Title: For sallie - "Ordinary Miracles"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13

Category: Chlex Married, babyfic, futurefic, songfic, challengefic Lex's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything during the first two years.

Summary: A first for the Luther’s---a child is born to them.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, the characters, and the song lyrics to Ordinary Miracles, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

Archive: To BtS, SPP, BT2, Sabby’s and Malu’s site.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is a fic for my friend, sallie, who's always encouraged my writing in Smallville. Thank you, Sweetie. Hope you like it. I also want to thank David for giving it a once over and to a couple of friends who got a glimpse of it. Enjoy. And the challengefic elements will be at the end of the piece.


"Ordinary Miracles"

by PMD



I turn to see she is awake and smile. "Hey."

She looks down at her stomach. "Ah---where's the baby?"

I walk over to the hospital bed and sit, leaning forward to give her a gentle kiss.

I back away, amazed at how beautiful she looks---how calm she is---after 10 hours of the hardest labor I ever imagined for her. She is definitely a fighter---and the pain of childbirth---was gone from her face and replaced with love---for our little boy and me.

"So, where's our son?"

"Sleeping, like you should be, my love."

"I can't sleep."

"Too stimulated by my charming presence---ouch---watch it! I bruise easily."

"Well, then quit the smart ass cracks, Mr. Luthor."

"I will now, Mrs. Luthor," I state, rubbing my arm. "Well, one things for sure, you haven't lost your strength."

"I'm sorry, Lex. I just can't sleep because---you're not lying beside me. And I'm worried about the baby."

"Chloe---the hospital staff is taking the best of care of all their patients, our son included. As to the other thing, wish I could help you with that but this bed is way too narrow for the both of us."

She smirks at me. "Well, we could figure out something."


She lets out a sigh. "All right---I'll let that one go if---could we go see our son now?"


"Yes, now---unless you have something better to do."

"But it's after---"

"Lex---you donated money to this hospital---you have a wing in your name---you can get them to bend the rules for a good cause. And I promise to go to sleep right after."

"All right, I'll try," I state, getting up, after pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Don't try---Do!" she retorts, when I'm at the door.

I let out a sigh and walk out. I motion to a nurse and ask for a wheelchair to take Chloe to our son. She starts to argue the fact that it's after hours when she remembers how stubborn my wife can be and nods her head.

A few minutes later, I'm wheeling in a chair.

"What's that for?" she asks me.

"Your transportation to our son, milady," I answer.

"I can---" She stops talking when she sees the look in my eyes. "All right---I'll get in. Can you help me?"

I wheel it closer to the bed and help her in. She looks at the nightstand and smiles. "Who got me the teddy bear?"

"Lucas did. And it's a very special teddy."

I lean over and pick it up for her to see.

She looks at it intently and smiles. "Oh---he put the baby's birth date on it."

Yes, Lucas didn't know the name of our baby yet but he had February 23, 2007 engraved on the bear. The baby's name would go on the back later on.

"So, shall we?" I ask, as I place it back on the table.

"Yes, let's."


We take it nice and slow---her checking out everything along the way---me, trying to get her to see that all is clean in the hospital. Gabe warned me about first time mothers---they're worried about the littlest things---a sneeze and the child has the flu---a cough----the child has a cold. First time mothers jitters he calls it.

We arrive at the nursery and look into the large window.

"There he is," I point to her.

She looks and smiles happily at the baby. "Hello, Joseph Zackery Luthor---I'm your Mommy."

"And I'm your Daddy," I state.

The baby starts to cry and the other's join in. "Oh God, he's rejecting me," she sobs, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I get down and pull her into my arms. "No he's not---he probably needs his diaper changed or something."

We both turn to look at him again and notice the harried nurse. "Come on---let's see if we can help," I say.

I wheel her to the door and knock on it. The nurse opens it and gives us a slight smile. "Can I help you?"

"Actually, can we help you?"


"Please, I just want to hold my baby. If I do, I might calm him down and the other babies too," Chloe states.

"All right," she says, moving away from the door and allowing me to wheel her in. She closes it and then we make our way to our son.

I take him out of the bed and place him in his mother's loving arms. "Shush---shush--don't cry. Mommy's here and nobody will hurt you."

The baby still cries but it's less loud now. "Joey, would you like me to sing you a song?"

He quiets a little more and she takes that as a yes. Her beautiful voice fills the nursery as she starts to sing:

"At six weeks you learned to smile

At three months you learned to laugh

At six months you cut a tooth

And at ten months you took a step

At two years you made a best friend

At three years you rode a bike

At four years you learned to skate

And at five years you learned to write

Just ordinary miracles

Ordinary miracles

But all the same they're miracles to me

The days that I'll remember well

Have a simple kind of wonderful

Of ordinary miracles

Your silky head beneath my chin

For bedtime books and lullabies

Your angel kiss upon my cheek

Your teddy bear clutched to your side

How soon the bike wheels turn to car wheels

The lullabies to rock and roll

The teddy bears to pretty girls

And instead of you these thoughts I'll hold

Just ordinary miracles

Ordinary miracles

But all the same they're miracles to me

The days that I'll remember well

Have a simple kind of wonderful

Of ordinary miracles

And I know the day will come

That you'll spread your wings and fly

But I'll treasure these moments all my life

A gentle kind of wonderful

The sweetest days are always full

Of ordinary miracles

Each time I hold you near

It's an ordinary miracle"

Our son has quieted and not only him---all the babies are quiet now.

"We should hire you to sing every night," the nurse softly states.

"I'd do it for free," Chloe say, giving our son a gentle kiss on the forehead and then placing him in my arms. "Lex---I'm a little tired---can we go back to my room?"

"Of course," I say, placing the baby in the nurse’s arms. "Thank you for allowing us in."

"No---thank you for helping me calm down the babies."

We say our good-byes and leave.



"He's perfect isn't he?"

I stop the wheelchair and kneel. "Yes, he's got his mother's hair---"

"---and his father's smile," she finishes, leaning forward to give me a kiss.

We back away and I get back up, wheeling her the rest of the way to her room.

"Now---to bed," I state.

She gets out of the wheelchair and into the hospital bed. I wheel the chair away and come back, seeing her nestled into the bed and smiling at me.

"Remember---sleep---you promised," I reply, with a slight grin.

"I will if you give me a kiss goodnight."

"Well, if I must---"

I walk over and lean into the bed, meeting her halfway. The kiss is as always spectacular. I've kissed women before but until you are in love---deep down, would be lost without her, would do anything to protect her---in love---you really don't know a kiss. And that's what I have with her and always will, I pray.

I back away and smile. "To bed!"

"I am in---oh, you mean to sleep."


"All right," she states, as she closes her eyes.

I stand there, staring at the most beautiful girl in the world.

I reluctantly move away. "No--please stay till I fall asleep," I hear her whisper.

God, I love this woman---this woman who believed in me when nobody else did---who said I could do anything I set my mind too---including getting others to believe in me. And she showed her vulnerability to me when she wouldn't to others. And let me show it too---without repercussions or threats of disowning me.

"Okay," I whisper back. I try to move away to get a chair but she won't let go. "Chloe, I have to get a chair."

"No---get into bed or just sit on it, please."

I look into her eyes that have just opened and see the plea in them. I let out a deep sigh and get into the bed, finding out; maybe this bed isn't as narrow as I thought it was. Or maybe we are just the perfect fit. Or maybe, this is an ordinary miracle that will live in our hearts forever---like our son will.


The End.

Further Authors Notes: The elements are as follows:

Place - hospital - Where Chloe and Lex are after she had their son.

time - future - Chloe is 21.

object - teddy bear with the date of birth---Feb. 23 - A gift from Lucas Luthor, Lex's brother

three words - tears, happy, love - tears - they come from Chloe when she's afraid the baby rejected her - happy - how she is when Lex points out their son to her - Love - what is felt by all

Song - Ordinary Miracles - the song that Chloe sings to her son