United we Fly



The Sentinel Due South

Jim/Blair Ray/Ben


Feedback welcome

Ok to post any place.

Note: This was a bit of a plot bunny that I had. Blame it on being shown a PIC of Richard and Garret and moaning about not seeing them together.

Summary: Jim has a long stay over at Chicago Airport and a old friend helps him pass the time.


United We Fly


"Ray! You old dog! Thanks for coming out! I was about to lose my mind with boredom "Jim Grabbed Rays hand in eager welcome. It had been a long time since he had seen the detective. He noted the thinning hair, the loss of weight. Changes. Hell. To be expected.

: Hey Jim!" Ray slapped Jim on the shoulder, in a friendly male bonding way. "It been what, a few years, right? If you're gona go slumming in Chicago, you better slum with the best ! You make Cop of the year this year?"

"Na, think that they going to give it to someone else this year, at least I hope so. 3 year's running is a bit much. I was just in the right place at the right time. Or wrong time, if you look at it that way"

"Come on.. Last year with the terrorist . . Tell me that was just being in the wrong place!"

"What are you having?" Jim waved over the bartender. " Sir? Can I get two more long necks? and pretzels. Thanks."

Ray took a long slow sip of his beer. "Thanks ... nothing like knocking back a brew. Have not done this in a long time. Been hanging out with a Boy Scout. You take him into a bar, and well, I start feeling guilty about corrupting the morals of a Canadian. And you never know what he might do. I have gotten into more accidental bar fights and international problems in the last two years.... " Ray mock shuddered, but there was a grin on his face.

"Who is this Boyscout. your hanging around, I heard about the Red wonder, some RCMP that has been disinfranchancated from Canada. You have to truly be a pain in someone but to be assigned to Chicago."

"You don't know the half of it. He first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father. I happened to be the poor smuck that started his paper work. Poor kid. I mean, he's not a kid, but he has no street smarts what so ever. And so polite! I just knew that he was going to get knifed or stiffed somehow, so I go and take him under my wing."

"I see." Jim smiled, as he took a long sip of his beer. "And would this refugee from Canada have any thing to do with you raising to a 95% solve rate in your cases? I remember it being like in the low... 30%.

"So he helps me! He has been be attached to the Chicago Police as a .... Oh I get it. Your pulling my wires. You know all about him." Ray gave a playful push at Jim's brood shoulder.

"You have to admit that you have really turned your life around. Last time I saw you, you were just going through your divorce." Jim paused, looking Ray in the eye. "Things OK on that end?"

"You mean, do I wake up ever morning and reach for her, just to find a cold spot on the side of the bed that she should be? Do I stop in the middle of the day and think about calling home to see if she needs any thing on the way home, maybe milk or bread, Or I just want to here her voice, to know that some one give a dame about me?...Just to stop short, and want to cry, that she is not there, I don't live with her. or if I think about her when some scum bag is tossing lead at me, and wonder if she would be sad if I got killed?"

Ray stopped. He wiped a hand over his face. It's been two years. I'm starting to get used to it."

"I understand. Carol and I, well I understand

"Sucks don't it? So, any one special in your life?" Ray looked at his friend. hoping that he was not pushing any buttons.

"Not realy. But I got a partner, sort of. Not a cop, he is sort of an observer. He gets me in and out of all sort's of shit. You would not believe him! has hair down to his shoulders. Dresses like a hippy and talks like there is no tomorrow. An academic. Doing his dis on the Thin Blue Line."

"Wow! Who did you piss off to get stuck with him?" Symphony filled Rays face.

"Probably the same people that you pissed off to get a Mountie as a partner."

The two men drank in commonable silence. An evil grin came over Rays face. "Trade you? Have to warn you that he licks stuff, and is way way too polite. But he;s got ears like a bat."

"Not on a bet. That is my flight being called. Thanks for coming out and hanging with me. It was great talking about old times. How about I call you on the way back? It will be a longer layover, we can do dinner?"

"Sure! Make it long enough, and I take you home to a moms cooking!"

"Take care Ray. And take care of your partner." Jim Grinned sound like your finally got a winner.

