What no 'thanks Gabe' kiss?" Gabe asks wounded

"Gabriel" Ian growls

"OK, OK" Gabe holds up his hands

"Hey what have I told you about threatening Gabe?" Sara asks sternly

"Sorry my love" Ian says sheepishly

"Thanks guys" Sara smiles

"Jake would have been here but he's still doing round up of the Bulls" Gabe says

Sara nods "I bet it will take a while"

"Well thanks to the fact that Kenneth kept a lot of information.. and that he liked to blackmail people the Feds have a lot of leads to follow." Ian remarks "They'll be busy for a while." He kisses Sara's head.

"Sounds good to me" Sara laughs

"Cook made cake" Christian says

"Cake? Well then we better go start eating" Gabe grins

Sara smiles watching as the two take off running. She looks at Ian "Think Christian's found a friend. He's not as on guard around Gabe as he is around everyone else." she slips her arm around Ian's waist "Come on lets go grab some cake before they eat it all."

Ian chuckles "Good idea. Those two are eating machines."

Sara laughs




Sara finds Christian in the study sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs staring at a painting of Kenneth. "Hey I've been looking for you." She ignores the painting sitting on a pedestal next to the chair, "What's wrong Christian?" Sara asks

"Sara... why do I miss him?" Christian asks puzzled

"He was the closest you remember to having a Father... same with Ian."

"But he treated Ian terribly."

"I know... but Ian told me that it wasn't always like that. You must have some of the good memories of him as well."

Christian tilts his head "He used to tell Ian stories."

"About what?"

"The Wielders. He used to read to him at bedtime." Christian frowns "But that's not me. Ian says I'm my own person but how can I be my own person if I don't have my own memories?"

"Well... we'll just have to work on you getting your own memories." she grins "I have an idea"


Sara stands hurrying up to where Kenneth's computers are. She grabs a large bundle of paper. She walks down the stairs grabbing Christian's hand "Come on." She pulls him to his feet

"What are we going to do?" Christian asks

"You'll see" Sara smiles kissing him. She pulls him out of the study stopping off at the Witchblade room where she knows Gabe is drooling over the artifacts. "Gabe get your ass out of there."

"Why?" Gabe returns

"Come on." Sara demands "You'll see." She drags Christian out to the front foyer and up the stairs to the first floor balcony with Gabe reluctantly following right behind. "Gabe its time for Christian to start making his own memories. Paper airplanes contest."

Gabe grins, "Good idea Chief"

"Paper airplane contest?" Christian asks puzzled

Sara smiles "It's easy. Make paper airplanes then see which one can fly the farthest."

Christian nods "OK."


Ian enters the mansion to find paper littering the foyer. He shakes his head as Fredrick appears "What's going on Fredrick?"

"They just finished having a paper airplane contest sir." Fredrick says amusement evident in his gaze. "It will be cleaned up in a few minutes."

"Where are they?" Ian asks handing Fredrick his overcoat

"They are outside with the dogs, sir."

Ian nods "Did Sara eat lunch?"

"As far as I know yes she did."

"Good. She tends to get distracted and forgets to eat." Ian makes his way out to the back patio where he finds Sara sitting at the table watching amused as Christian and Gabe play with the dogs. "Hello love."

Sara smiles "Hi"

"So how'd the paper airplane contest go?"

"Christian won... of course." She smiles "He's got skills with paper airplanes."

"What did you guys do today?"

"We thought it was a good idea for Christian to get some memories of his own. So I thought paper airplanes and catch with the dogs would be the best ways to start."

Ian nods

"How did it go?"

"Bunch of people showed up... referred to him as a good man."

"Ahh, the normal things people say when someone dies." Sara nods "What else are you going to say... 'I hated the man with a passion'"

Ian chuckles "Wonder what you'd have said if you gave the eulogy."

"Who did give it?" Sara asks

"One of the heads"

"Basically no one who knew him."

"Of course."

"Still have to meet with the lawyers huh?"

Ian nods "They'll be here in an hour."


Ian and Christian enter the living room causing the lawyers who'd never seen Christian to gasp in surprise. "This is Christian." Ian introduces

"Hello gentlemen" Christian says feeling uncomfortable

The head lawyer Mr. Langley smiles at the two "Christian, Ian." he nods

Ian and Christian sit down "So what did you want to discuss?" Ian asks

"Well it's about Kenneth's will." the second lawyer Mr. Michaels states

"What about it?" Ian questions

"Well other than a few provisions and donations the wills been split three ways." Mr. Langley states as he removes a bundle of papers from his briefcase. "All right Kenneth left these two envelopes to you two and there's one for Sara Pezzini"

Ian takes his and Sara's envelopes "I will give it to Sara."

"All right now his will. Kenneth wanted it read only amongst us. He knew you'd inform the people mentioned what they received."

"Of course." Ian says with a nod

Langley unfolds the documents "I, Kenneth Irons, as a man of sound mind... and body."

Christian stifles a laugh by coughing

"Do leave my Estates and the company seats to my boys Ian and Christian Nottingham and to Detective Sara Pezzini to be divided equally.

If Detective Pezzini declines her portion of the Estates, it will go into a trust for her children. Even if she declines her portion of the Estates, she will still receive two things... all the contents of the Witchblade room to do with what she wants and the three of them, and all future progeny between the three, will receive equal shares of the Company stocks and share the CEO chair.

My long time house employees Fredrick Langston, Marianne Keniston, Lewis Lavroux, and Nanette Lovett will receive lifetime employment regardless of what Ian and Christian decide to do with the homes.

Dr. Gregory Immo will receive full access to continue his work.

In the event that Ian and Christian father any children with Miss Pezzini, a trust fund has already been set up."

Ian flinches at the last words. 'Considering you just caused the death of one, I doubt Sara will allow any future children to have any access to your money.' Ian barely listens to the full provisions only noting the charities that Irons wanted certain items donated too.


Sara stares at Ian and Christian both stunned by what she just heard. "He left his whole Estate to be divided amongst us?!" Sara says

Ian nods "His will said if you don't want your portion of the Estate, it will be put in a trust fund for any children you have. He also left you the Witchblade collection. Plus, the three of us share a chair on the board of directors, all his stock in Vorschlag and all other companies, as well as share the CEO chair for Vorschlag."

After a moment Sara speaks, "I don't want his money"

"It will go into a trust fund for any children you have."

Hearing that Sara winces, her hand unconsciously going to her middle "Fine." 'Guess Irons thought ahead over us having children together.'

"What about the Witchblade collection?" Christian asks "Keep it here or bring it to the house?"

"Other than anything that we can get information out of leave it here." Sara says

Ian nods

"Do we get to go home tomorrow?" Christian asks

"Sara and I have to meet with the Feds in the morning. Then we can fly home. Sara and I will have to fly back and forth to meet with the Feds. The estates not settled all the way so we'll have to fly back and deal with it."

Sara moves onto Ian's lap "We can deal."

Ian kisses her cheek "That we can" he meets Christian's gaze seeing his agreement.


"Detective Pezzini why didn't you contact the FBI when you received this video?" asks one of the agents

"Because at the time all the evidence I had is the video. Add the fact that if I had come to the feds with what I had you would have looked into all of my cases. Bad enough I was considered nuts by the ones I worked with but add you guys onto the list when I did have more evidence you never would have believed me." Sara says bitterly.

"Why didn't you return when you heard of Captain Dante's death?" Jake asks

Sara looks at Ian seeing his agreement she squeezes his hand "Because Dante and the Bulls had a hit on us. Irons wanted us dead as well."

"Why did Irons want you dead?" asks a third agent

"I helped Sara escape from Father... uh Irons and Dante. To Irons, that was a betrayal far worse than anything I could have done to him something he would have killed us both over. I wasn't going to allow Irons or Dante to hurt Sara." Ian kisses her knuckles.

"Did either of you kill Dante?" Jake asks

"No" Sara replies

Ian reaches into his pocket removing an envelope "Here are the receipts for the day that Dante was killed." he tosses the envelope on the table.

"Do you know who killed Dante?" asks the first agent

"No." Sara says

"Did Kenneth Irons die of a heart attack?" asks the third agent

"Yes" Ian replies "Kenneth had been ill for a while. He didn't want anyone but his doctor and I to know."

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?" asks one of the lawyers present

"Not that I can think of" Sara looks at Ian who shakes his head in response.

"Well then you're free to go. If we have any other questions we'll speak with your lawyers."

"We're heading home but if you need us to return just call the lawyers and they'll contact us." Ian says standing he helps Sara to her feet.

"Are you staying in New York?" Jake asks

Sara shakes her head "No. I'll call you in a couple days." she hugs Jake "Its good to see you Jake"

"You too. Pez... sorry this all happened."

Sara nods "Me too" she slips her hand into Ian's walking out of the room.


Sara steps out of the van staring up at the house 'Our house.' She smiles slightly. "Finally home" she sighs running her fingers through her hair. She takes a deep breath as Christian pulls up beside her on the Buell. "Just because I let you ride the Buell doesn't mean you'll get to ride it all the time." She warns

Christian grins "I know my Lady."

She kisses his cheek as Ian gets out of the drivers side of the van. Ian and Christian go to the back of the van opening the back doors.

Ian opens the dog carriers letting the three wolfhounds out.

Sara laughs as the younger dog Napoleon jumps around happily. "He acts like he's been locked up all day."

"Yes well he never finished training Napoleon" Ian says looking at the two older dogs Zeus and Apollo sitting patiently beside him. "These two have been fully trained." He pats the

dogs' heads. He tosses Sara the house keys "Why don't you take those them inside. Christian and I will take the van back into town after we unload."

Sara nods kissing them both. "Pick up dinner on your way home?"

"What would you like?" Ian asks

Sara shrugs "Whatever." She heads up to the house unlocking the front door.

Ian gestures the dogs to follow then sees Napoleon running around "Napoleon go inside" he orders.

Sara turns on the lights turning off the alarm then looks at the two elder wolfhounds sitting by the door as Napoleon slowly enters the house looking around. Sara makes her way back to the garage hitting the garage door opener. She finds Apollo and Zeus sitting patiently in the foyer as Napoleon sniffs around the foyer. "Oh hey" she crouches before the two elder dogs "I know this is a new place but look you got a lot of room to be dogs and run." She scratches their ears as Napoleon stops next to her sniffing the air. "Hey you." She scratches his chin only to be rewarded by a lick. "OK no licking the face." She laughs wiping at her face. "Home." She says relieved. "Good place to be."


2003: HOUSE

Sara sits at the kitchen table staring at her journal she writes

'It has been two years since Irons death... and my miscarriage. Things are incredible. We're somewhat free from Irons. We still have to deal with Irons Estate and Vorschlag, but only at a minimum. I'm still the Wielder but I don't go looking for trouble now. I only go when it shows me the trouble. Danny pops in every so often.

We still live in Vermont. Ian and Christian do some odd jobs for the Feds... except the Feds don't know Christian's a clone... all they know is that Christian is Ian's long lost brother. I told Vicki that Christian's a clone and she promised not to tell anyone. Jake knows too... but that's only because we had to tell him so he could help us cover for Christian's appearance. Normally Ian goes on the week or longer jobs while Christian takes the two to three day jobs. This is the first time Christian's been away from one of us for more than a few days. Most of the time we're all together but at times Ian or Christian go out of the country or the state to deal with whatever the Feds want them to deal with. Sometimes I go with but only when they need a woman to go as a decoy.

I don't trust any woman with my guys.

Ian and Christian get along with Jake now but sometimes things come up and they get mad at Jake. Ian and Christian see Gabe as their little brother and any time they hear of Gabe getting into a little scuffle they flip. I've had to bribe them with sex to keep them from going after a few guys when Gabe was hit in a scuffle. Its not as if I mind, I love my guys... I love being with them in all ways... sexual or not. The sex is still incredible and intense. Everything is incredible and intense.'

Sara sighs closing her journal she stands going to the refrigerator she opens it grabbing a bottle of water. Closing the door with her hip she stops off patting Zeus's head then continues down the hall towards the study. She stops in the doorway watching as Ian works on the computer. She smiles her hand dropping to her middle briefly as she enters the room "Hey honey," she greets "what are you working on?" she asks stopping at his side she leans down kissing Ian's cheek.

"Just reading some files the lawyers sent." Ian answers his arm going around her waist he rests his hand on her middle. "How are my girls?"

Sara rolls her eyes, "Ian I'm only two months pregnant why do you think I'm having a girl?"

Ian smiles "Just a feeling."

Sara slips her arms around his shoulders watching as Ian caresses the slight bump of her middle. She kisses the top of his head. "I miss Christian." She whines.

"I know you do. He'll be back tomorrow." Ian pulls Sara onto his lap.


Ian unbuttons the last couple buttons of her shirt exposing her middle. Gently he trails his fingers over her middle. "I wonder what she'll be like." He says thoughtfully.

"Definitely have your smarts." Sara smiles trailing her finger down his nose. "Why are you so sure it'll be a girl?"

Ian shrugs "I don't know... like I said just a feeling."

"Do you ever wonder what the other would have been?"

Hearing the sadness in her voice, Ian reluctantly nods, "Sometimes." He admits

"He or she would have been about fifteen months old now." Sara remarks blinking back tears.

Ian kisses her temple.

Sara turns her head meeting Ian's eyes "I love you." She brushes her lips against his.

"I love you." He says softly.

Sara slowly deepens the kiss her hands going to his face. She pulls back slightly then pulls his head in kissing him deeply. Her fingers going to his curly locks as his hand slides under her shirt. Sara gasps feeling his hand caress her skin.

Ian trails his lips down her neck licking and nipping gently

Sara turns her head giving him more access. "Ian" she whimpers

Ian stands holding her close he moves to the floor. "Better?" he asks as she lays back

Sara nods pulling him down she kisses him passionately "Much" she grins her hands going to his shirt she pulls it off tossing it aside. She notices the dogs dozing in the corner "Ian will you get the dogs out of here."

"Boys out." Ian orders. As the three dogs slink out of the room, Ian turns his attention back to Sara as she lies beneath him. "Better?" he asks slowly unbuttoning her shirt

Sara nods "Much" she sits up removing her shirt she tosses it aside.


Sara smiles at Ian as he trails his fingers over her middle. "What are you thinking?"

Ian shrugs "Lots of things."

Sara reaches out tugging on one of his curls "You have millions of things going on in your head don't you."

Ian lifts his shoulders "Sometimes I have six or seven big things other times only one big thing but I always have a bunch of little things going on in the background."

"Like what?"

"Sometimes I'll be thinking of whatever it is the lawyers just told me while in the background I'll be trying to figure out what it is we need from the grocery store or trying to remember something Kenneth told me. Other times I'll be going over the plans that the Feds set up trying to figure out possible scenarios. While trying to remember a certain date of a battle or war. A word... little things."

"Geez and my mind is always 'where the hell is my coffee' or 'OK what the hell was that?' never have more than two things going on."

"It might seem that way but you now store so many things that you could or never thought you had."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the day that you came to see Kenneth and he left the book out?"


"What did the book say?"

"It was about Cathain and her life before she found the Witchblade and after."

"What else do you remember?"

"What do you mean?"

"Background noise" Ian prompts

*The doors opening

The feel of the pages*

"I remember the door opening. I remember realizing what I'd just read wasn't English but my mind automatically translated it to be."

"Yes the Witchblade remembered Cathain's language and automatically you read it as though it was English. That's why you can remember parts of the past... smells, sometimes conversations. Then lets say the next Wielder's native language is Croatian and she's never learned how to read English or speak English and she comes across your story... she'll be able to understand what she's reading."

"I still don't understand the line of the Wielder." Sara sighs

"You're always the same... but not reincarnated... you're a whole new person with a new chance. Sometimes the Wielder might be born from your line... like Elizabeth being your Grandmother. Other times the Wielder might be born to a completely new line not technically related to you but still... the Wielder. If it is your line the next Wielder comes from... as in this ones..." He rests his hand on her middle, "daughter then the protector will be born from a new line not blood relation to us. But if the Wielder is born from a whole new line not related to us then the protector will be."

Sara frowns "Ian since Christian is your clone does that mean the line goes twice? Or is it just once?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to talk to Immo about that."

"Does that mean that if Christian and I ever decide to have a couple kids together that they'll be the same sex in the same order that we have?" at Ian's puzzled looks she explains "OK if we count the one I lost as number one and this one as number two. Does that mean let's say if Christian and I ever had a kid the first one would be the same sex as the one we lost?"

"I think so."

"Would it be the same way if he decided to have kids with someone else?"

"First I doubt Christian has any interest in having kids with anyone else."

"Ian you know what I'm saying"

"Yes I do my love." Ian kisses her forehead. "Second, given the fact that you're the only one either of us has ever wanted to be with. And third that genetics on both sides are a big factor on a child's sex I don't know."

"Wow" Sara grins


"You just said I don't know. You always know the answer"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do. Or I rarely hear you say you don't know."

Ian moves down pressing his lips to Sara's middle "You have a very strange Mommy little one."

"Oh" Sara scowls "Not like you have a normal Daddy either kid."

Ian chuckles "No you don't. You have a Daddy who has a clone who is genetically your 'father' will be your 'uncle' and your 'cousins' will be your genetic siblings."

"Poor kids will have a hard time explaining why Mommy sleeps with their Daddy and their Uncle." Sara laughs "Imagine when their teachers ask them to draw a picture of their family. Wonder what they'll say to explain the picture."

"You know... we could always teach them at home until their old enough to understand the whole story."

"At what age do you think they'll understand? I mean the three of us still don't entirely understand." Sara sighs "Ugh" she groans "No more heavy thoughts I'm starting to get a headache."

"Don't want that" he kisses her

Sara smiles against his lips "I'm hungry"

Ian nods "Well then lets get you fed." he watches as she pulls on his discarded shirt and her panties as he pulls on his pants. Standing he helps her to her feet. "So what would you like to eat?" he asks as they enter the kitchen.

Sara sits at the counter "I don't know."

"Leftover pizza? I know how much you like leftover pizza."

Sara shakes her head "No."

"Cheese omelet?"

"Make it a cheese, bacon, and tomato omelet"

Ian nods "All right."

Sara watches as Ian gathers the things needed for an omelet. She runs her hand over her middle. 'Your Daddy's one great guy.' she smiles looking at her middle 'Kid you are going to be one spoiled kid between me and your Daddy and your Uncles.'

Ian glances at Sara seeing her faint smile he turns back to cooking. He shoves his hair back in annoyance as it falls forward.

Seeing his action Sara shakes her head opening the drawer, she removes a rubber band. She stops behind Ian, "Hold still." She carefully pulls his hair back tying it in a ponytail. "Better?"

Ian nods turning he kisses her "Thank you my love."

Sara smiles "Think its time for you to get a trim."

"I know."

Sara kisses his neck then returns to sitting at the counter. She opens the magazine at the counter looking through it.


Sara moves over onto Ian's lap kissing him "Thank you."

"Your welcome." He replies his hand resting on her middle. He kisses her cheek "So what would you like to do today?"

Sara grins, "Couple rounds of pool?"

Ian sighs "If you want."

"I promise I'm not hormonal today"

"All right all right" Ian gives in "we'll play."

"Thank you" Sara jumps up grabbing his hand she pulls him into the dining room where the pool table is located.



Christian enters the house and drops his bag on the stairs. He goes in search of his Wielder and 'brother'. He enters the kitchen to find Ian there, "Hello brother."

Ian glances at his clone "How was the job?"

"Same as always. Where's Sara?"

"Outside with the dogs."

"How is she?"

"Lucked out... she's in a good mood."

Christian nods walking out to the patio he leans against the railing watching Sara play fetch with Napoleon as the other two dogs sit at her side.

Sara laughs as Napoleon drops the ball at her side his whole body wagging as he wags his tail happily. "Hey Nap you are a happy dog today... huh" she rubs his ears.

Napoleon licks her cheek

"Doggie kiss" she laughs kissing the dog's head.

On the patio Ian joins Christian "How did the job go? Any problems?"

"Not really. Intel was a little off." he answers "How'd it go here?" He glances at Ian

"Threatened with the pool stick the other morning."

"You won huh?"

"Mmm" Ian nods

Christian chuckles "She doesn't like losing."

"Of course not." Ian says dryly

Sara looks towards the patio and grins seeing Ian and Christian talking. She stands hurrying up to the deck "Christian" she says happily

"Hello Sara" Christian smiles

"Your back"

Christian nods hugging her he kisses her lightly then glances at Ian "Yeah I'm back"

"Good" Sara pulls his head back down and kisses him deeply.

"God I missed you" he says against her lips.

"Missed you too" Sara replies stepping out of his arms, she grabs both their hands pulling them inside. "So how was the job?"

"It went well. How about here?"

"Same as always." Sara shrugs


Sara awakens startled she sits up looking at the two men beside her fast asleep. She smiles gently touches her middle looking at the clock. '2:45? Damn' she runs her fingers through her hair. Careful not to wake the sleeping men she climbs out of bed grabbing her robe she pulls it on over her shorts and camisole. Silently she walks out of the bedroom making her way down the stairs to the kitchen. She turns on the kitchen light resting her hand on middle she smiles going to the refrigerator she opens the door staring at the contents.

Ian awakens reaching for Sara only to find her gone. He looks at the alarm clock and frowns rubbing at his eyes. He gets out of bed making his way downstairs smiling at the sight of Sara staring in the refrigerator absently rubbing her middle. He steps up behind her his arms going around her waist his hand resting on her middle.

Sara jumps feeling arms wrap around her. She smiles feeling Ian rubs his chin against her shoulder "Hey you." she trails her fingers over the back of his hand as he gently rubs her middle. "What are you doing up?" she asks

"Missed you." he says kissing her shoulder "What are you doing up?"

"Just woke up... felt like having something to eat" she shrugs turning her head she kisses him. She looks back at the refrigerator and grabs a container of yogurt. She steps out of Ian's arms going over she grabs a spoon out of a drawer. Opening the yogurt, she goes over to the kitchen table sitting down.

Ian grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator opening it tugging Sara to her feet he sits down pulling her onto his lap. He slips his hand under her top taking a drink of water he watches as Sara eats.

Sara swallows the spoonful of yogurt and leans back into Ian's chest continuing to eat her yogurt in silence as Ian gently caresses her middle. "Ian?" she asks after a while.


"Why did you send Christian to do the job on his own? I mean normally for long period jobs you go."

"Christian's getting better around people... he needs to find his own side of life." Ian kisses her shoulder "Besides I didn't want to be away from my girls for that long."

Sara sets the yogurt down she rests her head on his shoulder her hand covering his "Ian we would have been fine."

"I know... I just didn't want to leave you for two weeks." he kisses her head "Don't worry... Christian came back and he's fine."

"I know." Sara nods turning she kisses his neck. "And I'm glad." she says relieved.

"Are you ready to go to back to bed?" Ian asks

Sara shakes her head "Not yet."

"All right." Ian kisses her head his fingers gently trailing over her middle.

Sara watches his gentle soothing movements and smiles. "I wonder if the baby knows your doing that."

Ian pauses in his gentle movements "I don't know" he shrugs "I never thought about it. I just like touching you."

"Like when you do." she sighs happily.

Ian gently tilts her head searching her green eyes he kisses her gently "I love you Sara"

Sara smiles "I love you" she kisses him "Lets go back to bed." When Ian stands he lifts her into his arms causing her to giggle. "Ian" she shakes her head

"Come on my love let's go back to bed." he carries Sara upstairs to the bedroom.


Sara laughs as Christian tickles her foot. "Christian that's not fair." She squirms trying to get her foot away. She looks at Ian beside her with a faint smile on his face "Ian tell him to stop!" she pleads

"You know he only does it to get to you." Ian chuckles twirling a strand of hair around his fingers.

Christian smirks "All you have to say is please."

"Never" Sara says stubbornly trying to beat Christian at his game.

Christian looks at Ian lifting his brow "Gee that's a first... we're in bed and she won't say please."

Sara grabs the pillow next to her throwing it at Christian's head laughing as it hits him on the head. "You are spending too much time around Gabriel." She says shaking her head. She sits up stretching her arms over her head yelping in surprise as Christian pulls her down atop him. She smiles down at him kissing him lightly as he shifts her under him.

Christian glances at Ian briefly seeing the approval in his 'brother's' eyes Christian turns his attention back to Sara. He kisses her passionately

Sara moans her arms going around his neck.


Sara giggles at the annoyed look on Ian's face as he shakes theleaves out of his hair. "Damn it Christian stop acting like a child." he glares at his double as Christian snickers.

Christian smirks

Sara slips her arm around Ian's waist grabbing Christian's hand "Come on boys be good." she looks at the two who reluctantly nod "Good" she kisses their cheeks. "Where's Napoleon?" she frowns looking around.

"Dumb dog" Christian mutters

"He's not dumb... he's just odd" Sara smacks Christian on the chest.

"He's always getting into trouble Sara" Ian reminds

"Well they're house dogs." Sara says shrugging

"Then why did we bring them?" Christian asks

"Because they needed some exercise" Sara replies

"Fine but next time he picks on a skunk your giving him a bath" Ian sighs

Sara pouts "Oh come on you wouldn't make me do that."

Ian groans "Sara don't give me that look."

Sara grins knowing Ian would give in. "Zeus and Ares are your dogs Nap's mine."

"She's got a point Ian."

Ian sighs "I know" he runs his fingers through Sara's hair.

Sara frowns hearing a familiar whimper. She turns to find Napoleon slinking down the dirt hill whimpering. "Napoleon what have you done now?" she walks over to the sitting dog rubbing at his nose. "Nap what is with you and the woods?" she scratches the dog's head.

Ian joins Sara sighing at the sight "Porcupine"

"We can't take you anywhere huh boy"

"We should take him home and get those out and cleaned up before they get infected." Ian says "Come on Napoleon." he prods the whimpering dog.

"Zeus Ares come" Christian orders

Once back at the house Sara watches as Ian and Christian pull the quills out of Napoleon's nose, wincing at the dog's painful whimpers. She looks at Zeus and Ares who are waiting patiently for their buddy to join them. She grabs a couple dog treats taking them over to Zeus and Ares she holds the dog treats out to the two dogs. As they take the treats from her, she pats their heads joining Ian and Christian outside as Ian removes the final quill.

"There" Ian says dropping the quill in a bowl

As Christian releases, Napoleon the dog hurries over to Sara wagging his tail "Hey you feel better?" she scratches his ears.

"Still needs to be cleaned up." Ian says handing Christian the bowl to dump the quills out in the woods.

Sara laughs around the dog's happy licks to her hands. She smiles as Napoleon rests his head on her thigh. As Ian sits beside her with a washcloth in his hand, she holds Napoleon's head still so he can clean the dog's wounds.

"Done" Ian announces releases the dog's nose.

Napoleon pulls away shaking his head he barks happily.

Sara follows Ian inside "Nap has bad luck with the outdoors" she laughs

"Well like you said he's an indoor dog." Ian reminds "Plus he's just curious about everything."

"This is the third time this year that he's been too curious with a porcupine." Sara says amused.

"I have a theory" Christian says hugging Sara from behind

"Oh really?" Sara tilts her head "And that is?"

"He likes the attention" Christian says "you always coddle him after his little misadventures."

"No I don't" Sara protests

Christian rubs his chin against her shoulder "You do sweet Sara."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Sara grumbles "Stop teasing me."

"Never would" Ian says hiding a smile

"Wouldn't dare." Christian says innocently