Title: Day in the life of a Bottle of Ty Nant

Author: Alison

weblog: http://www.geocities.com/themargali67/weblog.html

one measly Angel story: http://www.geocities.com/themargali67/homepage.html

Fandom: Smallville

Pairing: hee hee

Disclaimers: Too much sugar make the brain go "boom!"


Day in the life of a Bottle of Ty Nant

By Alison

Hum de dum dum...nice day, sitting here on Lex's desk letting the sun shine through my long, shapely self. Look at him on that treadmill, his eyes are closed and he's just pumping those legs and, man, he's been at it for at least an hour.

Is it hot in here? 'Cause I'm starting to bead a little water on me self. Damn, when is he gonna stop with the power-walking and come over and pop my lid and...and...god, I need him to grab me all manly and forcefully and bring me up to those lips. Those lips...c'mon, they need to be on my rim, they need to suck on me and lick me. Ah, ah...no, not now! <sound of glass shattering as the bottle explodes>

Lex stops on the treadmill, looks sadly at the broken glass and spilled water on his desk. "Fuck, not another one."