Title: - Breathe 2.

Author: - Katt.

E-mail: - kattanon@hotmail.com

Rating: - G.

Feedback: - Like it or loathe it let me know.

Archive: - Archived at the Shield Fanfiction Archive.

Disclaimer: - I don’t own any of the characters of The Shield, they all belong to Shawn Ryan and FX.

Author’s Notes: - I managed to contact Kageygirl who very graciously gave me permission to adapt her original idea and use it in this series. If anyone wishes to read the story that provided the inspiration for this series it can be found here: - www.kageygirl.com. Many thanks to Kageygirl for her generosity.

Breathe 2.
By Katt

Breathe – his lungs were screaming. Blood pounding in his head. He pressed his lips tightly together, refusing to give in.

He needed to be quiet, unmoving, invisible, so they wouldn’t find him.

No more taunts, no new bruises.

He just wanted to be alone, to fade into the background.

Coming closer, searching for him.

His heart thudding, wanting to breathe, afraid they’d hear, betrayed by a breath.

Coming nearer. Fighting the urge to bolt, to run.

The buzzer, the end of recess, the end of the hunt – until tomorrow.

Could he hold his breath that long, fade away to nothing?