Title: A Tale of Woe

Author: Scorpio

Email: LouisdPdL@aol.com

Archive: Yes please.

Fandom: StarTrek: Voyager

Pairing: J/C, P/T (pre-slash!)

Rating: R (see warnings below!)

Catagory: AU, drama

Series: A Second Chance; cpt 2 A Tale of Woe

Status: New, complete

Disclaimer: All things StarTrek belong to Paramount/UPN (i think?). I'm just playing with them. No infringement intended.

Notes: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue with this arc. Things are still pre-slash, but the stage is now set to move into that...

Summary: The Alternate Universe Tom and Chakotay meet this Universe's crew...

Warnings: Violence, Angst (Big time owwies and death of major characters from the Alternate Universe!!!)


A Tale of Woe

by Scorpio

Taking a deep breath, Kathryn opened the door to Sick-Bay and walked in with Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Tom Paris right behind her. A quick glance around showed the Holo-Doc on the far side of the room by the two bio-beds tending to his patients. He was running a hand-held regenerator over a gash on Crewman Salva's forehead. He glanced over at them as they walked deeper into the room.

"Ahhh, Lieutenant Paris. Would you be so kind as to run a medical scanner over Ensign Brakman's left wrist? It seems that your latest piloting maneuvers have left some of the crew more dazed than astounded."

For a quick second, Kathryn thought that Tom would make a witty reply to the Doctor's somewhat acerbic attempt at humor, but he suddenly gasped, went pale, and then nodded meekly. As he hurriedly went to complete the task assigned to him, Kathryn turned to see what it was that had so unnerved the normally cocky and headstrong pilot. She was barely able to stifle her own gasp.

On the second bio-bed, the one not shared by Crewman Salva and Ensign Brakman, sat the alternate universe Chakotay and Tom Paris. They were huddled together, clearly drawing strength and comfort from one another. They were armed, but they weren't holding their weapons in a threatening manor. They had a battle weary look about them that clearly said that they would willing go down fighting if they needed to. It was also obvious that they didn't feel that it had come to that, and they were willing to wait and see.

However unnerving their last ditch suicide run for freedom was, it turned out to be the individual, little things that threatened to break Kathryn's heart. Little things like the read angry scars on Chakotay 2's left hand where his pinky and ring fingers used to be or the old white scar that ran in a jagged line down the right side Tom 2's face, narrowly missing his azure blue eye. It was how both men were thin to the point of starving, yet every ounce of flesh they *did* have was pure unadulterated muscle. Muscle that obviously came about by forced labor, not gym workouts. It was in the sad and angry eyes that blazed with defiance even as they swam with relief. StarFleet may have been a Marquis enemy, but they were *far* better than the Kazon...

Kathryn stepped closer and was painfully aware that both Chakotay 2 and Tom 2 watched her like a hawk, bodies slightly tensed, ready for anything.

"I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. I'm sorry to inform you that your ship, The Crazy Horse exploded from a Ware Core breach. On the other hand, the Kazon WarShip exploded from a lack of decency and moral ethics."

She grinned slightly. Tom 2's eyes sparkled slightly at her jest, but that was the only response he gave. Chakotay on the other hand, spoke up in a quiet and painfully controlled voice.

"Are we to consider ourselves your prisoners now? Or your slaves?"

Kathryn felt as if she had been sucker punched in the stomach. Her lover and First Officer swayed on his feet beside her as he battled his own pain at watching his double. Tom Paris dropped the medical tool he had been using on Ensign Brakman. It made a loud clattering noise in the sudden shocked silence.

"No!... No. You are neither prisoners *or* slaves. Not here on Voyager. We... we scanned your ship as well as the Kazon ship before they were destroyed. It seems that the spatial rift you opened to escape the Kazon sent you to an Alternate Timeline, one completely different from your own. Ours."

Lieutenant Paris finished with Ensign Brakman's injury and sent him back to his duty station. Then, with an appearance of calm, he walked over to join Kathryn and Chakotay. She saw how the presence of both their doubles suddenly clicked in the Alternate Universe POW's minds. Their eyes widened and she realized that they were beginning to understand that she spoke the truth about the Alternate Universe. Perhaps they were also seeing that they would be welcomed here, not just once,... but twice.

"Allow me to introduce you to your Alternate Universe doubles. This," she gestured to her lover, "is Commander Chakotay, First Officer of Voyager. And this," she gestured with her other hand, "is Lieutenant Tom Paris, Senior Helmsman and Chief Navigator."

She waited a moment and was rewarded for her patience.

"I'm Chakotay, Captain of the Marquis Warship Crazy Horse. This is Commander Tom Paris, my First Officer and Chief Pilot. The rest of my crew... is dead. We are the last survivors."

Kathryn gasped and watched Tom Paris go pale. Chakotay on the other hand swayed alarmingly, before he forcefully pulled himself together and stepped towards his double. His eyes shown with pain and sorrow.

"Aylea? Carver? Tuvok?"

Slowly, with great dignity and sadness, Chakotay 2 nodded at each name.

Then Tom Paris spoke up and asked the one question he needed to ask, but feared the answer to.

"B'a... B'lanna?..."

Chakotay 2 turned to look at his pinched pale face and slowly nodded again.

"She... she was one of the first one's to be killed by the Kazon. They... couldn't control her anger and violent tendencies. They had her executed as an example to the rest of us. We were forced to watch as they had her drawn and quartered. It was..."

Chakoaty 2 cut off his narrative as Lieutenant Paris suddenly turned green, then white as a ghost, and then collapsed onto the floor unconscious.

Kathryn and the Holo-Doc rushed to him, medical tricorders beeping and chirping.

"He's going to be okay Captain. He just fainted. I'll get a hypospray to revive him."

Tom 2 glanced down at his double and gave a quiet little snort.

"Ole Tommy-boy doesn't hold up none to well, does he?"

Voyager's First Officer straightened up from where he was leaning over to look at the fallen pilot and looked directly into Tom 2's hardened blue eyes.

"Actually. There are very few people that can take punishment and pain as well as Lieutenant Paris. It was *his* flying that allowed us to defeat the Kazon. That story just happened to hit a little to close to home for him. You see, *our* Tom Paris is *married* to Lieutenant B'lanna Torres-Paris, the Chief Engineer. She's six months pregnant with their first child."

Chakotay 2 glanced up sharply at that news.

"You mean Torres is *alive* in this Universe? Oh, thank the Spirits! Who else? Who else from my crew is here?"

While the Holo-Doc revived Lieutenant Paris and made certain he was uninjured, Kathryn and Chakotay gave a brief narrative of their arrival and journey through the Delta-Quadrant. She didn't try to give too many details right at first, there would be plenty of time for that later. Right now, she just wanted to impress the fact that in *this* Universe, the two separate crews, one StarFleet and one Marquis had come together as *one* whole crew to defeat the Kazon and begin their long journey home.

Chakotay 2 and Tom 2 were mostly quiet through the narrative. They asked a few questions, usually revolving around the actions and well being of their lost crew mates. Finally, Kathryn called a halt to the discussion.

"Chakotay. Please see if you can find suitable quarters for your doubles. Tom. You help Chakotay get them settled in and replicate them some food and clothing. Bring me the number of rations that you use and I'll replace them for you. I need to speak to some department heads to find out what kind of repairs have been made to the damage we took from the Kazon. After that, I'd like to call a meeting of the Senior Officers so that they can also meet Mr. Paris and Chakotay..."

Kathryn paused for a second and then looked from one set of Tom and Chakotay to the other set and grinned wryly.

"You guys might also want to spend a little thought on what we should do about the duplicate names. It *could* get a tiny bit confusing."

"Ya think?"

It was the first smile she had seen of Tom 2's face. It was just as wary and cynical as the one *her* Tom used to wear when he first came onboard Voyager, but she could see the same desperate need for love and understanding that was in *his* eyes just as easily as she has seen it in her own Tom's eyes.

She smiled.

As soon as her Officers left with their Alternate Universe doubles, she turned to face the Holo-Doc. He looked at her with the blank mask of simple arrogance that was his trademark expression.

"Well, Doctor. Give it to me straight. What kind of medical condition are those two *truly* in?"

The hologram's expression changed to an odd mix of serious compassion and dignified outrage. She marveled once again at how far beyond his original programming he had evolved.

"Captain. Both of those men show signs of *repeated* physical abuse. Both of them have suffered from several bouts of malnutrition and physical exhaustion due to strenuous labor. They both have scars that are the direct result of being flogged with some form of whip or lash. In fact, Mr. Paris has fresh welts on his back and legs that are no more than a day old."

The Holo-Doc sighed and turned to activate a display monitor. He gestured for Kathryn to take a look as he pointed out some of the data.

"Here. You can see for yourself. Not only do they both show signs of damage to the epidermis, but also to the muscle masses lying beneath. There is even evidence of multiple fractures and breaks in several of their bones. Chakotay is missing two fingers from his left hand and both of them are missing the smallest end toe on each foot. None of these amputations appears to have been performed with any acceptable medical standards. It is as if they were just brutally cut off."

Then, with sharp quick movements, he turned and picked up two metallic objects. Coming back to her, he thrust them into her hands, an expression of extreme disgust marring his features.

"I took the liberty of *removing* these from around the necks of the Alternate Universe Tom and Chakotay. I... couldn't stand to look at them."

Kathryn looked down at the two objects in her hands. They were heavy, thick, metal collars with tracking devices built into them. They were standard Kazon slave collars, the kind she had fought to keep from around Ocampa necks. She shuddered.


Kathryn sat in the empty conference room waiting for the staff meeting to begin. She had arrived a little early so that she would be sure to be there when her First Officer brought the Alternate Universe doubles. She wanted them to feel as safe and welcomed as she could. If they wanted to leave Voyager, she knew she would help them if she could, but what else did they have? No one back in their own Universe was looking for them except their former Slave Masters. Everyone else was dead or in the Alpha Quadrant and their ship was little more than space debris. No they were quite stuck here, and Kathryn wanted them to know that they were, finally, among friends.

She was pulled from her thoughts when the door chirped and opened. Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Paris walked through with their Alternate Universe doubles. She turned to watch them walk in and sit down. Both of them has obviously showered and changed. They were wearing replicated clothes that seemed very reminiscent of the leather and silk Marquis uniforms in those soft shades of brown and maroon that they favored.

"Welcome gentlemen. The others should be here shortly."

Chakotay 2 nodded once and seemed to pause, then he spoke in his soft yet compelling voice.

"Captain. We... Tom and I, have given some thought to what you've said about what we should call ourselves. Your right. It would get confusing with two Chakotay's and two Tom Paris's running around. And since *we* are the new one's to this Universe and this ship, we agreed to take... *nick-names*." He turned to his First Officer. "Is that what you called them?"

Tom 2 nodded.

"Yes, It was a popular phenomenon of the later 20th century. People would chose names for themselves that fit their personality or described an aspect of their lives. It was something that permeated all levels of Earth society from young school children to politicians to military hero's."

She watched as her Tom Paris sat down across from his double, his blue eyes shinning with excitement.

"Hey! I've heard of that too! Like, James "The Sentinel" Ellison. He was a Policeman in a northwest city of what used to be The United States of America. He eventually earned, and consequently still has, the best conviction and case closure rate of any cop at that time. Or Fox "Truthseeker" Mulder, also a law enforcement agent who some people credit with having the first acknowledged contact with alien life."

Suddenly, an energized and enthusiastic Tom 2 cut in.

"Those unofficial records were lost, but rumor says that he contacted a rogue band of Betazoids. And who can forget Rocky "The Italian Stallion" Balboa, the greatest boxing champion to ever live?"

Kathryn couldn't help it. She laughed. It seems that Tom, no matter what Universe he was from had a romanticized idea of the 20th century. She forced herself to stop when she noticed four pairs of questioning eyes on her. Pulling herself together and into a more dignified frame of mind, she caught Chakotay 2's eye.

"Well, what nick-names have you decided to use?"

He paused a moment, his eyes unfocusing as he looked into his own heart and mind, then he spoke with a soft smile on his face.

"When... when I was young, I had a younger cousin named Pranday. He had trouble pronouncing my name. Oh, he must have been all of three years old at the time. He called me `Ko-tay." His smile faded into long accepted sorrow. "He died in a shuttle accident a few weeks before his fourth birthday."

Suddenly, her lover slid into a chair with a choked sound. He turned his sad brown eyes towards his double.

"I remember that. However, Pranday never got onto that shuttle in *this* Universe. He stayed with us because he was feeling ill and Aunt Lyanna asked mother to watch him. He was orphaned when the shuttle exploded. He didn't die until the Cardassian's attacked."

The two men locked gazes. Heartfelt sorrow and shared compassion arched between them.

"'Ko-tay. That's a good name. A very good name for my Spirit-Brother."

They looked at each other for a long moment and then `Ko-tay nodded. And smiled.

Kathryn turned to the XO and pilot of the Crazy Horse.

"And you?"

"Blue. Tommy Blue."

"Huh? Why?"

Tommy Blue turned to look at his double, Tom Paris. He flashed a cocky grin.

"It's something that started in the Marquis. 'Tommy, the Blue-eyed pilot' and besides, I figure that *you* can be Paris. *I* spent too long as a slave named Paris, I don't want that name anymore. I'll just go back to being plain 'ole Tommy Blue."

Tom Paris looked like he was about to say something when the conference room door chimed and opened. Lieutenant Tuvok walked in, quickly followed by Neelix. The short Talaxian was once again at his favorite hobby (with the exception of cooking and playing with Naomi Wildman), however, it didn't seem that he was any closer to making the tall Vulcan laugh,... or even smile.

`Ko-tay and Tommy Blue turned to look at the new arrivals and they both shot to their feet in surprise.



Tuvok's eyebrow shot up into his hairline, but he stayed quiet. Neelix didn't feel that kind of personal restraint. He stepped forward and thrust his hand into Tommy Blue's only to be pulled into a fierce hug.

"Damn! It's so good to see you. You're *alive*!"

It took a few seconds for that statement to settle in, but when it did, the Talaxian pulled back to look at the Alternate Universe pilot. A small frown of confusion was etched on his face.

"You... you know me?"

Tommy Blue got a sad look to his eyes and glanced away for a quick moment.

"Yeah. I know you Neelix. I know you well. In our Universe, you are considered a hero. You were a major part of the resistance force that opposed the Kazon. You helped many of our crew to escape enslavement. We were free men, fighting alongside your Talaxian troops for a little over ten months before we were all either killed or recaptured."

Neelix made a soft squeaking noise. One of sorrow or one of fear, no one was quite sure. Tommy Blue tried to reassure him.

"Don't feel too bad. Your counterpart from *our* Universe is highly respected and remembered as a great hero. In fact, I've heard that they built a monument to you, er... him on the Ocampa homeworld in one of the main resistance colonies. It was created by their greatest artist. A woman named Kess."

"Is... is Kess... alive?"

Tommy Blue got an odd look on his face, but quickly covered it. Kathryn saw it despite his efforts. She shivered.

"I... I'm not sure."

Neelix nodded thoughtfully and then forced a fake smile. He walked around the table and sat down. He was unnaturally quiet. She looked over in time to see `Ko-tay gesture to the chair next to his. She glanced up into his face, but his dark eyes were a mystery.

"Tuvok. It's good to see you. I'm `Ko-tay and I was... a close friend of your double. Please. Sit down."

With the studied grace typical in a Vulcan, Tuvok sat down. `Ko-tay's eyes never left him. There was an intensity about his gaze that Kathryn thought she recognized, but before she could place it, the conference room door swished open again.

An obviously pregnant Lieutenant Torres-Paris came walking in with Ensign Kim. They were both enjoying one of their ongoing and passionate discussions involving some obscure technical piece of equipment and the proper way to repair it. Kathryn was forcibly reminded of the many times that Tom Paris had groaned, rolled his eyes and complained that he was doomed to a lifetime of techno-babble since his wife and best friend were engineers and ships operations specialists. She smiled.

`Ko-tay and Tommy Blue had strong reactions to the pair. `Ko-tay simply stood up and walked over to the double of his long dead Chief Engineer and enfolded her in a hug. Then he gently let go and ran a tender hand along her child-swollen belly. Whispering almost too soft to hear, he spoke a ritual blessing of his people to the new life within her.

Tommy Blue just smiled brightly.

"Looking good B'lanna."

He turned his head to face his double and winked outrageously.

"Way to go old man."

Tom Paris blushed to the roots of his hair. Trying to control her chuckle, Kathryn turned to watch `Ko-tay help B'lanna to sit next to her husband. She turned back in time to see Tommy Blue look and see the last person to enter the room.

She didn't know if she should be amused or worried when both Ensign Harry Kim and the former First Officer of the Crazy Horse, one Tommy Blue locked eyes. Both men went alternately flush and then pale, before settling into hopeless looks of adoration. One set of blue eyes were wary and cautious while simultaneously being needy and fascinated. One set of brown eyes were brimming with heartbreaking compassion and fearful uncertainty.

Hoping to ease some of the intensity of the moment, Kathryn cleared her throat.

"'Ko-tay, Tommy Blue. This is Ensign Harry Kim. Harry, please be seated and we'll start the meeting."

Kathryn paused a moment as Harry seated himself at the table. She noted that Tommy Blue's attention never wavered from the young Ensign.

"Well. I think we'll start with the introductions. You've already met Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Paris. This is Lieutenant Torres-Paris, our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, our Security and Tactical Officer, Ensign Neelix, Resources and Morale Officer, and Ensign Harry Kim, our Senior Operations Officer."

Kathryn noted, but didn't comment on the fact that she saw Tommy Blue mouth the name 'Harry Kim' silently as if committing it to memory. Suppressing a smile, she guessed he couldn't have forgotten that name if he tried.

"I'd also like to present the only two surviving members of the Crazy Horse. Captain Chakotay, who has agreed to shorten his name to `Ko-tay in order to avoid confusion as well as his First Officer Tom Paris who has asked to have his name changed to Tommy Blue for similar reasons."

She turned the full force of her attention on the two Alternate Universe men.

"Gentlemen, since there is no member of your crew left alive in your own Universe and the Crazy Horse has been destroyed, I wish to offer you the chance to stay with us, as members of *our* crew. We are currently trying to find a way back to the Alpha Quadrant and the Federation."

They both glanced at each other. She recognized the silent communication that evolves between people who live, fight, and ultimately die at each others side. Finally, they both turned to look at her, even though not a single word had passed their lips.

"Thank you Captain. It's very generous of you. We accept your offer."

Kathryn nodded and smiled. Looking around to catch the eyes of her Senior Staff, she continued.

"I've asked Chakotay to assign both `Ko-tay and Mr. Blue quarters..."

She trailed off and her lover picked up right where she left off.

"I've put `Ko-tay in Lieutenant Torres-Paris's old quarters. Tommy Blue is in Ensign Maxwell's former quarters. I choose those quarters, not only because they were vacant, but also because they are close to at least one of you here. I want you all to make yourselves available to help them adjust to life here on Voyager. They don't know their way around or how we do things, so please try to answer their questions if at all possible."

Kathryn watched the rounds of nods and assurances before she continued.

"The Commander, Mr. Paris and myself gave `Ko-tay and Mr. Blue a basic run down of our journey so far. You each can fill in your own details as you see fit."

She then turned to look directly at `Ko-tay and Tommy Blue.

"I must confess. I'm very curious as to what has happened in your Universe. It seems that there is a lot that is the same, but other things that are... horrifyingly different."

She watched as the two men once again exchanged glances. She could see thoughts and emotions passing silently between the two, but she couldn't read it. Tommy Blue nodded, albeit reluctantly and then `Ko-tay turned to face the group again.

"I guess, I should start by saying that Tommy here was never captured by StarFleet and imprisoned the way you were Tom. He stayed with the Marquis as a Pilot and a Warrior, quickly rising in rank and reputation."

Tom Paris went pale and clenched B'lanna's hand tightly, but didn't say anything.

"Also, while we *did* go into the BadLands only to get pulled into the Delta Quadrant, StarFleet didn't send anyone after us. At least, none that made it to the DQ. Once there, we found a being known simply as The Caretaker that was at war with the Kazon. The Kazon were trying to enslave the Caretakers children, a people known as the Ocampa. However, the Kazon were *also* at war with the Talaxians."

Neelix gasped and shuddered, but he didn't interrupt, so `Ko-tay continued his narrative.

"We weren't there very long before the Caretaker died, leaving us with the task of defending the array and the Ocampa from the Kazons. We were able to hold it for a few months, but then we were forced to destroy it in order to keep it out of Kazon hands."

`Ko-tay paused a moment and looked over at Tom and B'lanna with a look of sorrow and quiet regret in his face.

"We were taken captive by the Kazon. It was shortly after that when B'lanna was killed. We had been taken to a mining colony and were expected to provide slave labor. It was... a harsh and difficult time."

Sympathy brimming in his dark eyes at the effect this news had on the pregnant woman across the table from him, `Ka-tay reached out and gently patted her hand.

"Your double... she,... she died well. A true Klingon Warrior. She brought great honor to both her family and the Marquis. I was very proud of her. She was like the daughter I never had."

B'lanna's eyes filled with tears, but they didn't fall. Kathryn could tell she wanted to look away from the naked pain and sorrow in `Ko-tay's face, but she couldn't.

"I... I'm sorry I never got to... to meet her."

`Ko-tay gently squeezed her hand before letting go.

"Me too."

Shaking himself slightly to clear his thoughts, `Ko-tay began to speak again.

"We were slaves in the prison camp working in the mines for quite a while. I'm not really sure how long. I *can* tell you that B'lanna wasn't the last of my crew to die there. Then the Talaxian's came. Neelix,... *our* Neelix was third in Command at the beginning of that battle, but he inherited Top Rank before it was through. It was Neelix who personally cut off the chains that literally hung from my neck. By the end of that eventful week, I was in Command of a contingent of Resistance Fighters made up of former slaves and POW's who wished to battle the Kazon."

Tommy Blue flashed a lopsided grin and turned to face Neelix.

"Your counterpart was a great man and one of my personal friends. He was a fierce and ruthless warrior, but he could always make you smile, even when the going got rough. I can see how you could be Morale Officer. Neelix was always an optimistic person."

The Talaxian favored Tommy Blue with a weak grin.

"I try to be upbeat as well, though I don't know if I can live up to my counterparts warrior reputation."

`Ko-tay flashed him a brief smile that was half smirk and shrugged before continuing.

"Anyhow, we fought the Kazon for a while. We had inferior weapons, ships and supplies. Our troops were outnumbered and outgunned at every turn. Yet we still prevailed. We actually came close to winning the war. We would have won too, except that the Kazon suddenly came up with a new ally. A people called the Vidivian's."

At the round of startled gasps `Ko-tay nodded.

"I see you've heard of them. Anyone taken as a POW by the Vidivian's were never seen again. No one knows what happened to them, but they were as good as gone. That's when the tide of the battle shifted. Soon after that, we were taken captive again. We,... Tommy and I, were taken by the Kazon and sentenced to slavery again. Neelix,... Neelix was taken by the Vidivian's."

Neelix went pale as all the blood drained from his face making his spots stand out vividly. Commander Chakotay reached out to steady the Talaxian Ensign.


Kathryn turned to look at Tommy Blue's curious expression.

"We almost lost Mr. Neelix to the Vidivian's. They are organ hunters. They stole his lungs right out of his still living body. He came *very* close to suffocating several times during that encounter before a solution was found."

`Ko-tay and Tommy Blue flinched visibly at the brutality of their hated enemy and the fate that most likely befell many lost friends and comrades in arms. With a swallow and a deep breath to steady himself, `Ko-tay continued his tale.

"By that time, there was only five of us left from the Marquis. The rest had either died in POW camps or in battle. We worked and we suffered. Eventually, there was only myself and my First Officer left alive. When we were in transit to another prison camp, we heard rumors about a captured ship that was being refitted and retooled to serve as a short range fighter. It turned out to be the Crazy Horse. Tommy and I made hasty plans and managed to escape and evade capture long enough to reach the ship. After that, it became an old fashion do-or-die style dog-fight."

Tommy Blue got a sparkle to his deep blue eyes and Kathryn realized that he was reliving the wild flight to freedom.

"By using some of the equipment that the Kazon's had added to the ship, I was able to open a temporary worm-hole and we escaped through it with a single Kazon WarShip hot on our tail. The rest you know."

Kathryn looked down the table at the two Alternative Universe Freedom Fighters and felt her heart break anew. Such pain and misery. Such horror. Fated to watch their friends and comrades die around them, one by one at the hands of a hated and powerful enemy. She shuddered at the thought of having to suffer in such a way, and yet, they had done so twice. Once with the Marquis in the Alpha Quadrant and then again with the Talaxians in the Delta Quadrant. Suddenly, Tuvok broke the strained silence.

"Mr. 'Ko-tay... Did?... Was anyone... near my counterpart when he... died?"

`Ko-tay's face went pale and his hand shook ever so slightly, and then he nodded with quiet dignity.

"Yes. Tuvok,... *my* Tuvok died in my arms... seconds after sharing a Mind-Meld with me to transfer all his thoughts and knowledge. Don't worry, my friend, his soul was not lost."

Kathryn watched a tension she hadn't even noticed flow out of Tuvok at those words as `Ko-tay turned his dark eyes towards the Vulcan once more. Suddenly, the quiet and haunted expression on his face was no longer a mystery to her. Clearing her throat as tactfully as she could, she moved on to the last order of business.

"After a period of time for some rest and to recuperate from your ordeal, we'll set up duty assignments for you both. We ration our use of the replicator due to limited power and an uncertainty of being able to replace it upon demand, so if you wish to use the replicator, you'll have to save and then use ration chits."

"Or gamble for them. You never know, you *could* end up winning some."

Harry Kim grinned at Tom's attempt at levity and replied with a bit of chagrin.

"Or you could just end up losing them..."

With the exception of Tuvok, everyone grinned.

"Most of us eat meals prepared by Mr. Neelix in the Mess Hall and you are also welcome to use the Holo-decks. Two of the more popular programs are an Earth bar called Sandrine's..."

Kathryn noticed Tommy Blue perk up and wink at his counterpart at that news.

"...and a seaside resort that Neelix runs. Now, since we're done here, I'll have one of my Senior Staff show you to where ever you'd like to go."

She paused for the expected round of `Yes Captains' and nods.


A Second Chance 2
A Tale of Woe