Title: Elusive Memory

Authoress: The Huntress

Pairing: Jack/Daniel, *Implied* Teal’c/Jonas

Rating: NC17...ER

Archive: Area 52, The Alpha Gate

Summary: Why haven't all of Daniel's memories come back?

Spoilers: Fallen/Homecoming, The Serpent's Lair, Legacy

Disclaimer: Here we go again. You know I don't own 'em, cause if I did, I'd be practicing voyeurism, not writing fic.

Elusive Memory
by The Huntress

Jack was a little depressed. Jonas had left a few hours before and Jack actually missed him. He was the only man Jack had ever met who believed *everything* Jack said. Watching soap operas with Jonas had been a riot and a half and TV ads were even better. But life had to go on. He'd promised Jonas that he would tape 'All My Children' and get the tapes to Jonas somehow so he could keep up with the plot lines.

"Hey big guy," Jack grinned, as he entered Teal'c's quarters. "We're having dinner at seven. Daniel's favorite."

"O'Neill, I do not have a liking for liver and onions. I would rather eat the bark from a tree."

"O-kay. Daniel's *second* favorite...pizza with pineapple."

"I will not be able to make it this evening," Teal'c replied with a more somber air then usual.

Jack craned his neck to see what Teal'c held in his hands, realizing it was a photo of Jonas and Teal'c at a base party. "Ya know, Jonas left a few things here. I happened to notice that he left his copy of 'War Of The Worlds' in the lab. He was in the middle of reading it. And how do I know this, you ask? Because there was a bookmark in the middle. Maybe someone should bring it to him. I know. I'll ask Major Kovacek. His team is going to Kelowna to assist them
with their treaties. Yeah, that's what I'll do."

A small smile crossed Teal'c's face. "I will bring it to him."

"I don't know T. You're in the middle of your Kel-No-Reem and I know that can go on for hours and...."

"NO! My Kel-No-Reem has not been the same since I...lost...my symbiote. I will bring it."

"If you're sure."

"I am sure O'Neill."

Jack smirked. "You have ten minutes." He tossed the book to Teal'c, along with a bag. "I got it from Janet. I dunno if they have lube on Kelowna." Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I know *everything* that goes on at this base."

Teal'c actually grinned at him and barreled past, nearly knocking Jack over as he ran to the gateroom.

Jack smiled smugly. "Nothing like a happy Jaffa...."


Daniel was in the VIP room staring at the walls and growing frustrated. His memories were coming back little by little. He remembered Sha'uri dying, remembered his parents, even remembered his fish. There were memories of a commissary food fight, of inadvertently walking in on Sam and Janet while they were 'in flagrante delecto', of Jell-O wrestling.

When he'd first seen Jim, 'No, it's *Jack*!' he reminded himself, he'd felt a spark. 'Well, according to Sam and Teal'c we were best friends. But why didn't he do something, like maybe hug me?'

He'd had a memory flash of Jack, of the two of them in the Gateroom, Daniel stepping out from behind a group of men, Jack's face lighting up, gathering Daniel into his arms and whispering. But Daniel couldn't remember the words. He could see Jack breaking the hold and flushing pink, knew that he himself was grinning. 'What did you say to me Jack?' He punched the pillow in frustration. 'And why the Hell can't I remember?!'

He somehow knew if he remembered the words everything else would come back to him.


"Major," Jack smiled, as he entered Carter's lab, "dinner's at seven. Pizza with pineapple, one of Daniel's favorites. And I promise, no ESPN."

Sam smiled back. "No can do Colonel. I have some of the artifacts from Kelowna that I'm researching. It's going to take time. There might be something here that can help us defeat Anubis. You boys can have a good time together. Why don't you and Teal'c take him to Jell-O wrestling? That should bring back some fun memories."

"Teal'c has gone off to see Jonas."

"Ahh, true love. You don't want to be apart for any moment of the day. Let's just hope Teal'c decides to come back."

"You know about Teal'c and Jonas? Does everybody know? Was there a memo to the base?"

She chuckled. "Everybody does sir. And they make such a sweet couple. The big tough Jaffa and the cute Kelownan."

"Cute? I thought you and Fraiser...."

"It doesn't mean I'm blind. Face it, Jonas is cute. Oh, not like Daniel is cute, but cute just the same. I'm glad I talked him into getting that new haircut. I didn't want the base barber to do his next cut, so I took him to my hairdresser."

Jack wanted to make a remark about Sam's latest hairdo, and how Jonas' looked better then her's, but survival instincts came to his mind and he kept his mouth shut. "So you're not coming to dinner?"

"No, and neither is Janet. She has a meeting with Cassie's guidance counselor about college admissions in the fall. We'll all get together tomorrow at Janet's. Cassie can show Daniel what she's been up to in the past year."

"Okay then, but you don't know what you're missing."

He left and Sam made a sour face. "Pizza with pineapple. I'd rather eat cardboard."


Jack knocked softly, hearing the "come in," entered and smiled at Daniel. "Ready for dinner?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, you betcha." Daniel blinked. "Now *that's* something familiar."

"What?" Jack was grinning now.

"Yeah, sure, you betcha. Was that a phrase I used?"

"No. It's a phrase *I* use."

"Ya think?" He grinned back at Jack. "Now *that* one I remember."

"Come on Daniel. Dinner awaits."

Daniel looked down at himself and the sweater he was wearing. "I have no regular clothes."

"Yes you do," Jack sighed. "Didn't you look in the dresser over there? I saved your favorite stuff. I had it brought over."

"Oh, uh, thanks. I guess I'll get changed." He sat down to take off his boots, and looked up at Jack. "Uh, Jack, could I get some privacy? I promise not to ascend while you wait outside."

Jack was standing before him a moment later, anger all over his face. He grabbed Daniel by the arms, hauling him to his feet. "Don't you ever say that again Daniel! Do you hear me?!"

"It was just a joke." Daniel winced. "You're hurting me."

Jack swallowed hard, letting Daniel go. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...." He smiled in apology. "I don't want you to go away again. I, umm, hate taking care of fish."

"You took care of my fish?"

"Yeah, they're at my house, all alive. Well, except for this striped one that
sort of died a few weeks ago."

"Thanks Jack."

"No problem. Now why don't you get changed and we'll go to dinner. I'll be right outside."

Daniel came out a few minutes later dressed in blue denims and a blue flannel shirt. He watched Jack's mouth drop open. "Do I look silly?"

"N-no Daniel," Jack stammered. "You look just fine."

As they walked to the elevator, Daniel asked, "Just how much do I get paid?"

"A hell of a lot more then me. And did I mention my birthday is coming up?"


They got into Jack's truck and as he pulled out Jack glared at Daniel. "Seatbelt, Daniel. It's the law."



"Danny. You used to call me Danny." Daniel thought for a moment. "Spacemonkey. Plant Boy. Mister Wizard. Boonie Boy." He smirked. "Jack, you're an ass."

"Yes, but I'm the ass that's taking you to dinner." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, glad it was night. Daniel couldn't see the swelling in his pants. "And I never call you 'Mister Wizard'. That's Lou's nickname for ya."

"Lou...that would be Major Feretti, right?"

"Yeah," Jack smiled. "Very few can get away with talking to you like that."

"I got the feeling that some personnel don't like me," Daniel said softly.

"It's *not* that they don't like *you*, it's just that some people think the SGC should be strictly military." Jack turned on the radio, which blasted out AC/DC and nearly blew out Daniel's eardrums.

Daniel shut it off. "Jesus Jack, are you going for deaf?"

"Angus and friends sound better at a higher volume," Jack grinned. He conceded though and took out that CD, replacing it with the Grateful Dead.

The two rode in silence for a while...well, silence as in not talking to each other; there was Jack's off key singing to every track which Daniel didn't seem to mind. 'Truckin' eventually came through the speakers, and when the chorus started both men looked at each other and sang, at the top of their lungs,


They nodded to each other; the last eight years had been one hell of a long strange trip.

When they reached the city limits Jack shut off the CD, concentrating instead on *not* getting another ticket. That meant going before Judge Lipscombe who was a former marine and hated the 'flyboys' the way Jack hated the 'jarheads'. Thankfully Daniel's voice broke the silence.

"Jack, until I get all my memories back how do I know who my real friends are?"

Jack smirked. "Well there's me."

Daniel smacked him on the arm. "Jack, I'm serious."

"I know. I was just teasing you. I missed doing that. Okay...other then SG1, your buddies are Lou and his team. SG1 and SG2 are like one big...dysfunctional family. Tom Warren and Pete Casey call you Doctor Death, in honor of your many resurrections. Then there's Stan Kovacek of SG9. You and he are both American History buffs and you go to exhibits and stuff like that."

"Anybody else, Jack?"

Jack thought for a moment. "Janet Fraiser, Majors Jim Coburn and Peter Griff, Sergeant David Siler, oh, and George, of course...and Sergeant Walter Davis."

"Walter Davis." Daniel thought for a moment. "He's the short guy that works in the control room, right?"

"You and Davis both have a liking for slasher movies. Every Halloween for the last seven years you and he have gone to the slasher marathon at the Meisner Park auditorium. You always came to my house after because you were too spooked to go to your apartment." Jack sighed, secretly blessing those types of films. If it weren't for Freddy Krueger Daniel would have never been afraid to sleep alone in the guestroom, would have never crawled into bed with him, would have never snuggled into Jack's arms....

"I was a wuss," Daniel giggled.

"Yeah, but you were my wuss," Jack said softly.

Before Daniel could question that remark, Jack had parked in front of the pizza place and jumped out of the truck.

Daniel got out, gaping at him. "This is dinner?"

"This used to be your favorite," Jack shrugged. "Danny, what's the matter?"

"I want to go somewhere familiar. I want to go back to your house Jack." Daniel smiled. "I wanna say hi to my fish."

"Sure, if that's what you want." Jack ordered a pizza to go and wondered if taking Daniel back to his house was the best idea. He hadn't yet told Daniel about their relationship because Fraiser had said to let those memories come back on their own. Jack had agreed, fearful of how Daniel would react if he blurted that they'd been lovers for six years. He could help by telling stories and showing Daniel pictures. 'Yeah, Jack. You'll have him in your house, but not in your bed.'

"Jack, if you don't want...."

'Better than nothing,' he thought. Aloud, "No. It's okay Danny. We'll look at some photos and maybe jolt that memory of yours."


Both men were stuffed and finally settled on the couch.

Daniel felt relaxed. It was only now that he realized how tense he was at the Mountain. "So Jack, let me see a scrapbook or something."

Jack nodded, going to be bookcase and pulling down one photo album. "This is it."

Opening it delicately, Daniel wondered if this would bring more of his memories back. He still had gaps, but Janet had told him his memories should return in time.

There were photos of SG1 in the beginning, all looking so stern, even Daniel. As he turned the pages, Daniel watched the years go by, saw the same faces relax, smiling, even one of Teal'c with a genuine grin. There were photos from a barbecue, and a still of Jack and Daniel (and Sam and Janet) in the Jell-O wrestling pit. He remembered that day and grinned.

Jack had also put a whole group of pictures of Daniel and Cassie into one section. Daniel standing behind her at every birthday, helping her blow out the candles. At a baseball game, a hockey match, even a movie audition. Daniel remembered all the things they had done together.

"She's not a little girl anymore," Daniel mumbled.

"Got a boyfriend too," Jack added, his tone showing disapproval.

"Is she still with Dominic? I always liked him."

"Almost four years now," Jack sighed. "I tried my best to scare the kid off, but he kept coming back. So I finally gave up."

"*You* always liked him Jack. If you didn't you *would* have scared him off immediately, just like the other boys that took her out." He narrowed his eyes, thinking hard. "We used to follow them on their dates and spy on them. You said it was 'covert chaperoning'."

"Yeah, we did." Jack grinned and then began to chuckle. "Danny, do you remember that time we tried to follow them out of that restaurant and you...you...." Jack couldn't finish. He was too busy laughing.

"I ended up wearing spaghetti Bolognese and four glasses of 1937 Merlot." Daniel was laughing with Jack now, recalling pleasant memories. Had he forgotten how happy he was just hanging out with Jack? He fantasized about moving into Jack's arms, cuddling close, and looking through the album together. That thought sobered him quickly, but he pushed it out of his mind. His laughter faded, replaced with a simple smile.

Daniel studied a photo of himself and Jack in the commissary, obviously taken by a security camera on base. He remembered the moment. He and Jack were having a heated discussion that ended with Daniel dumping a bowl of oatmeal over Jack's head. That was the still that was captured...the oatmeal dripping down Jack's face while Daniel smirked, holding the bowl triumphantly. "Jack, how did you get this?"

"I'm 2IC. I can get whatever I want," Jack snorted.

Daniel thought for a moment. "Wait a sec'...*I'm* the one that got this still. I hacked into security and downloaded the video feed. Then I blackmailed you with it to get the rec room a second Playstation2."

"Daniel, threatening to send that photo to Vorash was a childish thing to do."

"The Tok'ra would have loved it." Daniel began to giggle.

"I missed that."

"What Jack?"

"That giggle. You're the only man I've ever met that actually giggles."

"You giggle too!" Daniel fired back.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"


"Too! You do so giggle, Jack."

"When, oh holder of many PhD's? Tell me *one* time I, Colonel Jonathan O'Neill, flyboy extraordinnaire, giggled."

"In the bathtub Jack. When we were playing with the washable bath paint I bought you for your birthday." Daniel blinked, tilting his head in confusion. "We were taking a bath together," he said softly, "and I painted your...." He stopped, mouth hanging open.

"You remember." Jack stood and began to pace.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Daniel felt dizzy as his mind was assaulted with visions of making love with Jack...*everywhere*. From Jack fucking Daniel in the bedroom to Daniel blowing Jack in a supply closet to the cockpit of a Death Glider. *That* had been a tight squeeze, but Daniel remembered riding Jack, Jack riding him, letting themselves go at it like dogs in heat. Daniel knew that was the most erotic place he'd ever done it and dragged Jack back quite a few more times. "Why didn't you tell me?" he repeated.

Jack stopped, looking deep into Daniel's eyes, baring into his very soul. "You remembered we were friends. That was all I cared about. Lovers can come and go, but best friends are hard to find. I'd rather have my best friend any day." Jack swallowed hard. "I figured if I kept telling myself that, I'd actually start to believe it. I was just so grateful to get you back. Nothing else mattered."

"And if I hadn't remembered Jack? How long were you going to wait? Until I'd found some woman and had a few kids?! Have you ever even said 'I love you' to me? Because I sure as hell DON'T remember THAT." He stared at Jack, watching all the color drain from Jack's face; he knew, somehow, that it was like a punch in the gut to both of them. And then it hit him like a zat blast; that one missing memory... everything suddenly fell into place.

"Apophis' ship," he whispered. "You thought I was dead. And when you saw me in the Gateroom...you hugged me, called me Spacemonkey, and whispered, 'I love you Daniel Jackson, please don't leave me again.' But I did, didn't I? I left you."

Jack knelt beside Daniel, taking Daniel's face in his palms, pulling him close. "Think of it as a one year sabbatical, a vacation if you will."

"Can I....?" Daniel started, then stopped, obviously nervous.


"Can I kiss you?" Daniel asked. When Jack leaned in, Daniel pressed his lips upon Jack's. It was almost chaste; this was like the first time again.

"You need time," Jack stated.

"Jack I...."

"You take all the time you need. I'll wait."

"You're a lovesick sap," Daniel snickered.

"Only for you sweetheart. Now, how about we have some coffee?"

"Sweetheart. I like that." Daniel got up. "As for coffee, that's something I remember. Do I like coffee?"

"Danny, you'd marry Juan Valdez if he could keep you in beans."

"Who's Juan Valdez?"

Jack just rolled his eyes, "Come on *sweetheart*," and dragged Daniel into the kitchen.

"Ahh, I do like coffee," Daniel almost moaned in ecstasy, sipping from his mug. "Tell me something about me Jack."

"Like what?"

Daniel looked up at a poster. "I don't like hockey, do I." It was a statement, not a question.

Jack was ready to lie through his teeth but thought better of it. "You'd rather have a tooth pulled without novocaine than watch a hockey game."

"Where am I gonna live Jack? I don't want to stay on base."

"You can stay here like last time. Remember when you came back from Abydos? I managed to not kill you for the two months you stayed here, even after you blew up my microwave." He gave Daniel his softest smile. "You can sleep in the guestroom. Or I can sleep there and you can have my bed. It's a better mattress.

"I'll stay in the guestroom for now. Thanks Jack."

"No problem," Jack answered.

Daniel washed up and went to bed. Jack loaded the dishwasher, then lurked outside Daniel's door for twenty minutes before going to bed himself.


Daniel couldn't fall asleep so he decided to get out of bed. After an hour of channel surfing, he took down a few more photo albums, more personal. Jack with Charlie and Sara, his parents, other members of his family. He went through them all finally coming to the last one. It was smaller than the rest and was seemingly hiding. 'Okay Jack,' he chuckled to himself, 'are these pictures of your victims?' Still smiling, he opened it, immediately seeing photo after photo of him and Jack.

None of them were on-duty photos either; they were all private, some intimate. The two of them holding hands as they stood on the dock at Jack's cabin, embracing on Daniel's balcony, cuddling together on the couch during a movie. 'Sam', Daniel thought. 'Sam or Janet took these.' There were also photos of the two women just as intimate and Daniel knew he was the one who'd taken those; he was also the one who had developed them. And when each one was developed, paranoid Jack wanted to burn the negatives. This way, if the NID ever got their hands on them, Jack reasoned, they could claim the photos were faked; without negatives, there was no proof.

This had angered Daniel, who pointed out that if the pictures were ever damaged they were irreplaceable, and he suggested keeping the negatives somewhere safe...like Vorash. Jack had agreed as long as Jacob didn't peek at the negatives. On his next visit to Earth he gave Jack and Daniel such a smirk that the colonel flushed pink.

As Daniel turned the last page in the album his mouth dropped open...he and Jack were lying in bed, across and around each other.

They were also naked.

"I forgot I was taking Cassie to the zoo that morning," Jack chuckled from behind him. "Remember?"

Daniel nodded. "So she just let herself in and came upstairs to look for you."

"I'm just glad you bought her a Polaroid," Jack added, taking a seat next to Daniel. "No negatives to worry about."

"She said if you didn't teach her to drive she was putting it up on the base bulletin board."

"She would have done it too. She learned to be devious from me."

"Jack, you would have taught her to drive anyway and Cassie knew that."

"Yeah, I know, but it gave me an excuse to give her the lessons. *And* put more gray in my hair."

Daniel pouted. "I thought I was the one who turned you gray."

"Oh you gave me my share Daniel...and then some. Disappearing from a planet, getting involved with some alien bimbo, held hostage...the list goes on."

"Remember P5S-162? What you called the *Great Trade-off*?"

"Those were the guys that loved the MRE's!" Jack was laughing. "We traded them rations for their Naquadah! I still think we should have given them some Alka-Seltzer too."

"I sneaked a case of Tums in with instructions," Daniel snorted. He scrunched up his face again, thinking.

"What is it now, boy wonder?"

"What were you and Janet arguing about earlier?"

"You're supposed to have a psych test. MacKenzie was scheduled but I won't allow him anywhere near you. So Janet's going to do it instead."

"Why not MacKenzie?"

Jack's face grew dark. "Daniel, do you remember Machello?"

Daniel's whole body stiffened. "When we body switched or when I was locked up?"

Jack nodded, wiping his hands over his face. "I should have believed you. I shouldn't have let them lock you up. All the weird things that happen at the SGC and that...'doctor'...says you've gone over the edge and I accept it. I should have taken you to the Nox or the Tok'ra or the Asgard. Instead I left you alone." A small smirk came to his face. "But at least Mac The Quack got his."

"What did you do Jack?"

Jack nodded to himself; if he was going to tell Daniel, now was as good a time as any. "I told him that if he ever tried to lock you up again he'd find out just why I did so good in Special Ops. I told him while he was dangling over the side of his apartment building."

"Jack?! You would have dropped him?"

"I would've, but Teal'c wouldn't. Our friendly neighborhood Jaffa casually held him there for about two hours describing, in the most minute detail, various Jaffa torture techniques."

"Teal'c?" Daniel cracked a smile.

Jack grinned. "Yeah, Teal'c. He loves you too, ya know. In his own...unique way."

"Jack, you do know I forgave you for that, don't you?"

Jack ducked his head. "I know, and maybe one day I'll forgive myself."

"Stop sounding morose. I'm the manic-depressive around here." Daniel lay his hand on Jack's thigh, slowly sliding it up. "Actually I'm the *horny* manic depressive around here."

"Horny?" Jack asked, his body moving on autopilot, legs spreading as Daniel slid his hand further up, head falling back as Daniel kissed his neck.

"Horny, Jack.

"Danny, we're not in any rush. I think you're moving a bit too fast."

"Shut up and kiss me Jack." Daniel didn't give him a chance to react. He just slid into Jack's lap, wrapped his arms around Jack's neck and kissed him...and kissed him. And when Jack pushed him away to catch his breath, Daniel kissed him some more. Daniel's lips were everywhere. Jack's mouth, cheeks, forehead, ears, neck. Daniel was licking, nipping, sucking, blowing in Jack's ear.

"Danny...Daniel, I *really* think you should slow down." Daniel dove for his mouth again but Jack moved back. "At least give me a minute to breathe."

"Okay," Daniel agreed. He grabbed the edge of Jack's shirt and pulled it up.

"Daniel what are you...." Jack forgot whatever he was going to say when Daniel's mouth attached itself to one nipple, laving it softly.

"You said..." Daniel kissed his way across Jack's chest, "...to let you..." Daniel licked the other nipple, then blew on it, getting a moan from Jack, "...breathe." Daniel sucked on the nipple, then moved back to the other, doing the same. "I'm letting you."

"Danny, please stop. You need time."

If Jack hadn't moaned the words and wasn't holding Daniel's head to his chest, Daniel would have ceased. Instead, he fondled Jack, rubbing his hand over Jack's clothed erection harder and harder. "Should I stop Jack?" Daniel asked while kissing Jack's neck. "Just say no." He kissed his way up to Jack's ear, whispered, "I love you," blew in Jack's ear, and felt Jack's body arch. His hair was grabbed, his mouth pulled to Jack's and devoured by one satiated Air Force Colonel.

Jack eventually let him up for air, glaring at him. "You made me cum in my pants."

Daniel licked his ear. "Then maybe we should take them off before it happens again." He pushed away from Jack, getting to his feet. "Come to bed Jack." Daniel pulled his tee-shirt off, tossing it aside. "We've got a year to catch up on." His sweatpants followed, and he stood before Jack in a plain pair of boxers. "I just remembered I hate *boxers*." Daniel pulled them off, tossing them to Jack, who caught them, stared at them, then leapt over the couch toward Daniel. Daniel flew up the stairs, Jack hot on his heels.

Jack caught up with him at the bedroom door, grabbed him around the waist, and tossed him on the bed. Quickly stripping down himself, Jack joined his lover, propping his head up to look at him. "You're a tease."

Daniel leaned in. "And you love it." He kissed Jack on the nose and smiled. "I don't remember much of the past year, but I remember everything from before. I know I love you, that you are my life, my soul. I will *never* leave you again."

"Danny, don't make promises like that."

"I am making you that promise, Jonathan O'Neill. You will be stuck with me for the rest of your life, and beyond."

"Beyond, huh? You mean I get an eternity of you, Daniel Jackson?"

"If you want."

"Oh yeah, I want all right. Danny, I've been celibate for the last year. Me and my hand are best friends, closer than we ever were."

"Jack, I find that difficult to believe."

"Believe it. And if you hadn't come back, I would have been like that for the rest of my life. There could never be anyone but you." He pulled Daniel atop his body, feeling an electric charge course through him. "I wanna fuck you Danny. We can make love later. I want inside, want to feel that tight heat I missed so much. Want you to scream my name when I let loose inside you. Can I do that? Will you let me?"

"Make up your mind. First you say I'm moving too fast, and now you sound like a bad porno movie."

"Daniel, you watch them every night for a year and you'll talk like one too." Jack pushed every thought from his head, letting his body take over. Carding his fingers through Daniel's hair, he licked his lips before taking Daniel's mouth.

Daniel finally pushed away, gasping for air. "Gotta breathe Jack."

"No breathing allowed," Jack whispered before taking Daniel's mouth again. One hand wandered down Daniel's body, squeezing an ass cheek, a finger stroking the crack, sliding it in as he deepened the kiss. A second finger pushed in, and Daniel lost it, cumming between them. Jack let him up for air. "Couldn't wait, huh?"

Jack loosened his grip, and Daniel rolled onto his back. "Fuck me Jack. Like you said, making love can wait for later."

"You've got a filthy mouth," Jack snickered, kissing Daniel again.

"Jack...." It was a warning tone, which made Jack laugh harder.

"Okay, okay." Jack reached under the pillow, taking out a tube of lube, looking a little sheepish as he knelt beside Daniel. "I had hopes that you'd come to my bed Daniel. That you'd remember it was never about the sex, that it was about the love."

"*Never* about the sex?" Daniel asked, wrapping Jack's cock in his fist and squeezing hard.

"Almost never," Jack moaned as he pushed into Daniel's hand. "Feels good...."

"You know what'll feel even better?" Daniel didn't wait for an answer. He sat up, bent forward, and swallowed Jack's cock.

"SWEETJESUSOHGODOHFUCKDANNY!" Jack came so quickly, he lost his balance and fell backwards.

Daniel fell with him, not letting go as he swallowed Jack's cream. When he'd finally drained Jack, he looked up, licking his lips, reveling in the taste. "Good to the last drop," he grinned. He raised himself, blanketing Jack's body and initiating the slowest, deepest kiss he could manage.

"I got a new name for you," Jack smiled, taking a breath.


"Dirty Daniel." Jack's fingertips slowly caressed a path up and down Daniel's back.

"Mmm, I like it." Daniel rolled his hips, cock stiffening again.

"Demented Danny." Jack arched his body up, one hand grabbing Daniel's ass.

"That's good too," Daniel moaned, feeling Jack growing hard again.

Jack kissed him, twirling his tongue with Daniel's. "Delicious Dan."

"Is my boonie here?"

"Why do you want your boonie?"

"You like it when I wear my boonie...and *only* my boonie."

Jack's dick got painfully hard at that vision. "You remember that?"

"Jack, when I remembered you telling me you loved me, everything fell into place. My life, my feelings, *me*. Three little words Jack and they made me whole. *You* make me whole."

"Aww geez Danny," Jack said with a soft sigh, "you sound like a fucking Hallmark card, fer crying out loud!"

Daniel shrugged. "I was sorta going for Harlequin romance."

"Does that mean I have to ravish you?" Jack quickly rolled them, sitting up, straddling Daniel's legs, essentially trapping him.

"Jack, you just came twice in fifteen minutes. Don't you think you should rest?"

"Oh, I'm going to. My dick will rest, but my hands and mouth are going to do some exploring of my newly found archaeologist."

"Archaeologists 'excavate'," Daniel snorted.

Jack spread Daniel's legs, nipping up Daniel's thighs, laving his balls, tongue licking up the length of Daniel's cock. "Then I guess I'm going to do some excavating...." Jack took the tip in his mouth, suckling for a moment, moving back and blowing on the head. He wrapped his lips around the head, sucking an inch, sliding up and blowing on the head again. He kept repeating the motions, taking a bit more each time. Resting his hands on Daniel's hips, he swallowed Daniel to the root, holding his mouth there, sucking hard. He oh-so-slowly brought his mouth up again, spitting on the head, lowering his mouth and leaving a thick trail of saliva along the length. When he next raised his head, Jack repeated the motions.

Daniel finally figured out what his lover was doing; Jack wanted to ride him...with no lube. "Jack, don't...."

Jack shifted to his knees, straddling Daniel's chest, moving backwards. "Nothing between us Danny." He braced a hand on Daniel's chest. "Need to feel you...*really* feel you."

"Not like this," Daniel almost pleaded.

"I have to," Jack answered almost matter-of-factly. "You don't understand." His eyes closed as Daniel breached him, bearing the pain silently. He needed this; Daniel didn't know how much.

"Jack...." Daniel's whisper was concerned, almost worried.

Jack opened his eyes, meeting Daniel's, slowly lowering himself, the pain almost too much at one point. But his eyes reflected none of the pain and he knew it. *He* was the one that was feeling like a Hallmark card. *He* was the one who knew, in his gut, that the physical pain of raw fucking was nothing compared to the pain he'd felt in his heart the day Daniel ascended.

This was real.

Daniel was real.

And Jack needed the pain to convince himself this wasn't some wet dream that was going to end at any moment.

Finally impaled, he sat for a moment, clenching his muscles, holding Daniel within him. "Need this Danny. I never thought I'd get to touch you again."

And Daniel, his beautiful, sweet Daniel, understood. "I am here Jack. I am *real*. Touch all you want."

Jack's hands were everywhere a moment later, rocking himself back and forth on Daniel, Daniel thrusting up inside him, feeling the hand gently caressing his cock. He brushed his prostate and shot all over Daniel, smiling to himself as he felt himself filled a moment later. He finally collapsed over Daniel, Daniel slipping from him.

A moment after that, Daniel had two arms full of a one hundred and ninety pound, six foot two inch, Special Ops trained Air Force colonel panting in his arms, face flushed.

"Danny, that's gotta be a record."

"Three times in thirty-five minutes," Daniel whispered, stroking Jack's hair, rubbing soothing circles along Jack's back, calming him. He met Jack's eyes, a slow smile coming to his face. "You gonna be okay?"

Jack smiled back. "YeahSureYouBetcha."

"I missed you, my horny studmuffin." Daniel's smile became thoughtful. "I can remember *that* much of the last year. I know I came to visit you a few times but it's all kind of blurry."

"It's okay Daniel," Jack whispered back, shifting position so he was cradling Daniel. "It's not important. Trust me." He paused, putting his hand up. "And if you say anything mushy like 'Jack, you know I trust you with everything' I swear I'll...." Jack's words were cut off by a kiss.

"Jack, I trust you with everything but my fish. I had Phil for six years."

"Who's Phil?" Jack asked.

"My striped one that died," Daniel nodded. "Yes, Jack, you killed my favorite fish. Did you at least give him a proper burial?"

"You give your fish names?" Jack began to giggle.

"SEE! You do giggle!"

"Okay, I concede, I giggle. And your fish, er, excuse me, *Phil* is now playing happily with the Ty-D-Bowl man."

"You flushed my fish?!"

"What did you want me to do Daniel? Bury it in the backyard?"

"No Jack. You should have thrown him back into the ocean where he would have been food for other fish, thus helping the food chain...."

This time it was Jack who initiated the kiss, shutting Daniel up. "Go to sleep 'Dirty Dan'."

Daniel snuggled in close to Jack, bringing Jack's arm around him. "G'night Jack."

Jack kissed the top of his head. "Good night Danny." A few minutes later, Daniel mumbled something semi-coherent, and Jack smiled. "I know. Forever. Just me and you always. I love you too Spacemonkey."



Many, many, *many* years later, so many years later that Kinsey's remains have long turned to dust on the planet Jack and Teal'c stranded him on....

"I promised you Jack, an eternity."

Jack sighed. "I don't wanna touch you like this Danny. Can't we, I dunno, become corporeal so we can make love?"

"Don't start. We ascended can touch each other...sort of."

"Well, I don't like it, don't like it at all. You don't even have an ass for crying out loud! Which really doesn't matter, because I don't have a dick! I'm a lit-up squid thingy Daniel!"

"Shut up Jack."

Daniel's soul touched Jack's, Jack's touched Daniel's, and, in the real universe, a new sun was born.