Title: Broken Gear

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: Own nothing and no one used herein.

Fandom: Static Shock

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Virgil discovers a terrible secret Richie has been hiding.

A/N: Slight AU as I altered Richie's father.

Broken Gear
by Kate R.

Chapter 1: Pain and Shame

Richie woke up in pain. In a lot of pain. He turned his head and realized he was still on the floor of his bedroom. He groaned as he got up and dressed and headed out the door to school. Dad was passed out so he could slip out and maybe slip back in tonight is he was as drunk as he looked.

Hopefully. If mom didn't wake him.

Richie sighed and walked to school. He was running late so he didn't bother going to the gas station first. He was too busy trying to make himself smile convincingly. Shiny Happy Guy that everyone was expecting him to be. It was getting hard. Hard to be Mr. 'I'm happy'. So hard to act. Not
even Virgil could know about this. Richie sighed as he saw Virg waiting for him by the gate.

"You okay, Rich?" he asked. "You aren't usually ever late."

"Fine, V"ť Richie said hoping he sounded as cheerful as everyone was used to hearing him. He was tired and he was hurting and he just wanted to cry but Mr. 'I'm Happy' wasn't supposed to cry in public.

"You sure, man?" Virgil asked. "You look rough."

"I'll be fine, V," Richie said. "I promise."

"If you have a problem, Richie, you know you can tell me, right? You can tell me anything," Virgil said.

Richie felt his defenses cracking but he couldn't let Virgil see the ugliness. Virgil would leave him if he ever saw it.

"I'll be fine. I swear." To himself, Richie quietly murmured, "No one can help."

Chapter 2: Signs

Virgil watched how Richie moved. All day he'd noticed Richie seemed to be in pain but his best friend wouldn't admit it. Virgil knew, he just knew, something was wrong but Richie was trying to hide it. He was doing a good job of it as well. Virgil hadn't even realized it until today when Richie was late meeting him. Virgil watched wondering if he could figure it out from watching him. Sometimes, Richie gave clues that weren't verbal; you just had to look for them.

Virgil watched as all through patrol, which was, for once, quiet, that Richie was favoring his left wrist, trying not to use it or put too much pressure on it. Virgil was worried. He watched after patrol as Richie changed back into his street clothes and walked out the door. Virgil tried to call him back but Richie had been sort of quiet and down right subdued for himself lately. He seemed to be thinking about something and going on autopilot.

Virgil watched him as he trudged home and followed him to be sure he got there okay. He watched as Richie stopped to look at things in store windows as he walked. Virgil followed at a distance. He noticed Richie was walking slowly until he happened to glance at a clock on a building, then he started to almost run. Virgil still managed to tail him home. He watched as Richie opened his front door and slipped in. He was about to leave when he heard it. The slap. He went back to the window and looked in where he saw Richie's father holding his friend against the door.

Richie looked petrified. Virgil just watched as the man drew his hand back and hit him again. Richie's head snapped to the side and his lip split. Virgil couldn't believe what he was seeing. He'd never have thought Mr. Foley would be one to physically beat his son.

But there it was. Richie was trying not to react but Virgil could see his tears in response to whatever his father was saying. Something Virgil was pretty sure was mean.

When the man turned to the window. Virgil bolted in fear. He ran for hours before finally going home. When he got home, he saw his dad talking to police.

"Dad?" he asked.

Robert Hawkins looked at his son and the look in his eyes scared Virgil.

"Dad, what's wrong?" he asked. "What's---"

"Virgil," Robert began. "Virgil, Richie was---hurt this evening. A neighbor called the police when they heard the repeated thuds. He---when they got there, he was unconscious and beaten. He's at the hospital."

Virgil felt his world freeze at that. It had gotten worse. He should have known it would get worse. Why had he run? "Richie," he whispered feeling tears build in his eyes. "Do they know who did it?" Virgil asked.

Robert nodded. "His father was standing over him. He kicked him. The police have him under arrest. His mother as well. Richie---when he gets better, will likely come here. Come on, son. We'll go see him."

Virgil nodded and followed his father to the car and they drove to the hospital.

"You saw it, didn't you?" he asked.

Virgil looked at his father. "I didn't know until today. Dad, why didn't he tell me? I'm his best friend."

"He was likely afraid and ashamed. Virgil, I'm going to warn you now, there could have been a worse kind of abuse going on. It's possible his father---"

"No," Virgil whispered. "Please no. Please."

"I'm praying that as well, Virgil. I truly am," his father said as they drove to the hospital.

To Richie.

Part 3: Coma

When they got to the hospital, a doctor was waiting for them. He looked very grim as he lead them to an empty lounge.

"There is a small bit of good news in all the bad I have for you, Mr. Hawkins," the doctor said.

"What is that?" Robert asked. The doctor sighed and played with a pen, showing his nerves as he thought about this one.

"The only good news I have right now is that there is no sign of sexual abuse," he told them. "The rest is bad and worse. The worst news I have is we don't know if the head injury from repeated impacts with the wall caused any brain damage. The second worst news is Ritchie is in a coma. The bad news is we discovered signs the abuse has been happening for years. There are several bones that were broken that did not heal properly, scars from a thin strap or cord. He's a very hurt boy but I think if he wakes up soon and knows who he is, he will probably recover completely. However, that recovery is going to take time and care from others. From what I've heard, Child Services has given you custody so I think he'll have the care he needs."

"Yes he will," Robert said. "Can we see him?"

"He should be in a private room now, so yes, follow me and I'll take you up."

He and Virgil followed the doctor up to a private room where they found themselves looking at Ritchie, lying in the bead, looking as badly beaten as he actually was for once.

"He's always so…happy…" Virgil whispered as he looked down at Ritchie. "I see now it was just a cover but why did he think he'd need it?"

"Because he was afraid he'd lose you if you found out about how dark his life really was, Virgil," Robert said quietly. "Here, you stay with him while I tell Adam and Sharon where he is an what his prognosis is."

"Okay, dad," Virgil said as his father left the room. He looked down at Richie then and took his hand.

"It'll be okay, bro," Virgil said. "I promise. And…and you never have to worry about losing my friendship, Rich. It's solid. Nothing would make me leave you. It's more than juts our friendship, man. I kind of love you. I don't want you to go away. Please don't, Rich. Please stay here with

Virgil sat in the chair then and watched. He stayed by the bed until he was forced to go home and he was back as soon as school was out the next day. His father had gone in to explain Ritchie's situation so there were several cards sent. But Virgil didn't see those. All he saw for two weeks was Ritchie lying in the hospital bed being fed by tubes and exercised by doctors so his muscles didn't atrophy. All he saw was Ritchie. His poor Ritchie.

His broken Gear.

"V?" a weak vice said as Virgil felt his eyes starting to overflow with tears. "Wha's wrong, man?"

"Ritchie?" Virgil asked. His eyes focused on Ritchie's face and his eyes were open and looking at him curiously.

"Why 'm I in a hospital?" Ritchie asked weakly. Virgil just looked at him.

"Your dad," Virgil said.

"Oh," Richie replied softy. "Again?"

"Not again, Rich," Virgil said. "Never again. You aren't going home. Your dad was arrested, so was your mom. You're gonna come stay with my family and me."

"Want me?" Ritchie asked as doctors came in and checked him over. He'd started to panic when they'd tried to make Virgil leave so they left the other boy there.

"Yes we want you," Virgil said. He noticed a curious look on Ritchie's face, as the doctors looked him over.

"I'm fine," he said. "I know who I am. Why don't you just ask me?"

"Ritchie," Virgil said. "They didn't say anything."

"They didn't?" Ritchie asked. And he started to look afraid. "V, what's happening to me?"

"I don't know, Ritchie," Virgil said. And he watched as his friend suddenly went ashen and seemed to pass out. However, the doctor shook his head.

"He's sleeping," the doctor said. "Let him rest a bit an everything should be okay. Call your father, okay?"

Virgil nodded and made the call. And then, he went right back to sitting by Ritchie's bed. Whatever was happening to his friend, Virgil was going to be right there with him through it. That was his promise.

4: Powers

"Ritchie?" Virgil asked as he knocked on the door of the bedroom they were sharing. Ritchie had been subdued since they'd brought him home from the hospital. He seemed to need privacy or he got incredibly bad headaches so Virgil left him be whenever he asked to be left alone. Right now, Virgil was coming because Ritchie had said he wanted to see him, to show him something. The door opened and Virgil went into the room. He just stopped when the door closed again and no one had touched it.

Ritchie was sitting on the second bed that had been placed in here until the guest room was set up for him. His eyes were closed and his breathing deep and Virgil realized things were floating in front of him. He jerked when Ritchie's eyes opened and eh stared as everything slowly lowered to the floor.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Ritchie asked as he stretched. "Sorry but I didn't want to accidentally hurt you practicing around you. I nearly took out
a mirror and your stereo the first time this happened."

"The first time what happened? Rich, That wasn't static electricity," Virgil said.

"No, I used my mind to do that," Ritchie said. "It happened the night you brought me here. Remember, you woke up and I was staring at nothing but I looked scared? I felt something move when I had a nightmare. It scared me. I thought dad was back and I pushed away. I woke up and your bureau was teetering about to fall over. I pushed again I think. It scares me, V. If I don't use it, pressure builds up and I start to hurt and then bad things start happening around me. God, what am I turning into?"

"You're Ritchie. This is just something that happened after you got hurt. We'll deal, man. We always deal."

"What if I can't deal? I can barely control this and I know there's more. I can't be in crowds anymore, I can't lose my temper, and I have to wear gloves or cover my hands before I touch anyone. V, I'm scared. I can't control this. I almost pulverized Hot Streak the other day. When he ran at me? I did the dumpster, that wasn't you. I almost flattened him."

"Okay, Rich," Virgil said soothingly. "It's going to be okay. We'll get this under control, man. I'm not sure how but we will. Okay?"

"Okay," Ritchie said. Virgil was learning to read past what Ritchie showed the world though. If there was one thing the hospital had taught him it was to pay attention to what was really going on with his best bud. And right now he could feel Ritchie was terrified.

"Lets go have dinner, okay? Dad ordered pizza for us tonight. He said he figured we could use some fun. Especially you."

"Okay," Ritchie said. He followed Virgil downstairs after pulling on a pair of thin gloves. Virgil didn't know why he wore them but he felt sure Ritchie would tell him in his own time.

Dinner passed okay and the bys watched a movie before going to bed. Tomorrow would be Ritchie's first day back in school. Tomorrow he'd be put to the ultimate test of his control and nerve.

"V," he finally said after thinking on how to say what needed to be said all day. "I may not appear to be with it tomorrow. If too many people get around me it hurts. The pressure hurts."

"Pressure from what?" Virgil asked.

"Their minds, I think," Ritchie told him in a near whisper. "I hear thoughts from everyone around me. You and your dad and Sharon and even Adam are now in there, as background noise because you're supposed to be there. But if too many people touch me, not only do I get thoughts but if they touch me skin to skin I get flashes of things about them or their families and it scares me, V. It scares em so much because I can't turn it off. I don't know how to."

"Rich, calm down," Virgil said. "I'll be there with you. You need help, focus on me. Okay?"

"Okay, V," Ritchie said. He lay back on his bed and went to sleep and Virgil saw the headphones that he used at night now. Richie was making
background noise in his head. Something to stop random thoughts, Virgil guessed. Other people's random thoughts.

The next morning, they headed off to school with Ritchie still listening to his headphones. Nothing happened on the way for once. Normally they ran into someone but Virgil wasn't going to patrol right now. Not with Ritchie having the problems he was. He was not going to pull a Hawk Girl or
Green Lantern and abandon Richie because of these changes.

Ritchie seemed to be okay for the first few classes. If only Frieda and Daisy would stop touching him. Ritchie was gritting his teeth, trying to deal with the pain from them touching his face.

"Guys, stop touching him," Virgil said to them at lunch. "He's gun-shy right now. That's why he keeps flinching. His dad slapped him in the face a lot."

"Oh," Frieda said. "I'm sorry, Ritchie. We didn't know…"

"It's okay, Frieda," Ritchie said. "But please, don't do that okay?"

"Sure, Ritchie," Daisy said. She and Frieda did not touch him again but Virgil could tell by the end of the day, Ritchie was in pain. There were so many people and the crush of them on him was too much. He practically fled the building at the end of the day leaving Virgil to chase after him.

"Rich, wait up!" Virgil yelled as he followed his friend. He stopped when they seemed to run into Ebon and his gang.

"Terrific," Virgil muttered. And no place for him to change into Static.

"Well, what have we here?" Ebon asked as he grabbed Richie. And Virgil saw whatever walls Ritchie had had built crumble and he saw the look of pain as all the thoughts of anyone nearby seemed to hit his friend.

"Stop it," Ritchie whispered. "Stop It, stop, it. Let me go."

"Why should I?" Ebon asked and Ritchie winced, as the thoughts seemed to get louder.

"Shut up." He snarled. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

And when he screamed that, something pushed out from him and Virgil felt a wave of power slam him, much as it was the other bang babies. He saw people, normal people, starting to wince in pain. And then…all got quiet.

"It's alright, young man," a voice suddenly said. And Virgil turned again to where a new group had arrived. Here was a bald man in a wheel chair next to a kneeling Ritchie who had seemingly collapsed where Ebon had dropped him. There was no one else moving but the other bang babies, this group and Virgil himself.

"Woah re you?" Virgil asked as he looked at the man, touching Ritchie's temples and he saw the pained look leave his friend's face.

"My name is Charles Xavier," the man in the wheelchair said. "And these are some of my students. I am a Psi Power like your friend here and I
must say, he needs training to control this amount of power he has."

"And I know I can trust you, how?" Virgil asked as he moved to Ritchie's side. "His head hurts, how did you stop it?"

"I shielded him," the professor said. "It's only temporary as his mind is far too powerful for my shields to remain in place for long but I can teach him to build his own."

"I wanna ask someone about you first. You can come with me because you'll have to explain this to my father since he's Ritchie's guardian but I'm gonna ask a friend about you and whatever place you wanna take him."

"My School for the Gifted," Professor Xavier said as Virgil helped Ritchie to his feet. Virgil nodded and led them to his house. He didn't know why the one lady looked familiar but he was sure someone would be able to tell him. After he talked to batman about this group, anyway. Batman would be able to tell him something he was sure. So, he'd call him and then he and Ritchie would decide about this group. But if they could help Ritchie, maybe it would be for the best. Batman would be able to tell him.

5: Information and Discussion

"What do you need, Static?" Batman's voice asked. Virgil was on the roof that night as Richie slept for the first time in days, maybe weeks, without other people's thoughts bombarding his mind. Virgil jumped slightly as he turned around and saw Batman and the Martian Man Hunter watching him.

"I wanted to know if you could tell me anything about Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in Bayville, New York."

"Why?" Batman asked.

"Gear," Virgil said. "His dad slammed his head against a wall a few times and knocked him into a coma. When he woke up, he had Psi powers. This guy, Professor Xavier, wants to take him to his school to teach him to use them."

"I was afraid that was what he was hiding," J'onn said. "I did not wish to push but perhaps I should have."

"No, that isn't your fault. I just need to know if this place is what the professor says it is. Dad is keeping them busy while I talk to you guys."

"Well, from what I've heard, the school is a place where mutants can learn to control their powers," Batman told him. "Wayne Enterprises is one of their backers. I trust Professor Xavier. If he says Ritchie needs to be trained, then he does."

"Can you tell me anything about him?" Virgil asked.

"He has a dream. He's an idealist but he knows his stuff. He can teach Ritchie to use his powers and to control them. His other students can likely help Ritchie come out of his shell. He hides, you know? He doesn't believe he's a hero like you are."

"Yeah, I got that," Virgil said. "So, the Professor can help him learn?"

"You too, Virgil," Batman said. "Go with Gear. The professor can help you learn to expand your powers and what you can do with them. Okay?"

"Okay, Batman," Virgil said as he turned to go back in. He waved to the Martian Man Hunter as well. Once the door closed, J'onn looked at Batman.

"You think he will be okay? Gear I mean? I felt that power earlier today."

"I think the professor can help him, yes," Batman said. "I want Virgil to go with him though, so he doesn't get dragged into the professor's dream. I know Ritchie is more level headed than that and it is a good dream but if he doesn't have someone there who is someone he knows he may get caught in the idealism. And with everything else going on with him, he doesn't need that."

"True," J'onn said. "What of green Lantern and hawk Girl? I do not like what they say about Gear."

"After he's trained, they won't have a right to say anything at all," Batman said. "But Superman and I are not happy with them either. Lets get back to the Watch Tower before they come looking for us."

The two of them left the roof and a man stepped out of the shadows. One of the Professor's students stood and watched for a moment before going back inside himself.

So, two o the Justice League thought the Gear kid wasn't a hero? He'd just have to show them otherwise. And he'd learn at the school how to do that. Wolverine did not mind the boy Static coming along; he knew Gear would need him. But, he wasn't going to take what those two idiot Justice Leaguers said about Gear. None of the X-Men were. It wasn't going to be tolerated.

Wolverine dropped to the ground and went back in the front door that he had walked out of when he heard the conversation start and he resumed his seat by the professor. Kitty and Kurt and Rogue were there as well. Some of the younger students.

"So, you really think you can help my boys learn to control their powers?" Virgil's father asked.

"I believe we can, yes," the Professor said. "I know I can help Ritchie as I have gone through similar troubles with my powers and another student with hers. Storm can help Virgil learn to control his electricity. And perhaps he can learn to use it in other ways."

Virgil's father looked at him and Ritchie where they were sitting on the couch. Virgil nodded that he would go. Batman had never steered him wrong before so he wasn't going to doubt him now.

"When do we leave?" Ritchie asked quietly from next to Virgil on the couch.

"As soon as you are packed. I think we should get going as soon as possible. My school has built in shields for new Psi Powers until they learn to control their powers."

"Okay. Lets go do that, V. I hate long goodbyes," Ritchie said.

Virgil nodded and they plodded up the steps to pack.

"Backpack," Ritchie called. "Come."

The computerized backpack walked over and hopped into Ritchie's duffle bag. Virgil packed their costumes as ell as street clothes and schoolbook and Ritchie packed his own clothes and a few odds and ends.

"Ready to go, kids?" Wolverine asked from the doorway. His name was Logan and he'd been introduced to them as that but his codename was Wolverine.

"Yes sir," Virgil said. He and Ritchie came back downstairs and said goodbye to Virgil's father and sister. They got into cars with the professor and his students and were driven to the park where they found a get waiting.

"Lets get home now, students," the Professor said. Storm took the helm and they flew off heading for Bayville. And Static and Gear's new lives.

6: The School

"You two kids awake?" Logan asked the next morning as he knocked on the door to the room Richie and Virgil were sharing. The Professor had decided to keep them together as he knew they were a team. Virgil opened the door and stumbled out. He realized he was wrong, it wasn't morning; it was afternoon which meant he had Richie had slept most of the day.

"Jet lag," Logan said. "It's okay. Happens to everyone from another time zone. Come on down to lunch and then we'll give you the tour. I wanna work with you both in hand-to-hand and other fighting methods. Your powers do you well but you could do so much better if you could fight without them. First thing for Richie though is getting the shields up in his head to block the noise. He's a smart guy, I don't think it'll take more than a few hours to learn that."

"Okay. We're both awake, just still groggy. So, we met Kitty, Rogue and Kurt last night. Who else will we be meeting?"

"The older students, some of the younger ones, the teachers for your powers and we also have to discuss when you start going to Bayville High. You have to go to regular school too so we're gonna have to set that up. Gear, Richie, I want to get your mind shielded first. Too many people and several hate mutants so I don't want you getting hurt there, okay?"

"Yes sir," Richie said. Logan chuckled as he led them down stairs. A group of students were sitting around, waiting for the call into lunch. They saw the new kids but didn't say anything yet. The Professor would tell them who they were at lunch. Most announcements were made at meals and the kids would wait.

"Richie, Virgil," Logan said as they entered the dinning room. "Professor wants you two near the head of the table where the adults are. He says since you are more here for expansion instruction you aren't like the younger students. Also, you get to keep your own costumes 'cause we figure the way you fight in Dakota, you've earned that right."

"Really?" Richie asked. And his voice was actually saying: "Even Me?"

"Yeah, even you, Richie," Logan said. "So, have a seat so the professor can get you introduced."

The boys sat and waited as Professor Xavier came in with the other adults and some of the apparently better trained students.

The meal commenced and at the end of it, the professor asked everyone to remain seated as he had an announcement.

"As I'm sure some of you have noticed," the professor said. "We have two new students with us. This is Virgil Hawkins and Richie Foley. Their Noms du Guerre are Static and Gear. Static and Gear have already been tested in the real world. They come to us for expansion training, not from scratch, basics. Gear will be having private lessons from myself and Jean to teach him to control his gifts, which have just come to the fore. His gifts beyond his genius level I.Q at any rate."

"What are his other powers, professor?" a redheaded girl asked.

"He is an Omega Level Psi, Jean," the Professor said. "His powers came on-line after he had been in a coma for two weeks, put there by…Richie, May I tell them?"

"If you think they need to know. Batman said to trust you so sure, I will," Richie said. Professor Xavier nodded.

"Richie's father slammed his head against a wall repeatedly. It caused an awakening of what I am assuming were latent Psi-Powers. The level of which, augmented by an altering, mutating agent which made him a Meta Human, have caused his power levels to be Omega Level."

"Omega Level?" several people whispered. Richie shifted under the scrutiny and finally Rogue just glared at everyone.

"So he's an Omega level, doesn't mean he ain't a normal guy. Get over it. He's a kid, just like us except he's actually been in a few real fights. So, go back to your meals and leave him and his friend alone."

"Thanks," Richie whispered as she sat back down.

"Welcome," she said. "Mah name's Rogue. You're Richie right? And he's Virgil?"

"Yeah," Virgil said. "And we're new here. Just learning to expand our powers really. Richie learning to use his new ones and broaden his inventing one. He was sort of told he wasn't a real hero because he doesn't have a physical power like mine. Or didn't before this injury at any rate."

"Well, that's just bull," Rogue said. "The Professor is a telepath and he's one of -the- most powerful men on the planet but it ain't an energy projectin' power or nuthin'. It's just him. Gear's probably more of a hero than them people who said it 'cause he ain't got a physical power but he still rushes in. Besides, I think being able to invent anything'd be pretty cool. I mean, we're still trying to invent something that'll let me be able to touch people skin to skin without me absorbin' them."

"Maybe I can," Richie said as he looked at her. He didn't know her story but it seemed like she was lonely not being able to touch. "I seem to be able to answer all kinds of questions so maybe I can find an answer to your problem too."

"Thanks," Rogue said as she looked at him.

"Don’t thank me yet," he told her. "I haven't done it yet but I'll try. Just because it matters and it's important. No one should have to go through life unable to touch another person."

"Thanks," Rogue said. "For even making an attempt. So, Logan's gonna be training you two huh? You got the best in him. He'll make you better than you ever thought you could be."

"We got that," Virgil said. "He really seems interested in Richie."

"Sees me and Kurt in him I bet. We used to think we weren't like the others cause our powers aren't like everyone else's and then, well, Mr. Logan taught us otherwise. Kitty was like that too. She phases through things. Mr. Logan showed us that not only could our powers be used to save people or something, but also they can be used for sneak attacks. My powers are out of control but I can stop bad mutants by absorbin' their powers. It's what I do, you know?"

"And I'll work on a way to make it under your control. Not sure how but I'm not gonna give up on it," Richie said. And Virgil grinned.

"He's on a mission now, Rogue," Virgil said. "Richie sets his mind to something and that's it. He doesn't give up until he's found the way to make what he wants happen."

"I see you two are making friends," Wolverine said. "What's got you so happy, Rogue?"

"Richie's gonna work on making me able to touch," she said happily. And Wolverine smiled. He had a feeling Richie could not only work on the problem, but find a solution as well.

"In that case, we'll wait and see but I think you'll be in good hands, Rogue. I think Richie here says he can do something, then he can."

"Yeah," Rogue said with a grin. "Really yeah."

Virgil grinned at Richie. He had hoped Richie would find a project here to keep him from getting bored and it looked like he'd just found it.
Virgil was happy.

end part 6