
By: Admiral Q O

Fandom: Stargate SG1

Genres: Established Relationship, Slash, Multi-chaptered

Warnings: None

Pairings: Jack/Jonas; Sam/Janet

Rating: R

Summary: Sam and Janet figure out what’s going on between Jack and Jonas.

Notes: In the same universe and timeline as “Getting To Know You”. Set in Season 6 before the episode Frozen. This is the second in the "Sweetheart" Series that follows Jack and Jonas through Season 6.

Many thanks as always to Huntress for her feedback and support

Sweetheart 2: Surprises
by Admiral Q O

1. Have a Seat

It was early Thursday morning and Jonas was sitting in the commissary reading from a notebook with a bowl of oatmeal, three waffles with bacon on the side, a banana, a large glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee on the table in front of him for breakfast.

“Good morning. May I join you JonasQuinn?” Teal’c asked as he approached with his tray equally loaded with food.

“Good morning, sure, have a seat.”

“You look well rested this morning.”

“Yeah, I was able to get some really good sleep last night.”

“Last evening after you and ColonelO’Neill had already departed Dr. Frasier came looking for you.”

“Oh? She came to you?”

“When she did not find you in your quarters, she came to mine.”

“Ah, did she ask where I was?”

“No, so I did not tell her. She asked if I would be seeing you and when I indicated that I would, she left a message for you.”

“Okay, so what’s the message?”

“She wishes to speak with you this morning in her office. I offered to escort you there personally, but she was insistent that you come to meet with her

“Thanks.” Jonas pondered the situation, ‘Well, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later…,’ then he finished his meal and went off to the infirmary.


Jonas knocked on the door of Dr. Frasier’s office. “Excuse me, Doctor? Teal’c said that you wanted to see me.”

“Yes, Jonas, please come in, close the door, and sit down. I’ll be just a minute.”

Jonas did as he was told and waited while Janet finished making a notation in one of the medical files on her desk. Once done, she closed it and placed it on top of a growing pile of similar files on the file cabinet adjoining her desk.

Jonas was anxious. “I’m a little surprised by this. Teal’c said that you wanted to see me alone. What’s wrong, Doctor? Did something show up on one of my lab tests?”

Janet sat back in her chair and assumed her most professional ‘I’m the doctor, so don’t you dare screw with me’ demeanor. “No, your lab tests are fine as always. You’re in perfect health.”

“Well, that’s good to know.”

“Jonas, do you remember the discussion we had when you first arrived at the SGC?”

“No offense, Doctor, but which one?”

“The one about safe sex and the base regulations concerning intimate relations.”


“I called you here because it was obvious when I examined you yesterday that you had been sexually active not long before.”

Jonas thought back to two nights prior. It had been one of those nights when he and the colonel couldn’t keep their hands off each other and neither one of them had remembered until it was too late that Jonas was scheduled for his physical the next morning. He gulped, “Yes, ma’am.”

“I just want to ask you a few questions as your doctor and as your friend to be sure that there’s no problem here.”

“There’s no problem, Doctor, I assure you.”

“Good. Now, I assume from your tone that this activity is consensual.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Okay. Is it monogamous?”


“Always with the same man?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And you’re sure that his activity is only with you – no one else?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That’s good,” Janet said with relief in her voice. She softened her expression and continued, “Let me say that I’m very happy for you. You’re a good man and you deserve a chance for a relationship just as much as anyone else.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Jonas responded then he began to get up thinking that the conversation was over, but Janet motioned for him to sit back down.

“We’re not quite done yet. This man, I assume that he is somehow connected with the SGC.”

Jonas blushed slightly and looked down at the floor, but didn’t reply.

The doctor continued, “Jonas, I’m not going to ask you to name him. Judging from your reaction, I’m going to assume that the man is Air Force.” She watched as his coloring brightened to an even deeper shade of red then resumed, “Actually, I’m surprised, with all the time that you and Teal’c spend together…”

“No, Doctor, not Teal’c…never,” he shook his head adamantly, “he and I are just good friends.”

“Calm down, Jonas. It’s okay,” she reassured him allowing a smile to soften her face. “I just want you and your partner to be careful. Please let him know that my office door is always open for both of you – strictly confidential – and off the record.”

Jonas’ breathing returned to normal. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll tell him. May I go now?”

“Yes, we’re done here.”

Jonas got up and opened the door to leave. He turned around in the doorway. “Doctor?”

Janet looked up from the file she had just opened, “Yes?”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He left and Janet returned to the record in front of her, she made a notation and then placed Colonel O’Neill’s file on top of the file cabinet with all the

Jonas went off to finish the calculations he had been working on. As he walked down the hallway, he breathed a sigh of relief. ‘That wasn’t as bad as I had expected,’ he thought then made a mental note to be sure to tell the colonel about his talk with Dr. Frasier that evening at dinner.

2. Errands

It was 1300 and Jack was waiting in line at the supermarket. He was taking a long lunch break (being 2IC did have its privileges) and this way he could shop for dinner and get the stuff home without Jonas seeing things ahead of time. He wanted this dinner to be a surprise.

He had selected some of Jonas’ favorite foods – steak, potatoes, and a loaf of sourdough French bread. He added to that a container of Caesar salad (one of man’s better inventions) and a Merlot he remembered that Daniel had always brought over whenever they had had steaks. For dessert, he had chosen a chocolate torte like the one that Jonas had ogled the week before and then had picked out some roses for the table. Lastly, he had picked up enough beer to get them through the entire upcoming weekend.

A familiar voice came from behind him, “Hello, Colonel. This is a pleasant surprise running into you here. I see you squeeze in errands when you can too.”

He looked back at her, “Hi, Doc. Yeah, company for dinner.”

“Would that be Jonas?”

O’Neill just stood silently not sure how exactly he wanted to answer her.

“Don’t act surprised, Colonel,” Janet said then decided to put him at ease and leaned forward and whispered, “Listen, Jack, this is off the record, you had to know that *I* would figure it out.”

He ignored her comment and pointed to her basket. “That’s a pretty vase you’ve got there.”

Janet knew that it was pointless to pursue the matter. When Colonel O’Neill didn’t want to talk about something, there was no way in hell you could force him. “Isn’t it? The pattern is called Calla Lily.” She held it up and showed it to him. It was a footed vase with two flowers etched on it and a label on the bottom that clearly read ‘Calla Lily’.


“I thought so. And since I was here I decided to get some more yogurt for the office.”

Jack scrunched his face. “Never eat it. Don’t like the stuff, personally.” (That was an understatement.) “But, I’m sure I’ve seen it on base. Can’t you just get it from the commissary and save the trip to the store?”

“I could, but sometimes I can’t manage to break away long enough, so I keep some on hand in the small refrigerator in my office,” she explained.

“Ah. Well, if you start keeping beer on hand in there, let me know,” he joked.

Janet smiled and gave a firm nod, “It’s a deal.”

Jack continued to place his items on the counter. When he took the roses out of the cart Janet spoke up, “Roses? They’re beautiful. Jonas is very lucky.”

‘Enough already, I’ll throw her a bone,’ Jack decided then said, “He likes roses. He’s been working a lot of long hours lately and I’m treating him to a nice dinner at my place, but it’s a surprise, so don’t you dare tell him or…”

Janet smirked with a slight air of triumph, “Or you’ll have me filleted and served up on a platter, I know,” she sighed and then whispered, “Why are all the good ones always taken?”

They made small talk after that discussing Cassie and her latest beau. Jack was not pleased to hear that his little Cassie had been spotted by Janet on the front porch kissing some teenage hormone machine. If this kid was anything like Jack was at that age…oh, boy, did Janet have her hands full. He offered to have a talk with the boy, but Janet assured him that she and Sam had it covered so there was no need for him to become involved. He accepted her judgment on the matter then ordered her to keep him apprised of the situation from then on.

Being a gentleman, the colonel waited after he had finished with his purchase until the doctor had finished with hers and then accompanied her out to the parking lot. Once outside he saw that her car was parked next to his truck. ‘That’s a coincidence,’ he thought then reasoned that she must have parked there because she had seen his truck when she arrived and recognized it.

They went about loading their items in their respective vehicles and then Jack, again the gentleman, returned both of their carts to the appropriate area. He walked back passing the rear of Janet’s car and stopped between the two vehicles when he heard her voice.

“Have you told Sam yet?”

She didn’t have to be specific; he knew she was referring to Jonas again. “No,” he responded with his back still turned toward her.

“You should, you know,” she turned to face him, “She won’t report you. Trust me. She’ll be happy for the two of you.” The colonel still didn’t turn around, so Janet turned back and started to get into her car.

O’Neill walked to the front of his truck then finally turned around and called out to her, “So, Doctor…Janet…this won’t be a problem, will it?”

She leaned out the car window, “No, Colonel, it never has been before and it won’t be this time either,” then she gave him a dire look and added, “Just don’t let me hear that you hurt him. Cassie is quite fond of him and it would not bear well for you if something were to happen.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he responded with a sarcastic voice and a slight teasing salute.

Janet giggled and then started the car and left for the mountain.

Jack strolled around the front of the truck and got in. ‘That wasn’t too bad,’ he thought and then made a mental note to tell Jonas about his conversation with the doctor that evening after dinner. He sped home and dropped everything off and made the initial preparations to the dining room. Satisfied that things were in place for Jonas, he got back in his truck and headed back to the base.


“Surprise!” Sam said as she entered Jonas’ lab and handed him something in a brown paper bag. “Sorry, I didn’t have a chance to wrap it.”

Jonas took the bag with a smile on his face and confusion in his eyes. “What is it?”

“It’s a present for you.”


“Yeah, open it,” she ordered.

Jonas opened the bag and brought out a footed vase with some sort of flowers etched on it. “It’s beautiful. Thanks, Major.”

“You’re welcome. Consider it a housewarming gift for your new place.”

“How’s that?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“I thought that since you spend the night at Colonel O’Neill’s so frequently that you’d like to have something of your own there,” she was fishing; he could tell, “You know for *your* room.”

Jonas wasn’t going to be that easy to bait. “Oh…that’s very thoughtful of you.”

“So…are you and the colonel officially ‘housemates’ or what?”

“Housemates?” he asked as he ran through possible scenarios in his mind as to what to say next. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he certainly wasn’t going to tell her that he and Jack were lovers either.

“You know, you’re living in the same house, each with your own bedroom, but sharing the rest of the house.”

Jonas considered her words carefully. Technically, the guest room was ‘his room’ because that’s where he stored his things so that in case someone came over it would appear that he slept in there instead of with Jack. He decided her description was safe enough. “I guess you could say that.”

“Good,” she patted him on the shoulder, “It’s nice to see you getting off-base more.” She looked at her watch and started for the door. “Look at the time…it’s almost 1700 and I promised Cassie that I would come over and help her with a paper she’s doing for school, so I better get moving. Have a good evening. See you in the morning.” Sam was excited; she definitely had information to share with Janet once she got there.

“You, too,” Jonas replied as the major walked out the door. He put the vase back in the bag and began to wrap up his work for the day. He was to meet Jack at his truck as usual at 1800 and he didn’t want to be late.

3. Dinner

When they got home, Jack stopped Jonas at the front door. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.

Jonas gave him a skeptical look. “Okay…why?”

“Trust me.”

That was something that Jonas could do without hesitation. He had always trusted Jack, right from the moment they first met. It was as natural to him as breathing.

Jack opened the door and guided his lover inside then closed the door behind them. Jonas sniffed, “Roses?”

“Just wait. Keep your eyes closed,” Jack instructed then led him by the hand into the dining room. “Okay, you can open them now.”

He opened his eyes and saw the dark red roses and two candles, one on either side, in the center of the table with their two places already set for dinner and a bottle of wine and basket of bread waiting to be served. “Red roses for me?” he was clearly surprised. “I remember that chart at the store…red symbolizes love, respect and courage.”

Jack placed his arms around Jonas’ waist and gazed into his eyes. “That’s right. I love you, I respect you, and you have a hell of a lot of courage to be involved with me,” he kissed him gently on the lips then continued, “not to mention the courage it takes to go through the gate and get shot at and all that...”

Jonas reached up and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss causing Jack to gasp for air on release. “Thank you.”

Jack shook his head slightly dazed, “You’re welcome.”

Jonas began to pull him in again, but Jack stopped him, “Wait…let’s save some of that enthusiasm for later, okay? You go clean-up while I cook dinner.”

“You’re cooking?” he asked nervously.

“Don’t worry. I’m grilling steaks. I can handle that.”

Jonas smiled, “Mmm…sounds good. I won’t be long.”

By the time Jonas came back out, the dining room was bathed in candlelight and the wine was opened and waiting. Jack had the potatoes ready and covered on the table and Jonas could smell the steaks on the grill. Jonas poured two glasses of wine and sipped from one. ‘Very nice,’ he observed then joined Jack out on the deck. “Here,” he said handing him one of the glasses, “good choice on the wine.”

Jack took a sip and agreed, “Yeah, it’s as good as I remember.”

“You’ve had this wine before?”

“Daniel used to bring it over whenever he and I had steaks.”

“Well, he has excellent taste,” Jonas said then lifted his glass, “To Daniel, wherever he may be,” then took another drink.

Jack joined him in the toast, “To Daniel.”

“Can I help?” Jonas offered.

“Sure. You can bring the salad out of the fridge and put it on the table. These are almost done.”

After a few minutes they were both seated at the table and they went through dinner making small talk about the day. When they had finished eating, Jonas told Jack about his meeting with Dr. Frasier.

“She thought you were seeing Teal’c?” Jack asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, funny, huh?” Jonas said then emptied his glass.

Jack refilled both of their glasses. “Yeah. Somehow, I just can’t see T and you together.”

“Me, neither.”

“So, are you ready for dessert?”

“You made dessert?” Jonas asked once again sounding nervous.

“No. I bought it,” Jack winked. “Didn’t you see the box when you got the salad?”

“No. I had other things on my mind,” he said reaching under the table and rubbing his hand up and down Jack’s thigh.

“Well, I suppose dessert can wait…” Jack said leaning in toward him.

Jonas sat back in his seat and smirked, “No. I think I want dessert now.”


“You know you love it,” Jonas grinned.

Jack pouted, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Then he got up and cleared the table in two trips. As he walked by with his hands full the second time, Jonas pinched his rear end causing him to jerk slightly. “Watch it,” Jack warned, “I drop this and you’ll be the one cleaning up the mess.”

A few minutes later, Jack brought out the torte and Jonas’ eyes almost bugged right out of his head. “You like?” Jack smiled.

“Definitely,” Jonas beamed, “I didn’t think you had noticed when I looked at it.”

Jack chuckled a bit as he went about serving Jonas a sizable piece, “Are you kidding? How could I *not* have noticed? You were practically drooling.”

Jonas took a bite and savored it. Chocolate was one of the best things about Earth as far as he was concerned. “Mmm…sooo good.”

Jack started on his small piece as well. “It’s not bad. I would prefer vanilla, even French vanilla, but they don’t make tortes like that.”

Jonas swallowed and then spoke, “I’ll have to figure out how to make one for you.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, you see, Major Carter told me that I have to watch something other than the Weather Channel, so I started watching the Cooking Channel. They have lots of neat ideas. Maybe I could try some of them over here, kinda like an experiment? I could start with a French vanilla torte.”

Jack smiled, “Sure. Just don’t be offended if I don’t like one of your ‘experiments’.”

Jonas beamed again, “It’s a deal.”

They finished with dessert and talked a bit more about some of the dishes that Jonas wanted to try to prepare then they cleared the table and moved into the living room to relax. Jack sat in his favorite armchair and motioned for Jonas to sit across his lap. On the coffee table, Jack noticed a brown paper bag. “What’s that?” he asked as he pointed at it.

Jonas reached over and brought the vase out of the bag and showed it to him. “Just a little surprise someone gave to me today,” he said playfully.

Jack did a double-take when he saw it and asked, “Did Dr. Frasier give that to you?”

“No. Major Carter did.”

“She just gave it to you?” Jack questioned him; something seemed off.

“Yeah, kind of…” he put the vase down on the table then snuggled into him and started undoing the buttons on Jack’s shirt as he explained, “She said it was a housewarming present. She called us housemates and said she wanted to give me something to put in *my* room.” Jonas then pushed Jack further back in the chair and began nibbling on his neck and running his fingers through Jack’s chest hairs.

Jack’s body began to react to Jonas’ attentions, but his mind, however, began to run through the events of the day. First, Dr. Frasier had called Jonas into her office. Then, she just happened to be at the store at the same time as Jack. And now, Jonas had brought home a vase that Carter coincidentally gave him today of all days. “I smell a rat,” he stated.

Jonas stopped his nibbling and sat up straight. “Not another rodent!” he exclaimed slightly flustered then he asked in a sarcastic tone, “Are you going to poison it like you did the gopher, or do you plan to use it for target practice?”

Jack grinned, “Very good. You’ve been working on your humor I see.”

Jonas shook his head, “Sometimes…”

Jack pulled him back into a tight embrace and ran his fingers through his hair as he clarified, “Take it easy, Jonas. There is no rat. It’s just a figure of speech. What I mean is that those two are up to something.”

“Who?” Jonas asked as he resumed his caresses to Jack’s chest.

“Carter and the good doctor,” Jack stated then explained, “I saw Dr. Frasier buying a vase identical to that one this afternoon when I was shopping for our dinner.”

“Maybe they just have the same taste?” Jonas suggested as he snuggled in closer, “I mean…we don’t know for sure that it’s the same vase.”

“I’d be willing to bet it is.” Jack stated then he worked his left hand up under Jonas’ shirt and rubbed his back as he told him about the conversation that he had had with the doctor.

Jonas nodded, “I can see why you would be suspicious, but what do we do about it?”

“Tomorrow is Friday…I have an idea…” Then Jack laid out a rough plan of action.

“Okay,” Jonas agreed then started kissing his way across Jack’s chest. After a moment he paused and looked up at him, “But what if they don’t accept?”

“Don’t worry. They will. There’s not a woman out there who wouldn’t jump at the chance to fuss over you.” Jack moved his left hand to behind Jonas’ head and pulled him in for a kiss. He broke off and started to move his right hand up Jonas’ thighs and whispered, “Trust me. You’re irresistible.”

4. Pizza Night

Friday morning Jonas went to the infirmary bright and early to speak with Dr. Frasier. As he approached her office, he saw Major Carter coming out.

“Good morning, Major.”

“Jonas…,” she squeaked, “uh, good morning.”

“How did it go with Cassie’s paper last night?”

“Huh?” then she remembered, “Oh, yeah…we kinda never got to it. We were watching some episodes of Xena and by the time we finished it was too late.”


“Yeah, Xena, Warrior Princess; it’s a television show. You’ve never heard of it?”

He shook his head.

“Oh, well, I’ll have to bring you a tape to watch,” she offered.

“That sounds good,” he said then asked, “Major, do you have a minute?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, I was going to come see you after I spoke with Dr. Frasier, but since you’re both here…”

“Right,” she nodded her understanding.

Sam and Jonas entered the doctor’s office and then Jonas closed the door behind them. “Good morning, Doctor, could I speak with you for a moment?”

Janet was concerned when she saw that he had closed the door and it was evident in her tone of voice. “Is everything okay, Jonas? There’s no problem, is there?”

Jonas calmed her with a smile. “Oh no, Doctor, I just wanted to ask the two of you for a favor.”

“A favor?” Sam asked.

“Yeah. Last night I took that vase you gave me, Major, over to the colonel’s place like you suggested,” he turned to face Janet, “See, Doctor, she gave me a vase…”

Janet interrupted him, “I know about the vase.”

“Oh,” he paused then continued, “Anyway, I took it over there and put it in the guest room, but the colonel and I both noticed that it looks kind of out of place.”

“Out of place?” Sam asked.

“It doesn’t go with anything and…,” he shuffled from one foot to the other, “Well, you see, the colonel’s decorating abilities don’t exactly match his tactical abilities, if you see what I mean.”

Janet got it. “Ah, so how can we help?”

“The colonel said it would be okay for me to ask the two of you to come over tonight to look at the room and to give some suggestions for what to do with it. He said to tell you that it’ll be a pizza night, so you don’t have to bring anything.”

Janet saw this as a golden opportunity and accepted the invitation, “I’d be glad to come over and help.”

Sam gave him a big smile and patted him on the back. “Yeah, me too, it sounds like fun.”

“Good,” he exhaled in relief, “The colonel said to have you get there about 1900. Is that okay?”

“Sounds good,” Janet answered while Sam nodded her acceptance as well.

“Okay and thanks Dr. Frasier, Major Carter, I *really* appreciate this.”


That evening just before 1900, Sam and Janet arrived at the colonel’s house. They exited the car and Janet watched Sam as she went around to the trunk to retrieve the things they had brought along for Jonas. It gave the doctor one last chance to reconsider her course of action.

The day before at lunch, Janet had mentioned to Sam that Jonas was spending the night away from his quarters quite a bit. Sam said that he had been going over to Colonel O’Neill’s a lot and then they connected the dots. They knew that out of respect for the regulations that Jonas only flirted with women while on-base. But they also knew that Jonas had a liking for men as well since they had seen him flirting with a couple of guys who took an interest in him one night when SG-1 and the doctor had gone for drinks at O’Malley’s. So, they figured that it was likely that he and Colonel O’Neill had become lovers, or at the very least that Jonas had the colonel in his sights so to speak.

So, Janet had suggested to Sam that she give Jonas something to decorate his “new place” and try to get him to talk about him and the colonel. Unfortunately, that hadn’t worked exactly as planned. Sam had let him off too easy. On the bright side though, at least Janet had been able to confirm for herself that Jack and Jonas were involved when she ran into the colonel at the store where she bought the vase.

The problem was that Janet couldn’t tell Sam because she had an understanding with Jack that neither would ever speak with anyone else about the other’s romantic interludes. She and Jack had confided in each other over the years, and Janet knew that it would be a violation of their trust for her to tell Sam anything no matter how many times Sam brought up the subject. So, Janet reasoned that tonight was a good time to force everything out into the open. That way they could deal with it and move on.

Jonas saw the major and the doctor getting out of the car and called out, “Jack, they’re here.”

The colonel walked over to him and rubbed his shoulders as he gave his final instructions, “Now remember just follow my lead. You’ll know when I’m ready.”

“Right,” Jonas nodded.

Jack opened the door and greeted their guests as they came up the walkway, “Hey, glad you could make it. You both came in the same car?”

They both waved and then Janet answered, “Yes, it didn’t really make sense for us to bring two cars.”

“Good thinking,” Jack replied as he ushered them in and shut the door. “I called ahead for the pizza. Should be here soon,” he told them as they took off their jackets and hung them. “What say we go look at the room real quick and get that over with?” he suggested.

Sam and Janet nodded their agreement and then followed Jonas down the hall and into the guest room. Once there, Jonas noticed the bag that Sam was carrying. “Major, would you like me to take that for you?” he offered waving toward it.

“Oh, yeah, sure. It’s for you, actually,” she replied.

Jonas took the bag and emptied the contents, a videotape and a book, onto the guest bed. “Thanks, Major,” he said looking a little confused.

Janet explained, “The book is from me. It has a lot of pictures and ideas for decorating smaller rooms. You could use it both here and for your quarters at the base.”

Jonas picked up the book and leafed through it briefly. He smiled at the doctor, “Thanks. This looks like it will be very helpful, but maybe you could give me your own ideas about the room, too?”

Janet smiled back, “Sure. For one thing…I would definitely recommend that you get a fish tank and at least one plant in here and some lighter curtains to help open up the room a bit.”

“Open it up?” Jonas asked.

Jack shook his head. “I’ll explain it to you later, Jonas.”

Sam then jumped into the conversation. “And the tape is from me. It’s a few of the earlier episodes of Xena like we talked about.”

Jack gave her a look of surprise. “Carter? You watch Xena?”

“Yes, Sir,” she confirmed and then explained, “Well, actually, I just started watching it on tape with Janet a few months ago…around the time Daniel left.”

“Ah,” Jack responded and gave Janet a quick glance. He knew why Janet liked the show, but Carter? ‘Hmm…interesting twist…,’ he silently mused.

Just then, the doorbell rang and Jack excused himself, “That would be the pizza. We can finish this up later. I’ll meet you all in the living room.”

Jack answered the door and paid for the pizza then brought it into the living room, but when he got there, only Jonas was to be seen.

“Where’d they go?”

“The kitchen.”

“What for? The drinks are already out here.”

Jonas shrugged, “I don’t know. I told them we had everything in here already.”

About a minute later, Sam and Janet entered the room with plates, knives, forks, and napkins for all of them. Jonas gave Jack a confused look. Jack leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Looks like we’re doing the plate thing tonight.” Then he looked over at Sam and Janet, “Thanks, you didn’t have to go to all that trouble.”

Janet answered, “You’re welcome. Really, it was no trouble at all.”

Sam then spoke up, “Jonas, why don’t you put in that Xena tape and we’ll watch an episode while we eat?” she suggested, “We could answer any questions you might have.”

“Okay,” he responded then he got the tape and started it up.

Jack served the pizza using the plates on the table, but then both he and Jonas ate the pizza with their hands as usual. About halfway through the episode, Jonas paused the tape and asked, “How can she run around in that outfit? It looks very uncomfortable, like it would irritate her skin.”

Janet answered, “She wears something else underneath. You see that in a different episode when she goes bathing in a lake.”

“Oh…” Jonas responded.

Jack jumped in, “And I’m sure that the doctor has that episode on a special tape and will be more than happy to show it to you sometime.”

Sam almost choked on her soda.

Janet calmly put down her fork and looked straight at the colonel and answered, “I’ll try to find it for you, Jonas. I’m not quite sure which tape it’s on

Jack stared back at the doctor for a moment and then glanced over at Carter before he turned to Jonas and asked, “Any more questions?” Jonas slowly shook his head to say no and then started the tape again.

As they watched the rest of the episode, Sam became increasingly restless. Once it was over, she bounced up and started to clear the table. “Here, Sir, let me put this stuff in the sink for you.” She grabbed the plates and utensils and moved so quickly out of the room that Jack didn’t have a chance to respond and Jonas almost got whiplash from watching her.

“What’s with her?” Jack asked.

“Rough day, maybe?” Jonas suggested as he stopped the tape.

“Let me check,” Janet offered then looked directly at Jack with what Jonas thought was a strange look in her eye and added, “It might be better if you two stayed out here,” then she went off to the kitchen.

Jack looked at Jonas and shook his head again. “I’m telling you, there’s something going on with those two.” Then he silently added, ‘and I’m pretty damn sure I know what it is.’

Jonas was confused. Major Carter was acting strangely and Dr. Frasier and Jack seemed to have their own silent conversation going on. He stared at Jack and read his face; there was definitely something that the colonel wasn’t telling him. “What’s going on?” Jonas asked.

“Wait for it,” was all Jack said then he took another sip of his beer. He wouldn’t violate Janet’s trust either.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Janet found Sam leaning against the counter with her back to the sink. “What’s wrong, Sam?” she asked.

“I think the colonel knows.”

“Calm down,” Janet said placing her arms around Sam’s waist and pulling her into a hug.

“So what if he does?” She backed off a little and cupped Sam’s cheek with her hand and continued, “I’m not ashamed of our relationship…”

Sam interrupted, “I’m not either.”

Janet ran her fingers through Sam’s hair. “Just relax. It’s not like we weren’t going to tell them.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

They stood holding each other for a little longer then once Janet figured that she had given the guys enough time to get suspicious, she placed her lips gently on Sam’s then pressed with her tongue and pulled the major into a passionate embrace.

In the other room, Jack waited patiently. If he was right, then he didn’t want to go into the kitchen before Janet had a chance to set things up. Jack remembered how she had done this once before to force things out into the open and decided that if she wanted to go about it that way this time that he would let her.

“What’s taking them so long?” Jonas asked.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Jack responded and then the two headed for the kitchen.

Jack was in the lead and when he got to the doorway he froze in his tracks with Jonas on his heels behind him and the major and the doctor quickly disentangling in front of him. He had been right, of course, about what was going on. Jack knew that he and the doctor both preferred showing to telling when it came to certain things. So, now that Janet had forced the issue out into the open, it was time for Jack to play along. “Something you want to tell us, Carter?” he asked.

“Janet and I are lovers,” Sam said quietly as she took hold of Janet’s hand.

“I see,” Jack responded with his best poker face on then strolled over to the refrigerator and took out a beer. “Jonas, want one?” he offered.

“Sure,” he replied just a little stunned.

Jack opened two bottles and handed one to Jonas who stepped closer to take it. As both of them had their hand on the bottle Jack thought, ‘Okay, Janet…kiss for kiss,’ and he gave Jonas a smile. Jack then gently drew Jonas in for a kiss that was every bit as tender as it was passionate.

“I knew it,” Sam smirked with relief obvious in her voice.

Jack ended the kiss and caressed Jonas’ cheek slightly then he looked over at Janet and the two exchanged glances. He and the doctor would talk later in private.

“So, Carter, any more surprises?” Jack asked as he leaned back against the counter.

Sam smiled, “No, Sir, not tonight anyway.”

Jack smiled back, “I’m glad to see you two are happy.”

“You, too, Sir,” Sam replied.

Janet then gave Jonas a quick hug and then Sam hugged Jonas too.

"Does Teal’c know?” Jonas asked.

Sam answered him, “Yeah, you?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t miss much,” Jonas replied and then took a sip of his beer.

There was an awkward silence then Jack spoke, “So, let’s go finish in the guest room.”

“You really want to do that?” Jonas asked sounding a bit excited.

“Yeah,” Jack looked directly at Janet with his head slightly tilted to one side and added, “That’s why they came over here tonight, right?”

“Yes. That’s right,” she agreed with a smile. “Come on, Sam, Jonas, let’s go.”