By The Port

By Omega

Fandom: Star Trek

Summary: This is the promised sequel to "A Deathless Love." Hope y'all enjoy it.


By The Port
by Omega

He stood there, by the port,
eyes searching my soul.
Searching for answers.
Just searching.....
Tears welled up in my eyes
as the old sorrow caught up with me.
Instead of turning away like a stranger,
he came closer.
There was uncertainty in his manner,
yet he remained.
I cried softly,
my voice unable to form the words I had hidden for so long.
I felt the door between our minds open slowly,
its hinges rusty and worn.
Without a word he pulled me into his arms,
assuring me that he would not leave again.
We stood there, by the port,
our hearts bared for each other,
never to be covered by the cloth of deceit again.