Title: A Fallen Hero: The Finally

Author: DCForever

Contact: dcforever23@yahoo.com

Feedback: Yes, I would love to hear and read feedback.

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction

Summary: Its a follow up on how things are going for Chloe, Pete, and Lana.

Archiving: Archiving is permitted as long as I know of where it will be posted and that all the above info stays intact.

Disclaimer: Lets get this straight...I'm not affiliated with anyone...don't have anything of major value. Think that about covers it.

Author's Note: I'm not sure if I did this last part of my story justice or not. I don't believe it is as good as my previous parts, but I'll let you, the readers, decide.I beta read the story myself, but I'm sure there are still plenty of errors for others to report to me on. Enjoy the story.


A Fallen Hero: The Finally
by DCForever

"Hey, Chloe. What can I get ya? Your usual?"

"No, not today, Lana. Just fulfilling a request for Lex and then have to get home. He asked me to drop by and give you a message. He left Smallville earlier today and didn't sound like he would be returning anytime soon. He wanted me to tell you to check the safe. Lex left you something that he thought you would like."

"Did he give you any kind of hint as to what it might be?"

Shaking her head, "Nope. Sorry. Just that you should check the safe."


Lana unties her apron and lays it on the counter top.

"Samantha, can you watch the register for me? Need to go in back for a minute."

As the other girl nodded her head in response, Lana made her way back to the Talon's office; where the safe awaited her arrival. Curiosity was getting the best of the brunette as her hand shook while turning the safe's combination dial from left to right and back to the left.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breathe; she pushed the handle down and pulled open the safe's metal door. When she opened her eyes again, there in the safe, a letter, addressed to Lana, stared back. Money lined the back and sides of the safe, but the yellow piece of legal paper lying in the center of the safe grabbed the girl's full attention.

Sweat started dribbling down the side of her face as she pulled the letter from the safe and retreated to a nearby office chair where she sat and started reading the letter.

'Dear Lana,
I've been your boss for some time now and through that time I'm sure you've learned that I'm a straight shooter. With that said, I'll get straight to the point of this letter. The Talon was once just a dream of a beautiful, brunette and ex-cheerleader that I knew. Through hard work, determination, dedication, and help from a mutual farm boy friend, that brunette girl made her dream come to life. Not only did she give it life, but her smart decisions have made it the success it is today. Therefore I see no reason that the Talon wouldn't be just as successful with the same deserving brunette as its new owner and anchor.'

Heads suddenly turned and conversations ceased to exist as a loud scream of excitement could be heard throughout the small cafe.

Lana continued reading Lex's letter as Chloe quickly made her way towards the back office.

'Ms. Lana Lang, by next Monday morning, my lawyers will have drawn up the appropriate paperwork. All you will need to do is scribble your signature on the awaiting papers and the Talon will legally be yours. My lawyers will handle all the proceedings and/or troubles. I wish you the best with the Talon and your life in and beyond Smallville. If you need to contact me for any reason; my lawyers know how to reach me on my personal line.'

Chloe entered the Talon's office as Lana put the legal paper on the desk. It was the first time that Lana had felt any signs of happiness since the day Clark saved her life.

Thinking back, she replayed the incident in her head. Clark's last words once again echoed in her mind.


"Lana, no matter what happens, remember always that you were my first love. Your life will be different after this moment, but continue to follow your dreams."

Briefly turning his head to see a portion of the roof start to collapse above them, he quickly finished. "Promise me when they try to revive you...you will breath. And tell Chloe I loved her with all my heart and soull...agggghhhh" It was at that moment that she loss consciousness and Clark saved her life by shielding her body from the falling debris.


Chloe stood, watching Lana's face from the office's doorway. She watched the brunette staring out into space as tears welled up in her eyes and slowly descended down her face. The blonde somehow knew that Lana was thinking back to her last day with Clark. Call it a reporter's instinct...or call it a mutual feeling.

Breaking the tearful silence, "Let me guess, the Talon is now yours?"

Lana quickly brought herself back to the present and wiped the tears from her face.

"Yeah...well, sort of. It will be official and all legal like on Monday. I've been dreaming about this day and now it's arrived."

"Just then, you were thinking about him, weren't you?"

"Was I that obvious?" The blonde nodded in response. "He told me to follow my dreams."

"And you've done just that, Lana. How about a celebration?"

"Sounds Clark like, Chloe!" Lana leaned in to hug Chloe before taking a hold of the girl's arm and leading her out of the office and into the middle of the vacant walkway/dance floor.

Releasing Chloe's arm, "Everyone, can I please have your attention please?" Lana's smile started to fade as no one paid her any attention. She tried yelling again but the result was the same.

Chloe took the continued, loud conversing as being rude to her friend. She pulled a chair out from under one of the customers and proceeded to plant her feet in the seat while standing up. Once in position, she whistled as loud as she could; breaking through all the surrounding chattering.

Afterwards, yelling out, "I believe Lana has something to say. Please just give her a minute of your oh so valuable time. Thank You!"

Lana thanked her friend before continuing. "I have just received some good news. I received notice that Lex Luthor, the previous owner of the Talon, has decided to move back to Metropolis and in doing so has given ownership to yours truly. And I feel like a celebration is warranted; free cappuccinos all around." Turning towards Chloe, "And for you, as many as you want...now and forever." Chloe nodded in acceptance of Lana's gracious and undeserving offer.

Everyone clapped and cheered. Some approached the new owner with open arms, congratulatory handshakes and nods.

At that moment, Pete Ross, a dear friend of Chloe, Lana, and Clark, walked through the cafe's glass door, sporting a smile stretching from one side of his face to the other. Having seen everyone hugging Lana in the middle of the floor, the young man made his way over to the girl to do the same.

"Pete, you're smiling...and there's not a girl attached to your arm. What's up?"

"Always the reporter, huh Chloe?"

"From that response I'm assuming you must have received Lex's goodbye present already."

"Yeah, I got it. It's parked outside."

"Parked?" Chloe walked over to the window to see a brand new red, full-bed truck parked on the street.

"Isn't that..."

Breaking the girl's thought, "Yeah, Chloe! It's the same one. Its the only reason I accepted it."

Lana made her way through the crowd and joined the other two by the window. "Wow, nice wheels, Pete. Looks just like the truck Lex tried to give Clark earlier in the year."

"The very same, Lana. Lex and I didn't get along, but after reading the letter that accompanied the present I couldn't turn it away or just let it sit in the yard. I remember how bad Clark wanted it and his dad wouldn't let him keep it. He was like a family to me. So at least this way when he looks down from above he will know that its in the family and that I accepted it on his behalf. I miss him, guys. I really do miss him."

The two girls wrapped their arms around the now tearful young man. They all missed their dear friend.

Once again, Chloe felt it was up to her to break the building

"Guess there won't be anymore bumming rides off of me on the weekends any more, huh Pete? Now that you have wheels and all, does that mean I can now bum rides off you?"

The three leaned against the glass as they laughed at the blonde's comment.

Months later, Chloe, Pete, and Lana all graduated from Smallville High School. It was at their graduation that the new gymnasium was revealed. Lex returned to Smallville to watch his friends in their glorious moment; walk across the stage ... each taking a look at the site of their fallen friend. As the graduation came to a close, the three friends joined each other on stage by the microphone and podium. Chloe was the first to speak, then Pete and finally Lana. They each took their turn.

"It was on this very site that we lost a friend."

"A friend like no other."

"A friend...that became a Smallville Hero."

Altogether they shouted. "We give you Smallville High's new Fortress of Solitude; Kent Memorial Gymnasium."

Each of them raised their hands in the air as the gym's name slowly came into view. The letters stood out as the sun hit off them; projecting a bright green glow.

Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered; Lex shed a tear.

A year later, Clark's three close friends were living out their days in harmony. The Talon was even more of a success for Lana and her new partner, Pete. The two were partners of another kind as well. After a few friendly dates, Pete popped the question and Lana agreed to be his girlfriend. They had their timely fights that were caused by dating and working together, but the make up moments made the fights worth their troubles.

Chloe had left Smallville for the big city of Metropolis, but was somehow unable to grasp the idea of being away from Smallville so she returned and took over the Smallville Ledger as editor and chief. She still keeps in close contact with the friends she made in Metropolis and stays on top of the news worthy stories from the big city. The same time every month though, Chloe relives her life with Clark as she replaces the flowers on his grave and sheds tears over his grave marker.

"Nice to see you Chloe. It's been a while."

"Yeah, been keeping myself busy with the Ledger and all."

"We saw you at the grave site the other day. I wanted to go and say hi, but Lana thought it was best if you were left alone."

"Lana always was pretty smart."

"Yeah, you got that right."

"Uh oh, sounds like someone is talking about me again."

"Hey, Lana. Pete and I were just saying how smart you were."

"Oh, in that case...don't let me stop ya." The three snickered. "So how are you doing, girl?"

"Same ol'. Just taking one day at a time. Pete mentioned that you two saw me at the grave site."

"Yeah. I figured you would want to be left alone."

"Lana, do you ever visit his grave? I mean, it was you that he died saving...and loving."

Chloe's words sliced right through Lana as she remembered she had never completely followed through on her promise to Clark.

"Oh, Chloe. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for what I'm about to tell you. I can't believe after all this time I hadn't told you."

"Told me what?"

"Yeah, sweetheart...told her what?"

"Clark's last words...before the roof finally collapsed."

"Please, Lana. Please tell me what they were." Water started building up the corner of the blonde's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Chloe. I should of...I'm really sorry." Lana tried to build up the strength needed to tell her friend the one thing she had longed to hear. "Tell Chloe that I loved her with all my heart" A tear swelled up in her eye. "...and soul."

Chloe broke down in tears, covering her face, as she couldn't stop the multitude of descending droplets.

"I'm really sorry, Chloe. I should never have held it back."

Pete exits his side of the booth and joins the sobbing blonde on her side.

"Well, Chloe...now you know. He died loving you...not Lana." He draped his arm across the girl's back as he looked into Lana's own tear filled eyes, mouthing in silence "I love you."

From that day forth, Chloe Sullivan only visited Clark Kent's gravesite on special occasions. She had heard the words she had be awaiting most of her young life. Clark 'loved' her. She even stopped her Sunday ritual of taking conversational walks with Martha Kent through the wheat fields. That was something that she loved doing with Clark when he was alive. He loved the outdoors; whether the sun was shining or hell's droplets were raining from the sky. Life had
certainly changed for the young blonde reporter, but little did she know ... she was in for yet another change.

On no particular date or night, Chloe had just finished putting the Ledger to bed when she caught site of an article in Metropolis's world-renowned newspaper, The Daily Planet. She sat down and read the article from beginning to end, allowing only the crucial information to penetrate her brain. Some unknown person rescued twenty men and women from an explosion at the Metropolis National Bank.

A witness reported the following; "He was a young man. Couldn't see his face, but his voice was that of a young man ... approximately 6'2" tall and quite muscular. Had to have been to rip off the bank's safe's door like he did and shield us from the explosion. And fast too. It was like he was there one moment and gone the next. He was a real super man. He was wearing a red cape as well. Funny outfit, but a hero nonetheless."

Chloe's heart sunk as she read and re-read the Planet's leading article. She thought, 'could it have been him? Is he alive? Coincidence maybe?' Chloe needed reassurance so she jumped into her
car and sped over to the Kent's residence. Thoughts invaded her mind every second of the way.

Opening her car door, she quickly ran up to the front porch of the Kent's farmhouse and threw open the wooden, front door. Yelling at the top of her lungs, "Martha!"

The screaming girl stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the Kent's living room. Martha sat on the couch, patching up what looked to be a red and blue suit with the same 'S' insignia that she had previously seen. The older lady looked up at the shocked girl and smiled. Turning her head towards the adjoining doorway, Chloe's eyes followed until her view was obstructed by a half naked young man.

"Hey, Chloe."

The young blonde haired reporter started shaking at the sound of the odd, but familiar voice. "Clark?"

Reaching out and drawing the blonde towards his frame, "I'm sorry!"

The End