Title: Love Throws A Wild Pitch

Author/pseudonym: Angelise

Fandom: Sentinel

Posted to List: 7-5-02

Pairing: Simon/Rafe

Rating: R

Status: New, Complete

Archive: Yes

Feedback: More than welcome! And much appreciated!

E-mail address for feedback: angelise7@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: None

Other websites: Angelise's Heavenly Bodies

Disclaimer:"The Sentinel" and its characters belong to Pet Fly, Paramount, and the Sci-Fi Channel. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes. No money is being made from it and no copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Rafe pitches and Simon catches! <eg>

Warnings: None

Love Throws a Wild Pitch
By Angelise
July 4, 2002

"Rafe. You're staring." Blair waved his hand in front of the dark haired detective's face.

Brian Rafe took a sip of his beer before shaking his head and prying his gaze away from Simon's tall form. "Sorry." Tipping his bottle in the direction of his boss, he confessed, "It's hard not to stare; he looks so damn fine today."

Blair glanced over to where Simon was standing, he and Jim choosing teams for the Major Crimes Annual Fourth of July softball game. The black man was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a dark purple tank top, the whole assembly showcasing his muscular physique.

"Doesn't do a thing for me," Blair said with a chuckle.

Brian turned his gaze to the man standing beside Simon. "I wonder why?"

At that moment, Jim turned his head, his smile directed at his lover and partner. "You two yahoos gonna stand there all day gawking?" He tossed a softball to Blair and laughed when the younger man expertly caught it with one hand. "Get your asses over here and let's play ball."

Brian threw his beer bottle in the nearest garbage can and jogged over to see what team he would be playing with. His breath caught in his throat when Simon gripped his arm and pulled him close.

"I want you...." Simon said, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. ". to be on my team."

Brian's mind went completely blank at the touch of Simon's hand on his arm and he nearly missed the words directed at him. When he did finally comprehend what Simon had said, his eloquent verbal skills took a flying leap and quickly disappeared. "Uhh. Huh?"

A secret grin crept across Simon's face as he handed Brian a glove. "You're mine, detective." His grin widened at the astonished look on the man's face and he pulled him closer, throwing his arm around his shoulders. "Someone told me you're a pretty good pitcher. So before Jim can get his grubby hands on you, I'm staking my claim." He led Brian out on the field, taking time to admire the detective's tight ass. "You pitch and I'll catch. Okay with you?"

Brian blinked several times, his lusty libido supplying images for the words pitch and catch, images that had absolutely nothing to do with the game of baseball. "You want me to pitch? To you?"

Simon slapped a ball into Brian's glove. "Most definitely. You up for it?"

Brian followed his boss' gaze and quickly shifted his glove over his tell-tell crotch. "Uhh. okay. Just don't blame me if your ass gets nailed by Jim and his team."

Simon laughed. "Don't worry. If my ass gets nailed, it certainly won't be done by Jim."

Brian's mouth fell open and he dropped the ball. As he was leaning down to collect it, he found himself face to face with Simon's denim covered groin.

"These are the signals I'm going to use," the black man innocently stated. He pressed one finger against his jeans' zipper. "One means. fast ball." Simon switched to two fingers and slid them back and forth against his crotch. "Two means. slow ball. And three.." His fingers wiggled in the air for a second before cupping his balls. "Three means. throw me a curve." Simon hooked a finger under Brian's chin and lifted his face. "Any questions?"

Brian helplessly licked his lips, glancing one last time at the large package that haunted his dreams on a nightly basis. "One fast, two slow and three curve. Got it." Afraid his desires were plainly written all over his face, Brian quickly stood up and nearly fell backwards, his momentum stopped by Simon grabbing his arm.

"Whoa there, partner." Simon flashed Brian a knowing smile before walking back to home plate. Settling his dark sunshades on his face, he squatted into position and yelled, "Play ball!"

Brian swallowed the lump of lust in his throat and squinted against the sun to read the signal Simon was showing him. "I can't believe I'm gonna spend the whole afternoon staring at my boss' crotch," he muttered. Sparing a glance at the sky, Brian chuckled. "Have I been that bad? Cause this is definitely cruel and inhumane punishment." Sighing, he turned and faced Simon. "Look but don't touch. Not fair, not fair at all."

A glove slapped him on the ass and Brian jerked around to find his partner grinning at him. "Quit yer daydreaming, Bri. We got a game to win."

Nodding his agreement, Brian shook loose his arms and let the first ball fly.

"Strike one!"


"Hey, Rafe! You're up!"

Brian slid off the bench and made his way over to Simon. Choosing a bat, he looked up at the black man for his instructions.

Simon leaned close, his mouth almost touching Brian's ear. "All we need is one run to win this sucker." He slid his hand slowly over Brian's rear. "Time to kick ass, Rafe. Knock one out of the park."

Amidst cheers and catcalls, Brian stumbled toward home plate, his eyes still glued to the wicked grin on Simon's face.

"Man, you're staring again." Blair slapped his catcher's mitt several times. "You look at him like that much longer and everyone's gonna know your secret."

Brian lifted his bat into position. "I think the cat's out of the bag on that one." He signaled his readiness with a nod of his head and watched Jim's first pitch soar by him.

"Strike one!" Blair tossed the ball back to his lover. "You telling me, Simon knows you're hot for him?"

Brian swung at the next ball and knocked it out of bounds. "The man just groped my ass. What does your highly intelligent brain say about that?"

"You're shitting me, right?" The crack of Brian's bat hitting the ball silenced Blair's words and he watched as it sailed over Megan's head. The Aussie center fielder ran for the ball, scooping it up and throwing it as hard as she could to Joel who guarded second base. Out of the corner of his eye, Blair saw Brian round third. "Throw home," he yelled. "Throw home!"

The ball came sailing through the air a second too late. Blair jumped up to catch it and, twisting around in mid air, slammed down on Brian just as he was crossing the plate. The dark haired detective collapsed under the weight of his friend, his head colliding with the bat he had tossed away a few seconds earlier.

Brian groaned as blackness descended over him, the word 'Safe!' exploding in his ear.


"Brian? Open your eyes, babe. Come on, look at me."

Brian slapped at the hand brushing the dirt from his face.

"Open your eyes, detective! That's an order."

Brian cracked one eye open and found Simon leaning over him. He winced as the black man slid his hand over his head, finding the goose egg size lump on the back of his skull.

"Look at me, Brian. Tell me what you see."

Brian wet his lips and croaked, "I see the man I love." A sudden gasp alerted Brian to the words he had just uttered. "Oh shit!" Rolling to his side, away from Simon, he focused his gaze on a familiar pair of shoes. "Help me up, Blair," he said, holding out his hand to his friend.

Before Blair could do as Brian asked, he was pushed aside by Simon, the large man leaning down and guiding Brian to his feet. "Game's over. We won!" he announced to the crowd surrounding him. "Jim, why don't you and Sandburg dish up the barbeque while I. " he nodded his head at Brian. ". take care of my injured player."

After snagging a bottle of water from a nearby ice chest, Simon tugged Brian over to Jim's truck. Letting down the tailgate, he hoisted the unsteady man onto it. "Here." He pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and, after wetting it, handed it and the water bottle to Brian. "How's your vision? Is it blurred? Are you seeing double?" He watched the younger man slowly wipe his face. "Maybe we should get you to a hospital. You did black out for a sec."

Brian poured the remaining water over his head. "It's just a bump, Simon. I'll be okay." Leaning away from his boss, he shook the excess water out of his hair. A bout of dizziness overcame him and he threw out a hand, grabbing hold of Simon's arm. "That was not a smart move."

Brian inhaled sharply when Simon gathered him in his arms and pulled his head down on his shoulder. "You talking about you saying you love me or you shaking your head?" Simon rubbed his hand up and down Brian's back. "Cause if you ask me, the first one was the smartest move you could have ever made."

"Yeah?" Brian slowly tilted his head up and smiled. "You know what, Simon? I'm thinking I might just have a concussion after all. And as I'm sure you know, people with concussions shouldn't be left alone." Brian slipped one arm around Simon's waist. "I sure would appreciate it if you'd watch over me tonight."

Simon brushed his thumb across the bruise forming on Brian's cheek. "Is that all you want me to do? Just watch?"

Brian moaned softly as Simon's thumb found its way to his lower lip. "Well. we could spend some time discussing the finer points of pitching and catching."

Simon captured Brian's mouth and kissed him deeply. "Sounds good to me. And if all goes well, maybe we'll see some fireworks tonight."

"Oh, yeah." Brian returned the black man's kiss. "You can fire my rocket any day, Simon. Any day."

Simon grinned at his new love and happily whispered, "Kaboom!"

The end