Title: "Unexpected Acts Of Kindness"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG

Category: Chlex, touch of Clana, Chloe's POV, Futurefic, AU

Spoilers: Anything from season 1

Summary: He bestows unexpected acts of kindness.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and the characters, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me. As to the use of the line from Star Trek: Voyager as the idea and title for the story and the mention of the show and the mention of Cupid, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

Archive: To SFF, TBT, Wwomb, Intrepid, and my page on my friends site. Anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: I dedicate to this my friend Piper whose unexpected acts of kindness to me and other's light up our world. And to my beta David, whose helped my stories shine bright. And to Kris and her wonderful Halloween piece. And to the line I heard in a Voyager episode recently that touched my heart. I also dedicate this to everybody on SFF and TBT. Enjoy.

"Unexpected Acts Of Kindness"
by PMD

I sit here, drinking my coffee---watching the world go by. I take a quick sip and watch as the man walks in. He walks over to Lana and talks to her.

I remember one night when Lana and I were talking. We were all bundled up and I asked her if anybody had ever done an unexpected act of kindness towards her. She was curious about the question---I said I had heard the sentence on ST Voyager---or something similar to that.

She smiled and said she had seen the same episode. Then she started to talk about him. It was about the movie house. He had bought the building and was planning on tearing it down to make parking. He said if she gave him a good enough reason to save it---he would. When she had told him why she wanted to save it, she said he had shot her down, telling her that she hadn't given him a good enough reason to keep the building there. It wasn't until Clark mentioned he was just trying to challenge her---that she took it on and he came through for her. The place was saved by his unexpected act of kindness----showing her that she was more than a pretty face. And saving her memories of her mother and father.

I smile at that memory and then remember another act of kindness from the man.

Whitney---the boy is now far away but never far from our hearts. This man who never saw him as anything except as a rival for Clarks true love, gave him the most unexpected act of kindness I had ever seen---the opportunity for his father to see him play before he died. I still tear up at that remembrance. He was even there at the funeral---in the background---far away from the crowd, so as not to intrude. He didn't think anybody saw him, but I did. He gave Whitney the chance to make his dad proud of him. And no regrets when he passed on; except for the fact he did it too soon.

Then there's Clark. I know, I used to have a crush on him and wanted him as a boyfriend but I knew I was licked when the man came forward, offering him advice on how to get the girl. You can't fight the wind or this man. So, I sat back and enjoyed the dance. Finally he just pushed them into his limo one night and told the driver to go somewhere remote. I stood by him as it drove away, giving him a slight smirk and saying, 'You actually think this will work?' He answered with, 'It better. I'm at my wits end with those two.' I replied with, 'If it doesn't work----I'll help you next time. Just call me cupids little helper and an unexpected act of kindness from me.' He just smiled at me and accepted it.

Course it didn't work until we worked on it together. And during that time, I found out that I wanted an act of kindness from him---or more than that. I wanted him in my life, in my heart, in my soul.

"Hey Sullivan."

I look up. Maybe this is the time to find out if he wants me too or maybe, just have him set me up on a date. "Hey Luthor," I say, sadly.

"What's wrong?" he asks as he sits down.

"I haven't been on a date for ages. I wonder---can you work your Cupid magic on me?"

"Well, I'll see what I can do---tonight okay?"

"You work that fast."

"Faster than Clark can run to school and you know he can run fast---we both do."

Yes, Clark had finally owned up to his gifts to me, Lex and Lana. He explained why he hadn't before---he was worried for our safety. But he saw how well we could take care of each other and if he wanted to get close to Lana, he had to come clean. We were there for him---nothing, not even being *super* would change our opinion of him.


"All right, set me up. What do I have to lose?"

"One night in your life?"

"Yep, one night in my life. So---are you going to find him now or wait till the last second?"

"All right. I know when I'm not wanted. Be ready at 8---I'll send my limo to pick you up. Bye Sullivan."

"Bye Luthor," I say, as he gets up and walks away. I let out a sigh and go back to my book and coffee.


I hear a honk, say good night to my Dad, and walk out of the house. The limo driver is by the car door, waiting for me. I walk slowly on my heels. It's their height and my nervousness that causes me to go so slow.

Finally, I'm at the door and he opens it. I look inside. "What? Why are you here?"

"I'm your date."

I feel the smile deep inside of me and it surfaces a few minutes later. This is even better than an unexpected act of kindness----this is a hoped for and finally gotten act of love from this often misunderstood man.

I get in, smiling like a crazy woman. And he has a similar smile. "So, you're not going to slap me for being your date?"

"No but I might slap you for waiting so long to ask me out on a date, Lex."

He moves close to me, his hand touching my cheek and I find myself leaning into this simple touch. "Well, you could have given me some signals. I thought you saw me only as a friend."

"Wrong, Luthor. I have been and always will be enamored of one man; see him as more than a friend, in other words."

"My father? Ouch---Chloe!"

"Enough with the icky thoughts, Lex. Or I might change my mind about loving you and become a nun."

He smiles once more and we kiss---a soft one that deepens. Then we're off on the first of many dates---a journey that started with me watching him bestow his acts of kindness, unexpected by others---but never by me.

The End.