ABC's of Discipline

by Holmes

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Category: K/S slash and discipline humor

Summary: An ABC Challenge from the Tuppertrekverse. I burped a big, pink Tupperware bowl, and this story popped out.

Rating: R for spanking, implied m/m sexual Relationship

Disclaimer: Don't own them, or even rent them. I just borrow them from Paramount/Viacom, and return them once the bruises heal, then silently
steal away into the night.

Dedicated to Rae Trail

ABCs of Discipline
by Holmes

"Allow it," the implacable, darkly handsome Vulcan god said, his arms crossed as he viewed his sulking, beautiful golden Boy from across their quarters.

"Bones will be here any moment, **Mister** Spock," Jim spat out angrily, sending his displeasure through their bond.

"**Captain** Kirk," Spock said, matching Jim's sarcastic emphasis on courtesy titles, and his displeasure, "I assure you that Doctor McCoy's presence does not matter to me in the least."

"Doctor McCoy would never let you do this," Jim said, looking him in the eye defiantly.

"Either you have forgotten that his reaction was stronger than mine to your foolhardy actions, or you are illogically, and I might add, fruitlessly, stalling for time," Spock said, raising an eyebrow.

"For Gods' sake, Spock, don't you care that he has the power to put an incident like this in your psych file?"

Gracefully, the powerful Vulcan closed the distance between them, and pulled down his disobedient bondmate's trousers and underwear in one swift motion. "He would be of great assistance to me, now that I recall his fury with you, so perhaps it would be best if I called the good doctor in myself to stop your obsessive, presumptuous fantasizing of him as Your Savior."

"I don't want you to do this to me," Jim said desperately, knowing his bluff had been called, and hating the visual he received through the bond of the "good doctor" not only helping his bondmate, but also cheering him on obscenely, and teasing him unmercifully about the incident for the rest of their lives.

"Jim, My One, you know you deserve exactly this punishment for threatening Premiere Z'tar so rudely with a spanking, and further more you gave me permission to punish you if you ever needlessly endangered lives just for the sake of assuaging your ego."

Kirk sighed, knowing he did indeed deserve it for insulting the Premiere of the female-dominant and **powerful** Interplanetary Union just because she treated him exactly the way he treated uppity women.

"Let's get this over with," he sighed even more mournfully, but he looked appealingly at his bondmate, and sent him placating soothing sensations, hoping for a last minute reprieve.

"Make all the usual necessary preparations without further argument so that I may comply with your request as the Premiere wants a vid of your punishment in exchange for not demanding the resignations of every officer on the Enterprise," Spock said, anger beginning to tinge his normally dry, even tempered voice.

"Not a vid, please," Kirk said, backing away from his beloved persecutor.

"OVER MY KNEE ***NOW***!" the Vulcan roared, his skin flushed green, and his terrified human couldn't comply fast enough.

Private punishment was bad enough, and knowing the woman he'd insulted would be watching and laughing at him was utterly humiliating, but Jim wisely refrained from further protest as Spock looked as though he was about to lose all control, and go into some sort of spanking Plak Tow.

Quickly and savagely, as though he'd read his thoughts, Spock held Jim down so firmly that he had no choice but to submit to his bondmate's forceful, exquisitely painful assault his backside of innumerable, relentlessly hard, smacks that rained down so fast that he had no time to catch his breath, each agonizing smack emphasized with angry jolts of energy through their bond.

"Remember this well the next time you feel compelled to cause an intergalactic incident," Spock said, punctuating his advice with three more excruciating slaps to Jim's well-reddened and painfully throbbing butt, before pulling him into his lap to hold him as he always did to assure him of his love and commitment to him in all ways.

"Spock, that hurt like hell," Jim said, blushing and wiping his watering eyes surreptitiously as he hid his face against Spock's chest.

"Th'y'la, that is all to the good," Spock said tenderly stroking his back, "as it means that my efforts to punish you were both efficient and effective, yes?"

"Uh huh," Jim said resentfully, his voice muffled, "but since you didn't have to be that efficient or that effective, I'd say you went overboard because you were enjoying yourself."

"Vulcans take great pride in their work, Jim," Spock assured him, glad that his beloved couldn't see the smile his controls were too weak to prevent.

"Why don't you fuck yourself, you Vulcan bastard?" Jim said, jerking up to glare at his tormentor, his green eyes blazing with fury.

"Xenophobia is becoming such a dangerous passion with you that I feel that I must squelch in its infancy," Spock said, easily flipping Jim over his knee once again.

"You wouldn't **dare**---would you?" Jim said, his eyes round with disbelief.

"Z'tar would expect nothing less," Spock said, and the whole thing began again.

The Well Spanked End