Title: You Can't Go Home Again

Authoress: The Huntress

Pairing: Jack/Daniel, Jack/Jonas

Rating: PG13 -- First a pre-slash R, now a PG13...my PC is very confused....

Archive: Area 52, WWOMB, JonasFic

Summary: SG1, with Jonas, return to Kelowna and find out about Jonas' life

Spoilers: Fallen/Homecoming -- My S7 Universe

Authors Note: I like Jonas, but I love to give him stress <BG>

Disclaimer: Aww, if I must...Daniel and Jonas both belong to Jack, 'cause Jack is Alpha male.

You Can't Go Home Again
by The Huntress

Jack hated Washington, DC. He hated budget meetings with the Pentagon staff even more.

And he was thanking any and all gods he could think of that he hadn't had to explain a number of things.

Like why Daniel had gone through twenty-seven boonies in a two month period: "Well you see General, I like it when Daniel wears his boonie, and nothing else, to bed. They get covered in my come and he can't wear them anymore."

Why Teal'c needed an additional drivers license: "He's been stopped for speeding so many times his old one was suspended."

Why Jonas wanted a bigger car: "He likes to make out with me and Daniel in the back seat and his isn't big enough."

Three days of hell, but now it was over. Now he could go home, relax and enjoy the four days off he had. The four days off he intended to spend, in bed and anywhere else available for pleasure, with Jonas and Daniel. Except he came home to an empty house, and a note from Daniel saying they'd be back in a few days, that they had some 'traveling' to do.

Jack knew what that meant...gate travel. "The two of them, together, on a planet, without the team there?" He blinked. "Oh shit!" He was out the door a moment later, breaking all the speed limits to get to Cheyenne Mountain.

"Where are they?!" Jack's shout startled General Hammond, who just raised an eyebrow at the fuming colonel.

"Jonas was requested by the Kelownan high council to assist in their negotiations among all three factions."


"*Colonel*, watch your tone of voice. I am still your commanding officer."

Jack calmed after a moment, taking the seat on the other side of the desk. "General, how could you let him go? You know what they threatened him with if he ever returned. He was branded a traitor. And Daniel...." Jack's face fell; he actually looked defeated.

"Jack," Hammond said soothingly, "the Kelownan's agreed that Jonas would be treated as a member of the SGC. They have assured me he will not be harmed and I have to take them at their word."

"How could you let Daniel go back?"

"I didn't *let* him. He insisted that if Jonas was going he was going." Pause. "He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I caved," he finally admitted.

"Yeah," Jack nodded, "they get ya every time."

"They were accompanied by Major Carter and Teal'c. And since SG2 is on stand down, I sent along Major Feretti as well. Jack, they'll be fine." George smiled. "Teal'c gave me his word. And before you say anything else, the two of them requested you not be told."

"And why is that?" Jack asked warily.

"Because Daniel said you would react like an overprotective Doberman." George nodded. "Jonas said to tell you that Major Carter would...'watch his six'. And I...."

The klaxon went off then, the announcement of 'incoming traveler' echoing all over the base.

"So they were going to be safe huh?" Jack spat out, running to the embarkation room.

"You don't even know who it is!" Hammond yelled at Jack as he disappeared down the corridor.

"Oh yes I do!" Jack yelled back. "I just have to find out which one of them was hurt."

Ten minutes later, Jack was back in Hammond's office, feeling like three kinds of fool. The 'traveler' had been SG5, returning a day early from their mission.

"Jack, if you keep this up, I'm going to bar you from the Mountain until they get back."

"I wanna go to Kelowna," Jack whined. "Please? I promise to be good."


"I won't shoot anyone that looks their way."


"I'll be lonely."

"I don't care."

Jack stood, narrowing his eyes. "If you don't let me go, I'll tell everyone about you and that stripper."

"She wasn't a stripper," George fired back. "She was an exotic dancer."

"Either way, she gave you the lap dance of your life," Jack snickered. "We took pictures, remember?"

"You would blackmail me Jack?"

"Well," Jack said hesitantly, "no sir. But we could pretend that I would, couldn't we?" He gave the General his best 'wounded puppy' look.

Thirty minutes later, Jack was on his way to Kelowna.


"Hidey-ho boys and girls!" Jack grinned as he walked into the lab.

"Colonel!" The shock was very obvious on Jonas' face. "What are you doing here?"

"That's how you greet me?" Jack pouted. "No kiss?" The sound of glass breaking made them turn around.

"He's joking Milo," Jonas said quickly, to another scientist. "He has a weird sense of humor."

"O'Neill," Teal'c intoned, "I was under the impression you would not be joining us."

Jack looked around. "Where's Daniel?" His tone was almost accusing.

"He is with Major's Carter and Feretti," Teal'c answered. "They will not let him out of their sight. MajorFeretti advised me that if Daniel wanted to...relieve himself...he would stand outside the door until Daniel was finished."

This seemed to satisfy Jack, who wandered the lab, watching Jonas' body language. Every time Jack moved into his personal space, Jonas flinched and stared at the other scientist there. It took Jack a moment to realize why; their first night together had elicited some interesting knowledge.


"You can't love me. It's not possible."

"Why not?" Jack was mildly offended.

"Because you're a man, and I'm a man and men don't...you know."

"Love each other. Jonas, on this planet, men...do."

"With other men?!"


It took Jack a while to get Jonas to tell him about Kelownan's attitudes on same-sex relationships; they were forbidden, punishable by death. Hence Jonas' nervousness now. Jack backed off, smiling at him. "I'm going to go find Daniel." He turned to Teal'c, and got a nod from the Jaffa; words weren't necessary. That nod told Jack that Teal'c would ensure Jonas' safety, and that Jack needn't worry.

A few minutes later, Jonas' eyes caught the eyes of the other scientist there, seeing the scorn, and immediately plastered himself to Teal'c. "Maybe we should go to the others."

"You are nervous JonasQuinn."

"Teal'c, you have *no* idea."

"You are my friend, Jonas. I will allow no harm to come to you."

"Well, let's go anyway." Jonas almost sprinted to the door.

Teal'c just raised an eyebrow and followed him.


Daniel was attempting to negotiate for some Naquadariah, but his efforts were stagnated by the head of the council, who was referred to as 'Praetor'. She was stubborn and bullheaded, and did nothing to hide her distaste for SG1. She finally stood up and headed for the exit.

"Praetor," Daniel said, doing his best to maintain proper decorum, "we still have much to discuss."

"You are an inferior race, with below-standard intelligence and I will no longer negotiate with you."

Daniel was close to losing it. "We need to...."

"No. We don't *need* to do anything. You may wait and continue the discussions with Praetor Elleron. I am done here. I have important work to do."

The doors to the council chamber opened and she walked out, passing Teal'c and Jonas.

"Well, look who has chosen to return. You should be...you are a traitor Jonas Quinn, a pox on our society."

"A pox?" Jonas answered. "You can't think of any better nouns then that? I'm surprised no one has boiled you in petroleum yet."

"I should beat and flog you for that remark."

Jonas chuckled. "Give it your best shot."

She opened her mouth, then shut it, pushed past him and left.

"Now that is one cold fish," Lou chuckled.

"What a bitch," Sam sneered.

"What does she do around here?" Lou asked Jonas.

"Probably torture and interrogation," Jack answered.

Jonas was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Jonas, you okay?" Daniel asked.


"She one of your enemies?" Jack asked flippantly.

"Oh yeah," Jonas nodded. "She hates me. Always has. Ever since I can remember, she's told me I was nothing, that I was a big mistake, a waste of Kelownan life. She's always said I ruined hers."

"Wonderful lady," Lou said.

"What'd they do? Force her to work with you and she didn't want to?" Jack asked.

"No," Jonas answered quietly. "Actually I've never worked with her. She won't allow it. She says I'm too stupid to keep up with her."

"Definitely a grade-a bitch," Jack stated. "Want me to beat her up?"

Jonas shook his head. "Actually Jack, er, Colonel, I'd rather you didn't."

"How do you know her?" Daniel asked. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Tarana...Tarana Quinn. She's my mother." Jonas turned around and left.

All eyes turned to Jack.

"I know, I know," Jack nodded. "I need to fix this." He followed Jonas down the hall, watching him go into a room. He waited a moment then walked in, finding Jonas in the corner, tears rolling down his face. "Jonas?" Jack knelt down. "I'm sorry for what I said; we're *all* sorry."

"It's true though. Everything you said. She hates me."

Jack sat down next to him. "Look, you don't have to stay here. We can go back home; I mean Earth."

Jonas looked up at him. "Home. It's home now. Kelowna is just the place I came from."

"I do understand, believe me."

"No, you don't."

"Yeah," Jack nodded, "I do. My mother once blew a gasket because I came home with a 'B' on my report card. My sisters were 'straight-A' students, and I was expected to be one also. Kinda tough being the youngest of four and the only one not in gifted classes. The day I turned eighteen I enlisted in the Air Force. Managed to get through college and became an officer...with a 'B' average."

"She told me I'd amount to nothing. Maybe she was right."

"She was *wrong*," Jack stated firmly. "What about you father?"

"Dead," Jonas sniffled. "When I was three, he died in a lab accident. I barely remember him."

"What else?"

"Nothing Jack," Jonas answered, wiping his eyes and getting to his feet.

"Don't give me that 'nothing' shit. I've known you too long."

Jonas took a deep breath, leaning against the wall. "She used to hit me, for no reason other then she wanted to. Then she'd yell at me for ruining her life." He looked around the room. "I want to go home Jack." He forced a smile. "Kelowna has no Twinkies."

"Okay then," Jack smiled back, "we go home, where I will buy you a case of Twinkies."


"You got it. Now we need to go see the rest of our team and let them know that you're okay and that I'm taking you home. If they want to stay, they can."

"Jack?" Jonas pointed. "You see that?"

"Looks like a security camera."

"It is."

"And....?" Jack prompted.

"And this...." Jonas grabbed him by the jacket and planted the deepest, hardest, most breathtaking kiss he could manage.

Jack stood there, giving as good as he was getting, waiting for Jonas to give him air. "What was that for?"

"One, I love you. Two, it was an act of defiance."

"You've been hanging around Daniel too long."

"YeahSureYouBetcha," Jonas smirked.

"Just for that," Jack grinned, "I won't give you more then one Twinkie."

"Do I at least get a cup of coffee?"

"Definitely been hanging around Daniel too long."

"You okay now kid?" Lou asked when they came back.

Jonas nodded.

"I'm going to take him...home," Jack said, arm around Jonas' shoulder. "He wants a Twinkie and they don't have them here."

"No Twinkies?" Lou snickered. "What a primitive society."

"I'd like to stay for a while," Daniel said. "Try and meet with Praetor Elleron. Maybe he's reasonable."

"He is Daniel," Jonas told him. "Just don't mention his toupee."

"Don't worry Colonel," Lou added. "I'll watch Daniel's six...and his three."

"I know you will Major. Because I'll have to kill and maim you if anything happens to him."

"Teal'c and I will stay also," Sam nodded. "I'd like another look in their labs."

Jack nodded, adding, "Daniel, if you go anywhere near a lab, I will kill you myself." Daniel opened his mouth, but Jack stopped any words. "Please. Promise me you'll stay *away* from the labs."

"Yes sir, Mon Colonel," Daniel answered, with a mock salute. Jack just glared at him. "I promise. You have my word."

They headed to the 'gate as a group, but an explosion rocked the other end of the building just as they approached it. He saw the metal beam coming down, shoved Jonas out of the way and immediately tackled Sam, who was right under it. It was more then a few minutes before they could see again. "Everybody okay?" As the smoke cleared, he looked into her eyes and grinned. "Ya think Janet's gonna hurt me for being in this position with you?"

"No, but I might."

Jack turned to the voice, seeing Daniel. "Hi Daniel. Just getting a cheap thrill here." He looked down again. "You okay?"

Sam smiled back. "Except for your big gun poking me in the leg, yes."

Jack jumped up as if he'd been burned, staring wide-eyed at Daniel, who looked like he was going to kill Jack.

Sam chuckled as Jack pulled her to her feet. "It *is* his gun Daniel." She pushed the P-90 away. "And I'm telling Janet."

"What the hell was that?" Jack asked, suddenly looking down the corridor. "Holy shit." He looked around quickly. "Where is Jonas?"

"Jack, you pushed him over there." Lou pointed to a pile of metal sheeting.

They went about moving the sheeting, joined by other Kelownans. They cleared the debris and Jack was relieved that Jonas wasn't crushed beneath it.

"Where is he?"

They were quickly assured that a search would commence for Jonas, Teal'c and Lou searching with one group, Jack, Daniel and Sam with another.

Along the way they ran into Jonas' mother, who didn't look happy to see them.

"I don't know where he is. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

"Your son is missing and you don't care?" Daniel asked, totally flabbergasted.

Sam watched as Jack made a fist. "Sir...."

Jack took a deep breath. "Okay Carter. I'll let it go for now."

They continued on their search, but two hours later there was still no sign of Jonas.

SG1 met with the Kelownan council, and a few more search parties were formed.

Jonas Quinn had to be *somewhere*.


Jonas awoke with a massive headache, trying to focus on the woman sitting beside him. "Mother?" The word was said with contempt, but he didn't care anymore. "What happened?"

"There was an explosion in one of the labs. How are you feeling?"

Jonas tried to sit up, but he felt dizzy and nauseous so he lay back down. "Sick. Where is SG1?"

"They have returned to Earth."

Jonas blinked at her. "They left without me?"

"They were ordered back by...I believe his name is General Hammond."

"No." He tried to focus a bit more but the wave of nausea hit him again. "They wouldn't have left me." He then felt the coolness on his body. "Where are my clothes?"

"Everything is going to be fine." She calmly picked up the syringe.

Jonas grabbed her wrist. "What is that?" He looked around the room. "Where am I?"

"Just something to help you relax."

"No," Jonas shook his head. "Please don't." He tried to push her hand away, but his strength was almost nil.

"It's going to be okay." She injected him quickly, watching him force his eyes to stay open.

"I have to go," Jonas shoved her away, getting to his feet. "Have to...." He couldn't stay focused, slumped forward and she caught him, laying him back down. "No." Jonas' voice was whispered. "Need to...please...let...no sleep...no...." He tried to sit up, but his mother pushed him back down. "No, I...." Jonas was losing the fight against the drugs.

"Just sleep."

"Sleep," Jonas murmured, eyes almost closed.

"That's it," she soothed, "you're tired Jonas. Close your eyes for just a moment." She watched as his eyes drifted shut, heard his breathing even out.

She got up and opened the door, a young woman coming in. "You know what to do. The Aprotamine will take care of any inhibitions he has."

"And after?"

"Once I know his genetic material has been passed on, he will be executed. I'll take care of it myself." Tarana then left. She would tell SG1 that Jonas' body had been found, that he had died in the explosion. A body had already been prepared.


The woman stripped, sitting beside Jonas on the bed, stroking him, watching him grow hard under her practiced touch. This was what she did; carried babies for women who opted not to. Sometimes, as with Jonas, the men didn't want to have a child. But she knew his genes were good, that a child of his would be smart and strong. She smiled when he moaned and arched into her hand. "That's it, just let it go." She straddled Jonas, feeling him grow harder against her skin. She was a bit surprised when, even in his drugged state, he rolled them so he was on top.

"You feel good," he murmured. "Soooo good."

She relaxed into his touches, until she felt the finger breaching her anus. "What are you....?"

Jonas couldn't answer her, he was lost in a euphoric haze. He had no idea he was with a woman; he thought it was Jack. So he went about his business of preparing Jack.

She began to struggle, screaming when he added a second finger. "NO!"

The scream jerked Jonas into the real world, and he glanced down. "Not Jack," he groaned, trying to push away from her. The drugs were coursing through his body and focusing was getting difficult again.

She turned over, urged him back, touching him softly, pulling him down for a kiss.

Jonas was growing cognizant again. "No, don't do this." He felt himself giving in to her touches, bearing down on her.

"It's what you want Jonas," she whispered in his ear. "You want to give me a child."

"No." Jonas began to think as best he could, trying to focus on *not* impregnating her. But her hand was stroking him harder and faster and he was hard as a rock. "Kinsey," he murmured, "Kinsey and Simmons." That vision shot down his erection in a second.

She grew frustrated as she watched his cock deflate, and touched him again.

'Maybourne and Kinsey,' Jonas thought to himself. That squicked him so badly his breath hitched. He felt the mouth kissing down his body, felt the lips around his dick, and lost his train of thought again.


Daniel looked down at the body and fought back his tears. "It was my fault. I'm the one who said we should come back, that we could make a difference here."

"Daniel," Sam whispered, "it's not. You couldn't have known."

Jack was just staring at Jonas' lifeless form. He hadn't said a word.

"O'Neill," Teal'c said softly, "it will be all right."

"Yeah," Jack nodded, "of course it will be." He turned to Jonas' mother. "He was a good guy. Saved my life a couple of times."

"No matter what our...relationship...he was still my son," Tarana said. "I am sure you will want to go back to Earth and take care of things, as I must here."

They headed for the Stargate when Jack suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

"Jack, what's the matter?" Daniel asked softly.

"I didn't realize it when we saw his body." Jack turned around, facing Jonas' mother. "Where is he?"

"Who?" Tarana asked.


"Jonas is dead."

"Jack...." Daniel started.

"That body we saw had no marks," Jack stated firmly.

"I don't understand," Tarana said, confused.

Jack pointed the P-90 in Tarana's face. "*Where* is Jonas?"

"Colonel O'Neill...." Tarana started.

"You stupid bitch," Jack snarled. "What the fuck did you do to him?"

"Jack," this time it was Lou who spoke, "put down the gun."

"That body didn't have a bruise." Jack glared at Tarana, hand on the trigger. "Last night I finally did something I should have done a long time ago. I marked him, on his right shoulder. There was no mark on that body."

Tarana actually looked nervous. "What do you mean you marked him?"

"He and I are lovers. He wouldn't have told you because of your backwards attitude about sex."

"WHAT?!" She looked frightened now, staring down the barrel of Jack's gun.

"Don't think I won't shoot you. Now, once again, where is Jonas?"


Jack entered the room first, blinking and unsure of what he was seeing. There was Jonas, lying on the bed, a woman straddling him. The other's entered, all hearing the whispered "No...please don't...."

Sam had the first reaction. "Get off of him!" She yanked the woman by the hair, throwing a right cross and knocking the woman cold.

"Nice shot," Daniel said.

"Iron jaw," Sam winced.

Jack sat beside him, taking in the glazed look, glaring at Jonas' mother. "What did you give him?"


"What is that?" Daniel asked.

Jonas giggled. "It's a stimulant. Makes ya horny." He pulled Jack down for a kiss. "Fuck me Jack."

Lou snickered, then quickly got angry as he saw Jonas' mother heading out the door. "Hey lady!" he snapped, bringing his gun up as Tarana attempted to leave. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Where are his clothes?" Jack asked, looking everywhere but at Jonas.

"Jack," Jonas smiled stupidly, "can we go to Jell-O wrestling?" He groped Jack's crotch with one hand, grabbed him by the jacket with the other and pulled him down for another kiss.

"JONAS!" Jack yelled, taking the younger man's hands in his. "Stop that."

Jonas pouted. "You don't wanna touch me?"

Jack sighed. Now was not the time to argue with him. "Of course I do. You know that. But not here, okay?"

"Where?" Jonas asked.

Jack smiled. "In our bed."


"I promise Jonas."

"Okay," Jonas whispered. "Need to sleep." He lay back down.

"No you don't. You need to stay up." Jack grew frustrated as Jonas' eyes closed. "Dammit!" Jack slapped him.


"Are you up now?" Jack asked, pulling him into a sitting position.

Jonas nodded, eyes trying to focus on the room and the people in it. "Sam," he giggled, "did you know you have nice tits?"

She smiled at him. "Who taught you that word?"

"Jack did." Jonas grinned at Teal'c. "Paul Davis has the hots for you."

"I am aware of that JonasQuinn."

His eyes moved to Lou. "Hey Lou! What are you doing here?"

"Hawaii was closed."

Jonas looked down at himself. "I'm naked."

"Definitely a bright boy." Jack looked around. "Would *somebody* please find his clothes?!"

Daniel came over with a pile. "These look like a uniform," he smirked. "You can tell by the drab colors."

"Hiya Daniel. Looking hot as always," Jonas grinned. "Yep, that looks like my stuff." He managed to get dressed, but was having some difficulty with his boots.

Jack finally lost patience and knelt down, helping him get them on. "One crack about me being on my knees...."

"No cracks Jack."

"You okay now?"

"I think so," Jonas nodded. "Head hurts." He did focus now, on his mother. "Why?"

"You are a traitor."

"I'm your son."

"My son is dead."

"You were going to kill me, after I...."

"What?" Jack asked.

Jonas nodded to the woman on the floor. "After I got *her* pregnant. What is it you said *mother*? 'Once I know his genetic material has been passed on, he will be executed'. I'll be sure to nominate you for mother of the year."

"You were going to use him for breeding purposes," Daniel said. "Why?"

"His genetic code is advanced, we don't know why. His children would have been the smartest generation this planet has ever seen."

"It's okay Jonas," Jack pulled him close, hugging him tight. He felt the body going limp against his, felt Jonas collapse in his arms. "Teal'c, Daniel, take him to the 'gate and get him home."


"Shut up Daniel."

His tone was such, that Daniel backed down and just nodded, he and Teal'c both placing their arms around Jonas, helping him walk.

Jack turned back to Tarana. "I oughtta shoot you right here."

She shook her head, nodding to Sam and Lou. "You won't do that in front of them. You have a code."

"I'm going to the 'gate sir," Sam said, backing out of the room.

Lou narrowed his eyes. "Lady, and I use the term loosely, Colonel O'Neill and I aren't like the others. Neither one of us would hesitate to shoot you dead and we wouldn't have a guilty thought about it later. Then again, *he* might, because he loves Jonas, and you're the kid's mother. I, however, am another story. I'll shoot you on the spot and not care about it."

"You are his friend," she spat out. "Will he still be yours if you kill me?"

"Oh yeah," Lou sneered. "Especially after the Colonel tells him how you grabbed my gun and it went off as I tried to get it away from you." He aimed at her head. "Say good-bye." Her eyes closed as she prepared for her death, and Lou sighed, then coldcocked her with the butt of the gun.

"You should have shot her," Jack said.

"Yeah, sure Jack. Why don't you do it?" Lou watched Jack shrug, saw Jack's eyes grow cold; the Special Ops trained colonel was out. He waited until Jack pointed his P-90 at her head before adding, "And *you* can tell the kid what happened." He paused, watching Jack's finger on the trigger. "Jack, don't. No matter what she did, she *is* Jonas' mother." Lou put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Let them handle it."

"I can kill her and let it roll off my shoulder," Jack replied, voice emotionless. "I've done it before."

"Yes, you could," Lou said softly. "But everytime you looked at Jonas you'd feel it. I know you too well Jack. It would eat you up eventually."

Jack finally lifted his eyes, meeting the eyes of his oldest friend. "I hate you, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Let's go home. We'll go to O'Malley's and drink until we vomit."

Jack finally cracked a smile. "Like old times?"

"I don't know about old times," Lou chuckled. "These days I fall asleep by eleven."

The Kelownan guards came in, pulling Tarana to her feet and dragging her off.

"There will be no trial," Elleron told them. "She is guilty and will spend the rest of her life in prison. Two of our people died in that explosion she caused."

Jack then saw the rest of his team coming down the hall, sans Jonas. "Where is he?"

"We were almost at the 'gate," Daniel started, "and he pushed away from us, saying he had to find out the truth."

"I will find him," Elleron said. "There are a few things he and I need to discuss."

"Now look you...." Jack snarled.

"Please Colonel. It's time for me to...clear my conscience of a few things. I will bring Jonas to you. You have my word."

Jack immediately turned to the other members of his team, who all nodded their agreement; Jack was outvoted, so he just nodded to Elleron. "So help me, if anything happens to him...."

"I understand Colonel."


Two hours later Jonas returned with Elleron. He nodded to SG1 and stood there for a moment, watching as his mother was brought in. Jack and Daniel flanked him, with the other's standing behind them.

Tarana glared at him. "You are nothing, just like I always said."

Jonas shook his head. "Your words can't hurt me anymore. I am something, somebody. You can't take that away."

She grew angrier. "You're just like your father. He was nothing, a nobody. He didn't want you and neither did I. You were a mistake, an accident."

"You're lying about my father," Jonas said firmly. "I spoke with Elleron. He's known you forever. My father loved me. That's why he died. Yes, I know the truth now. Elleron told me he had to clear his conscience after so many years, that he couldn't live with it anymore."

"What happened to your father Jonas?" Daniel asked.

"I was with him in his lab. I don't remember much about him, but I know he used to take me there, tell me about the sciences. He didn't care whether or not a three year old understood; he just liked to talk to me. There was an accident with some Naquadariah in one of the remote labs on the outer borders of the city. They were shutting down the building to stop the contamination and they had to shuttle people out; whoever remained was going to die. He put me on the last shuttle, strapped me in to my seat and went back to try to stop the spread of radiation." He met Daniel's eyes. "The same thing that happened a year ago." His eyes moved back to his mother, who remained unfazed. "He gave up his life for me. He could have left on that last shuttle but he didn't."

"You caused his death," Tarana told him. "Just like you nearly caused Doctor Jackson's death. You are a murderer Jonas Quinn."

"NO! I'M NOT!" Jonas caught himself, calming. "But you are. Elleron told me about my father, but I did some investigating on my own into both accidents. Elleron had no idea of what *truly* happened until today. Neither one should have happened; neither overload was a mistake, a miscalculation. The readout levels of Naquadariah were purposely lowered so nobody would know, just like they were a year ago. I was meant to die both times. You didn't count on my father or Doctor Jackson doing what they did."

"You should have died!" Tarana's eyes flared with something Jonas recognized as insanity. "I tried to kill you before you were born. *They* wouldn't allow me to terminate the pregnancy."

"But I was born," Jonas said softly. "I was born, I lived, I grew up. And you *can't* hurt me anymore." He looked at Jack and Daniel. "I am loved, cared for..." His eyes moved to Sam, Teal'c and Lou. "...appreciated for who I am." His eyes moved back to his mother. "You can't take that away from me. And now I'm leaving. I will never set foot on this planet again; it's no longer my home." He turned, heading towards the Stargate. Taking a deep breath, he dialed the coordinates for Earth.

Tarana was seething and the moment SG1 turned to follow him, she shoved the two guards around her aside, grabbing a weapon. "Die Jonas."

Jonas turned at the shot, watching his mother go down. The bullet had caught her in the head. He watched the guard standing there, staring at the woman he had just shot. Jonas reacted on instinct, kneeling down beside her.

He knew right away his mother was dying.

"M-m-mother, I...."

She looked into his eyes, a feral glint within them. "Go with the wind Jonas Quinn." Her eyes closed, breathing stopped.

Jonas stood up, staring down at her lifeless body.

"Go with the wind?" Daniel asked.

"Burn in Hell," Jonas replied. He turned back to the 'gate, giving the code to open the iris and stepped through, the other's following.


"Jonas...." Jack started the moment they exited the wormhole.

"There's nothing to say," Jonas said quietly.

"Good to have you back Colonel," Hammond said as he came into the embarkation room.

"Yes sir."

The General took one look at Jonas and knew there was something wrong. Jack put his hand up before Hammond could ask any questions.

"We'll explain everything when we debrief."

Hammond nodded to him, watching his flagship team and Feretti somberly head to medical and their post-mission exams.

The General took a deep breath as he heard their report. "I'm sorry Jonas. Losing a parent can be...."

"It happened. Life goes on. Permission to leave the meeting sir?"

"Granted." Jonas left. "Colonel, perhaps Doctor MacKenzie can...."

"*NO*! I...no sir. I don't think that's a good idea. He'll be okay sir."

"Very well Colonel. I won't force the issue. But if I see any signs of...."

"Yes sir, I know."



Jack found Jonas in the bedroom, sitting in the corner, crying. He sat beside him, trying to hold him, but Jonas pushed him away.

"My mother is dead and it's my fault."

"No, it's not. No more so then your father's death was. *She* did this, not you."

"You have no idea what I feel."

Jack shook his head. "You're very wrong. Guilt is a killer Jonas. *I* know. It eats you up to the point where you want to be dead also."


Jack nodded. "I thought, for so long, that I killed him; but I didn't. Daniel showed me that. Your mother...."

"She was insane Jack. I know that now. But it doesn't stop the hurt."

"You're allowed to feel pain, to cry; but you're not allowed to feel guilty over something you had no control over."

"I want to hate her Jack, but I can't. Why can't I hate her?"

"For the same reason I can't hate mine. Your parents are your parents. And hate is a very big word."

"I love you Jack."

"I know."

"I don't want you to leave me."

"I'll stay as long as I can," Jack smiled, arm forcibly wrapping around him as he kissed the top of Jonas' head. They sat like that for a while, until Jack felt Jonas' body heavy against his own. Looking down, he saw Jonas had fallen asleep.

"He'll be okay Jack," Daniel said softly.

"I know Danny," Jack said, gently lifting Jonas, laying him on the bed, climbing in beside him, holding him close. "It's just going to take time. Now come to bed."

Daniel climbed in behind Jack, holding Jack the way Jack was holding Jonas. "We're all going to be okay. Trust me."

"Always Danny...always."

"Me too," Jonas muttered sleepily.