Title: Challenge From Piper - "The Promise"

Author: PMD


Rating: PG-13

Category: Chlex, friendship, Chloe/other (for about two seconds), songfic, Challengefic, futurefic, Chloe's POV, AU

Spoilers: None than I can think of.

Summary: Chloe gets some insight into her future, from a psychic.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, it's characters, the song lyrics to The Love Theme from The Promise and it's mention in the story, as dialogue and thoughts and as the title of this story, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

Archive: To BtS, BT2, SPP, Sabby's and Malu's site. If anybody else wants them, just ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: First off, thanks to Piper for coming up with the challenge. Changed the place and the object but other than that, nothing else has changed. And I want to thank Sabby for allowing me to use her full first name for the psychic. Enjoy everybody. Oh, the challenge elements will be at the end of the story.

Challenge From Piper - "The Promise"

by PMD

"Lana, I am not going in there. I just came along for the ride and because Adam bugged me to come. You know I'm not into psychic fairs."

"Chloe! Ah come on---I don't want to go in by myself."

"Go on, Honey; you'll have fun."

I glare at my friends---at Adam really. "Adam, you are not permanently etched in stone as my boyfriend. Back off!"

He walks up and whispers, "Yes, I am."

No he's not. God, why do I pick men who either want to kill me or change me? Adam was my second choice. He has tried his hardest to change all that I am---and that brought on raging arguments. I'm to the point where I just want to say goodbye to another one.

I want somebody who will dance with me and still keep dancing---even when the music is over---because the music will go on, forever, for us. I want somebody who will find it impossible to say goodnight because they find it unthinkable to ever say goodbye to me. I want somebody who, when I am in his arms, I feel like I'll have traveled everywhere, because my world is there. Okay, Chloe now you are quoting the lyrics of the love theme from The Promise, in my head.

I so need to get a new boyfriend. Somebody who will give me flowers, for no reason at all. Somebody who won't try to change me---well, not that much, because he accepts me for who I am---not what I'm not. In other words---somebody who understands me.

"All right, let's get this over with," I state. And we make our way into the fair--me grumbling the whole way. Rather have my teeth pulled, I think.

"Here we are."

I look at Lana. "Okay, one psychic reading and that's it---you understand?"


We leave Adam to his own devices and walk in. We spy a redhead sitting behind a table. "Hello, young ladies. My name is Lady Sabrina. How may I help you today?"

Well duuuh---maybe a reading, I think.

"Yes, I can give you a reading, young lady," she states, looking at me.

Oooops, forgot---she's a psychic.

"Yes I am. So what would you like some insight into---your work, your love life?"

"Love life," Lana states, before I can speak.

Yeah, sure, whatever. Like this is going to work.

"Young lady, don't be so pessimistic."

"Sorry," I state, as I sit down in the chair beside Lana.

For the next few minutes, Lana hears about what's in store for her. She's met the man already that she will marry---he's far away right now---but will be coming back to visit his parents---all that kind of stuff---all general---nothing specific.

"Now about you?"

"No, it's okay---I just came in because she wanted me to."

"Young lady, you need it more than her. Now give me something of yours, please."

I hand over a bracelet and she touches it. She perks right up and starts speaking. "I see a man---meant only for you. You already know him and he's very handsome."

"Like I know ugly men," I voice.

"Please---I need my concentration---be very quiet." She rubs the bracelet and speaks again. "I see an initial---it's A---yes A. The person's first name starts with A."

She hands the bracelet back to me. "I hope that helps you."

"Yes, it does---thanks," I reply, giving her a slight smirk. "So, are you ready to go, Lana?"

"Yes," she answers, as she gets up, gracefully. "Thank you, Lady Sabrina."

"Yes, thank you very much," I reply.

"You are both welcome."

We leave, Lana all bubbly about her prediction---me, resigned to being with Adam for the rest of my life---like I know any other A's.


"Well, how did it go?" Adam asks, as we walk up to him.

"I've met the love of my life and Chloe---"

I give her a stern look and she stops talking.

"What about Chloe?"

"I'll let her tell you. I'm going to get a coffee---anybody else want one?"

"Sure," I answer her. I watch as she walks away, wanting to join her.

"So, what did the psychic say?"

I turn to him. "Same old---I know the man, his initial, that sort of stuff. I don't believe in it."

"What's the initial?"

"Yes, what is the initial, Sullivan?"

I turn to watch my friend, Lex, walk up to us. I turn to Adam. "Oh, did I forget to mention---Lex has to talk to me about something. Such is the way of work I guess."

"I guess," I reply, smiling at Lex. "So, long time no see, Luthor."

He gives me a smile too. "Yes, I've missed you too, Sullivan."

"Now---I didn't say I missed you---just that I hadn't seen you for a while. So, guess I should leave you gentlemen to talk."

"All right, Sweetheart," Adam states, leaning down to kiss me on the lips. But I move and all he gets is cheek. I back away. "See you later, Alex."

"Later, Chloe."

I walk away and make it to the corner of one booth, when it hits me. Alex---Alexander---A! Oh My God---no---yes! Him---me---not Adam. But he's never shown any interest beyond friendship.

A commotion breaks me out of my thoughts. "Leave me alone, Hal!"

I turn to see a teenager arguing with her boyfriend and it's starting to get physical, on his part. "Hey! Stop that!" I yell.

He turns to look at me---great---a big brute. Chloe, don't back down---you can do this. Remember---yappy dogs are more in your face than big dogs. I walk up to him, glaring. "What? You don't understand English? I told you to stop that, now!"

He stops with his girlfriend and switches his attention to me. "Back off---it's none of your business what I do!"

"Oh yeah---well, I'm making it my business, Buster!"

He's looming over me now---but I'm holding my own until. "Leave her alone!" Geez---Adam---I can handle it, you idiot.

I turn to see him walking up, Lex following close behind. I hear him say to Adam, "She can handle it."

Adam turns to him. "Lex you may be my boss at work but here, I'm boss, over her. Stay out of it!"

"Excuse me?" I ask indignantly. "You're my boss---I'm a slave and you are the master? Do I look like I live in a bottle?"

"Honey, I just mean that maybe---"

"You just mean that only a man can handle a brute like him. Well, buddy, let me tell you, I've faced some of the worst meteor freaks out there and maybe once in a while I've been saved by a man but I tell you, I've done some saving myself. So back off---and I mean all the way, Mister, because we are so through."

Adam is stunned now. "Chloe---we're leaving now. We'll talk about your behavior later on."

"My behavior? My behavior! You son of a bitch!"

"Adam---I think you better leave."

He turns to look at Lex. "This is my problem not yours."

"Hey, just some friendly advice. If you want to be yelled and screamed at, be my guest. But trust me, you don't want to meet the Hazel Fury."

Adam turns to look at me and sees the rage in my eyes. Even Mr. Bigstuff has backed off. A few minutes later, Adam heeds Lex and leaves, with a goodbye. In my mind, I add a so long too.

"Thanks," I reply to Lex, before turning to look at the teenagers.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I was just so jealous of that guy, I couldn't see straight."

"I know but you've got to know, you're the only man for me. Come on---let's go home and watch a video."

I smile as they kiss and watch as they walk over to us. "Sorry about the attitude, Ma'am."

"It's okay---I've heard worse. Just count to ten the next time and talk it out."

"Okay," they both say. Then they walk away.

"Did he just call you Ma'am?"

I turn to look at Lex who's smirking. "Oh, only you would notice that, Luthor. He also said he was sorry."

"That he did. And I'm sorry that you lost another boyfriend, Chloe."

"I'm not," I state, walking up to him and pulling him in for a kiss. Yep---she's right---I know an A and he's definitely going to be the love of my life.

I back away, wondering what his reaction is going to be. It's stunned, followed by acceptance and then something deeper than that. "Chloe---I've wanted to do that for the longest time---trust you to do it first."

I let out a deep breath I had been holding. "Really?"

"Really," he states, before he moves in for another kiss.

"What happened to Adam?"

We back away to see Lana standing there. "Oh, he left to find himself a new girlfriend," Lex states.

"Yeah---I'm already taken," I reply, with a grin.

"And about time too---Adam is way too boring for you, Chloe," Lana states.

We smile at her words and my grin goes ever bigger when I hear music. "Where's the music coming from?" I ask.

"Oh, they've got a tent set up for couples to dance in."

"Oh---why?" I ask her.

"I guess it's for all the new romances coming out of the psychic readings. Hey, why don't you two go in and take a whirl around the floor?"

"Are you game, Sullivan?"

"After you, Luthor---or should I say, Alex."


"Don't ask," I state, as he leads me to the tent.

Inside, the song has finished but another one starts and I have to smile. "What?" he asks, as he takes me into his arms and we start to dance.

"I was just thinking of this song today---and now---here it is."

We move to the music as the song leads us on the romantic path:

"Say goodbye
When I can barely say good night
If I can hardly take my eyes from yours
How far can I go?

Walk away
The thought would never cross my mind
How can I turn my back on spring or fall
Your smile least of all?

When I say always
I mean forever
I trust tomorrow as much as today
I am not afraid to say
I love you
And I promise you
I'll never say goodbye

We're dancers on a crowded floor
While other dancers move from song to song
The music goes on
On and on

And if I ever leave your arms
I really would have travelled everywhere
For my world is there

When I say always
I mean forever
I trust tomorrow as much as today
I am not afraid to say
I love you
And I promise you
I'll never say goodbye"

I hear him whisper in my ear---"And I promise you, I'll never say goodbye."

"Me, too," I whisper, just before we kiss. Me too.

The End.

Further Author's Notes - And Piper's (and mine) challenge elements are:
Place - psychic fair - where Chloe and Lana get their romantic future told.
Time - slight future
Object - flower - what Chloe would love for a boyfriend to bring her, for no reason at all---except that he loves her.
three words - understands, quiet, graceful - Chloe craves a boyfriend who will understand her - quiet is what the psychic wants when she's doing her reading for Chloe - graceful is how Lana is, when she gets out of the chair.
The Love Theme From The Promise - The song that Chloe and Lex dance to, at the end.