
Lopaka Tanu

Fandom: Stargate SG-1

Rating: Nc-17 (just to be on the safe side)

Status: AU is open for any one who wants to add on, please do. Tell me if you do, cause I like reading the patches to stories/series.

Warnings: May be sex, Violence, Death, murder, taking over bodies of people, subterfuge, SLASH.

Couplings: Daniel Jackson/OMC Daniel/T'ealc in minor.

Disclaimer: I own nata Beaver Dam thing.

Summary: When Jack is hit by an energy blast from an alien device, he starts to have visions of a place that may not exist. When the gate coordinates for the world appear in a dream, something from the past is reawakened. What are these Aliens, where did they come from, what do they want? When one of them comes back to the SGC, something happens to forever alter the lives of SG-1.

Based on a challenge submitted to Challenge the Muses by SteelKnight69. SG-1 encounter a race with pk and tk abilities, advanced in nature technology, means they are able to grow things at will. They agree to become allies and something happens when the ambassador comes to Earth. (This is a truncated version, to tell the whole thing would take up too much room and give away too much of the plot.)

Archive: Yes, just tell me where.

Author's Note: Certain aspects of the series did not settle well with me, so I am changing a few of those little problems like Daniel's death. Glyph names from the This story takes place after Menace, but has several references to other episodes. In 48 hours Coln. Simmons did not get arrested. His contacts bailed him out of trouble by making the tape disappear. Oh come on did you think somebody as useful as him would get the shaft. The first scene is what happened after Daniel Jackson fled the Teltac in an escape pod in 'Last Stand.'

by Lopaka Tanu


Part 1 "'The old way's are lost,' you sang as you flew, and I wondered why." -The Old Ways, Loreena McKennitt

Osirus flew against the wall of the pod chamber as the force of the energy blast crushed her body. She screamed out in pain when the energy lanced through her again and again. A muffled groan a little ways away distracted her tormentor long enough for her to crawl to her knife and rise to strike the creature. Just as she brought the weapon down to kill, something sent her flying back in to the alcove crushing her flat with an unbearable amount of pressure.

The being turned back to the fallen Goa'uld, and hissed at her. "Fool! Be gone from my sight." In a flash of blue light Osirus disappeared. Standing over six feet tall the being was decked in white cloth with gold embroidery from head to toe. Only the eyes were visible between the fabric. Cold, black eyes regarded the wheezing System Lord.

"I am grateful for your assistance."

The eyes seemed amused as the creature walked closer to stand over his position on the floor of the Teltac. "Why would I not, My lord?"

"You are not known for your mercy, especially among the System Lords."

"Perhaps not." She bent forward displaying her figure under the form of the cloth. With a wave of her hand the wound in his abdomen sealed. "But then again, these are different times."

He looked at her suspiciously. "How so?"

"The fall of several key System Lords at the hands of the Tau'ri have left you vulnerable and open to attack. With the return of Anubis and with him Osirus, we are no longer safe." When she stood she grabbed his hand and brought him up with her. "I will be leaving soon and request that you do the same. Who knows what else she has been able to accomplish in her freedom." Her head tilted to one side.

Yu appeared thoughtful for a moment then turned back on her with a hawk like smile. "What of the others?"

"I care not."

He nodded in agreement. "I shall inform them of my decision, and what has transpired here."

"I would not if I were you, my Lord. Simply leaving after Osirus is attacked is enough to state your intents."

Alarm registered on his face for a moment as his eyes flashed. "What is this you speak of?" His fear and anger at her suggestion caused alarm to sound in his voice.

Turning away, she walked towards the cargo hold. "Osirus told the Loh'tas of Kali and Bastet, that you wished to speak with her privately on proposing an alliance. She is covered in your blood, the dagger is in her hand. They will believe that if they form an alliance with Anubis, they too may fall victim to an *accident*."

"What of the Shol'va loh'ta?"

"I will handle that personally. For now leave the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra to me as well, they are no longer your problem."

"They are the problem of every System Lord. They must be punished for their crimes against the Goa'uld."

She whirled on him, black eyes filled with stars. "They are not of your concern! Be grateful that you have suffered nothing more. Many others have lost their lives and empires to them. Continue to cross me, my Lord, and you will not have to wait for their touch to destroy you. Leave now so that you may at least save face in the eyes of your enemies." The next instant she was gone in another burst of blue light.

Yu's eyes flashed his anger but said nothing. Instead he sat the controls of his ship and activated them. A few select buttons, and he was leaving the station and the rest of the System Lords behind. A dark smile lit his features as he thought of the future and old alliances that had proved useful yet again.

Two months later.

With an electric sheering sound, the last of the energy wave formed by the gate, disappeared. SG-1 looked upon the frozen world in wonder and boredom. Colonel O'Neal watched as the ice glistened in the sun light from a blue star. He almost got away to a nice fishing village, but the gate to that world had been lost when the forces of Anubis blasted the hell out of the planet. "So, tell me again why we are here on this tundra when we could be fishing on that Colara place again."

Daniel sighed as Major Carter looked him through her snow goggles. "Sir, this planet is in orbit around a blue binary star system. There should be no life on this planet, much less ice. The atmosphere is breathable, why we have no idea."

"Let me get this strait, this planet should not exist, why?"

Carter smiled as Daniel shook his head and walked off. "A blue star is not supposed to have any life baring planets. For starters we are too close to them, the heat should have melted the surface long ago. Another thing the radiation produced by one let alone two is enough to microwave your insides almost instantaneous."

"Now there is a lovely thought. Why don't you go do..." He waved a gloved hand out towards the tree line surrounding the gate. "Go do what you do."

With a shake of her head she smiled. "Yes sir. Off to do what I do."

"That's great, I'll just stand around the gate and think warm thoughts. About Colara!" He shouted as she disappeared beyond the trees.

"You do that, sir!"

"Great." Jack muttered as he stood around looking at the large pine trees that towered over the entire area. As far as he could tell, they stretched in to the sky well above a mile. He was broken out of his marveling of the ancient pines by Daniel calling his name. "What's the matter Daniel, get lost in the snow?"

"Uh, no Jack. I think you really ought to take a look at this thing."

Jack sighed in frustration. "What now Daniel?" Taking one last look up he turned and walked beside the gate to the point where Daniel was.

Daniel stood next to a large obelisk carved from black-gray material that resembled the gate. On the obelisk were large circular disks that contained a large jewel at the center surrounded by tiny symbols. "Does this remind you of anything, Jack?"

He groaned as he took in the sight of the tiny DHDs. "And I was so hoping this would be another wasted trip. All right Daniel, what do these things do?"

Daniel wiped the frost off of his snow goggles. "I have no idea. I thought I would wait until you arrived before I started to push any buttons. Figured you might like the honor." He made a grand sweeping gesture for Jack to approach the obelisk.

Jack scowled at him but stepped forward anyways. "What can you tell me about these markings? I don't want to set off any alien booby traps."

"I have no idea what they mean Jack. They appear to be similar to the language in the database on Ernst's planet." When Jack looked at him he groaned. "If I was to hazard a guess it would be an instruction manual, a name plate or..."

"Sweet." Jack reached forward and pressed his hand against one of the DHDs and the entire series of DHDs on the pillar lit up.

"Or! Or! Or a warning Jack! Why do you never let me finish?"

Jack shrugged in his oversized snow suit and goggles. "Probably because I don't like what you have to say after the or. So is this all this thing does, a ten foot tall night light?"

Daniel groaned again. "It is probably taking time to activate, and it is over twenty feet tall."

"Like I care, Daniel. Come on, hurry up already." He kicked the pillar in impatience. The DHD he kicked grabbed on to his shoe and merged with it. Stuck to the obelisk, Jack tried to get his boot off as red glowing energy slid up over the leather and rubber. When it reached the top of his boots it passed in to his body and caused him to cry out in pain.

Sam and T'ealc came running over to find Jack covered from head to toe in red energy as his body writhed across the ground in agony. T'ealc lowered his staff weapon and fired on the obelisk. An energy shield prevented the blast from hitting the stone pillar. Daniel, on impulse, touched another DHD. He sighed in relief when the pillar shut down and Jack stopped shaking.

"Ow! Daniel, what the hell was that?"

Daniel smiled as he helped Jack to his feet. "As I tried to warn you, it probably contained a warning. I believe that was what not to do."

"Ya think?"

Samantha Carter watched them with trepidation and amusement as they continued on with their banter. Aside from a tiny tick in his leg, O'Neal was unharmed. What caught her attention from the two bickering team members was the taste of the air. It was slowly turning stale, like a ventilation system had shut off. When she started to find it hard to breathe, she shouted her alarm. "Colonel, the air."

"What?" His annoyance clearly stated.

"Colonel, I think you shut down the life support systems."

"The what?"

T'ealc and Daniel exchanged looks. "That can't be good."

"Indeed. Should we not attempt to turn them back on, Major?"

"I don't know how. Even if we could figure out how, there is no telling what damage he and Daniel could have already caused?"

Daniel put a hand to his chest. "Excuse me, that I caused. He was the one to kick the controls."

She shook her head. "Daniel, for all we know you could have shut it off when you touched the miniature DHD. The thing is, we don't know and the air is already becoming hard to breathe."

"Hold on! Now, Carter what is going on?"

"Sir, what ever you did, the machine that was keeping the air here is no longer working. You effectively killed an entire world by kicking the equivalent of god's computer hard drive, the control device." She smiled at his grimace.

"Sorry. I guess that means we better head back."

"That would be advisable, sir."

"All right campers, move out." He gave one last look at the device before they disappeared through the gate. "Piece of Mev'ray." Shaking his head he turned back towards the gate.

Bright lights exploded to his left as he sat in the control chair. Warning lights flashed in a steady pattern as they rocked from the weapons impact. "Eey, yurie medra. Shu vac nu mie?"

His helm officer cried out as his yellow skin was burned by his console exploding.

"Shel to danner? Shel to danner?" Jack shook his head in sorrow as he looked away from the dead pilot. "Queve otume."

"Seres, mesav peltano."

Jack acknowledged the report from his operations officer. "Mesavac! Umjetat su anno wey. Su anno wey! Su anno wey!" The entire bridge shook as he ordered the evacuation. Sparks rained down as entire parts of the bridge exploded. A brilliant flash to his right sent pain through his mind as he was suddenly forced through the stargate and in to the SGC.

Stepping on to the ramp, Jack took a deep breath. "I hate being oxygen deprived."

Carter turned to him as she tried to regain her breath. "Why is that, the bugging eyes not your style."

"Funny Carter. Just forget about it." He turned away with a scowl and limped down the ramp.

General Hammond's voice boomed over the comm. system. "SG-1, when you are through bickering, I want to see you in the ready room immediately."

Jack shook his head and waved for his team to follow. A sinking feeling filled his gut as he noticed the General's scowl when they entered the room.

"Jack, you want to tell me why you came barreling through the gate like a bat out of hell?"

Jack sat down as his twitching knee gave out on him. "Well, general, you see..."

"What did you do, Colonel?"

"Why do you always ask what I did? Couldn't I just be coming back because I missed ya?" He cringed at the glare from Hammond. "Yeah, I didn't think so. We, as in Daniel, found an obelisk. He called me over to take a look at it. I touched what appeared to be a miniature DHD and it lit up all the DHDs on the pillar."

"Is that all Colonel."

"Well yeah, sorta, uh no. I guess may be I kinda kicked it."

"You what?"

"I kicked it, sir."

Hammond looked like he was about to jump across the table and rip jack apart. "What in the Sam hell did you do that for?"

"It was only lighting up, I got tired of waiting for it to do something and kicked it."

"I just don't know about you son." Shaking his head he continued. "Go on, I know that is not all that happened."

"Well when I kicked it, one of the DHDs sorta stuck to my boot and the energy from it covered my body. It hurt like hell general. Remind me never to do it again. Any ways, T'ealc fired on it, but nothing happened. So Daniel touched one of them and I was set free. Daniel helped me to stand as he made a crack about something or other. It was about this time Major Carter discovered the air was no longer coming. She said something about the life support systems turning off. So now the planet has no atmosphere."

The general sighed as he inwardly counted down from a hundred three times. "You killed an entire world because you got impatient?"

"Well, when you put it that way."

"Colonel! You are to get cleaned up, report to the infirmary, and tell Dr. Fraser that you are to get the full medical evaluation. IF you pass that then I will let you back on base duty for the next three weeks. You can rest assured this incident will not be reported. What you have said will not leave this room, am I clear?"

O'Neal looked at him in surprise. "Yes sir. Permission to speak freely sir?"


"Why this little punishment, why not send me strait to a court-martial?"

"Your and my favorite Colonel is back. This time he is sniffing around your files. If he got a hold of this then you would be on the fast track to prison O'Neal. I can't have one of my best people in a cell waiting to be sentenced to life in prison for a stupid mistake." He sighed deeply. "If the Tok'ra had not reported in, while you were gone, about that particular planet, then I would not wait for NID to get you. I would have sent you to prison myself."

"Whoa, general, back up. What do the Tok'ra have to do with this?"

"While you were gone, Jacob reported in that a Goa'uld had detected your arrival on that world. A world the Goa'uld once tried to destroy. They don't know who, but who ever controlled it was a great threat to the Goa'uld. When their fleets arrived, a large battle group intercepted them and eliminated ninety eight percent of their attacking forces. The planet fell only because the Goa'uld made suicide runs. To make sure the Aliens never returned, they left an orbital scanning array. When you arrived, the array told the Goa'uld Kali of your presence. She sent four mother ships for you. If you had not come back when you did, I would have sent SG-6 after you. Now do you understand Colonel. The planet is nothing when compared to our base personnel. I need you here, now more than ever."

Jack and the rest of SG-1 had gone pale. "Uh, yes sir general."

"Good, now dismissed." When Jack neared the door he called out. "Oh, and colonel, I meant what I said about your physical exams." He laughed as Jack turned and gave him the airforce salute, one finger style.