
Darth Maul fic

by Aya

Archive: sure just tell me where



by Aya

"You're impossible!" she screamed, rushing from their rooms on Coruscant. She hurried down the bare hallways, fighting back the tears of frustration and anger threatening to burst though. She'd had these arguments with her master before, but lately they seemed to occur more often. She raced through the temple doors, ignoring the voices of friends she passed and headed into the streets, no destination in mind, just wanting to be out.

She didn't know how she ended up here. Something drew her to this bar; she couldn't put her finger on it. She pushed the doors open hesitantly and walked past the doorman into the somewhat crowded room.

Maul felt her at the door before he saw her, feeling her conflicting emotions. He wondered who he'd get to play with tonight. She walked in, unarmed, in her beige padawan uniform. //Cute too,// he thought, //Should be interesting.// She approached the bar, carefully taking a seat on one of the nearby stools. The barkeep came up.

"What'll it be, miss?" Her eyes widened. file://Sheltered little thing.//

"I don't know," she stammered. "I... that is I don't really drink very..."

"Club Soda," he said to the barkeep. He turned to her then, "It's what most of the Jedi drink here." Seeing Maul, the barkeep set the glass in front of her, then wandered to the other end of the bar.

She smiled shakily at him shakily. "Thank you sir." Her eyes caught his for a moment, stunned and intrigued at once. Red and yellow, they looked into her, piercing, and suddenly she felt naked, open. She looked away first, feeling the heat in her cheeks.

Maul chuckled then. "You Jedi are always so proper, whether you're fighting or fucking. It really is quite amusing." Slowly, he moved closer

Her cheeks reddened more, not so much at his words, but at the tone of his voice. Soft velvety tones no louder than a whisper, teasing and caressing at the same time. She let her guard down a bit and stretched out with the force. He felt...

"Different, right?" Maul smiled a predatory grin. "Not the bright fullness of the Jedi, is it." He was now an arm's length away.

She looked up, her eyes wide, alert. "I should not be here..." she said quietly. His hand rested on hers now.

"Why not?"

"I should not be talking to you," she breathed, not attempting to move her hand.

"Why?" Maul reached forward and ran a gloved finger over her padawan braid. "We're both adults, apprentices, mindful of the ways of the force..."

She took a step backwards. "I should go now." His hand then closed on hers firmly.

"No. You should stay." He gently nudged her, knowing he probably couldn't fool her like the rest of the ladies in the bar. All he needed to do was cause her to waver...

"This is wrong," she murmured. "My master..."

"Is the reason you are here in the first place. Isn't it? Him and your damned code." He smiled again. "Let me see if I remember it correctly. 'There is no emotion; there is peace.' That's the first part of it right?" She nodded dumbfounded, as he slowly took her hand in his, raising it to his lips. He continued, turning her hand over, exposing her palm and wrist to his mouth.

"That's the first thing about you Jedi. You deny the very thing that makes you want to live." He began pressing soft kisses along her palm and wrist. "Love, hate, desire, fear, all the things we feel," he nipped the skin at her wrist then, "everything we revel in life, you cast off, ignore. It's sad really." He ran her fingertips over his lips, flicking them gently with his tongue. "You sense every feeling, every emotion, but do not act. Like starving at a banquet, not because you have to, but because you choose to. Or so you believe." He slid her finger into his mouth then, lightly raking it with his teeth, swirling it with his tongue.

Her eyelids lowered at the sensation, slightly off-balance. **Gods,** she thought. The music started then, loud and primal. She flinched at the downbeat and tried to pull away. He smiled at her amused. //Gods I love the chase.// The dance floor filled with dozens of bodies pressed together, moving in a rhythmic frenzy, thanks to the gentle suggestion Maul sent through the bar. "Don't tell me you've not heard music before," he said, keeping hold of her hand.

"Not like this." Her breathing quickened as she watched them dance, their lust evident in their movements. "This is primitive, savage..."

"Fascinating," he said, watching the color flood her cheeks again. "You're captivated by them aren't you. You've never seen anyone mate on a dance floor before, have you?" She shook her head, her eyes trained on the dance floor, mesmerized. He chuckled softly and led her out to the dance floor. She started to protest.

"I should not do this..." she whispered.

He pulled her body against his, pressing her to him, knowing he could feel his arousal through the layers of clothing. "But isn't the second part of your code 'There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.' You want to know what it feels like, what it is to lose control here in this place." He moved against her then, his hand around her waist, resting in the small of her back. Her other hand was still in his, pressed against her chest. She shuddered as his hand brushed against the V of bare skin at her neck, slightly parting the fabric.

"Here it's safer," he whispered, "You can feel," He slid her hand around his neck...

"You can learn..." His mouth was a hairs-breath from her ear. His other hand went around her waist, tilting her body even harder against his...

"You can lose control like the rest of us," he whispered again, sending chills down her spine. She stifled a moan as he ground his hips against hers.

**This is wrong...**

They danced for a bit longer before he led her off the floor. She was winded, part from the dancing, part from the messages he sent her, the sensations he shared with her. Her heart was beating in her throat. //Naïve little thing. It's almost too easy...//

"I should go," she said. Her resolve was not quite broken yet. But she was close.

"What about the third part of your code?" he drawled. "'There is no passion; there is serenity.' You can hardly re-enter the temple as you are, not now." He pulled her close again, nipping the skin of her neck. "You're hardly serene," he murmured, licking the sensitive spot behind her ear. "Passion is what you're feeling now," he breathed against her cheek. "And what's worse, you don't want it to stop." His mouth was barely brushing hers. "Do you?" He felt her indecision and exulted. He'd let her initiate the kiss...

"Ishara!" A familiar voice pulled her from the edge. She pulled away from him quickly, forcefully.

"Master Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan..." she stammered.

"We've been searching for you." Jinn stared at the young woman. "Your master is not pleased."

"I know, Master," she said softly, eyes downcast. "I'm sorry."

"Come, we're taking you back. You'll have a long night of meditation before you." He ushered her out, his apprentice in his wake. She walked along slowly, glancing back once to Maul.

**I'm sorry.**

He smiled, raising a glass to her. //That's twice Jinn. ...Your luck will run out soon// He downed the liquid in a few swallows. //And I will be waiting.//

