Title: One Night In A Bar

Authoress: The Huntress

Rating: NC17...First Time

Summary: Jack eavesdrops on Daniel and Jonas, in a bar no less

Spoilers: Season 6, Post-Meridian

Warnings: If slashing Jonas or threesomes squicks you, don't read.

Authors Note: I know lots of people love to Jonas-bash...I'm not one of them. I think he proved himself as a valued member of Planet Earth and he's a lot more personable then many of the actual Earth-born persons I know <G>....I always thought he and Daniel would get along well, and after watching the S7 premiere, I know so. Daniel and Jonas' conversation was inspired by their conversation in Homecoming.



One Night In A Bar
by The Huntress

Jack didn't think Daniel could surprise him anymore.

Not after eight years, a gazillion trips side by side through a wormhole, other planets, and aliens. Not to mention the fact that both had died more then once, been infected with alien parasties, and one of them had ascended into a higher form of being...who had come back to human form again, and still couldn't see without his glasses.

But when it came to Daniel, Jack should have realized there were *always* surprises.

Like today.

Here it was eight o'clock, Sunday morning. Usually he got up, jumped into a quick shower, went for a run, came home, did a few chores, and settled down for a day of sports. But right now he couldn't move. He was stiff and sore in places he forgot existed and some he never knew about. His knees were a disaster area, and he thought about asking the Asgard or the Nox if they could fix them.

Jack heard a soft moan to his right, and a sigh to his left, shook his head, and closed his eyes again. He needed some rest; damn he was getting old. His dick felt like it was going to fall off, and he just *knew* he wouldn't get it up again for a week.

One hand stroked up his left thigh, another hand slid between his legs, both taking hold of his half-dead cock...which miraculously sprang to life of its own volition.

"Oh God," he moaned, letting his libido take over again.

He should have stayed home the night before....


Jack was sitting in a bar on a Saturday night, checking out the possibilities. It was rare for SG1 to be on stand down over a weekend, and he had rushed home from the mountain, changing into his tightest denims, pulled on a black tee-shirt, black boots, and leather jacket, and headed out to a club. He wanted to get pleasantly buzzed (not shit-faced) get laid, have an anonymous fuck. Actually, he wanted to do the laying and fucking; Jack O'Neill was in Alpha mode tonight.

Nobody was catching his eye, so he took his beer and slid into a booth. He heard the laughter from the next booth, and wished for a moment that he had company also. Yeah, what Jack O'Neill, chronic loner, *really* wanted, was not a one night stand; he wanted someone to talk to.

"So, Jonas, how do they do this on Kelowna?"

Jack's eyes widened. That was Daniel's voice. Here. In a gay bar. 'And with Jonas?!'

"Well, Doctor Jackson, er, I mean Daniel, sex is just for reproduction."

Jack's mouth dropped open. 'What the hell are they talking about?'

"You mean you don't...for pleasure?"

"I didn't say *that* Daniel. *I* did. Not something you advertise though. I risked jail time and...re-education...with each lover I had."


Jonas' eyes fell. "They take you somewhere, sort of like a hospital, and when you come out, you're different."

"I gotcha Jonas. And how many lovers did you have?"

Jack nearly choked. Only Daniel would ask a question like that.

Jonas shrugged. "A few. Not that I was 'easy', but I am far from a blushing...virgin."

"Ever do guys?"

"You offering?" Jonas asked, filling their shot glasses.

Jack's beer stopped mid-air.

"You accepting?" Daniel asked.

Jack put the beer down, wondering when he had entered the Twilight Zone. 'Or in my case,' he thought, 'a mirror universe.' A moment later, he heard the two of them laughing.

"Never did a guy. Never wanted to," Jonas answered. "You?"

"No." Daniel grinned, and another shot was poured.

Jack released the breath he'd been holding, relaxed, and picked up his beer again.

"You *never* thought about any guys that way?" Daniel asked.

"Well...one," Jonas admitted. "You?"

"Yeah. One."

"Teal'c?" Jonas asked.

"Jack," Daniel blurted.

Jack's dick got so hard, so quick, it was actually painful.

"Me too," Jonas sighed.

Jack slid his hand between his legs, rubbing his erection, trying to soothe it. Maybe for a change he could get it to go down.

"How long have you loved him?" Jonas asked.

"I dunno," Daniel shrugged. "Forever I guess. The first day I met him he growled at me, but I wasn't afraid. He was one of the good guys. I saw it in his eyes. And he proved that to me on that first trip to Abydos."

"Then why did you stay? Was it Sha'uri?"

"Yes and no," Daniel answered, pouring them another shot. "If Jack had asked me to come back with him, I would have. If he had hinted that he...liked me...I would have returned. But he didn't."

"He hated me for a long time, and I don't blame him." Jonas poured himself a shot, shrugged, and took a swig from the bottle; Daniel did the shot. "When Kinsey was shot, I saw the man, not the colonel. I just had to help prove him innocent. And when I woke up after they removed that...tumor...he was there, smiling at me. Really smiling. Like he was glad I was alive. I saw something in his eyes, something I'd never seen before. Then it was gone and so was he."

Jack gulped his beer, motioning the server for another.

When Jonas went all out to help prove him innocent, he'd wondered about it. Teal'c had told him how determined the Kelownan was in finding that proof.

When they met up with that Nirtti bitch and Jonas was taken, then brought back apparently safe and sound, Jack hid the emotions he was feeling. Although he was happy when Sam came back, he was absolutely giddy that Jonas was alive; for a moment, just a split second, nothing else mattered. When they came back through the Gate, he'd stopped thinking about it.

But when Jonas began to have visions, and Janet explained his condition, Jack had nightmares about Jonas dying. And when Jonas woke up after the surgery and Jack saw him smile, he knew for sure. There was no more doubt.

Jonas Quinn had taken up residence in the tiny space left in his heart; Jack had fallen hard and hadn't even realized it. So what did the brave Colonel O'Neill do? Did he wait until they were alone and tell him? 'No, not you Jack,' he thought, sneering to himself. 'You mumble something about Las Vegas and leave. You were so afraid of getting hurt again. That if you let your feelings for Jonas show, you'd be betraying Daniel. So you became his friend instead...just like ya did with Daniel.' He slowly sipped at his second beer. 'You're a fool Jonathan O'Neill.' He shrugged and gulped half the mug. 'And you've wasted eight years of your life.'

"Did he ever yell at you for working too hard in the lab? Remind you to eat something? Tell you to go to sleep?"

Jonas groaned. "Too often. He did it one night when Captain Siebert was helping me with my...computer."

Daniel giggled. "He interrupted your seduction, you mean?"

"Yeah," Jonas made a sour face. "She wanted to know if he was my CO or my mother."

"Does he bring you a sandwich and sit there until you eat all of it? Walk you to your quarters to make sure you're going to bed and not sneaking out to do more work?"

Jonas grinned. "A few times. Scared me to death one night when I snuck out five minutes later. There he was, lurking around the corner. He, umm, escorted me back to my room and sat there until I fell asleep."

"I think you got the little piece of his heart that was left." Daniel took another swig, handing the bottle to Jonas, who did the same.

'DAMN!' Jack thought. 'When did Danny get to know me so well? Well, Jack, you've known him for almost eight years. *You* can read his face, know what he's thinking.' He tilted his head, shaking it. 'But you never knew he loved you. How observant could you have been? So much for Ops training.'

"He loves *you* Daniel," Jonas said matter-of-factly.

"I know Jonas."

'He knows?!' Jack's mouth dropped open again.

"But you stayed on Abydos." Jonas was confused. "You said if he liked you...."

"I didn't know it then," Daniel said softly. "Not until I...came back. Actually, not until last night, when I was working late. At eleven, he brought me a turkey sandwich, made small talk while I ate, then sent me home, ordering me to call him when I got there. I, of course," Daniel giggled again, "asked him when *he* was going home, and he said he had one more thing to do and he was leaving. I got home, showered, climbed into bed, and *BOOM*! The proverbial lightbulb went off over my head. And it only took eight years for me to figure out. Damn, I'm a genius sometimes."

"Daniel," Jonas swigged from the bottle, "he brought me a bologna sandwich at
eleven-thirty, and told me to go to my room. He said he couldn't go home until he knew I was safe and sound."

"Yep, sounds like love to me," Daniel was slurring his words at this point.

'And you sound five sheets to the wind,' Jack snorted to himself.

"So, what you're saying is that he wants us both." Jonas took one last swig, then passed the bottle to Daniel.

Daniel finished the bottle. "Jack's got a big enough heart for the two of us. He's loving and caring and a pussycat, and if you repeat that to anyone I will be forced to tell Teal'c to kill you."

'So there!' Jack nodded in triumph.

Daniel sighed, picturing Jack at a reception recently. "Not to change the subject, but I love it when he wears his dress blues."

"BDU's," Jonas smiled, thinking of Jack on P2C-115.

'Daniel in nothing but his boonie, Jonas in his tightie whities,' Jack thought, finishing his beer. Judging by their tones of voice, and the openess with which they were speaking, both were more then a bit tipsy. Jack relaxed, and eavesdropped a little more.

"Now," Jonas started, "about the colonel...."

Daniel grinned. "Black t-shirt. His arms are so...so...."

"Macho," Jonas nodded.

"Yeah. Macho," Daniel agreed.

'Macho?' Jack wondered. 'Me? Nah.'

Jonas nodded. "How about when he wears those tight blue jeans?"

"Oh yeah," Daniel said, slurring his words slightly. "Faded just right. And what about leather. The way his leather jacket fits his body. When he rides his Harley...oh man."

"In those *tight* blue jeans."

Jack couldn't take anymore. He stood up, making himself known to the two men in the next booth. "I got my black tee, tight blue jeans, leather jacket and Harley. Does that mean I get laid?" Two sets of wide eyes looked at him, *totally* bloodshot. "You two are crocked. You guys weren't driving home, were you?"

"No sir!" The younger men snickered.

"We took a cab sir!" Daniel stood, and gave a salute...a *very* bad one. "Eavesdropping Jack?"

Jack just shrugged.

Jonas stood as well. "I *really* like you in those particular jeans sir."

"C'mon boys," Jack smiled at them. "Time for me to take you both home."

"Jaaack," Daniel whined, "you can't fit three people on a Harley."

"The Harley's at home. I came in my car."

"Then you don't get laid," Daniel nodded.

Daniel whispered something to Jonas, and both turned to Jack, staring him up and down.

"Colonel?" Jonas asked, hesitant. "Uh, Daniel thinks your dick is about eight inches. I say ten. Which one of us is right?"

"I never measured."

"Can I?" asked Daniel, leering at Jack.

Jack raised an eyebrow at him, then saw the empty bottle on the table. "Did you two drink that entire bottle?"

"No," Daniel said. "We had about a third."

"Good. Then nobody should get car sick, right?"


As they walked to the car, Jack couldn't help asking, "Why were you two in..." He nodded to the bar. "...there?"

"Nice enough place Jack," Daniel smiled. "Quiet, mellow, a good place to go talk. Me and Jonas both like to talk."

"I see."

"And you Jack?" Daniel asked, stopping and staring at the slightly flushed colonel.

"Nice enough place Danny," Jack shrugged. "Quiet, mellow, a good place to be alone when you need to be."

"I see," Daniel chuckled.

Jack opened the doors, glad he had his car instead of the truck. Daniel and Jonas began to argue over the front seat, so Jack put them both in the back, at opposite ends.

The two younger men waited until Jack had pulled out and was on the road, before grinning at each other and taking up their conversation again.

"You know, Colonel," Jonas started, "those jeans really accentuate your...."

"Dick size." Daniel began to howl with laughter.

Jonas joined him, the two men cracking up.

Jack grinned himself. He could play this game too. He was older, and had lived a more diverse life then the other two combined. "Would you like to take my jeans off Jonas? Peel them down my legs along with my underwear? Or maybe you and Danny could do it together." He smirked at the sudden silence in the back seat. "Oh yeah. I could just see it. The two of you on your knees, servicing me like a couple of rent boys." Jack paused, waiting for either Jonas or Daniel to make a remark; when he got none, he continued. "My dick's big enough for the two of you...if you think you can handle it." He glanced in the rearview mirror, nearly laughing at the look on Jonas' face. It was enough for now. He turned on the radio, tuning in to the classic rock station, the sounds of AC/DC soothing him. He'd continue his verbal seduction once they got home.


The word echoed in Jack's head. It had just been his house, until Daniel began to visit, staying over sometimes, small traces of him everywhere. Different flavored coffees in the kitchen, weird looking veggies in the fridge, a pair of
X-Men pajamas in his laundry. Then it became 'home'.

When Daniel...left...his home became a house again.

Until the night Jonas came over with pizza and a couple of DVD's. Which became a weekly ritual as Chinese food and videos had been with Daniel. And, like with Daniel, Jack ended up tucking Jonas in on the couch, where the young man would invariably fall asleep. Now, instead of coffees, there were six different ice creams in his freezer; Jonas' one Earth vice. He also enjoyed teasing Jonas; everytime Jonas called him 'Jack', Jack would order him not to.

It had taken a year, but his house had become a 'home' again. Now he'd have to contend with coffee *and* ice cream. It made his smile turn into a grin.

Jack was so involved in his thoughts, and the other two were so quiet, that he didn't realize he had been driving for a half hour and was already home. He shut off the engine and glanced back, seeing why he hadn't heard a peep out of either one; both had passed out. He opened the back door, unbuckling Daniel. "Wakey, wakey boys." When neither moved, he snickered, leaning down to whisper in Daniel's ear. "You were so hot baby."

The response he got was a sleepy "Really Jack?"

"Oh yeah Danny. You can ride me anytime."

Daniel's eyes flew open. "WHAT?"

"We're home." Jack pulled him out of the car, closing the door, moving to the other side, Daniel following. Getting the same response when he tried to rouse Jonas, Jack whispered, "Jonas, sweetheart, your mouth was so wet and warm."

"Mmm, it was Jack?"

"DON'T CALL ME JACK!" Jonas jumped and fell out of the car. Jack closed the door and pulled him to his feet. "Awake now?"

Jonas nodded. "Sober too."

"Good." Jack narrowed his eyes. "Then you can't say I took advantage of you later."


Jack opened the door, ushering the other two ahead of him. The damned vision of the two of them on their knees...he froze in place, mouth dropping open, then quickly closing it. He was fighting one hell of an internal battle. Part of him wanted them to strip right there, and do them both on the floor. 'Damn, Jack, you are such a fucking pervert.' He had two willing men on his hands, two men who (apparently) loved him, who had been in literal life and death situations with him. There was no way in hell that he was going to take them for the first time on the floor.

The other part just wanted to take them into the kitchen and sober them up a bit. He was older then the two and didn't want them going into this blindly; the results in the morning could be devastating...*he* knew. Jack thought with his brains instead of his dick, and ordered both men into the kitchen, where he instructed Daniel to make some coffee.

"But Jaaack," Daniel whined, "you have Folgers."

Jack chuckled. "Danny, there's a bag of Arabica in the freezer. I remembered it was your favorite."

"Aww, thanks Jack," Daniel smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

The brief touch of those lips sent a signal to Jack's groin to wake up and smell the Daniel. He turned his head, lips on Daniel's, forcing Daniel's mouth open, sticking his tongue deep. He wrapped his fingers in Daniel's hair, deepening the kiss, slowly grinding his erection against Daniel's crotch.

Daniel finally pushed him away, catching his breath. "Jack, slow down. Please?"

"I'm sorry Danny. The thought of being with you gets me so hot."

"It's okay," Daniel soothed, stroking Jack's face with a finger.

"Jack, you ate my Twinkies," Jonas whined, head in the pantry. He pulled his head out, shrugging at Daniel, opened the freezer and handed Daniel the coffee. Jonas then took out a pint of ice cream, and sat at the table.

Daniel set up the coffee, staring at the ice cream. "Jack, you hate chocolate."

"It's mine," Jonas smiled, taking a spoonful. "There's a few more in the freezer if you want some; there are different flavors."

"Yours?" Daniel cocked an eyebrow at Jonas.

"Uh, yeah," Jonas answered, a bit hesitant. "I keep snacks here for when me and Jack watch the Avalanche or rent a DVD. My favorite is ice cream; they don't have that on Kelowna."

"Ya got butter pecan?" Daniel asked.

"Chocolate syrup too," Jonas nodded.

"I like ice cream with my coffee," Daniel smiled.

Jonas picked up his pint and headed to the living room, sitting on the couch. His eyes caught a box under the chair and he picked it up. "Jack, what's this tape in the blue box?" Jonas walked toward the VCR.

"Nothing for you." Jack almost sprinted over, snatching it away. "You're too young for this."

"Porno, Jack?" Daniel asked, moving behind Jack, resting his chin on Jack's shoulder and looking over it.

"Maybe," Jack smirked at Jonas. "From what I overheard in the bar, wonder boy probably doesn't even know what it is."

"Of course I know what it is Jack," Jonas shrugged. "I've been on Earth for over a year." He suddenly blushed.

"What did ya do Jonas?" Jack asked.

"I...well, my first trip into Colorado Springs by myself I went into a book store."

"What book store?" Daniel prompted.

Jonas' cheeks grew crimson. "I saw the word *books*!"

"Talk, Jonas," Jack ordered.

"The Bordello of Books."

Jack's eyes widened. "Jonas! That's a porno store!"

"I didn't know that when I went in there!" Jonas fired back. "The next thing I knew I was looking at a photo of a woman and she was...naked." He sighed, a goofy grin coming to his face. "She really had the nicest...." he stopped, ducking his head.

Daniel wrapped his arms around Jack's waist. "And you know this how, Jack?" He rubbed his growing erection against Jack's ass.

"I, uh, Danny, that's nice."

"You like it Jack?" Daniel's hands moved up Jack's chest, palms sliding over his nipples, feeling them harden. "How do *you* know about that store?"

Jack swallowed hard as he answered. "I like to watch movies. I don't have much of a social life, and half the time we're not on Earth long enough for me to...DANNY!!" Jack's cock was groped...hard.

"Sir," Jonas said softly, "you're...you have an erection."

"Daniel," Jack whispered, "I thought you never...with a man."

"I haven't Jack," Daniel moaned in his ear. "Just doing what feels right."

"Jonas likes it too," Jack nodded to Jonas' crotch which housed a hard-on of its own.

Daniel heard the coffee maker stop dripping and pulled away. "I want my coffee."

"Well, you have your coffee," Jack said. "Jonas and I are going upstairs."

"Upstairs?" Jonas asked.

"Upstairs," Jack said firmly, taking Jonas by the arm. "You coming Daniel?"

"I'll be there soon enough Jack," Daniel answered, sitting at the table with his coffee and ice cream.

Jack put Jonas' ice cream back in the freezer. "Don't be too long Danny."

"I won't."


They entered the bedroom and Jack framed Jonas' face in his palms, tilting Jonas' face up and kissed him. He broke the kiss, smiling at the younger man. "That didn't hurt, did it?" Jonas shook his head. "Can I do it again?"

Jonas opened his mouth to respond, to refuse, but his mouth was plundered again before he could say anything. He felt the hands moving down his body, fondling his ass, moaning into Jack's mouth. His shirt was quickly untucked, hands over his back. Jack moved away for a moment, pulling Jonas' shirt off, then quickly sealed his lips over Jonas' again.

Jonas pushed him away, "Take yours off," watching as Jack's shirt was tossed aside, moving back into Jack's arms, initiating the kiss this time. The feel of bare flesh was almost too much for him and Jonas shivered. "Feels good."

"Yeah, it does," Jack agreed, moving in for another kiss. His hands slid down again, inside Jonas' pants, taking hold of his ass, pulling Jonas tighter. He kicked his shoes off, Jonas doing the same. Jack slid one hand around, unsnapping Jonas' pants, lowering the zipper. "Can I touch you?" Jonas nodded and he stroked his thumb over the tip, bringing it up to Jonas' mouth. "Taste."

Jonas sucked it in, making soft noises in his throat. He attempted to undo Jack's pants, but Jack had a button-fly. "I hate buttons."

"I won't wear them anymore," Jack answered, assisting Jonas in undoing his pants.

Both men pulled the other's pants down, each stepping out of them. Jack quickly pulled him close again, rubbing himself hard against Jonas.

Jonas froze again.

"Hey," Jack said softly, "I told you not to be afraid. If you don't want to do this, we won't. I know it's new to you."

"New is not quite the word," Jonas answered, burying his face in Jack's shoulder. "I still think about what happens on Kelowna."

"Brainwashing. I heard you in the bar, remember? That doesn't happen here." Jack carded his fingers through Jonas' hair, lifting Jonas' face to his. "I want to teach you to make love with me."

"Show me sir...Jack."

"Sir Jack," Jack grinned. "I kinda like the sound of that." And he was more then happy to oblige.

He knelt down, fingertips skimming Jonas' thighs, feeling the hot skin. He chewed on the brief-clad crotch, licking the soft cotton, feeling Jonas growing hard. Jack eased the briefs down, watching Jonas step out of them. He looked up and began by licking Jonas' cock, laving the length, tasting every inch.

"Jack, Jack more...."

Jack glanced up at him, thinking, 'Okay Jonas, you want it, you got it.' He leaned forward, swallowing to the root. He sucked hard and deep, swallowing as he sucked, Jonas' hands in his hair, pushing his head down. Jack managed to pull away, licking his lips, leering at Jonas. "You like this," he smiled, before engulfing Jonas' cock in the wetness of his mouth again. He brought his hands to Jonas' hips, smiling to himself as he heard Jonas moaning again. Pulling Jonas off his feet, they fell on the bed. He was enjoying this and knew Jonas was too. Jack suckled on the head, letting his tongue play. He leaned over Jonas' body, "I could do this all night," and sucked it all down again.

Jonas came unexpectedly, Jack swallowing what he could.

"Sorry," Jonas mumbled apologetically, shifting back so he was sitting against the headboard. "I didn't mean to...."

"You didn't mean to what?"

"Have an orgasm in your mouth."

"It's called coming." Jack shrugged. "And that was the whole idea."

"But I wanted to wait until...." Jonas flushed pink.

"Until what?" Jack prompted.

"Until you were inside me." Jonas buried his head in the pillow.

"How old are you?"

"In Kelownan years or Earth years?" Jonas muttered into the pillow.

"There's a difference?"

Jonas turned to face him. "In Kelownan years, thirty-one."

"In Earth years?"

"Around twenty-three."

"Well, that's good. I thought you were going to tell me sixteen or something."

"If I were sixteen in your years, that would mean that I was about twenty-four in Kelownan years. See, the Kelownan sun rotation is...."

"I don't care. Did you like it?"

"Like what?"

"The...." Jack grinned. "The fact that I performed oral sex on you."

"Yes sir. It was very stimulating."

"Oh for crying...."

"Give it up Jack," Daniel chuckled. "I brought up some coffee."

"I don't want coffee," Jack said, leering at Jonas. "I want something else."

"I want coffee," Jonas smiled, reaching for a mug. "I like coffee."

"Well you can't have any," Jack said firmly, pulling him back down. "We're not done yet."

"You and Daniel aren't, but I am," Jonas said vehemently. "I already...."

"Jonas," Jack said softly, "I'm sure you can...do it again."

Jonas' eyes grew wide. "More then once?!"

"Yeah, more then once," Jack replied a bit snidely.

"I've never done it more then once."

"Jonas, I'm a bit older then you and I can do it more then once."

"You didn't do it at all," Jonas pointed out.

"I'm going to now."

Jonas swallowed hard and Jack noticed, nodding to himself. "I'll do Daniel first and you can watch."

"You'll 'do me'?" Daniel asked, taken aback. "Do I look like a whore to you?"

"I...I meant make love with you," Jack corrected himself. "Aww c'mon Danny, it's a matter of semantics."

"I'm a linguist. I thrive on semantics."

Jack smiled. "Okay, linguist-of-mine. Get naked." Daniel cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Okay," Daniel gave him a smirk, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. "I think I can do that." Daniel kicked off his sneakers, shirt hanging open. "You wanna undo my pants?"

"Wanna?" Jack chuckled. "I don't think that's a word, oh holder of many PhD's."

"It is Colonel...I mean Jack," Jonas added. "It's a derivative of 'want to', a slang term."

"I knew that Jonas," Jack sneered.

"But you said...."

"Don't they have sarcasm on Kelowna?"

"No sir. But they do have witticisms."

Jack saw Jonas' mouth twitch. "Smartass."

"Yes sir. I learned from the best, sir."

"See Daniel," Jack nodded, "he learned from 'the best'."

"Yes sir," Jonas was laughing now. "I learned from Major Feretti."

"FERETTI?!" Jack feigned indignance.

"If you're not going to help me get naked Jack," Daniel sighed, "I'm gonna have my coffee."

"Gonna isn't a word either," Jack said, then looked at Jonas. "Don't say it." Back to Daniel. "You pick up that coffee cup and I'll...."

Daniel narrowed his eyes. "You'll do what Jack?"

"I'll pout." Jack stuck out his lower lip. "I can pout because *I* learned from the very best."

"I knew I was the best at something," Daniel chuckled.

"I meant Cassie," Jack replied, grabbing Daniel by the wrist and pulling him onto the bed. "I'll take your pants off myself." He undid them and yanked them down, fighting back a laugh. "I'm impressed Daniel."

"Daniel," Jonas stared, "who is that on your underwear?"

"Alfred E. Neuman," Jack answered him.

"What does that say?" Jonas moved closer. "Why does it say 'What, me worry?'"

"Because Daniel has no worries," Jack said flippantly, pulling the boxers off. "You look good enough to eat." He settled between Daniel's legs, rubbing his hands up and down Daniel's thighs, licking his lips.

Jonas sat there, chewing on his lower lip.

"You want to try it Jonas?" Jack asked.

"I...I never did it," Jonas said. "What if I do something wrong?"

"You can't do it wrong," Jack told him. He pulled Jonas close, kissing him. "It's real easy." He pushed Jonas' head down. "Lick it Jonas."

Jonas did as he was told, swiping his tongue up the length.

Daniel's head fell back, eyes closing.

"Open your mouth Jonas."

Once again Jonas did as he was told.

"That's a good boy," Jack moaned, one hand wound in Jonas' hair, the other holding Daniel's dick. "Just like that." Jack pushed Jonas' head further down. "Suck him Jonas; take him deeper." Jack pushed Jonas' mouth all the way down, holding his head there. He pulled Jonas head up, then pushed it down again, repeating the movements again and again. Jack fondled Daniel's balls, feeling them tighten. "Not yet Danny." He took his own dick in hand, stroking himself. "It's my turn Jonas." He placed Jonas' mouth on his own dick. "Take me deep like you did Daniel." Jonas felt his head pushed over Jack and he braced his hands on Jack's hips, trying to push away, but Jack held him there, not letting him move. "Ah, that's good Jonas. You got yourself a hot little mouth." Jack's head fell back as he pushed inside, feeling the tip at the back of Jonas' throat. He rotated his hips, trying to push even deeper.

Jonas began to panic, unsure if he wanted to do this anymore.

Daniel was watching now. "Jack, stop."

Jack didn't even hear him; his mind was concentrating on Jonas' mouth.


Jack's eyes flew open, meeting Daniel's.

"Stop it now Jack. You're scaring him."

"Huh?" Jack felt the tenseness in Jonas just then, letting Jonas go, hearing Jonas taking deep breaths. "Jonas I...."

Jonas backed away, staring at him, eyes full of fear.

"I'm sorry," Jack whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you. I forgot that you never...."

Jonas nodded, lowering his eyes.

Jack cupped Jonas' chin, lifting his head. "Please don't be afraid of me."

Jonas just nodded again.

"Say something."

"Please don't force me."

"Force you?" Jack knew what was going through Jonas' mind. "No, God no. I am so sorry." He pulled Jonas into his arms, rubbing his back. "Shhh, I won't force you, won't make you do anything you don't want to."

"I don't know if I want to do this."

"Okay," Jack soothed. "Just...please don't leave." Jack began to kiss his neck. "Please." Jack kissed his way across to Jonas' shoulder, then back to his ear. "You're so pretty." He blew in Jonas' ear. "So soft." Jack felt Jonas begin to relax. "I just want to make love to you." It had been a long time since Jack seduced anyone, but he remembered what to do. He lay Jonas down, crawling atop him, kissing him some more.


"I'll make it so good for you. Please...." Jack snagged the lube, flipping the cap, squeezing some onto his fingers. "Let me touch you." His hand moved down, teasing Jonas' hole, slowly pushing one finger inside. He continued to whisper in Jonas' ear, words of love, filthy phrases. Kissing his way back down, he laved one of Jonas' nipples, rolling the other one between his fingers, slipping a second finger inside Jonas' tightness. "Tell me to stop and I will." His mouth covered the other nipple, sucking it hard. He had Jonas loose enough to get a third finger in, hearing Jonas' breath hitch.


"Hush baby," Jack crooned, pushing deeper, scissoring his fingers, stretching Jonas further. "I am so hard for you, so hot." He kissed up Jonas' body again, blowing in his ear. "I can't do it unless you tell me to." He tongued Jonas' ear, Jonas' body arching up. "Tell me, give me permission."

Jonas began to bear down on Jack's fingers, trying to draw them deeper.

Jack knew what Jonas was going to say and he grabbed the lube again, stroking himself. "Let me inside you." He slid his fingers out, slowly turning Jonas onto his stomach, getting no resistance. Wiping his hand on the sheet, he massaged Jonas' back, hands slowly edging down to Jonas' ass, kneading the cheeks, holding him open. "Say it's okay." He rubbed his dick along the crack, teasing some more.

Jonas was lost now; all he wanted was the feeling back. Jack's fingers had felt so good. "Please...."

Jack leaned down, whispering in his ear again. "Thank you." He held Jonas' hips, slowly pushing in.

Jonas instinctively tried to shift away. "Hurts."

'I know," Jack said softly, "but the pain goes away." He pushed in a bit more, halfway in.

"Stop, please stop."

Jack wasn't about to do that, sliding in further, burying himself, Jonas fighting him. Jack saw Daniel open his mouth again, but put his hand up, shaking his head to stifle any words. He rotated his hips, pulling out a bit, easing back in. "It's so good, you're so good." He angled the next thrust, but got no response, except Jonas trying to pull away. His next thrust was angled just right, and Jonas' whole body shook. "I think I hit it." Another thrust, and a soft moan from Jonas. "It's called the prostate." He hit it again, then stilled, wanting Jonas to make the next move; if Jonas pulled away again, Jack would let him.

Jonas shocked him by trying to raise himself to his knees, shoving backwards, squeezing his muscles, trying to draw Jack deeper.

Jack assisted him, hands around Jonas' legs, pulling him up and thrusting in again.

Jonas' head fell back and he moaned even louder, feeling Jack's fingers in his hair, turning him for a kiss. He melted into the kiss, trying to meet Jack's movements. "Faster."

Jack growled and did as he was told, picking up the pace. His eyes moved back to Daniel, watching Daniel jerk himself off. Jack put one hand on Jonas' dick, stroking him, his other hand around Daniel's. He was moaning himself now, giving Jonas pleasure, feeling his dick held inside by Jonas' muscles. He pulled Daniel's hand away so he could take care of Daniel himself, pulling Daniel's dick to his mouth. Daniel moved to his knees, closer to Jack, Jack sucking his cock deep, fondling Daniel's balls.

"Jack...going to...."

Jonas shot over Jack's hand, still pumping his cock inside. Taking his hand from Daniel, he lay the palm flat on the bed to hold his balance, moving his come-soaked hand to Daniel's mouth, Daniel licking the palm. Hand moving back down, he stroked Daniel harder, watching Daniel come. "Oh God yes...." That hand then moved to Jonas' mouth, feeling Jonas lick it, hearing the soft moaning from both younger men. His head fell back, biting his lip so hard it bled, finally letting go, orgasm overtaking him as he came inside Jonas. He continued to move until he was soft, until he slipped out of Jonas, Jonas collapsing, Jack atop him. Jack covered Jonas with his body, blowing in his ear again, whispering, "Was it good Jonas?"

Jonas grinned. "I want to do it again."

Jack chuckled. "You have to give me a little while to...recuperate." He smiled at Daniel. "You're next."

"I can hardly wait," Daniel replied, smiling back.
