Title: Dolphin's Song

Author/pseudonym: Debs (Cappristar)

Fandom: Starsky and Hutch

Pairing: S/H slash

Rating: NC-17

Status: Wip

Archive: Yes

Feedback: Yes

Critique: Gently

E-mail address for feedback: Montedebs@aol.com

Series/Sequel: No

Disclaimers: I don't own the characters, only write for fun and pleasure

Notes: Again a very special thanks to my beta-reader, Michelle, who adds volumnes to the fun I have writing. Also to Anne who let me badger her about what the fuzzy ball on the hat was called. :)

Also the passage Hutch reads I borrowed from Bruce Bagemihl, 'Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity'

Summary: The boys have finally admitted how they really feel about one another, only they are experiencing difficulties in finding the time to explore them as outside influences keep getting in the way.

Dolphin's Song
by Debs

"Wadda ya mean I can't come over!?" Starsky was incredulous that his partner had informed him of such a thing. "It's nine a clock on a Friday night and I can't come over! Thought ya said you were alone." Jealousy threw it's heady blanket over him as he clenched the phone in a death grip.

"I am alone Starsky..I just want to be..well just that." Hutch looked around his silent apartment, wishing very much that his partner would come.

Starsky could hear the undisguised melancholy in his blond's voice. "You okay babe?"

"Yeah. Maybe. I don't really know Starsk." Came the soft reply, confusion evident in the silky voice. "I really don't think I'd be very good company right about now buddy."

"'M on the way." Starsky hung up without waiting for a response, knowing that it would meet further protest.

"Shit!" Hutch swore hanging up the phone. He knew that his curly haired partner wanted more from him than he was willing to give right now, at the same time knowing that he would deny his partner nothing.

Starsky threw on his bomber and was in the Torino in mere moments. He was terribly afraid that taking advantage of his blond a couple of weeks before while they both had more than a little too much to drink was the cause of his lifes blood's reason for trying to keep him at arms length. They had been at Hutch's place, downing a few and giggling hard at nothing, when his long hidden wants came unbidden to the surface, his Hutch looking so vulnerable and easily takeable as he leaned over and laid his lips gently over the delectable set of his partners'. The electricity jolting him enough to drive his tongue down and into the moist heat hidden behind the easily parted lips. It had taken a certain Detective David Michael Starsky some time to accept how much he wanted to make his partnership with his 'partner' more permanent than friends and fought valiantly to defy what each progressive day proved to be more and more of a battle that he was quickly losing. How well ! he remembered..okay not so well, he admitted to himself, the aftermath of being shot in the restaurant, surprised and perplexed that the most searing memory was that of his blond's hand lightly touching his groin, and how vivid the sudden reaction to it had been.

Hutch thought back while he paced the small living room watching, without being aware of it, out the window for the arrival of the red and white Torino that would soon deliver him his deepest desire. He tried to remember, searching valiantly for the exact moment when he found he wanted, no not right, needed to feel his partner's bare skin against his own. The small Italian restaurant sprung immediately to mind and was quickly thrown away, he was too upset with the shooting and worry about his partner's life to have anything even remotely resembling amorous intentions on his mind. Starsky kissing him, nearly a month ago, had sent him reeling into a forbidden and deeply hidden realm of his own wants, not quite sure how to handle it all he finally managed to push away, even now ashamed at how quick his breath had become. Starsky left soon after, but the blond felt an unrelinquished hunger following the brunette's absence. "Not been the same since have we Gord! o?"

Starsky could see the outline of his partner's shadow cast by the pale glow in the room behind. Shutting off the engine he sat for a few moments trying to collect his thoughts and submerge the longing in his semi-swollen cock.

Hutch could feel the heat abandon the rest of his body as it surged towards his center, his member rising under the ever tightening denim as it quietly saluted the arrival of the dark haired partner. Suddenly and inexplicably nervous Hutch held his breath as he watched Starsky exit the Torino, shrug defensively while briefly glancing around, and head towards the steps.

"Oh God." Hutch managed just as the phone jingled and he heard his Starsky bound up the stairs. "Hutch."

"Hey blondie you're not so better half there?" Huggy's voice was softer than usual.

"Give him a three second count and he will be." Hutch smiled into the line.

Starsky didn't knock just opened the door strolling purposefully into the apartment, surprised that his blond was on the phone.

"Huggy." Hutch held his hand briefly over the receiver.

Nodding, Starsky went to the fridge and grabbed them both a beer.

"He's here now Hug, what's up?"

"Expect some trouble brewin' in the next few days." Huggy remained as cryptic as always.

"How so?" Hutch had gestured for his partner to come and listen in. Both men fighting back the tension as the flesh of their arms touched, the receiver becoming a barrier between their mouths.

"Remember a dude by the name of Quinlan Jones?" Huggy asked. "Used to be a small time hood in the baddest part of town?"

"Tall? Nondescript?" Hutch replied. "A little on the overweight side but more husky than fat?" He nodded as Starsky was shaking his head looking questioningly at the blond.

"You got it. He was sent up the river a few years back, but has just recently made parole."

"What has this got to do with us Hug, as I recall he was brought in on a B and E with an assault thrown in." Hutch frowned, Starsky reaching up to thumb the cleft between his eyes, bringing on goose flesh and making him pull his head away. Their heads coming back in close to capture the Bear's response.

"Maybe nothin' maybe a lot. Seems he's taking up residence in our part of town this time 'round and talking about starting some new enterprise and it ain't exactly an in the books kind of business." Huggy's voice had lowered letting the detectives know that someone in the bar had gotten to close.

"What sort of business Hug?" Starsky asked.

They could almost see their ultra-svelte friend tug on his lower lip. "It involves young girls an' boys plus the black market. 'M talking an overseas sorta market place."

"How old Huggy." Hutch clenched his jaw, feeling his partner also tense beside him.

"Seven to ten seems to be the preferred age bracket, although he hasn't seemed to have begun collecting any of the goods yet." Huggy stated angrily, disgust evident in his voice. "The whiter the better if ya catch my drift blondie."

"So first thing he has ta do is check out the Asian markets and set up a buyer." Starsky spit out, knowing all too well how these kind of transactions work.

"He was only a two bit hood Hug, why would he risk blowing his parole by getting into something that could send him away for life?" Hutch asked puzzled.

"Not a clue. Best I can figure is that he's lookin' at the profits and not the possible time."

"We'll check it out Hug an' let Dobey know, but there really isn't a whole lot we can do about possibilities and no proof." Starsky added already wanting very much to safeguard any possible victims.

"I figured that already Starsk, just thought I'd give you both a heads up." Huggy smiled knowing full well that the duo would not only be looking into it, but looking into it with a vengeance.

"Let us know if you hear anything else Hug." Hutch added replacing the phone back on the hook after the quick. "Will do bro'."

"Another pervert in the making." Starsky grumbled sitting on the couch and popping open his beer.

Hutch sighed sitting beside him. "Maybe not. You said yourself buddy that nothing is concrete yet. I just hope we don't have to start dealing with missing kids."

"Yeah. Little blue eyed blonds." Starsky looked over at his all grown up one. "What are we gonna do about us?" He whispered.

Hutch swallowed before looking up with fearful shyness haunting his own pale eyes. "I don't know. I mean it's not something I really wanted to admit to myself but I did secretly want it for a long time Gordo."

"You mean me?" Starsky own orbs darkened in hope.

"I mean you." Hutch nodded for the first time really admitting to himself the truth, as well as his partner his true thoughts. "I'm more afraid of that though than I have ever been of anything in my life."

"What's ta be afraid of Blintz?" Starsky kept his voice low, inching his way closer, afraid that his blond would bolt at the least little provocation.

"Are you kidding?" Hutch looked up again, not noticing that Starsky was eyeball to eyeball with him.

"No." Starsky shook his head slowly, his lips twitching dying to again take his partners.

Hutch studied him for a moment before taking a deep breath and answering. "I..I'm afraid of ho..how it would change us, cha..ange me. You know?" He smiled timidly taking another deep breath. "What it..well what it would make us."

"You mean would it make us gay?" Starsky encouraged. "Less than men?"

"Something like that I guess." Hutch brought his chin down, leaning forward, elbows on knees he began turning the can of beer around in his hands.

"Do you really think that sex and who we love makes people, or us for that matter, define how masculine we are?" Starsky brought his hand up to gently massage the back of the blond's neck. "Do ya really think we would start tossin' hanky's around and debating the merits of paisley or plaid for cushion covers?"

Hutch snorted and then laughed outright. "No. I can't see that happening."

"Do ya think I'd think less of you if you let me make love ta you?" Starsky cocked an eyebrow knowing that with a little more prompting he was going to win, if not the jackpot right away, then most certainly another shot at it.

"I don't know. I think it's me I'm afraid of..me and how I might feel after...well..after." Hutch glanced over for the first time noticing that his partner was almost on his lap. Instead of wanting to flee he was surprised to find his cock had suddenly resumed it's earlier interest, and found himself wanting to swoop in and taste again that bow shaped mouth taking his own. "I..I um..I do want to try though."

"We'll take it as slow as ya need to babe." Starsky's hand had left the neck and began forming light circles down the broad back. "You do know that anything we do together is born out of love?"

"I know." Hutch whispered again looking down. "I love you so much Starsky that it hurts, and I don't want anything to happen to what we already have."

"Nothin' would ever make me love you any less Blintz..I'd just like ta show ya another way we can express how much we care." Starsky leaned in further nuzzling his nose under a pale ear lobe. "If ya don't like it or get uncomfortable at any point..an' I mean any point, we'll stop."

"Sure?" Hutch had closed his eyes his erection pressing painfully as it expanded.

"Sure." Starsky husked as he ran his lips over the strong chin before bringing them up to finally meet again with the trembling mouth of his most cherished fantasy.

Part 2

Starsky knew better than to push his skittish blond, and with herculean effort kept his tongue in his own mouth while he savored the eagerness that the lusciously full and smooth lips responded to his own exploratory urgency. Gradually easing Hutch towards the back of the couch he was pleasantly surprised when his blond growled and pushed him back instead. He soon became even more astonished when Hutch's tongue forced it's own way between his teeth and began slowly tracing it's way around and over his teeth and gum line. Shivering with anticipation, his own tight fitting denims angrily drawing more of his attention than he wanted to give, he captured the moist organ with his own and they began a fast waltz as they both tasted and explored. Panting and breathing heavier than he knew he should allow, Starsky pulled his mouth away at the same time lightly pushing his partner back.

"What's wrong?" Hutch was instantly alarmed that perhaps he had done something to offend Starsky, his lips hovering mere inches from those that they had just possessed. His own breath coming in shallow gulps. "Are you okay Starsk?"

"Oh yeah." Starsky nodded, licking his mouth, his eyes shining with desire. "I thought we were gonna take this slow, that's all."

Hutch couldn't remember when it was that he had twisted around to place one foot on the floor and the other knee on the couch. With a hand firmly cupping the side of Starsky's face the other bent, gripping the back of the chesterfield. "Oh." He half turned and sat back, unsure of what he wanted to do next was something Starsky was ready for. "I guess that maybe I don't want to go..well I don't..I really don't think we need to go all that slowly."

Starsky was leaning back watching carefully, an amused expression on his face, torn between wanting to ravish the blond while still feeling the need keep any further exploration at a more leisurely pace. "Maybe we did all we should do for one night eh Blintz?"

"We aren't twelve or thirteen Gordo." Hutch cringed, hearing his voice go up an octave, a sure indication that he was sulking.

"I know that Hutch." Starsky bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"I mean..we're grown men." Hutch reclaimed his beer and began to fiddle with the open tab.

"'M aware of that too Blintz." A snicker turned into a slight cough.

Silence except for the annoying sound of aluminum clinking against same as Hutch continued to flick the tab up, letting it fall back down.

Starsky finally reached over, taking the beer away and setting it back on the coffee table. "So what of it babe?"

"I just..well I mean." Hutch sighed heavily bringing his head around to look at Starsky. "I'm not used to waiting for what I want..at least not when it comes to sex."

"You saying you want us to go all the way?"

"Not necessarily, but I don't see why we have to end it after a kiss and then you go home again either." Hutch shrugged.

"It's your call Hutch. What do you want us to do?"

"How about we..well I'd like for us to.." Taking a deep breath, forcing himself to acknowledge what he wanted to say and then say it. "I'd like us to sleep together." Holding up his hand when he saw Starsky begin shaking his head. "No...wait. I mean just sleep together, maybe make out a little more, maybe not even that, but I know I really want to lay down beside you Starsk..have for awhile now."

"How long Hutch? Since I kissed you last month?" Starsky had involuntarily crossed his fingers.

"Longer than that. At least I'm pretty sure that it's been a lot longer than that." Hutch smiled shyly. "I think it was then that made me discover what I wanted more than anything."

"And if you don't like it, or are uncomfortable with it?" Starsky prodded. His breath beginning to hitch as his cock twitched anew.

"What if you don't like it?" Hutch pulled on his bottom lip, want reflecting from his eyes.

"I doubt very much that that's likely ta happen."

"Me too." Hutch stood reaching down he took Starsky's hand, pulling him to his own feet. "How about it?" He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around the slightly smaller form and rested his forehead on top of the curls his nose rubbing lightly under the wayward hairline.

Starsky chuckled softly.

"What's so funny?" Hutch pulled back slightly.

"I wasn't expectin' this to go so good." Starsky admitted. "I mean I kind of expected ya to be as high strung as a newborn colt facin' a wolf without his ma around.

"Am I being too aggressive?" Hutch drew himself up defensively.

"Nope. 'M just surprised is all. Pleasantly I might add." Starsky pulled his blond back towards him, keeping just enough space between them to reach up and begin to undo the shirt covering the chest he had thus far been afraid to dare think about.

Neither man was aware of the trail of clothing they left behind on their way to the bedroom, their lips locked as they moved in a jilted though somehow rhythmic dance. Finding themselves under the covers they both sighed in unison when nipple grazed nipple and belly pressed up against the heat of the other’s. They had both opted, through unspoken agreement to leave their underwear on, a pledge quickly broken as their solid erections wasted no time in finding each other through the dual layer of thin cloth. Each sprouting a small amount of pre-cum in a cocks only way of expressing delight at meeting one another. Both men threw back their heads back when satin covered steel pressed up against silk enshrouded iron, only to come back in a rush, teeth gnashing against teeth as they began to thrust into each other, the friction becoming almost unbearable when suddenly they both stilled as their erections spewed forth their exultation at the same time as they yelled each other's name.

Starsky moaned softly, stretching luxuriously with eyes tightly clenched and satisfied smile on his face. Reaching over he sat up abruptly when he found that not only was his Hutch not there, but that the area where the long body should be was cool to the touch. Lifting the bedding he pushed himself up and shrugged himself into the ugly orange robe that was two sizes too big for him. He was hoping desperately that his blond hadn't worked himself into a funk over what they had shared the night before. "Fuck! I knew we should have taken more time." He cursed softly, weaving unsteadily towards the kitchen. Only to stop short seeing his partner, stark naked legs crossed on the coffee table, on the very couch where all the events of the night before had begun. "You okay babe?"

Hutch looked over his shoulder with a smile that would blind the sightless. "I'm fine Gordo, more than fine."

"Whatcha reading?" Starsky approached, trying to keep his eyes averted from the tempting sight sprawled lazily over the fair thigh.

"A book on underwater mammals." Hutch picked up the open book showing Starsky the cover.

"May I ask why?" Starsky smiled as he planted himself on the chair at the end of the coffee table.

"Something about what I remembered reading about a long time ago." Hutch turned scarlet, turning his focus back to the print.

"Care to share?" Starsky's lips began to twitch in mirth. How he loved it when his normally stoic partner began to squirm.

"I was just curious Starsk, that's all." Hutch closed the book, a long finger marking his place.

"Well now ya got me dyin' ta hear it." Starsky's eyes increased in intensity as he leaned forward, urging Hutch to explain. "I mean whatever it is, it got ya out of bed after..well after last night."

"Okay." Hutch nodded, knowing he owed an explanation to why he slipped out of bed when all he really wanted to do after waking was to snuggle back into the warmth of his partner, and now lover. "I'll just read you one passage that has me thinking."

"Alright." Starsky sat back, wondering what exactly it was that had got Hutch deliberating at this hour, at the same time knowing that Hutch and thinking weren't always a good thing. "What could have you thinkin' this early in the mornin', I mean to cause ya ta get up and seek out a book on
sea creatures?"

Hutch cleared his throat and opened the book to the page he had been reading. "Well what I was trying to find, and did find," He grinned and waved the book in the air. "is about dolphins."

"Dolphins?" Starsky couldn’t keep the incredulousness out of his expression and voice. "You rolled outta bed to read about dolphins?"

"Shhh. Listen to this Gordo." Clearing his throat, Hutch again turned his attention back to the book and began to read . "The lives of male Bottlenose Dolphins are characterized by extensive bisexuality, combined with periods of exclusive homosexuality. As adolescents and young males, they have regular homosexual interactions in all-male groups, sometimes alternating with heterosexual activity. From age 10 onward, most male Dolphins form pair-bonds with another male, and because they do not usually father calves until they are 20-25 years old, this can be an extended period - 10-15 years - of principally same-sex interaction. Later, when they begin mating heterosexually, they still retain their primary male pair-bonds, and in some populations male pairs and trios cooperate in herding females or in interacting homosexually with Spotted Dolphins."

"You're fuckin' kiddin' me." Starsky cocked a leery eyebrow.

"Nope. There's more." Hutch smiled preparing to read on.

"Wait a sec Hutch." Starsky looked to one side then brought his focus back to his partner. "You tryin' ta tell me that ya crawled outta our bed just so you could look up the sexual orientation of a bunch a fish!"

"Dolphins." Hutch corrected matter of factly. "Dolphins are mammals Starsk, fish aren't."

Starsky rubbed his face with both hands and stood abruptly. Whirling around he spotted the nearly full pot of coffee in the kitchen and strutted towards it, rolling his shoulders on the way.

Hutch watched him go, wondering what it was that he had done wrong. Waiting for the brunette to return and resume his seat he finally asked. "You okay hon?"

Starsky snorted. "Why Hutch? Huh? Why? I mean after fulfillin' every dream I thought I ever had, short us truly becomin' one, did ya suddenly feel this urge ta research how fis..dolphins fuck?"

"I just thought maybe there was some correlation." Hutch undid his legs and placed them on the floor, setting the book on the table, his shoulders straightening in a defensive posture.

"You think that maybe what we feel for each other is somehow related to the behavior of sea mammals?" Starsky bit back a giggle.

"Yes. Yes I do Starsk." Hutch nodded encouragement. "I mean we've been close, bonded even since the day we met, maybe this is.." He pointed a finger at Starsky and then back to himself. "this new dimension in our feelings is the same sort of thing."

"You're really weird." This time Starsky didn't try to keep back a laugh. "I mean neither one of us are related ta Flipper babe."

"That's not what I meant Gordo." Hutch scowled, not understanding why Starsky wasn't following his train of thought. "I mean what if we have what comes natural to them in the wild..what if we're meant to be together for life?"

"I didn't need a nature lesson ta figure that one out Blondie." Starsky chuckled and came over to sit beside Hutch, placing an arm around the still tense shoulders. "I've known that for a long, long time."

"Mushball." Hutch too began to laugh.

"How 'bout we one up them fish." Starsky pushed Hutch back, quickly straddling the blond he latched onto the pale neck and began to suck in earnest.

"Dol..dolphins." Hutch managed just before his mouth was claimed.

Part 3

The jangling of the phone was the only thing that saved Hutch's neck from being turned into passion's version of hamburger. Reluctantly pulling away from his breakfast, Starsky leaned over and picked up the offending instrument. "This better be good." He snapped into the line.

"Excuse me!!" Dobey's voice boomed loud enough that Hutch winced, certain that if he had neighbors that they would have heard it too.

Snatching the phone out of Starsky's grasp, Hutch gently pushed the brunette off of his lap. "Sorry about that Cap, Starsky stayed over and slept on the couch last night..apparently he didn't rest well."

"Should teach him to spend more time in his own bed." Dobey grunted.

"Was there something specific you wanted to talk about Capn'?" Starsky had curled himself beside the blond so he could hear both sides of the conversation while at the same time finally not being able to resist the downy soft cock that was now perking up as his warm hand began to gently squeeze and tug at it.

"Just a rumor about a child kidnapping ring in the process of being started up." Dobey's voice had softened considerably after his initial ire at his dark haired detective's rudeness had subsided.

"Heard about it, Huggy called last night to give us a heads up." Hutch tried to swat Starsky hand away from his penis, only to have Starsky slap it, hard, back. Giving up, without much of a fight, he picked up the phone and set it on the couch beside him, leaning all the way back to give Starsky better access.

Starsky grinned hungrily, deciding that he needn't waste any time on hearing the rest of the conversation, he fell to his knees on the floor between the long legs, lifting the semi-erect cock, he began to lightly lick the round head.

"I..I um..I don't really know what we can do about it right now Cap." Placing a hand over the phone he took a few gulps of much needed air. "Think maybe you could wait until I get rid of him Starsk?"

Starsky response was to take as much of the now fully hard rod into his mouth that he could get in without choking.

"Ah Jesus!"

"What's that Hutchinson?" Dobey's voice queried.

"Nothing..I think I must have eaten something that's giving me cramps Cap." Hutch's eyes were the size of saucers as he paid scant attention to his superior, the majority of his attention fixed on
watching his lover attempt to swallow him whole.

"You're right." Dobey.


"You're right about not being able to do anything about the rumor for now, I just thought you both should keep your eyes and ears open."

"Oh..um okay Captain..we will." Hutch tried to fight back the moans that threatened to escape his lips as he began to try and thrust into the moist throat, Starsky though had anticipated that and had his hips effectively pinned down, the suckling noises driving Hutch almost as wild as the soft wetness engulfing him.

"What the hell is that noise?" Dobey spit out before he remembered that often times it was best not to question what his boys were up to.

"Water pipes are acting up again." Hutch managed through clenched teeth.

"Get them fixed, and surprise me Monday morning by being on time for once!" Dobey instructed before hanging up.

Hutch let out a hiss of relief at the sound of the dial tone and dropped the receiver, narrowly missing the wavy head as it dropped down to rest beside it's mother. "You trying to kill me?!"

Starsky smiled, pausing momentarily to catch his own breath he looked up panting. "Do you have any idea how good ya taste babe?"

"Uh..no..no I have no idea." Hutch gasped. "I can't last much longer Starsk."

"Good. 'Cause I can't wait ta taste all of ya." Bending his head back down he began to stroke with his hand, matching the movements of his mouth while with his other hand he reached under and delicately began to manipulate the swollen balls.

"You're a sadist!!!" Hutch yelled as he felt the final build up, then squirted his essence down the waiting gullet.

After endless minutes, Starsky pushed himself back on his haunches his back pushing the table further away as he sat up. Licking his lips he grinned mischievously. "Sadist huh?"

"I can't believe you did that." Hutch was too drained to consider how ridiculous he may look sprawled naked, legs wide apart.

"Believe it." Starsky's blue orbs trailed up the blond's body and then back down again. "I can't wait ta do it again either."

"What about you?" Hutch suddenly realized that he hadn't before thought about taking another man into his own mouth.

"Ya might wanna consider gettin' the couch cleaned next time ya decide that the carpet could use it."


"Of course I came babe." Starsky pulled himself back up, resting his head on the smooth chest. "How could I not?"

"All this is going to take some getting used to." Hutch was finally beginning to regain his equilibrium.

Starsky lifted his head slightly, the dark curls tickling the underside of the fair chin. "Hutch?"

"Yeah?" Hutch had placed his arm around Starsky's shoulder and squeezed gently.

"I don't want us ta be like dolphins."

"What do you mean Gordo?"

"I mean I don't wanna share you with the Flipettes."

Hutch smiled, placing a kiss onto the softly matted hair. "You want us to be just us?"

"Yeah." Starsky sighed. "I don't wanna share."

"Me either." Hutch brought his other arm across to hold his brunette tighter. "Ever."

Starsky pulled away, sitting up he studied the cyan globes that never wavered from the cobalt. "You really mean that Hutch?"

Hutch grinned, a look of complete astonishment flickering across his features. "Yeah Starsk..I really do."

"Good." Starsky leaned back into the embrace. "I think maybe tonight we should consummate our marriage."

Hutch's eyes widened as the warm air from a soft snore washed airily over his chest.

Hutch gently lay Starsky back, standing he pulled the lax legs out so his lover was stretched out more comfortably. Covering the inert form with the afghan from the back of the couch he headed off for a shower, fear and anticipation mingling as he pondered what events would transpire during the still far off evening. Zombie-like he went through the motions of preparing for the day, for once even picking up after he finished with the shower. His heart jumped to his throat when he emerged to find Starsky sitting up and glowering at him.

"Ya did it again!" Starsky gritted between clenched jaw.

"What!?" Confused, Hutch looked around and behind him.

"Twice in one mornin' ya took off when I was sleepin'."

"Oh." Hutch still couldn't see what the problem was, but would be damned if he would say that to Starsky. "Sorry Gordo."

"Do you have any idea..any idea at all how long I've bin waitin' ta wake up with you beside me?" Starsky rose, his slow movements seeming to take on the force of a hurricane as he stormed past the still stunned blond, slamming the bathroom door behind him.

"Pancakes and bacon." Hutch muttered to himself picking up his jeans, briefly wondering how they got behind the couch, and pulling them on. "I'll make him that and..think Hutchinson..yes!!!" He exclaimed happily upon finding an unopened box of fruit loops in what he referred to as 'Gordo's cupboard.' "Damn! I won't have time to make pancakes before he gets out." Leaving the fridge door open after retrieving the bacon he ripped the package open with a steak knife. Not bothering to separate the strips he tossed the entire half-pound into the frying pan, then went back to the fridge, flinging open the freezer door. He nearly whooped with delight at seeing the box of frozen waffles staring back at him. "Good. Good, he'll like these even better." Tearing open the box he popped a couple into the toaster, hastily setting the table he ran into the greenhouse, apologizing to Heidi as he plucked a couple of flowers from the six foot hibiscus. Returning to the kitchen he plopped them into a juice glass and set it in front of the bowl, liberally milking the brightly colored cereal. Satisfied he turned his attention back to the sizzling bacon and with a fork began to separate the strips, determining too late that they wouldn't all fit, he plied apart half the mass with the fork and held the top with the finger of his other hand, opening the door under the sink he tossed the good sized portion into the waste basket. Feeling he now had everything under control, he began to relax somewhat, singing softly to himself as he began to putter in lieu of running around in a panic.

Starsky emerged from the shower, opening the door slightly to dispel some of the steam his nostrils were assaulted with the delightful scent of bacon cooking and the even more glorious sound of his lover's rich voice carrying it's music across the apartment. Quickly drying himself off he slipped through the door, snagging his jeans from the floor, fleetingly wondering how they managed to find their way under the end table, he pulled them on and stealthily made his way towards the kitchen. "Whatcha doin' babe?" He placed his hand on the bare back, smiling as Hutch jumped a little, the singing stopping instantly.

"I thought I'd fix you something to eat." Hutch popped the waffles down.

"You mean that if you fed me maybe I wouldn't be so pissed off at ya."

Hutch grinned. "Something like that." He admitted.

"I ain't mad at ya Hutch..just disappointed that the mornin' didn't turn out as good as the night."

"I thought it wasn't so bad." Hutch smiled, a slight flush coloring his cheeks.

"I didn't say it was all bad." Starsky grinned back. "But I am serious about wakin' up with you and me all wrapped up together. I was lookin' forward ta that almost as much as I was lookin' forward to makin' ya mine."

"Aww Starsk." Hutch could feel a lump forming in the back of his throat. "I'm all yours Gordo, mind, body and soul, from this day forward." His voice barely above a whisper floated through the small space between them, the raw devotion hitting straight to Starsky's core.

"Damn straight!" Starsky could feel his heart swell and felt that if he continued to let himself get lost in the sincerity of the sky blue eyes it would burst with happiness. "Waddya make me." His soft tone giving away the depth of love he felt for the man before him.

"As much of your favorites that I had on hand."

"Well they ain't Corn Pops." Starsky nodded toward the brightly filled bowl. "But they'll do in a pinch."

"I promise I won't get up before you tomorrow morning." Hutch turned his attention back to the bacon, at the same time rescuing the waffles from burning in his ancient toaster.


"Yeah Starsk." Hutch flew his hand to his mouth as one of the waffles went from said hand landing precariously on the waiting plate.

"You're not likely ta wanna move much tomorrow."

Part 4

"I've had enough." Starsky pushed his chair back, rubbing his stomach his eyes full of love as they regarded his blond who was looking over the remains with a scowl.

"You sure? I mean you didn't eat very much Starsk." Hutch looked up, worry now causing his brow to furrow, as he wondered if maybe his always ravenous partner was coming down with something.

"Positive." Starsky smiled back. "I'm fine babe..really."

"If you say so. I've just never known you to eat so little after such a long a period of time." Hutch still wasn't appeased, but tried hard not to show it as he got up and began to clear the table.

"Don't take this personally Hutch." Starsky also stood, coming up behind Hutch he wrapped his arms around the bare torso placing his palms over the delicate nubs on the smooth chest while resting his cheek between the tanned shoulder blades. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too." Hutch melted back into the embrace, thinking that if he died today then his life would have been complete.

"I know that, and not only that but you just proved it to me." Starsky turned his head to kiss a protruding blade.

Hutch tensed a little. "What do you mean? I mean how?"

"Who else would fly around like a chicken with their head cut off in order to make someone all their favorite breakfast foods just so that person wouldn't be mad at them?" Starsky tightened his arms, gently rubbing the stiffening nipples.

"You didn't eat very much of it." Hutch turned his head to the side.

"It's not the meal I loved babe. It's the idea behind it." Starsky smiled caressing the broad back with nose.

"You hated it." Hutch lowered his head in disappointment.

Starsky began to giggle. "No one, and I mean nobody has ever served me soggy cereal, burnt waffles and bacon that if it was a steak woulda been cooked rare ta perfection. I've never felt so loved in my entire life Hutch. It was perfect."

"Are you making fun of me?" Hutch began to laugh, realizing that his partner just described the repast in all it's perfectly disastrous outcome. "At least nothing happened to the flowers." He turned and held Starsky close, tilting the impish face up to look at him.

"Betcha Hilda is pretty ticked off at ya." Starsky grinned.

"Heidi." Hutch snorted. "She'll be okay, I'll give her a couple of squirts of growth juice to make up for it."

"What do we do for the rest of today?" Starsky pulled away fighting the urge to drag his lover back towards the bedroom and turn the day into night.

"I was thinking." Hutch turned serious while continuing to pickup the mess. Grimacing he dumped the glob of bacon into the garbage, handing Starsky the bowl of nauseating neon bits floating around in the milk. "Dump this down the toilet will you?"

Starsky walked carefully towards the washroom, not wanting to spill any of the concoction and quickly returned, the sound of the toilet finishing its flush following him back. "I hesitate ta ask what it is you've been rackin' that brain of yours about now. Please don't tell me we've moved onta primates."

"No. I'm serious Starsk." Hutch poured them each a coffee and gestured for his partner to resume his seat while again taking up the one opposite. "I've been thinking that if I was going to get into a kiddie porno/kidnapping racket where would I start?"

"Whoa Hutch!" Starsky held up his hand. "You yourself admitted that Jones is too fuckin' stupid ta get inta anything even remotely close ta that, it smacks too much of organized crime."

"Maybe so Starsk, but he probably doesn't plan on running a ring, just getting a piece of the action." Hutch lifted his mug taking a small sip of coffee, pleased that at least one thing turned out right in the kitchen this morning.

"Alright Blintz, what's been rattlin' around in that empty head of yours?" Starsky leaned forward, knowing that if there was any truth to the rumor that his blond had already come up with an angle.

"The kids themselves."


"If he was thinking. Let's say Quinlan was looking to make easy money, he'd look for any connection related to an already ongoing racket. I mean if I were him I'd try and guarantee delivery of a certain amount of the product, for a price, and stay completely out of the rest of it."

Starsky looked appalled. "These are little kids Hutch not sacks a flour." His voice carried a hint of anger.

"I know that Starsk..but think about it for a minute. First of all he'd have to find that connection, then in order to be taken serious he'd have to have already found a couple of children to prove that he wasn't a snitch. Now where is the most popular place for a rich pedophile to spend his vacation?" Hutch looked over flint in his eyes at the thought of what was going on in the world while they spoke over the kitchen table.

"Philippines." Starsky answered automatically.

Nodding, Hutch continued. "Now where would be the best place to pickup small kids without raising too many questions?"

"'M kinda stuck on that one Blintz." Starsky admitted. "It would be pretty hard for anyone ta snatch a child from any school yard, orphanage or playground even, without drawin' some sort of attention real fast."

Hutch leaned over closer. "Exactly. That's why if he goes ahead with it he'd be thinking of picking them up out of state and bringing them across the line."

"Even still Hutch, no matter what state he would take them from it would make the national news." Starsky was shaking his head, his eyebrows edged close together as the thought hard about what his partner was saying.

"When?" Hutch leaned back in his chair, glancing once across the table and then staring into his nearly empty mug.

"Huh?" Starsky's head snapped back straight ahead.

"When would it hit the wire?" Hutch continued bringing himself forward again, resting his forearms on the hard surface. "Not after the first child goes missing…that would only be local news for the first few days. Another one goes missing? Still would be at least a full week before any possible connection could be made...and buddy that's being generous." He released a breath he hadn't known he had been holding, cheeks puffing out with the mild force. "Could take less than a day to grab half a dozen kids and get them over the state line, they'd be well on their way out of the country long before the FBI would be called in, longer still before anyone could even begin to start tying the pieces together."

Starsky began to nod his head, taking a deep breath it was his turn to sit back. "You're right, but it's still all based on rumor, supposes and speculation babe." Scratching his stomach he smiled seeing that Hutch was watching the movements of his hands as he ran his nails over his belly. "We can think this ta death Hutch, doesn't mean anything's gonna happen."

"I know." Hutch tore his eyes away. "Gossip and unfounded reports aren't any basis to start an investigation, but I have to tell you Gordo." Sky blue swung up to meet sapphire. "I have a real bad feeling about this one."

"That's good enough for me." Starsky whispered. "What do ya wanna do about it? "

"I don't have the faintest idea." Hutch smiled and shrugged. "Parole officer is likely to be a dead end. We'll probably find a vacant lot at the address he was given."

"Huggy it is then." Starsky rose, slapping his palms on the table. "Let's get dressed and see if our not so fuzzy Bear can tell us the latest whereabouts of our Mr. Jones."

"It's pretty early Starsk." Hutch followed him into the bedroom, getting himself a clean shirt out of the closet and tossing one of Starsky's own that had been lurking in there as well.

"So?" Starsky held up the white shirt, inspecting it for perspiration stains, not spotting any he took a quick sniff before deeming it suitable for wearing.

"As bad as I can be Gordo, I am not in the habit of hanging up dirty clothes." Hutch snorted in disgust while tossing a green and white striped rugby shirt over his head. "Anyway, it's a little early for Huggy to be up and around, I was thinking maybe we should go down to the station and see what we can find out about any of Quinlan's friends or maybe cellmates he may have spoken to..this rumor had to start somewhere."

"I hate ta tell ya this blondie, but this is one of our rare days off." Annoyance darkened the blue eyes. "I mean goin' ta Huggy's is one thing, I mean I am kinda hungry anyway, but the station?"

"Shouldn't take long Starsk. We'll just try and pick up a few names, that's all." Hutch checked his weapon before placing it back in his holster, continuing to fasten the latter up.

Starsky sunk down to sit on the edge of the bed, gazing forlornly at the pillows. "What about us Hutch? I mean we just started the rest of our lives and I wanna have at least a day or two just for us."

Hutch followed his lover's eyes towards the rumpled pillows, a touch of fear glazing over his own. Looking away quickly he responded. "We will Starsk, we'll have plenty of time for just us. I swear Gordo that we won't be gone more than a few hours."

Starsky hadn't missed the anxiety marring the baby blue's just before they were averted and felt his stomach begin to churn with dread. He had felt the same feeling waking this morning and finding Hutch gone, and now thought that the blow job was a huge mistake, an error in judgement
that just may have frightened his Hutch away from any further sexual contact.

"Coming?" Hutch asked from the doorway.

"Yeah." Starsky responded with little enthusiasm.

It was only a twenty minute drive to Parker Center, but the silence in the Torino made it feel like hours, before they made it halfway Hutch finally had enough. "What is it Starsk?"

"Nothin'." Sulky.

"Bullshit!" Exasperated.

"Alright fine!" Angry. "I think you're startin' ta think your way outta what we did. I think you wish it never happened and that we can just go back ta being just partners."

Hutch looked at him incredulously. "What?"

"You heard me."

"Pull over."


"Pull the fucking car over now Starsky!" Hutch yelled louder than he meant as rage and frustration combined.

Starsky knew better than to argue with that particular tone and turned off into a relatively empty parking lot. Turning off the ignition he sat quietly, lightly thumbing the steering wheel.

"Is that what you really think?" Hutch's voice had softened to a near murmur.

"Is it true?" Starsky risked a glance over, keeping his eyes there when he saw that Hutch looked on the verge of tears.

"Of course it isn't!" Biting his lip he added. "Is that what you want?"

"No!" Starsky's eyes widened in horror. "All I ever wanted was you..all of you, I just didn't know it until a little while ago."

"Same here." Hutch smiled, his eyes instantly drying up. "Look Starsk, I have enough insecurities for the both of us, I really don't need you pulling a Hutch on me. Okay?"

"Kay." Starsky's grin lit up the front seat.

"Now if we're going to pretend that anything didn't happen it's going to be this conversation." Hutch reached over and ran the back of his hand over the chiselled cheek. "Okay?"

"Kay." Starsky allowed a few seconds to lean into the warmth before he turned his own watery eyes back to his blond. "I love you Hutch."

"I love you too." Hutch didn't even try to keep the hitch out of his voice.



"Here's something interesting." Hutch chewed on his lower lip as he handed a file over the desk to Starsky. "Take a look at who Jones was shacked up with prior to arrest."

Starsky kept his head bent, scouring over the paperwork strewn over his own desk, looking up only after reaching his hand out to grasp the open manila folder his partner handed him, and finding that it wasn't being released as expected. The flash of anger he momentarily felt immediately dissipated when his eyes met the fierce hunger in the pair of crystal blue blazing across at him. "What have ya got Hutch?" He tugged a little harder.

The firmly clamped jaw barely moved. "You?" A split second glance around the room, his voice would never have been heard even if someone had been nearby.

Starsky's own eyes blackened with longing, although he didn't release his own grip on the file, pulling all the harder. "Always." His whisper was smoky with desire.

Hutch's eyes narrowed further, the color deepening to reflect the shade of sky when the sun reclaims the earth after a summer shower. With a blinding grin wrought with happiness he released his own grip, sending Starsky pitching backwards, the chair tottered for a few seconds on it's hind legs before thudding safely back on all four. His laugh sent a wave of heat straight into his partner's soul where it tingled for a moment before spreading out in a sudden rush, causing a shiver to run up his spine. "Trina Newcombe." He stated in a conversational tone, his eyes unblinking, never wavering from their mark.

Starsky swallowed thickly, fighting with all he had not to dive over the table, torn between strangling his lover and ravaging him on the squadroom floor. "Newcombe huh?"

"You know Starsk?" Hutch looked from side to side before leaning over, added in a conspiratorial whisper. "I think maroon is your color."

"I think 'm gonna kill you when we get outta here." Starsky's hedonistic grin and slitted eyes stated better than words what he really wanted to do.

"You ever hear of her?" Hutch nodded towards the folder that Starsky still held close to his chest.


"Trina Newcombe."

"Doesn't ring a bell." Starsky sighed, sorry that whatever game his partner had started seemed to be over.

"Me either. How about we go pick the Bear's brain now?" Hutch slid his chair back. "Besides if I'm hungry, you must be getting positively faint."

Starsky also rose, shrugging on his bomber and glancing at his watch. "Jesus Hutch! It's almost one, where'd the time go?"

"Definitely not in the direction of any great leads." Hutch adjusted the collar of his own jacket, then leaned over to close the file and straighten out the mess on Starsky's desk.

"No kiddin'. Maybe Huggy knows who this broad is." Starsky strutted towards the door holding it open, with a flourish he waved his partner through. "Think maybe we can eat before we ask 'im?"

"If not we'll at least order first." Hutch lightly fingered his lover's stomach as he passed.

"You know what Starsk?" Hutch asked after they were again settled in the Torino.

"What babe?" Starsky looked over, hesitating before starting the engine.

Hutch blushed and looked shyly away. "There's a reason..I mean besides the fact that I don't feel very good about this..this non-case, that I don't really want to be home right now."

Starsky removed the keys and sat back, turning his body slightly in the seat to better face his blond. "What's the real reason Hutch?" He sucked in his lips along with a shaky breath.

"I just..well I feel kind of strange." Hutch looked over. "I mean I feel funny inside..not a bad funny. Just..I guess." He smiled nervously. "I'm in love, only this time it's different, a whole lot different."

"Because I'm a man?" Starsky asked, feeling a little better in spite of Hutch's hesitation.

"No. No it's not that..even though that's a first." Reaching over Hutch picked up the fist that had the keys in a death grip. "I have more to lose this time than I ever had before."

"You think that you might lose my love?" Starsky tried to keep his voice even.

"I will." Hutch nodded sadly. "I always do."

"Not this time babe." Starsky brought his fist up and lightly kissed the large hand covering it. "I've always loved you, and I'll never, not ever, let you go."

Hutch stared at him for a moment before nodding and pulling his hand back with a warbled sigh. "I could afford to lose before Gordo. Not this time."

"I think..correct that..I know that this time we're both gonna win Blintz." Re-adjusting himself, Starsky started the car and pulled out of the garage. "You finished for now?" Grinning he asked after a few minutes, pleased that Hutch had relaxed.

"Finished what?"

"Pulling a Hutch on me?" He burst out laughing at the look of chagrin on his blond's face.

Missing the full swing of the lunch time crowd, the duo made their way to their favorite booth, both looking around trying to spot the willowy form of their friend and favorite informant. A young lady neither man recognized came over, pad in hand, to take their orders.

"I'll tell ya what I want if I can have your phone number darlin'." Starsky waggled his eyebrows almost before she made it to the table.

"You must be Starnski." She blew a bubble, sucking it back in before it could pop, indicating to the pair why one of her cheeks had appeared to be a little swollen. "Anita warned me about you." After a disdainful sizing up of the detective she turned her attention to Hutch, her demeanor doing a complete 180 before their eyes. "That must mean that you're Hunk..I mean Hutch." She blushed prettily, brushing a copper ringlet away from her cheek.

"Yeah. I'm Hutch and he's Starsky." Hutch smiled warmly up at her, thinking how not so very long ago he would have been contemplating when and how he would ask her out, he was as surprised as he was delighted to find that now he found the attention amusingly annoying. "We'll both have the special..Trina. His with onions mine with pickles, we'll both have fries and a couple of draughts."

"You got it sugar." With one last disparaging glance at Starsky she walked away.

Starsky was staring after her, his tongue sticking while giving her the finger before turning his glare over to his partner. "I think I could have placed my own order."

"Did you notice her name?" Hutch ignored the dirty look.

"Where the hell does Huggy find these..these women!" Starsky spat, plucking a napkin out of the dispenser and twisting it in his hands. "Can you explain that to me? Starnski my ass."

"I think she's kind of cute..feisty too." Hutch grinned then tried to bite it back at Starsky's withering stare. "Seriously though Starsk did you catch her name?"

"No. I was to busy hopin' she'd choke on that wad a gum." Starsky admitted sulkily.

"Trina." Hutch prompted. "Her first name is Trina."

Starsky sighed as if the weight of the world refused to leave his shoulders. "You have any idea how many girls probably have that same name Hutch?"

"How many times have we run across that same name in less than two hours?" Hutch added excitement lighting his eyes. "It's not like her name is Stephanie or Jennifer Starsk."

Starsky found himself getting caught up in his partner's eagerness, not because of the name of the woman he decided he didn't like, but because of the beautiful smile that was aimed at only him. "If it makes ya feel any better we'll ask Huggy when he comes over, alright?"

Hutch nodded just as Anita plopped a mug of draught in front of Starsky. "Trina already take your orders?"

"Yep." Starsky replied first. "Seems you've bin spreadin' nasty stories 'bout me too."

"Nothing nasty Starsky, I just told her not to believe a word you say." She smiled sweetly then winked at the blond. "Hi Hutch."

"How are you Anita? We're looking for Huggy is he around?" Hutch tried to focus completely on her, while at the same time watching his partner out of the corner of his eye as his imp stuck a finger into the foam, rubbed it over his upper lip and then seductively licked it off, all the while the dark eyes not wavering from Hutch's own mouth.

"No he isn't, but I'm glad you asked honey." She pulled an envelope from her apron, tossing it on the table between the two. "He wanted me to give you guys this if you stopped by before he got back."

"Thanks." Hutch smiled as she turned to walk away. "Hey Anita?"

"Yeah Hutch?" She turned back.

"The new girl, Trina. What's her last name?"

"You interested in her?" Anita smiled, though her voice held a note of disappointment.

Shaking his head, Hutch replied. "Not at all, she just looks familiar that's all."

"Oh." She perked up. "I can't remember exactly but I think it's something like nuke 'em." Without realizing it she glanced at Starsky.

Starsky rolled his eyes.

"Newcombe?" Hutch asked.

"Yeah, something like that." Anita nodded. "Anything else?"

"Think she'd be willing ta answer a few questions?" Starsky piped in, instantly alert to what was turning out to be more than just a fluke.

"I'm positive she wouldn't mind, but she left about five minutes ago, that's why I delivered the drinks handsome."

Starsky chuckled. "Now 'm handsome!"

"I never said you weren't Starsky, I just said that you can't be trusted." Anita laughed and walked away, this time making it without further questioning.

Hutch took a sip of beer. "The plot thickens."

"No kiddin'. You gonna open that?" Starsky nodded towards the envelope that they both had almost forgotten about.

"Go ahead Starsk."

Starsky tore the end off and slipped the single sheet of paper out, taking a swig of beer before unfolding it. "He wants us ta meet him upstairs at eight tonight." He tucked it back in the envelope and tossed it angrily back to the table.

"Cryptic." Hutch responded. "What's got you so ticked now?"

"Eight o'clock tonight..TONIGHT Hutch!" His hiss carried the force of a yell.


"Yeah! Fuckin' oh!" Starsky quickly looked around aware that his voice had risen enough to draw a few stares.

"I swear Gordo that we won't be gone longer than a few hours." Hutch looked stricken. "Come on Starsk! All this isn't my fault. You think I somehow planned all of this?"

"Of course not. 'M just gettin' frustrated babe." Starsky apologized. "I want it ta be only me and thee this weekend and have the rest of the world leave us alone."

"Me too." Hutch smiled, looking up as their meals arrived. "Let's eat up and then maybe we can go home and cuddle for a little while at least."

"Cuddlin' is not the only think I had in mind." Starsky grumbled lifting the top of the bun, tossing it back down and swapping plates with Hutch.

"I gathered that with the foam play." Hutch giggled.

"I take it you caught the drift." Starsky grinned.

Laughing outright, Hutch replied. "Are you joking Gordo? I'm buried in it."

"Wait for it."

"You don't make it easy Gordo." Hutch gulped, feeling more than his heart begin to flutter.

"Ya think Junior here is havin' such a great time of it?" Starsky snorted pointing at down at himself.

"Eat will you." Hutch shook his head still smiling as he picked up his burger.

"Fine." Starsky popped a couple of fries into his mouth. "You really think she's cute?" Jealously glittered in the cobalt depths.

"Huh?" Hutch looked up. "Oh for God's sake Starsky!"

"Just checkin'." He winked, deciding to keep an eye on this Trina if and when they had to question her.



"Well. We've got a good five hours or so before we havta head back and meet Huggy." Starsky stated with a pout.

"Uh huh. What do you want to do in the mean time?" Hutch was busy watching the sidewalk crowd, his own thoughts swimming as he wondered how everything seemed so normal and yet could change so drastically.

Starsky glanced over, his eyes narrowing. "Don't go there Hutch." He mumbled, giving his partner's body a quick once over before turning his attention back to the street.

"Why don't we go nose around the docks and see if we can find any information on what kind of cargo is going where over the next few weeks?" Hutch leaned back lifting his rear, his hands pushed at the denim down his thighs before he settled back down.

"Still don't wanna go home huh?" Starsky again looked over, trying to decipher what his blond was thinking.

"More than anything." Hutch blushed, bringing his head around to peer at his lover. "But at the same time..I don't know, I guess maybe I do need more time to think about all that's been happening."

"Translation. Could ya drop me off Starsk so I can spend the next several hours workin' myself inta a state of near collapse over why my world has suddenly turned upside down.'" Starsky slapped the steering wheel in frustration. "No way Hutch. If ya want a think or talk about all of this then we do it together. I know ya too well than ta let you alone when you're feelin' all screwed up inside."

"That's not what I was implying at all Starsky!" Hutch didn't attempt to keep the annoyance out of his voice. "For your information I was wondering how I've managed to live for so long without knowing that everything was so..so wrong." His voice trailed off as he realized that that was indeed the direction his thoughts had taken him.

"So why do ya want some time alone?" Starsky implored, enjoying the pleasant quiver that ran up his spine at hearing his partner's words.

"I never said that I did." Hutch fought the urge to roll his eyes, instead biting the inside of his cheek. "I just think that maybe..well maybe you were right, and we shouldn't rush this along, it..you mean too much."

Starsky studied the strong profile for a moment before responding. "You're petrified."

"Of course I'm scared, aren't you?" Hutch swung his head back over.

Starsky kept one eye on the traffic and most of his attention and his other on his uneasy partner. "I don't think you're afraid of this new stage in our relationship babe." He whispered, wishing there was a place he could pull over. "I think you're terrified by what I said this mornin'."

"What are you talking about?" Hutch's voice conveyed the bewilderment that was equally evident in his expression.

"About us goin' all the way." Starsky sucked in his lip, not for the first time wishing he had the foresight to see this conversation coming when he could give Hutch his undivided attention.

Hutch was quiet for a few minutes before finally responding. "I didn't really think very much about it."

"Bull." Starsky smiled, a melancholy glaze surrounding his pupils. "I think havin' that running through your head is what you're tryin' ta run from."

"I'm not going anywhere Gordo." Hutch stated softly though emphatically. "I guess maybe you're right though." He began to gnaw on a hangnail, adding with a low murmur. "I've never been with a man before."

"I won't hurt ya babe." Starsky smiled at his lover's shy admission, keeping his own voice hushed. "I know what 'm doin'."

Hutch nodded. "I gathered that already." Foregoing the nail he moved on to chew on his bottom lip. "'Nam?"

"Most of the broads over there had invisible signs over their heads screamin' fifteen minutes a pleasure for two weeks a pain." It was the first time Starsky ever spoke of that aspect of the war, and was surprised at how easy it was to confess such to his lover. "Some of us guys decided it wasn't worth the hassle. The insects in the bush were bad enough without bringin' a few extra bugs in along with us."

Hutch had wondered why his brunette had seemed so self-assured, and was both relieved and more than a little intimidated that Starsky had a much better grasp on how things worked. "Did you..were you.."

"In love with him?" Starsky finished. "No Hutch. It never happened often, just when we needed ta get our rocks off, you know?"

"Him?" Hutch felt his stomach lurch.

"Yeah we kinda paired off. It was easier that way." Starsky wanted to slap himself for using a singular, knowing his blond would analyse that bit of information to death. "Come on babe, I barely even remember his name, and 'm sure he can't remember mine either. We were just two scared and lonely kids lost in a world we didn't understand."

"Did you..did you pretend he was a girl?" Hutch gulped, suddenly finding the floorboards fascinating.

"No." Starsky admitted. "I didn't think about it in those kinda terms Hutch."

"How did you think? I mean what were you thinking when..well you know." Hutch rolled down the window finding it hard to breathe.

Starsky reached over and gently squeezed his love's thigh. "I was only thinkin' of myself, pleasin' myself..gettin' as much pleasure as I could while I could still feel."

"Can we go home now?" Hutch swallowed thickly his eyes on the hand lightly massaging his leg. "Together?"

"We're closer ta my place babe." At his partner's nod, Starsky sped up a little, anxious for them to stop moving, afraid of what was going on behind the fluttering pale lashes he loved so much.

"How about we play some backgammon Hutch, we haven't done that in a long time." Starsky bounced to the kitchen, needing desperately to do something more useful with his hands instead of wringing them painfully. He had never before felt so agitated around his partner, Hutch's stoic demeanor setting him on edge like it never had before.

"Acey deucy?" Hutch asked automatically, his eyes following his partner's retreat towards the kitchen, locking hungrily on the rounded ass.

"Sure." Starsky smiled over his shoulder, pausing a moment to try and gauge his blond's state of mind. "Can ya set it up and I'll us get a pot of Java on the go?"

Hutch found the case easily enough beneath the coffee table and brought it to the kitchen table. Opening it up he pulled out a chair and sat, having nothing else to do in preparation for the modified version of the game. "What did you do after?"

"After what?" Starsky paused, ready to pour the carafe of water into the machine. "After we got back home you mean?"

"Yeah." Hutch picked up the dice and began rolling them in his hand.

"I gather ya don't mean visitin' with ma and then comin' back out here ta join the academy."

"You gathered right." Hutch nodded a faint smile ghosting the corners of his mouth.

"Hutch." Starsky flicked on the coffee maker and then pulled a chair over to sit beside his partner. "Why is all this stuff eatin' away at ya? I mean with all the women we've both had buddy, neither one of us are virgins."

"This is a helluva lot different Starsky!" Hutch jumped up, his chair scraping the floor with a squeal. "You've had experience with this..with this sort of thing and I don't have a goddamn clue what I'm doing!"

"You don't feel equal?" Starsky asked keeping his voice even. "You feel like you somehow don't measure up?"

"I don't know Starsk!" Deflated, Hutch sunk back into his chair his eyes pleading. "I feel like you're going to somehow be disappointed in me..my performance or something. That maybe I'm not going to be able to give you what you want."

Starsky reached over and pulled the large hands closer to him. "You've already given me more than I ever, in my wildest dreams, ever hoped for."

Hutch studied the indigo depths for any hint of anything other than the sincerety and adoration that was flowing from them. "You really mean that don't you?" His voice was subdued as he relaxed, allowing himself to truly believe what he had doubted could ever possibly be true.

"More than I've ever meant anything in my life." Starsky crooked a grin. "What we got Hutch is more than most people could even think about havin' and it's only going to get better. I promise."

"Starsk?" Hutch asked with a burgeoning smile. Continuing when the curly head bobbed slightly. "I don't want to play this." He tilted his head towards the open game case. "And I don't want any coffee either."

"You're gonna leave, aren't ya?" Starsky felt the foundation of his heart begin to crumble. Stricken he tried to look away before tears could begin to well.

Hutch tore a hand out from under the shelter of his partner's and quickly cupped it around the angular cheek, bringing the cobalt eyes back to face his own. "No! No Starsk. I just don't want to play backgammon," He leaned forward and softly touched his lips against the slightly parted ones of his life. "That's all." He slipped his tongue out and lightly traced the outline of Starsky's mouth.

"What do ya want us ta do then?" Starsky closed his eyes relishing the feel of the warm organ caressing the second softest flesh on his body.

"I want you to go brush your teeth." Hutch pulled back with broad grin. "I love you babe, but hour old onions are pretty hard to ignore." Then laughed outright when Starsky's hand flew up to cover his mouth, turning serious again almost instantly. "After that..will you teach me some of the ways I can bring you pleasure?"

Feeling self-conscious, Starsky stood, distancing himself so as not to breathe in his desire's space. "I doubt I need ta teach ya anything that you won't figure out on your own Hutch, but I'm more than game if that's what you want." He began backing his way around the table and towards the washroom, not needing his eyes to navigate, afraid to tear them away from his blond.

"That's exactly what I want...David." The longing in his voice matched only by the love smoldering in his eyes as he followed his love, cocking his head to the side when Starsky paused gripping the doorframe to his bedroom.

"I'll be right back." Starsky's lower half disappeared, as if he were afraid that if his eyes followed, Hutch wouldn't be there when he looked again. "Don't move." He admonished, his head vanishing to catch up with his legs.

Starsky was brushing his teeth for the second time and rooting under the sink for the bottle of listerine when he heard the phone ring. Cursing silently and spraying tiny bits of creamy paste mixed with saliva over the mirror, he just knew that there was going to be another interruption of his plans on the other end. Spitting into the sink and quickly rinsing his mouth, he popped open the bottle and took a healthy swig of the stinging liquid, swishing it around for less than the minimum recommended time he rid himself of it and wiped his mouth. He hurried back to the living room just as Hutch was placing the phone back into the cradle. "Please tell me that was a salesman."

"Huggy." Hutch looked up, his own disappointment evident on his face. "He'll be here in ten minutes or so."

"What did he say?" Starsky could feel his thickening hard-on begin to diminish.

"He said he'd be here in ten minutes." Hutch ran a frustrated hand through his hair, his own cock not missing a beat as it stopped it's happy dance and took up a funeral beat.



Huggy began to knock and was surprised when the door opened before his knuckles had a chance to connect with the wood. Stepping across the threshold he was glad that he had worn a poncho and tam, discovering that the atmosphere was decidedly cooler inside than it had been on the stoop. "I most certainly hope the frigid atmosphere in here isn't any indication of the sort of reception I can expect."

Starsky had seen the cab drop the Bear off and walked away after turning the knob and swinging the door back.

"Hi Huggy." Hutch was seated on the couch, turned sideways he couldn't help smile though whether it was his comic friend's bright red and gray tartan attire or his always easy banter that brought the grin to his face. "Where's the kilt?

"Sorry Hug." Starsky also began to warm up with the thin man's arrival, already setting the mugs on the counter. "Want a coffee?"

"Sure thing Starsk." Huggy removed his tam, the oversized pompon flopping from side to side as he tossed it in the air while making his way towards the blond on the couch. "I thought I best forego the skirt in favor of the cloak blondie, the ladies, I do believe, would not be able to restrain themselves after feasting their eyes on my naturally bronzed limbs."

"Hutch?" Starsky cocked an eyebrow waving the pot, his eyes lingering a moment longer than necessary. "I know backgammon's outta the question, but would you like a cup of coffee too?" The sarcasm laced with resigned humor.

"Sure. Sounds good..now." Hutch covered his snicker with a cough. "What did you want to tell us that couldn't wait until tonight Hug?"


Hutch could almost hear Starsky's blood start to whistle as it began to boil. "Nothing?"

"Well nothin' that couldn't really wait is what I'm saying." Huggy took the mug with both hands from Starsky, concentrating on not spilling any on his newly acquired overcoat. "But since I've received a better offer of company for this evening I thought I'd come share what my ears have picked up since our last conversation."

"Get on with it Hug." Starsky glowered over his own mug, after perching on the arm of the sofa beside Hutch, nostrils flaring slightly when Huggy waved him off and took a sip of the hot liquid.

"Easy Starsk." Hutch smiled up at him. "You heard the man, he has plans for tonight so you can stay home, uninterrupted, and work on that model ship like you wanted."

Starsky's entire face lit up as his blond's words sunk in, his hope for an entire evening and night alone with his beauty promised anew.

"Must be one helluva boat." Huggy leaned over setting his coffee on the table, not missing the gleam in the brunette's eye. "Anyway, the reason I wanted ta see you two..hey did you get a chance ta talk with my latest lovely lady?"

"You mean Trina Nuke 'em?" Starsky asked sardonically.

"Newcombe Starsky." Huggy frowned shaking his head.

"Yeah her, I happened ta hear that after Quinlan dumped her that she was in dire need of employment, so I jumped at the opportunity."

"Sorry Hug, she got off duty before we managed to figure out the connection." Hutch admitted.

Huggy nodded sagely. "No problem bro'. She ain't likely ta be a bundle of useful information anyhow, that's not ta say that I couldn't find a use for the rest of that particular little bundle that is."

Hutch laughed, only to receive an elbow in the arm for it. "So spit it out already Hug." Starsky could feel himself beginning to expand uncomfortably for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day. Thinking that if he could get rid of the Bear very soon, he wouldn't have to listen to the Last Post ringing in his head again that day.

"He been like this all day?" Huggy asked Hutch.

"You have no idea." Hutch bit his lip to keep from sniggering. "You better let us in on the news Huggy, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold him off when he decides to spring."

Huggy took another sip of coffee, puzzling over why his friends were acting more peculiar than usual, then shrugged it off deeming it none of his business. "Our boy, Jones, is reportedly planning a brief excursion out of town later in the week."

"Where to?" Starsky tensed, his partner's earlier prediction springing immediately to mind.

"Don't know, rumor also has it that he's been seen chatting it up with a Feliciano Seguera Fortaleza." Huggy paused, a pleased grin splashed across his face.

"Fortaleza..Fortaleza..Fortaleza.." Hutch softly repeated the name, trying to think of where he had heard it before.

Starsky placed a hand on his shoulder, failing to recognize any connection himself, and waited to see if his blond came up with something. Huggy too, watched the wheels turning, when hearing the name he had heard a bell go off, but couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

"Jaime!" Hutch snapped his fingers grabbing his partner's thigh. "Remember him Starsk?"

"Hi me?" Starsky's curls shook a fraction of a second after his head. "Never heard of it." He looked at Huggy only to receive an equally baffled shrug.

"Not it Starsk, him." Hutch sprung to his feet excitement coursing through him as he sprung around to face the confused pair. "J a i m e. Jaime Villanueva Fortaleza!"

"Can't say I do Hutch." Starsky thought for another few seconds then confirmed. "Nope. Not at all babe."

"Me either Hutch." Huggy added. "I did note that they share the same last name though."

Hutch smiled down at the Bear then over to his partner. "I bet you ten to one that Fortaleza is Jaime's son or nephew."

"Even if they are Hutch, exactly where are we going with this?" Starsky's lips twitched in amusement as his partner bumped into the coffee table in his need to pace.

"Fortaleza..Jaime that is, was suspected of smuggling illegal immigrants into Vancouver and then running a pipeline to get them into the States." Hutch supplied, pausing briefly in his trek back and forth in front of the table. "Six, maybe seven years ago I think it was."

"And you know this because..?" Huggy asked before Starsky had the chance.

"Because the investigation slowed up shipping overseas cargo for months!" Hutch bit his lip in remembrance. "I remember my father talking about it. Of course he was more concerned about stocks dropping, but I remember him saying that eventually the naval port authority in Subic bay impounded one of the freighters, had it searched and found something like three hundred Chinese, men women and children, crammed into the hold."

"You think that instead of transportin' refugees inta the country he's moved on ta ship little kids out?" Starsky didn't dismiss his blond's train of thought, but at the same time he couldn't keep the doubt out of his voice.

"His son..or nephew, this..this.."

"Feliciano." Huggy supplied.

"Yeah! Feliciano!" Hutch smiled gratefully at his thin friend. "Think about it Starsk. Smuggling immigrants is a one payment deal, but selling into the sex trade not only pays up front, but like any pimp the seller can still get a percentage as long as the goods are in service."

"You're doin' it again Hutch." Starsky's voice was low, laced with anger, as he played with a loose thread on the arm of the sofa. "Makin' little kids sound like soccer balls."

"I have to think of them that way Starsk." Hutch stood in front of his partner his voice ultra soft with a hint of melancholy tinged with rage. "If I don't I may lose it."


"Might I remind you both," Huggy piped in. "that this is still all supposition and no facts." Watching carefully as blue met blue, one set pleading forgiveness the other glowing with understanding

"What you're sayin' is that if these two are related then the senior is supplying the funds for junior ta operate with." Starsky smiled, anger having been quickly replaced with adoration.

"If not money then at least the transportation." Hutch nodded, his own expression lit with love.

Playing with his long fingers, Huggy's head began to bob as he looked around the room and up at the ceiling, feeling decidedly uncomfortable as his friends seemed to forget his presence entirely. "Ahem." He cleared his throat and stood. "No one will ever accuse the Bear of not being able ta take a hint." Plopping the tam back on his head, he started for the door.

"Wait Hug." It took another moment for Starsky to break eye contact with his blond, twisting around to face Huggy. "Think you can find out where and when this Jones guy is plannin' his next vacation?"

"I'll work on it dude." Huggy nodded. "It's just my humble opinion, but I think you two are getting in mighty deep for not having anything concrete ta work on."

"We know that Hug." Starsky smiled. "But we're talkin' about the safety of little kids here, and that's somethin' worth guessin' at."

"I hear ya." Huggy opened the door.

"Think maybe ya could also find out if this Jamie and Felix are related Hug?"

"We can do that Starsk." Hutch had moved up to stand beside Starsky, reaching up he placed his hand under the waves at the back of his neck and lightly squeezed. "In fact it will probably be easier and faster for us to look into it."

"That's it then?" Huggy raised his eyebrows waiting for further instructions or a dismissal.

"Just keep your eyes and ears open Hug, and let us know anything you find out, no matter how small." Starsky lifted a hand to wave.


"Go ahead Hug, and thanks..a lot." Hutch grinned as Huggy slipped through the door shaking his head.

"Well now." Starsky began rubbing his hands together, bringing himself back around to face Hutch. "What do ya wanna do now?" He waggled his eyebrows.

"I think we should go down to the station and see if we can find a connection between these two." Hutch had taken a few steps to the kitchen table and picked his jacket off the back of the chair he had draped it over.

Starsky's mouth dropped open. "You're not serious!"

Hutch turned back, a puzzled look on his face. "Of course I am Starsky. The sooner we crack this case the sooner we can spend more time alone."

"I hate ta be the one ta burst your bubble babe." Starsky could hear the bugler bringing the horn to his lips, as he felt, not only his flag being lowered but the pole too. "But, A, we don't have a case and B, we were supposed ta be spendin' time alone all this weekend."

Hutch walked guiltily towards his lover. "I know we don't have any evidence, not even close Starsk..."

"I know. I know. Ya have a gut feelin' about this." Starsky couldn't contain his frustration as he spit the words out.

"I hope we find nothing Starsky. I truly hope that this is all just a wild hunch and stays completely unfounded, but what if Gordo?" Hutch's voice faltered. "What if it's not?"

"Yeah." Starsky looked away, standing he retrieved his own coat. "What if it's not."

"Hey." Hutch waited until Starsky had his jacket on and then drew him into a tight embrace. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You got nothin' ta make up babe." Starsky pulled back a little, running his thumb over the full bottom lip, mesmerized when Hutch drew it inside and began to caress it with his tongue. "Um..how long do ya think it'll take?"

With a final lick, Hutch pulled his mouth away, his voice husky with desire. "Not long. Not long at all Gordo."




Hutch whooped in satisfaction as he tossed the folder down in front of Starsky. "Bingo. I knew they had to be related somehow."

"Father and son?" Starsky slowly opened the manila cover.

"Yep. Jaime is fifty six, going on fifty seven and his son, Feliciano, will be celebrating his thirty second in two weeks." Hutch pulled out his chair, sat and began massaging at his open neckline. "I wonder though.."

"Ya wonder what?" Starsky found his eyes following the long fingers as they absently scratched at the clear skin.

"I wonder why after all this time that they are coming back out into the open." Hutch glanced up and then blushed when he saw where his partner's eyes were focused. "I mean face it Starsk, they must have realized that any move they made would eventually be noted."

"Not really Hutch." Starsky closed the folder and stood eyeing the half empty coffee pot. "Could be that they always had their hands muddy and only recently found themselves neck deep."

"Maybe." Hutch reluctantly agreed, nodding when his partner lifted the pot and gave it a little shake in his direction. "Child porn is a far cry from illegal aliens though."

"Still in the people trade though babe." Starsky cocked an eye, filling two mugs he gingerly carried them over to the desk.

"Yeah. There were also a few accusations being hurled around at the time that he had lined the pockets of some high ranking officials to look the other way." Hutch took up the mug, and frowned at the bitter smelling brew. "He wasn't charged on the last though, not enough evidence to support it. Charles Ripkin lost his bid for governor over the rumors though."

"Charles Ripkin?" Starsky asked, astounded at the tidbits of information his blond had stored on their newest suspect.

"He..well let's just say he retired from politics over the whole incident." Hutch smiled. "He didn't go quietly though, claimed he was being framed and swore that Jaime would rue the day he came back across the border."

"So Jaime wasn't charged here?" Starsky immediately leaped on the hint.

"Nope. He was charged in the Philippines." Hutch shrugged. "He was held here though, and had to wait for two years before he was extradited."

"Could be that that was when he began to formulate his latest plan of action." Starsky resumed his seat, eyes boring into his blond. "Where and when does Felix come inta it all?"

"Feliciano." Hutch corrected automatically. "Married, father of three. I don't really know Starsk. Except that he's been here, legally, for the last decade, he graduated top of his class from MIT."

"So what's that make 'm? An engineer?"

"Yep." Hutch nodded. "Been working out of L.A. for the last six years. He's been maintaining a summer cottage in the Malibou for the last half of them."

"So he knows the turf around here pretty good." Starsky began playing with his cup. "Knows it and has decided to milk it."

"So that leaves us with Jones." Hutch absently scratched his cheek. "Where does he fit in?"

"Maybe we could ask Trina." Starsky suggested, dreading the thought of talking to the bitch when she seemed to be so enamored with his partner. "Maybe she can clue us inta when he crossed over from petty crime inta the big league."

"I have her address here." Hutch smiled patting his shoulder pocket. "I also have Feliciano's summer residence in here as well."

"Well let's get to it." Starsky stood with a scowl. "How did ya manage ta get her address?"

"Trina?" Hutch asked holding open the door. "Anita slipped it to me along with the check. I copied Feliciano's from the file."

"And you were going to tell me this when?" Starsky paused while shrugging into his bomber.

Hutch stood still, regarding his partner with a mix of confusion and trepidation. "You okay Gordo?"

"'M fine." Starsky answered, instantly regretting putting his love into a state of unease. "Just fuckin' peachy."

"I only said she was cute, because she is." Hutch apologized while holding the door open. "But it's spending some alone time with you teaching me the joys of sex that has me thinking."

Starsky began to chuckle. "So what is it that you're thinkin'?"

"I'd really rather not get into that now." Hutch replied drolly.

"So you're thinkin' inta it?" Starsky refused to let the conversation lag.

"I've been thinking about what it is you intend to do with that lotion and feather duster that has been keeping company with my condoms for the last few days." Hutch grinned before sliding out the door before his partner.

Starsky laughed. "The lotion babe, is lubricant, somethin' that I plan on smothering you with, the duster, on the other hand, is just for fun. You weren't supposed ta be peeking."

"I never meant to." Hutch stopped at the candy machine, automatically digging through his pockets for change to hand to his partner. "But you'll have to excuse me for rooting around for my Ben gay in the middle of the night."

"We certainly wouldn't want ta mix the ben gay up with the KY." Starsky shuddered at the thought. "Your back?"

Hutch nodded. "Just a twinge I get every now and then. Nothing serious."

"Well maybe a good massage tonight will help loosen it up." Starsky winked before bending down to retrieve his nutty bar. "Not ta mention gettin' ya in the mood for other things."

"I don't think it will take much to get me there." Hutch smiled shyly.

"I'm counting on it." Starsky broke off a piece of the confection and popped it between his lover's slightly parted lips. "Now let's see if we can find out some more info on Jones and then get back home. How come you know so much about this father and son anyway?"

"I don't really know very much about the son at all." Hutch licked his lips after swallowing the sweet treat. "He would have still been in university when all this happened."

"Seems kinda bizarre that he'd get mixed up in any of this when he obviously is already makin' pretty big bucks." Starsky mused while leading the way down the hall. "Even weirder that he'd wanna get mixed up sellin' kids when he's a father himself."

"We still don't know anything for sure Gordo." Hutch squinted at the sun, it's rays declaring the day to be well over halfway finished, wondering where the day had gotten to. "You think maybe Huggy's right and Trina won't be able to help us?"

"'M thinkin' that maybe he didn't ask the right questions." Starsky looked around while unlocking the Torino. "Pretty hard ta think straight when you're wonderin' how to get into her skirt."

"Good point." Hutch grinned while waiting for Starsky to lean over and unlock his door. "1436 Hargrove."


"Her address Starsk..1436 Hargrove apartment 8. I think it's only a couple of blocks from The Pits." Hutch supplied.

"How convenient." Starsky muttered. "I don't suppose that maybe she's still boffin' Jones?"

"Boffing?" Hutch laughed. "Pretty crude there buddy. I don't know, it would be nice if she was."

"Nice how?" Starsky looked over puzzled.

"That way maybe you wouldn't be so jealous." Hutch smiled and reached over to ruffle the curly head. "It's kind of endearing though."

"I'm not jealous." Starsky pouted. "I just don't think I like her very much."

"I'm sure she's a really sweet lady Starsk." Hutch continued to tease. "You can't blame Anita for trying to protect her virtue."

"She thinks I'm a cad." Starsky spit. "I mean I never even laid eyes on the woman before in my life and she thinks I'm scum."

"I don't think you're any of those things Gordo." Hutch whispered. "Not even close."

"I think your opinion is somewhat biased." Starsky smiled as a tingle ran up his spine.

"Slightly slanted I have to admit." Hutch stifled a yawn. "It shouldn't take very long to find out if she knows anything, then how about we swing by the Pits and see if Huggy's come up with anything?"

"He has plans for tonight remember?"

"It can't even be five yet." Hutch glanced towards the silver flashing on his partner's wrist. "He's probably still there, the dinner crowd will just be picking up."

"It's five ten." Starsky twisted his wrist confirming hour. "You're bound and determined ta delay us gettin' home as long as possible aren't you?"

"No Starsk I'm not." Hutch denied. "I just don't want us to have anymore interruptions that's all."

"You sure?" Starsky cast a doubtful look across the seat. "I mean I don't want ya being scared babe."

"I'm more nervous than frightened Gordo." Hutch swallowed thickly. "But I think I'm even more curious now that I've had some time to think about it."

"Seems kind of weird." Starsky nodded. "I mean I've never had ta plot out the mechanics of makin' love before."

Hutch laughed. "It does all seem a little clinical."

"How about we do spontaneous tomorrow?" Starsky too began to chuckle.

"How about we try not to think about it anymore until we do get home." Hutch pointed towards a large brick building sandwiched in between two even bigger structures. "That's the building."

"Pretty hard ta do Hutch when that's about all I have been thinking about for quite some time now." Starsky did a quick u-turn and pulled to the curb in front of the apartment complex. "Doesn't look so bad. Not high class, but not a dive either."

"Does seem a little nice for a part time waitress." Hutch agreed, eyes noting the black BMW sitting across the street. "That's strange."

"No kiddin' I wouldn't think the place would warrant many beamer owners habitatin' around here."

"Habitating Starsk?" Hutch pulled himself out of car.

"Yeah. Habitatin' it means livin'." Starsky followed suit, still keeping an eye on the costly vehicle.

"I know what you meant Gordo, I've just never heard you say it before." Hutch glanced finding it odd that the sidewalks were completely deserted.

"I thought maybe it was time ta expand my vocabulary. "Starsky grinned impishly. "Impressed?"

"Floored." Hutch snickered. "Though I'm not sure it's actually a word."

"If ya knew what it meant then it has ta be a word. Kinda creepy here isn't it?" Starsky also found the lack of pedestrians to be more than a little spooky.

"Sure is. Well? Shall we?" Hutch tilted his head towards the glass doors leading into the building. He was more than a little startled to be buzzed in after pushing the appropriate button.

"I wonder if she was expectin' someone." Starsky also thought it strange to be admitted without having to identify themselves.

"Either that or she's super trusting." Hutch agreed as they approached the elevator.

The pair were even more surprised to find the door to the apartment had been left open a few inches, sharing a quizzical look, Starsky slowly pushed the door further. "Anyone home?" He called fighting the urge to draw his weapon.

"I'm in here Quinlan." The familiar voice of the waitress called out from down a short hallway.

"It's Starsky and Hutchinson Miss Newcombe." Hutch responded with another questioning glance at his partner.

"Oh." She came out tying a robe more securely around her. "I wasn't expecting to see you two."

"Apparently not." Starsky replied with more than a hint of sarcasm.

"We were hoping that maybe you would answer a few questions we have in regards to your boyfriend." Hutch smiled warmly at her, while Starsky slowly toured the room.

"My ex-boyfriend." Trina corrected, her eyes watching carefully as the dark haired detective scanned the entire room. "I thought maybe you were him, I saw his car pull up across the street."

"I don't suppose you know where he got the money to afford a car like that?" Starsky picked up a framed photograph. "He hasn't gotten any prettier Hutch."

"You always leave the door open for ex-boyfriends?" Hutch asked softly. "I mean I doubt very much if any of my ex-girlfriends would appreciate me just popping in on them."

"There is more to people than what they look like officer." She scowled at Starsky, a smile back in place when she brought her gaze back to the blond. "What did you want to know? Oh by the way the car is far from top of the line. It's basically just a frame with an engine. Quinlan always tries to live behind some sort of facade or another."

"Has he ever mentioned any of his business plans or people he may be dealing with?" Hutch prodded.

"No. Nothing like that, it was just sex with us, but that was fine by me." Trina shrugged sizing Hutch up with a coy smile. "Is he in trouble?"

"Not that we know of." Hutch found himself beginning to blush. "Can you tell us what caused you both to split up?"

"He's the one that ended it. Said that he had some business elsewhere and that it wouldn't be fair to leave me waiting."

"I don't suppose he mentioned what sort of business?" Starsky piped in.

"No. And to be perfectly honest I didn't care. "She shook her head slowly. back. "It's just been nice to get my freedom back. You know? To be able to play the field again?" Her eyes never having left Hutch.

"Well thank you Trina for allowing us to bother you." Hutch caught Starsky's eye and nodded towards the door. "Oh yeah. Where would he be if that's his car down on the street?"

"Well well if it isn't Bay Citie's finest." Came the shockingly low baritone from the doorway. "Can't find any real crooks to chase down?"



"Seems ta me that you have a pretty good chunk of the market." Starsky's eyes reflecting his distaste for the man before them.

"We hear you're planning a little trip over the next few days." Hutch added.

"What have you been telling these men Trina?" Jones moved into the room, elbowing his way between the detectives.

"I couldn't tell them anything if I don't have a clue what they're digging for." Trina pulled herself from the couch and walked to the small kitchen, returning with a can of beer for her ex. "It's not like we ever had a lot to talk about." She smiled wryly handing the beer over.

"I strongly suspect that a certain father and son team will have a bit more ta share on the topic though." Starsky wasn't disappointed to see the broad back stiffen.

Hutch grinned and moved towards the door. "You might want to keep what my partner just said in mind before you finalize your vacation plans." He tilted his head towards the exit, his partner preceding him into the hall.

"Well that went rather well." Hutch remarked while they waited for the elevator. "You think she really doesn't have any idea what he's been planning?"

"Miss Newcombe?" Starsky shrugged. "Doubt it. My opinion of her failed to climb any notches though babe."

"She does seem to be more than a little jaded." Hutch agreed as they boarded the elevator and Starsky pushed for the main level. "I do find it hard to imagine what she ever saw in him."

"Maybe he's dynamite in bed." Starsky suggested.

"Please Starsk! My stomach can't take it." Hutch laughed as the door slid open. "Is sex all you ever think about?"

"Lately. I'd rather do a whole lot more than just think about it." Starsky purred while lightly patting his blond on the rear.

"One more stop Gordo, then it'll be just me and you." Hutch draped an arm around his brunette squeezing him close, only releasing his prize when he discovered they both wouldn't fit through the front door at the same time.

"Promises, promises." Starsky grinned over his shoulder. "I don't think my balls can take another disappointment."

"You're such a romantic." Hutch snickered, shaking his head. "But I know exactly what you mean. My eyes aren't the only blue globes decorating my body."

"Alright. One quick check in with Huggy and then home." Starsky found his interest already beginning to stir at the thought. "And I hope nobody's stupid enough ta even think about knocking on the door."

"You're not a screamer are you?" Hutch was still smiling, his own cock beginning to twitch.

Starsky snorted. "A what!?" A gob of phlegm landing on the back of his hand.

"You heard me." Hutch cracked up reaching into his jacket he handed his partner a handkerchief. "I really hate that."

"I've never been accused of screaming before, I may yell occasionally though." Starsky chuckled with a disgusted look on his face while he wiped himself clean.

"Keep it." Hutch held up his hands when Starsky passed the cloth back to him. "I can handle a yell. It's the high pitched scream that really breaks the mood for me."

"Any other little quirks ya feel the need ta enlighten me about?" Starsky tossed the rag over his shoulder, started the engine and pulled away from the curb. "I mean feel free ta share babe."

"No. I think that's all." Hutch smiled. "How about you?"

"I never been with a screamer before." Starsky grinned back. "Though I think maybe that's a good thing. It's havin' my toes licked that I really can't stand."

It was Hutch's turn to snort. "I'll try and restrain myself."

"I'd appreciate it babe." Starsky began to giggle. "I mean if ya really feel the urge I could let ya do it once or twice."

"I'm sure I can find something more pleasurable to suck on." Hutch felt himself blush as soon as the words came out.

"I'm sure you can." Starsky could feel his own flesh redden as a surge of heat flared between his legs. "I think maybe we should let Dobey in on what we've been doin' this weekend though."

"You can't be serious!" Hutch blanched.

"Not about that! I mean all the other stuff." Starsky broke into fresh giggles as a mental image of he and his partner explaining their activities to their superior popped into his mind. "Can you imagine the look on his face?"

"Will you just drive and stop being silly." Hutch pinched the bridge of his nose grinning broadly at the same thoughts as his partner.

"You're the one that started this conversation." Starsky pulled in behind their friends bar. "Why do you think Huggy is standin' out here?"

Hutch looked towards the back entrance, immediately spotting his thin friend pacing back and forth. "Beats me, but he seems to have been waiting for us." He was out of the car before the engine turned off.

"Man! Am I ever glad you two showed up." Huggy wrung his hands together as the taller detective approached.

"What's going on Hug?" Hutch asked, watching as Starsky retrieved the soiled handkerchief from the back of the car and dropped it into a trash can.

"Feliciano himself has chosen to dine in my fine establishment." Huggy glanced nervously towards the door. "That is what is goin' on my brothers."

"Where is he sittin' Hug?" Starsky glanced at his blond, his tone bitter as he thought of his plans once again being dashed.

"Center stage Starsk." Huggy responded. "Like he wants everyone ta notice him."

"Everyone? Or maybe he's waiting to see if Trina shows up." Hutch moved closer to the doorway.

"So he's checkin' Jones out." Starsky concurred. "What do you want to do Hutch?"

"Before you decide on the next course of action may I inform you both of what else I learned this fine evening?" Huggy waited until both men turned their full attention back to the Bear before continuing. "He may have a degree from one of the finest institutions in the country, but the boy is a grade A idiot."

"How so Hug?" Starsky asked with a small grin.

"Seems his wife has filed for divorce, claiming he was havin' a fling with one of the female members of the help." Huggy added with a pleased grin.

"Not exactly earth shattering news Hug." Hutch replied.

"Not in itself maybe." Huggy grinned. "But being as the young lady is reportedly just this side of pubescence puts an entirely new light on it all."

Starsky whistled softly. "She wouldn't happen ta be of Chinese descent, would she?"

"Rumored to be just that bro'." Huggy nodded. "Now all of this is just hearsay, but I did look into it further and discovered that the wife packed up her kiddies and headed back east."

"What about the girl?" Hutch felt his temper begin to flare.

"If there was any truth to it at all, she's disappeared into realms unknown." Huggy's expression left no doubt as to where he thought she disappeared to.

"So we're back ta square one." Starsky reached out and gently squeezed Hutch's arm. "We can't exactly put a trace on a person that never legally existed."

"Maybe not, but it does explain why he would be thinking about getting into the child prostitution market. I mean if his own urges are so foul it wouldn't take much for him to step further over the edge." Hutch smiled slightly, letting his partner know that he was alright.

"What do ya want us ta do babe?" Starsky kept his grip on his partner while glancing again towards the door.

"I think we should tell Dobey what we've been up to this weekend." Hutch smiled. "Let him decide where we go with all of this and maybe, if he feels we have enough, get a warrant."

"Chances will be slim." Starsky nodded. "But you're right, we can't really dig a whole lot deeper without permission."

"What do I do about Feliciano?" Huggy asked.

"Just keep 'im here and keep him happy Hug." Starsky snapped his fingers."What's he drive?"

"Silver Grand Prix." Huggy cast a questioning look. "Parked right out front."

"We can't search it Gordo." Hutch caught the mischievous gleam in his partner's eye.

"We can't go ripping it all apart, but a little peek wouldn't really hurt." Starsky grinned back.

"You didn't hear him say that Huggy." Hutch rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I've been known to check out the interior of certain vehicles that have caught my own eye." The Bear tried to look hurt.

"How about you do the peeking Starsk, and I'll go in and make sure our boy doesn't decide to leave." Hutch pulled the door open the light spilling out surprising the blond how dim the evening had already become.

"Sounds good ta me." Starsky winked and trotted off back down the alley. "Order me a cheese omelette would ya Blintz."

"An omelette Starsk?" Hutch called after him.

"Eggs an' cheese blondie!! Lots a protein." His laugh staying behind as he rounded the corner.

"He seems ta have forgotten all about his boat." Huggy followed behind as Hutch walked through the kitchen.

"Not a chance Hug." Hutch smiled brightly. "Thankfully there isn't a hope in hell of him doing that."

Hutch slipped out of the kitchen headed back towards the same booth they had occupied earlier. He was grateful that the crowd was just thick enough that he could be certain he hadn't been spotted. Finding their favorite seats taken, he chose instead a small table for two up against the back wall. Huggy had taken his usual spot behind the bar, after catching the blond's eye he nodded towards the table closest to the pool table. Hutch was surprised at how much older the younger Fortaleza appeared, wondering if the mostly bald head and thick mustache were responsible. He bit back his revulsion the man caused him, thinking that it was probably due more to what they suspected him capable of rather than the man actually resembling a slime ball. Drumming his fingers restlessly he smiled as Huggy placed a beer in front of him. "Thanks."

"Not a problem. So what do ya think of him?" Huggy whipped out a pad and pen.

"Scum." Hutch responded without hesitation. "I just wish we had more to work with Huggy."

"Look at the bright side Hutch, we have more than we had a day ago." Huggy answered. "Starsky wants an omelette, can I interest you in anything?"

"I'll have the same." Hutch grinned. "Can you make them with 4 eggs instead of 3 and heap on lots of cheese?"

"Can do. What is you two are plannin' doin' after you partake of all this muscle building nourishment?" Huggy cocked a leery eyebrow.

"Starsky wants to work on his ship." Hutch replied taking up the beer and swallowing a generous amount.

"Ah yes the boat." Huggy rubbed his chin. "I don't suppose it has a straw colored sail and has never carried Chinese or any other goods in the hold?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hutch spilled some of his drink as he shakily set it back on the table, turning a bright red.

"Nothin'." Huggy grinned. "Just that you make a rather pretty virgin if I do say so myself." Not waiting for a response he turned and sashayed back to the bar.



"Paydirt Hutch!" Starsky excitedly whispered while slipping into the chair opposite. "I couldn't see anything at first, but as luck would have it he left the passenger door unlocked. There was a couple of magazines stuffed in the glove compartment you wouldn't find in any corner store." Reaching across the table he picked up Hutch's beer taking a long pull.

"So in other words..without a warrant we have nothing." Hutch sighed reclaiming his beer, and tilting his head. "That's him over there."

Starsky cast a hateful glance in the same direction, allowing it to linger a little while he sized up the man. "I want him babe. No matter how deep we have to dig ta do it."

Hutch smiled viciously at their target before responding. "We'll go see Dobey after we're finished here."

"We will not." Starsky snapped his gaze now rivited on the blond. "We'll go see him after they get home from church tomorrow afternoon." Looking even more intently, concern edging the indigo. "You okay babe? Ya look like a ghost."

"He knows." Hutch leaned forward. "Huggy knows."

"He knows what?" Starsky also leaned closer, their foreheads almost touching.

"He knows about us." Hutch waved his hand between the two of them.

"About..about us." His voice squeaked.

"Well what did he say?" Starsky turned his head for a moment towards the bar.

"Nothing." Hutch straightened a scowl on his face.

"Well then what makes ya think he knows anything?" The corners of Starsky's mouth began to quiver in mirth, knowing that whatever the Bear had said, his Hutch had taken offense to it.

"Okay fine." Hutch took a deep breath and moved back in. "He started yammering away about yellow sails and empty cargo holds..then, then! He said I made a pretty virgin."

Starsky sat back running a hand over his mouth to try and still his lips. "An' what got him taking like that?"

"The omelets." Hutch nodded.

"Clear as mud sound familiar Blintz." Starsky tried chewing on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"He wanted to know what we were planning on doing later because I asked him to make them with four eggs instead of three." Hutch couldn't keep the exasperation out of his hushed voice. "So I told him we were going to work on your model ship."

"Ah! I get it." Starsky chuckled as the scrambled pieces clicked into place. "But so what Hutch? I mean Huggy knows us pretty much better than anyone else, not ta mention he's as sharp as a tack."

"It doesn't bother you that people know!?"

"It would bother me if people knew and gave us grief over it." Starsky picked the beer back up. "Huggy's not people Hutch, he's a person..not ta mention a very good friend."

"I guess." Hutch conceded. "I don't like the idea of being that transparent though."

"We aren't babe." Starsky smiled. "I mean nothin's changed in the way we act around each other, we're just taking it to another, more private, level behind closed doors. And what we do there is nobody's business but ours."

"He's right ya know blondie." Huggy slid first one huge platter in front of Hutch and then did the same for Starsky. "I myself figure hallelujah, and it's about time. I see you two could use a bit more liquid refreshment also."

"Eavesdropping is a very nasty habit Hug." Starsky spread his napkin over a thigh, indigo savoring the site of the steaming plate before him.

"Now would I do that!?" Huggy fluttered his lashes. "I just figured Hutch, here, was fillin' you in on why it is he looks like someone just dragged him out of hibernation."

"You could have said something." Hutch picked up his fork wondering where to begin.

"I thought I did." Huggy winked at Starsky. "Anyway if you two wouldn't mind I have to return to my post, and by the way our friend over there was asking when Trina is due to be on duty next."

"Jesus!" Hutch's head snapped up. "I forgot about him."

"Not like we can do much about him tonight anyway Hutch." Starsky was using the side of his fork to slice a large morsel away from the rest. "This looks and smells terrific Hug."

"Thank you Starsk. I'll be sure to send over some more brewskis'." The Bear turned and began to saunter away.

"Hug!" Hutch called him back. "When is she working again?"

"The three to eleven shift tomorrow afternoon." Huggy supplied. "Oh and Hutch? There are very few people brother that find the other half of their soul at all, let alone ta have it right beside them the entire time."

"Thanks Hug." Hutch flushed and dropped his gaze back to the table.

"Real pretty." Huggy whistled as he strode away.

Starsky punched his chest, grateful that he had just swallowed before the Bear shot off the final remark. "Come on babe, eat up so we can get out of here."

"I don't think I like him knowing about us." Hutch angrily stuffed a forkful into his mouth.

"I plan on makin' sure that he won't be able ta call you that for very much longer." Starsky laughed as Hutch flashed daggers across the table.

"When did you put them there?" Hutch began eating more quickly, his cock having perked up once more.

"Now what are we talkin' about?" Starsky took another bite watching the blond carefully, both waiting until the waitress delivered their drinks and moved off.

"The feather duster and.." Hutch lowered his voice. "lubricant."

"Oh." Starsky grinned. "I slipped them in there almost a week ago. I'm surprised you didn't mention them before today...I mean who do ya think would put KY in your nightstand anyway?"

"I didn't realize what it was." Hutch wiped his face with a napkin. "I mean I didn't really look very hard, I just figured that some old girlfriend had left them there. It's been a while since I had the need for a condom." Hutch blushed again.

"Neither one of us are gonna be needing them again." Starsky pushed away his plate. "You almost ready?"

"More than ready." Hutch took a long swallow of beer, noticing that the bottle shook a little as he placed it back on the table.

Starsky bounced up reaching for his wallet. "You still scared?" He pulled a few bills out and tossed them on the table.

"Nervous more than anything." Hutch slid his chair back and stood slowly. "Nervous and more than a little excited."

"Me too." Starsky grinned. "We aren't gonna rush this though Hutch, it still stands as before. Anything that makes ya start feeling wrong we'll stop."

"I know." Hutch smiled as they moved away from the table together, both heading back towards the kitchen. "Can we go to my place though Gordo?"

"That's where I was plannin' on taking ya babe." Starsky lightly reached out and gave his blond's hand a light squeeze as they made there way out the back. "I want you as at ease as possible."

Hutch laughed. "You're making this sound like surgery."

Starsky looked over the hood as his blond waited him to get in and unlock the passenger door. "Not quite. But it is the most important operation I will have ever carried out, an' I plan on it goin' off without a glitch."

The ride back to Venice Place was comfortably silent as both men allowed themselves to drift with their own thoughts. Neither man spoke until Hutch reached over the lintel to retrieve the key.

"First thing we're gonna do is have a shower. One at a time." Starsky lightly ran his free hand over Hutch's denim covered rear, the other hand gripped a medium sized suitcase he had retrieved from the trunk.

"Why not together?" Hutch pushed the door opened, feeling a little disappointed that they wouldn't shower together.

"'Cause I don't think I could handle it." Starsky grinned sheepishly while following his lover into the apartment. "Now I'd rather go first, but if you prefer you can."

"No." Hutch shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me."

Starsky immediately headed for the bedroom and opened the case, curiosity causing Hutch to follow close behind. "I picked these up for us." He withdrew a neatly folded velour robe and handed it to his blond.

"This is beautiful Starsk." Hutch gently shook it out.

"I thought so too Blintz." Starsky grinned as he withdrew the other. "An' just as I figured, it matches your eyes ta perfection."

"So does yours." Hutch found himself choking up as his life closed up the case and sat it beside the bed.

"Now try not ta get into any trouble while I'm gone." Starsky stopped at the sofa, placing his robe on the back before he removed his jacket and weapon. "Don't get completely stripped down and for God's sake don't think." He smiled taking the robe and disappeared into the bathroom.

Starsky re-emerged a short time later to find his blond putting the final touches on the freshly made bed. "Your turn." He smiled, a small piece of tissue glinting with red stuck to his cheek.

"You cut yourself!" Hutch quickly came around the bed.

"It's just a tiny nick Hutch, nothing that either one of us hasn't done a thousand times in the past." Starsky threw his thumb over his shoulder. "Now get goin'."

"You look gorgeous." Hutch whispered as he obediently made his way past.

"That was sorta the effect I was strivin' for." Starsky swatted the rear as it went by.

As soon as he heard the door click shut, Starsky sprung into action. Taking the suitcase into the kitchen he opened it on the table and removed a wooden case holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes. Pausinga minute he sifted through one of the bottom cupboards and came up with the ice bucket. Hoping that he would find a tray of cubes in the freezer, he nearly whooped when he discovered three. After the bottle was firmly nestled amongst the ice he carried the bucket and the glasses into the bedroom, setting the alarm clock on the floor, placing them on the nightstand. Getting the lotion out of the drawer he strategically placed it under the pillows on what he had already deemed to be his side of the bed. Running back to the kitchen he then retrieved a pair of matching candlebras from the case and scurried back to the room. setting one on each nightstand. He went back out to fish for the lighter he always carried in his coat, taking a little more time to get the case off the table and grab the corkscrew. Getting them lit, he then pulled down the bedding and fluffed both sets of pillows, rubbing his hands together he turned out the light then went back to the living room to fidget nervously while waiting for his blond to come out.

Hutch came out of the bathroom somewhat shyly fingering the soft material where it formed a v on his chest. Having taken the time to blow his hair dry it appeared thicker and softer than usual causing Starsky's breath to catch in his throat. "You look too beautiful ta be real."

"What do we do now?" Hutch smiled, briefly glancing away.

Starsky moved closer feeling in awe that he could be so blessed to have this man want him. "Come with me." He reached out a hand and after his blond placed his own in it, he slowly walked him back towards the bedroom.

"What have you been doing?!" Hutch's jaw dropped open, his eyes wide as they took in the softly lit room. "My room's never looked so good."

"You like it?" Starsky grinned, himself feeling a little timid. "It's not much, but I really want tonight ta be special." Lifting his other hand he removed the tissue from his cheek and slipped it into the pocket of his robe.

"It's perfect Gordo. Absolutely perfect." Hutch shook his hand free and wrapped his bundle close to him. "Thank you." He lowered his head to whisper into the soft curls surrounding the delicate ear.

"You're welcome." Starsky swallowed thickly, gently pushing Hutch away from him. "Now how about I pop the cork and we both try an' relax a little."



"Paydirt Hutch!" Starsky excitedly whispered while slipping into the chair opposite. "I couldn't see anything at first, but as luck would have it he left the passenger door unlocked. There was a couple of magazines stuffed in the glove compartment you wouldn't find in any corner store." Reaching across the table he picked up Hutch's beer taking a long pull.

"So in other words..without a warrant we have nothing." Hutch sighed reclaiming his beer, and tilting his head. "That's him over there."

Starsky cast a hateful glance in the same direction, allowing it to linger a little while he sized up the man. "I want him babe. No matter how deep we have to dig ta do it."

Hutch smiled viciously at their target before responding. "We'll go see Dobey after we're finished here."

"We will not." Starsky snapped his gaze now rivited on the blond. "We'll go see him after they get home from church tomorrow afternoon." Looking even more intently, concern edging the indigo. "You okay babe? Ya look like a ghost."

"He knows." Hutch leaned forward. "Huggy knows."

"He knows what?" Starsky also leaned closer, their foreheads almost touching.

"He knows about us." Hutch waved his hand between the two of them.

"About..about us." His voice squeaked.

"Well what did he say?" Starsky turned his head for a moment towards the bar.

"Nothing." Hutch straightened a scowl on his face.

"Well then what makes ya think he knows anything?" The corners of Starsky's mouth began to quiver in mirth, knowing that whatever the Bear had said, his Hutch had taken offense to it.

"Okay fine." Hutch took a deep breath and moved back in. "He started yammering away about yellow sails and empty cargo holds..then, then! He said I made a pretty virgin."

Starsky sat back running a hand over his mouth to try and still his lips. "An' what got him taking like that?"

"The omelets." Hutch nodded.

"Clear as mud sound familiar Blintz." Starsky tried chewing on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"He wanted to know what we were planning on doing later because I asked him to make them with four eggs instead of three." Hutch couldn't keep the exasperation out of his hushed voice. "So I told him we were going to work on your model ship."

"Ah! I get it." Starsky chuckled as the scrambled pieces clicked into place. "But so what Hutch? I mean Huggy knows us pretty much better than anyone else, not ta mention he's as sharp as a tack."

"It doesn't bother you that people know!?"

"It would bother me if people knew and gave us grief over it." Starsky picked the beer back up. "Huggy's not people Hutch, he's a person..not ta mention a very good friend."

"I guess." Hutch conceded. "I don't like the idea of being that transparent though."

"We aren't babe." Starsky smiled. "I mean nothin's changed in the way we act around each other, we're just taking it to another, more private, level behind closed doors. And what we do there is nobody's business but ours."

"He's right ya know blondie." Huggy slid first one huge platter in front of Hutch and then did the same for Starsky. "I myself figure hallelujah, and it's about time. I see you two could use a bit more liquid refreshment also."

"Eavesdropping is a very nasty habit Hug." Starsky spread his napkin over a thigh, indigo savoring the site of the steaming plate before him.

"Now would I do that!?" Huggy fluttered his lashes. "I just figured Hutch, here, was fillin' you in on why it is he looks like someone just dragged him out of hibernation."

"You could have said something." Hutch picked up his fork wondering where to begin.

"I thought I did." Huggy winked at Starsky. "Anyway if you two wouldn't mind I have to return to my post, and by the way our friend over there was asking when Trina is due to be on duty next."

"Jesus!" Hutch's head snapped up. "I forgot about him."

"Not like we can do much about him tonight anyway Hutch." Starsky was using the side of his fork to slice a large morsel away from the rest. "This looks and smells terrific Hug."

"Thank you Starsk. I'll be sure to send over some more brewskis'." The Bear turned and began to saunter away.

"Hug!" Hutch called him back. "When is she working again?"

"The three to eleven shift tomorrow afternoon." Huggy supplied. "Oh and Hutch? There are very few people brother that find the other half of their soul at all, let alone ta have it right beside them the entire time."

"Thanks Hug." Hutch flushed and dropped his gaze back to the table.

"Real pretty." Huggy whistled as he strode away.

Starsky punched his chest, grateful that he had just swallowed before the Bear shot off the final remark. "Come on babe, eat up so we can get out of here."

"I don't think I like him knowing about us." Hutch angrily stuffed a forkful into his mouth.

"I plan on makin' sure that he won't be able ta call you that for very much longer." Starsky laughed as Hutch flashed daggers across the table.

"When did you put them there?" Hutch began eating more quickly, his cock having perked up once more.

"Now what are we talkin' about?" Starsky took another bite watching the blond carefully, both waiting until the waitress delivered their drinks and moved off.

"The feather duster and.." Hutch lowered his voice. "lubricant."

"Oh." Starsky grinned. "I slipped them in there almost a week ago. I'm surprised you didn't mention them before today...I mean who do ya think would put KY in your nightstand anyway?"

"I didn't realize what it was." Hutch wiped his face with a napkin. "I mean I didn't really look very hard, I just figured that some old girlfriend had left them there. It's been a while since I had the need for a condom." Hutch blushed again.

"Neither one of us are gonna be needing them again." Starsky pushed away his plate. "You almost ready?"

"More than ready." Hutch took a long swallow of beer, noticing that the bottle shook a little as he placed it back on the table.

Starsky bounced up reaching for his wallet. "You still scared?" He pulled a few bills out and tossed them on the table.

"Nervous more than anything." Hutch slid his chair back and stood slowly. "Nervous and more than a little excited."

"Me too." Starsky grinned. "We aren't gonna rush this though Hutch, it still stands as before. Anything that makes ya start feeling wrong we'll stop."

"I know." Hutch smiled as they moved away from the table together, both heading back towards the kitchen. "Can we go to my place though Gordo?"

"That's where I was plannin' on taking ya babe." Starsky lightly reached out and gave his blond's hand a light squeeze as they made there way out the back. "I want you as at ease as possible."

Hutch laughed. "You're making this sound like surgery."

Starsky looked over the hood as his blond waited him to get in and unlock the passenger door. "Not quite. But it is the most important operation I will have ever carried out, an' I plan on it goin' off without a glitch."

The ride back to Venice Place was comfortably silent as both men allowed themselves to drift with their own thoughts. Neither man spoke until Hutch reached over the lintel to retrieve the key.

"First thing we're gonna do is have a shower. One at a time." Starsky lightly ran his free hand over Hutch's denim covered rear, the other hand gripped a medium sized suitcase he had retrieved from the trunk.

"Why not together?" Hutch pushed the door opened, feeling a little disappointed that they wouldn't shower together.

"'Cause I don't think I could handle it." Starsky grinned sheepishly while following his lover into the apartment. "Now I'd rather go first, but if you prefer you can."

"No." Hutch shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me."

Starsky immediately headed for the bedroom and opened the case, curiosity causing Hutch to follow close behind. "I picked these up for us." He withdrew a neatly folded velour robe and handed it to his blond.

"This is beautiful Starsk." Hutch gently shook it out.

"I thought so too Blintz." Starsky grinned as he withdrew the other. "An' just as I figured, it matches your eyes ta perfection."

"So does yours." Hutch found himself choking up as his life closed up the case and sat it beside the bed.

"Now try not ta get into any trouble while I'm gone." Starsky stopped at the sofa, placing his robe on the back before he removed his jacket and weapon. "Don't get completely stripped down and for God's sake don't think." He smiled taking the robe and disappeared into the bathroom.

Starsky re-emerged a short time later to find his blond putting the final touches on the freshly made bed. "Your turn." He smiled, a small piece of tissue glinting with red stuck to his cheek.

"You cut yourself!" Hutch quickly came around the bed.

"It's just a tiny nick Hutch, nothing that either one of us hasn't done a thousand times in the past." Starsky threw his thumb over his shoulder. "Now get goin'."

"You look gorgeous." Hutch whispered as he obediently made his way past.

"That was sorta the effect I was strivin' for." Starsky swatted the rear as it went by.

As soon as he heard the door click shut, Starsky sprung into action. Taking the suitcase into the kitchen he opened it on the table and removed a wooden case holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes. Pausinga minute he sifted through one of the bottom cupboards and came up with the ice bucket. Hoping that he would find a tray of cubes in the freezer, he nearly whooped when he discovered three. After the bottle was firmly nestled amongst the ice he carried the bucket and the glasses into the bedroom, setting the alarm clock on the floor, placing them on the nightstand. Getting the lotion out of the drawer he strategically placed it under the pillows on what he had already deemed to be his side of the bed. Running back to the kitchen he then retrieved a pair of matching candlebras from the case and scurried back to the room. setting one on each nightstand. He went back out to fish for the lighter he always carried in his coat, taking a little more time to get the case off the table and grab the corkscrew. Getting them lit, he then pulled down the bedding and fluffed both sets of pillows, rubbing his hands together he turned out the light then went back to the living room to fidget nervously while waiting for his blond to come out.

Hutch came out of the bathroom somewhat shyly fingering the soft material where it formed a v on his chest. Having taken the time to blow his hair dry it appeared thicker and softer than usual causing Starsky's breath to catch in his throat. "You look too beautiful ta be real."

"What do we do now?" Hutch smiled, briefly glancing away.

Starsky moved closer feeling in awe that he could be so blessed to have this man want him. "Come with me." He reached out a hand and after his blond placed his own in it, he slowly walked him back towards the bedroom.

"What have you been doing?!" Hutch's jaw dropped open, his eyes wide as they took in the softly lit room. "My room's never looked so good."

"You like it?" Starsky grinned, himself feeling a little timid. "It's not much, but I really want tonight ta be special." Lifting his other hand he removed the tissue from his cheek and slipped it into the pocket of his robe.

"It's perfect Gordo. Absolutely perfect." Hutch shook his hand free and wrapped his bundle close to him. "Thank you." He lowered his head to whisper into the soft curls surrounding the delicate ear.

"You're welcome." Starsky swallowed thickly, gently pushing Hutch away from him. "Now how about I pop the cork and we both try an' relax a little."




"You just relax Hutch." Starsky stiffly managed to crawl off the bed to stand on shaky legs, lightly patting the blond's exposed rump.

"Where are you going?" Hutch looked on warily, trying to turn to his side then deciding it took too much effort to accomplish the move.

"I've got some terrific bath oil and soothing gel in the bag, so after I run the tub I'll come back and help you up."

Hutch groaned. "What are you anyway? The Mr. Dressup of lovemaking? Come on Starsk..now I want to cuddle. Cuddle and then sleep for a few days."

"Trust me babe, you'll feel a whole lot better after I get you back under the sheets, not ta mention how you'll feel in the mornin'." Starsky stood gazing down in adoration for a few moments before trusting his legs enough to begin to move. "Doze for a minute if ya want, but try not to fall asleep."

"Okay." Hutch gave up his protest deciding again to just go with the flow. "What else have you got in the tickle trunk?" He smiled lazily.

"You'll havta wait for the next show." Starsky chuckled as he made his way from the room.

Hutch was barely aware of his brunette's return and even less certain of how he suddenly found himself enveloped in water just warm enough to create a faint mist to rise from the surface. Laying back he breathed deeply enjoying the intoxicating scent of vanilla mixed with spices that he couldn't quite put his finger on. "I think I'd like to live here." He sighed.

"You do live here." Starsky finished cleaning himself at the sink and tossed the cloth into the hamper. Taking another he went to his knees and began gently washing Hutch's long body, taking extra time on the bent legs, not wanting the skin protruding from the water to miss out on the soothing heat. "We. We live here."

"Yeah." Hutch managed to get one eye half open, the love shining through more than making up for the lack of full attention. "We. That's real nice."

Starsky felt a rush of protectiveness wash over him, needing to pause and grip the side of the tub until it passed. "Time to get you back to bed babe." His voice was thick with emotion, as he reached between the long legs and pulled the plug.

"Was good." Hutch murmured the trip back to bed a blur as Starsky covered him up and came around to crawl in beside him, taking a small tube of moisturizer and squeezing a small amount onto his index finger.

"Just roll to your side now Blintz." Starsky helped push as Hutch tried his best to comply. Pushing the covers away he very gently massaged the lotion around and onto the tender skin that was now blocking his love's entrance.

"Don't think I can go another round yet..." Hutch winced as the cool balm and slight pressure touched him. "my gonads are gondie Gordo."

Finished, Starsky just grinned and pulled his blond back around until he could place his head on the broad chest. "We're all finished for tonight love."

Hutch's last memory was of his partner tickling his cheek with his curls as his arm instinctively found a comfortable position under the strong neck and tried to pull his life even closer. "'Ove you."

"More than life." Starsky smiled into the smooth chest, well aware that Hutch didn't hear. Exhausted yet elated in the knowing that they felt the same, he too drifted away.

Hutch lay awake relishing the close contact of his partner's skin pressed firmly and hotly against his own. Smiling in remembrance of the night before it took him a few moments to register how stiff his legs were still and even longer to recognize that the low rumbling in his abdomen had nothing to do with hunger. Realization dawning he knew that he had to get to the washroom within minutes, the consequences of not making it refused admittance into his mind. Carefully extracting himself from the loose confines, his lover's arms and one leg had him bound in, he struggled to his feet only to find himself down on one knee, holding his breath he watched his inert imp, hoping that the sharp rap of bone meeting bare floor didn't rouse him. With a soft snore coming from the half buried head he used the bed as leverage to get back up on both feet. Stumbling from the room with a half limp he sighed in relief closing the bathroom door behind him. After the cramping had subsided he prayed to every god he could think of that his Starsky didn't wake to find him gone yet again. Cleaning himself up, taking the extra time to brush his teeth before he made it back, he was far to elated at the sight of his still quiet bundle to acknowledge the throbbing soreness emanating in and around his ass. Sinking back into the mattress and pulling the covers up and over them both, he grinned happily as Starsky snorted, a frown crossing the sharp features as he again draped and arm and leg over his blond. Hutch felt himself fading away, feeling that all was finally right with his world. As a rough cheek nuzzled his chest, he wasn't aware of the small smile he wore as he again rejoined his partner on another plane.

Starsky squinted at the annoying sliver of light coming through the crack in the curtains, cursing his luck that the only place the ray landed was right in his face. Groaning he went to bury his head and found that his pillow was both firmer and softer than he expected. The faintest whiff of the vanilla bath oil mixed with the pungently delicious odor of his lover's own heady scent brought a crooked grin to the still tired features. Rolling over he propped himself up on an elbow, eyes milking in the sight of his sleeping beauty in perfect concert with all his other semi-alert senses. Lightly brushing a few fair strands of hair away from the shielded treasure of priceless crystals he softly kissed the broad side of the proud nose. Startled at first to see the delicate barriers open, he was even more surprised to see how the alert cyan jewels that were revealed met his own eyes with perfect clarity. "Mornin' sunshine." He husked.

"Hi." Hutch smiled, stretching luxuriously, gently pushing his partner out of the way in order to give his long limbs more room.

Starsky looked away, at first afraid he would get lost in the majesty of the man beside him, and then with fear that he may have hurt him in his passion of the night before. Bringing the concerned cobalt back he hesitated at first before asking.

"I'm fine Starsk." Hutch anticipated the question then arched his back, a couple of snaps resounding as a few ligaments and muscles protested yet exalted in the movement. "Guess we should go see Dobey today huh?"

Starsky raised his eyebrows while the orbs under them watched in wonderment the lusciously sleek body stretched out before him. "I didn't think you'd be up to doing anything 'cept stayin' here." He managed to get out.

Hutch grimaced as he brought himself up to a sitting position, fixing the pillows he leaned back in a semi-upright position. "I hurt a little..well okay more than a little. But I really want to finish this up Starsk." He sucked in both lips while looking away, bringing his eyes back he smiled ruefully. "If only so we can spend some more time together."

"Your butt hurts and you still wanna go for the baddies?" Starsky cocked and eye along with a crooked grin. "You..we deserve a break babe."

"You sound like a fast food ad." Hutch chuckled. "No. No babe, let's get them and then beg some time off."

"What's the rush Blintz?" Starsky smiled softly slipping his hand under the covers to caress the rippled belly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Hutch winced, then feeling it was alright accepted the touch. "Besides, if we don't move fast the players may try to slip away before we get a chance to tie them into anything."

With a tentative feel, Starsky indeed found that his partner's gonads had left the arena. "So what?"

"I thought you said you wanted them no matter how we did it." Hutch pulled himself up further. "It won't hurt at least to stick to our original plan of talking to Dobey."

"I am your humble servant." Starsky leaned over to place his lips over the still open mouth of his lover. The kiss was quick though full of meaning. "We go, we speak, we come back and the hell with the world." He grinned springing up, grabbing his sapphire robe from the floor he headed for the shower. He paused at the door frame. "I can do this on my own babe, if you aren't up to it."

"I'm not an invalid Starsky, just feeling a little tender is all. But it's a the best sore I've ever had." Hutch smiled, his eyes having never left the wonder of his life.

Little Rosey found flung herself immediately into her tall blond uncle's arms and wasn't by any stretch of the imagination about to let him go. With a quick nod, Hutch watched out of the corner of his eye as his partner drew their Captain aside and begin filling him in on what they had come up with since first receiving the tip from first their favorite informant and then the man himself.

The glower emanating from her husbands face caused Edith to immediately extract her youngest from the younger of her two self-adopted sons. "Go on Hutch. I think you are needed more over there than here. Besides she's overdue for a quiet time."

"Have a good nap sweetheart." Hutch waved as Edith carried the precious child up the stairs. With a heavy heart and thinking about the fate of other small lives, Hutch joined his Captain and his partner in the corner.

"I can bring it before a judge, but I have to be honest boys.." Dobey's deep voice carried an echo throughout the living room. "he'll want more than the suspicions and hunches you both have before he'll issue any kind of a warrant."

"We know that Capn'." Starsky nodded. "We just thought you should know how things are startin' ta shape up."

"You've both been snooping around further than you have any legal right to do." Dobey looked from one to the other, wishing he could help them further in their unauthorized investigation.

"We're pretty sure that we aren't wrong about this Captain." Hutch stated softly.

"I know that Hutch." Their superior frowned. "Hell! I trust both you're instincts more than I do most officers facts, but that doesn't mean we can just move in and create our own blueprint for justice."

"So we're supposed ta just take a back seat and wait and see if someone gets hurt before we can do anything?" Starsky spit out.

"I didn't say that either Starsky!" Dobey sighed wearily. "Keep watching them, both of you, but for heaven's sake don't step over the line again!"

Hutch knew instantly that Starsky had also told him about the porn magazines that were in the glove box. "We know that what Starsky found in the car would never stand up in court Cap, but if he didn't see anything we'd have even less reason to keep trying to find out more."

"Not only will it never stand up in court, but it will never be mentioned to anyone outside of this triangle! Understood?" He again looked from one to the another.

"More like a square Cap'n." Starsky grinned sheepishly. "Huggy knows too."

Dobey just glared at his dark haired detective for a moment before inhaling a large intake of air through his nose. "Get out of here! You both better keep me informed of anything you find. As soon as you can bring me something concrete to work on I'll see that you get that warrant."

"We will Cap." Hutch took a step back lightly tugging on Starsky's sleeve before turning towards the door.

"Be careful!" Dobey followed held the door after Hutch had opened it. "From what you told me, Jones is nothing to worry about, but the ringleaders may not appreciate you poking around into their business and probably wouldn't have any qualms about killing a couple of nosey cops."

"We'll be careful boss." Starsky answered though his eyes were following his blond's back as Hutch made his way down the path. "Real careful."


"He's right you know." Starsky caught up with his partner at the end of the walkway. "We haven't even considered the possibility of them tryin' ta take us out."

"No one is going to get near you." Hutch hissed as his eyes roamed every open spot in the residential area they could light upon, his hand lightly trailing over the hood as he walked around the Torino towards the passenger side.

"I'm wondering if maybe our boy Feliciano wasn't just tryin' to scope out Trina." Starsky started the engine, one eye watching his lover slowly lower himself into the seat with a pained expression.

"You mean he may have been trying to size us up too?" Hutch eased himself back stiffly, gazing thoughtfully at the garage door in front of him. "I doubt it Starsk."

Starsky twisted around to back out of the driveway his hand clasping the blond's shoulder instead of the back of the seat. "Why's that babe?"

"Jones. He wants an in, and he wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting one if the big boys even suspected that a couple of cops were attached to him." Hutch squirmed a little, his discomfort clearly evident in his expression.

"You're right." Starsky nodded, spinning the wheel back around and facing the front once more as they began to cruise down the street. "So any danger to us for the time being is minimal, unless of course Quinlan gets really desperate, an' frankly I doubt he'd have the balls ta try an' come after us."

"Never underestimate a stupid man Gordo." Hutch smiled, adjusting his position again.

"My baby's butt is really botherin' him, isn't it?" Starsky glanced over with a mischievous smile, sympathy and love shining from the dark depths.

"Must you." Hutch snickered. "Yeah it's sore, but I wouldn't trade it for the world." Reaching over he stroked his lover's denim covered thigh.

Starsky placed his own hand over his partners'. Turning his other wrist slightly he glanced at his watch. "It's goin' on 2:30 Hutch, you want us ta go see if he actually talks ta Newcombe?"

"I suppose." Hutch frowned his face reddening. "I really don't think I'm up to facing Huggy right now though."

"I'll keep the bad ole Bear away from ya Blintz." Starsky squeezed the large hand tightly, still worried that he'd pushed his love too hard, too fast.

"Just one crack..that's all it'll take, just one.." Hutch muttered his voice trailing away while picturing himself flying over the bar to wring the scrawny dark neck of his often times annoying friend.

"If you'd rather Hutch, I could drop you off at home."Starsky smiled contently at the warm glow the last word evoked.

"I don't ever want to go home again without you being with me." Hutch flipped his hand palm side up and laced his fingers around his brunettes'. "Not ever." He bent over planting a soft kiss over each knuckle before straightening back up.

Starsky pulled his hand away, feeling the bulge between his legs begin to expand uncomfortably. "I'm beginnin' ta think I may have unleashed a monster." He whistled out a breath of air. "Gettin' mighty warm in here buddy boy."

"I know there is one particular beast I wouldn't mind seeing let loose again." Hutch felt himself begin to stir.

"Behave yourself, or we might not make it to The Pits at all." Starsky grinned happily. "*Though I don't doubt you wouldn't mind that at all."

"I can't help it Starsk." Hutch found it hard to stop staring at his reason for breathing. "I feel like I've been reborn." He whispered.

"You sure ya don't feel like ya just gave birth instead?" Starsky briefly closed his eyes, as the memory of taking his blond crossed his vision, knowing that he would cherish the reliving of it every day of the rest of his life.

"That too." Hutch agreed with a smile. "But if that is the cost of feeling like I do now I'd gladly go through it again and again.

"Huggy's again and then home." Starsky stated firmly not daring to look over at his lover. "Home." He repeated under his breath.

The Pits was nearly empty the pair noted as they sauntered through the front door, Starsky having parked the Torino in the very spot the Grand Prix had occupied the day before. Lemony freshness assaulted their nostrils as they approached the Bear scrubbing vigorously at a small area of the bar with a cloth.

"Whatever it was 'm pretty sure ya got it Hug." Starsky hopped onto a stool.

"Man! I'm going to have to start charging you two rent, if you're going start hangin' around here so much." Huggy righted himself finding that his curly topped friend had indeed been right, and the mark was now gone.

"Come on now Hug, at least we always order somethin'." Starsky Smirked.

"True. Now if either of you would only pay up every now and then maybe then we'd have a far more harmonious relationship." Huggy cocked an eyebrow looking from one partner to the other. "You two wouldn't happen ta be preggers now would you? I mean you both are positively glowing."

"Trina here yet Huggy?" Hutch moved a stool aside and leaned against the bar. The ice blue daring the Bear to ignore the warning they shot over the bar.

"Not yet and as you can see neither has Fortaleza Junior deemed it necessary to make another appearance." Wisely, Huggy decided to heed the unveiled threat the blond challenged him with.

Starsky bit back a giggle, amazed at how close Huggy had just hit on his and his partner's words just before arriving, feeling since the beginning of the weekend that he was in fact radiating his happiness. "What's the special today Hug?"

"It's Sunday Starsky, There has never been a special on the day of rest. Though I feel you deserve a discount on the occasion of the taking.."

"I wouldn't finish that if I were you." Starsky's eyes widened, shocked that the Bear could forget himself so quickly. Glancing over he saw that his blond had stiffened considerably.

"I was merely going to express my appreciation for your unwavering vigilance in the pursuit of truth and justice." Huggy began filling a couple of mugs with draft and placing them in front of the detectives. Giving Starsky his best 'I may be crazy but I ain't dumb' look. Both men watching as the blond took his beer and moved off towards the back booths.

"He's not very happy with ya Hug." Starsky supplied needlessly.

"I take it the deflowering went well." Huggy nodded silently promising himself to keep his maw shut in regards to any offhand remarks to the taller of the duo in regards to such.

"Better n' well Hug. I've found a whole new religion and plan ta spend the rest of my days worshippin' the ground he walks on." Starsky sighed happily, standing he grabbed his own beer and turned to follow his lover. "Can ya get fix me up a club with fries and Hutch should probably go with a soup or somethin'." He ordered with a wink.

"He doesn't mean any harm in it ya know babe." Starsky slid into the opposite side of the booth just as Hutch himself was getting settled.

"I know." Hutch smiled looking first at his brunette and then glancing back towards the bar, his skin again beginning to tint. "It's just incredibly embarrassing."

"Ya make a beautiful blushin' bride though hon." Starsky chuckled then feigned a look of pain as the blond lightly kicked him under the table.

"You probably wouldn't like it any more than I do if you were on the receiving end of his comments." Hutch's glare didn't come close to overriding the love sparkling from the cyan depths.

"Ya ain't wrong. Matter of fact I'd have clobbered him long before now." Starsky nodded. "Look at the bright side Hutch in a week or two he'll have forgotten all about our first time and go back ta treatin' us like he always has."

"You're right." Hutch relaxed knowing his partner was in fact right.

"'Sides it's just his way of lettin' us know that he approves of how we feel." Starsky took a sip of his beer.

"Look who just punched in on duty." Hutch peered over his own mug back towards the bar.

Starsky followed his lover's gaze, dislike evident in his expression as he watched Huggy's newest waitress discuss something with the boss. "I don't know what it is Hutch, but there's somethin' not on the level about her."

"Maybe." Hutch continued to watch the young woman. "Then again maybe she's just guilty of having a moron for a boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend remember?" Starsky quickly lost interest in looking at the woman, focusing his attention back on his blond feeling his anger build seeing his partner's eyes were still on her.

"I've been wondering about that." Hutch turned back to his partner, slightly startled to see the intensity in the indigo staring back at him. "What!?"

"I don't like ya lookin' at her that long." Starsky sulked. "The only person ya should study that intently is me."

"For heaven's sake Starsky!" Hutch rolled his eyes. "Don't you think it's really strange that her so called ex-lover just pops over to her place unannounced?"

"Could a been a friendly split." Starsky's tone held no conviction. "Mind you even then you'd think he woulda called first."

"Exactly." Hutch nodded. "And if they never broke up.."

"Then maybe she knows more than she's lettin' on." Starsky finished. "Look who else just decided ta come play." He tilted his head towards the front door.

They both watched as the balding Feliciano entered and seated himself at the same table he had taken the night before. A foursome had previously arrived and were just beginning a game of pool, providing convenient cover for the detectives to draw even less attention to themselves. Huggy came out of the kitchen a tray carried easily on a bent forearm and approached the duo. "I thought it may be wise to not announce to Trina that you guys are here, and as hoped noted that the dude himself again chose the same table as before, which by the way is included on the half that she has been delegated ta serve."

Hutch frowned at the bowl of tomato soup that was placed before him then watched in disbelief as a large platter with triple decker sandwich and fries and gravy was set in front of his partner.

"That's great Hug." Starsky hadn't realized how ravenous he was until the food was placed under his nose removing the toothpick from one triangle he picked a fry up with his other hand and popped it into his mouth before any gravy could drip back to the plate.

"If either of you need anything else just wave me over." Huggy pushed one cheek out with his tongue, with a wink at Starsky that went unnoticed by Hutch he headed back towards the kitchen swinging the now empty tray.

"Am I on a diet now too?" Hutch felt his stomach rumble while watching his partner alternate between devouring the sandwich and inhaling the fries.

Starsky paused, lowering a limp potato strip back towards the plate. "Not at all babe, I just think that your recovery will go a whole lot easier if ya lay off anything heavy for a day or two."

"Oh." The blue eyes widened in understanding. "I guess I never thought of that." He looked down at his soup, his face a near perfect color match.

"I know this is the first time we've eaten anything today babe, and I promise I'll make ya one of your shakes when we get back home." Starsky's eyes softened knowing full well that his blond had to be just as hungry as he was.

"Okay." Hutch brightened considerably. "You know there isn't anything better for increasing endurance in the bedroom than my special mix." Feeling the stretching of the burdon between his own legs grow even before the words were out.

"So I was led ta believe." Starsky growled his eyes twinkling before resuming his meal remembering all too well being duped into drinking a good sized portion of the god awful concoction down.

"Hey." Hutch whispered, his eyes once more focused between the pool players. "Here she comes."

The pair watched as Trina waltzed up to Feliciano's table pad in hand. Both were stunned when she smiled sunnily and took the chair opposite, reaching a hand over to have the man bring it to his lips and deliver a kiss to the back of it. "She knows 'im." Starsky whistled softly.

"She sure as hell does." Hutch let the words out with a rush of air.



The pair continued to watch as the couple chatted happily for a few minutes, turning their heads away when Newcombe glanced in their direction.

"She spotted us." Hutch whispered through closed mouth. "And by the looks of things she's letting him know about us."

"I take she doesn't look pleased ta see us here." Starsky resumed eating.

"Nope. She doesn't exactly looked surprised though either." Hutch stirred the soup, the scum that had formed disappearing into the rest.

"You think maybe she's workin' for him too?" Starsky paused a portion of the sandwich halfway to his mouth.

"That's exactly what I think, I wonder if Jones is aware of his lady's friendship with the very man he's trying to get in good with." Hutch leaned over the bowl trying not to slurp as he slipped the spoon between his lips, eyes widening in surprise at how hot it still was.

Casting another glance towards the waitress, Starsky popped the rest of the sandwich in his mouth. "She just stood up and now she's jottin' somethin' down on her pad."

"You don't suppose she's going to try and pretend she doesn't know him do you?" Hutch smiled, wiping his mouth with a paper napkin.

"We'll soon see." Starsky returned the grin, lifting his beer he took a small sip. "Here she comes."

"Let me guess." Trina's smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "You two need to ask me a few more questions."

"Not at all." Hutch's smile was warmer, though no less genuine. "We just stopped in for a quick meal."

"Do you two always do everything together?" Both detectives noticed that she relaxed considerably, seeming to buy the blond's reason for them being there.

"A helluva lot more fun that way." Starsky grinned with a wink, biting the end off another fry.

"You seem to have shared the news of this place around to some friends." Hutch tilted his head towards Feliciano. "I know I've never seen that guy in here before."

"Oh I don't really know him all that well." Trina glanced quickly over her shoulder and then back. "I went to school with his wife."

Starsky rolled his eyes, while her attention was still focused on his partner, almost causing the blond to snicker. "No matter, 'm sure Huggy appreciates any extra business he can get."

"Well I should get this order in to the kitchen." She waved the small pad in front of her. "Quinlan wasn't very pleased to see you both yesterday. What is it you're pestering him about anyway?"

"Nothing really." Hutch smiled again. "We just heard he was back and wanted to let him know that we were thinking about him."

"He hasn't done anything wrong has he?" She continued to probe, not noticing that Starsky was watching her intently.

"Not that we know of." Hutch replied smoothly. "We just hope he's decided that the cost of beating and robbing people isn't worth the price.

"So you're going to leave him alone now?"

"As Hutch said, we got no reason ta suspect him of doin' anything, so we have no cause ta bother him anymore." Starsky forced a smile as he turned his attention from the woman and back to his plate.

"Good." Trina looked from one to the other. "I'll get going then, before Huggy decides to fire me."

The duo watched her make the way back towards the kitchen. "What do ya think about that blondie?"

"I think we've played it stupid." Hutch muttered taking another spoonful of soup before placing it back in the bowl and pushing it away. "We should have checked her background at the same time as the others."

"You think she's more involved than Jones is himself?"

"I'd bet on it." Hutch nodded his eyes capturing and holding his lover's. "I'd also be willing to wager that these two are using Jones, or at least planning on it down the line."

"Settin' him up ta be the fall guy if anything goes wrong?" Starsky cocked an eyebrow. "An' the whole time he breaks off with Trina in order ta keep her out of gettin' involved. Nice girl."

"Still doesn't make any sense on why he'd show up here." Hutch again jutted his chin in Feliciano's direction.

"Could be one a the few places they could meet without Jones bein' aware of it." Starsky pushed his own plate away and took another drink of the beer.

"Maybe." Hutch didn't look away as brown eyes met his and held. With a slight nod he tilted his own beer towards the man in greeting. "I just hope that whatever they have planned isn't about to go up in smoke because we're here." He turned his attention to the pool table, pretending he was interested in the game.

"I guess we should pull back some and let Miss Newcombe think we've lost interest in her little threesome." Starsky let his eyes linger on the handsome profile across from him.

"I doubt it will be that easy Starsk." Hutch turned back to his partner. "I did mention to Jones that we knew about a father son team, and I doubt that remark went unnoticed by Trina."

"Oh yeah." Starsky bit his lip. "I wonder if she even knows about dear old dad."

"That's something else we might want to look in on." Hutch nodded in agreement. "Maybe Jaime doesn't have anything at all to do with whatever it is they're up to."

"It would be a whole lot easier ta get the kids out of the country if he was though." Starsky slid out of the booth and stood waiting while his lover moved out much more cautiously.

"Not knowing about his son's activities doesn't mean one of his ships isn't going to be used." Hutch grimaced pulling himself up by the table. "This does get easier doesn't it?"

"A whole lot." Starsky grinned. "An' I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward ta bringin' that time closer."

"Well let's go home and maybe I can make you just as happy." Hutch flushed a little, feeling his excitement building again. "There's something I really want to try."

"What!? No goin' back to the station ta sort through another pile of documents and reports?" Starsky felt his own erection springing up in curiosity.

"Tomorrow." Hutch pushed his brunette towards the bar. "I'm starving half to death, want to get you home and get something to eat." Reaching for his wallet and looking for Huggy he added. "Not to mention experimenting some more."

"You're not gonna tell me what's in store for me either, are ya?" Starsky rubbed his hands together, also searching for the Bear. "Why don't we just toss a few bills down and leave now?"

Hutch smiled reaching over to squeeze the leather clad arm. "I want to tell him to keep a closer eye on Trina."

With Huggy paid and warned, they once again headed back towards Venice Place and the sanctuary of the small apartment. "Ya know we're gonna havta do something about the livin' arrangements babe."

"You mean live together?" Hutch glanced over and just as quickly looked away.

"Don't twist all that grey matter inta a knot babe." Starsky kicked himself for bringing the topic up so early. "I just mean that sometime down the road I'm gonna get real tired of us havin' two of everything."

"I don't know if I'm ready to start thinking about that, but you're probably right." Hutch sighed running his hand over his eyes. "I guess I'm still thinking that the bubble is bound to burst."

"Not a chance Hutch." Starsky's voice was thick. "You're all mine now an' I'm not letting ya go for anything."

"Okay." Hutch smiled out the window. "I'll try not to think gloom and doom are always waiting for me around the next corner."

"Good." Starsky reached over cupping the back of the slender neck. "Besides, I'll take all the turns first and scare the hell out of anyone or thing that tries ta threaten us."

"My hero." Hutch giggled then sobered up. "I wish I could tell you how happy you've made me Gordo."

"I know Hutch. Believe me buddy I know." Starsky whispered tightening his grip. "I feel exactly the same..there aren't any words for it."

Hutch laughed softly. "We're really turning into a couple of sap artists."

"Wouldn't change that either." Starsky smiled. "So what exactly is it ya wanna try when we get home?"

"You'll be the first to know Starsk." Hutch's smile turned laughingly evil. "Just something I've been thinking about."

"It's not somethin' painful is it?" Starsky pulled in close to the curb in front of his lover's place.

"I certainly hope not!" Hutch looked appalled. "No..no Starsk I wouldn't dream of hurting you. Strangling you from time to time, but never hurting you." Climbing out of the car, he was pleasantly surprised that the pain in his ass seemed to be easing up considerably.

Starsky bounced around from the other side. "You have some pretty annoying habits yourself blondie, but I've spent the last decade or so deciding that I could live with them."

"I wouldn't change anything about you either." Hutch felt the warmth spread through him. "Matter of fact I was thinking about building you a toy chest, maybe if we do get our own place you can use one of the spare rooms for a play area."

"The only play area I want is your body." Starsky smirked and skipped up the steps ahead of his blond. "And that's a when not an if babe."

Starsky was already inside when Hutch made it to the top of the stairs, coming in behind he removed his jacket and holster seeing that his partner had already done so, the evidence draped over the back of the sofa. Moving stealthily into the kitchen he growled while spinning the startled brunette around. "This is what I want to try." He quickly undid the buckle and button of the jeans, quickly pulling them down the slim hips the zipper giving away as they went. Falling to his knees, Hutch kept his eyes focused on the hardness that sprang from the parted material. "No underwear Starsk?" He smiled leaning forward he licked the tip of the crown.

"Oh God Hutch!" Starsky moaned bracing himself against the counter his hands tightly clenching the edge of the counter top.

Hutch slowly blew air over the tip, grinning as the erection twitched in response. Tapping his lover's inner thigh to have the legs spread further he began to knead the full sacs, inching further he drew the head into his mouth and began stroking just under it with his tongue.

"Jesus!" Starsky could feel his legs begin to buckle, putting more pressure on his arms to support himself. The electricity coursing through him almost more than he could take. He fought back the urge to thrust into the heavenly cavern, knowing this was his blond's first time giving a blow job, amazed at how proficient he was.

Hutch felt himself grow painfully hard surprised at how much he loved having the pulsating rod in his mouth, he began to suck and lick in earnest. Groaning himself at the first taste of precum that landed on his tongue, knowing that he wanted it all. Continuing to fondle the heated globes he used his other hand to free his own hard-on and began to stroke himself in time with his mouth. The mewing sounds mixed with the heaving breaths from above causing him to tense up at the same time noting that Starsky swelled further inside him. He came just as he felt the rush of semen hit the back of his throat.

Starsky managed to loosen one hand from the counter and placed it on top of the fair head. His eyes were rolling back in his head as wave after wave of pleasure shook him. Biting the inside of his cheek he felt himself expand just before unleashing his essence down the hungry funnel.

Hutch lightly kissed the shrinking cock nudging his face under the shirt to kiss the still quivering belly. "That was good." He managed through light gasps.

"That was a whole lot better 'n good." Starsky collapsed down the front of the counter not caring that his ass was now planted on top of his lover's cum. "You sure you never did that before? I mean that was the best job I ever had babe."

"No. Never, but I do know what I like." Hutch pushed himself back to rest on his haunches. "You taste great. Salty, but a lot better than I was expecting. Definitely something I'll want a lot more of."

"Anytime. Course I wouldn't mind either lyin' or sittin' down next time." Starsky smiled lazily. "How 'bout we crawl inta a shower and then cuddle and see what's on TV?"

"Sounds good to me Gordo." Hutch pulled himself up and reached out a hand to help his partner to his feet. "I don't suppose I'm allowed to have popcorn?"

"You can have some, but I'm still plannin' on makin' you a shake." Starsky leaned against his lover as they made their way towards the bathroom. "I can't wait ta see what other experiments ya have in mind to try."

"I'm sure I can come up with a few more." Hutch smiled hugging his brunette closer to him. "I'm sure you have more surprises lined up for me too."

"You can count on it." Starsky returned the embrace before letting go to enter the washroom first.


Hutch was still tingling with the intense joy at having spent a relaxing evening just holding and caressing his brunette when his eyes cracked open the following morning. Rolling to his side he tilted his head and watched in adoration while his lover snuffled and snored under his arm. Gently petting the matted curls back to expose an ear he leaned over and lightly sucked it into his mouth, eliciting a contented groan from beneath him. "Good morning David."

"Time's it?" Starsky stretched rolling over to push Hutch down and rub his cheek into the bare chest.

"Time to get moving." Hutch slipped his hand under the covers to run up and down his partner's back. "Dobey said not to be late remember?"

"Screw Dobey." Starsky muttered flicking his tongue out to snag a nipple that was tantalizingly close.

"Now that's not a vision I really want dancing in my head this morning, or ever." Hutch chuckled and pulled himself away and up. "I'm going to shave darling and if you want to join me you're more than welcome."

"Think I'll just nab a few more minutes baskin' in your heat." Starsky uttered drawing the now empty pillow close.

"I'll start some coffee first, maybe the smell will help get you moving." Hutch paused briefly at the doorway looking back with a happy grin. "This really feels right you know?"

"Who says domesticity and bliss can't ever be in the same sentence." Starsky's returning smile was equally schmaltzy. "I know babe. Righter than right."

The coffee had just begun seep through the filter and splash onto the bottom of the carafe when Starsky decided that he'd really rather be showering with his blond than lying in the bed missing him. Springing up he flew towards the washroom a lusty glint in his eye.

Dobey stood stock still, completely surprised that his two finest were not only on time but also looking like they just ate not only the Canary but the cage as well. Slipping into his office as unobtrusive as his bulk would allow he decided that he didn't really want to know why his detectives were oozing happiness. Hoping at the same time that maybe they finally realized what they both needed in their lives was each other all along. Sitting at his desk, he raised his eyebrows when he saw Huggy enter the squad room through his open door.

"I got what you so hurriedly requested." Huggy plunked a brown paper bag in front of the blond.

"Great." Hutch opened the top, rising he picked it up. "I'll get this right down to the lab."

"I got two of them just in case one was a no go." Huggy called after him.

"I saw that." Hutch smiled back. "Thanks Hug."

"He does seem ta have made a nice recovery." Huggy stated blandly watching the blond leave the room.

"Leave my baby alone. Anything happen after we left Huggy?" Starsky grinned as the Bear took the blond's now vacant seat.

"He ate a burger, downed a couple of scotch's and then left." Huggy shrugged with a mischievous smile.

"What else?" Starsky could tell his friend was dying to say more. He sensed that the Captain had left his office and now stood behind him.

Huggy nodded a greeting at the big man and then looked back across at Starsky. "Come quittin' time Trina got a ride home..or at least a ride somewhere."

"Where did Hutch go?" Dobey placed a meaty hand on Starsky's shoulder.

"We asked Huggy ta bring us in something we could maybe get a print off of." Starsky twisted his head up to look at his boss.

"Couple of tumblers to be exact." Huggy piped in.

"I thought I told you two to tread a little more carefully." Dobey scowled down at the top of the wavy head.

"We've got a feelin' that the Newcombe girl isn't exactly who she's bin claimin' ta be Cap'." Starsky shrugged the hand away.

With a heavy sigh Dobey let his arm fall to his side. "For heaven's sake be careful." He repeated his words of the day before.

Hutch strolled back through the doors, eyes briefly lighting on his Captain before landing on his partner. "They'll give us a call as soon as they find anything out. They did get a couple of nice ones including an almost beautiful index print and are running it through the computer now."

Huggy instantly pulled himself from the seat and held the chair while the blond took it. "Now what do we do?"

"You go back to running your restaurant and let my boys take over from here."

Dobey scowled at the thin man. "This is beginning to resemble a circus instead of an investigation."

"He's been a big help Captain." Hutch defended. "Giving us more to work with than we could have found on our own."

"Giving what!?" Dobey turned his blazing eyes towards his fair headed officer. "You still don't have anything to legally go with!"

"We still need to talk to the wife." Hutch's own eyes flashed angrily, causing Starsky's manhood to twitch. "It would be nice to confirm Fortaleza's infidelity with a minor."

"Not ta mention whether or not the girl is alive or not." Starsky added, coming to his lover's defense.

The Captain nodded his understanding. "I can probably do that much for you. Any idea what her name is or where she went?"

"Victoria Lyn Wheeler." Huggy again piped up. "Wheeler being her maiden name that is. Met him at university, knocked her up and married pretty much on the spot much to daddy's disapproval at havin' a white woman mix with the family genes."

"You never told us that." Hutch stared at the Bear in disbelief.

"Just found out this A.M. after my cousin did a bit of snoopin' upon my request." Huggy smiled patting the top of the blond's head. "Apparently papa refused to acknowledge the wife or any of his grandchildren. Two other son's more than filling the need of keepin' the line pure."

"So Feliciano found himself cut off from the family fortune." Starsky muttered. "Cut off and left with his own perverted fantasies."

"Which maybe he wants to turn them into even more of a reality." Hutch added.

"A hefty profit made to help ease the blow."

"I think I've heard enough of this." Dobey again heaved his chest with another sigh, turning back towards his office. "Bring me something soon boys, or drop the entire thing. I will try and get a hold of Mrs. Fortaleza and see if she can help in anyway."

"Thanks Cap' we'll keep you posted." Hutch grinned, knowing that their superior was again going out on a limb to help them, doubting the big man heard him as his door clicked shut.

"Anything new on Jones Hug?" Starsky kept one eye riveted on his love the other having it's full attention on their friend.

"Took off in the wee hours to parts unknown." Huggy rubbed his chin. "I figure his trip came a little sooner than expected."

"Where Hug!" Hutch sprung up almost knocking his chair over.

"Nevada..Utah..maybe Arizona." Huggy's expression let the partner's know that he wished he could clarify the whereabouts.

Starsky quickly plucked the phone out of the cradle in front of him and was all but ready to yell for dispatch to get him the numbers of police in the bordering states.

"Forget it Starsk." Hutch pressed down on the small button breaking the connection. "He'll steal them and get them back here before anyone will know they're missing. I mean what are we supposed to tell them other than fax them a photo with a note attached saying that we suspect he may be up to something but really don't have a clue? Did he fly or drive Hug?"

"Drove." Huggy responded. "Least that's the info I was provided."

"What?" Starsky replaced the receiver knowing his lover was probably right.

"Panel?" Hutch answered with a question, not surprised when the Bear nodded affirmation.

"I don't suppose we know the name of the shipping line that transports Fortaleza senior's goods?" Starsky again picked up the phone.

Hutch thought for a few seconds, his mind drifting back to his father's words. "East and West Alliance..no that's not it! Eastern and Western Alliance..Fuck! I don't remember, I do know that Alliance is in it somewhere."

"Freedom Quest." Huggy nodded. "I remember now. The ship that was stopped with the refugees on board was called Freedom Quest and the company Pacific Alliance."

"Ya shoulda bin a cop Huggy." Starsky grinned up at the Bear.

"Naw." Huggy disagreed with a quick glance around the room to be certain there were only the three of them there. "I was just reading up on what blondie here told us about Jaime. The name of the boat reminded me of the one you've been wanting and finally got to sail." He added with a wink.

Starsky shot him a warning glance, noting that his love had turned a deep shade of pink and skulked away towards the water cooler. "Don't push it Hug."

He whispered rage flashing from the indigo. "I'm worried enough about how he really feels ta lose him over some comment you make."

"You ain't got no worry about losing him Starsk." Huggy leaned down his own voice hushed. "He's yours hook line and sinker."

"Yeah well I'd rather not take any chances." Starsky hissed. "Can ya kindly not make him feel all funny and uncomfortable? I swear he's blushed more times in the last few days than I think he has in the last decade."

"Sorry bro'." Huggy raised his hands in surrender. "I just wanted you both to know that I not only approve, but have been awaiting the day. As brilliant as you both are you also tend to be a little denser than most."

Hutch had turned after filling a dixie cup and smiled slightly while bringing the water to his lips. Embarrassed though he was he was also amused by the protective stance his lover had taken at the Bear's comments. Shaking his head he crumpled the empty cup and tossed it into the wastebasket before moving back towards the quietly bickering pair. "One thing though..that is if
you both don't mind if we stick to what we've come up with now instead of what Starsky and I come up with in private, is that if the son was cut off how is he supposed to get passage on the ship?"

Both Starsky's and Huggy's mouths dropped open at the same time as their eyes widened in perfect euphony the whites intensifying the liquid brown and midnight blue.

"I mean think about it." Hutch hid a grin deciding to pretend he didn't notice the stunned look on either man's face as he resumed his seat. "He would have to be on board also or if not have someone else there to make sure nobody else discovered the kids were there."

Starsky continued to stare at his blond giving his own head a quick shake while trying to get his thoughts away from the casual reference to their newly explored activities. "Maybe the crews don't know Junior has bin cut." He tried to catch the light eyes, wanting to see if his Hutch was angry, upset or even worse ashamed. Worry knotting in the pit of his stomach when they did look up, revealing nothing.

"That's a strong possibility." Huggy agreed still watching the blond from the corner of his now composed eye. Hoping that indeed he hadn't upset the apple cart and end up with the brunette trying to peel and core him.

"You going to make that call?" Hutch tilted his head towards the phone his partner still had his hand on. "If it's true that they have things now in motion I bet they'll move pretty quick."

Starsky spun the rolodex around stopping it when he got to the D's and fingered through the small cards. "That was Pacific Alliance right?" He supported the receiver with his shoulder and began dialing when the others nodded.

"I think maybe I best be going before the great one comes out and see's that I haven't as yet left as I was so pointedly instructed to do."

"Okay Hug, we'll let you know if anything happens." Hutch's smile didn't quite make it above his cheeks. His own phone beginning to ring he snatched it up.

The Bear and the smaller detective exchanged a quick look, neither one missing the shield that seemed to have drawn up over the blond's expression since returning from getting a drink. Coming off hold Starsky had no choice but to turn his attention back to his task.

Hutch hung up the phone, addressing the still there Bear his smile this time making it over every feature. "You sure that it was only Trina that touched those glasses?"

"I set it up myself Hutch, just like you strongly hinted I do last night." Huggy replied with a frown.

"I knew you would have Hug." Hutch beamed. "Isn't it odd.." He turned towards his partner as the other's phone was also placed back on hook. "that the prints belong to a Melissa Newton?"

"So she's been usin' an alias, not much of a stretch on the last name though." Starsky felt the ropes in his gut loosen as he fought to keep from drowning in the dazzling smile, the eyes dancing with glee and tenderness. "There's only one Alliance ship due ta head out from here in the next few days. It leave's tomorrow mornin' at dawn." His voice dropped as his cock began to rise.

"It gets better." Hutch continued to marvel at the wonder across from him the relief coursing through him that neither of them ignored his gut feeling after hearing the Bear's tip

"Enlighten us bro'." Huggy piped in, curiosity bringing him back to stand in close proximity to the blond. He bit back a chuckle at the silent warning snarl from Starsky, almost pitying Hutch having to now deal with the patina-eyed pit bull of possessiveness.

"Seems that she's a half-sibling of Feliciano himself. Her mother died giving birth and she was raised an orphan. The father, Jaime, denied he was the father the girl had listed on the admittance form in the hospital."

Starsky whistled through his teeth. "That would explain why she doesn't have his last name."

"I gather the young mother didn't have any family to help her out." Huggy rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"The girl's true identity was never confirmed." Hutch spat his tone delivering a complete about face. "The coroner at the time estimated that she was between eleven and fourteen years old."


"Looks like Feliciano gets his degenerate tastes honestly enough." Starsky too felt his blood beginning to simmer.

"I'm going to go for sure this time guys, wouldn't mind seein' if I can help in the tracking down of him and his latest accomplice." Huggy again turned towards the door.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Hutch asked after they both waved Huggy goodbye with sincere thanks.

"Count on it." Huggy nodded. "She's out for revenge, but I still don't know where Jones fits in..I mean if they aren't plannin' on using him to take the fall."

"She probably figured she would need an outside link to get her close to her brother." Hutch twirled a pencil his mind going a mile a minute. "I'd also bet a month's salary that Fortaleza, the son, hasn't got the faintest idea that he has a half sister."

"But it would seem ta me that she met Feliciano before Jones managed contact." Starsky frowned in concentration. "You think she's been plannin' on revenge for a long time?"

Hutch nodded. "Probably ever since she was old enough to understand the circumstances surrounding her birth and her mother's death."

Starsky's eyes sparkled. "Get some kids on Daddy's boat, son thrown along for the ride an' make an anonymous call ta the authorities. neat."

"It would bring down Jaime along with his son, not to mention devastate the entire company." Hutch's own eyes sparkled in admiration. "Clever girl. There wouldn't be an American company that would even remotely consider doing business with them after that. The entire thing would be folded up in one neat little bundle."

"Jones bein' nothin' more than a unwitting pawn on the route ta destruction." Starsky's eyes too shone with respect. "It's almost beautiful."

"How much you want to bet we can get that warrant now?" Hutch pushed his chair back and stood. "Or better yet set up the sting."

"It's almost a shame we'll have to arrest her too though." Starsky also rose to his feet and waited for his partner to come around the desk, going to their Captain's office together.

"I think she'll find prison a lot easier than you think Gordo." Hutch lightly touched the small of his lover's back. "Besides the fact that she will have accomplished what she set out to do, maybe she can begin to heal from the hell she grew up with."

Pausing at the door Starsky turned to face his blond. "Don't be thinkin' of tryin' to cut her some slack babe, she's still one of the bad guys."

"Even so it would be nice to see if we could get her some professional help Starsk." Hutch couldn't help feeling sorry for the waitress. "Not only did she lose her mother, of whom she will never be able to trace roots from, but she never even got the slightest hint of acknowledgement from her father either. Foster homes and orphanages? Helluva way to have to grow up."

"The sins of the father." Starsky muttered in agreement.

All officers, uniforms and plain clothes were strategically in place all over the dock area hours before midnight that night. Dobey had easily gotten the warrants for search and seizure, but held the other teams off on their assignments of carrying them out until after the rubble had cleared from the rescue of any possible victims and the arrest of all involved.

As they had suspected, the Captain of the 'Montreux' had no idea that Feliciano had been banned from anything to do with concerning the family or the business. He admitted that he had received a call earlier that afternoon telling him to expect an extra crate to be loaded on-board and that the son himself would be traveling back with it. And not to worry, that all the proper paperwork and inspections had already been carried out which would be presented on arrival. The partner's were pleased to see th e genuine horror on the man's face upon hearing the news of what they suspected the extra load to be.

"Wonder how he managed to keep the FBI outta all this." Starsky sidled up to his toque topped blond, both men were dressed all in black. Not caring who could be watching the brunette took a few minutes to tuck as many of the blond strands under the hat as he could manage. "No offense babe, but ya glow in the dark."

"You have been lately too." Hutch smiled, his teeth flashing.

With a quiet chuckle Starsky quickly looked around. "What was up with that comment you made this mornin' ta me and Huggy? I couldn't tell what ya were thinkin' and I can't say I liked that."

"I knew we were getting close to this, and I wanted you two to stop bickering." Hutch grinned again. "I figured the best way to shut you both up would be to use a little shock therapy. Worked too."

"But why the mask after?" Starsky still wasn't sure that was his blond's only motive.

Hutch shrugged. "I guess I sort of stunned myself, even though I knew that Huggy knew, I didn't really accept it until the words were out of my mouth."

"Bitter pill ta swallow?" Starsky asked softly, moving closer so their shoulders were touching.

"Far from bitter." Hutch smiled again, finding it hard to resist loosening the tight lips with his own. "Just a little hard to get down."

It wasn't more than twenty minutes after the handheld cracked to life reporting that a panel was just turning onto the dockyard, that all hell broke loose. Jones had emerged from the drivers side, cutting the engine off, he moved to the back and opened the double doors. A couple of crew members they knew Feliciano would recognize approached, one helping their boss's son from the passenger side all four moving towards the back end.

"No sign of Newwhatever." Starsky whispered.

Hutch bit back a snicker. "Did you really expect her to be here to wave goodbye?" He whispered back.

"Nope. Just an observation."

Both men stiffened and knew that all the other officers within sight had also tensed as the three men, the stevedores and Quinlan struggled to get the awkward crate from out of the back of the van. As soon it touched the ground, Starsky and Hutch moved, Starsky slipping alongside the drivers side and Hutch on the other. Starsky drew his weapon still undetected by Jones, but caught the eye of one of the other men and gestured for him to move away. Hutch at the same time snuck up behind the fidgeting Feliciano, grabbing one arm his own gun pressing firmly into the back. Less than a minute later the immediate area was swarming with police, Starsky and Hutch both tossing their catches into the hands of fellow officers and moving in tandem towards the sealed container.

One of the uniforms retrieved a crowbar from the front seat of the panel and came around tossing it to Hutch. Prying the end open both partner's fell to their knees, three small children cuddled together appeared to be sleeping on the padded floor. "Get an ambulance over here!"Starsky yelled.

Hutch checked for pulses, then gently lifted closed eyelids. "They've been drugged." He tenderly picked the closest child up and nestled her in his arms. The sound of sirens fast approaching echoed in the dark.

"I still find it amazing that he managed ta get all three of the kiddies at once." Starsky snuggled in his partner's arms on the couch a few days later, both dressed in only their new robes an afghan tossed over their legs.

"I don't understand why more parents don't teach their kids about what kinds of lures these predators use. It was probably the real puppy that got them close to the van. A few sips of the doctored slushies and they were his for the taking."

"What gets me is that it took more 'n two hours before anyone noticed that the party had shrunk so much in size." Starsky turned slightly to look up at his love. "There were four adults and twelve kids, how the hell did they not notice three of em' were missing?"

"Beats me." Hutch smiled down kissing between the dark eyebrows. "Look at the bright side though, since it's been splashed all over the media, maybe there will be more programs set up to teach kids to be aware. Parents too."

"You still feelin' sorry for Melissa?" Starsky asked quietly.

"No..well not really, at least the prosecutor is open to a deal involving psychiatric care."

"Guess what's on?" Starsky struggled up long enough to grab the remote from the other side of his blond.

"Anything as long as it's not Laverne and Shirley." Hutch didn't really want the television on at all, perfectly content to listen to nothing but his lover's voice. "All they do is run around yelling and screeching."

"Least they don't lick anyone's toes." Starsky giggled. "I was readin' your book and then found out that National Geo' has a documentary on tonight.

"Oh yeah?" Hutch's interest perked, pausing as he remember what book it was that his brunette was talking about. "Not dolphins?" He groaned.

"Yep." Starsky slipped his hand under his lover's robe wanting to feel the warmth of the smooth skin. "Now be quiet it's about ta start."

They cuddled together, both chuckling at antics of the animals on the screen as the film took them from the wild to captivity, demonstrating not only their intelligence, but also their sense of humor and compassion. The special was nearly over and on it's final commercial break when Hutch could feel his partner try to worm his way even closer.

"They sure do seem ta sing a lot." Starsky mused.

"What do you mean?" Hutch again looked down, this time pulling his lover closer. "They chatter Starsk, it's whales you're thinking of."

"No 'im not." Starsky shook his head, the curls softly tickling Hutch's chin. "They just seem ta have so much they wanna share, can't be just words. Think about it Hutch, birds chirp and everyone says they're singing, why can't there be a dolphin's song?"

"I suppose there isn't any reason it can't be called that." Hutch smiled, always amazed that no matter how twisted his partner's logic seemed at first it always made sense.

"Besides I can understand why they're always so damn happy and wanna tell anyone that'll listen whether we know what the words are or not." Starsky again twisted around opening the front of his blond's robe.

"Oh yeah?" Hutch laughed softly, watching while drawing in a breath as his lover's delicate hands gently moved over his chest. "Why's that?"

"'Cause they know their partner loves them and will be beside them no matter what. Even when the sharks attack. For life." Starsky husked. "Like me 'n you."
