Title: The Cave

by Brenda S. Knodle

Email: Nena301@aol.com

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing Jim and Blair (gen)

Standerd Disclaimer: The Sentinel and all characters belong to Petfly, UPN, and Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended. And no money is being made, so please don't sue. This is purely for the enjoyment of the fans.

.Disclaimer I once again like to thank those who helped me get this story done Wendy, Tab, Kat, Kaytee, and some more everyone who preread it to let me know i did a good job and encourged me to get it posted finally.

feed back please thanks

"The Cave"
By Brenda S. Knodle

It's early morning at the loft. Jim is up with the sun and fixing breakfast. Blair walks out of his room, yawning hugely as he puts on his shirt.

"Morning, Chief," said Jim, handing Blair a cup of coffee.

"Morning," Blair mumbled sleepily, taking the cup gratefully.

"You look a little rough this morning. Did you stay up half the night working again?" asked Jim while dishing up eggs and bacon and setting the plates on the table.

"I had work I needed to finish, Jim. You know how that is," Blair replied wearily, having had this particular conversation too many times since he'd moved into the loft.

"Yeah, I do, Chief. I've decided you're killing yourself, and you need a vacation," Jim announced, taking his seat at the table.

"Vacation?!" Blair asked incredulously, almost sputtering on his coffee. "You must be joking!" said Blair with a laugh, recovering quickly. "I have no time for a vacation, Jim. I have classes and I have to teach all week at the university, not to mention my research papers and helping you and working with you at the station. I have no time for SLEEP, let alone a vacation," Blair said defensively, a little hostile now at the turn the conversation had taken.

"Whoa, Chief, settle down, alright? It's all been taken care of. Your classes are covered for the next two weeks, and you're taking a week’s vacation of pure pleasure. Then, you'll have a week off to do your research and all sorts of other work that's been put aside. I've arranged everything," said Jim with a grin.

"Jim?" Blair asked, confused at this turn of events. Jim laughed at his confusion on and said, "Simon's got to go to Peru for a lecture on big city crime while we go camping. He'll catch up with us after he finishes impressing the Peruvian officials with the Cascade PD's methods and our high conviction rate."

"Are you saying Simon arranged all this?" asked Blair, still not quite convinced he wasn't dreaming this whole conversation.

"That's what I am saying, Chief. So as soon as you're finished eating, get packed. I've gotta go run an errand, and I'll be back in about an hour to load up. We'll meet Simon at the airport.

"Ok, Jim, but I still can't believe all this."

"Like I said, Chief, you need a vacation and some rest and the only way I know how to get you away from work is take you out into the middle of nowhere were you can't find any work to do."

"Uh, Jim, you forgot one thing with that statement; I'm an anthropologist. I live for the mountain areas untouched by modern man," laughed Blair.

"Cute, Chief." said Jim putting his plate into the sink. "I'll be back soon," said Jim grabbing his jacket and keys. "See you in a little while and try to be ready," Jim threw over his shoulder as he was walked out the door.

Blair finished his breakfast and did the dishes and then packed his duffel bag for a week of camping--lots of extra heavy clothes for nights and in case it rained. He packed a couple of notebooks and put them in ziplock bags to keep dry. He then did the same with all his socks so they would always be dry. He finished up and put his stuff by the door and read a book until Jim returned.

"Chief?" yelled Jim coming into the loft. "Sitting right here Jim," said Blair taken off his glasses. "You ready?" "Yeah," said Blair grabbing his jacket. "Lets go."

"Ok, Chief, I put my stuff in the truck last night you got everything you need?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to roll."

Jim laughed as Blair grabbed his bag and headed out the door. They drove to the airport and meet up with Simon at the landing gates. "Hi, Simon," they said in unison as they approached the police captain.

"Jim, you sure you want to do this?"

"Sure, Simon. Why?"

"Nothing just checking," Simon replied.

Twenty minutes later they were aboard the airplane headed for Peru. Simon and Jim were allowed to keep their guns and badges, although they kept their guns hidden from sight as
instructed by the airline to prevent passengers from panicking that the plane was gonna be hijacked. The two policemen sat talking for a while. Blair soon drifted off to sleep between them.

Jim laughed at how quickly Blair drifted off. Simon motioned for Jim to join him at the back of the plane. Once back there, Jim said "Yeah, Simon; what's up?"

"I just wanted to know how you got the kid to go along with this. I mean, he works so hard and I know he never considers himself for much needed rest."

"I didn't ask him, sir. I told him I had arranged everything and that he had no choice in the matter; he's coming with us." smiled Jim.

They laughed and walked back to their seats and sat down. "Jim?" whispered Simon. "Yeah?" Jim whispered back, trying not to wake Blair. "The kid looks cute when he's a asleep." "Yeah, he's also quiet," laughed Jim.

"Are you two through?" asked Blair, not opening his eyes.

"Sorry, Blair," said Simon. "It's alright sir," Blair replied sleepily.

"Go back to sleep, Chief," said Jim. "I'm trying." mumbled Blair.

"You want to sit next to the window?" Jim asked. "That way Simon and I won't bother you."

Blair opened his eyes and looked at Jim and said "Uh, yeah right; bad enough I'm on this plane but you sit me by the window, and I'll go crazy."

Jim and Simon laughed. Blair joined in, chuckling softly, and he soon drifted back to sleep. Jim and Simon were soon fast asleep as well.

The flight was long and boring. Jim and Simon slept about half of the way but soon took a couple of empty seats in the back of the plane, so as not to wake Blair, who ended up
sleeping until they were approaching the airport for landing. Jim and Simon returned to their seats.

Jim nudged Blair awake. "Chief? Come on, wake up." Blair stretched and opened his eyes and looked around as if he'd forgotten were he was. "Come on, Chief, it’s time to join the living were about to land in a few minutes."

"Oh ok, I'm awake," said Blair straightening and putting on his seat belt.

"You alright, Sandburg?" asked Simon. "Yeah, I'm fine, Simon. Why?"

"It's just that you slept the whole time."

"It's called not getting enough rest sir," Jim answered for Blair. "It seems our young friend has spent the past several weeks working almost nonstop. That's why he is with us--to relax and stop thinking about work for a little while."

The plane landed, and they departed from the plane and headed for the car waiting to take them to the hotel. The convention sponsors had arranged for the car, as well as the hotel stay and gear for their camping trip.

Jim, Blair, and Simon checked into the hotel and got cleaned up before joining the Peruvian officials for dinner. They talked mostly about police matters, comparing law enforcement in Peru and the States.

Still tired from the trip, Blair was content to just let the conversation flow over him until one of the officials asked Blair, "What is your connection with the police department, Mr. Sandburg?" Blair was thrown off guard at the sudden attention, but Simon came to his rescue. "Sorry gentlemen; Mr. Sandburg has a slight touch of jet lag," the police captain explained. "Mr. Sandburg isn't a police officer; he's an anthropologist at our local university."

"WHAT?!" demanded the man in charge. "You said that people with the department would be accompanying you!" the official said, glaring at Simon.

"Whoa, hold on, gentlemen let me finish," Simon said, trying to calm the Peruvian officials. "Blair is Detective Ellison's partner. He is also a special consultant for the department. He doesn't carry a gun or a badge, but he is a very important person to our department. He has helped solve a lot of cases."

"Oh, ok, we understand know. That is very interesting, we would like to know more about this consultant position and how it helps the department."

"Maybe later, gentlemen," replied Simon. "If you'll exclude us, I think were all experiencing jet lag, and I have a few notes to go over on my speech before tomorrow morning."


Simon, Jim and Blair stood up to leave.

"Goodnight, Gentlemen," said the head of the Peruvian officials. "Detective Ellison and Mr. Sandburg, a car will be waiting for you at first light with your gear to take you to the area where you'll be camping. Just one word of advice: Be careful of the caves; we have a lot of cave-ins
this time of year."

"We will, sir, and thank you," said Jim and they headed for their rooms.

Blair and Jim shared a double room and Simon had his own room. They said good night to Simon and went to their room.

Once inside Jim said, "Chief? You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah man, I'm fine. Why?"

"Why? You were millions of miles away at dinner."

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jim, I was just thinking of how great this trip's gonna be. When will Simon join us?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Jim, are you gonna be alright with this?" Blair asked, remembering the last time they were in Peru, when they rescued Simon and his son, Daryl.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Ok, just checking." smiled Blair.

"We'll check this!" said Jim and threw a pillow at Blair, hitting him in the face with it. "Hey!" yelled Blair and threw it back. Jim dodged the pillow easily and said, "Go to bed, Chief!"

They laughed, got ready for bed, and fell asleep immediately, worn out by the long flight. When Jim's alarm clock went off, he found his young friend already up and ready to go.

"Morning, Chief, how long you been up?"

"About 2 hours; let's get going!" Jim watched as Blair almost bounced across the room to answer the knock at the door. His bright-eyed, energetic partner was full of life again for the first time in months, and Jim was glad for the changes inspired by sleep and the promise of a real vacation. He'd missed seeing this side of his young friend.

Blair answered the door to find a man with a cart with coffee and food on it. "Gentlemen, your breakfast complements of Peru. Enjoy your trip," said the waiter as he wheeled the cart into the room before leaving.

"Whoa! Look at all this food," said Blair as he clapped his hands together.

"Yeah, they must've heard about your cooking," smirked Jim.

Blair poured him a cup of coffee, smiling back. "Ha, ha, Jim. Eat so we can get ready to leave," he said impatiently, grabbing a plate of food.

A sudden thought struck Blair. "Jim, how is Simon gonna know where to find us?"

"Easy Chief, we will have a beacon so he can follow us and we also have radios in case something happens," said Jim.

He and Blair quickly polished off breakfast, and Jim got dressed. They made their way outside and found their guide/driver waiting by a truck packed with camping gear.

"Hello, gentlemen. My name is Samuel," greeted the driver. "I will be your guide," he said as

I'm supposed to take you up the mountain if you wish," said the driver as they headed out of town. "That would be fine," said Jim.

Jim relaxed as they drove into the lush Peruvian countryside, watching the passing scenery. Blair stayed busy, videotaping the rolling hills outside the truck windows.

They'd driven for about two hours when Jim asked, "Chief?"

"Yeah Jim?"

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah, Jim, this is great. Look at the scenery. This is great, man!" said Blair repeated excitedly.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," Jim responded.

"I wonder how Simon is doing with his convention?" asked Blair.

"I don't know, but I'm glad we didn't have to stay and listen to his speech," said Jim.

Blair laughed out loud at Jim's remark. "I would definitely be asleep," said Blair with a laugh.

"Tell you what, Chief; I bet this will be a trip we'll both remember for a long time."

"I hope so, Jim; who knows when we'll get a chance like this again." said Blair.

After about 4 hours of driving they pulled up to the side of the road and Blair got out of the car with Jim and the guide, still recording. Looking through the camera lens, he said, "We are now 4 hours out of the city. Say hi, Jim!"

Jim looked at Blair and said, "Hi. Now get your gear!" Blair laughed and said "See! He's the same in or out of the city!"

Jim stopped what he was doing and started towards Blair, who began backing up. "See what I mean! He's coming at me to take away the video recorder. This is my proof. See what I have to deal with!"

Blair continued backing up, not watching where he was going, until he tripped over a rock and landed on his back, never taking his eyes or the camera off Jim as he lay flat on his back.

Jim smiled at this and quickly reached out with a helping hand to his friend to help him up. "Are you alright?" asked Jim pulling Blair to his feet.

The younger man turned off the camera. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks."

"You need to be careful, Chief. We aren't even camping yet and you've already tried to injure yourself," said Jim wryly.

"Yeah, yeah." said Blair putting the camera in his backpack and getting his gear and the and Jim and their guide started up the mountain. They walked for a couple more hours, Blair soon fell behind Jim and Samuel. They were taller and had longer legs. The air was different from the air in cascade; it was thinner. Jim noticed Blair had lagged back far behind him.

"Hey Sam, hold up. The kid's falling behind, lets let him catch up." They stopped and Jim turned up his hearing and listened to Blair's lungs. They were gasping for air.

It took Blair a few minutes to catch up with them. Once he was with them Jim said "Sam, I think we'll take a breather here for a few minutes."

"Ok, sir, you both rest. I want to check ahead and make sure we're still on the right heading," Samuel said, already walking ahead. Jim nodded absently in acknowledgment; his attention totally focused on Blair as the younger man plopped on the ground.

Jim knelt down next to his friend, who was still gasping for air. "Easy, Chief, just breathe. Try to relax and breathe normally."

"What is going on? This should be easy for me!" asked Blair worriedly.

"It's because the air is different here. We're quite high up in the mountains; that might have something to do with it. And don't ask how high--you really don't want to know," said Jim.

"I guess your sentinel abilities have already adjusted to the thinner air," said Blair, wishing his lungs could acclimate to the thinner air as quickly as his friend's did.

"That and I spent a while in Peru, remember," Jim smiled as Blair took out his canteen and quickly gulped some water.

"Yeah, how could I forget," Blair said and rolled his eyes. Jim playfully smacked the back of Blair's head and said, "If you do, we're both in big trouble." They laughed as Samuel returned.

"Ok guys, we should be there in about an hour," Samuel reported back to them.

"Great." said Blair as Jim pulled him to his feet.

"Lead the way, Samuel," said Jim.


Jim and Blair lagged behind Samuel so they could talk out of earshot.

"Jim, have you tried opening up your hearing or sight yet?"

"Nope. I figured if I did, I might walk off a cliff or something. That would put a damper on our partnership," said Jim with a grin.

"Oh yeah, man! Not to mention a great camping trip," laughed Blair, dodging Jim as he tried to smack the back of his head.

Soon, they reached the spot where they were going to camp for the week. As Blair took off his pack, Jim and Samuel walked over to the edge of a cliff and looked at the view. "Chief you have got to see this," yelled Jim. Blair stood up on his tiptoes, said "uh, yeah nice," and went back to his pack.

Samuel looked at Jim and said, "Uh, is your friend ok? This is the greatest spot in Peru."

"Yeah, Sandburg's alright. He's just got this problem with heights," smiled Jim.

After a couple of minutes they walked back over to Blair and began setting up camp. Jim and Samuel pitched the tents while Blair gathered rocks for the fire pit and wood for the fire that night plus extra for the next day. They made camp and had a fire going by sunset.

They ate dinner, Jim and Samuel talking casually while Blair wrote in his book. "Chief?" said Jim. Blair was so engrossed in what he was writing he didn't hear Jim. "Chief!" said Jim again, louder this time and snapped his fingers.

Blair looked up and said, "Uh, oh yeah, Jim?" "That better not be work!" "It's not!" said Blair quickly, closing and putting his book away so that Jim couldn't catch him in a lie. He didn't want the older man to find out until next week about the new tests he'd been devising for the last few hours.

"Good, so hit the hay. I want you well rested tomorrow. Samuel says there are some nice caves in this area to explore."

"Cool! Ok, I'm going," Blair said, heading for the tent.

Jim shook his head as he watched his friend leave. "Sir?" said Samuel, who'd stayed quiet most of the time. "It's Jim, Samuel," Jim softly corrected.

"Uh, Jim if I may ask, why do you call Mr. Sandburg 'Chief'?" Jim laughed and replied, "You see, my friend Blair is an anthropologist. Do you know what that is?"


"Ok, he gets into nature and its music and cultures. The first time I meet him he was listening to some bongo drums like the Indians use for their dances. Also, the way he looked reminded me of an Indian Chief. So, I called him Chief, and I have ever since."

"Oh. You two have a special friendship don't you?"

"Blair and I are good friends, yes. He helps me with my job as a cop, and he assists the department in many different ways. He's been through hell since he teamed up with me.

He was kidnapped once, and after he was rescued he told me a story from a culture he had studied that reminded him of me and called me his Blessed Protector. Believe me, I feel like his protector," said Jim with a grin.

"What are your plans tomorrow Samuel? Are you going to go exploring with us?"

"Uh, no sir, I'm going to head down the mountain after breakfast and meet with Captain Banks. I wish for him to join us safe and sound," he said with a grin.

Jim stood up and said, "Well Samuel, I guess will see you at first light."

"Good night, Jim."

Jim quietly entered the tent he and Blair shared and found the younger man already fast asleep. Jim laughed and climbed into his sleeping bag and turned out the lantern, dropping off into sleep quickly. However, he kept waking up, bothered by the night sounds he couldn't block out. His ears were zoning on every single noise they could pick up. He kept tossing and turning until he felt someone shake him.

Jim removed the sleeping bag from his face. "Hey man, wake up," said Blair sleepily.

"What, Chief, what's wrong?" asked Jim as he looked at his friend on his knees next to Jim.

"You. You're tossing and turning and you're driving me nuts. Not to mention that you woke me up, and I can't get back to sleep with you thrashing all over the place. What is the problem?"

"The problem is my ears are on overdrive, picking up every little sound out there and it's driving me nuts!" Jim snapped.

"I figured your senses would go crazy. That's why I brought these," said Blair opening a small box. In the box were the white noise generator earplugs that Blair had used with Jim's hearing before when his ears had been cleaned and he couldn't dial his hearing down.

Jim shook his head and got the earplugs out of the box. "I'd be up a creek without you around. Thanks, Chief."

"Hey, that's my job, remember. Besides, I need some sleep and if you keep tossing and turning like you were doing, neither of us will get any sleep," smiled Blair, getting back into his sleeping bag.

"Night, Jim." "Night, Chief thanks."

They slept through the night with no more disturbances from Jim's enhanced senses acting up on him. Jim awoke early as usual at first light to the smell of bacon and eggs frying. He took out the noise generators and put them back in the small box and stowed them in his pack in case he needed them again. He then reached over and shook his friend.

"Come on, Chief, time to get going."

Blair covered his head with the sleeping bag. "Go away!"

Jim laughed. "Come on, Blair. It smells like Samuel is cooking breakfast." Blair sat up in a shot, inhaled deeply and said "Oh boy, food!" Jim laughed and said "Last one to the fire does the dishes."

They each hurried to get their shoes on and both tried to get out of tent at the same time. Blair tripped and fell out of the opening and laid there for a moment laughing. Jim came out of the tent a second later. Blair jumped to his feet and started running. Jim took off running after him. They both got to the fire at the same time, and they dropped to the ground laughing uncontrollably.

"Sorry, Blair. Are you alright?" asked Jim laughing to the point of tears. "Yeah, I can't believe you shoved me out of the tent!" laughed Blair. "I was trying to give you a head start! You weren't supposed to fall on your face!" Blair fell on his back and laughed harder.

"Morning guys!" said Samuel looking at them in confusion.

Blair sat back up and said as he stifled his laughter and wiped his eyes. "Morning, Samuel; breakfast smells great!"

'Sure does; thanks, Samuel," said Jim.

"So are you going with us to explore caves?" asked Blair. "Uh, no. Sorry; maybe tomorrow. I'm heading back down in a few minutes to meet up with your captain."

"Oh, I thought he had a tracking device or something to find us with," asked Blair.

"He does have one as does each of us," said Samuel. "But I told him I would come down and get him and walk back up. He doesn't know these woods like I do, and I'm sure he'd feel better, as would you, if he wasn't alone in these mountain."

"I get you; smart thinking," said Blair. "Well, with that, I best be down the mountain. Captain Banks will be arriving at our car in about three and a half hours. So, enjoy your breakfast and remember when you explore these caves that they're old and can be dangerous."

"We will and you be careful, too. We'll meet you back here at dark if not sooner." said Jim.

Samuel grabbed his pack and headed down the mountain. Blair and Jim finished up their breakfast and washed the dishes in a nearby stream.

"Ok, Chief, why don't you put out the fire, and I'll check our gear and bring it out so we can get started." said Jim. "Ok," said Blair, grabbing a pot of coffee and pouring it on the fire. He wanted to make sure there were no hidden fires lingering that might start a fire while they were gone. Once Blair was sure it was out and no sparks lurking, he helped Jim with their packs. They were just regular backpacks with flashlights, extra batteries, blankets, water, food, and a radio for emergencies or if they got separated.

"Ok Blair, we're ready to hit those caves. I put your camera in your pack in case you wanted pictures, and I left your video camera in there, also."

"Cool, Jim thanks." said Blair as he took his pack.

"Lets go." said Jim zipping up the tent and they headed off to find some caves.

They walked for about an hour until they found a cave. They took out their flashlights and entered the dark opening. "Hey, Chief, let's make sure we go slow ok?"

"Sure, Jim; how about you lead the way?" asked Blair. Jim shook his head at his friend and walked ahead, taking the lead.

They walked about 20 feet when the cave became so small and narrow that they would have to crawl.

"Blair, should we continue on and crawl through with the chance of it not opening or find another cave."

"I don't know. Why don't I shine the light into it and you use your eyes to see if and where it ends," said Blair .


Blair and Jim got on their hands and knees and Blair shined the lights while Jim focused his eyes and followed the beam of light to the end. After a couple of minutes Jim shook himself out this mini-zone and said "I'd say find a new cave."

"Dead end?"

"No, a cave-in half way down the tunnel. I could tell it went farther but part of the roof is on the floor."

"Ok," said Blair and they headed back to the opening. Jim shielded his eyes from the sun as they came out. "I need to remember to bring my shades with me on these cave trips; the sun blinds me each time I come out." said Jim.

"Hey, I'm glad for your enhanced sight; it just saved us hours of useless crawling in caves," laughed Blair as they walked on.

They walked another hour or so before they found another cave to explore.

"Hold up, Chief, before we try this one, lets take a break and rest up so we're more alert in there, ok?"

"Sure, Jim," Blair replied.

Finding some shade under the leafy limbs of a large tree near the cave opening, they sat down on the ground, ate some trail mix and drank some water, then stretched out under the tree, looking up at the beautiful sky and the woods. "This is the life," said Blair.

"Yeah, that it is, Chief, but let's not forget that in 5 days were have to return to our regular lives. I want you to promise me, Chief, that you'll slow down some and stop killing yourself with my work and your work, alright?" "I'll try but no promises." said Blair.

Soon both had drifted off to sleep under the tree.


Meanwhile, Samuel had arrived at the bottom of the mountain and was sitting in his car, waiting for Simon to arrive. He had enjoyed talking with Jim and Blair up on the mountain, and he'd enjoyed the friendship the guys shared. There was more to their relationship that they weren't telling . He was sure it wasn't sexual, but rather some secret that had brought them together, more like brothers. He smiled at the memories of this morning when Blair had fallen out of the tent and Jim had pushed him to give him a head start. Soon Simon pulled up in another car.

"Captain Banks?" asked Samuel as they got out of their cars. "Are you Samuel?"

"Yes, sir."

They shook hands and Simon said, "They guys stayed up there?"

"Yes sir, they were exploring caves."

"Are we ready?"

"Uh, hold up a minute, sir," said Samuel holding up a hand "Looks like we might get a little wet. Rainshower coming."

"That's fine," said Simon. "I'm anxious to get up there and join them."

"Alright sir; this way." They then headed up the mountain. It started raining about 20 minutes later.


Jim and Blair slept under the tree nearly an hour when it started to rain. Rain drops fell on Blair's face. He wiped them off and said "Jim stop throwing water at me, man!"

"I'm not," said Jim sitting up. "Chief, get up. It's starting to rain; we'll take shelter in the cave until it's over." said Jim as he and Blair ran for the cave.

Once inside it began to rain harder. "Well, shall we?" said Jim facing the back of the cave. "Sure." said Blair. He led the way this time.

"Hey Jim, look at these drawings." said Blair after about an hour walking into the cave. They were in a room with different tunnels. Blair had found some pictures drawn on the walls.

"Looks like entect Indians " said Blair studying them. "This is great I've got t get some pictures of these. Watch your eyes Jim." said Blair focusing and then snapped pictures causing the flash to go off.

"So what do they say, Chief?" asked Jim looking at them. "I'm not sure, Jim." said Blair putting away the camera and pulling out his video camera and turning on the light which lit the whole small room of the cave. Once it was lit up, Jim could see that there were 3 different exits from the small room. He shone his light down each one and focused his eyes on each, discovering they had no exits just dead passages.

"Well Chief, the only way out is the way we came but there are more tunnels."

"Hold on, Jim; look at these drawings. See, look at these guys. They seem to be walking along.." said Blair pointing to them. "…and here they are falling over and laying on the ground. They made it look as though the ground is shaking," said Blair showing Jim the pictures.

"Oh, I see," said Jim, looking closely at the pictures. "Maybe it a symbol of an earthquake. See how everything has fallen with the Indians."

"This is cool stuff," said Blair taken more video of it. After he had all the pictures on video he put the camera away.

"Ok, Chief, ready to move on?"

"Ya just one second." said Blair moving across the room.

Jim shook his head and said "This is work , Chief." "Yeah, I know Jim, but I don't think anyone has ever been in here before."

About then Jim's hearing zoned and he heard a crackling sound from somewhere; he couldn't pinpoint it's direction it seemed to come from everywhere. As his hearing returned to normal. He said "Blair, I think we need....." He never finished his sentence--the ground and cave began to shake violently.

"SANDBURG!" yelled Jim.

"What's happening?" cried Blair.

"Earthquake!" Jim yelled back as both men covered their heads and dropped to the ground, trying not to get hit by pieces of the falling ceiling. By the time the cave stopped shaking, both men were lying unconscious on the cave floor.


Samuel and Simon had nearly made it to the campsite when they felt the ground begin to shake.

"What on earth?" yelled Simon, struggling to stay upright as the ground shook violently.

"Earthquake!" yelled Samuel as he fell to the ground.

Simon made his way to him and noticed a tree was beginning to fall. He pulled the fallen man out of the path of the falling tree seconds before it crashed to the ground. The men dropped to the ground and stayed there for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath as the tremors slowly stopped.

Does this happen here often?" asked Simon as he and Samuel got to their feet.

"No, that was the first I've ever felt up here," answered Samuel. A sudden dread filled the guide. "Oh my God, sir. If your friends were in a cave when that hit, they could be in serious trouble," Samuel said, running toward the camp.

When they reached the camp, it was deserted.

"They're not back yet."

"We better go look for them. Do you know where they were going?" asked Simon.

"Yeah, but they could be any where on the mountains now," The anxious guide answered.

"Samuel, they are supposed to be wearing tracking devices. Do they have them, and do you have the transmitter to track them with?"

"Oh yes, I forgot about that; I'll be right back."

As Samuel went to his tent to get the transmitter, Simon went into the other tent and got some food and a first aide kit and returned to the other tent as Samuel was coming out.

"Ok, Captain, I have it, but I don't know how it works."

"I do; let me see it," responded Simon, setting down the supplies that were in his arms and taking the device from Samuel.

Simon flipped on a switch and it read "out of range." "Dammit!" growled Simon. "I guess we'll have to figure out which way they went."

"I suggested the caves that way." said Samuel pointing. toward the way the guys had went.

"Alright, I guess we better get started.

Armed with the provisions and hoping fervently that they would quickly find the missing men unharmed, Simon, and Samuel headed off toward the caves.


Hours later, Jim finally regain consciousness. He moaned and put his right hand to his head and tried to sit up using his left, only to feel horrible pain and the arm wouldn't move. "Broken." said Jim sitting up with his right arm and moaning again. He put his hand to his forehead again and looked at his hand. Even in the pitch black darkness, he could see the blood covering his hand.

Jim sat there a minute until a wave of dizziness passed and then called out, "Sandburg?" He got no answer. He found the flash light he had prior to the earthquake and clicked it on.

He stood up only to be hit with a wave of dizziness again, and he fell to one knee while cradling his left arm. He started to scan the cave with the light, looking for his friend.

The light fell on a cluster of ceiling were Blair had been standing earlier. Jim's heart stopped beating, and he tried to move toward the pile only to fall again from dizziness. He then began to crawl. He had to help Blair; Blair counted on him to protect him.

Jim yelled, "BLAIR?!"

This time he got a faint answer.

"Jim?" It was soft and weak, but Jim's enhanced hearing picked it up with ease. Jim moved to where the sound came from, behind the cluster of the ceiling.

Jim crawled around to the back. There, he found his friend halfway sticking out of the rubble of rocks. "Oh God! Sandburg!" said Jim and quickly as he could went to Blair.

"Chief?" Blair opened his eyes and smiled a weak smile. "You alright?''

"Shhh--don't talk." said Jim.

"Hard to breath." gasped Blair.

"I know buddy hold on."

"you....O...k.?" Blair finally managed to say.

"I'm fine.'' said Jim.

"Liar," gasped Blair.

"Do I have to gag you to keep you from talking?" Jim sighed and said, "I'm ok, my left arm is broken and I'd say I have concussion. Let's see if I can free you some to make it easier for you to breathe,. First, let's see how badly you're hurt so I can see if I risk moving anything. Relax, I'm gonna see if I can get my hand under the rocks and feel anything." Blair nodded and closed his eyes.

Soon the younger man drifted off again. Jim used his good had ran it down the side of Blair until he felt something wet. He pulled his hand back out and looked at it; his hand was covered with blood. A wave of panic struck him.

Jim knew he had to remain calm in order to save his friend. Piggybacking his sight to his hearing, he tried to see were the blood was coming from. First, he check Blair's breathing; it was shallow, and Jim knew his friend had passed out. He took a deep breath and concentrated on his sense of touch and slid his hand down his friend's body again. He could see were his hand was going.

Jim saw where the blood was coming from. It looked like part of Blair's side was missing and a rib was ticking out. He pulled his senses back to a normal level and slumped against the wall holding his face in his hands. For the first time since meeting the young anthropologist, Jim felt totally helpless. He felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Jim?" Came the weak voice again. Jim wiped his eyes and moved back so Blair could see him.

"Yeah, Chief."

"How bad is it?"

"Doesn't look too bad; let's see if I can free you some." said Jim with a shaky smile, trying to hide how scared he was for his friend.




"You call for help yet?"

"No, not yet--little preoccupied with trying to free you."

Blair nodded and drifted off again.

Jim searched the cave for the backpacks they had taken off while they were looking at the symbols in the cave paintings. Jim found them and pulled out Blair's video camera and turned on the light to light up the cave. He saw the entrance they came in through was blocked but the others were opened.

He pulled out a blanket and made a pillow for Blair and took his blanket and put it around the part of his top to keep it warm. He then dug through his pack for the radio and beeper tracking device and activated it. Flipping on the radio, he said, "Mayday, mayday! Does anyone read over?" he got nothing but static.

"This is an emergency someone please respond!" cried Jim again. Still no one answered.

He then said, "If anyone can hear this, I have a tracking beeper and have activated it. I am Detective James Ellison. I'm trapped in Peru mountains in a cave-in caused by an earthquake. My partner is badly injured and trapped. Please send help."

The static continued and then broke "Jim, is that you?"


"Yeah, Jim, where are you and are you alright?"

"Been better sir; it's good to hear your voice."

"Yours, too " said Simon looking at Samuel and said "Something's wrong." he then said "Jim where is Sandburg?"

"He's here; he's not in good shape, Simon; he's half-buried in the rocks, and he's hurt really badly. We're trapped in a cave. Tell Samuel it was the cave under the big pine tree. Second one, I think."

"Jim how about you are you alright?"

"I think I'll make it sir. My left arm is busted and I took a nasty blow to the head."

"Hold on guys we'll get some help up here and get you out." said Simon.

"I'll listen for you Simon to tell if you're close."

"Ok Jim, and tell the kid to hold on; we're coming."

"Will do sir and you best make it quick. I didn't tell him how bad his injuries are. I think he's got a punctured lung." said Jim.

"Alright Jim hold on. Out,"

Jim put the radio down and went over to Blair to check on him. He removed some of the rocks he dared to move. He removed his jacket and balled it up and slid it under the rocks to were the injury was to try and help stop the bleeding some. Blair winced as Jim's jacket touched the area. "Sorry, Chief."

"It's.... alright."

"Good news though; I got hold of Simon helps on it's way."


"Really, Chief."

"You're saying that to make me feel better!"

"Blair, I have never lied to you why start now."

"Because! There's something you're not telling me. Why were you putting your jacket down there?" Blair had began to panic and was trying to get free. "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW I WANT TO SEE! MOVE THESE ROCKS JIM!"

"Chief!" yelled Jim. "Settle down!"

"I'm gonna die admit it!" cried Blair.

"Settle down, Chief! Here I'll prove it," Jim got the radio and said "Simon?"

There was a quick reply. "Yes Jim, I'm here."

"Simon talk to the kid he's freaking out on me. I need you to tell him help is on the way."

"Ok Jim."

Jim held the radio to Blair's mouth and said. "Go ahead; Chief, it's Simon."

"Simon?" said Blair weakly, on the verge of passing out again from all the struggling he had done.

"Blair, listen to me. I am almost to the cave we have radioed the search and rescue team; they're on their way. I want you to do as Jim tells you ok?"

"Yes." was all Blair could barely muster. Blair then passed back out.

Jim then said in to the radio. "Sir?"

"Yes Jim."

"He's passed out again. I think hearing your voice told him we weren't alone. I'm hoping he stays out for a while. He's having a hell of a time breathing. All this struggling didn't help any. He's scared, but I think it helped some hearing your voice thanks."

"No problem Are we close? We're outside the second cave now."

"Hold on." and Jim turned off his radio.

"Jim, can you hear me? Turn on your radio and answer me." said Simon without the radio.

Samuel just looked at him funny.

Jim focused his hearing and he heard Simon's voice and what he said to him. He turned on the radio and said "Good to hear you, Simon."

"Alright, hold on a second, Jim." Simon turned to Samuel and said "This is the cave. Don't ask how I know or he knows, but right now I need you to go meet the search and rescue team and bring them there fast. Can you do that?"

"Yes sir, they will drop from the helicopter to the campsight. It will take a while to get back cause it will be dark soon and night travel in these woods are very dangerous." said Samuel.

"Just do ;your best Samuel." Simon said patting Samuel on the shoulder.

Samuel then took off running as fast as he could to the camp.

"Alright Jim, can you find any openings?"

"I really haven't checked, sir. I was afraid to leave Blair alone for any length of time"

"Ok, try now while he's out; any tunnels?"

"There are two but they are both sealed." said Jim and then his hearing kicked in again. He coild hear the same sounds as before. He yelled into the mike "Simon, aftershocks!" and he used his body to cover Blair's head as the cave shook violently again.

After a minute it stopped and the flying dust settled. "Jim? JIM!"

"We're alright Simon; you?"

"I'm not worried about me just getting you guys out."


"Hold on, Simon, Blair's awake."

"Yeah, Chief I'm right here."

"What happened?"

"Just a small aftershock, Chief, just relax."

"I'm cold."

"It's getting dark out, and the temperature is falling fast."

"So is the air in here. Light a match and check the air."

Jim had been aware of the air growing thin which also told him there were no openings out of the cave. "Ok, I will if you rest?" Blair nodded and Jim stroked his head until he drifted off again.


"Go ahead Jim?"

"I'm gonna stop talking for a while. We're using too much air; it's getting thin in here. I'll use my hearing to tell when the crew arrives, ok?"

"Ok, Jim, talk to you later.


Simon turned off his radio and looked out over the mountains. Night had fallen. He decided he couldn't just stand there any longer and do nothing. He had to do something, taken his flashlight he entered the cave and began tossing aside rocks. He needed to save his best friends.

There were times he picked on the kid but he enjoyed it so much. Blair had brought him and his son closer to he hated to admit it but the kid was a joy to be around. He'd never seen Jim so happy with life since he'd meet Blair. And Blair's help with Jim's senses did wonders for Jim that it's self was a blessing to all who knows Jim.

Simon worked non stop for an hour until the others arrived. He stopped when Samuel tapped him on the shoulder. "Captain, come take a break. The rescue team has arrived." Simon left
the cave and joined the others.


Inside the cave: Jim sat know next to Blair he tried to remove rocks but using only one hand wasn't much help and the air was getting lower. So he sat next to Blair. Blair had been unconscious for hours now. Jim wasn't doing much better he soon found it hard to deep his eyes open. He drifted off into sleep for how long he didn't know.

When he heard Blair coughing and then heard "Jim?"

Jim sat up and said "Yeah, Chief?"

"My mouths is so dry." and Blair coughed again. Only to show Jim pain on his face that it hurt.

"Here, take a small sip of water; easy," said Jim as Blair lifted his head to the continue. Blair took a sip only to cough some more.


"Are you alright?" asked Jim.

"Yeah all due consideration," smiled Blair.

"Yeah, here we are again, trying to have a nice vacation, and we find trouble."

"Hey it's better then last time I was in a cave. I think."

"We'll being shot I don't think is much better then the predicament we're in now."

"Yeah but at least the bottom half of me is numb and I can't feel anything."

"Yeah and I think that's for the best, Chief. I don't think you want to feel the pain and besides, I don't know if your legs have any injuries to them or not."

"Yeah." said Blair.

Jim could tell time was running out for Blair. He had checked his side again and although the bleeding had stopped Blair had lost a lot of blood. Jim watched as Blair shivered against the coldness of the cave. He watched Blair drift into unconsciousness again. He know he should try and keep Blair awake but if their time was running out he wanted Blair to go peacefully and not feeling the pain.

Jim had begun to feel his own body was going into shock. He knew he couldn't fall asleep Blair might wake up again and need him and he needed to be there for the kid.


Outside the cave, the crew and Samuel had arrived. "Hi," said Simon. "They are still alive I've made little progress." said Simon.

"You have been doing this since I left?" asked Samuel.

"Yeah, I couldn't just do nothing."

"Alright, the men will work know, more are on their way to help. Let me have someone take a look at your hands." said Samuel.

Simon looked at his hands and saw they were bleeding. He had been working so hard and not worrying about any stinging he left in his hands. He'd figured it was from the cold and hadn't noticed that his hands were bleeding. Samuel took Simon aside and bandaged up his hands.

It was late and very dark. With every hour more people and equipment began to arrive. Soon the whole area outside the cave was lit up. Simon took a short break, got bandaged up again, and went back to work on the rescuing his friends.

A few exhausting hours later, Samuel finally talked Simon into taking a break and getting some rest in one of the many tents now set up for the rescue workers. Simon laid on one of the cots and drifted off to sleep. The next thing he knew the ground shook his cot and he was up and out of the tent as the ground stopped. It only shook for a minute. Another aftershock!

The men were out of the cave and arguing among themselves. Some of the men were refusing to go back into the cave for fear of another aftershock. Simon walked out and heard them arguing. His exhaustion and worry over his friends caused his temper to snap. He stomped over the men, puffing furiously on his ever-present cigar, and yelled, "What are you talking about, not going back into the cave?!"

"They are scared, Captain Banks, of the aftershocks." said Samuel.

"I don't care; imagine if it was you or a close friend or a family member trapped in that cave. Jim and Blair are my family, and we have to get them out."

The people stood there silently for a minute and nodded and went back to work.


Inside the cave, Jim's hearing zoned again before the aftershock and he used his body once again to cover the top of Blair. After the dirt stopped falling. Jim moved and his ears zoned again. He heard what was gong on outside and what Simon had said about Jim and Blair being his family. He smiled and then zoned back and heard Blair's voice.

"Jim?" Blair asked, barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, Chief, I'm here."

"What happened?"

"Another aftershock it's alright, just rest."

"Jim, I'm scared." said Blair softly.

Jim looked up and took a deep breath and then began to stroke Blair's head, his hair was mangled and damp.

"So am I, Blair, but we'll get out of this. Simon has a whole ton of people outside working to get us out of here. Do you want to hear his voice again?" Blair nodded slightly.

Jim took out his radio and said "Captain Banks?"

All those working around Simon stopped what they were doing when they heard Jim's voice. Simon took out his radio and said "Yeah Jim, I'm here how are you guys holding up?"

"I'm ok, but Blair needed to hear from the outside. I think he misses you yelling at him," smiled Jim at Blair. "He could use some support to know you're still out there and haven't given up and went home."

"Let me talk to him."

"Ok hold on "


"Yeah" said Blair weakly, fighting to stay awake.

"It's for you." said Jim holding the radio down to his mouth and pushed the button.

Blair then said hoarsely, "Yes?"

"Sandburg, it's Simon, you doing ok?"

"Yeah," was all he could say.

"Listen kid, and I mean this, we're working around the clock to get you guys out of there. We're not leaving without you or Jim. As a matter of fact, I showed your picture to a couple of girls out here helping, and they gave me their numbers for when your up and around."

Blair smiled slightly and said "I see now you're playing.... match…<gasp>…maker." said Blair then coughed which caused severe pain and caused him to cry out and then he passed out again.

Jim quickly checked on Blair. "Chief?" he said worriedly. He got an answer from him. He checked his breathing and pulse and sighed.

"Blair !" yelled Simon into the radio. everyone had a worried look on their faces when Simon called Blair's name.

Jim grabbed the radio and said "Simon, it's Jim.''

"Jim, what happened? Is he alright?"

"To tell you the truth, Simon, no, I don't think he's gonna make it." said Jim softly. "He's hurt badly. I've been trying to remove some of the rocks and stuff, but I'm afraid if I free him, he'll start bleeding worse and I won't be able to stop the bleeding," said Jim.

Simon didn't know what to tell his friend to do. He was so helpless standing out there with no way of helping his friends.


One of the guys who was listening grabbed the radio and said

"Detective Ellison, I'm Garett Dreeds. I'm in charge of the rescue."

"Hi, Garett."

"Listen to me, ok; we're almost through. How is the air holding up in there?"

"I'm fine but the air is running out. I don't think Sandburg can handle much more; he needs air."

Garett looked at Simon funny and asked Simon, "What does that mean?"

"Uh, the kid has small lungs, and one is probably punctured." Simon took back the radio and said, "Hold on, Jim." He turned to the workers and said, "Uh, guys, it would be wise to work faster; time is quickly running out."

The police captain turned and walked away from the group. He then said into the radio, "Jim, we're alone. I moved out of earshot. Is there any way you could run your hand over the debris to feel to see if you find even the smallest drafts. It might help."

Jim looked at the radio like he couldn't believe what he had just heard "Uh, Simon, have you been discussing me with Sandburg?"

"No, I have been around you long enough to catch on to some things. Like when the station was under siege and the stuff you did like put your hand on a door and tell me it was recently welded because it was still warm, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I had a lot of explaining to do that day."

"That you did." laughed Simon.

"Uh, Simon what time is it?"

"Almost morning Jim around 6 am I think why?"

"Just wondering how long we've been in here now."

"Too, too long, my friend. Maybe if you find a draft you could pull the rocks out from around it to get air. They're working like crazy out here."

"Ok Simon, I'll give it a try. " Jim set the radio down and worked over to the entrance was. He ran his hand over the opening of the cave he found a small draft. If not for hissentinel abilities, he would never have found it.

Jim worked on removing some rocks for about an hour only using only one hand he didn't get far. They all worked around the clock. Jim tired his darnedest to keep going, but after 36 hours in the cave the air was getting very thin. Jim wasn't sure he'd make it. He finally had no strength to do any more. He hadn't talked to the people outside in hours. He'd zone in every so often to hear how things were going. They were making progress, but they still had a long way to go. Blair had been out for hours, and Jim decided to just let him alone. He wasn't feeling any pain as long as he was out.

Jim decided since he couldn't do any more to rejoin his friend. So he stood and started toward Blair. He walked very slowly maybe an inch a step. He was halfway to Blair when another aftershock hit the area, causing him to fall on his back. This one he had no warning; his sentinel abilities must be down because he was too tired and weak to use them.

He laid on his back until the shock stopped and then tried to get up again, but it was no use his body said enough and wouldn't obey him any longer. He laid there trying to get his body to cooperate with him and soon darkness overcamehim.


Simon and the others ran out of the cave when the shock hit them again. Simon grabbed the radio as soon as it stopped. "JIM?" he got no answer. "Jim, answer me." he said almost panicking as the others went back in. "JIM! SANDBURG! do you copy?"

Simon looked at Garett and shook his head and Garett said "Maybe the batteries are gone or it got broken in this last aftershock.

"Garett!" yelled a man running out of the cave. "The shock broke it loose there through a few more rocks and they're through!" he cried and turned back into the cave.

Garett grabbed his equipment and Simon grabbed to of the O2 units for the field and entered the cave. The men had broken through when Simon and Garett got to them. They let Garett go through first and then Simon followed.

"Jim! Blair!" Garett cried as he entered the cave. He searched the cave with the light on his helmet and soon landed on Jim. "GOT ONE!" he yelled as he checked Jim's pulse. Simon ran over to him and handed him the tank.

"JIM?" said Simon as Garett put the oxygen mask on him.

"Jim, can you hear me?" Jim opened his eyes and smiled at Simon.

"Simon," he said weakly.

"Yep, it's me, buddy; hold on they're gonna get you out of here. Where is the kid?"

Jim nodded in the direction Blair was in and blacked out again.

"Ok guys, get a board in here and get him out of here!" yelled Garett. "And watch his arm; it's busted and he's got a possible concussion."

Simon had already left Garett to find Blair. He worked his way around the rocks and found Blair unconscious. "OVER HERE!" he yelled and put the oxygen on Blair who was barely breathing. "Hold on kid I'm here."

To Simon's surprise as well as Garett's was when they heard a soft "Simon?" and he was unconscious again.

Garett then yelled, "I need all personal who are not working on Jim to help get this stuff off this kid and move it! We're running out of time."

Everyone outside who could came running into the cave and started removing the rocks and stuff off of Blair. As soon as everything was off, Simon could see Blair's injuries completely now. "Captain go be with Jim. They're about to airlift him off. Samuel will take you down the mountain and to the hospital you'll need to be there to assure him were coming with Blair."


"Thank you, Garett," said Simon and he took off out the cave. Garett packed the open area with pressure bandages. He then started and I.V. and then checked his pulse again. He discovered it was very faint. Blair then began to go into cardiac arrest. "Start CPR NOW! get a board in here we have to move with him now. We're not going to be able to air lift him to the chopper we're going to have to find a place to land the chopper," yelled Garett who had started doing chest compressions as others gave him mouth-to-mouth when needed. As Garett and the other did the CPR the other men prepared Blair for the journey out of the cave and to the helicopter. As several men carried the board with Blair on it. Garett and the other man remained doing CPR. After a few minutes the one giving the mouth to mouth said "I've got a pulse and he's breathing on his own again." One of the men outside had radioed the helicopter; they were going to land with one runner on the ledge were they camped. There was nowhere close to land the helicopter.

They carried Blair to the area and waited until the helicopter was in place. They loaded Blair up and Garett climbed in also. They then took off toward the hospital. They arrived at the hospital with in an hour. Jim had already arrived and was taken into an examination room.

Once the helicopter landed they wheeled Blair out of the chopper. There were several doctors and nurses waiting for them. "Is this the other one from the cave in?"

"Yes, doctor. He's the one that was pinned under the rocks. His right side has a hole in it. He's got a rib exposed broken and a punctured lung. Those are just the injuries we're aware of; we really didn't check anything else when he went into cardiac arrest after we freed him from the rocks. His down time was 5 minutes," yelled Garett as they moved toward the doors.

"Good work, Garett," yelled the doctor in charge as they quickly wheeled Blair through the door towards the emergency room.

Exhaustion suddenly caught with Garett, and he slumped against the wall for a few moments, relieved that his part of the rescue was finally over. After a while, he got a cup of coffee and went to the waiting room and sat down.

After a while Simon came into the room with Samuel. "Garett?" said Simon as he waked into the room.

"Captain Banks," said Garett standing up.

"My guys?"

"I don't know yet. All I know is Blair went into cardiac arrest after you left, but now he's breathing on his own," said Garett as Simon sank to his knees.

"Oh God!"

Samuel helped Simon to his feet and to the couch and Garett said "Come on Captain, they're both strong; if not, we would've lost them a long time ago. We would have pulled out two dead people instead of two live ones. They will pull through this, I can tell. Don't ask me how, but I just know they will come out of this," said Garett.

He continued, "Oh yeah, the hospital notified the police officials and his men that Jim and Blair are receiving medical care. They will be here shortly," said Garett.

Simon nodded that he understood. After a minute a nurse came into the room and said "Are one of you the friend of the two men who were in the cave in?"

"That would be me Captain Simon Banks."

"Mr. Banks, I need to know if either of them have any type of allergies?"

"Nothing that I am aware of. Ellison may have a reaction to some medications his system is different something to do with him living in Peru jungles for 18 months. He's had different side effects to medications that he has been on. Sandburg? I don't remember him ever having any."

"Ok. If you need anything let me know."

Simon said thanks and she left the room to relay the information. They sat in the waiting room for hours without any word about the guys.

Three hours later, the police officials that Jim, Blair, and Simon had had dinner with on their first night in Peru arrived. They shook hands with Simon and sat down with them to wait for word on the guys.

An hour later a couple of doctors entered the waiting room. Simon looked up at them but couldn't get the strength to stand up.

"Gentlemen, I'm Dr. Wentz and this is Dr. Lees. Who is Captain Banks?"

"I...I am.'' said Simon.

"Well you'll be glad to hear that Detective Ellison is fine. His left arm is broken and he's got a concussion. He's also got a couple of broken ribs and some small contusions nothing major. We're going to keep him a few days for the concussion and dehydration and mild shock," said Dr. Wentz.

"Thanks, and Sandburg?"

Dr Lees said, '' Well, Captain, Mr. Sandburg isn't out of danger yet. We performed surgery to repair his lung that was punctured, we fixed the rib that was broken and dislocated, and he's also got a fractured wrist. He did stop breathing during the surgery and we had to massage his heart to get it to restart. He's breathing on a respirator for now until his lung is strong enough to support itself. We're going to keep him here until he's stable, which should be about a month and. Then we'll arrange a flight for them to go home to America," said Dr. Lees.

"I'm not going to lie to you sir; his chances are about 1 in 1,000 to survive, but from what I have heard about Mr. Sandburg and what he's been through so far, he's a fighter," said Dr. Lees. "If you wish, I could let you see Mr. Ellison and Mr. Sandburg."

"Yes, I would like that."

"Then come with us, please, and we'll take you to them."

They walked until they got to Blair's room. "This is Mr. Sandburg's room, I must warn you he is heavily sedated, and he won't hear you. " Dr. Lees said "I must also warn you he is pretty messed up and tubes every where."

"Ok," said Simon standing outside the room. He took a deep breath and went into the room.


He saw Blair laying on the bed with tubes and wires all over him. He walked closer toward him. "My God Blair, I didn't even begin to think you were this bad," said Simon and he touched Blair's hand. "I guess they told you or not that Jim's going to be fine. You need to get well yourself so that I can have my best team back with me."

"You're going to hate hearing this, but we've got people out looking for Naomi. So far we haven't been able to find her. I know how you feel about this, but I decided she needed to
know and be here for you if she could. But as you probably would tell me if you were awake, we can't find her; she's out there somewhere. Still, we will try and get her here to you.

"Well kid, they said I could only stay for a minute, so I guess I better get going. I'm going to go look in on Jim and then get some rest if I can," said Simon and smoothed a strand of hair from the younger man's face.

Simon then turned and walked back to the door were the doctors stood waiting for him. As Simon walked to Jim's room, Simon couldn't help but feel responsible for the way Blair was. He blamed himself for asking the guys to come along with him to keep him company. What did it do but land them both in a hospital thousands of miles away from home and family?

Simon had called Joel and informed him of what had happened and that it would be awhile before they could get home and to tell Daryl he would see him when he could.

They soon arrived at Jim's door; the doctors told him again that Jim would probably be sleeping cause of the medicine they had given him. To their surprise when they walked into the room, Jim was sitting up in the bed looking at a magazine. Doctor Wentz said, "Mr. Ellison you should be out like a light with the medicine I had the nurse give you. You need rest to get strong; you have been through a lot."

"Hi ya Simon! Good to see you," said Jim.

"Good to see you again too," said Simon walking over and shaking hands with his friend.

Jim then said to the doctors. "I have this immune system that hates to do what medications tell it to do," said Jim with a smile.

"OK, we'll leave you alone for a few and then I want you to rest," said Dr. Wentz. The doctor left and Jim said "yeah right," and started to get out of the bed.

"Whoa! Where do you think you're going detective?" Simon asked, putting a hand on Jim's shoulder to stop him from getting out of the bed.

"Simon don't try and stop me. I have to see Sandburg; he needs me right now and they won't tell me anything. So either I see him with your help or I search this place from top to bottom on my own looking for him," said Jim.

"Ok, ok.… just wait a second let me get you a wheelchair you don't look like you're steady on your feet," said Simon and Jim sat back down on the bed. "Alright sir."

Simon went to the door and went out into the hall. Dr. Wentz saw him and said "Done already? Did the medication kick in?"

"Uh, no our friend is being very stubborn and wants to see Sandburg."

"Uh, no, I don't think that would be a great idea at this time. They both need their rest."

"Well Dr. Wentz, let me tell you something about my friend Mr. Ellison, he doesn't' take no for an answer and he will search this place form top to bottom if he has to looking for the kid. So in everyone's best interest let him see him. And to tell you the truth, I think it would do the kid some good to know that Jim is there. They have a special link none of us could possibly have or under stand so for everyone's sake let him see Sandburg."

"Alright sir, you know these guys better then we do. Let me get a wheelchair." said Dr. Wentz and went and got a wheelchair and went into the room to find Jim still sitting on the side of the bed waiting for them.

"Alright Mr. Ellison, I will let you see your friend for a couple of minutes and then I want you back in this bed and resting."

"Alright but I have to see Blair; I have to know he's going to make it."

"Well Mr. Ellison .I won't lie to you. Mr. Sandburg is in bad shape and if he makes it through the night he might have a chance but only he and time will tell," said the doctor as they helped Jim into the chair.

"What all is wrong with him?" asked Jim.

The doctor looked at Simon, who nodded for the doctor to tell him everything.

"Well Mr. Ellison, Mr. Sandburg stopped breathing on them when they freed him form the rocks. Mr. Dreeds got him stable and breathing again. He did have a punctured lung and the dislocated rib that was sticking out of his side. We were able to repair all the damages, but Mr. Sandburg was weak and had lost a lot of blood. His heart stopped during the operation and we couldn't get it started again so we had to go in and massage his heart by hand. We were lucky and got it going again. Right know he's still unconscious and if he regains consciousness it will be a miracle and he would have a chance but that again is very doubtful," said the doctor as they reached the Blair's room.

Jim took a deep breath. "I have to do this alone, gentlemen," he said looking through the window at Blair.

Simon nodded at the doctor again and opened the door so that Jim could wheel himself into the room and over to Blair's bed.

Once he was beside Blair bed, he laid his hand on his friend's hand to let him know he was there. "Listen to me, Chief. I can't do this with out you. I need you as much as you needed me. If you leave me I will go crazy and never control this sentinel thing. I have yet to understand it all and you're the only one I can trust to help me, deal with this thing. I need you, Chief," said Jim.

Jim sat there watching Blair until the medicine that he had been fighting had started to kick in. He laid his head down on the bed and was just starting to drift off when he suddenly felt a hand on his head.

Simon and Dr. Wentz and Dr. Lees who had joined them stood looking in the window of the room. "Oh my God!" said Lees. "Did you see that he moved his hand," said Lees in shock.

Jim felt the hand on his head and looked up. "Chief?"

"Yeah, Jim, and don't worry; I'm not going anywhere," said Blair with a small smile before falling back asleep.

Jim was happy because he knew Blair would come through this. Jim fell back asleep as well.

Outside the room: Simon and the doctors looked on in the room, not believing their eyes for a moment. "I can't believe he woke up!" exclaimed Lees.

"I told you they have a special bond between them; they can't survive without each other," said Simon.

"Yes that you did. Come on, lets get Mr. Ellison into a bed. I'll arrange for him to be put in the same room with Sandburg. I agree that they need to be together," said Wentz.

"And as for you Captain Banks, I believe you need to be getting some rest yourself before we find you a bed and a syringe with something in it to make you sleep," smiled Dr. Lees.

"I'm going. I just had to make sure they would be fine," said Simon and headed down the hall with the two doctors.

They arranged for a bed to be moved into Blair's room and made sure Jim was safely settled into it.

Simon left the hospital and found Samuel sitting outside waiting on him. "Captain Banks."

"Samuel? What on earth are you doing out here at this time of night?"

"Waiting as instructed for you, sir. I'm to make sure you got to the hotel alright and into your room," said Samuel, opening a car door for Simon. He then ran around and got in.

"I am to make sure you're alright for the remainder of your stay in Peru. The government has ordered you the best possible accommodations until your friends can go home safely," said Samuel.

"Thanks,'' said Simon as Samuel drove him to the hotel and made sure he made it safely to his room. Simon dropped gratefully on the bed, falling asleep immediately.


Simon arrived at the hospital early to see his friends. He found Jim sitting in a chair beside Blair's bed. Blair was awake.

"Hi, guys," said Simon coming into the room.

"Hello, sir," said Jim.

"Hi, " said Blair weakly.

"How are you feeling, Jim?"

"Better and thanks for everything, Simon."

"Hey, like I told the kid, I need my best team back at work as soon as possible," smiled Simon.

"You see all the cards and flowers that arrived this morning," said Jim looking around the room which was filled with flowers and cards.

"What on earth?" asked Simon confused.

"Well, it seems they are from everyone who saw the news about the cave-in. There's stuff from the guys at the station, and Blair got a call early this morning from Naomi. She's on a cruise in the middle of the Atlantic and can't get back for another week, but he told her he was fine," said Jim.

"I'm glad they finally got a hold of her. So how are you feeling, kid?"

"Like I had a cave fall on me; dumb question!" Blair then realized what he said. "Uh, sorry sir; I forgot myself."

"I'll let it slide this time because you're not feeling too good," said Simon with a smile.

"I feel ok, sir; it just hurts like hell."

"Well, do what they told you, and you'll be able to go home to Cascade real soon. I want to make sure you get there in one piece since it seems I can't leave you alone for a minute," smiled Simon.

They laughed and Blair said, "Oh God, you guys stop! That hurts like hell."

"Sorry kid," said Simon.


Three weeks later Blair was finally able to go home to Cascade.

It would still take a lot of care and time before he was healed completely. He was able to meet with Garett Dreeds, the man responsible for getting him out of the cave and doing the CPR which kept him alive until the doctors got him breathing again on his own.

The medical personnel wheeled Blair onto the airplane and into the special bed put on the plane. They doctors hadn't wanted to have him sitting that long, and he still had IV's running. Once he was on board and situated, Simon and Jim joined him. Jim still had a cast on his hand and was well as he was going to be until his hand had healed.

As they took off for home Blair got a big grin on his face.

Jim saw the grin and said, "What are you grinning at, Sandburg?"

"Well, Simon, I was just remembering something you said to me on the radio when I was stuck in the cave."

"Oh, what was that?"

"Well sir if my memory serves me right. I believe you have some phone numbers for me."

Simon's eyes got wide and he looked at Jim. Jim stood up and said as he headed for the front of the plane. "You're all on your own on this one sir."

Simon stammered, not knowing what to say to Blair.

Blair, using his best poker face, asked, "Well sir, what are the names and numbers?"

"Jim!" yelled Simon, but Jim kept walking toward the front of the plane, chuckling softly the whole time.

the end
B. S. Knodle