Title: Tug of War

Author/pseudonym: Cappristar (Debs)

Fandom: Starsky and Hutch

Pairing: Starsky/Hutch

Rating: NC-17

Status: Complete

Archive: Yes

Feedback: Yes

Critique: Yes (gently)

E-mail address for feedback:: Montedebs@aol.com

Series/Sequel: No

Other websites: Nope

Disclaimers: Starsky and Hutch are sadly not mine, I do not adore them and write about them for any other reason than my own personal pleasure. No profits being made

Summary: Working with a cop from another part of town causes friction between the boys

Warnings: n/a

Tug of War
by Cappristar

Starsky was still asleep when the ringing of his bedside phone cut through his dreams of making love to a tall radiant blond. Cursing softly under his breath he rolled to his side answering gruffly. "Whadda ya want!"

"Captain Dobey here Starsky." The deep baritone came through the line.

"What's up Capn'?" He sunk back down on the pillows, knowing his and Hutch's weekend off, was ended before it really began.

"I have a detective from the 8th here, seems they have a couple of heists in their precinct that match the MO of the three in ours." The gruff voice was gentle, well aware that his two prized officers very much needed a break. "I want you to come down here and pick him up, before you go get Hutch."

"Jewelry stores? Plastique used ta get inta the safes?" Starsky asked wearily, using the French pronunciation of the explosive the way Hutch always did.

"You got it. Now get a move on. The sooner you three can crack this wide open, the sooner you and Hutch can have a four day weekend." He promised, his way of apologizing for the current botched time off. "Detective Thompson will be waiting for you out front in 20 minutes." The line went dead.

"Terrific." Starsky pulled himself up and shuffled into the washroom. "Hutch is just gonna love this, and just my luck I gotta tell 'im." Hutch hadn't stayed the night because he and Kiko had made plans to spend the day together. He smiled remembering last conversation he had with his dazzling blond.

"Starsk I can't stay." Hutch had tried to climb out of the bed, but was held back as strong arms encircled his chest, pinning his arms to the sides.

"Why not! We can set the alarm, an' I promise I won't shut it off in the middle of the night like I did last time." Starsky pleaded.

"You don't know that and neither do I." He continued to squirm. "I don't know what time he's coming over, and I don't want to not be there when he shows up."

"I wanna watch ya come, one more time." Starsky began to lick a white ear lobe, sucking it into his mouth and gently biting it, letting it go, his tongue dove into the canal. A less intense parody of their earlier love making.

"Jesus! Please babe!" Hutch shivered and turned his head to the side, trying to force more of the organ into the tiny inlet. Another parallel, only on a much smaller scale, when his curly devil had entered him with a much larger part of his anatomy.

The tight limbs loosened, as Starsky released his prized possession. "Alright, you win. This time." He sulked.

Turning to sit sideways so he could face his lover. A big hand reached out to cup the side of the gorgeous face. "I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow night, hon."

"You're damn straight ya will!" Starsky laid back, all set to watch his stunning blond dress. "Least I'll get ta sleep in."

Pulling on his jeans Hutch beamed down at him. "There you go! You'll even be able to have Captain Crunch for breakfast."

"I'd rather have you." He waggled his eyebrows as he leered at his lover.

"Sunday morning. Then you can have as much of me as you think you can handle." Hutch chuckled a little, doing up his shirt. "Besides if I know you, tomorrow you'll almost O.D. on junk, so you'll be needing a healthy dose of protein."

Bending over he gave his life force a soft peck on the waiting lips. "I'll lock up behind me babe. Sleep well." He straightened up and headed toward the door.

"Hutch!" Starsky propped himself up on his elbows. When his blond turned around to look at him questioningly. "Your a whole lot better 'n Capn' Crunch." He grinned.

"Thanks Gordo." Hutch flushed a little. "I think that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me." He turned and continued out the door.

"Nite babe." Starsky sunk back, a smile on his face, as he prepared to slip with his dream lover, since he wouldn't be able to have the real thing for the rest of the night.

Pulling up in front of the station, he seen a figure in a trench coat and suit waiting by the curb. He was a little taller than Hutch, and as slim, although he didn't look like he was as muscular as his Blintz. Good looking, the obviously once broken nose seemed to add character to the otherwise, almost feminine features. The jet black hair, parted on the left, was fairly short in back, but the long bangs looked like they were a nuisance, the man had tossed his head to the right three times already as he approached the passenger side of the Torino.

"Are you Detective David Starsky?" The deep, bordering on sultry voice, asked through the open window.

"I am if your Thompson." Starsky replied. "Hop in."

Climbing into the seat, Starsky winced, as the door was slammed shut. "Hi I'm Jim, mind if I call you David?" He reached out a finely sculpted hand.

"I'd prefer if ya called me Dave." Starsky shook hands with him. "And if ya really wanna get on my good side that'll be the last time ya slam the door shut." He grinned, though entirely serious.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to close it so hard." The green eyes blinked repeatedly as he apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Just as long as long as ya don't do it again." Starsky pulled out into traffic and headed off towards his partner's place. "How long ya been with the 8th?"

"Five months." Jim answered, then quickly added after seeing the look of mire on the other man's face. "I transferred down from Chicago."

"Whew! Had me goin' there for a sec Jim." Starsky snickered. "I thought the last thing me 'n Hutch need is a rookie."

"I made detective more than five years ago Dave, don't worry about me." Jim smiled. He was thrilled to be in the same vehicle with this man let alone getting the opportunity to be on the same case with him. He couldn't wait to meet the other half of this famous team, news of their exploits had traveled pretty much to every police department across the country.

"You don't sound like your from California." Jim found it hard to stop gawking at the curly haired man driving, knowing already that the man hailed from New York.

"Brooklyn actually." Starsky grinned as he glanced over. "There's more advantages ta livin' here, the weather for one." Easy access to a big beautiful mid westerner topping them all, he thought. "Ya married?"

"No. Never have been." Jim knew the other wasn't either, but didn't want him to know that he had memorized as much as he could find out about both detectives. "How about you?"

"Nope. Never quite managed ta find the right one, until a little while ago." Starsky smiled dreamily.

"Lucky guy! Have you popped the question?" Jim smiled at the wistful expression. "I'm sorry, that was probably a pretty personal question from someone you just met."

"Not at all. No I haven't asked yet. Don't wanna scare my beauty away." Starsky licked his lips as he thought of his lover. "We've known each other a long time, but have only been seeing each other a coupla months."

"She must be very special." Good, Jim thought, if anyone deserves to find happiness, it's these two.

"Special alright and then some!" Starsky pulled up in front of Venice Place. "I suggest ya keep in the background a bit. Hutch is likely ta be a bit surly when we break it to 'im that his weekend plans have been dashed." He killed the engine and climbed out of the car.

"Do you think he's with some lady friend?" Thompson recalled how the blood had rushed to his lower extremities the first time he had seen a picture of the blond half of the duo.

"Nah, nothin' like that if he's with anyone it'll be his little brother." Starsky bounded up the steps. Reaching the top he felt above the lintel over the door. "He's home." Seeing the puzzled look on the other detectives face he elaborated. "Hutch keeps his key on top here, when he's not home."

"Is that wise?" Jim thought that was one of the most ridiculous, and dangerous, habits he had ever heard of. He was still trying to absorb the fact that Hutchinson had a younger brother, he didn't find any mention of one in all the information he had collected on the two partners, just an older sister, Dave had a younger brother.

Turning the knob and finding it open, Starsky waltzed in, Thompson in tow. "Hey Kiko! How ya doin'?" He greeted the boy watching cartoons from the couch.

"Hi Starsky." Delight turned to disappointment when the brown eyes fastened on the man behind his second big brother. "He's gotta go?" He looked into the cobalt eyes that were studying him.

"Sorry Kiko. Duty calls." Starsky felt terrible, even if it wasn't his fault that he had ruined Hutch and the boy's day together.

"We were going to go fishing and then to a movie." Kiko tried, but failed to hide how much he had been looking forward to spending the day with his tall friend.

"I promise I'll make it up to the both of ya. Dobey says we're getting four days off after doin' this ta us, and I plan on makin' it a little longer." Starsky smiled warmly at the young man. "Where is he kiddo?"

"Just finished a shower. I got here a little early and woke him up." Kiko turned back to the television, not interested in the least who the stranger was beside Starsky.

"When Hutch comes out, he's likely ta be real pissed, so try an' be invisible until I unruffle his feathers." Starsky said softly to Jim, concerned eyes still on Kiko.


"Give me a sec to finish getting dressed buddy, then we'll go grab something to eat." Hutch emerged from the small bathroom, a towel wrapped around the rippled waist, a light sheen of moisture glistening from the tanned torso.

"There's no way they can be brothers?" Jim whispered through Starsky's curls. He had been puzzling over the issue since he first glimpsed the boy.

"Different mothers." Starsky's mouth quirked, not quite forming a grin. "Kiko's mom is a Puerto Rican."

"Ah!" Jim nodded in understanding, not really understanding at all. According to his research, the blond's parents were still married and living in Duluth Minnesota.

For the first time, Hutch noticed his partner and a stranger standing in his kitchen. "Ah No! Come on Starsk?!" His eyes pleaded hopefully, head tilting toward Kiko.

"Sorry babe. Dobey's orders. Looks like our jewel thieves aint confining themselves to our district alone." Starsky pursed his lips, wishing it wasn't him that had to break the news to his lover. Despising the crushed look on the resplendent face.

"It's okay Hutch." Kiko too, hated seeing the disappointment in his hero's light blue eyes. He knew only too well, that his big brother's job was anything but nine to five.

"No it isn't Kiko." Hutch had come around to sit on the coffee table in front of the growing boy. "It's not okay at all." He leaned in and pressed his forehead against the darker one of his little pal.

"Starsky said he would make it up to the both of us." Kiko loved it when Hutch displayed outward signs of affection, even if he was slightly embarrassed whenever it happened, and would deny it to anyone that thought so. "He said that Captain Dobey promised you guys four days off when you catch the bad guys."

"He did huh?" Hutch sat back and caught the indigo eyes of his partner. "That's a promise I'm going to make sure you don't break Gordo."

"Not ta worry Blintz. I wouldn't dream of breaking a pledge I made ta Kiko." Starsky smiled. "I'd prob'ly havta start drawin' a medical pension if I did."

"You got that right." Hutch stood and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You sure your okay about this?"

"Yeah it's okay Hutch." Kiko also stood. "I should help mom with the yard sale anyway, at least make sure nobody takes off with something, not worth anything, without paying." He wrapped his arms around Hutch's middle.

"Give her a kiss for me." Hutch engulfed the boy in a fierce bear hug and kissed the top of his head.

"A hug too?" Released, Kiko had headed towards the door.

"Nah. Don't want to spoil her." Hutch shot back jokingly.

"See ya Starsky." Kiko called as he began to close the door behind him.

"You betcha big guy."Starsky replied.

"Who are you?" Hutch had joined the other two in the kitchen, extending a hand he introduced himself. "I'm Ken Hutchinson."

Jim tried to keep his voice even, not quite believing that this incredibly gorgeous, nearly naked man, was in front of him. He had nearly gasped when Hutch had first come out of the washroom, but was far enough away that the exquisite body didn't have the impact it did now. Now that it was right up and in his face. "Detective Jim Thompson, 8th precinct." He took the proffered hand, and completed the ritual.

"I guess I had better put on something a little more decent before we get out there." Hutch looked down at himself. Seeing only his barely clad body, and not the flawlessness Starsky and Jim were both gawking at.

"That would be a fine idea." Starsky responded drolly. He had picked up on and wasn't liking the way their third wheel was eye balling his Hutch. Well aware of, not just his own arousal, but that of the man he decided he liked a whole lot less than he did five minutes ago. Making a mental note to check this Thompson character out thoroughly.

"Nice to meet you Jim." Hutch headed off toward his sleeping area.

"Mind if I use your facilities?" Jim called after him.

"Fill your boots." Hutch had quickly pulled on a pair of jeans over his underwear, and was rummaging around looking for his red plaid shirt he knew his lover liked him to wear. Finding it he returned to the kitchen.

"I don't like that guy." Starsky stated under his breath, glaring at the closed door of the bathroom.

"He seems nice enough to me." Hutch also glanced at the door before dropping a quick kiss on the tense mouth. "Nice looking too."

"Hope ya don't think I'm lettin' ya outta my sight the whole time were on this case." Starsky's eyes softened as they raked over the tall form doing up buttons. "I think he's got the hots for ya babe, not that I blame 'im, I just hope he's smart enough not ta touch my goods."

"Come on Starsk!" Hutch was forever irritated by his partner's constant possessives. "He's just a cop like us having to deal with a ruined weekend. Believe it or not babe, most people don't find me as irresistible as you seem to think they do." He bent low to nuzzle the exposed neck, and run a circle around the Adam's apple with his tongue. "Besides I would think that if he liked guys, it would be me he'd have to watch out for." Standing straight he looked into the dark eyes that made his heart quiver.

"He was oglin' your every move since ya came outta the shower Hutch, and sprung a woody as soon as ya approached 'im." Starsky was back to watching the still closed door.

"Haven't you ever gotten a hard-on for no reason at all?" Hutch was growing weary of the conversation, and began wondering what was taking their new teammate so long in the washroom.

"Not since I met you." Starsky once again met his lover's eyes. devotion and sincerity poured from them. "Bet he's wackin' off just thinkin' about all that golden flesh ya treated 'im to." He added not realizing he had given his answer to an unspoken question.

"Even coming from you, that was pretty vile my friend." Hutch scolded as the door to the bathroom opened and Jim came out.

"I suppose your partner has been filling you in on why I was put on this case with you?" Jim smiled winsomely at Hutch.

"Ah..no. Actually we were discussing how to make up this lost weekend to my little brother." Hutch managed to tell the truth while uttering a smooth lie at the same time.

"Oh yeah. I'm very sorry about that, he seems like a nice kid." Jim told his own fib, as he had hardly registered Kiko's presence at all. After the blond had entered the room both the partner and the boy had been forgotten.

"He's the best. Now tell me why we've got a cop from out of our territory looking for the same miscreants." Hutch's bright smile almost dissolved Thompson where he stood. Starsky felt like smacking Hutch and throttling Jim, and stepped in between the two.

"Seems there's been a coupla similar robberies in Jim's neck a the woods." Starsky answered before the black haired man could open his mouth.

Hutch's attention was brought back to his partner. "C4 used on the safes?"

The other two officers nodded in unison, cobalt eyes on the black haired man, green on the blond. "So far they've gotten away with close to a million and a half worth of gems." This time Jim wasn't letting Dave get away with answering for him. As hoped for, the cornflower blue's turned back to him.

"What has your department come up with?" Hutch asked. Curiosity peaked.

"That's what we're about ta find out Babe." Starsky once more brought his favorite pet name for Hutch to the forefront, only this time emphasizing it a bit.

Hutch frowned slightly at the hint of ownership in Starsky's tone. "I'm quite certain Gordo, that Jimbo here can answer for himself." Hutch moved around his partner and placed a large hand on a slender shoulder of their new, albeit temporary, partner. "Dobey give you a chance to go over what we have." He looked directly into the grassy green orbs.

"He sure did. We went over everything you two have on file before he called your partner." Thompson tried his best to look normal as the warmth coming from his shoulder threatened to consume him. "It has to be the same team orchestrating all the break ins."

Starsky was seething inside, not giving a flying fuck about the thieves he wanted to strangle the life out of the unwanted outsider, and then spend a great deal of time teaching his Blintz why he shouldn't look deeply into anyone else's eyes except, of course, his. "Maybe we'll get lucky and get these guys before they can get away with another one."

Realizing how closely wound, and near the breaking point his very own Beelzebub had become, Hutch relented and stepped back to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Now placing his hand on the slightly trembling shoulder of his secret treasure. "I'm sure we'll be able to get them in no time Starsk." He squeezed firmly before asking. "You two ready to start what's promising to be a fairly long and dull day?"

Jim nodded his agreement, as Starsky angrily shrugged off the hand and all but stormed out the door of the apartment. Hutch stared despondently after him.

"He upset about something?" Jim was, quite honestly, confused as to the curly haired man's abrupt change in demeanor, earlier they seemed to have hit it off remarkably well.

"Lets just say my partner isn't much of a morning person." Hutch, holster fastened, grabbed his black leather jacket and also headed towards the door. Turning when he reached it he looked back. "Coming?"

Once again nodding the wayward bangs filling the green eyes, Jim finally had enough, and used his hand to press them to the top of his head. Then he too headed for, and out the door ahead of the blond.


Starsky fumed in the Torino. He was awash with jealousy and fear. No. Fear didn't quite fit, it was shear terror that encased him. See Curly top was madly and hopelessly in love with his partner. Problem was, he wasn't so certain the love Hutch felt for him went a whole lot deeper than them being partners, and best friends. Though Starsky continually bounced back from failed romances, his Hutch's tender heart would just build up another line of defense before moving on to the next one. During the last two months, Starsky had spent as much time demonstrating, physically, how much he loved the big lug as he did mentally reassuring him that disaster wasn't imminent. He knew that Hutch would die for him in an instant, but that the words 'I love you' had caused more scars on the sensitive heart than any weapon could ever produce. Starsky had yet to hear his blond use the three small words on him since their relationship had taken a new and wonderful twist. Sex wasn't the problem,! oh no! Hutch had a voracious appetite in that department and lapped up every bit of attention his partner bestowed on him, giving his all in return. It was just that, as with in his last few relationships with women, he wasn't letting his emotions get involved. Although he understood, Starsky couldn't help but think his lover would be easily lost to him if another person came along. Thompson chose that moment to open the passenger side door putting the seat forward, he awkwardly climbed in back. Hutch was close behind.

"Did I say anything, Dave, to upset you?" Jim was about to pat the leathered shoulder and then thought better of it.

"No. Ya didn't say a thing ta bother me." Starsky replied blandly. Eyes darting to the side to watch as his life climbed into the passenger seat.

Settled. Hutch looked over, blue meeting blue. "Think we better get some coffee and a danish into you buddy," Anger emanated from his gaze, belying the soft voice. "your definitely getting snarly, and I can't speak for Jim here, but I hope your mood takes an upward swing before too long."

Shit! Starsky thought, just what I need ta do is shove 'im away. "Sorry Hutch, just hated havin' ta wake up this mornin' and not have the time ta get my fill a Capn' Crunch." The blue orbs flashed in apology at his partner. With a sad smile he started the car.

Jim sat back in his seat, wondering what was causing the friction that crackled back and forth between the duo. He was getting ticked off at the curly haired man's childish behavior, not liking seeing his Ken, he refused to think of him as Hutch, distressed. Especially when there was no apparent reason for it. 'His Ken.' He smiled not knowing where that came from, but liking the thought all the same. "Could use some Java myself, I was out a little later than I had a right to be last night."

Hutch visibly relaxed and nodded his agreement. "What have you got in mind after that Jim?"

Starsky seethed.

"Well I thought instead of driving all over the city checking out Jewelers, why don't we go back to your office and use the yellow pages to get a list of places, then we can check them out physically." Jim responded to the easy voice. Thinking his bangs would be gone by nightfall if they kept getting in the way of looking at this wonderful man. Looking at gold through black was doing absolutely nothing for him.

"Sounds good to me." Hutch cast a grin over his shoulder, noting, not for the first time, how lovely the emerald eyes were. "Starsk?"

"Terrific." Starsky muttered, pulling into a small coffee shop he took their orders and hopped out of the car.

"You'll have to forgive my partner Jim," Hutch looked longingly after him, though still irritated. "like I said.."

"Yeah. I know he isn't a morning person." Thompson sniggered. "I just wonder what made him do a complete 180 since he picked me up."

"He just didn't want you to be afraid of him, and jump out of a moving vehicle into traffic." Hutch chuckled. "Even when he's tired and cranky he wouldn't want to hurt anyone." What the hells wrong with you Starsk? He thought to himself.

Without Hutch knowing, Jim's finger's had reached out and began to fondle the gold spun tendrils cascading over the collar of the black leather. "Can't help think I've done something wrong." Covertly, Thompson studied the well defined profile, nostrils flaring as he felt his want build.

Starsky had come out the rear door of the shop, sidling up along the driver's passenger side of the Torino, he was unobserved as he himself seen the long fingers playing, thus far undetected, with his lover's buttery hair. Setting the cardboard tray holding the coffee on the roof of the car, he yanked the door opened and threw a bag, presumed by Hutch to be donuts, onto his boyfriends lap. With more cheer than dreamed he was capable of mustering he landed back in behind the wheel. leaning back, he thrusted a hot brew at Thompson. "Here ya go Jim, why don't ya wrap your hands around that an' keep 'em outta trouble."

Knowing about the excitable detective, but only meeting him this morning, Jim didn't notice anything amiss in the remark, and gratefully took the steaming disposable cup with both hands. "Thanks Dave, I can't tell you how much I need this."

Hutch had thrown the bag of goodies up on the dash, and reached out to take the two remaining brews from his partner. Annoyance glittered in the cyan orbs. "Good thing you had the lid on tight Gordo, or poor Jimmy would be doing the funky chicken in the back seat about now."

"My moves may sometimes be quick, but I'm always gentle sweetie." Starsky winked, an almost leer sparkling in the cobalt depths. Kicking himself again for raising his lover's shackles.

Hutch cast a quick glance to the back seat, and seeing their third mate engrossed in opening his hot coffee, settled back and silently accepted his love's apology, and tried to calm himself enough to rid the pink tinge, he knew marred his complexion. "Your not ever quick." He muttered so low only Starsky could hear.

Grinning from ear to ear, Starsky felt once again one with his world. "Only when ya need me ta be." He almost laughed out loud as the pink turned rose on the tanned face.

"How many stores do you two think we're looking at as possibles?" Jim piped up from the back. He had looked up just long enough to see that Dave had come back around to being human, and that his Ken seemed to be snickering at something he had missed.

"Twenty..maybe thirty." Starsky tried to maintain his re-found good humor at the intruder's question. God he despised the man at his back. "We got four days off hangin' on this Jim, I've been hopin' we clear it all up in one night." The broad grin he shot into the review mirror completely masked the animosity hidden behind the indigo eyes.

"Four days off." Jim was looking covetously at the light silhouette of his want. "Imagine what could become of that much time off." He was thinking black on yellow, tanned meets white.

Reading the enemies thoughts, Starsky thought how much he'd like to pound the daylights out of the emerald eyes staring at his lover. Visions of him making out with his blond threatening to, once more, set him off on another round of peevishness. "I know me 'n Hutch got plenty ta keep us occupied."

Jade met cobalt in the mirror. Jim's eyes widening as it dawned on him, exactly who, Dave's 'little beauty' was. Had he known at the beginning he might have considered backing away, but since seeing Ken close up and nearly nude, his eyes let Dave know he was willing to fight for the prize.

Hutch, blissfully unaware of being the center of the silent battle being waged by his two partners piped up. "You know Jim. If Dobey can convince your superior to let you have the time off, your more than welcome to hang out with me and Starsk."

Starsky could have killed him. "I really don't think that's such a great idea Hutch. I mean what.." He clenched the wheel as he was cut off.

"I think that's a great idea Ken, I mean..well If your sure you wouldn't mind." Jim felt certain that over the course of four days he would be able to get the blond alone for a few hours. Now knowing that he also liked men was just icing on the cake.

"Of course not." Hutch looked back, lavender meeting jade. "We might bore you half to death though, Starskys going to help me rearrange the greenhouse." He reached out and swatted the curly head before turning back around to face the front.

"I am not!!" Starsky cast a glaring look at his lover. "I was plannin' ta sort that box of photos I got inta albums."

"Well. I would be more than happy to help Ken while you do that, then maybe we could meet up for a few brews later." Thompson offered hopefully. His gleeful expression was quickly erased upon seeing the lasers trying to slice through him, glad that the mirror was between the dark slits and his body.

"What do you think Starsk? That way we could kill two birds with one stone." Hutch asked as Starsky pulled into Parker Center.

Starsky sat for a moment feeling bruised for all the kicks he'd been giving himself today. "What about Kiko? We..I promised him that I would make all this up ta the both of you." There was no way in hell he was letting this leech have his Blintz for an hour let alone a full day.

"That's just what I mean buddy. We'll have even more time to spend with Kiko, and we won't have to worry about not getting a chance to do the other things we've been planning." Hutch smiled at his lover as he reached for the door handle. "You any good at building shelves Jim?

"My father is a cabinet maker, so I think I've picked up a trick or two while growing up." Delight causing the jade to glimmer. Jim could hardly believe the way his luck was turning.

"See Starsk, It'll all work out. Maybe it was Karma that brought Jimbo to us." Hutch climbed out of the car and held the seat forward for the slightly taller detective.

"Karma my ass." Starsky pulled himself out. "More likely Satan." He muttered and stomped off. The ringing from the slammed door echoed through the garage, as the others stared after him. Hutch, mouth agape, couldn't for the life of him understand his partner's jealousy. Jim, standing slightly behind him, licked his lips.


Hutch was incensed with his partner. He couldn't for the life of him comprehend why Starsky so vehemently despised the dark haired man beside him. For the love of God! Didn't his excitable bundle know how much he was loved? Adored almost to the point of worship. Admittedly, Hutch thought Thompson was attractive, almost pretty in fact. Though he wouldn't dream of being so foolish as to throw away the one person he loved more than any other, ever, by having a fling with the guy. Not that he was inclined to think that way anyhow. Hell. He hadn't even looked at a woman, or man for that matter, sexually since his lover introduced him to the bodily pleasures they could share behind closed doors. His biggest fear was the coming of the day, when his fiery hellcat would tire of him, as did so many of his past lovers, and want to end their relationship. That would be the death of them being partners and also the end of their friendship. The end of everything he had depended on for as ! long as he cared to remember. He didn't think he was strong enough to survive the loss of all that he had lived for. Starsky

"Are you okay Ken?" Jim stopped him with a hand. Real concern within the grassy eyes. Bangs once more flopping, rakishly, over his right eye.

"Yeah. I'm fine Jim. I'm sorry for the way he's behaving." Damn! He was getting tired of apologizing for his partner. Hutch patted the hand on his arm, and breaking free continued on toward the squad room.

"Doesn't bother me." Jim shrugged. "I'm not the one that has to work with him everyday."

"He's really a great guy Jim." Hutch immediately came to his lover's defense. "I just don't understand why he's so intent on trying to alienate you."

Jim knew perfectly well why he wasn't on the brunette's Christmas List. "I just don't know how you can put up with all his bull shit."

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself." Hutch muttered as he held the door to the squad room open for him.

Starsky had just hung up the phone as the two entered, and brought out three thick copies of the yellow pages. "There's 12 pages of Jewelry stores. An' not a lot of big ads." He tossed a book at each of them.

For the next several hours the three poured over the books. Starsky and Thompson spending a great deal of that time glaring at each other over the blond's bent head. In fact, Hutch seemed to be the only one of the trio totally focused on the case. Rubbing a weary hand over bleary eyes, it was he that finally looked up, tossing down his pencil. "I think I got it." He smiled at both his associates.

"Lets hear it babe." Starsky beamed back.

"Look here." Hutch had earlier spread a map of the city over the table, and had made read circles around the areas where the five shops had been robbed. " They've been playing leap frog." A long finger was dancing from circle to circle. "The 8th then us then back again going over two streets each time. If I'm right the next one's going to be on your turf Jim." Once more Hutch met his lover's dark eyes, seeking approval.

"I think your on to something babe." Starsky was nodding, love, lust and pride flowing from the midnight blue depths. God how he hoped his nemesis was registering the mirrored emotions reflected in the radiant smile that was aimed only at him.

Jim was nervously flipping through his note book, pointedly ignoring the exchange between the two partners. Bending over he stabbed an area of the map with his index finger. "If your right Ken, it'll be Carot and Karot fine Jewelry, 955 Northwood Blvd that they'll strike next."

Hutch took his read pen and leaned over to make another circle on the map where Jim had indicated. In the process, his chest briefly pressed against Thompson's arm, causing the man to flush scarlet and barely contain a moan. Straightening up he looked at his partner. Never in his life had he seen such a look of murderous rage flaring from the indigo eyes. "Um..mind if I have a few words with you alone? Buddy." Brow furrowed he nodded toward the squad room doors.

"Fine." Starsky all but exploded out of the office.

"Sorry Jim." Damn! He was starting to sound like a broken record. "I think it's time I had a little chat with Mr. Moody. See if I can find out what's setting him off so much." Hutch gave Thompson a flagged smile.

"Go ahead. I'll see if I can get a fix on the time when the bad guys might hit next." Jim briefly squeezed the plaid covered shoulder. "Good luck."

"Thanks." With a soft chuckle Hutch headed out the still swinging doors.

It wasn't long before Hutch found his partner in an empty interrogation room. He quietly shut and locked the door behind, and crossing his arms leaned up against it. "Have I ever cheated on any woman I was with?" He asked softly.

Starsky was seated on the table, one leg on the floor the other on the seat of a chair, playing with his hands. "Ya never bin with any of 'im long enough ta fool around."

"Did I ever cheat on Van, even when things were getting really bad, and she was cheating on me? And boy she liked to throw that in my face." Hutch was trying to keep the edge out of his soft voice.

"No. But ya really, truly, loved the bitch." Starsky conceded.

"And I don't love you?" Hutch asked.

"I know ya love me Hutch, but your not In Love with me." Tears were blurring Starsky's vision.

"Oh for Christ's sake! Do you honestly think I'd let another man screw me into next week if I wasn't in love with him!!" Hutch lost it. "I love you more than I ever thought possible you stupid, stupid jerk! I've been floating on a cloud the last two months. I..yo..you..you've made me happier than I've ever been in my entire life! What! Do you think after you told me how you felt I've just let myself be a sympathy fuck for you..waiting until some little lovely comes along to snag my interest!?" Hutch turned his head away and stared into the corner. "I don't believe this."

"You never said you loved me." Starsky looked up a tear escaping from the corner of his eye. "Ya never once told me ya loved me." He sniffed and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his denim shirt. "I've been holding my breath and keepin' my fingers crossed that ya wouldn't latch onta the next person that showed ya a bit of affection and leave me."

Hutch snapped his head back around. "Ah Starsk! I'm sorry if I never told you how much you mean to me. I guess, well there isn't any excuse for it, but I guess I was afraid if I said it out loud It would hurt even more when you got tired of me and want to break us up." Hutch was fighting his own tears and was trying desperately not to stumble over his words.

Starsky looked at his lover like he had sprouted another head. "Get tired of ya? Hutch how long have we known each other?"

"I don't know. Forever it seems." Hutch wiped his eyes on his own sleeve.

"Could ya picture yourself..Oh I don't know..five, ten maybe fifteen years down the road with another partner?" Starsky climbed down from the table and slowly approached his Blintz.

"No. I'd quit the force if I couldn't be with you." Hutch couldn't believe Starsky would even ask such a question.

"Me neither. I wanna spend the rest of my life with ya babe. I'd ask ya ta marry me if we could do it." Starsky came up and stood directly in front of his life. "Ya aint never gonna lose me. Your the most complicatedly beautiful person I've ever met and it'll take me at least three lifetimes ta even begin ta figure ya out. No way in hell are ya boring babe. You'll never lose me. Not for anyone or anything. Please babe. Please believe me." More tears began to spill over the sculpted cheeks.

Sniffing, his own tears falling, Hutch wrapped his partner in his arms. "Is this what all this crap with Thompson is? You thought I'd leave you for him?" Hutch squeezed tightly. "Jim's an okay guy hon, he's just here to do a job and then he'll be gone."

Soft curls banged into the tanned cheek as Starsky shook his head. "No Hutch. Trust me on this. The man has the hots for ya. I called Chicago and luck got me his former partner on the first ring, this Thompson guy has had it bad for ya since the get go." Starsky pulled back and took his love's beautiful face in both his hand. "I liked the man myself, until ya came outta the shower."

"When did you call?" Hutch lined his brow as he tried to think when Starsky had a chance to call the windy city.

"Hung up just as you and Dumbo came inta the squad room." Starsky kissed the strong chin. "His ex-partner said he had a picture of you on his desk, and that the only reason he transferred down here was ta get closer to you. He tried to get inta our precinct, but thank everybody and Jesus, we had no openings."

"So you two have been playing games? With me as the trophy?" Hutch asked incredulously.

"Tug a War, and I thought for sure he was gonna win." Starsky stated matter of fact. "I hate 'im Hutch."

"Oh Gordo!! What am I going to do with you?" Hutch smiled and encased his imp, once more, in his arms. "You won hands down babe, you already had him in the mud without having to pick up the rope."

"We okay?" Starsky asked as he wiggled his nose into the warm neck.

"Yes." Hutch kissed into the curls.

"Yes we're okay?" Starsky pulled back grinning.

"Yes I'll marry you." Hutch laughed at the look of delight in the dark orbs, and pulled his lover, once again, into his arms.

"I don't want you alone with him in your greenhouse. Just thinkin' about it makes me boil." Starsky grabbed the exposed chin with his lips.

"I think it should be me that tells him that he lost the game." Hutch squirmed under the kiss. "I'm not much of a prize hon, but I'm all yours." He tilted his head to latch his mouth onto the waiting lips. After a sweltering kiss they both came up for air. "Besides he knows how to build shelves, and I need them for the plants."

"When he's there ya havta call me every half hour. If not I'll be all over the scrawny bastard." Starsky rubbed himself, suggestively against his lover. "I guess since we've bin fightin' over ya it should be you that breaks the tie."

"It was no tie lover. You won hands down." Hutch laughed as he un-locked the door.

"You have to admit though, that he is kind of cute." He didn't duck in time as a hand flew up and smacked the back of his head.


When they walked back into the squad room, Jim didn't like what he saw. The pair were smiling and his Ken had a long arm draped over his adversary. "Hey there Jimmy! Ya figure out when they'll try an' bust inta this place?" Starsky grinned at Thompson, this time the smile making it all the way to his eyes.

The green eyes flitted from Hutch to Starsky finally settling on the blond. "Um..um yeah I think so." He cocked a puzzled eyebrow.

"It's okay Jim. Starsky just needed a little pep talk." Hutch grinned broadly at the confused man. "Like I told you, he really isn't a morning person and having his weekend ruined did nothing for his good nature."

Starsky came up and placed a warm hand at the back of Thompson's neck, giving it a friendly shake. "He's right Jimbo. My Hutch here straightened me out and told me what an ass I was bein'.Looks like I owe ya a big apology."

"No. No its alright. Really." Jim cleared his throat took a deep breath as the hated hand was removed. "You guys want to hear what I've come up with during your absence?" What he had mostly come up with was a twisted stomach as he worried what the couple were really doing, carnal images of his Ken bent over a table kept popping into his mind.

"You bet."

"Lets hear it Jim."

"Okay." He nervously flipped through his notes. "They've been operating like clockwork. Hitting a different place every four days, always striking between midnight and three A.M.. They blow the safe make the grab and are out in less than two minutes."

"Pretty slick." Starsky whistled through his teeth. "Is it always exactly four days apart?" His earlier animosity was forgotten as he finally brought his full attention to the case.

"You got it. Like I said, you could almost set your watch to their movements." Jim cast a tentative smile.

"So that means their next strike would be...well look at that.." Hutch was looking through is own, orderly scribbles. "tonight." He looked up crystal eyes flashing with excitement.

Starsky was trying, and losing, his battle to tame the erection that had popped up. Taking a chair and hastily sitting in order to hide himself under the desk. God ! How he loved it when Hutch's orbs sparkled like that! Though he much preferred it if they only danced like that in the bedroom."Guess we better take all this in ta Dobey."

Hutch was thoroughly amused. He had been watching his partner peripherally, and could hardly stifle a snort, as he glimpsed the growing bulge and speedy cover his lover had taken. "Why don't we just sit here for a while, and decide who's vehicle we'll take

Starsky looked at the Blintz like he was a Genie granting number one of his three wishes. His smile conveyed his gratitude as well as love and desire as he realized, not for the first time, that a higher power had already given him everything he had ever hoped for, and that gift was now filling his sight.

"I think we should take mine." Thompson suggested. He was warily eyeing both partners, wondering if his time alone with the big blond was going to go as smoothly as he originally hoped.

"Hutch's car is a definite out, but what's wrong with the Torino?" Starsky frowned, getting himself under control, he actually thought he would be able to walk now.

"Don't take this personally, but I think your car's a bit to flashy for a stakeout." Jim hoped he wasn't going to set the man off on another tangent.

"He's got a point Starsk." Hutch sniggered. Thinking about how many times they've had this argument in the past.

"Oh shut up." Starsky grinned back at him. "Fine we'll take your car Jim. What do ya drive anyway?" Standing he gathered up some papers and headed towards their Captain's office.

"A pacer. Just bought it a few months ago." Jim smiled at the snort coming from Ken, not hearing the low moan beside him. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Not at all Jim." Laughing, Hutch came around the table and patted the confused man's shoulder. "I think we're in for an interesting evening." He winked as he opened the door to the office.

Filling in their superior, the three were excused for the rest of the day, and encouraged to try and get a few hours sleep before meeting up at the 8th precinct. As they headed down to the garage, It wasn't quite noon, and Jim was racking his brain trying to figure out away to stay near his Ken for the rest of the day.

"Hungry Jim? I thought we could stop by Huggy's for lunch." Hutch smiled at Thompson and then froze at the icy stare his partner fixed him with.

"I think it would be better if we let good boy Jimbo go home and have a nap. I know that's exactly what you and I are gonna do." Starsky cast a feral grin at Thompson. "After all we could be in for a long night, wadda ya think Jim?"

Clearing his throat, Jim didn't think even the blond was worth being around as long as this annoying twerp was there. "Your probably right Dave, after all your Captain did encourage us to get some rest."

"Atta boy." Starsky slapped him, none to gently, on the back. "I guess ya must 'ave parked outside, since I don't see anything resemblin' a hamster wheel down here." All three looked around.

"Um..Um..yeah..I mean I'm parked out back." Jim stammered. God how he'd love to punch this low life punk. What the hell did Ken see in him anyhow?

"Do you want a ride out of the garage Jim?" As pathetic as the offer was Hutch couldn't think of any other way to soften his lover's harshness.

"Ah no..thanks anyway Ken, I'll just head off on my own." Reaching out he squeezed Hutch's hand before turning and walking away. "I'll see you tonight Ken." Thompson purposefully ignored Dave altogether.

"You bet Jim. 10 P.M. we'll be there." Hutch called after him and reached for the passenger door of the Torino. "That was rude." He hissed at his partner.

"What!" Starsky bounced around the front of the vehicle. "I was just followin' Dobey's advice."

"We could have at least taken him out for lunch." Hutch stared out the window as he waited for Starsky to get settled and start the engine.

"I know what I'm wantin' for lunch, and I really didn't like the idea of havin' an audience while I devour ya." Starsky leered as he wiggled his brows. "Hey." He turned serious. "You really like the guy, dontcha?" A knot began to form again in his belly.

"He hasn't given me any reason not to like him, Starsk." Hutch's was annoyed. "Even if he's as 'hot' for me as you seem to think he is, he hasn't done or said anything that could, even remotely, be perceived as a come on."

"You don't believe me." Starsky angrily started the car and squeeled the tires as he pulled out of the parking spot.

"Yes!....Yes I do believe you. I just don't think he's the threat you seem to want to make him out to be." Reaching over Hutch squeezed the much loved, denim encased, thigh leaving his hand there.

"I don't trust him any farther than I could throw 'im babe." Starsky calmed as the warm started a tingle through him. "He's gonna make a move, and when he does, he'll make sure I ain't there ta protect ya."

"My hero." Hutch batted his lashes.

Chuckling, Starsky covered the big hand with one of his own. "Sorry. I didn't mean ta make ya feel like tinkerbell."

"Well big boy, how about we just get on home, and I'll try and make you forget all about slim Jim and anything else I can think of." Hutch tried his best to sound like a woman and began running his hand up and down Starsky's leg.

"Oh no." Starsky groaned." Your not gonna let me forget this are ya?" He started to laugh.

"Oh contraire! You'll be lucky to remember your name, lover." Hutch's laugh began to fill the car and Starsky's heart.

They were barely in the door of Hutch's apartment when Starsky tackled him. The back of Hutch's legs caught on the arm of the couch, and over he went, taking his lover down with him. Both of them laughing as Starsky tried to latch onto the full lips. "Owww..get up Gordo." Hutch panted.

"What? What's wrong!?" Starsky propped himself up to hover over his blond.

"That's better. I don't know who's gun was about to break a rib first." Hutch breathed a sigh of relief. "They're definitely not love toys."

"Well get up here Blondie, I wanna slip ya inta somethin' more comfortable." Starsky put a foot on the floor, and began pulling Hutch up.

"My lingerie is all at the cleaners." Hutch giggled as he stood up.

"I was thinkin' sheets dummy." Starsky had begun to unbutton the plaid shirt.

"Think I could take my jacket off first?" Hutch was wrestling with his partner's belt buckle.

"Quiet. I'm kinda busy here." Finished, Starsky pulled the shirt out of the beige cords. Running his hands up the smooth chest his thumbs came to rest on dark buds. "Ah! That's better. Have ya got any idea babe how much I love your chest?" He moved in and took a nipple in his mouth, and began gently sucking.

"Oh Jesusss!..Oh Christ!...that's so good!" Hutch, trying not to squirm grabbed the back of Starsky's head and tried to pull the hot mouth closer.

After a few minutes, Starsky pulled his head away. "Get in the bedroom." The hunger in the dark eyes leaving no room for argument.

They hurriedly stripped down, and before Hutch knew what was happening, he was once again tackled. Tongue battled tongue in a war of passion. Starsky finally came up for air, leaving them both gasping. "I want ya ta just lay back beautiful. I'm real hungry an' I don't want ya interruptin' me." His gaze traveled up and down the long body. With a growl he sprung down and began nipping and kissing the side of his blond's neck. Slowly zig zagging his way across and down the hairless expanse, spending extra time and
attention on the small nubs.

Hutch was trying to be quiet, but he couldn't hold back the moans of pleasure as his body was deliciously assaulted. Needing to buck he tried to turn and hump against the softly furred leg laying along side him.

"Horny little devil, aren't ya babe?" Starsky looked up at the baby blue's that were trying see what was inside the blond's head, and then back down at the huge erection that looked like it was about to explode. "Looks like ya ain't gonna let me play for long before I get ta the main course." He quickly scooted down unlocking his jaw, he took Hutch almost to the hilt. Smiling was out of the question, but he was delighted by the shocked howl of his lover, and began swallowing. He had to use most of his weight to hold down the slender hips, as they tried desperately to buck. It wasn't long before he felt the rod expand a little more and then he was swallowing cum along with cock. Almost climaxing himself as Hutch screamed his name.

Hutch didn't have time to catch his breath, before he was flipped onto his side. "Take it easy for a sec babe, I'm gonna slick myself up and then rock ya on home." Starsky had the lube out and himself prepared so fast, Hutch hadn't even heard him open the nightstand. He gasped as Starsky lay down behind him and wasted no time in pushing himself inside. "Oh God!! Babe!!" All the way in Starsky paused, nipping the exposed neck. "I don't know what I like more, suckin' or fuckin' ya."

"Can you just shut up and get on with it!" Hutch felt himself stirring, the ecstasy of the pressure on his prostrate was bringing on a fresh interest.

"Your such a romantic." Starsky began to pump. "Damn babe, your tight." He started to thrust longer and deeper.

"Faster!" Hutch was pumping himself to the rhythm of his lover.

Not needing to hear it twice, Starsky took off at full tilt. Both yelling each other's names as they came as one.

"Do you have any idea how incredible you are?" Hutch thought he could sleep well into the next millennium.

"You've given me a fair indication." Starsky licked a bare shoulder before pushing himself up to stand on unsteady legs. "Go ta sleep Hutch, I'm just gonna get a cloth and clean us up before joinin' ya."

"Starsk." Hutch rolled to his other side.

"Yeah Blintz?" Starsky looked back.

"I love you." After the words were out, a soft snore escaped the slightly parted lips.

"I know." Starsky smiled softy.


Hunger woke Starsky a few hours later. Glancing at the clock he seen that it was only ten after six. Neither one of them had eaten anything all day, you couldn't call a couple of donuts eating. Pulling himself up he thought 'That's not quite true', Starsky smiled down at his still sleeping lover. As tasty as Hutch was, he needed to ingest something a little more filling.

Going to the kitchen he started a pot of coffee. That done he decided to shower and shave and moved off towards the bathroom, thinking he would make he and his blond a couple of cheese omelets. Hutch loved his omelets, and truth be known they were about the only thing Starsky could cook that didn't involve a can opener.

Turning off the water, he was a little startled to open the shower curtain and see his Blintz standing over the sink, wearing nothing but half a face of shaving cream. "Good morning Gordo."

"Why didn't ya hop in the shower with me?" Starsky was trying to dry himself one handed, while the other one caressed the bare buttocks. Still damp he tossed down the towel and pressed himself up against Hutch's back, sliding both hands around, one to fondle the soft genitals, the other to play with an erect nipple.

"Don't start something you can't finish hon." Hutch pressed back into the silken warmth, leaning his head back to rest on a muscled shoulder. "Damn. I love how you do that." He purred.

"What makes ya think I ain't gonna finish?" Starsky nibbled the side of the exposed neck.

"Because if I'm almost faint with hunger I know you must be about ready to pass out." Hutch pushed his ass into this partner's semi-erect groin.

"Ya keep that up and I won't give a damn if I ever touch food again." Starsky growled sinking his teeth almost painfully into the area he had been nipping. "I was plannin' ta make us some omelets."

"Don't let me stop you." Hutch smiled at him in the mirror. "I don't know if I can wait too long for them to be ready, so why don't you let me finish shaving, and get your lovely ass out to the kitchen."

"Nag. Nag. Nag. Its not enough that ya expect me ta be your sex slave, but ya also wanna keep me glued ta the kitchen." Starsky playfully patted the pale rump. "Next thing ya know you'll be wantin' me ta get pregnant too."

"Don't think I don't wish I could." Hutch grinned. "We'd probably make a little curly haired blond with my lack of hair and your beautiful butt."

Laughing Starsky added. "With my eyes and your voice."

"My brains and your brawn." Hutch wasn't having much success finishing his face. He stopped suddenly as he caught the sudden seriousness that clouded his lover's eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't give that to ya babe." Starsky voice could barely be heard.

"Ah Starsk!" Hutch put down his razor and turned to face his reason for being. "We can't have everything Gordo, and I'm more than happy with the gift I've been given." He cupped the shapely face. "There's nothing in the entire universe that could make me happier than knowing I'm loved by you. Besides I don't think I could live through nine months of you asking me twenty times a day, 'Do ya think 'm fat Hutch?' "

"If ya didn't have all that goo on your face I'd show ya again how much your loved." For emphasis he reached down and firmly gripped the soft sac in front of him eliciting a squeal from his partner. "Now finish up while I go slave over a hot stove. The only reason I want ya swoonin' is over me, and not because I haven't taken care a ya."

"What's the matter? Afraid we were getting too mushy?" Hutch chuckled as he turned back and reclaimed his blade.

"No I'm just starvin' and I know I'd hate ta wake up and find I chewed up my partner." Starsky held the door frame and took one more appreciative look at his blond's backside. "I'd hate the idea a knowing that in a few hours..."

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence." Hutch snickered and shook his head in disgust. If they lived forever, he would still be shocked at some of the things that came out of his lover's mouth.

"Sorry." Starsky was giggling as he bounced away.

After eating and doing up the dishes, they spent the next couple of hours kissing and cuddling on the couch, neither one having the faintest idea what was on the television. Both men jumped when Starsky's watch beeped. "Holy shit! It's nine already. We'd better get ready to meet with the black rattler."

"I hope you can behave tonight Hon." Hutch rubbed both hands over his face. "It's going to be difficult enough having the three of us trapped in Jim's rolling aquarium, without you pouting in the back."

"What makes ya think I'll be in the back?" Starsky stood and stretched, reaching a hand out.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to let you be within launching distance of Thompson, the first time he says something that gets you going he'll be a dead man?" Hutch took the hand and let Starsky help pull him up.

"I wouldn't kill 'im Hutch!" Starsky feigned shock. "I'd just cripple the bastard."

"Your impossible." Hutch rolled his eyes as he fastened his holster.

"Your irresistible." Starsky shot back. "Okay I'll sit in the back." He pulled his bomber jacket on, shrugging his shoulders to adjust the fit.

"Whoa! That was way too easy." Hutch looked up, eyes wary. "Either your roots have snagged your brain, or your up to something."

"I was just thinkin'." Starsky held out his partner's jacket for him to slip into.

"Thanks." Hutch let his brunette help him adjust the black leather. "Thinking what?"

"I figure if I'm sittin' behind 'im, I could grab his neck in both hands and have 'im in the back with me long before ya had a chance ta react." Mouth twitching at the corners he moved toward the door. "That kinda thinkin'."

"You wouldn't dare!" Hutch met the sapphire eyes, and knew that indeed he would, if provoked.

"That's up ta Jim Bob, Blintz." Starsky waved expansively for Hutch to precede him. "Come on babe, we got a date with a snate."

Hutch stopped at the doorway, after a brief glance at the street he quickly kissed his troublesome tiger. "Don't you mean a snake?"

"Yup. But it didn't rhyme." Starsky laughed.

Hutch groaned, and began to giggle. "Behave yourself."

"Your chariot awaits, my Prince." Starsky swatted the beloved butt. "I just hope he realizes that this is the only date he'll ever have with ya, and I make a mean chaperone."

Following directions, they found the homicide division on the second floor. Even though they were twenty minutes early, Thompson was waiting for them. "Hi Ken. Dave." He nodded at the pair, a smile for Ken. "There's been a slight change in plans."

"In what way Jim?" Hutch asked. Starsky had begun a slow stroll around the room, sharp eyes missing nothing.

"Dobey and Baker have arranged things so we'll be inside the store. Two other units are set to watch the front and back." Jim quickly laid out how the two superiors wanted them to handle the hoped for bust, keeping his back to the curly haired detective, eyes locked on the blond.

Although it appeared like he was entirely focused on the man in front of him, Hutch was paying rapt attention to his partner. Cool blue eyes widening slightly when his lover held up and showed him a framed five by seven of him, and soundlessly replace it. "Good. If they strike it should be easier to take them down from the inside."

Starsky began a slow march back towards his lover. Indigo daggers repeatedly stabbing Thompson in the back. "Easier for them ta get us too." He wondered if Thompson would be stupid enough to try something in the darkness of the store.

"We aren't to go in without vests and night vision goggles." For the first time since they arrived, Jim looked directly at Dave. His emerald eyes telling the brunette, that as much as he would love to blow the curls away, he wasn't crazy enough to think he could get away with killing one of the cities, hell! one of the countries two best officers.

It was Hutch's turn to wander away, wanting to see Thompson's desk for himself. "Hey you got a hair cut since we last saw ya!" Starsky stepped closer until their noses almost touched, lowering his voice he quietly snarled. "IA might let ya off, but Hutch sure as hell wouldn't."

"I'm well aware of that Dave." Jim sneered back. "As much as I think you belong in a sewer, he likes you and I don't want to ever hurt him like that."

"That and the fact, I'm sure you came across in your research, that Hutch's magnum doesn't tend ta leave survivors." Seeing Hutch was on his way back, he reached up and ruffled the newly trimmed bangs.

Thompson could also smell Ken's arrival. "As a matter of fact I believe I did read that somewhere." His forced smile looked more like a grimace.

"Read what?" Hutch could feel the tension thickening the air.

"How the soaring cost of tea is wreakin' havoc on the economic situation in Uganda." Starsky grinned innocently at his blond.

"Uh. Excuse me for a few minutes guys, I just want to make a final pit stop before we get going." Jim smiled at Ken and cast a final glare at Dave before leaving the room.

"Can I not leave you alone for two minutes?" Hutch scowled. "Soaring tea prices, my ass."

"He's got ya sittin up there on his desk like your his fuckin' wife when your mine! Wadda ya want me ta do?" Starsky was livid that Jim had his Hutch displayed for all to see.

Nodding his head, Hutch agreed. "It is a little more than disturbing." Then he turned more light hearted. "Can't I just be your spouse or mate? I mean I don't know Starsk, but 'wife' just seems so unmanly." Starsky burst out laughing as Hutch once more tried out his best woman voice on the last sentence.

"You two ready? Thompson popped his head through the door. Amazed at how easily his Ken could bring Dave back around. His emotion's matching the color of his eyes as the duo agreed and approached him as one.

They didn't have to ride in the fish bowl after all, much to Starsky's relief, they parked several blocks away from the Jewelers, Jim pulling in directly behind them. "Well here goes nothin'" Starsky couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and knew the other two were feeling the same. A normal emotion, when setting up a sting. "I want ya stuck ta me like glue babe." He grabbed and kissed Hutch's hand before they got out of the car.

"Won't be anywhere else Mommy." Hutch laughed at the look of indignation his lover tossed his way.


Thompson had all the equipment they would need, or wouldn't need, including a shotgun in the back seat of his car. He tossed a set of goggles and vest at the others as they approached. Barely a word was spoken as they walked the few streets over and entered the dark shop. There weren't any bars nearby and the street was all but deserted. The owner had conveniently left the security alarm off for them, which Jim reset after re-locking the glass doors.

"Ya know. It makes ya wonder why, with all the valuable stuff in these stores, not one of the owners have put in motion detectors." Starsky had stripped off his T-shirt, and was struggling to fasten his vest, a flashlight propped between slightly bent knees.

Hutch, set his own torch on a glass display case and strode over help, his own vest hanging loosely. "What difference would it make Starsk? Silent or jangling, these guys are fast, and they aren't very likely to wait around until we show up." Finished doing his partner up, he reached down and took his light, sliding it up a little to briefly nudge the bulge in the center of the denims.

"Who needs ta behave now?" Starsky whispered as he began fastening up his lover. Then louder. "Point taken."

"Looks like we get to sit around in the dark for the next few hours." It wasn't lost on Thompson that neither one of his associates had exactly leaped to his own aid.

"Not just yet Jim." Hutch had just finished doing up his shirt, and was putting on his holster. "Give me a sec. I still got something for you and I to do." He beamed over. Thompson didn't need a light source to see him as the white teeth flashed in the semi-darkness.

After a few more minutes the three were all dressed again. Hutch began to rummage through an inside pocket of his jacket. "Ah there it is." He pulled out a small spool, Jim didn't have enough light to quite see what it was. Starsky grinned and reached into a pocket of his own and withdrew a jack knife.

"What is that?" Thompson was suspicious of the silent communication between the others.

"Fishin' line Jimbo." Starsky answered. "Looks like blondie here is plannin' on makin' a booby trap for our unsuspectin' crooks."

"A booby trap?" Jim sputtered. Still wondering what they were up to.

"I prefer to think of it as a trip wire." Hutch had gone back to the front door and unwound a lengthy piece of the thin, though extremely strong, string. He then went back to Starsky and let his partner cut it off. "Here you go Jim, if you would be so kind as to tie that across the legs of the first two display cases, me and Gordo will do the same near the back door."

Chuckling, Jim took the length and began his task. "You always bring fishing line on robbery busts?"

"I was supposed to have spent some time fishing today with my little brother." Starsky reached out and ran a comforting hand along the length of Hutch's arm, hearing the guilt in his lover's tone.

"Jesus it's bin a long day." Starsky couldn't believe it was only this morning that Thompson had so rudely interrupted their lives.

Wires in place, Starsky, Hutch and Thompson crouched down in their earlier assigned positions, turned off the flashlights, and began the long wait. Over the next few hours they rarely spoke, and when one did, they only used hushed tones. Starsky and Jim had both put on the goggles, Thompson was studying his Ken and Starsky was surprised that the man he was eye balling remained green, and hadn't turned red along with his rage. Finally at a little after one in the morning, they all perked up at the sound of metal on metal at the back door. Hutch quickly put on his own lenses.

Things happened very quickly after that. Hutch's fishing line worked like a charm, the two thieves were moving very quickly, the beams from their flashlights briefly landed on the transparent string, but the duo failed to notice. The first one went flying, the second almost landing on top of him. The detectives had sprung as soon as the first started to fall. It wasn't long before they were both cuffed and read their rights.

Several hours later the interrogations over the robbers were booked and remanded in custody pending their bail hearings. Reports on the take down finally completed. Although the two were geniuses at making big money in their chosen profession, they proved to be idiots when it came to letting the law help them. They had each signed, full written, confessions to all the break-ins.

"I can't believe how easy that was." Hutch closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his head in a huge stretch.

Jim had a hard time over the last few hours trying not to stare as his Ken had undone a couple of buttons of his shirt, and from time to time reached up to rub his hairless chest. He now began to salivate. "Thanks to your quick thinking Ken. Your good."

"Blondie here isn't always quick Jimmy," Starsky smiled warmly at his Blintz then turned warning eyes back to Thompson. "only when he has ta be."

'Something I plan to find out, you fucking bastard.' Jim grinned back at Dave. Hating having his attention taken away from the glimpse of golden flesh he had been feasting on."That's a wager I'm not willing to make." Until I sample the goods, he thought, knowing he wasn't likely to be disappointed.

Hutch had followed this exchange with rapt interest. He was a little ticked that the game of tug of war was still on, at least in his partner's mind. He was now trying to decipher Thompson's responses. He couldn't decide if his lover was right or not, he didn't see anything inappropriate in the green eyed man's responses, but how he hated being thought of as a trophy for the winner. "Anyway the rest is up to the D.A. and defence attorneys." Hutch stood and started to put on his jacket.

"Yup. Time for me and blondie ta head off back ta our neck a the woods an' crawl back inta our cave Jimbo." Starsky hoped Thompson had seen the lustful look he tossed at his blond, and realized that tonight he was going to get what the black, green and very white man would never have. "Bed sounds real good right about now." He also stood and squeezed his opponent's shoulder.

"When do you want me to help you with your greenhouse Ken?" Jim tried to ignore the images of the two together that kept popping into his mind.

"Well since its almost 5 A.M. how about tomorrow morning around ten?" Hutch was looking forward to, finally being able to make better living arrangements for his babies.

"I'll dig out my tools before I hit the sack when I get home." Jim tried not to imagine how big his Ken was when fully erect. The outline of the placid cock in the tight jeans came almost halfway to the blond's knee.

Hutch stiffened a bit when he remembered the picture of himself to the left of his new friend's arm. His partner's warning, ringing almost as loudly as the alarm at the jewelry store. "Sounds great Jim. Hope your planning to leave your browning at home." Hutch smiled and joined his lover at the door.

"You bet. I hate lugging the damn thing around with me." Jim fought hard to keep anticipation out of his voice, knowing that no matter what happened tomorrow, his career in police work would be finished .

"I'm glad you got the same time of from Lt. Baker." Hutch was sincere as he smiled into the emerald eyes.

"Have a nice night...or I should say day, you guys." Looking at his watch, Jim also found it hard to believe they had been going for almost twenty four hours, he hadn't slept during their afternoon off, thoughts of what the brunette was doing to his Ken filling his thoughts, as he knew they would for the rest of today.

"Better get some sleep Jimbo." Starsky was watching the green eyes, knowing exactly the sights that were flitting behind them. "I'll buy ya a beer after you and Hutch finish in the jungle." Hutch had already passed through the door and was headed towards the exit.

"I don't like you." Jim needlessly stated.

"Just keep in mind that he's mine." Starsky didn't try to hide the venom in his eyes. "Touch 'im an' your as good as dead."

"I just want to help him with his project." Thompson lied.

"Have a wonderful day Jimmy. I know I will." Starsky couldn't help stabbing a knife into the slender back a little further.

'Asshole.' Jimmy thought turning back toward his desk to gaze at the photo of his Ken.

Starsky could tell that his blond was a little annoyed by the tight expression on the beautiful face. "Wadda ya think babe?"

"I think you may be right, in that he has some sort of fixation on me." The sky blue eyes looked over at his love as the rising sun cast shimmers through the blond hair. "I just wish you didn't think of him as any kind of competition. I'm all yours hon." Desire was darkening his light orbs as he reached over and ran the back of his hand over the rough cheek of his lover.

"Today your gonna be in me." Starsky laughed at the red flush of his much loved lover. "An' I plan on takin' ya in my mouth first, before ya get a chance ta wrap those luscious lips around me." Starsky adored the way his Hutch still got embarrassed at his blatant sex talk. "I love ya fillin' me from the back end babe, but I really love it when ya come down my throat."

"Perfect." Hutch blushed. Erection almost knocking at his knees.

"Who do ya think invented lube?" Starsky happily pulled in front of his apartment building.

"I don't know." Hutch was taking deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm. Hardly able to wait until he could release his arousal. "Probably the Greeks or Romans."

"I can't wait till ya do the Greek on me babe." Starsky giggled, his own erection threatening to burst out of the worn denim, as he watched his lover flee the barely parked car, and fumble to open the door of his apartment.

Every sexual innuendo of his words during the darkness of the morning before, were fulfilled without hesitation. Hutch more than made him come over and over again. He had reaffirmed their unspoken vows with his lips and more than ready cock.

"Man! Am I glad we stopped for steaks at Huggy's" Hutch nuzzled into the warmth of his lover's neck.

"Sleep babe." Starsly smiled happily. "I'll be with ya if ya don't call on the hour."

"Get the albums done. Wish you could be with me." Hutch rode a hand up the hairy chest, before he succumbed to sleep.

Jesus! Jim thought as he watched through his binoculars. 'What a wonderful gift. He isn't only huge, but he knows what to do with it." He clicked off the Camera and slipped away into the morning, anxious to dip into the kind of dreams that David Starsky would hate him for.


Hutch had purposefully set his alarm for three in the afternoon, not wanting to sleep all day and then not be able to that night. He quickly woke, and shut it off when it began blaring away, then quietly headed towards the washroom. Rubbing the fine stubble that had begun to form on his chin. He chuckled softly when he seen himself in the mirror. His entire torso and upper legs were covered in beard rash. Twenty four hours plus was a long time for his partner to go without shaving. After a quick piss, he quickly rid the growth, showered and went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

He smiled as he put down his mug and looked up from The Times, listening to the low groans coming from the bed. Hutch had a pasta and cheese casserole in the oven, and a salad at the ready in the fridge. He stifled a giggle when his, not quite awake, lover stumbled out and staggered towards the bathroom. Damn! He's beautiful he thought as pride swelled his heart.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening having a quiet dinner and snuggling while watching television, neither one paying a lot of attention as sitcom turned to drama and then a John Wayne flick.

"Let's go back ta bed babe." Starsky let go of the ear lobe he had snatched and whispered seductively into the pale ear.

"Your tired? Its not even nine yet Gordo." Hutch was caressing the well muscled back as he tried to push his ear back into the wet warmth.

"No, but I figure I will be in an hour or two." Starsky pulled himself away and blatantly leered at his blond.

Laughing, Hutch pulled him back in for a fierce hug. "Don't you ever get enough? I swear Starsk, When I die it'll be because you screwed me to death."

"Don't ever talk about dyin', even if you're jokin'" Thoughts of the many times he had almost lost this, most cherished, person in his life flitted across Starsky's mind. Anger flinted the sapphire eyes as he looked into the light blue ones.

"I'm sorry hon, I didn't mean to get you upset." Hutch mentally slapped himself, knowing how much his lover hated any mention of his eventual death. "I'm more than ready and willing to call it a night." He leaned in and delivered a feverish kiss.

Starsky stood and with both hands, helped pull his lover to his feet. "I don't want ya makin' up the bed or changin' the sheets in the mornin' babe." The blue eyes turned ebony as he growled. "I want that reptile ta witness the evidence of us bein' together, and smell us with every breath he takes."

Their scents co-mingled several more times, before they were both capitulated into another deep slumber. They each slept dreamlessly, subconsciously knowing one was near to keep the other safe. When morning came, Starsky had once again made them omelets. They sat side by side, feeding each other as they laughed and joked.

Looking at his watch, Starsky sighed. "Guess I better head outta here. Thompsons not likely ta be late." His bearing was tense as he looked at his partner, concern and love smouldering in the indigo eyes.

"Everything will be fine Hon, you'll see." Hutch put an arm around him as he walked with him towards the door."If he tries anything, I'm sure he knows how to handle a no, just like the rest of us."

"There's quite a few out there Hutch, that think a no is a yes." Starsky reminded.

"I know. He said he wasn't bringing his gun, remember." Hutch nuzzled into his lover's neck.

"He said he wasn't bringin' his browning." Starsky stiffened even further, at he same time basking in the heat of his Blintz's lips. "That's not the weapon 'm most worried about." He swiveled sideways and delivered a mind blowing kiss the unsuspecting mouth. "Every hour?" He asked letting go.

"How about every 30 minutes?" Hutch knew his partner wasn't going to be able to relax until he received the call that Thompson was gone.

"Even better." Starsky nodded vigorously. "Startin' from the minute ya see him pull up in front?"

"I'll be watching the street the second you leave." Hutch ensured.

Hutch kept his word and picked up the phone the second he seen Jim's ugly green pacer pull up behind the fairlane. "He's here."

"If ya don't call me in exactly thirty, I'll be on my way over." Starsky firmly stated.

"Your making me feel like a hundred pound piece of fluff." Hutch didn't scold to harshly, knowing he would probably have been even more protective if their roles were reversed. Of course he still didn't see their fellow officer as the threat that his lover did. Starsky had not told him of the concealed looks and private words the two adversaries had shared.

"Sorry. But 'm serious babe." Starsky whispered and then hung up.

The next several hours passed peacefully, both dark and light sharing an easy banter as they turned the kitchen table into a small work shop. Jim was true to his word, and proved to be a more than capable carpenter. Hutch following his instructions to the tee. As luck would have it, Thompson was always busy, when Hutch made his call every half hour, whispering a soft 'everything's okay' and then hanging up.

It was mid-afternoon. Both men had downed a few beer, and were covered in a sheen of sweat. Hutch removed his shirt, and stepped out of the green house to place his bi-hourly call. He didn't hear Thompson slither up behind him. Not completing the call, the phone dropped from his hand as he felt first one wrist, then with lightning speed the other was grabbed and both cuffed behind his back.

"What the fuck!!" Hutch swung around only to have the back of Jim's hand strike him hard across the face, cause him to stumble, he managed to remain standing as he leapt onto, and over the bed, racing toward the living room.

"There's no place you can run gorgeous." Thompson's entire demeanor had changed. He had gone from companionable buddy to lecherous predator in the short time it had taken Hutch to make it to the phone.

"What do you want?" Hutch tried to keep his voice from cracking, knowing if he lost his footing it would be all over.

"You." Jim began to advance toward his quarry. "I don't think Dave realized how determined I was to have you alone for a little while." He sneered at the mention of Starsky's name. "A whole day together. Think of the possibilities." He lunged, not hearing the jangling of the telephone.

Hutch sidestepped, and at the last second brought a long leg up to connect with his attacker's waist, eliciting a winded grunt as the emerald eyes rolled back momentarily with the loss of air as he hit the floor. The blond took advantage of the situation, and brought his leg back and shot it forward in a vicious kick. Thompson had seen it coming, and rolled away enough to avoid the severity of the intended blow.

Knowing the beautiful man backing away from him had still managed to crack one of his ribs, he was more turned on than he had been the morning before, when he watched, and imagined the golden man making love to him, and not the hated Starsky. "You can fight all you want Ken, but I'm going to make you forget all about David. Today you become mine. MY Ken! Sounds good doesn't it?"

"Starsk was right! Your one sick Mother fucker!" Hutch spat.

Starsky hung up after the twentieth ring. Other than spread photos all over his carpet he had made no further progress with his project. He had spent the better part of his time alone pacing, watching his watch and waiting for the expected calls. He checked and then double checked his beretta, making sure it was loaded. He grabbed his jacket, as an after thought, and tore off in the Torino towards his lover's apartment. While racing through traffic, he called in an assault on a police officer, and requested the nearest black and white to get to 1027 and a half Venice Place ASAP. He was surprised, a few moments later, when he heard his Captain's deep baritone order an ambulance to the scene.

Hutch had backed into the living room, the coffee table behind him. He had latched onto the fact that the phone had stopped ringing a few minutes before, and prayed that his lover was already on his way. "Think about this Jim. Why do you want to take what isn't yours to have?" He entreated.

"You are mine Ken. You just have to be taught how wonderful I can make you feel." Thompson had struggled to his feet and begun to advance anew. "From here on in your going to be running those wonderful hands of yours through my hair, and not the tangled curls of your former partner's.

"Former!?" Hutch panicked for a moment, thinking that this maniac had somehow gotten to Starsky. He quickly realized, after all the calls he had made, that wasn't the case. Jim had been with him most of the day. His eyes, instinctively flashed towards the window.

Thompson took that moment to pounce. He followed Hutch down, onto, and breaking through the coffee table. Hutch couldn't get his legs to help as the tall man lay between them and on top of him. Thompson ripped his T-shirt in half and clamped his even teeth into the smooth skin.

Hutch screamed as he felt blood begin to ooze from the bite, and then bit his tongue as he felt another and another open up over his exposed torso. He bucked frantically, and finally managed to bring one leg up and slam a heel into an unexpected calf.

Jim screamed in pain and sat up, he rained slap after slap across the handsome features beneath him. The green eyes had turned blank in the process. He reached down and tore at the belt and snap of Hutch's jeans. Yanking them down to the knees, it was all he needed to trap any further assault from the long limbs. He gazed longingly at the limp penis resting on the bare belly below him.

"No. No. No." Hutch murmured again and again. The fair head shaking back and forth in tune to his words. Fear had caused his balls to hide out in his throat.

Licking his lips, Thompson didn't hear the screeching tires, and distant sirens turning onto the street. Though he never got a chance to taste the tender morsel beneath him.

Starsky all but flew up the stairs to his lover's apartment, he didn't even look for the key, as he brutally kicked in the door, weapon drawn.

Startled, Thompson looked up just in time to see the enraged brunette. He didn't have a chance to say a word, as a bullet tore into his heart.

Starsky kicked the body away and bent over his lover. "Ya okay babe?" Tears were running down his cheeks as he took in the bloody bite marks and exposed form of his lover.

"Can you pull up my pants?" Hutch managed to gurgle.

"Yeah. Yeah babe." Starsky quickly complied and then wrapped the fair head in the comfort of his embrace. "Your gonna be fine." He tried to sooth. It wasn't good enough he had killed the assailant, he wanted to bring him back to life and murder him.

"I think one of my wrists is broken." Hutch whispered on the verge of losing consciousness.

"We'll take care of that as soon as help arrives." Starsky kissed the sweaty forehead.

Hutch went away, just as Dobey, an ambulance and lab team arrived. "What the hells goin' on here!!" Starsky grinned, knowing the game was finally over, and he had won.


As it turned out, both of Hutch's wrists were badly sprained, but thankfully not broken. The cuts and severe bruising from his struggle were going to render his arms somewhat useless over the course of the next few days. Although they caused him quite a bit of pain, it was the viciousness of the bites that were causing him, a much more wrenching, inner torture. Terrified that he would have permanent scars and that his beautiful brown haired lover would find them repulsive.

Dobey had given a happy Starsky a long, heated lecture about private parties, after hearing about his curly headed detective's concerns about Thompson's seeming attraction to the blond. "You suspected or, in fact, knew he was going to pull a stunt like that! And you still left your partner alone!" The big man's equally large voice rang through the waiting area of the hospital. Drawing disapproving stares from staff and visitors.

"Come on Capn'!! I thought the guy was just gonna make a pass, and after Hutch politely declined, that would be it." Starsky's relief that his Blintz was going to be alright was replaced by angry indignation that his boss would even entertain the thought of him putting his lover in any type of danger. "Do ya honestly think that I would 'ave left him alone if I thought this was gonna happen!? As it was Capn' it was Hutch that didn't think Thompson was a threat, an' it was me that insisted he call every half hour."

"Still. I wish you had of let me know, so I could have done a thorough check on him." Dobey's voice softened. He couldn't imagine the terror his fair headed officer must have been going through, almost being raped by another man. He visibly shuddered at the thought.

"Its not like we hadda lot a time Cap'." Starsky once more calmed down. "I mean we only new the creep a few days."

"Well at least you managed a call to Chicago." Dobey placed an apologetic hand on his feisty detective's shoulder.

"Yeah well. I was pissed off at Thompson for all the innuendoes he was gettin' in, and at Hutch for not pickin' up on 'em." Starsky had turned sheepish. "I stomped off and left 'em in the garage."

"I imagine they'll be wanting to keep him overnight." Dobey looked towards the treatment room where his other best officer lay.

"The only one that'll be observing him tonight, is gonna be me." Starsky needed very much to hold his beautiful Blintz tonight. He knew his blond was blaming himself for what happened. Starsky also knew that he too was still in shock over what had happened. A flash of what horrors could and would have transpired, had they not agreed to the 30 minute contact, caused a sharp quake throughout his body.

It was nearly six in the evening when the hospital finally released the blond into the custody of the hyper brunette. True to Starsky's prediction. Hutch was quiet as he silently tried to think of how he could have prevented the assault.

"Ya know what's bin buggin' me?" Starsky glanced over, kicking himself for only thinking about it after the fact.

"What's that?" They were the first words Hutch had spoken since they got into the Torino.

"I thought that maybe he..well I really didn't think he would do it." Starsky smiled slightly. "I told 'im that if he was thinkin' of gettin' me outta the picture an' blamin' on the confusion at the Jewelry store that you wouldn't be as forgivin' as IA."

"Jesus Starsk!! Knowing now what he was capable of, I'm surprised he didn't!" Hutch began to shake, as he thought of how close he had come to losing his life's dream.

"No babe. It was what he said ta me after." Starsky reached over and squeezed the back of his lover's neck.

"What was that?" The light touch instantly soothed the tall blond.

"He said somethin' like 'I'd never hurt him that way.'" Starsky shook his head. "I wish I remembered it before. I mean it was like he was hintin' that he was goin' ta hurt ya in somehow."

"You think he was into the pain and punishment thing in order to get off?" Hutch wished his partner had let him in on these little tidbits of conversation his lover and assailant had shared.

"Do you think Internal Affairs is going to give you a hard time in their investigation?" Concern washed over the crystal eyes.

"Nope. Already bin cleared, accordin' ta Dobey they were so surprised that a male cop was caught in the process of tryin' ta sexually assault another cop, that the killin' was justified." Starsky grinned at his lover.

"Its kind of sad." Hutch didn't return the smile. Instead he turned his head the other way and stared out the window.

"What? Ya want them ta give me a hard time." Starsky leaned forward in a pointless attempt to read his blond's eyes.

Hutch snickered. "No dummy. I'm glad you've been cleared. I just think how sad a life Jim must have led to bring him to this kind of an end. I mean he must have been so lonely." He lightly rubbed a bandaged wrist with his other hand. "You know."

"I'm findin' real hard ta chalk up any sympathy for 'im babe." God how he loved how soft his big lugs heart was. Leave it ta you Hutch ta dig up some pity for the lizard, Starsky thought.

Starsky held on tight, even in his sleep, to his beautiful treasure. They were both tucked in and fast asleep by nine that evening. Starsky forcing Hutch to take something for the pain before they both crawled into bed. Dobey had allowed them both two weeks off, Hutch wasn't capable of doing his duty and Starsky would be useless without him.

Starsky helped bathe, feed and tend to his lover's every need over the course of the next few days. A little dismayed that Hutch insisted on sleeping in a T-shirt or pajama top. He permitted Starsky to check his lower arms on a daily basis, but refused to allow him to re-bandaged and add ointment to the feast marks on his chest, abdomen and hip.

"I wanna see them." Starsky said over the table. Hutch had hardly eaten in the four days they had been home. The weight loss was becoming a very big concern to the brunette.

"No." Hutch pushed his peas into his mashed potatoes, not looking up from his plate.

"Please." Starsky implored. "Ya haven't let me get a peek at the gorgeous body a yours since we got home."

"It's ugly." Hutch began to squirm.

"Will ya let me decide?" Starsky softly asked. He wasn't giving up. Although he was grateful that his lover was as stunning as he was, he wouldn't have felt any differently for him if he had a hunch back or the worlds biggest wart at the end of his nose.

Nodding shyly. Hutch stood and let his partner come around and begin to undo the buttons of his shirt. Refusing. Afraid to meet the disgust in the midnight blue eyes.

Tossing the shirt aside, Starsky gently removed the coverings from the wounds. Frowning at the purple, black and blue bruising that still spread out from the venomous bites. "Their healing nicely babe." Starsky reverently touched each of the marks, having to undo his lovers jeans to uncover the third. The light touch of his fingers was quickly replaced by the soothing balm of his lips as he loved each mark.

"Will you feel that way if there still on me a year from now?" Hutch hated the sniffle that had wormed its way into his voice.

"I think their gonna fade in no time. But if they hang around for the rest of our lives." Starsky brought himself back up and took the full lips in a passionate kiss. "They'll always remind me not ta take ya for granted." He began to steer his lover towards his bedroom.

"I don't think I'm ready to hold myself up." Relieved, Hutch grinned. For the first time since they had left the hospital an erection had sprouted.

Starsky grinned lustfully has he gently shoved his blond onto the bed. "Your not gonna havta do a thing babe. I'm gonna do all the work, and all ya havta do is keep them baby blues on me."

Hutch did as he was told.

Starsky wasted no time in stripping his lover of all clothing and tossing the long legs over his shoulders. He bent to kiss and suckle the thick erection as he prepared himself. Straightening he wasted no time in becoming one, once again with his love. His long slow thrusts quickly became staccato bursts of speed as he heard the wonderful sounds of pleasure coming from his Blintz. Hutch exploded with a scream seconds before his own yell mingled with that of his lover's.

Starsky spent the next few minutes cleaning them up before he crawled in beside his beautiful gift. Nuzzling the warm neck he said. "Your the most gorgeous creature on the planet babe, hell the universe, but if ya think its your looks that turn me on...well I won't call ya a liar, but I'm in love with your heart."

They spent the next few days reaffirming their bond. It was Hutch that finally wanted to get out and be among other's. His wrists, though still wrapped were now usable."I'll buy you dinner at Huggy's." It was almost a week after the attack.

"Your on. Besides Hug has bin goin' nutso wantin' ta see ya." Starsky smiled as he finished shaving the loved face. He wasn't ready to let his lover take over from the care he had been giving over the last little while. The blond's left cheek still held a bit of swelling from the opened handed slaps.

Walking into the smokey bar, Hutch felt once more at one with himself. Though instead of the bar he found a semi-secluded booth near the rear of the club.

Starsky paused and snagged the proprietor's attention as soon as they entered. "Steak, baked and a lot a cream Hug." He whispered into the thin face.

"You think The Bear hasn't noticed the state of decline of one of his favored friends?" Huggy cocked an eyebrow at his curly friend. "Jug a draft is on the way and then a calorie ridden dinner to follow."

"Thanks Hug." Starsky smiled gratefully at his friend.

"Ya might wan ta do somethin' with these also curly." Huggy handed over an envelope.

Peeking inside, Starsky paled at the small portraits and negatives of him and Hutch involved in their favorite activities. Swaying slightly he looked into the warm brown orbs..

"Let's just say a brother a mine owed me a favour." Huggy winked and sashayed back into the kitchen.

Starsky was delighted to see his Hutch finally eat a half decent meal. He took him home and managed to burn off most of the calories his lover had consumed.

The next day was spent at the amusement park with Kiko winning most of the games. Though Hutch went on some of the rides, he left the competitions up to his partner. His arms were still a bit sore.

Kiko loved playing the games with Starsky, but his heart was with, and trying to understand what had happened to his big brother. All he got for his inquiries was a 'I won the prize' from his curly haired friend.

At the end of the day, the boy could take it no more, and questioned his hero as to what had happened. "Ask Starsk." Came the stilted response. "He won the game." Shaking his head , the boy headed toward the bright red car.

Cobalt snapped up to meet cornflower as Kiko vanished from his eyesight and only a much wanted body came into view. "I'll tell 'im. Tomorrow."
